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[Human Portion] + [Animal Portion]

[Animal Portion] = [Moth] + Mosquito + Parasitoid Wasp + Owl

[Moth] = Blood-sucking Moth + Deaths-Head Moth
[Human Portion] = [Old School Fey] + [Old School Vampire] + Succubus(?)
[Old-School Fey] = Bahn Shee (Banshee) + Leanan sidhe + Glamor-using Elves +
[Old School Vampires] = Stryx + Shtriga

Stree appear to be small (males are around 2 1/2 feet tall, females 31/2 feet) birdwinged humanoids. Short, downy feathers (dark grey, dark brown, or black) cover
their bodies except for their lower legs and forearms. Their abdomen is mostly nonexistent; where the stomach and intestines would be they have only a small
column of flesh around the spine, with longer feathers than the rest of the body.
Their thorax overhangs a separate pelvic region. The bowl of the hips is topped by a
shallow lid of flesh.
Stree have skeletally thin arms and legs, with prominent joints. Their arms are
disproportionately long, and when they stand they are bow-legged, such that their
hands touch the ground. Where they lack feathers their limbs have smooth, hard,
pale-grey skin. Their fingers and toes are long and spindly, ending with very small
but sharp talons.
Stree have somewhat oversized heads, with large, staring, yellow eyes. Their lips
are thin and angular, almost beak like. Stree lack teeth, instead having a long
hollow tongue with a barbed tip. Their ears are exceedingly long, thin, and pointed.
The ears of stree appeared slightly barbed, with short secondary points branching
off to give an appearance somewhat like the antennae of an insect.
Stree have a wingspan of about four feet. Their wings are often patterned with
golden eyespots on the inside. Female stree have what appears to be a barbed
tail, similar to that of traditional images of devils; this is actually an ovipositor (see
Reproduction) used to inject eggs into viable hosts.

Mental Abilities
Stree have a number of unusual abilities, to compensate for their physical
weakness. The ability they use most is their sleep lock. This power prevents
sleeping humans from waking up as long as a stree is present, allowing the stree to

safely drink blood from sleeping humans. A small percentage of humans are
partially resistant to sleep lock; they can wake up, but are subject to sleep paralysis.
All stree are also capable of producing high-pitched shrieks, often of almost earshattering volume. When a stree is about to shriek, its chest puffs up to a slightly
comical degree, extending downwards into the abdominal gap. These shrieks can be
modulated, which is mainly used to produce distinct cries with distinct meanings.
Stree may use their shriek to drive away interlopers, but this can be risky; there is
always the possibility that the shriek causes a victim to panic and attack rather than
run away.
Some stree can create a variety of illusions, typically disguising themselves as
attractive humans, or at least making themselves look more human like than they
really are. In large groups stree can even alter the appearance of their surroundings.
These illusions affect hearing, smell, and taste as well as sight, and in some cases
can even affect a victims sense of touch and prioperception (awareness of the
location of ones body). Younger stree often use these abilities for mischief, playing
pranks on humans. This serves both as entertainment and as practice for
developing illusion powers. Older stree mainly use their illusions to drive away
humans who threaten to discover their communities.

Stree consume nectar, fruit juice, and human blood. They cannot consume solid
foods. Due to their liquid diet stree have very simple digestive systems, hence their
highly distended abdomens.
Stree are physically quite fragile, so in order to safely obtain blood they must feed
on helpless victims, typically those under the effects of sleep lock. They normally
prefer to drink the blood of the very young or the very old, but pregnant females
may drink blood from healthier humans in order to acquire more nutrition. They
extract blood using their barbed, hollow tongues.
Recently emerged (see Reproduction) stree also consume milk. Female stree do not
lactate, so the milk is obtained from other sources. Stree young may drink directly
from nursing human mothers when the latter sleep. Alternately, adult stree may
milk human livestock at night or steal milk from pails, taking it to their children.

Reproduction and Growth

Stree are brood parasitoids; female stree lay their eggs inside abdomen of a human
paralyzed by sleep lock. The presence of the young causes the sleep lock to become
permanent. Over the course of several months the young hatch and develop as

grubs inside the host, drinking their hosts blood for food. During this time, adult
stree watch over the host, providing him/her with basic nutrition.
Eventually the grubs pupate, first consuming a massive amount of blood from the
host. Usually this final feeding kills the host; even if it does not, the hosts will more
than likely die anyway when the stree young burrow their way out. Newly emerged
stree are still much smaller and weaker than full adults, and must be cared for while
they finish maturing, a process that typically takes about ten years.

Despite common belief, stree are not inherently or predominantly evil. They
consume human blood because humans are the only large animals their sleep lock
and other mental abilities affect, and they kill humans in order to brood their young
because their biology demands it. It is not uncommon for stree to form some
emotional attachments to humans they live in proximity to, and they often do small
secret favors for those they prey on.

Stree typically live alone, in in family units, or in lossely organized communities
called clusters. A family units typically comprises of a mated male and female and
their juvenile and young-adult children; fully adult children depart to live on their
own and/or seek mates. Stree living as solitary individuals are typically males who
have not earned a mate, but may be females living in the brief period after they
leave their parents but before they are old enough to reproduce.
Individuals and families typically dwell in forests or thickets near human homes and
communities. In some cases, such as in large human cities, stree may live within the
borders of the human community itself, lurking in abandoned and forgotten places
too small for humans to easily access.

-Possibility: After pregnancy, female stree develop a throat pouch in which they
store honey, milk, or blood to feed to their children. From Cikavac
-Possibility: Stree often rest in a position with their head lowered such that from a
distance it appears that their eyes are in their chest. Ties to original descriptions of

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