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The Show and Hide Methods

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The Show method of a form displays that form on the screen. If the
form to be shown is not already loaded into memory, the Show
method will load it before showing it. The Show method is typically
used to transfer control from one form to another. The syntax is:
For example, if I am in Form1 and I want to display Form2, the
syntax would be:

Beginner Guide
Controls Guide
Understanding forms
Timer control
Multiple Forms
Everything Images
Control arrays

When you display one form from another, you may want the user to
complete work on that form before returning to the first one. This
does not happen automatically. By default, VB will display the
second form and then continue executing code from the first form.
To suspend execution of the first form until after the second form is
done with, add the keyword constant vbModal as an argument to
the Show method. The syntax is:

Option Buttons
Check Boxes
Math Game
(o) Hangman
(o) Tic Tac Toe
(o) Calculator
(o) Cryptogram

Form2.Show vbModal
The Hide method of a form removes the form from the screen
(makes it invisible), but the form still remains in memory. The syntax

(o) Concentration
Database Guide

User login

To refer to the form in which code is currently running (i.e. the

"current" form, or the "active" form), you can of course refer to the
form by its name, as in the example above:

Username: *


Password: *

As an alternative, you can use the keyword Me. The keyword "Me"
refers to the form in which code is currently running:

Log in
Create new account
Request new password

Finally, any time you want to execute a method of the form on itself,
you can simply code the method name, omitting the "formname." or
the "Me.", as in:

The Load and Unload Statements

The Load statement loads a form into memory, but does not display
it. When you code the Load statement for a form, the Form_Load
event of that form will be triggered. The syntax is:

Load formname
The Unload statement removes a form from memory and from the
screen. When you code the Unload statement for a form, the
Form_Unload event of that form will be triggered. The syntax is:
Unload formname
A form can unload itself, as in:
Unload Me
The Unload event is also triggered with the user clicks the Windows
"close" button ("X") on the form.
Try this:

Place a command button named "cmdExit" with the

caption "Exit" on a form. In the Click event for the
command button, instead of coding "End", code:
Private Sub cmdExit_Click()
Unload Me

End Sub

For the Form_Unload event, code the following:

Private Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As
If MsgBox("Are you sure you want to
quit?", _
vbYesNo + vbQuestion, _
"Unload Test") = vbNo Then
Cancel = 1
End If
End Sub

Run the program and observe what happens either

when you click the Exit button, or when you try to close
the form by clicking on the "X" button.

Note that VB supplies the Unload event with a built-in argument

called "Cancel". If, in the Unload event procedure, you set the
Cancel argument to any non-zero value, the Unload event will be
cancelled (i.e., the form will not be unloaded) and processing will
continue. This event is where you might ask the user if they are sure
they want to quit. If they respond Yes, let the Unload event "do its
thing"; if No, set Cancel to non-zero value.
Note: When all forms of a VB project are unloaded, the application
ends. The End statement automatically unloads all forms in a
project, but will not trigger the Unload event (so any code you have
in the Unload event will not execute) therefore, ending an
application with "End" does not give the user a second chance to
keep working with the program. The End statement ends the
program abruptly.
Centering a Form on the Screen
The following code will center a form on the screen. It is best placed
in the Form_Load event.
Me.Top = (Screen.Height Me.Height) / 2
Me.Left = (Screen.Width Me.Width) / 2
In VB project that has multiple forms, it is a good idea to centralize
the form-centering logic in a Public Sub procedure of a separate
standard (BAS) module. The sub, which accepts a Form object as a
parameter, would look like this:

Public Sub CenterForm(pobjForm As Form)

