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I apologize in advance to the grammar police!

I have never excelled

at English, it was always my weakest subject. I went to art college,
and my second choice would have been biology! There will be MANY
errors in this, just please disregard. Anyways, I wont bore you with
my entire life story, so I will start from the beginning of my new walk
with God.
My Papa meant so much to me. He was the only man that had
always been there for me. He held me when I was a baby, brushed my
hair when I was a toddler, taught me to ride a bicycle when I was a
little girl, made the BEST ice cream cones EVER, and no matter
what..he was SO proud of me. He loved me, and he showed it. He would
have done anything for me, and I knew that. I loved him SO much. He
was MY PAPA.
My Papa had been diagnosed with Parkinsons disease right when
he retired from Jack Daniels Distillery. He wasnt able to enjoy
retirement, sadly. When I got the call that I needed to come to the
nursing home, I could feel my heart sink and crush. This was it It was
time for him to go home. I quickly packed my things and got my
husband and kid and we headed to the nursing home. When I saw him,
and how quickly he had deteriorated in such a short time, I knew this
was it. I had a panic attack and a complete mental breakdown. I wasnt
ready to say goodbye.

Just a few days before, I visited him and he was talking, and
smiling. He told me how pretty my eyes were and that he loved me.
When I arrived at the nursing home, his beautiful ice blue eyes were
unable to be seen. He couldnt open them. His whole face had a sunken
appearace, it was so heartbreaking. I talked to him and told him
everything that I wanted to, and thanked him for being the BEST papa
in the entire world, and that I knew God had blessed me with him. (He
isnt my biological grandfather!) I dont know how, but he managed to
say I love you too. I believe that was his last words, they were
definitely his last words to me.
I will try and put the rest of this part of the story in a nutshell,
due to it being a very sad subject. All of his family was there with him.
We were all just sitting in the room with him, watching him and crying.
His breathing began to become very labored. My mom is a RN, and she
recognized this pattern of breathing, and knew he didnt have much

time left. After hours of this sad struggling breathing, she couldnt
stand the silence in the room any longer. She suggested that we sing
hymns to him, to try and comfort him during his last minutes with us.
He loved the Lord and gospel songs. I was hesitant at first, but then
she and I started to sing hymns, and my grandmother and his whole
family joined us in singing. It was very clear that we were singing these
hymns from our heart and with so much love. I hadnt sang these
songs in over 10 years, because I had quit going to church. However, I
sang them and could feel joy and peace enter into my heart. After
only a few minutes of singing, his breathing began to slow down, and
we watched him take his last breath. Jesus took him home at 11:47pm
on April 11, 2016.
This experience has FOREVER changed my life.
I cried and cried for weeks, missing the only man that had been
there for me, and loved me unconditionally my whole life. But little did I
know, he wasnt the only one.
Two days after he passed, I had a message from this woman on
Etsy. She was looking for some memorial jewelry, and needed it to be
made ASAP. (side note: I had closed my Etsy shop during the days I
was with Papa, which means I lost money and wouldnt have any
money coming in.) I messaged her back, and told her my situation and
that I would love to help her, but wasnt sure that I could get it shipped
to her in time. Well, come to find out, she lives in Murfreesboro. Not
only that, but her father had passed away when my Papa did, and
also from Parkinsons Disease. Also, on all SEVEN pieces she ordered,
she wanted them to all say Papa. This was my very first order, in 5
years, to say Papa. I made arrangements to meet her to give her the
items. When I met her, she told me that she felt like she had to buy
from me, and no one else. And she also felt like she was supposed to
give me a book. She did, it was a book called Letters to Heaven. I have
tried over and over to find this woman again, because she told me
that she would add me on Facebook when I asked her. I cant find her,
and her Etsy is gone. I thought to myself, this has to be God. He knew I
needed money for bills and food this week, and he used this woman to
do it. Her purchase was $250, my largest single order, ever. My Papa
always made sure that I was doing ok, and would always offer to help
me if I needed it. To me, this felt like his last time to say Here you go
precious, I know you need this and youd never ask for it.

