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Spr ing Edition 2015

Ker fully Content

M y full nam e is Ker igan Savage M cNam ar a. M y fam ily and closest fr iends call m e
"Ker " pr onounced like "car e", and yes, "ker bear " is often w hat I am r efer r ed to as
w ell. I am indeed Ker fully Content. I w as bor n on June 10, 1995 in Toledo, Ohio. I
cur r ently live in M aum ee, Ohio but that could w ell change in a few year s. I am a
cur r ent sophom or e at Otter bein Univer sity. I love being a car dinal! Adjust your eyes
to the sidebar to see how I fill my tim e at school.

Think Happy.

I w ould say that I am your aver age, w ell-r ounded teenager. I am a ser ious student, but I love to have fun. M y
faith, fam ily and fr iends ar e my ever ything. Thr ee w or ds that best descr ibe m e w ould be optim istic, car ing and
har dw or king. Enough of the bor ing facts and onto som e m ater ial that m ay have a gr eater chance of captivating
your attention.

M y sophom or e year has been
quite differ ent than my fir st year
as an Otter bein student. I am
involved in differ ent student
or ganizations, have declar ed a
m ajor and am constantly m eeting
new fr iends to shar e my college
exper ience w ith! In the fall, I
m ade the decision to double m ajor
in Health Com m unication and
Public Relations. One year ago, I
had no idea w hat Public Relations
w as. I do not know w hether to be
em bar r assed or enthusiastic that
my life is tr ansfor m ing at an
incr edible r ate! Cur r ently, I am
the PR Chair of Otter bein Catholic
Student M inistr y and a m em ber of
PRSSA and the Relay for Life
Planning Com m ittee. I also love to
volunteer w ith the Center for
Com m unity Engagem ent w ith
Chick Chat and Gr andm a's House.

I am a devout TV show view er. It

can be quite pr oblem atic. I enjoy
The Bachelor (ette), Gr ey's Anatomy,
How to Get Away with M ur der,
Cr iminal M inds and Gossip Gir l.
W hen I feel like my life is becom ing
quite bor ing, a bit of TV dr am a can
snap it r ight back . For this r eason,
Netflix is just about the gr eatest
thing ever invented.
M y new found hobby is yoga. I
finally under stand the hype! It is
calm ing yet so challending. I love to
tr y new things so this decision w as
so exciting for m e. It is a gr eat
addition to my r egim en for
m aintaining a healthy lifestyle.
Nam aste!
I am an avid coffee dr inker. None of
those PSL's, I w ill take it black w ith a splash of alm ond m ilk over ice and
pr efer ably out of a m ason jar w ith a str aw. The str aw is 100% necessar y. Coffee
is usually w hat I get out of bed for and I am entir ely okay w ith that. I tr y to lim it
myself to one cup a day but hey, a gir l's gotta do w hat a gir l's gotta do.
Blogs ar e the r eal deal. W hen r eading books can feel like too m uch of a
com m ittm ent, a blog is your best fr iend. Ther e ar e countless blogger s so finding
one to fit your inter est is an easy task . The tw o I follow r eligiously ar e Robyn
fr om the Real Life RD and Alexis fr om Hum m usapien. I w ill not be offended if
you dr op this new sletter and visit their sites. Just please, do not litter.



I w ill be the fir st one to adm it that I am a hom ebody.

Yes, m oving into my dor m tw o hour s aw ay fr om my
fam ily w as a har d tr ansition, but I am also quite
independent so no tear s w er e shed in the pr ocess. I
have tw o loving par ents, Pat and Patti. I know w hat
you'r e thinking. I am not joking. Along w ith shar ing
their nam es, they shar e an intense love for m e and I
could not be m or e thankful.
I have four siblings w ho ar e my
four best fr iends, no doubt
about it. And her e com es the
we may not
sim ilar nam es again (just
hav e it al L
the endings so it is not as
Toget her , but
r ough). M egan is 21 and a
t oget her we
senior at M iam i Univer sity.
hav e it al l .
The tr iplets, Teagan,
Br ennan and Logan, ar e 17
and senior s in high school.
Having tr iplet siblings is the cr aziest, yet m ost
am azing thing that I w ish ever y per son could
exper ience. M aybe not so m uch for my m other w ho
r aised 5 kids under the age of 4, but for m e, I alw ays
had a pal to play w ith. The "tr ips" ar e tw o boys and a
gir l, m aking my fam ily lean a bit m or e to the side of
fem ale pow er. M or e or less, w e all look alike w ith our
blue eyes and pale skin. How ever, being m istaken as
one of the tr iplets or M egan is never an annoyance,
sim ply a com plim ent that an individual w ould think I
am as aw esom e as they ar e.

