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Soft System Methodology

Metodologi penelitian yang menggunakan metode tertentu berdasarkan pendekatan ku

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Pre-Eliminary Proposal
Mulai dari sekarang harus mulai mengajukan judul ke Kaprodi dan Sesprodi
Apa itu Sistem Analisis
Sistem Analisis : Cara Analisis menggunakan teori yang sesuai dengan permasalaha
n yang ada (Sesuai / Tidak)
The Analysis of the role of a proposed system and the identification of a set of
requirement that the system should meet, and thus the starting point for system
The Systems analysis are responsible for identifiying of a set requirement
Hard vs Soft Systems Analysis
Hard Systems
- Easy to difine
- concerned with how we deal with the problems
Soft Systems
- Not Well defined
- Concerned with what shall we do
- Organizations and Bussinesses are typically of soft systems
Hard Systems Analysis
- HS involves simulations, often using computers and the techniques used in oper
ations research. Hard systems look at the "How?" meaning, how to best Achieve an
d test the selected option of development and analysis
HIS have an expicit objective governed by fixed rules such as those encountered
in decision maing
Operational Research is a Hard, well defined system. Examples of areas that appl
y hard systems methodology methodology are :
- Project Management
- Forecasting
- Simulation
- Mathematical Programming
- Decision Theory
Another characteristic of Hard systems that it is :
- Stochastic - Statistically based on probability
- Deterministic - fixed inputs and known outputs
Soft System Analysis
SSM are used to tackle systems that cannot easily be quantified, especially thos
e involving people interacting with each other or with "systems"
Useful for understanding motivations, viewpoints and interactions but, naturally
, it doesn't give quantified answers.

Soft Systems look at the "What?" of the system; what to do achieve an improvemen
t, usually analysis before application or implementation
SSM considers the following :
- Systems that could be envisaged
- Human activity
- Clarification of the problem
- Improve the understanding
- Based on Ideas
- Examine
- Learn about and study
- Understand
- Select and Focus
Hard and Soft System Analysis
In Summary, hard systems analysis addresses those parts of enterprise that have
a tangible form. these techniques address those problems :
- Identify cost / Savings
- Improve methods
- Develop USer requirements
Whereas soft system analysis attempts to :
- Understanding complexity
- Promote Learning
- Identifiying Weakness
- Understanding Relationships
- SSM was developed by Peter Checkland in the Late 60's at the University of Lan
caster in the UK
- The real world is usually complex and messy. many different factors may contri
bute to an issue, and there may be many different perspectives to consider while
resolving it. this means
- Antara Real World dan System Thingking
Key Features of SSM
- Primary : People involve with Problem
- Secondary : The Problem Itself
SSM support analysis of the problem from the different perspectives
Technical problems are dynamic over time
The Idea is to keep
Seven Stages of SSM
- Examination of the Problem Situation
the researcher is immersed in the problem situation
- Problem situation expressed - Analysis of the ingredients (using a rich pictur
e method)
the Problem systems and their immediate context are defined
- Relevant systems and root definitions are defined
Coming to a root definition of significant facets of the system of interest
- Conceptualization and modeling
The conceptual models of the systems, intended as improvements, are developed
- Comparasion of models

the conceptual models of the system are compared to reality

- Debate about change - definition and selection of options
feasible and desirable changes are identified
- DEsign of action program
the actions required to improve the sitoation are outlined
Stage 1 of 7
Stage 1 : The Problem situation unstructured
First, we decide what its we are actually exploring. at this stage we don't defi
ne the problem but assess the general area that intersets us.
- find about the problem situation
- who are the key players ? what is their perception of the situation ?
- what processes are going on and how ?
- what the organizational structures are ?
Client, Practitioner and Owners (CPO)
Stage 2
The Issues is "Expressed" in some Way.
Checkland calls this a rich picture for two reasons
- First the situation needs to be expressed in all its richness
Checkland provides some guidelines as to what should be included. these are stru
ctures; processes; climate; people; issues expressed by people; and conflict
- Secondly, checkland suggests that the best way of doing this is in a picture f
Tools used to gather information about the problem situations
Workpalce Observations
- Identify Tasks
- Performed
- Produce Logs
- Day in the Life of
- Descriptions
- Video Recording
Workshops and Discussions (Tidak disarankan)
- Future Workshops
- Review Workshops
- Conflict Resolution
- Workshops
- Mock ups
- Simulation
- Unstructured interviews, informal interviews
- semi-structured interviews, highly structured interviews
- audio recording, critical incidents
Stage 3
Who is Doing What for Whom ?
- Whom are they answerable to ?
- What Assumptions are being made ?
- What environment is it happening ?
Customers -> Actors -> Transformation -> World View (Theory yang akan digunakan)
-> Owners -> Environment (Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi)

Proses dimulai dari CPO part 1 ketemu C dan O. Prosesnya dari O -> T -> C -> A > W -> E
Client : Orang yang berhubungan langsung dengan Object
P : Kita sebagai yang menyusun Thesis
Owners : Orang yang dapat mengatur Client
Stages 4 Conceptualization and modeling
Conceptual Model
- Is a human activity model which rigorously match the root definition
- the activities can be derived from the verbs in the root definition
- the model shows the dependencies between these activities
Root Definition -> CATWOE -> Activity Model -> Measure Performance

* Rumusan masalah di THesis adalah rumusan masalah yang ada pada penelitian, buk
an rumusan masalah yang ada di dunia nyata
* Perspektive
* Penelitian kelas adalah penelitian bebas terhadap tema bebas\
* Rumusan masalah diawali dengan kata tanya (sejauh mana, kapan, bagaimana, dll)
* Hipotesis diawali kata *Jika dan Maka
* Idealnya penelitian Kualitatif terdiri dari 1 Rumusan Masalah dan 3 Pertanyaan
Penelitian (salah satunya pasti faktor yang mempengaruhi)
* Minimal 1 Root define dan 1 conceptual models
* Minta Fotocopy Thesis Kang Fajar KM Cohort 2
P (Productifitas) = O (Output) / Q (Input)
Efektifitas : Output naik, Input Tetap (Maksimal)
Effisiensi : Output tetap, Input Turun (Minimal)
Optimalisasi : Output Naik, Input Turun (Optimal)
Rumusan Masalah -> Hipotesis -> Pertanyaan Penelitian -> Hipotesis Operational (
Lebih detail)

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