I could feel questions rising in my heart. I could feel ideas come

into my head, that did not seem like my own. I wanted to go buy a
Bible. This was not something that I would have normally done, because
I just wasnt on that level of spirituality.
I had unexpectedly lost my job in the beginning of January, and I
was really hustling and trying to build my business. Let me give you a
quick back story on my old job. I loved my job, I really did. I did not like
getting up at 4:30 in the morning and driving to Nashville every day, but
I enjoyed my career. However, I had become a different person while I
was there. I became a slanderer, a gossip, a negative nancy, and I let

myself be a victim. I was mistreated by some management and I

literally let it consume me. I developed a bad attitude. I was extremely
depressed, and I began taking anti-depressants and anti-anxiety
medications. I also had problems outside of work that added to these
factors. Simply put, I was not the Jen that God made me to be. He
had much bigger plans for me. I lost my job, and it was honestly one
of the best days ever. I smiled going down the elevator. I just had a
gut feeling that said this is meant to be. It was God that had planned
that, and I am so glad he delivered me, not from my job, but from
myself! He had a perfect plan this whole time. I am very grateful for
this, because I didnt want to continue down that path, and bring down
others with me. Also, If I hadnt lost my job, I wouldnt have been able
to go be with my Papa as he was dying. I know they would have never
let me off. And that wasnt in Gods plan.
Ok, back to my story. I was in my car one day, and I felt this
overwhelming urge to just go buy that Bible. I gave in to the idea that
was placed in my head, and I bought one. I got home and I remember
sitting down, and I said in my head Im so worried and broken, I dont
even know how to do this correctly. I opened up my brand new bible,
and the first thing I see, screaming out to me in red letters Take
courage! It is I, Dont be afraid. This is from Mark 6:50. I just completely
lost it, tears rolling down my face.
A few weeks pass, and I felt like I was ready to try going back
to church. I needed to be around people who were going to help me
better myself, and who could help fix a broken person. I began praying
again. Nothing fancy, just simple prayers asking God to help me find a
church. I didnt really expect an answer, to be honest. I tried two or

three different churches in my area, and each one I left, knowing I

would never set foot in there again. Im not trying to be mean or
judgmental when I say this, but these people didnt even speak to me,
or acknowledge the fact I was there. I was crying on the inside,
desperate for someone to come up to be and help me, and I couldnt
even get a simple Hello from anyone. I wasnt looking for a church
with bench warmers, I wanted a church that God dwelled in, with
people that were on fire with passion and that wouldnt look me up
and down with judgment. I was looking for people that genuinely care
for others, no matter what.
That night I discovered the Experience Community Church. I went
to their website, and saw they are non-denominational, their beliefs
directly lined up with the Bible, and that they give so much money and
service back to the community. I thought ok, this looks like a great
start. I will go here tomorrow morning. This happened next I know this
seems crazy, but as I feel asleep that night, I felt a sensation that my
body was tingling. I thought I was laying in a bad position. So I rolled
over, and as soon as I was on my back, I could feel my body float up
to the ceiling. Although, um, this wasnt my body. It was my spirit. Yes,
my spirit was floating above my body. I remember feeling warm, and
this overwhelming sense of love. I didnt even have time to analyze
what was happening, and instantly I said I love you Jesus. It just came
out of my mouth, without a single thought behind it. I could feel myself
fall back into my body and I woke up. I wish I knew what the heck this
meant, or what it was, or what happened. But I have NO CLUE. I am
just telling you that it happened, because its part of my story.
The next morning as I was on my way to attend the Experience
for the first time, I asked God to give me a sign that this is the right
place for me to go. I laughed as I said God you know I am not good at
picking up subtle hints and signs. I will totally miss it, so please, if this
place is pleasing to you, and if you think I will prosper here, please give
me a sign. And not just any sign, I want you to specifically send
someone to me, that is there JUST for me. A sign that I cant miss or
ignore. This was the best way for me to know, because I had been so
ignored at the last churches. I was nervous during worship, because
they had actual music there, and I grew up in a church with singing
only. However, as we all sang together, I became completely emotional,
and tears ran down my face, uncontrollably. I was trying to hide it,
because I was so embarrassed. After the songs were over and people
were praying, I had my head bowed and I felt an arm wrap around me.

