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1. Choose a role and do your duty.

2. Imagine you want to be the new president of Colombia; so you must propose a
slogan for your campaign.
Each student must write a four paragraph text whose title is I am the new
president. Each paragraph must have minimum four (4) sentences and
maximum six (6) sentences:
Paragraph 1 : Who I am
I am a person of integrity, responsible, honest who can move the country forward,
with employment for people, we reach the most hidden corners to bring food,
medical care and much more. I would like that the whole country will support me in
order to promote more interaction with people. I'm trying to change their lives.
Colombia in the future will be the best country in the world. we have to put our

Paragraph 2 : Projects for education

I can develop agreements with schools to create programs deepening of
knowledge to students of different educational stages.
Should hire people who are prepared professionally
I decided to take people who have lost their study
Later you want to change the methodologies and teaching models in order to be
more innovative and dynamic
Paragraph 3: Projects for health
I can make prevention campaigns of various diseases especially treatments for
people suffering from cancer
I will improve the facilities of hospitals when patients attend
I would like to bring support to municipalities and health institutions

Improve their technical, scientific hospitals and performance, technological to make

the best decision to change the current situation
Paragraph 4 : Projects for economy
I will make projects are made for housing
Should create a foundation for grandparents who are homeless
With the governorship to take the necessary steps to fix damaged roads
throughout Colombia
I will make projects are made for hospital

1. Elija un papel y hacer su deber.

2. Imagine que quiere ser el nuevo presidente de Colombia; por lo que debe
proponer un eslogan para su campaa.
Cada estudiante debe escribir un texto de cuatro prrafo cuyo ttulo es "Soy el
nuevo presidente". Cada prrafo debe tener cuatro (4) sentencias mnimas y seis
(6) sentencias mximas:
Prrafo 1: Quien soy
soy una persona integra, responsable, honesta que puede sacar al pais
adelante, con empleo para la gente, llegaremos hasta los rincones mas
escondidos para llevar comida, atencion medica y muchas cosas mas. me gustraia
que todo el pais me apoyara con el fin de promover mas la interacion con la
gente. yo estoy tratando de cambiar sus vidas. en un futuro colombia sera el mejor
pais del mundo

Prrafo 2: Proyectos para la educacin

mas adelante se quiere cambiar las metologias y modelos de enseanza con el

fin de que sean mas innovadores y dinamicos
Prrafo 3: Proyectos para la salud
Puedo realizar campaas de prevencin de las diferentes enfermedades en
especial tratamientos para personas que sufren de cancer
me gustaria llevar acompaamiento a los municipios e instituciones de salud
voy a mejorar las instalaciones de los hospitales a la hora de atender los pacientes
Prrafo 4: Proyectos para la economa
deberia crear una fundacion para los abuelitos que no tienen hogar

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