Living in a big
fam ily is the
second thing I
w ish ever y
per son could
exper ience
behind having
tr iplets in their
fam ily. You have
instant fr iends
and ther e is
alw ays som eone
to take dow n in
M ar io Kar t, w atch
a psychological
thr iller w ith (our
m ovie genr e of
choice), or w hip up a thr ee cour se br eakfast w ith. I
suppose my par ents, being fr om fam ilies w ith 9 and 10
childr en, loved their sibs too m uch to not gr ant us the
sam e life. Som e laugh w hen w e pile out of our ar my
gr een chur ch van but w e could not envision any other
w ay of m aking a gr and appear ance.
Suppor ting each other com es natur al. It is m ost
definitely a value our par ents have ingr ained in us. I
have no idea how they m anaged to be in the fr ont r ow
at ever y dance, gym anstics, tennis, lacr osse, piano,
band, (am I bor ing you now ?) soccer, ar t, choir,
equestr ian, sw im m ing (and I'm pr obably for getting a
handful) events. Our suppor tive essence w as in good
use this past Decem ber w hen M egan and I coached the
tr iplets in their indoor soccer league gam e. Despite
our lack of ANY pr evious soccer exper ience, I w ould
give us a gold star for chanting m otivational phr ases.
W hether it is spor ts, m ean boys or explaining to our
m om w hy the house looks like a tor nado just r olled
thr ough, w e alw ays have each other s' back .
W hen the "fam -bam " is not geocaching at night, going
on Speedy Fr eeze r uns or playing an intense gam e of
Jenga, our house is the hot spot for w eekend hangouts.
If I didn't have any fr iends my ow n age, I w ould still
have an abundance fr om their s that I basically shar e a
dr ivew ay w ith. I think I have br agged enough about
the m ar velous people I have the honor of calling my
fam ily. All in all, shar ing laughter w ith them m akes
my hear t not only sing, but dance.

On the odd chance that I am not sur r ounded by my

fam ily, w onder ful people called fr iends m ake m e
happy. I have never been one of those gir ls w ho had
an exclusive gr oup of gir ls that they ar e insepar able
w ith. M ay I m ention again that I am independent in
natur e. How ever, this does not take aw ay fr om
cr eating delightful m em or ies w ith classm ates,
neighbor s, team m ates and those w ho have sim ply fell
in my life. It only m eans that I have m or e people to
sm ile w ith!
I bake w ith Bianca, sw im w ith M or gan, dr ink coffee
w ith M cKenna and Lindsay, cr aft w ith Jor dan and
Kassidy, giggle w ith Katy, Rylie and Tor i, w atch m ovies
w ith Sam and Sar ah, eat Chipotle w ith Gr ace and
Br idget and play Just Dance w ith Alicia and Nina. This
laundr y list m eans absolutely nothing to you unless
you decide to cr eep on m e on social m edia. FYI, you
can find my accounts on the next page. Ignor e the
cheesiness of my Tw itter handle w hile you'r e at it.
Anyw ays, I w ould say, I am a lucky gir l to have so
m any unique people that I have for m ed a close
r elationship w ith.

Enter ing college w ithout know ing a single soul w as

about a 12.6 on the scale of 1-10 m easur ing
ner vousness. On top of that, I had been enr olled in an
all gir ls school 6 year s pr ior. Allow m e to tw eak that
num ber to 17.6. I sincer ely m iss w alking ar ound the
halls in my plaid unifor m skir t but I thought it'd be
best to not hum iliate myself by r eaching for that sam e
attir e ever y m or ning at Otter bein. I have m ade fr iends
that w ill last a lifetim e in college, despite their lack of
under standing of the beauty of a single sex education.
They br ing out the best in m e, even m or e so than
tom ato soup and gr illed cheese.

Baking and cooking is one of my passions! I have alw ays had a deep
inter est in nutr ition so I love to put a healthy tw ist on the dishes I
m ake. Having a m eal plan tur ns my sm ile upside dow n (let's pr etend
that is a phr ase) because I do not get the chance to pr etend I am
Bobby Flay. M y favor ite cr eations ar e black bean br ow nies (cue the
noses tur ning up) , banana oat cookies, lettuce w r aps and anything
and ever ything w ith peanut butter. Bon Appetit!

Quot es I Love!

By the title of this
section you can take a
w ild guess that I am
gr ow ing up. Does this
m ean I am banned
fr om SpongeBob
shaped Kr aft
M acar oni and Cheese?
Uh...no w ay! But it
does suggest that I am
putting my skills into r eal w or ld application. After r am ping up my r esum e
and endur ing the inter view pr ocess, I have landed an inter nship!
This oppor tunity is sur e to be a thr illing ventur e. I w ill be doing m ar keting,
com m unications, public r elations, event planning and so m uch m or e for
Speedy Sneaker s Racing in Colum bus. It w ill be a busy job w ith tr avel ever y
w eekend, but it w ill definitely teach m e m or e than I can gain fr om a
textbook . I star t in just 2 and a half m onths! Eeek!

Sheis Cl ot hed wit h

St r engt h and Dignit y
and l aughs wit hout
f ear of t hef ut ur e.
- Pr ov er bS 31:26
St ar t each day wit h a
gr at ef ul hear t .
OnePer son Can MakeA
ev er yoneshoul d t r y.
- JohNF. Kennedy
Dr eamas if you'l l l iv e
f or ev er . Liv eas if
You'l l diet oday.
- JameS Dean

Stay tuned to follow my unpr edictable, yet hopefully successful jour ney
ahead. W ho know s, m aybe it could confir m my
calling to be Bobby Flay? Let's hope not for the
sake of tuition expenses and my sanity!

Ker igan McNamar a
omgit sker igan
ker igan.mcnamar a
ker mcnamar a

M y faith is so im por tant to m e! God is the fir st thing I think
about w hen I w ake up and my last thought w hen my head hits
the pillow. Pr ayer is a necessity in my life. This is the tr ue r eason
w hy I choose to sm ile and think hopefully each day. "I can do all
things thr ough Chr ist w ho str engthens m e"- Philippians 4:13.

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