With pobjForm
.Top = (Screen.Height .Height) / 2
.Left = (Screen.Width .Width) / 2
End With
End Sub
With the above Sub in place, any form in the project can center itself
with the following line of code:
CenterForm Me
Form_Load vs. Form_Activate
In the Form_Load event, you would typically perform initializationtype tasks, as you should. However, certain types of actions cannot
be performed in the Load event, due to the fact that the form is fully
loaded only after the Load event completes. For one thing, printing
to the form will not work when done in the Load event. In addition, if
you try to set focus to a particular control on the form during the
Load event, you will get the message Run-time error '5': Invalid
procedure call or argument. For example, assume you had a
textbox called Text1 on the form. The following code would result in
that error:
Private Sub Form_Load()
' other initialization stuff
Text1.SetFocus ' causes an error
End Sub
The reason for the error is that since the form is not fully loaded,
neither are any of the controls on it and you can't set focus to a
control that is not yet available.
To remedy this problem, you should use one of the other Form
events, such as the Activate event. (When VB loads a form, it
actually cycles through a number of events, such as: Initialize, Load,
Resize, Activate, GotFocus, and Paint. Of these, Load and Activate
are probably the ones most commonly used. ) Placing the code to
set focus to a control will work in the Form_Activate event:
Private Sub Form_Activate()
' other statements
Text1.SetFocus ' no problem here
End Sub
A caution about the activate event: it will fire whenever your
application switches to that form. For example, if you switch back
and forth between Form1 and Form2, be aware that any code you
might have in the Activate events for these forms will be executed
when you switch to that form. Therefore, if you have code in the
Activate event that you only want to execute "the first time", you will
need to control execution with a Boolean switch. For example, in
the General Declarations of your form you could define the following
Private mblnFormActivated As Boolean ' will be
initialized to False by default
You can then use this switch in the Activate event as follows:
Private Sub Form_Activate()
If mblnFormActivated Then Exit Sub

' statements you only want to execute once,

including the following
' statement to turn the switch on:
mblnFormActivated = True
End Sub
Multi-Form Projects
Many projects will use more than one form. When you have more
than one module (form or standard) in a project, you must specify a
"Startup object", which is done via the Project menu, Properties
item. The startup object tells VB which form or standard module is to
have its code run first (if a standard module is the startup object, it
must contain a public subroutine called "Main", and "Sub Main" is
specified for the Startup object). By default, the startup object is the
initial form that is supplied with every new VB Project.
Here are a couple of scenarios for projects with multiple forms:


You have an application that performs a variety of functions,

requiring multiple "screens" (forms). You can use one form as
a "switchboard" or "main menu" form that connects to the
other forms.
You may wish to have a "splash screen" start off your
application before the main form is displayed.
Using Multiple Forms: "Switchboard" Example

Assume you have a project with three forms: Form1, Form2, and
Form3. (To add forms to a project, go to the Project menu and
select Add Form.) Form1 serves as the switchboard form, which
contains three command buttons: cmdForm2, cmdForm3, and

The code behind these buttons is:

Private Sub cmdForm2_Click()
Form2.Show vbModal
End Sub
Private Sub cmdForm3_Click()
Form3.Show vbModal
End Sub
Private Sub cmdExit_Click()
Unload Me
End Sub

For the sake of the example, Form2 and Form3 simply contain one
button with the caption "Return to Main Menu". The code behind the
command button on each of these forms is simply Unload Me.
When either of these forms is unloaded, the main menu form will
then become the active form.

Download the VB project code for the example above here.


(Form Procedures)
Presented below is a set of procedures that can be used to work
with forms. The code presented can be saved as a .BAS module (for
example, modForm.bas) and can be included and used in any VB6
The set of procedures is described below:
Procedure Name

Centers a form on the screen. This
Sub has been used in previous
examples presented on this site.
Usage: CenterForm FormName
(where FormName is the name of the
form without quotes (e.g. Form1) or
the keyword Me)
To center the current form, you would
CenterForm Me


Function that determines whether or

not a form in your app is currently
loaded. It does this by searching
through the VB Forms collection. It
accepts a string parameter containing
the name of the form that you want to
check and returns a Boolean.
Usage: If FormIsLoaded("Form1")
Then ...


Sub that lets you enable or disable

the form's "X" (or "Close") button that
appears in the right-hand corner of
the form's title bar. (A common usage
is to disable the X button.) This Sub
is a wrapper for a handful of APIs that
work together to accomplish this task

GetMenuItemCount, RemoveMenu,
Usage: EnableFormXButton
FormName, BooleanValue
(where FormName is the name of the
form without quotes (e.g. Form1) or
the keyword Me and BooleanValue is
True or False)
To disable the X button on Form1,
you would use:
EnableFormXButton Form1, False

Sub that lets you keep a form "always

on top", even if it does not currently
have the focus. This Sub will also let
you reverse the action and make the
form "not" always on top. This Sub is
a wrapper for the SetWindowPos
Usage: MakeTopmost FormName,
(where FormName is the name of the
form without quotes (e.g. Form1) or
the keyword Me and BooleanValue is
True or False)
To make the current form "always on
top", you would use:
MakeTopmost Me, True

LockWindow /

The purpose of these Subs is help

avoid "flicker" when controls and
their contents take longer than usual
to populate on a form. These Subs
are a wrapper for the
LockWindowUpdate API, which
disables drawing in the given
window. Only one window can be
locked at a time.
Usage (to lock): LockWindow
Usage (to unlock): UnlockWindow

