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Universidad de La Salle

Facultad de ciencias de la educacin

Lic. en lengua castellana, ingls y francs
nfasis II: Literacies and ELT
Second Term Project
English Sample Unit

Names and codes: Paola Andrea Prez Bohrquez (26131135), Angie Marcela Quintero Suarez (26131097), Natalia Andrea Alvarez
(26131113), Juan Felipe Barbosa (26112101)
Case 2 Population: Business people, private institute in Bogota.
Number of students: 13 (8 men and 5 women)
Age: 30 to 50 years old.
Classroom characteristics: The room is not spacious and looks cozy.
Equipment and internet available all the time. U-Shaped desk arrangement.
Classes are from 6:00 am to 6:45 a.m.
They study three times a week: Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.
Most students have masters degrees or specializations. Students mostly like working individually or in pairs.
Language level: Students are able to understand a wide range of demanding, longer texts, and recognize implicit meaning. They can
express themselves fluently and spontaneously without much obvious searching for expressions. They can use language flexibly and
effectively for social, academic and professional purposes. They can produce clear, well-structured, detailed text on complex subjects,
showing controlled use of organizational patterns, connectors and cohesive devices.

Unit overview
This unit is aimed to business professionals that want to deepen
better with the corporate topic. Through a reading that guide
each of the unit work, students will be able to distinguish
different elements and improve their vocabulary on the subject,
discovering examples of the reality in the industry.
There will be a series of individual or duo task, that will be
necessary to continue with the following topics.
Also we have to integrate different types of literacies when the
students are in their classes or completing assignments or
The main theme of the unit will be the strategy in business and
how it helps to have a companies profitability and a high-level
The final assessment, individually or by pairs, is that the students
are going to present a short virtual magazine where they can
show and externalize all the concepts and main ideas that they
will use in their daily work. They are going to mix the theorical
concepts with company's experiences that they can share in the

Overall aims or objectives (Language, communication and

-Students will be able to identify certain technical vocabulary in
-They will be able to express these terms in real situations.
- The students will learn about a topic that they can apply in their
working and professional lives.

Anticipated Problems
The first problem that appear, it is the issue of the time. The time
of the class it is so short, just 45 minutes; on the other hand the
class starts at 6am so it is so early, maybe they would arrive late
to attend the class. Also, they have other commitment, it could be
that let the class previously.
Other trouble it could be the knowledge about business. They are
business people with masters degrees or specialization about the
topic, according to this you as a teacher need to read so much
about the topic, and the class could be boring to the students for
your basic knowledge.
They do not like to work by groups, students mostly like
working individually or in pairs, they do not enjoy big groups
and this is a big problem because does not allow a well
cooperative learning.
Finally, they are adults students that would not enjoy dynamic or
ridiculous activities, they need to learn a specific topic.


Lesson 1.

Lesson 2


In the first session the students are going
to familiarize with basic concepts
To remember and to reinforce the basic
concepts of marketing and so give an
introduction to the development of the
magazine; students begin the first page of
the magazine with the basic concepts
about marketing, then they will seek a
striking image to identify the above
concepts" Also the students will get an
idea of what a company strategy is and
how different industries adapt it.
At first, the teacher is going to use a basic
reading across all the learning process that
will help the students focus their ideas in
As an assignment students must think
about the name that they wanted to have
in their magazines.
With the previous knowledge about
marketing strategies, and the new
knowledge acquired with the text "what is
strategy" students will make a comparison
between two images of the most

Harvard Business Review. 2016. What Is
Strategy?. [ONLINE] Available at:
Broadly this article is about how
companies change and apapt their
strategies to have a positional advantages
face it to the rivals.

Harvard Business Review. 2016. What Is

Strategy?. [ONLINE] Available at:

representative companies in the world.

