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The Secular Bible

-By Quantum_Flux
“The Secular Genesis”

In the beginning a probability density created the Multiverse and this Universe.
This universe was without form and void and the black hole was hovering over
space-time. Then an instability point was reached via Hawking radiation
causing a big bang and tons of electromagnetic radiation! And over eons of time
there formed matter within the space-time and the matter separated out into
planets and stars and galaxies within the space-time and it was good.

At about 8 billion years ABB (after big bang) the Earth was formed and there
was RNA and single celled photosynthesizing organisms and there was fusion in
the stars to the third generation, and it was good! Then, by the forces of
evolution, the cells gradually turned into plants and animals of all kinds over
millions of years. Then came man and the hominid species, the first intelligent
life with the capability of rational thought, and mankind was to cultivate the
Earth and conquer the forces of nature, and so it happened. And it seemed as
though the rest of the universe was sleeping or non-evolved yet because it was
taking so long for evolution to happen for the emergence of mankind and there
was no other signs of life to be detected in the universe either, so mankind
dreamed up the spiritual realm and gave up on the pursuit of knowledge for a
millennium, which thereby plunged mankind into the depravity of the dark ages
and nearly brought the complete extinction of all of humanity.

But, that was for a time, but by the sheer willpower of the few whom were
rational and brave enough to speak out against these dogmatic Papal crimes
against the human intellect the world has gained the freedom and the
technical know-how to conquer the dark forces of extinction of our very own
species. Our human salvation is completely within our own willpower and
rational capabilities, but only if we continue to fight against the pure evils of
human ignorance and the peer pressure of the dogmas and authority figures of
past times can we come to know of an existence that is unbounded by
presumption, of an existence where all things can be understood by scientific
theories that have come purely by objective observations and are based on the
sound foundations of mathematical rigor. In that existence, all things of
physical nature can be understood under a grand unified theory, and all
possibilities can be considered, weighed, and then decided upon by the
consensus of the most elite of humanity as per was elected by the properly
educated masses of the human race and that of all other intelligent beings in
the universe.
The Secular Bible
-By Quantum_Flux
"The Secular Proverbs"

1:1) The world of mathematics is all-logical and without error, and there can
only be one all-logical entity.

1:2) Wisdom comes from trial and error, which is how the scientific method

1:3) Wise folks anchor their beliefs on the sound foundation of mathematical
logic and use the established scientific method for discovery, while foolish
people anchor their beliefs on the authority figures of current or previous

1:4) Objective evidence is what supports or destroys theories, not blind faith,
so let nobody say they hath truth without logical rigor

1:5) Be not swayed by the evils of subjectivity, for a reward is its promise and a
life of anticipation is its game but irrationality is its snare, and its venom stuns
humanity at the very soul.

1:6) If we say we believe something, yet we do not have any proof, then we
have deceived ourselves and the truth is not in us

1:7) Let no man or woman esteem another man's or woman's thoughts as being
above the realm of logical inquiry, so that nobody can boast of divine
inspiration as a source of insight

2:1) An idea in the mind is a great thing. An idea down on paper is an even
better thing. An idea that has been tried, tested, prototyped, sold to a
manufacture, mass marketed, and mass consumed is even better still.
Ultimately, though, if the idea benefits the overall quality of life and
environment, then it can be considered among the best ideas out there.

2:2) Always take care to research and reiterate on the matters which are
misunderstood or that don’t add up, and then you may eventually find out the
details that you or they are lacking. Then reiterate with the missing details
once again, to see if your new thoughts make better sense.

2:3) Always congratulate yourself for doing a good job when you have taken the
path of right action. The path of righteousness can only be followed when one
proceeds with intellect, honesty, integrity, and above all, reason.

2:4) Reason is the true source of all wisdom and understanding, not trust or

2:5) Question that, which has widely been accepted as fact, until you are
The Secular Bible
-By Quantum_Flux
either convinced of its truthfulness or falseness. Remain a skeptic or a believer,
however, until there is better evidence that it is either true or false. Be sure to
check that evidence with what you know, and then make a transition from
unbelief to belief or vice versa only if the evidence is strong enough to warrant

2:6) Nothing is impossible in concept, until it has been put into practice.
However, most things probably never will occur in practice because they are
ultimately impossible.

2:7) If doing something is hard or inefficient, then there is usually a much

easier way of doing it. Always experiment with things until you have found the
very best way of doing them.

2:8) You can’t truly understand something new until you have first scrutinized
it, and even then you can only understand that concept to the degree that you
have been rigorous in your scrutinization of it.

2:9) Common sense is just wisdom which everybody already has. Wisdom is just
common sense which only a few have.

2:10) A just law is a tidbit of wisdom that is enforced on society. An unjust law
is a tidbit of folly that is enforced on society. It is nearly as foolish to follow an
unjust law as it is to break a just law.

3:1) There are two ways to get unjust laws changed, one is by civil
disobedience and the other is by political action. It is advisable to take the
path of political action for bringing about change rather than to take the action
of civil disobedience if at all possible. This is so, since, often times criminals
are blinded by their own folly and only a few times is it when the majority is
blinded to their own folly, of course this only applies to an ideal world where
the majority is properly educated and makes the decisions based on a fair
election process.