The code is given below:

Option Explicit
Private Declare Function DrawMenuBar Lib
"user32" (ByVal hwnd As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function GetSystemMenu Lib
"user32" (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal bRevert As
Long) As Long
Private Declare Function GetMenuItemCount Lib
"user32" (ByVal hMenu As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function LockWindowUpdate Lib
"user32" (ByVal hwnd As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function RemoveMenu Lib "user32"
(ByVal hMenu As Long, ByVal nPosition As Long,
ByVal wFlags As Long) As Long
Private Declare Sub SetWindowPos Lib "user32"
(ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal hWndInsertAfter As
Long, ByVal X As Long, ByVal Y As Long, ByVal cx
As Long, ByVal cy As Long, ByVal wFlags As Long)


MF_BYPOSITION As Long = &H400&

MF_REMOVE As Long = &H1000&



SWP_NOSIZE As Long = &H1

SWP_NOMOVE As Long = &H2

' Form-related Routines
'---------------------------------------------------------------------------Public Sub CenterForm(pobjForm As Form)
'---------------------------------------------------------------------------With pobjForm
.Top = (Screen.Height - .Height) / 2
.Left = (Screen.Width - .Width) / 2
End With
End Sub
'---------------------------------------------------------------------------Public Function FormIsLoaded(pstrFormName As
String) As Boolean
'---------------------------------------------------------------------------Dim objForm As Form
For Each objForm In Forms
If objForm.Name = pstrFormName Then
FormIsLoaded = True
Exit Function
End If
FormIsLoaded = False
End Function
'---------------------------------------------------------------------------Public Sub EnableFormXButton(pobjForm As Form,
pblnEnable As Boolean)
'---------------------------------------------------------------------------Dim lngSysMenuID As Long
Dim lngMenuItemCount As Long
' Get handle To our form's system menu
' (Contains items for Restore, Maximize, Move,
Close etc.)
lngSysMenuID = GetSystemMenu(pobjForm.hwnd,
If lngSysMenuID <> 0 Then
' Get System menu's menu count
lngMenuItemCount =
If lngMenuItemCount > 0 Then
' Remove (hide) the "Close" item itself (the
last menu item) ...
RemoveMenu lngSysMenuID, lngMenuItemCount - 1,
' Remove (hide) the seperator bar above the
"Close" item
' (the next to last menu item) ...
RemoveMenu lngSysMenuID, lngMenuItemCount - 2,
End If
End If
DrawMenuBar pobjForm.hwnd
End Sub

Public Sub LockWindow(hwnd As Long)

'---------------------------------------------------------------------------LockWindowUpdate hwnd
End Sub
'---------------------------------------------------------------------------Public Sub UnlockWindow()
'---------------------------------------------------------------------------LockWindowUpdate 0
End Sub
'---------------------------------------------------------------------------Public Sub MakeTopmost(pobjForm As Form,
pblnMakeTopmost As Boolean)
'---------------------------------------------------------------------------Dim lngParm As Long
lngParm = IIf(pblnMakeTopmost, HWND_TOPMOST,
SetWindowPos pobjForm.hwnd, _
lngParm, _
0, _
0, _
0, _
0, _
End Sub

Click here to download a tester project that incorporates this


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random opening of form

Wed, 01/30/2013 - 03:03 elly_john (not verified)

I made 5 forms.... one is main form and the other four is sub-forms.... how can i open the
four sub-forms randomly with just clicking a button? what code should I use to open it

about form1

Mon, 11/05/2012 - 07:44 Abhijeet shukla (not verified)

hey thank you very much.i had got answer of my question which i was finding in many
places in this page

closing child form leave line

artifact on the parent form

Sat, 09/29/2012 - 18:28 ekoboy (not verified)

I'm having weird experience with multiple form, not solved yet.
I have 3 forms.
1 main form => opening child form (sales form) => opening child form (search items)
all the child forms containing listview with in frame.
If I call the search items and close the form, it will leave line artifact on the sales form,
the line is black solid horizontal line the same width the search item form width along the
frame containing the listview
on the sales form.
How to avoid it? Sometimes it really annoying.
thank you.

set the autoredraw


Mon, 04/22/2013 - 13:24 Facundo (not verified)

set the autoredraw property of the parent form to True



Sun, 06/17/2012 - 00:33 Waseemuddin (not verified)

how we can alter the contents of textbox control



Sun, 03/11/2012 - 08:42 Anonymous (not verified)

how to define user defined names in login form that verify wit database in vb coding..
give me syntax for same

window.onbeforeunload =

Fri, 03/16/2012 - 04:31 krishna patel (not verified)

window.onbeforeunload = function(e) {
// confirm('Are you sure you want to leave?');
if (confirm('Are you sure you want to leave?'))
//else alert('A wise decision!')">
refer from http://www.codeprojectdownload.com



Thu, 12/22/2011 - 00:45 motmot (not verified)

am can you please show the easiest purchasing system and has a inventory ?

about form

Sun, 12/11/2011 - 08:04 Anonymous (not verified)

how to creating data from one forms and retrieving data from another form Using
VB6.0.............pls reply me.......

Implicit Loading -

Sat, 10/15/2011 - 03:56 KSN (not verified)

If I try to access any property of a child form ( still NOT loaded in memory ) from a MDI
Form, the child form is automatically loaded into memory.
I wish to access these property WITHOUT the form automatically loading.
Refer to below code.
in the line " If objForm.Name = Myform.name Then", the result is always true because the
moment VB engine encounters "Myform.name", it automatically loads this form into
memory and returns "True". Thus I am unable to determine if "Myform.name" was loaded
in memory before execution of this procedure or not.
"Public Function FormIsLoaded(pstrFormName As String) As Boolean" referred in above
snippet fails.
Public Sub CheckFormStatus(Myform As Form)
' This procedure determines if "frm_by_code" is open in the background when
' "frm_by_name" is exited. If yes, it displays "frm_by_code" before exiting.
Dim objForm As Form
Dim FormLoaded As Boolean
Dim FormShown As Boolean
FormLoaded = False
FormShown = False
For Each objForm In VB.Forms
If objForm.Name = Myform.name Then
FormLoaded = True
If objForm.Visible Then
FormShown = True
MsgBox "Load Status: " & FormLoaded & vbCrLf & "Show Status:" & FormShown
' Myform.Show
End If
Exit For
End If
End Sub

Forms collections display info of

forms not yet loaded

Fri, 10/14/2011 - 01:54 KSN (not verified)

I have a MDI Form & two Child Forms X & Y.

When MDI Form loads, it does nothing but display a window with two menu options.

Clicking first Menu Tab will display Form X & clicking the other Tab will display Form Y.
If i run VB.Forms.count at start of project, it shows 1 form is loaded ( the MDI form ).
Now if I click Menu Tab "X", Form X loads.
Now vb.forms.count shows 2 forms are loaded ( MDI form & Form X ).
Now I exit Form X by issuing "unload me" command, the form disappears and control
returns to MDI application.
Then I click Menu Tab X again.
Now vb.forms.count shows 3 forms are loaded ( MDI form , Form X & Form Y )!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I do not know how Form Y is loaded since this form has not been loaded / activated till
Can anyone help me on this ?????

Regain my previous value after

close and open

Sat, 10/01/2011 - 01:47 sampath (not verified)

I am using one text box, one label and one command button, i am inserting a numeric no
and pressing command the numerical number is displayed in label like wise i enter
several nos and it will go on adding in the label. i need a help when i close and open the
software the last value in the label should be displayed.

Hide null values and remove

empty space

Wed, 09/14/2011 - 23:05 tvs (not verified)

Hi, I am new to VB6. I created the vb6 project connecting with a MySQL database. It is
working fine. Now I want to print that vb forms. In that MySQL database some fields are
empty. In the VB6 forms same text boxes are also empty. How can I hide those text boxes
& remove that space and re-size the form in printing.
Name Tel.No
xxxxx 12345
ccccc 56789

need to send text from button1 in

form2 to button1 text in form1

Tue, 09/13/2011 - 14:39 mu2 (not verified)

Help me,
i need to send text from button1 in form2 to button1 text in form 1.
Form2.Button1.Text = Form1.Button1.Text
I tried this but its not usable. Can any one help me on the code.
Hope you guys will help me.
Have a nice day.
Thanks in advance.

use caption

Thu, 10/06/2011 - 22:47 Marco Gianelli (not verified)

use caption ;)
form2.button2.caption = form1.button1.caption

Marco Gianelli


Sun, 09/11/2011 - 04:00 sagy_1991 (not verified)

I sovled my form unloading problem using this tut...