Taking into account what type of
marketing they wanted to have on their
magazine, and they will start the
introduction of the magazine, the topics
they want to choose.
In the second session students should have
clear the different sections of their
Lesson 3

According to the previous activity, the

students already worked in the
improvement of their skills in the analysis
of marketing strategies of big companies.
Now they are going to focus their
attention in the content that they want to
include; in the previous lesson, they had
chosen specific topics, but now they have
to enrich their project. It means that they
are going to search sources that give them
theoretical content, but they have to relate
those sources with some personal
experiences or experiences with their
In the third session, the students should

YouTube. 2016. Making sense of

marketing in the digital age: Mike
Osswald at TEDxToledo - YouTube.
[ONLINE] Available at:
This video shows the diferent points that
you have to take into account when you
are part os the merchandising industry,
and what is the importance of all of them

Harvard Business Review. 2016. What Is

Strategy?. [ONLINE] Available at:
Forbes Welcome. 2016. 5 Business
Strategies You Need to Know About in
2015.[ONLINE] Available

This article shows a personal experience
and examples that the students can include
in their project, from a magazine that is
specialized in business in United States,

Lesson 4

have the structure of the magazine with

the main ideas that are going to
complement it.
Students will finish the structure of the
magazine, they going to create a different
conclusions about the previous topic,
therefore, students can use the different
readings and new knowledge for the
realization of these conclusions.
The main purpose is that the students
promote their skills in this project,
because the ideal is creation of a new
educational magazine that can be helpful
to other students.
For the next class, students have to finish
the draft.

Lesson 5

In this final lesson, the students have

already worked in their project and they
just have to present what they have, for
just some corrections in grammar,
structures, magazine organization and
final design details.

called Forbes, This is a little sample of

what they can do and how o develop their
wikiHow. 2016. How to Make a
Magazine: 10 Steps (with Pictures) wikiHow. [ONLINE] Available
In this web page the students could find
some instructions and tips to complete
their magazines and how to make them
Magazine Designing. 2016. Magazine
Designing. [ONLINE] Available
In this web page students have the
possibility to create their own magazine
model, It gives them font types, design
ideas, interesting images.
Marketing. 2016. Marketing. [ONLINE]
Available at:
http://www.marketingmag.ca/. [Accessed
19 October 2016].
With this web page students will be able
to have an example and guide to present
their magazine about topics like

Pedagogical and theoretical rationale
This didactic unit is based mostly according this text. The
author Summey, D. (2013) raises the theory about emergent
literacies, into this group many kind of literacies but it takes
into account the media literacy, multiliteracies, multimedia
literacy, information literacy, visual literacy and digital

According to the author ideas, " the knowledge and use of

language concerning the visual, gestural, audio and spatial
dimensions of communication, including computer-mediatedcommunication". Related to this, it take into account the
grammar of visual desing, it would be base some lessons of
this unit with this, because it knows that the visual issue is an
important element to make a magazine, as the author says
"visual language is not transparent and universally
understood; it is culturally specific. (Kress and van Leeuwen,
2006, as cited by Bezerra, 2011, p.169).


Summey, D. (2013). Developing digital literacies. A framework for professional learning. USA: CORWIN A Sage company.
BELT Journal Porto Alegre v.2 n.2 p. 167-177 julho/dezembro 2011

Harvard Business Review. 2016. What Is Strategy?. [ONLINE] Available at: https://hbr.org/1996/11/what-is-strategy.

YouTube. 2016. Making sense of marketing in the digital age: Mike Osswald at TEDxToledo - YouTube. [ONLINE] Available
at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m_KX_vxVsJc.

Forbes Welcome. 2016. 5 Business Strategies You Need to Know About in 2015.[ONLINE] Available

wikiHow. 2016. How to Make a Magazine: 10 Steps (with Pictures) - wikiHow. [ONLINE] Available

Magazine Designing. 2016. Magazine Designing. [ONLINE] Available at:http://www.magazinedesigning.com/.

Marketing. 2016. Marketing. [ONLINE] Available at: http://www.marketingmag.ca/. [Accessed 19 October 2016].

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