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We, The People of the Commonwealth of Demociana now announce our secession from the

United States of America. We enthusiastically believe that the unfair and unethical practices consistently performed
and practiced by the citizens of the United States and its government itself are unjustified and must be opposed.
We believe that the separation of church and state is necessary to enforce to maintain a healthy democratic
society. We believe that there must be restrictions made to ensure that the wealthiest individuals cannot treat
employees and the poor in ways that are damaging to their well being. We believe that laws are to be dictated by
neither religion or tradition, and we believe that the United States of America has not fulfilled its commitment to
follow said adherences to the past. Instead, while should be dictated by what the public believes is moral and right.
We feel the need to emphasize, once and for all, that Demociana will not be a Christian nation. Demociana will
not be a Muslim nation. Demociana will not be a Muslim nation. Demociana will not be a Hindu nation,
neither a Buddhist nation. Demociana will not be a Jewish nation, neither a Sikhist nation. We also are not a
secular nation. We are a nation not of the majority, but of all beliefs. We recognize that the United States
government has treated abuse of narcotics as an issue of criminality, yet Demociana believes that it instead should
be thought of as a matter of mental health, and that it should be treated as such. We believe that The United States
of America has prioritized the desires of the rich over the needs of the poor. Demociana will make its best attempt
to find middle ground between the two groups, and will also try to make itself a desirable place for big and small
businesses alike. We also are in no way believe in moral absolutes. We accept that we are not correct in everything
we believe, and we understand that what is considered morally correct and justifiable will change as society does.
Objectionable speech that makes other offended in any way should be protected by the country's belief in free speech
at all costs. All opinions should be respected despite their disagreeability or unpopularity. Only direct threats to
another individuals well being or a claim or exclamation that could do real harm to another party should be
punished. For example, a bomb threat inside of a learning facility of some sort should result in a legal
punishment. If one believes that, for example,one race is superior to another, they are free to, yet they are not
permitted to actively discriminate in a way that hinders a certain group in any way based off of factors that they
cannot control. We believe that punishment should not be the goal of a legal system. The main objective is to
rehabilitate offenders as quickly and effectively as possible. If mental functions or special circumstances prohibit
people from committing more crimes once released from said rehabilitation, then the priority is to put them into
facilities where they can be content with and enjoy their life while not being able to harm others. There should be
government funded spaces in whatever modern platforms there are, such as the print or on the internet, where
citizens can say what they want while adhering to the laws, including places where they can voices their concerns
about the government and its functions. Morasls are to be decided by the public. On another hand, an ideal
society, as we believe, must have democracy. Direct democracy is an ideal form of it in which every voice is
factored into the decision, whether rich or poor, man or woman, young or old. By the age of sixteen, every
persons vote and voice will be heard loud and clear. In demociana, laws will be petitioned by the ordinary citizen
and if the law reaches a reasonable portion of signatures, the law will be voted on by the general public. This is
democracy in its truest form.
We are not, and do not claim to be, the arbiters of what is right. That is what we believe the citizens of
Demociana are to figure out for themselves., This document is designed to be a list of the original Democian
citizens complaints of the United States government are and how we would like for an ideal society to behave.

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