I was being hugged by a complete stranger. I look up and see this

woman smiling at me, and she said come on over here and sit with
me. Immediately I got up and moved beside her, and the waterworks
began. God straight up answered my prayer. Of this whole huge
building, I sat beside one woman who was bold enough to reach out to
me. I firmly believe this was Gods doings. After an amazing service,
she spent time talking with me and introducing me to people. I was
instantly welcomed into this place with open arms. I saw all different
kinds of people here too, which made my heart happy. All races, colors,
genders, tattoos, young, old.you name it! This was a place for ALL of
Gods children. I felt like I was home at last. This place became my
church home. God has answered my prayers and led me to a church,
and has given me amazing sisters, I was longing for them so much.
Later that week, I went to Michaels for some jewelry tags, and
the cashier noticed my necklace that I was wearing. I had just made it,
and it said I am with you always and it had a cross on it. She was a
precious, bubbly young lady, and she said I love your necklace! I heard
a voice in my head that said take it off and give it to her. So I did. I
took it off and handed it to her and said Here ya go! Its yours! She
was so sweet and thanked me. I had signed up to do a craft show the
next day, with a bunch of different vendors. It was a first time run
for this show, so it wasnt super busy. This one lady was browsing my
jewelry, and this look came across her face. She looked at me with a
smile and said Did you happen to be at Michaels last night?! I assumed
she was in line with me, haha. I said Yes I was! She said, Did you happen
to give a cashier a necklace? Yes, that was me!! She looked so shocked,
and she said Oh my gosh, that girl is my daughter!! I want to thank
you so much for doing that for her! She called me right after she got
off and was so excited to tell me about it. She had just lost her
grandparents and she has been having a rough time. My heart just
froze. How can this be?! The population in Murfreesboro is 117,000!! How
did this girls mother end up here, in this tiny little craft show, in my
tiny little jewelry booth. Not only that, but her mom had a friend with
her. We connected as well, and we became friends on facebook. She
invited me to a Moms Group, and come to find out she goes to the
Experience Church as well! This all came down to be a sweet little
message from God. I felt like He was letting me know that He is right
here with me, and is directing me on my path.

I had been reading my bible, and trying to figure out what I

needed to do to get my life back on track. Something was missing, and
I wasnt sure what it was. Then I came across this verse in Acts 11:16
And I remembered the word of the Lord, how he said, John baptized
with water, but you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit. And as soon
as I read that, the seed was planted in my heart that I wanted to be
baptized again. I was baptized when I was around 14 or 15, but I only did
it because I thought I had to in order to go to heaven. I was naieve, and
although my heart was good, I didnt fully comprehend what was
happening. I prayed about this and asked God to lead me. Well that
weekend at my new church, was a baptism weekend where they have
the tubs out and ready. Ryan went with me to church for the first
time that morning, on June 5, 2016. After the sermon, I was praying for
God to give me clarity and to let me know if this is what I needed to
do. In my head, clear as day, I heard Do it, and lead by example. I got
up and went to be baptized. I was walking to get changed and I was
trembling because I was so excited to have a new beginning. When I
came out of the bathroom, there stood my friend, in tears and going
to get changed to be baptized. I was so happy that I just started
crying! I got in the tub to be baptized, and the pastor told me I dont
know why, but I feel like I need to tell you that after this, ALL of your
sins will be forgiven, they will be gone for good. You will also face some
difficult times, but dont worry. You will now have the Holy Spirit within
you and you can overcome everything. Its so funny that he said that,
not only because I was seeking the Holy Spirit, but because in my head
I had secretly thought that I did not deserve Gods love and mercy. I
was SO WRONG! After I was baptized, I got out of the tub, and there
stood my friends dad. He also got in line to be baptized. We both were
in tears and just thankful for this beautiful moment. I also notice my
sweet husband had tears in his eyes as well. All I could do was thank
God over and over.
After I was baptized, literally everything about me changed. If
youre not a believer, you will probably think that I am crazy, but just
hear me out. This was a supernatural event. I dont know a better way
to phrase it. Everything I hated about the old Jen was gone. I didnt
have any resentment towards anything, or anyone. I didnt hate
myself anymore. I didnt have the desire to listen to my favorite music
anymore, or watch the same tv series on Netflix. I didnt even talk the
same way. Habits that I had for years were instantly GONE. I didnt
even look at people the same way. My heart that had been hardened