I've got 2 forms, form1 and

Mon, 08/22/2011 - 01:24 Anonymous (not verified)

I've got 2 forms, form1 and form2. I want to display form2 on form1 and not in another
window, upon clicking the command button.
please help.

please answer my question

Fri, 08/05/2011 - 08:22 charlie (not verified)

i am doing my project in VB6 i used image control and i put picture on that control but
when i opened my project on other computer the image is not in that control.. why it is

i am doing my project in VB6

Fri, 08/05/2011 - 08:23 charlie (not verified)

i am doing my project in VB6 i used image control and i put picture on that control
but when i opened my project on other computer the picture is not in that control..
why it is happen?

Display selected "record"

from SearchForm

Tue, 06/21/2011 - 02:00 Anonymous (not verified)

I have two Forms. Form1 has a backend Access2007 database. Form2(SearchForm)

searches for the quotes in the database. It works wonderfully. Alot of code i retreieved
from various sites on the web as my coding for searching didnt seem to be working.
Pasted below:
Public Class Search_Form
Dim introws As Integer
'handles the row index number of our table
'determines whether the record is found or not
Dim blnfound As Boolean
'at the start let us assume that a match has no yet been found
'this is called pessimistic programming or something
'Holds the search text from the textbox
Dim strtext As String
'Holds the record value from the chrfname field
Dim strname As String
'Holds the total number of records
Dim inttotrec As Integer
'this is our EOF
Private Sub Search_Form_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As
System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
'TODO: This line of code loads data into the 'Stock_In_OutDataSet.REP QUOTE' table.
You can move, or remove it, as needed.
End Sub
Private Sub REP_QUOTEBindingNavigatorSaveItem_Click(ByVal sender As
System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles

End Sub
Private Sub FindButton_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As
System.EventArgs) Handles FindButton.Click
blnfound = False
inttotrec = Stock_In_OutDataSet.Tables("REP QUOTE").Rows.Count
'Moves the record pointer to the first record
'which has a row index number of zero
introws = 0
'Converts the value of the first record of our chrfname field to capital
'letter and assign it to a variable named strname
strname = Stock_In_OutDataSet.Tables("REP QUOTE").Rows(introws).Item("JOB
'Converts the text entered in our search textbox to Uppercase
'The purpose of converting both record values and search text to upper case
'is to compare both values in uppercase form regardless of whatever
'case they were typed initially
strtext = UCase(JobNameTextBox.Text)
'If the searchtext is equal to our record then
If (strtext = strname) Then
'assign true to our blnfound variable
'will be used later whether to display or not
'to display our message box
blnfound = True
'display the record values on their corresponding controls
JobLabel.Text = Stock_In_OutDataSet.Tables("REP QUOTE").Rows(introws).Item("JOB
CustomerNameLabel.Text = Stock_In_OutDataSet.Tables("REP
QuoteNumberLabel.Text = Stock_In_OutDataSet.Tables("REP
QUOTE").Rows(introws).Item("QUOTE NUMBER")
End If
'if not equal to the first record then
While (strtext <> strname) And (introws < inttotrec - 1)
'increment the record pointer
introws = introws + 1
'assign the value of the next record pointer to strname
strname = UCase(Stock_In_OutDataSet.Tables("REP QUOTE").Rows(introws).Item("JOB
'tests if the next record value is equal to the search text
'if yes then
If (strtext = strname) Then
'assign true to our blnfound variable
blnfound = True
'display the record values on their corresponding controls
JobLabel.Text = Stock_In_OutDataSet.Tables("REP QUOTE").Rows(introws).Item("JOB
CustomerNameLabel.Text = Stock_In_OutDataSet.Tables("REP
QuoteNumberLabel.Text = Stock_In_OutDataSet.Tables("REP
QUOTE").Rows(introws).Item("QUOTE NUMBER")
End If
'Continue incrementing the record pointer until a match is found
'and the end of file has not been reached
End While
'if the record is not found, display Record not found in our messagebox
If blnfound = False Then
MsgBox("Record not found", MsgBoxStyle.Information, "Search a Record")
End If
End Sub
Private Sub JobNameTextBox_TextChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e
As System.EventArgs) Handles JobNameTextBox.TextChanged
End Sub
Private Sub ViewQuoteButton_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As
System.EventArgs) Handles ViewQuoteButton.Click
Dim currentRow As Integer
currentRow = Stock_In_OutDataSet.Tables("REP QUOTE").Rows(introws).Item("QUOTE

End Sub
End Class
When i press the "View Quote" button, i want to view the quote as if i just pressed the
"print" button in Form1. It does that but does not print the selected quote, it generates a
new quote. ANY idea what im doing wrong ? (Also a new=bie)

Hello friends

Sun, 06/19/2011 - 06:06 Ayan (not verified)

I want to make a web browser in vb but it should work offline because I have not internet
connections. Any Suggestions?

