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Best Astrology Compatibility Guide.

Learn the Horoscope, the Zodiac
Signs, Find Your Spirit and Your Star

By Anton Romanov

Copyright 2015 by Anton Romanov

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Table of Contents
Table of Contents..................................................................................................3
Chapter 1: Unfolding the Mysteries of Astrology................................................5
Chapter 2: Aries the Ram.....................................................................................8
Chapter 3: Taurus the Bull..................................................................................12
Chapter 4: Gemini the Twins..............................................................................16
Chapter 5: Cancer the Crab................................................................................20
Chapter 6: Leo the Lion......................................................................................24
Chapter 7: Virgo the Maiden..............................................................................28
Chapter 8: Libra the Scale..................................................................................32
Chapter 9: Scorpio the Scorpion........................................................................36
Chapter 10: Sagittarius the Centaur..................................................................39
Chapter 11: Capricorn the Mountain Goat.........................................................42
Chapter 12: Aquarius the Water Bearer.............................................................45
Chapter 13: Pisces the Fish................................................................................48
Want Free Books?...............................................................................................52
My Other Books:.................................................................................................52

Despite having a vague image of who he is, there will always be aspects of
himself to which a person is blind. Wise and successful people make it a point
.to identify these aspects
Knowledge of ones strengths and weaknesses allows a more sound evaluation
of situations. Not all opportunities, after all, produce the same positive results
for everyone, and at the same time, not all characteristics, despite bearing a
clear conscience, can work harmoniously together. Like a pebble thrown on
water, these little things will resonate far into the life of a person. One must
.have sufficient wisdom to know how each ripple will affect his life
In simpler terms, knowing oneself will harbor great wisdom, which will then
result in better life choices, and thus success. Kings, emperors, pharaohs, and
other great leaders of the past have relied on astrology to guide them and their

Chapter 1: Unfolding the Mysteries of


The Rise of Astrology

Great minds of ancient civilizations observed the heavens and discovered a
pattern. They found out stars are fixed, the moon has cycles, and planetary
.revolutions are predictable. This in-depth study resulted in the calendar
Along with its invention was the inception of astrology. Just like it affects the
rise and fall of seas or the blooming and wilting of plants, the ancients
believed the movements of heavenly bodies contribute to the forming of
.peoples personalities. At the same time, foretell events and shifts in moods
Whats amazing with this esoteric science is how it did not blossom in a single
civilization. The Mayans, Egyptians, Chinese, and Indians each developed
their own systems and signs, despite having vague awareness of each other at
the time. And for over five thousand years, it contributed to the fields of
science, alongside meteorology, alchemy, astrology, and medicine. It was
viewed with high regard, treated as a scholarly tradition, and was used as an
essential decision making tool by ancient leaders. In essence, it played a
significant part in forming the modern globalized civilization and continues to
.fascinate people around the world today

Astrology in Modern Society and as a Science

Though modern science dismiss astrology as, to put it simply, nonsense, its
long and noble history is difficult to deny. Its conception in different
civilizations cannot be accounted to mere coincidence. Although different
cultures produced different signs and animal representations, their basis
.remained the same, the heavenly bodies
According to mainstream scientists, there is no way to test astrologys validity.
Because of this reason, even without exploring ways to do so, they shunned it.
Its not yet proven, but gravity could be the scientific answer to astrology that
.everyone else is missing
Why gravity? Its because every heavenly body has it and casts their own
effects on earth. