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and Commissioning
of Pipeline

Saurabh Sharma


2.1 Filling
2.2 Pipeline Cleaning
2.3 Pipeline Gauging
2.4 Hydro-testing
2.5 Points to Note
3.1 Dewatering
3.2 Drying
3.2.1 Air Drying
3.2.2 Vacuum Drying
3.2.3 Liquid Swabbing


Soon after the installation of a pipeline system and prior to introduction of hydrocarbon product, the
system has to go through a pre-commissioning and commissioning phases. Pre-commissioning
involves cleaning and confirmation of the pipeline systems mechanical strength and integrity.
Pipeline system then undergoes a commissioning phase that involves flushing and drying the pipeline
and finally introducing the product.
Specialist contractors perform work for both phases.

Pipeline pre-commissioning relates to activities that start with pipeline cleaning and testing. These
activities are normally carried out soon after pipeline installation and continue until the pipeline
integrity has been established. The main aim of this phase is to ensure that the pipeline is not damaged
during installation and that it has the required mechanical strength. The pre-commissioning activities
include the following:

Filling with inhibited water


When the pipeline is laid, the start-up and lay-down heads usually contain a number of pigs. The type
and number of pigs are determined by the requirements of pre-commissioning activities.
In some situations, a pipeline is installed in one construction season and tie-ins are performed later.
It is advisable to carry out the pre-commissioning activities on that pipeline section soon after

2.1 Filling
After the pipeline is installed on the seabed, it is generally filled with clean water (filtered water) that
is mixed with corrosion inhibitors and a fluorescent dye as per project specifications. The type and
amount of inhibitors depend on pipe material, local environment and duration for which the seawater
will stay in the pipeline. The specialist pipeline hydro-testing contractors determine these chemicals
and the quantities. The fluorescent dye is introduced to facilitate detection of a leak.

2.2 Pipeline Cleaning

Pipeline internal cleaning is generally performed soon after filling the pipeline with the inhibited clean
water. The pipeline ends are attached with start-up and laydown heads that may contain a variety of
pigs. These pigs are pushed, by inhibited clean water, from one end of the pipeline and push all debris,
etc., towards the other end. If the pipe internal surface is coated, scrapper or brush pigs should not
be used. Instead of water, special gels or chemicals may also be used depending the conditions but
these are very costly and rarely used only for short length pipelines.

An Example of Pipeline Cleaning

2.3 Pipeline Gauging

Initially, the pipeline is gauged during installation to check if it is dented during installation using a
gauging pig. During pre-commissioning, another gauging pig is run through the pipeline to confirm the
pipeline condition. The gauging pig fitted with a pinger is generally launched into the pipeline after
the third cleaning pig. The diameter of the gauging plate is generally 95% of the nominal inside
diameter of the pipeline.

A Typical Gauging Pig

2.4 Hydro-testing
After the completion of cleaning and gauging operations, the pipeline is subjected to a hydrostatic
test to confirm the strength and integrity of the completed pipeline. Hydro-test consists in testing the
pipeline by subjecting it to an internal pressure much higher than the design pressure for certain
During hydro-test, the pipeline is pressurised to a level that would generate a pipe wall hoop stress of
at least 90 % of the specified minimum yield strength of the pipe material based on the un-corroded
wall thickness. If the wall thickness is based on an allowable hoop stress of 72 % of the specified

minimum yield strength, the corresponding hydro-test pressure will be 1.25 times the design pressure.
Hydro-test pressure must satisfy the applicable design code requirements. The foregoing test pressure
is based on BS PD 8010 and ASME B31.3/31.8. The test pressure requirements may be different in
other codes so one must determine it for the applicable design code. Since a riser is designed for a
hoop stress of 60% of SMYS, the corresponding test pressure for the riser only will be 150% of design
The internal pressure in the pipeline is raised in several stages to the pre-calculated level. This is to
allow all the entrenched air to be pushed out completely. The internal pressure is continuously
monitored and allowed to be stabilised at each stage. After the internal pressure has stabilised at the
hydro-test pressure, the pressure is maintained for at least 24 hours. Variations in the ambient
temperature can affect the internal pressure. Therefore, the pressure and temperature are
continuously monitored at close intervals of time as per the specifications. If a drop in pressure is
observed that is in excess of that expected due to the temperature variations, the cause of such
pressure drop is thoroughly investigated. The pressure drop could occur due to malfunctioning of test
equipment or from a leak in the pipeline. If the drop is caused due to a leak in the pipeline, the leak is
detected by searching for the fluorescent dye and the pipeline is de-pressurised, repaired and rehydro-tested.