by the world, was now softened and I was filled with an unexplainable
pure joy. I was in complete peace. I had been praying for these things
to happen, by the way. God came through for all of it. But the best
part, is that I no longer grieved the death of my Papa. All of the pain
and agony of his passing was GONE. I knew he was in heaven, and now I
was jealous of him! I began to reach out to people that I felt like I
needed to apologize to, and ask them to forgive me. I sincerely do not
want anyone to have any harsh feelings towards me. I had forgiven
every single person that had ever hurt me, because God showed me
the person that I was, and he washed away from me all of the sin
and pain. Some of the things he took away from me, I had been holding
onto for YEARS! I would cry almost every night over some of these
issues, and the pain was just GONE. How could I EVER hold a grudge
after that? It is impossible. I had just received the greatest gift of all
time. I was set free and I had received forgiveness. I truly felt like I
was a newborn.
After baptism, things began to happen. I got down on my knees
and I completely surrendered my life to God. I truly wanted to do his
will for my life. He had just completely changed everything about me. I
began to pray in ways that I never knew I could. Words and tears
would just flow from me. Words that were, quite honestly, too
spiritually advanced for me. I was praying with my heart and soul. I
havent ever known how to explain this to anyone, but I was also given
this unexplainable sense of urgency. I told a few people, and they didnt
know either and smile and say Im so happy that you found God, but I
knew it was much more than that. I had this completely overwhelming
sense of urgency, and I also felt like there was something I needed to
do, like there was about to be a task for me. I casually prayed about
it, but I mostly just shrugged it off. I wasnt used to this, it was all so
new to me. I was just now beginning to understand that being a Christ
follower is so much more than just going to church on Sundays. I was
beginning to learn that I can actually have a personal relationship with
GOD! And that he longs for his children to talk to him!
Then the night of August 15, 2016, I had my first dream. I had a
very real and vivid dream, it was unlike many of my other dreams. As
soon as I woke up, I wrote the dream down. I have never recorded a
dream before. I dreamed that I was in a hospital, visiting a friend that
was a patient there. All of a sudden, I hear gunshots being fired. It
was machine guns rounds and rounds of shots being fired. I could
hear people screaming and panic began to happen, people were running

