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4-19 OLD WORLD MONKEY FAMILY TREE ‘Old World (catarshine) monkeys are an evolutionary success story, given their wide distribution and exploitation of a variety of habitats throughout Africa, South Asia, China, Japan, and Island Southeast Asia. They thrive in tropical rain forests, high mountain regions, savannas, and even survive at environmental extremes in snow, and in hot, dry semideserts, Old World monkeys are all quadrupedal; they run and walk on the ground, inthe trees, and also leap across gaps inthe forests Catarrhine monkeys are distinguished dentally from platyrthine monkeys and apes in having molar cusps that join to form crests (bilophodont) (4-26). They range in body mass from about | kilogram to more than 35 kilograms; males are generally heavier than females and have longer canine teeth. Some species reproduce each year, which gives them a considerable advantage ‘and opportunity for colonizing new areas, Social groups usually inchude several adult females, young animals at several life stages, and often more than 1 adult male, though there is considerable variation in group size. ‘Old World monkeys (the cercopithecoids) diverged from apes between 20 and 25 mya (4-30), and the 2 subfamilies diverged 12.to 14 mya. One branch (the colobines) evolved into the leat ‘monkeys, which specialize anatomically in digesting leaves; the other branch, the more generalist cercopithecines, developed cheek pouches and eat fruit whenever possible (4-20). Monkeys, are identified in the early Miocene African fossil record, and by the Pliocene, they are widely dispersed in Europe, Asia, and Africa (4-27), Color the leaf monkeys, also known as colobines. ‘This group of monkeys derives its name from colobus, from, the Greek word kolobos, meaning notched or maimed because their thumbs are very reduced. In equatorial Africa, the leat monkeys are referred to as colobus (a"), after the genus name, oF guereza. There are 3 main groups, the red colobus, the black and white colobus, and the olive colobus, consisting of about 10 species in the size range of 4 to 10 kilograms (4-22), ‘The Asian colobines are more diverse than the African colobines. In the Indian subcontinent, there are 4 species of langurs. One species, Presbytis entellus (a'), is distributed from the northern mountain regions in Nepal to the south in Sri Lanka. Known as the “sacred monkey,” ithas the easternmost distribution of the Asian colobines (4-23). In Southeast Asia and eastem Asia, the leaf monkeys are more diverse—consisting of about 17 species, mostly distributed on islands of Southeast Asia. The dusky leaf monkey lives in Thailand and the Malayan Peninsula. ‘The odd-nosed colobines, about 8 species, include the doue langurs (not illustrated), the proboscis monkeys, and snub-nosed. ‘monkeys that extend north into the mountainous regions of China (Rhinopithecus, 1-16). The proboscis monkeys, found only in the swamps of Borneo, are distinctive in their reddish hair and Tong and prominent nose. The snub-nosed monkeys are unusual in their ability to survive cold and temperate climates. Color the guenons, or Cercopithecus group. ‘The guenions are endemic to Africa; they include about 25 species. They occupy a variety of habitats in equatorial Africa— swamps; lowland, riverine, and gallery forests; forest fringe; and the savanna mosaic. Most species are small bodied (4-7 kg), and are striking for their colorful and marked faces (4-21). They are often sympatric, up to 6 species in one forest, though 3 104 is, ‘more common. The diet is mainly fruits and insects and is distinctive for each species. The red-tailed monkey is arboreal like the other guenons. OF the Cercopithecus species, vervet monkeys are the most widely distributed throughout subSaharan Africa and are very adaptable, with about 5 subspecies (3-5). Patas monkeys are the heaviest and most sexually dimorphic within the genus. They inhabit the woodland-savanna fringe across equatorial Africa and because of their ability to run fest, are known as the greyhounds of the monkey worl. Color the branches leading to the mandrill, mangabey, baboons, and macaque. ‘These monkeys share a 42 chromosome count, and except for most macaques, are African monkeys. Mandrills (Mandrills) liven the lowland rain forests of western Africa and are terrestrial “They are the heaviest of the monkeys; males at 35 kilograms are twice the size of the females. The mandrills have colorful faces ‘and hindquarters that serve as effective signals in the dense forest. The mangabeys consists of 2 genera and several species; Cercocebus is more closely related to the drill and mandrils, travels and feeds on the ground and understory, whereas Lophocebus, a gray-cheeked mangabey (3-6, 3-20) is arboreal, rarely comes to the ground, and is elated to baboons, The baboons, include the gelada baboon (Theropithecus), which is restricted today to the highlands of Ethiopa (3-5), although it once inhabited India (4-27). The “savanna” baboons (Papio) include the Guinea baboons in western Africa, chacma baboons in the south, and yellow and anubis baboons in the east; the hamadryas baboon is considered a separate species, although in Ethiopia it forms a hybrid zone with the anubis baboon. Macagues are most closely related tothe baboon group of | monkeys and consist of about 15 species. Macaques are primarily Asian monkeys, although a remnant species from the Pleistocene, | ‘Macaca sylvanus, lives in the Atlas mountains of Morocco and on Gibraltar (3-2). Their geographical range extends into the mountains of Japan; some species successfully inhabit cities “Macaques range in size from about 3 kilograms in the long-tuled ‘macaque to 15 kilograms in male pig-tailed macaques. Macaques are often sympatric with colobine monkeys but less frequently | are sympatric with other macaque species (4-24) | 4-19 4]NOVOVN ®SUNCGVNVH PUNNUATS *GISON-ENNS "GOVT ASwd *SIDSOEOUd *SNOOSVE ALBAUA “MISNT AIEVONUHU 4Twh GY *SNEOWD "SNONYT > THONG ISNONIND snvolusy SNUISY *SAT NOW HONG NIAID *SADUNOWN SVEN AdAuUL AMNW4A ADINOW ATAYOM G10

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