2.5 Points to Note

As was pointed out earlier in this section, pre-commissioning activities are carried out by specialist
contractors. However, the design engineer specifies the requirements and provides the necessary data
including the hydro-test pressure. Following points may be noted

All chemicals used during pre-commissioning must be environmentally friendly and should not
harm the sea life.
A chemical that can harm the pipeline system must not be used.
In certain circumstances, pipeline may have to be left full of water until tie-in is completed;
this period may as long as 12 or more months. Ensure that the water has sufficient quantity
of appropriate inhibitors.
Installation contractors do not accept responsibility for a pipeline if there are long delays
between installation and tie-ins. Client must take on responsibility for the installed pipeline
only after the contractor has proven pipeline integrity by hydro-testing the pipeline.
Tie-in completions after long time gaps will make it necessary to hydro-test the completed
pipeline system.
If each component of a pipeline system is individually hydro-tested and the tie-ins are
performed by golden welds, full hydro-test of the completed system may not be necessary
if tie-ins are completed soon after the hydro-test of the components. A system test may be
required at 110% design pressure.
A contractor may offer to perform a single hydro-test of the completed pipeline system in
order to reduce costs and schedule. This may be evaluated with full consideration given to
A pipeline system may contain components of different strength. For example, the subsea
pipeline is designed for an allowable hoop stress factor of 0.72 while the riser design factor
may be 0.6. The test pressure must be based on a pressure that produces a hoop stress of 90
% of specified minimum yield strength in the weaker section, i.e., the pipeline. If the riser is

tested on its own, the test pressure could be 1.5 times the design pressure while for the
combined riser and for subsea pipeline, it will be 1.25 times the design pressure.
If the actual wall thickness is greater than the design wall thickness, it is justifiable to test the
pipeline at a higher pressure.

Before the hydrocarbons can be introduced into a pipeline system, the water remaining in the pipeline
system must be removed and the pipeline dried internally to a certain level as determined by the
pipeline operational criteria. The pipeline commissioning comprises the following three stages:

Introduction of product

The commissioning activities are again performed by specialist contractors who should be fully
involved in planning the whole operation.
It is pointed out that gas pipeline commissioning is generally more hazardous compared to an oil

3.1 Dewatering
Dewatering is normally carried out by propelling a train of pipeline pigs through the pipeline using air
or some inert gas. The type and size of pumps and other equipment to push the pigs with air depends
on the pipe size and pipeline length. The number of pigs in a train or how many times the pig trains
are run depends on the drying requirements in general. A film thickness of 0.05 mm to 0.2 mm is often
left on the inside surface of the pipeline without the internal coating. Thinner film thickness is
expected in an internally coated pipe. Disposal of water will be subject to approval of local and federal
regulations. Inhibited seawater is generally discharged into the sea but environmental considerations
may require it to be discharged at least 2 km away from the shore. Therefore, it is a common practice
to push the dewatering pigs from onshore if the pipeline is between an offshore facility and an onshore
Seabed undulations can cause water to collect in the low spots of the pipeline leading to difficulties in
achieving the required dryness in the pipeline. In such cases, foam pigs may be used. The selection of
pigs to be used for dewatering is important in reducing the amount of water left in the pipeline.

3.2 Drying
The degree of dryness of the internal surface prior to the introduction of the product depends on the
product to be piped. For gas pipelines, the dryness levels are generally higher. For example, the usual
requirement for gas pipeline transporting dry gas, is that water content should not exceed 4
lb/MMSCF at the design pressure and for a dew point of 2o C, and also at the atmospheric pressure
and a dew point of 47o C.
For oil pipelines, further drying of pipeline after the removal of all free water may not be required.
However, further drying of gas pipelines is necessary unless the pipeline is to carry multi-phase wet
mainly gas product.