around and screaming. I ran out of the room, and nurses were
screaming RUN!!!! They are here to kill Christians!! I thought to myself
ok time to run, because I will not deny God. I took off running, dodging
bullets, and somehow managing to get into an elevator. The door closed
as bullets were flying towards me. I found an exit door, and took off
running. I could hear the shots being fired and the screaming in the
background. I felt like I was being followed as I ran into a wooded area.
Suddenly, this older pickup truck came up, and he said GET IN!! I got in
the truck, and I felt like I was at peace, and I knew that I was safe. The
man looked at me and said, You know what is happening, dont you?
and I said NO!! What is going on? and he put his arm on my back and
said in a loving tone It is the end of the world. I instantly woke up. I
wrote the dream down, just so I wouldnt forget it, because it was so
real. The man in the truck, I dont know who he was supposed to be,
but he was safety.
I had my first dream of my Papa the following night, on August
16. I knew I was dreaming, so I took full advantage of seeing him and I
asked him as many questions as I could. He was so healthy looking, and
his body had a glow to it. He was smiling from ear to ear! I said Hey
Papa! I miss you so much, will I be seeing you again? He said Yes! I said
Like, really really soon? He giggled and said oh yes, soon. I remember
being shocked at his answer and so I asked Wait, will I be WITH you
when I see you again, and will be together again? He laughed a loving
laugh and said YES! And soon! He faded away and that was the last
time I saw him. Im not saying this dream had much significance, but I
genuinely felt like this was a different kind of dream, since I knew I
was dreaming and I consciously asked him those questions. Plus, it
was the first time I got to see him since he passed, and it was

Unfortunately, I had several more dreams about the end times,

and I didnt write them down. I blew them off. My husband and I joked
about them and we said that I needed to stop eating sweets before
bed. The only thing I remember about them, is each one I am pleading
and begging people to wake up! and to pray to God and repent of
their sins. I am literally on my knees crying and begging people to
accept Jesus into their hearts. Its always at the very last moment
before the end of the world.

On August 22


, I was at the kitchen sink washing one of my

sons cups. Theres a tree directly in front of the kitchen window. I

looked up, and suddenly this giant massive hawk landed directly in
front of my face, and just stared into my eyes. I froze. I yelled for
Ryan to come and look at it, and after a minute of him landing, the
instant that Ryan got to the window, he flew away and we couldnt
find him. Naturally, I had to Google this occurrence. I clicked on the very
first link, and this is what I immediately read:

Blessings, blessings and more blessings. You have been blessed. Give
thanks. . . . Hawk is a messenger of the Creator/God. The Hawk wants
you to be aware the Creator is speaking to you. Take notice. Only you
know what the message is. . . in fact, you already know (even if you
dont realize it yet). God is sending you a message. . . but it is for you.
Be aware; take notice. (People often think this is a negative, as if
awareness is negative; it simply means not to be oblivious to your
surroundings & dreams).
So yeah. Ok. I will start paying attention to my dreams then! A hawk
in this tree staring directly at me is just too odd to not question it.
Disclaimer: I am not saying that hawks are really messengers of God. I
am just saying that I believe God (who knows me exceptionally well)
knew that once I saw that hawk, I was going to Google it. I clicked on
the first thing, which just happened to say God is trying to send you
a message, pay more attention to your dreams. God always has a
plan, I cant deny this anymore!

I had a few other dreams on September 23



& 25 , but they

arent really worth mentioning on here.

The next dream is the one that REALLY shook me. I had this

dream on September 28 . I dreamed that I was in a very large house

that had been boarded up. The windows and doors had wooden planks
nailed across them. There was stock piles of food and supplies laying
around. There was some sort of natural disaster that the house had
been prepped for. I was walking around the lowest level of the house,
disgusted at the people who were drinking and throwing a party. There
was loud music and flashing lights, and these people didnt seem to
have a care in the world. I, however, knew what was about to happen.

