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excelncia em educao




Data: 02/06/2012

Dbora Toledo


Valor da Prova:

40 pontos

Orientaes gerais:
1) Nmero de questes desta prova: 12
2) Valor das questes: Abertas (4): 6,0 pontos cada. Fechadas (8): 2,0 pontos cada.
3) Provas feitas a lpis ou com uso de corretivo no tm direito reviso.
4) Aluno que usar de meio ilcito na realizao desta prova ter nota zerada e conceituao
5) Tpicos desta prova:
- Personal Pronouns
- Verb to be
- Demonstrative Pronouns
- Prepositions of place
- Plural
1 Questo: Observe a figura e complete as frases com Prepositions of Place.
a) There is a cat
b) There is a ball
c) The chair is
d) The book is
e) There is a wastebasket
f) The umbrella is
g) The book is

the table.
the cat.
the table
the table.
the table.
the wastebasket.
the pen and the apple.

2 Questo: O plural das palavras box, body, foot e thief , respectivamente:

a) boxes, bodies, feet, thieves
b) boxs, bodies, foots, thieves
c) boxes, bodys, feet, thiefes
d) boxes, bodies, foots, thiefs
e) boxs, bodies, feet, thiefs
3 Questo: Escolha o melhor Demonstrative Pronoun para completar as frases abaixo:

2 P. P. / Ingls / Dbora / 6 / Pg. 1


flower is lilac.

2 P. P. / Ingls / Dbora / 6 / Pg. 2


flowers are red.

c) flower is yellow.


flowers are pink.

4 Questo: Leia o texto abaixo:

A beautiful farm
Today is Saturday. It`s a sunny morning. My family and I are on a farm. There is a
comfortable house. Beside the house, there are high trees. In front of the house there is a big
swimming pool. There are also a lot of animals here. I can see the animals of the farm. There are a
cow, an ox, a peacock, a turkey, a pig, a duck, and a sheep. There are birds and a parrot too. The
parrot is on the tree. The birds are on the tree, too. Life here is wonderful!
Vocabulary: sunny: ensolarado; high: alto; tree: rvore; swimming pool: piscina; also: tambm;
too: tambm
a) D o plural das palavras retiradas do texto: cow, ox, turkey, sheep.
b) Traduza as palavras em negrito no texto.
c) Responda: Onde esto os pssaros?
d) O que h em frente casa?
e) E ao lado da casa?
f) Responda em Ingls: Where is the family?

5 Questo: Observe a figura e assinale a alternativa incorreta:

a) The girl is on the table.

b) The mouse is under the table.
c) The chair is beside the table.
d) The girl is behind the table.
e) The table is beside the chair.

6 Questo: Leia as frases abaixo:

Do you like
I like
This book is not very good, but

book is great.

Os pronomes que completam os espaos nas frases so, respectivamente:

a) those this - that
b) this this - that
c) those these - those
d) those this - these
e) that these - that
7 Questo: Complete os espaos vazios do pargrafo abaixo com personal pronouns e assinale
a alternativa correta.

is Alisson, _

am Jane. I have two brothers, Brian and Brad.

is a good mother. My father is Jack and

are students. My mother

is a doctor.

are a very happy family.

a) I, you, she, they, we
b) You, they, she, he, we
c) They, I, he, she, we
d) I, they, he, she, we
e) I, they, she, he, we
8 Questo: My sharpener, eraser and pen are in my pencil case. Traduza as palavras grifadas:
a) apontador, borracha, caneta
b) apontador, borracha, lpis
c) borracha, apontador, lpis
d) borracha, apontador, caneta
e) rgua, borracha, lpis
9 Questo: Leia o texto:

My classroom

Hi! I am Ellen. I am ten years old. I am in the

5 grade. My school is very big. There is a beautiful
garden in front of my school. There are a lot of trees,
bushes and leaves in the garden.
My classmates are nice and talkative. My
classroom is very big. It`s beside the director`s
office. Anne is my best friend. She is very intelligent.
She is a good student too. Edward is my classmate
too. He is not a good student but he is very nice.
My desk is between Anne and Edward. We are
in the English class now. Our books and our
dictionary are on our desks.
Vocabulary: There is: h; talkative: comunicativo;
best: melhor; too: tambm; now: agora; our: nosso (s/a/as); classmate: colega

D respostas completas em Ingls:

a) Where is Ellen now?

b) How old is Ellen?

c) Who is Ellen`s best friend?

Responda em Portugus:

d) Onde fica a sala de Ellen?

e) Onde Ellen se senta?
f) Como so os colegas de Ellen?
g) Passe as palavras abaixo para o singular e traduza:
10 Questo: Qual o plural das palavras sublinhadas nas frases?
The goose and the sheep are beautiful.
There is a church in this city.
The child is at school with that man.
a) geese churchs cities children - man
b) gooses churches cities childs - men
c) geese churchs cities children - mans
d) geese churches cities children - men
e) gooses churches citys children - men
11 Questo: Complete as frases e marque a resposta certa.

the pet. I
_ the master.
The most important thing in your life is your master`s voice.
you listening?
a) am are are
b) is am is
c) are am are
d) is am is
e) are are are

12 Questo: As frases abaixo esto no plural:

The calves are funny.
Our lives are blessed.
O singular de cada palavra sublinhada , respectivamente:
a) calf, live
b) calve, life
c) calve, live
d) calf, life
e) calv, life

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