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- Dead?
- Fibers and Sclereids
o Determine the function
o Fiber is more elongated
o Sclereids Is circular
- Thick 2 walls, lignified
o (Collenchyma is not lignified)
o Lignin seals perforations in the cell wall
o Therefore, less water in SCL
o Hence, SCL is not good in symplastic trans?
- Mech. Support
- Material conduction
- Differentiated
- Long, spindle-shaped
- Thick 2 walls; lignification varies
- Usually occurs in strands
- Harder than coll. Walls
- Elastic, not plastic
o They need to maintain their shape in various kinds of pressures
- Support for non-elongating plant parts
o In areas where they can achieve support for non-elongating plant parts
- Pits also vary, MAY be alive
Monocot stem: where do yo find the SCL? At the periphery or in the vasc bundles
Dicot stem: xylem in the middle exarch
o Young dicot: large pith made of parenchyma (ex. Gnelum stem, Aristolochia stem
o Old dicot: 2 growth; SCL forms a cap to protect the fascicular X&P | Phloem fascicular cap is
SCL, 2 xylem is SCL also
Grass leaf: SCL is present for support; prevent the leaf from folding; SA is needed for PS to happen;
guarantees a flat leaf always exposed to the sun
ROOTS vs. STEM cross section
o Stem VB are not in the center; they are in the periphery
Kinds of Fibers
1. Xylary fibers
a. Fibers of the xylem
i. Libriform: simple pit
1. Septate
a. Compartmentalized
b. May be formed by fused 1CW at the middle lamella
2. Gelatinous
3. Sep vs. Gel
a. Gel can store water; Sep can

ii. Fiber tracheids: bordered pit

2. Extra-xylary fibers
a. Not the xylem
[Arteries vs. Veins vs. Capillaries] diff. in Tun. Adv., Tun. Med., Endothelium

- Short, cells, thich 2CW
- Highly lignifies
- Pits are prominent, ramiform, may engulf the cel lumen
- CW is multilayered; may contain crystals
- Distributed in all plant parts
- With PITS
o Communication mechanism
1. Brachyscl
2. Macroscl
a. Seed coat is super tigas resiliency- germinate only in certain conditions
b. No longer isodiametric
3. Osteoscl
a. Subepidermis of seed coat
4. Astroscl
a. Arms provide stability
b. Creates a scaffold
5. Trichscl
SCL origins
Slc: thicken lignification
Fib: coordinated / intrusivew growth


- Embryonic vs. Mature development
o Emb- zygote to formation fo plant embryo stored in the seeds
o Matu- germination to formation fof sporophyte
- Meristems: embryonic tissue regions where new cells are cont. formed
o Provided that

Restriction of division: evolutionary specialization

o Because once mature dev is achieved, limited na

INIT. Cell = like primordial stem cell in humans

Totipotent = morulation formation of morua turns to blastocyst
Can turn to anything
Pluripotent can turn to most things
Multipotent can turn to some things
PLANT: complete totipotency!!!
Why? Circumstantial vulnerability (sessile/immobile, harsher environment) ; they are allowed to
heal themselves quicker
1. Based on position
a. Apical elongate up and down
b. Lateral girth; making 2 strucs
c. Intercalary 2. Based on origin
a. 1ary
b. 2ary
i. Procambium central
ii. Protoderm outer
iii. G, meristem
[promeristematic area] cant differentiate the 3 tissus
- Similar to parenchyma
- Cytonuclear ratio varies considerably
- Described as Eumeristem: small, isodiametric cells with thin walls and rich in cytoplasm

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