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Col. 3:23-24 Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for
human masters, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a
reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving.
For a committed Christian there is no such a thing like secular and spiritual life or activities. Wherever we
are whatever we do we represent another reality and values. God is at work in the world, in each and every
space, and He uses Christians that are placed in different positions in firms, organizations, activities to bring
blessings, love, mercy and hope to others. God so loved the world (John 3:16) and He continues to love the
world through our presence, we show Jesus in whatever activity, profession, role we have in this world.
Rick warren, proposed an interesting model to evaluate how aware and prepared we are of our role in the
World, which included our role in the Marketplace. (ref The Purpose Driven Life, chapter 30-31)
Whenever God gives us an assignment, He always equips us with what we need to accomplish it. This
custom combination of capabilities is called SHAPE. We are shaped for serving God, wherever we are and
whatever we do.

Spiritual gift





Understanding your strength God-empowered abilities for serving Him that are given
only to believers, for the build up of the church and for the
common good. Several of them can also be used in the
world. For example: teaching, service, administration,
wisdom and leadership.
The Bible uses the term heart to describe the bundle of
Listening to your heart
desires, hopes, interests, ambitions, dreams and
affections we have. Putting it simply: what drives you.
Your source of motivation. It relates directly, at the end,
with: enthusiasm and effectiveness.
The natural talents you were born with. God has given us
Consider your abilities
the ability to do certain things well. (Rom 12:6 NTL).
Many studies revealed that the average person possesses
from 500 to 700 different skills and abilities far more that
you realise.
Character can be developed. Personality is Gods given.
Use your personality
Your uniqueness is a scientific fact of life. When God made
you, he broke the mould! There has never been, and never
will be, anybody exactly like you. Just to give some
examples, there are people more introverts than
extroverts. More thinkers than feelers. To use the
personality you have, will allow you to experience
fulfilment, satisfaction and fruitfulness.
All of us have been shaped by our experiences in life, most
Employ in your experiences
of them out of our control. God uses them for His purpose
of moulding you. Family experiences, educational
experiences, ministry experiences and painful experiences
has been used by God to make you who you are.

You will be most effective when you use your spiritual gifts and abilities in the area of your hearts desire,
and in a way that best expresses your personality and experiences. The better they fit, the more successful
you will be.


INSTRUCTIONS: Considering the definitions concepts and examples in the first page. How do you evaluate
yourself regarding each aspect of the SHAPE? For each of the phrases below put an x in the axis on the
circle that represents each aspect of the SHAPE model, 0 means you are not aware or you do not use that
aspect in your life, which includes your workplace, and 10 means you are fully aware and use frequently
this aspect in your life or workplace.
Using your Spiritual Gift (Strenght)

At the end you will have a graph like this :

Listening to your Heart

Considering your Abilities
Using the various aspects of your Personality
Making the most of your Experiences

Conclusion : Share with the group the aspect of the SHAPE model that you are more developed.
(Highest mark). After sharing spend some time in prayer asking God to develop other aspects in your
life that needs improvement, in order to make you more effective in building the Kingdom wherever
you are and whatever you do.

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