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Bullying Defined
National Center for Education Statistics. (2015). Student reports of bullying and cyber-bullying:
Results from the 2013 school crime supplement to the National Crime Victimization
Survey. Retrieved from http://nces.ed.gov/pubs2015/2015056.pdf
National Education Association. (n. d.). Identifying bullying. Retrieved from
Ragozzino, K., & OBrien, M. U. (2009). Social and emotional learning and bullying prevention.
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Seifert, K., & Sutton, R. (2011). Student development. In Seifert, K. (Ed). Educational
psychology (3rd Ed.). (pp. 38-63). Zurich, Switzerland: Global Text.
Swearer, S. M., Wang, C., Berry, B., & Myers, Z. R. (2014). Reducing bullying: Application of
social cognitive theory. Theory Into Practice, 53, 271-277.
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. (n. d.). Bullying definition. Retrieved from

Roles and Types of Bullying

Casebeer, C. M. (2012). School bullying: Why quick fixes do not prevent school failure.
Preventing School Failure, 56(3), 165-171. doi:10.1080/1045988X.2011.633283
National Education Association. (n. d.). Identifying bullying. Retrieved from

Recognizing Bullying
Glasner, A. T. (2010). On the front lines: Educating teachers about bullying and prevention
methods. Marc Publications. Bridgewater, MA: Bridgewater State University.
Michigan Department of Education. (n.d.). Bullying facts. (Pacer.org) Retrieved from
OLWEUS. (2007). Recognizing the many faces of bullying. Retrieved from
US Department of Health & Human Services. (n.d.). Retrieved from www.stopbullying.com

Groups Affected
Blake, J. J., Lund, E. M., Zhou, Q., Kwok, & O., Benz, M. R. (2012). National prevalence rates
of bully victimization among students with disabilities in the United States. School
Psychology Quarterly, 27(4), 210-222. Retrieved from https://www.apa.org/pubs/
Gay, Lesbian, Straight Education Network (GLSEN). (2015). From teasing to torment: School
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National Center for Education Statistics. (2015). Student reports of bullying and cyber-bullying:
Results from the 2013 school crime supplement to the National Crime Victimization
Survey. Retrieved from http://nces.ed.gov/pubs2015/2015056.pdf
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. (n. d.). Risk factors. Retrieved from

The Effects of Bullying

Jordan, K., & Austin, J. (2012). A review of the literature on bullying in U.S. schools and how a
parenteducator partnership can be an effective way to handle bullying. Journal of
Aggression, Maltreatment & Trauma, 21(4), 440-458.
doi: 10.1080/10926771.2012.675420.
Midgett, A. (2016). Bullying: How counselors can intervene. Counseling Today, 58(12), 38-43.
Side, J., & Johnson, K. (2014). Bullying in schools: Why it happens, how it makes young people
feel and what we can do about it. Educational Psychology in Practice, 30(3), 217-231.
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. (n. d.). The effects of bullying. Retrieved from

Classroom-based Response
Hase, C. N., Goldberg, S. B., Smith, D., Stuck, A., & Campain, J. (2015). Impacts of traditional
bullying and cyberbullying on the mental health of middle school and high school
students. Psychology in the Schools, 52(6), 607-617.

National Education Association. (n.d.). 10 steps to stop and prevent bullying. Retrieved from
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Whitson, S. (2015). Bringing an end to bullying. Reclaiming Children & Youth, 24(1), 50-54.
Yoon, J., & Bauman, S. (2014). Teachers: A critical but overlooked component of bullying
prevention and intervention. Theory Into Practice, 53, 308-314.
doi: 10.1080/00405841.2014.947226

School-based Response
Amorino, J. (2016). The authentic artistic process: Implications to deterring aggression,
bullying, and violence in adolescents. Art Education, 69(1), 16-24.
Farrington, D. & Ttofi, M., (2009). Effectiveness of anti-bullying programs: A systematic
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Ferrell-Smith, F. (2003). School violence - tackling the schoolyard bully: Combining
policymaking with prevention. National Conference of State Legislatures, D. C.
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