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Welcome to the food fair

My name is
My teacher is
Im in level 2
Today Im going to talk about typical food of Belgica
Belgian Kitchen is combined by the French and German Kitchen
Recipe preparation style mussels with fries Brussel
This dish is one of the most famous of Belgium, is said to be a very
international dish.
Melt the butter in a pie dish with a droplet of oil. Chop into small dice
celery and onion, and add. Fry briefly and add a pinch of pepper. Pour the
white wine and let reduce. Add evaporated milk and stir.
Something that can not be ignored in this recipe, which constitutes 50% of
success are fries
Ingredients (4 people):
2 kg of mussels
3 potatoes
1 stalk celery
1 onion
1 tablespoon butter
1 cup white wine
150 ml. evaporated milk
Extra virgin olive oil
This dish of mussels and chips have to accompany it with a good beer,

La gastronoma belga est combinada por la cocina francesa y la alemana.

Elaboracin de la receta de Mejillones al estilo de Bruselas con

patatas fritas:
Este plato es uno de los ms famosos de Blgica, se dice que es un plato
muy internacional.

Funde la mantequilla
dados pequeos el
brevemente y aade
deja reducir. Aade la

en una tartera con una gotita de aceite. Pica en

apio y la cebolleta, y adelos. Rehoga
una pizca de pimienta. Vierte el vino blanco y
leche evaporada y remueve.

Algo que no se puede obviar en esta receta, y que constituye el 50% del
xito son las patatas fritas

Ingredientes (4 personas):

2 kg de mejillones
3 patatas
1 rama de apio
1 cebolleta
1 cucharada de mantequilla
1 copa de vino blanco
150 ml. de leche evaporada
aceite de oliva virgen extra

Este plato de mejillones con patatas fritas hay que acompaarlo con una
buena cerveza,

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