Sat, 11/26/2011 - 01:00 Anonymous (not verified)

Ya.i have one.just use fuck you browser


can you help me out? how to

Sat, 05/28/2011 - 20:40 sjlazaro (not verified)

can you help me out? how to edit a combo box list in form1 from form 2? for
example...there is this form where there is a combo list of movies,form1, and there is
another form, form2, where you can edit what is the price and the movies in the combo
list of form1....

help me

Sun, 04/03/2011 - 21:26 Anonymous (not verified)

plz send me full toturial about how to display data on form 2 base on the searching from
i have created a database in microsoft access 2007.

(if a standard module is the

Thu, 03/31/2011 - 11:06 Anonymous (not verified)

(if a standard module is the startup object, it must contain a public subroutine called
"Main", and "Sub Main" is specified for the Startup object)
This is not true. In fact, you should rarely ever use Public for Sub Main. It should almost
always be Private.

Hi i have created a database

Tue, 03/22/2011 - 14:17 Anonymous (not verified)

Hi i have created a database in SQL Server and need to import it in to visual basic so
that i can create different forms that the user will be able to search for data or display that
data that the user has searched. Can anyone please help i need this for a project i am
doing for university.


Sat, 04/16/2011 - 11:46 ChrisGT7

My e-mail is: chrzgt7@hotmail.com.

Send me a message there so I can see what you need for help.


How to pass parameter.

Mon, 02/07/2011 - 18:31 wtan (not verified)

Need help.
I have a form (form1) that contains a field (text1). For "text1", if I key-in a value, it will
search into database. But if it doesn't find in the database, it will load another form
(form2). In the form2, it will display all the records from the database. After we choose a
record in form2, form2 will return a value back to field "text1" in form1.
Form2 is not just being called from form1. It may be called from another forms. So I need
to know how form2 return a value back to a field (from another form) that called form2.
Can someone help me?

me too having the same


Tue, 09/13/2011 - 14:16 mu2 (not verified)

Hope you will help me.

I also having the same problem which i need to send text from button1 in form1 to
button.text in form 2. I tried in so many ways and its still not usable. Did u find
solution or the code for it. Can you share the code with me. Hope you will help me.
Thanks in advance.

RE: Pass parameter

Sun, 04/03/2011 - 23:41 tobee

In this example I've used ListView to display the list of records.
Please see below.
'Place this code after the query returned 0
'If rsRecord.RecordCount = 0 Then
Dim oForm As New Form2
oForm.SourceTextbox = Me.Text1 'source textbox where the selected record id
will be returned
oForm.Show 1
Set oForm = Nothing
Form2 Code
Option Explicit
'Here is the source textbox where the selected record id will be returned
Private m_sourceTextbox As TextBox
'This method is use to set the source textbox
Public Property Let SourceTextbox(ByVal source As TextBox)
Set m_sourceTextbox = source
End Property
Private Sub Form_Load()
With Me.ListView1
.ColumnHeaders.Add , , "ID"
.ColumnHeaders.Add , , "Last Name", .Width * 0.4
.ColumnHeaders.Add , , "First Name", .Width * 0.4
.ColumnHeaders.Add , , "Middle Name", .Width * 0.4
.ListItems.Add , , "1"
.ListItems.Add , , "2"
.ListItems.Add , , "3"
End With
End Sub
'If the user's click the record on the ListView it will assign the selected record id on

the source textbox

Private Sub ListView1_ItemClick(ByVal Item As MSComctlLib.ListItem)
m_sourceTextbox.Text = Item.Text
Unload Me
End Sub
I hope this can help.
Best regards,

From Form2 to Form1

Wed, 03/02/2011 - 15:02 ChrisGT7

If you load your database in Form2 throught a listview, then the code for returning
the value to Form1's text1 is:
Form1.Text1.Text = ListView.ListItem(I)
I don't know how the database is loaded in Form2. But the main idea for the code to
send the value from Form2 to Form1 is:
Form1.Text1.Text = (the chosen data)


Sun, 12/26/2010 - 07:08 Anonymous (not verified)

hey guys,
can anyone help me out with procedures to create a purchase order form using vb6.0??
i am totally new to thiz. do anyone have an idea of it???


