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Safety Net Programs are a range of programs that help the minimum standards of living
families and individuals in certain circumstances. The circumstances that an individual is faced
with to qualify for any of these safety net programs are known as unemployment, income loss,
poverty, mental illness, disability, and old age. These programs come in a variety of forms
depending on the individuals needs and come from the large annual federal budget system. Types
of Safety Net Programs are made up of two kinds of which is social insurance and means tested.
Social insurance is more like a Social Security and Medicare program, where individuals
contribute to an insurance trust fund. These dates of federal governmental bonds by payroll tax
on their earnings and benefits.
Means-tested are benefits that are distributed on the basis on need and qualification
through low-income. These programs are funded by general income tax revenue. Some examples
of means- tested programs are Food-Stamps which is the TANF programs that helps provide
food to low income families that can barely afford groceries. Social Security is another program
that is run by the nation capital where it is being regulated. Payroll tax is taken into the Social
Security are levitated on wages and salaries by the federal government. Benefit checks are also
issued to the elderly and the disabled, which helps them with living expenses.
Medicaid is a program that is funded by the state and federal government just like the
unemployment compensation system. Entitlement is another program that is made for people
who make a certain eligibility requirement which entitles them to some kind of help. The
programs that people can be entitled to are programs such as Food-Stamps and Medicaid. Even
though these programs ae used to help citizens that are need of some kind of assistance often
times these programs are very scarce. In the year of 2012 the federal government came to a total
budget of 2.5 trillion dollars spent on only two-thirds of the federal budget. In over the years one
result has come from the decline of numbers in the poverty rate among the elderly and poverty
among children still continues.

Foreign Policy
(Weapons of Mass Destruction)
With the end of the Cold War, there were any concerns of that era and the
possibility of a global nuclear war about to erupt in Europe. Even though the
threat of security by the Soviet Union has disappeared, there are still many
potential security threats to America that still remain. Terrorism is an issue

that has moved to the center on the American political agenda after the
horrible event of September 11, 2001. This event that had happened was
known as the attack in the world trade center and the Pentagon. These
attacks on the United States were the first among the many steps taken and
will be taken in response to these threats though military response. Which
comes to the topic of Weapons of Mass Destruction and how these objects
threat security of the U.S and peace between other countries. Take for
example in 2002 president Bush, referred Iraq, Iran and North Korea as the
axis of evil because they are creating weapons of mass destruction. In the
invasion of 2003 instructed by the President, it was proven that Iraq had not
nuclear weapons or a nuclear program. North Kore on the other had a
Nuclear Program in their country and so did Iran. The problem with weapons
of mass destruction is the fact that they were being used by rouge nation
that had given assistance to terrorism. With the influence of the Cold War
and how the two countries were at a race on the development was used of
the purpose of not having to use them. Instead these two super powerful
nations crated security issues with other countries that didnt possess such
weapons. With that result other countries sought out to created weapons of
mass destruction for the soul purpose of having power. Having powerful
weapons in the hands of people or tyrants that act ruthless was a majors
issue that many their countries feared. In other words weapons of mass
destruction can be beneficial but is also

Brown, Harold. 2007. "New Nuclear Realities." Washington Quarterly 31, no.
1: 7-22. America: History and Life with Full Text, EBSCOhost (accessed
October 8, 2016)

Cherry, Robert. 2007. "Why Welfare Reform Critics Went Astray." Journal of
Women, Politics & Policy 29, no. 2: 207-229. America: History and Life with
Full Text, EBSCOhost (accessed October 8, 2016).

a threat to our security among other nations.

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