This wasnt a random natural disaster, it was going to be the beginning

of the end of the world. I was walking about like that crazy Jesus
Freak person, begging people to listen to me. I was pleading for them
to just pray with me for our safety. I asked people to at least just
pray to ask for forgiveness of their sins. What harm could it do?!
Every single person flat out ignored me. Not one person prayed with
me. I was in great distress from this, and I went outside to pray. I
remember looking up and I saw it this MASSIVE cloud of smoke and
fire and lightning in the horizon, and it was moving swiftly towards us.
The best way I can describe this cloud is that something made it, it
was from an impact, and this was the after effect. As soon as I saw
it in my dream, I was given the knowledge that it was Gods wrath. I
started running back into the house, and some people took off running
to this wooded area on a hill. I got into the house, crying uncontrollably,
I began screaming at the people to get on their knees and pray. I was
grabbing people by their shirts and throwing them down on the
ground, begging them to pray and repent! I did this to as many people
as I could, and still, nobody listened. I had never felt this type of pain
before. I was experiencing true anguish for these lost souls. I got face
down on the floor, and prayed to God, I asked him to please forgive
them and have mercy on them. I prayed for him to forgive me of all
my sins. Then the giant clouds impacted the house, and it shook with
great force, and I woke up.
I immediately wrote this dream down. I began to pray like I
have never prayed in my life. Tears were rolling down my face as I
prayed in ways that I didnt know I was capable of. All of my thoughts
gathered together and left my mouth effortlessly, which is something
that I have always struggled with. Not this time. I prayed for my
pastor and co pastor. I begged for God to give them the same sense
of urgency that I have, if this is indeed his doings. I prayed for my
entire church, for every church in our city, state, and country. Then I
prayed for every country and the Church as a whole to come
together as one. I prayed for so much, I cant even remember it all. I
then prayed for God to give me wisdom and knowledge to help me help
others NOW, because I didnt want to be screaming at people at the
very last second, I wanted to be able to help them NOW! Now, my
worst nightmare is not helping anyone to know God, and seeing them
refuse to pray on the last day. I needed God to give me supernatural
wisdom, because I knew I had to do this, and I have to act fast. I also
asked God to please give me clarity on these dreams. Are these

dreams from Him? Are they true? I even asked Him if I was just eating
too much sugar at night. Even though, I hadnt even eaten dinner
before bed for this dream. I knew it wasnt from food. I was praying
so hard and with so much emotion, that I threw up. My heart was
hurting that bad. I know thats kind of embarrassing but it lets you
know how serious I was. I ended the prayer by asking God to answer
me through his word. I was going to immediately open up my bible, and
he needed to answer me. I needed clarity and understanding.
I wrapped up my prayer, and I grabbed my bible. I closed my
eyes and had faith that my prayer would be answered. I immediately
opened my bible, and my eyes went straight to this verse: 2 Chronicles
1:11-12 (God was answering king Solomons prayer) Because this was in
your heart, and you have not asked for possessions, wealth, honor, or
the life of those who hate you, and have not even asked for long life,
but have asked for wisdom and knowledge for yourself that you may
govern my people over whom I have made you kind, wisdom and
knowledge are granted to you. YOU GUYS, I am not even joking around.
God straight up answered me through this verse. When I was praying
to him, not even once did I pray for myself, except asking for WISDOM
AND KNOWLEDGE. Honestly, I froze with a little bit of fear as soon as I
read that, because it was like one of those moments when I KNEW God
was real and he HEARD my prayer! I thanked him for granting me the
desires of my heart. Then, I said out loud, ok, so what about these
dreams? Are they really from you? Instantly I heard the word
Zephaniah. I am embarrassed to say, but I didnt know what that was.
I had to look it up. Apparently, its like the least known book of the
bible, its a small book too. I honestly didnt even know it was a book of
the bible. I went to it and what I read, had me frozen in fear yet again.
The whole book is a prophecy of the end times. The words I read,
described the images in my head exactly. Clouds of smoke and fire
etc. Due to my lack of writing skills, I am going to copy paste from a
website what Zephaniah is about.

The theme of the book is the Day of the Lord. Despite the fact that
Zephaniah warns Judah of impending doom, the prophecy is dual, and
the major fulfillment of his prophecy is yet future. Although the
prophets pronouncements focus on Jerusalem, nations nearby
(Assyria, Ethiopia, Moab and Ammon) and all other nations of the earth
are included in the warnings (Zephaniah 1:2-3; 3:6, 8, 20).