Wed, 12/15/2010 - 18:24 Anonymous (not verified)

please help me how to disable form using vb6.0

when form3 show, form1 and form2 will disable and when you stop the program and
when you run it again only form3 will show
can anyone help me??
i need it now
please help thankz

Reload form and edit before saving

Wed, 10/27/2010 - 23:19 josensen

i have form1 with Add/Edit command button

when i click add
the textbox control array allows to input on my 10 textbox
the the add button will change to save
when i press save it saves.
the problem is when i edit.
when i press edit i wanted to load again the form with it content
but when i put breakpoints it goes to update immediately.
please help! sorry i'm just starting to learn vb please help.. here is my snippet.
If NameEntry = "ME" Then
For i = 0 To 11
dbname.Seek_DuplicateRecord NameEntry
With dbname.Seek_DuplicateRecord
If .RecordCount <> 0 Then
dbname.Seek_DuplicateRecord NameEntry
Me.txtfield(i).Enabled = True
End If

End With
Next i
''''What to put on this line?? I need the form to show with the content and edit it before it
End If

Saving controls added at


Thu, 08/12/2010 - 13:05 Anonymous (not verified)

Kinda related question:

I have a form that i have control arrays added to at runtime. I want to have those controls
SAVE to the containing form. So that when the program is run again it will have those
added controls on it permanently. Is there a way to do this during runtime?

Push the contro array


Mon, 08/22/2011 - 04:42 Anonymous (not verified)

Push the contro array data into a File. Read the file into arrays before display. There
is no problem of doing this during run time.
If this does not satisfy u, pl elaborate ur problem.

linking login page with main menu


Thu, 07/22/2010 - 05:17 ash (not verified)

how could i link a login page ( User name and password) with a main menu page which
consist of few optional buttons( such as member registration, member details and back to
main menu) to proceed further?

How to pass parameters into


Tue, 05/18/2010 - 22:19 Toch (not verified)

Is it possible to Pass a Parameter to Form2 from Form1?

The project im working on is about loading a thumbnail picture which can be doubleclicked to call another form that will show it in bigger size, for a close inspection of pixels
or details...
Form1 contains the actual textbox which holds the jpg filename and its file address....
Form2 contains the imagebox which has scrolling capability to accomodate the actual
big size of the jpg filename stated in Form1
So, upon calling Form2, I need Form1 to pass the jpg filename as a Parameter.
Also, i need to know which form called the form in focus... like in the stack...
Any other idea on how to make a workaround?

Re: How to pass parameters into


Thu, 07/22/2010 - 04:22 tobee

Hi! Toch,
Yes! It is possible to pass a parameter for Form1 to Form2.
Just follow these steps/procedures.
1.) On your Form2 create a Property Get and Let so that your be able to pass the
value of the textbox on the Form1 w/c holds the jpg filename.

On Form 2 (Codes).
Option Explicit
Private m_FilePath As String
Property Let ImagePath(ByVal FilePath As String)
m_FilePath = FilePath
End Property
Property Get ImagePath() As String
ImagePath = m_FilePath
End Property
Private Sub Form_Load()
Call DisplayPicture
End Sub
Private Sub DisplayPicture()
With Me
.Image1.Picture = LoadPicture(ImagePath)
End With
End Sub
2.) After you have created your own Let and Get properties. Here's what you gonna
do next.
On Form 1 (Codes)
Option Explicit
Private Sub cmdShowNextForm_Click()
Dim oNextForm As Form2
Set oNextForm = New Form2
With oNextForm
.ImagePath = Me.Text1.Text
.Show 1
End With
Set oNextForm = Nothing
End Sub
There you have it.

re: How to pass parameters

into forms...

Tue, 05/18/2010 - 23:10 Toch (not verified)

I found a reference about this but in the form of Access and not VB6,
Also, I learned how to determine which form called the form in focus, by using
vbModal on Form.Show
Form1.Show vbModal, Me.Name
The question now is that, when if Form2, how do we extract the parameter passed

remove button

Sun, 08/30/2009 - 09:41 roanne22 (not verified)

hi this site is great! I've learned so many things on this site.. my question is: how do
remove an action button(radio button) using command button.
thank you very much!


re sizing a form

Fri, 08/14/2009 - 02:21 snide (not verified)

How do make my forms to show everything in it ?