Three methods are generally used for drying gas pipelines:

Air drying
Vacuum drying
Liquid Swabbing

A variation of the third method involves dewatering and drying by liquid swabbing in a single pass.
The selection of a suitable method depends on several factors:

System design
Level of dryness required
Facilities available
Environmental concerns
Cost effectiveness

For gas pipeline, after the pipeline is dried to the required level, it is filled with nitrogen that is an inert
gas. It is advisable to dry the pipeline shortly before the product is to be introduced to minimise the
possibility of condensation.
Commissioning contractor determines the size of pumps and other equipment. Preliminary studies
must be done at the design stage to determine possible methods for drying in consultation with
specialist contractors.


The method involves the vaporisation of the remaining thin water layer after the dewatering by
pushing dry air through the pipeline using air compressors and dryers. Dry air is pushed through one
end of the pipeline and vapours are evacuated through the other end. During the air drying operations,
foam pigs are periodically passed through the pipeline to remove free water and to distribute the
residual water to improve evaporation.
Some of the advantages/disadvantages of the air drying method are:

Generally cheaper and could be quicker than other methods

Independent of the requirement of hydrocarbon product


Difficult to assess free water that may be remaining in the pipeline

Extensive spread required including the large compressors and other equipment with a
substantial need of space and fuel
Dew point reading can be difficult to interpret reliably
Large amounts of nitrogen required to purge the pipeline, particularly for gas pipelines
Very noisy due to large air compressors, environmental problems could occur.
Not suitable if dew point temperature is below 25 C, particularly in tropical areas


In this method, vaporisation is achieved by lowering the pressure inside the pipeline to a level where
the water starts to boil at the ambient temperature of the environment. Boiling of a liquid occurs
when the saturation vapour pressure exceeds the external pressure. The amount of water removed
through this process depends on the lowest pressure that the vacuum generation equipment can
create. It is pointed out that the internal pressure cannot lowered to a level where the external
pressure due to the hydrostatic head will lead to pipeline collapse.
Drying of the pipeline does not occur uniformly or simultaneously along the whole length; it takes
place in a drying front that moves down along the pipeline towards the outlet.

More reliable than the air drying method

Commonly used
Independent of the product
More suitable than air drying if very low dew point temperature is required


Lengthy procedure
Very time consuming particularly for long large diameter pipelines
Large area required for equipment
High noise levels due to pumps and compressors
Nitrogen purging may be required if the product is not introduced in the pipeline within a
short period of drying
Initial air drying may be required to reduce the amount of water to be evaporated by vacuum


Liquid swabbing is commonly used for drying onshore pipelines. In this method, the water film
remaining in the pipeline is removed by diluting it with a solvent. The solvents used commonly are
methanol or glycol. The pipeline is swabbed by a series of solvent batches contained between pigs and
driven by dry nitrogen or compressed dry air. If dry air is used, purging of the pipeline with nitrogen
may be required if the product to be transported is dry gas. This method does not remove all of the
free water but prevents hydrate formation due to a heavy dose of de-hydrate chemicals in the thin
film that might remain. The remaining water is picked up by the dry product over a period of operation.
A variation of the liquid swabbing method was used in a large diameter gas pipeline. After hydrotesting, simultaneous dewatering and liquid swabbing was carried out. The first train of pigs comprised
series dewatering pigs followed by batches of swabbing liquid. This was followed by batches of
nitrogen and lastly the transported gas.

Faster method than air or vacuum drying

Independent of product


Not commonly used for offshore pipelines

Does not remove all free water
Difficult to recover solvents
Glycol is difficult to distribute
Glycol is expensive but can be recycled
Methanol is less expensive than glycol but cannot be recycled
Methanol is very volatile
Large amount of nitrogen may be required

After the pipeline has been dewatered and dried to the requisite level, preparations are made for the
introduction of hydrocarbons usually from the producing offshore facility.
The hydrocarbons to be introduced could be highly inflammable or hydrates may form during the
filling operations. A hydrocarbon such as the gas can cause explosion if it comes into contact with air,
so it is advisable to introduce a batch of inert gas such as nitrogen in front of the product. This is a
definite requirement for gas or gas/condensate pipelines.
The product is introduced in stages. The product injection rates are controlled to minimise transients
and that pressure and temperature do not exceed allowable limits for the pipeline material or the dew
point conditions. The injection rates are determined during hydraulic analysis for start-up.

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