This book points forward to the dramatic and earthshaking events

that will unfold before the return of Christ to the earth (1:9, 15-18).
When these major prophecies come to pass, it will be better to be
hidden in the day of the Lords anger (2:3) than to be in the midst of
what occurs when God intervenes and brings righteous judgment on
Gods indignation will be poured out on all nations, and none will escape:
My determination is to gather the nations to My assembly of
kingdoms, to pour on them My indignation, all My fierce anger; all the
earth shall be devoured with the fire of My jealousy (3:8, emphasis
added throughout). Gods anger will be felt worldwide.
Here is the link to the entire article, please read it!!

Family and friends, brothers and sisters, strangers and all people This
is why I have taken time to write out my story. How could I possibly
ignore this? I have never, ever, been so sure of something before. This
sense of urgency that I was given, and didnt understand; now all
makes sense. I feel with all of my heart that God is urging me to warn
people. Please dont think I am crazy. I could have never made this up, I
am not that smart, lol. Nor do I have time! I didnt even want to write
this, but I couldnt even work on my jewelry orders because the words I
was going to write were being spoken in my head, and I couldnt
concentrate on making my orders. I had to stop what I was doing and
write this. I was nervous because I DO NOT WRITE, I hate it! But this has
been the easiest thing I have ever written, I havent even had to think
about it. I completely believe it is because God wanted me to write
down my story, and share it with others. This isnt even all of it.
Theres so many more amazing occurrences that are too amazing to
be coincidences. Something actually happened yesterday, God showed

me that the very first dream I had (and forgot about), on June 6 ,
the day after I was baptized, came true. My very first dream came
true. I wrote it down, but forgot about it, and just found it yesterday.
I cant write it on here due to its nature, but if you want to know
about it, please message me and I will tell you. If you feel like my story
has touched your heart, please please reach out to me. I would love to
have you over for dinner or meet up with you to talk.

I believe that religion is the downfall of being a true Christ

follower. Religion has destroyed many things and people. Please dont
base your ideas of following Jesus and believe in God based on other
people. Please, I beg you. Open your heart and search for yourself. He
will come to an open and willing heart and show you that he is there,
and he has been by your side all along.

I truly believe that Jesus is coming, and soon. I think its safe
to say that most people, believers and non believers, can see just how
evil this world has become.
If you read this and you think I am a complete lunatic, thats ok. I
have already prayed for you. Just please dont try to publicly
humiliate me, because I am doing all of this from pure love.
I want to encourage you all to think deeply about it. Do you feel like
something is missing in your life? Are you happy, but lacking that true
joy? Do you have things in the past that are still bothering you to this
day? Do you live with regret, anger, depression, anxiety and fear? God
can and will take all of this away from you, just as he did for me. He
will also give you a purpose for your life. I dont know about you but
purposelessness is one of the worst feelings out there! We were all
created in the image of God, and he loves us so much, and he wants
us to have the best life possible. He already has everything planned
out for us. You just have to seek Him and His will. All of your hardships,
all of the painful memories, even all of your happiest moments in life
are reasons that God hopes you will turn to Him. I am proof of this!
My greatest sorrow in life so far has been losing my Papa. We were
extremely close. But now, I was set free from that pain. I know he is in
Heaven. Because of his death, my greatest sorrow is now the
pathway that led me to my greatest joy, and that is the hope and
faith that I have in Jesus. I am truly a new person and I am forever
grateful. I have never been this happy and full of joy in all my life. All
the glory goes to God!
I love you all. God bless!

PS: God also led me to this passage! It really hits home with me, since I
am having these dreams.
Acts 2: 17-21
In the last days, God says,
I will pour out my Spirit on all people.
Your sons and daughters will prophesy,
your young men will see visions,
your old men will dream dreams.

Even on my servants, both men and women,

I will pour out my Spirit in those days,
and they will prophesy.


I will show wonders in the heavens above

and signs on the earth below,
blood and fire and billows of smoke.


The sun will be turned to darkness

and the moon to blood
before the coming of the great and glorious day of the Lord.


And everyone who calls

on the name of the Lord will be saved.

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