Tue, 07/28/2009 - 09:05 carlosabolanos (not verified)

my problem is whit object Forms, because Forms is for form loaded, but I need know how
load the form or how list all objects forms loaded or unloaded, I need your help

Command select during


Tue, 07/14/2009 - 09:48 TheMadMartian (not verified)

I have the focus set to the command button, but I am not sure how to have the command
button selected so that the frame assigned to it is visible. Reasoning for this is due to 1
form with 7 command buttons each with a different frame containing commands specific
to the task selected.

creating form at runtime

Tue, 06/02/2009 - 22:45 Debashish Das (not verified)

how do i create a form during runtime using vb 6.0? i created runtime controls and their
events using "withevents" but this method is not working with forms. please help me out

Help to generate report in

particular format like bills

Thu, 04/09/2009 - 01:14 Anonymous (not verified)

AM trying to create a system in VB which will store all the data that is enetered by the
user for a particular customer, where customer will purchase some items.I want now to
generate the bill for the same.Am using Access as backend,can anyone suggest how
can i do that?

Code Output
What is the output for the following two codes?
1. Dim intCounter, intNumber As Integer
Private Sub cmdDisplay_Click()
intNumber = 100
For intCounter = 0 To 20 Step 5
intNumber = intNumber 10
Print intNumber
Next intCounter
End Sub
2. Dim intCount, intNum As Integer
Private Sub cmdDisplay_Click ()
intNum = 9
For intCount = 1 To 10 Step 2
intNum = intNum + intCount
Print intNum;
Next intCount
End Sub

Wed, 02/18/2009 - 02:59 VVV (not verified)


Thu, 11/03/2011 - 22:55 sasikala (not verified)

Thank u for ur command for using close form


the out put after running

Tue, 10/27/2009 - 23:49 yaya (not verified)

the out put after running ten times with 2 step is 180

Extra VB activities

Tue, 01/06/2009 - 05:15 compteach (not verified)

Hi. I teach VB and i need a project on using combo boxes and the for loop. It may also
contain an If function and option buttons. Do you have any? Thanks a lot.


Sun, 12/28/2008 - 05:38 Allex (not verified)

I have one question, and please answer me on the email: hacker524@hotmail.com...
If I have one form1 = Maximazed, and one button on it that show form2. When I click on
that button, form2 will show and you can click form1 but form2 will not hide. Please this is
my only qustion, and need answer.
Btw. Great tutorial


Wed, 11/26/2008 - 22:43 Anonymous (not verified)

Private Sub Command1_Click()

B.Show vbModal
End Sub
Private Sub Command2_Click()
Unload Me
End Sub
Is my code correct? B is the name of my 2nd form. It is really not working even when i
press exit.
help pls. asap


Thu, 11/27/2008 - 23:46 Anonymous (not verified)

you should add command button in form2..

here is the code..
Private Sub Command1_Click()
unload me ' to unload form2 and to go back to form1
End Sub
hope this help!good luck

this tutorial is very easy to


Mon, 11/24/2008 - 23:23 Anonymous (not verified)

i am learning visual basic 6 right now, thanks for this easy-to-follow basic tutorial


Re: I got error

Thu, 07/24/2008 - 17:57 ZenPro (not verified)

I was just passing through and noticed these characters in the vbcode on this web
This is a problem caused by the "MS Frontpage HTML editor". These strange characters
are only ment to be just the dash character.
Example: Replace this charcter: with this dash: Bye.


Fri, 06/27/2008 - 15:19 Anonymous (not verified)

Ok I dont get anything at all about Vb could some on please help me or teach me step by

step by step guide on vb

Wed, 03/03/2010 - 01:34 freakyjo

send me ur email address to and i will send simple tutorials to u.


pl send me tutorial on

Sun, 04/03/2011 - 06:41 Anonymous (not verified)

pl send me tutorial on my mail


I got error

Mon, 05/26/2008 - 21:57 Nelszy (not verified)

Hi, I've been working with your tutorial since from its beginning and it is very nice, but I
need to ask you why I got error (Sub or Function not defined) when I put CenterForm Me
under Private Sub Form_Load() of frmForm 1. Second thing is the alignment of the form
on the screen, when I put error appeared (Compiled error); by the way how to
encode those special characters using keyboard? ok thank you very much for spending
your time and sharing knowledge with us...more power buddy!

about link

Mon, 03/03/2008 - 07:55 shidayati

hello..i'm new bie in vb..i want to develop a system..so I have a form that has many button
like menu button..so,how can I make that when I click a link button, it shown in the same
form not link to other form..example,my menu form name form1 and has button update,
delete and add. Form for button update name is form2.when I click button update,form2
is target at form1 means everything is shown at form 1.Same happens to other
button..please help me a.s.ap..tq...:)...

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