3:2) It’s important to do as much as possible with as little as possible; for this is
certainly more valuable than doing as little as possible with as much as
possible. This is the difference between being organized and being messy, and
it is the difference between being efficient and being wasteful.

3:3) It’s true that, “the more you know how to do, the less you will rely on
others to do for you.” It’s cheaper to do more and pay others less, than to do
less and pay others more, unless you happen to be financially independent due
to some wise investing, which takes much hard work.

3:4) Neither the wisest, nor the most foolish of humanity could ever claim to
be perfect and still endure a failure without a dramatic change in mindset. For
The Secular Bible
-By Quantum_Flux
claiming perfection is prideful, and the larger some people build themselves
up, the harder they will fall when they’ve been proved wrong.

3:5) If anybody can validly claim to be perfect and without error, then that
could mean that the individual has tried doing everything and yet failed
miserably in all possible ways before finding all of the ways that work.
However, nobody can validly claim to be perfect, not in a million lifetimes,
since there will always inevitably come a time when a mistake will be made.

3:6) Mathematics in combination with the scientific method and logical

reasoning is the only reliable source for revealing the truth. Everything else is
subject to being relative and fallible.

3:7) It would take an infinite amount of lifetimes to achieve perfection, but

you only have one life to live. Listening to reason, the quickest way to achieve
near perfection is by following in the path that has already been blazed by the
intellect and that has been illuminated by one's own intuition.

3:8) Reason is the gradient which points toward your life’s maximum potential,
so aim your willpower wherever reason leads you and then you will most
assuredly succeed in obtaining your personal goals in life. Of course, it is highly
advisable to set personal goals that are reasonable.

3:9) Time is an infinite instant; Space is an infinite singularity. All of the laws of
the universe are governed by the intermingling of space and time. Ultimately,
however, all of laws of the universe are dependent on mathematics.

3:10) As long as we exist in this physical universe, our minds are bounded by all
of the physical laws of the universe, but we can unlock the secrets from the
realm of mathematics which is the one and only truly eternal entity.
The Secular Bible
-By Quantum_Flux
The Secular Gospel

1) There is no real need for a god for people to repent of their wrongs, for
anybody can do that on their own free-will and in the privacy of their own
home, and certainly without the need for a predefined morality system.

2) It does not require prayer to the gods for people to forgive themselves or
others for imperfections; it just takes some honest reflection coupled with an
attitude of can-do change.

3) There need be no dogmatic laws for people to know what is righteous, for
they know right from wrong because it is engrained in their emotional makeup
and is a result of their upbringing. However, there should be some form of
study about what is the officially agreed upon legislation whenever there is a
gray area where people have differing views about the course of right action.

4) People whom do wrong, as perceived objectively through the eyes of the

civil majority, are often the ones who are ignorant of their own wrongdoings. It
is the fault of society when such evils are allowed to occur, and it is the
responsibility of everybody to do what is necessary to keep those evils from
happening again. However, it is wise to make sure that all biases are removed,
and to maintain an open and clear mind whenever assessing whether a
particular action is evil enough to warrant further corrective or preventive
measures or not.

5) Integrity dictates that people should always say what they do, and do what
they say. This can be accomplished by making fewer commitments, but keeping
the ones that are made. Make sure that the weekly schedule is planned out so
that there is time for accomplishing the top priority commitments, and then be
sure and specify the possible uncertainties, honestly and up-front with the
parties involved, when making other less pertinent commitments.

6) There does not need to be any god to exhibit the traits of love, joy, peace,
patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, and self-control. These things are
part of human nature. However, these things are not always intrinsically good,
for somebody could express these traits toward a ponzi who would surely do
harm or take advantage if the chance presents itself.

7) Conversely, there need not be any devil to exhibit the traits of hate, dread,
strifefulness, haste, rudeness, malice, mistrust, and lack of control. These
things all stem from human emotion as well. However, these traits are not
intrinsically evil either, but are a product of human nature as well. For
instance, somebody might exhibit these traits because they have been cheated,
lied to, harmed, or etc. It is always advisable, however, for people to retaliate
in a manner where all of their actions are justified within the confines of the
laws that have been established by legislative majority whenever possible and
The Secular Bible
-By Quantum_Flux
necessary, instead of trying to take justice into their own hands. This is simply
because we have evolved to live in a society, and hence we have evolved the
need for social justice instead of mere individual justice.

8) Faithfulness that can be considered intrinsically good is the trait of believing

in the things which have honestly and repeatedly been proven to work through
rigorous testing time and time again. After all, you can only have the utmost
faith in something that is truly dependable, such as in numbers that don't lie,
whereas you would be well advised to mistrust all extraordinary claims or
schemes that don't seem to add up correctly and to proceed with a healthy
dose of skepticism with such matters.

9) It is righteous to hate the things that bring you harm, and it is right to love
the things that bring you peace, joy, happiness, and overall wellbeing.


1) http://www.irrationaltheorist.blogspot.com/

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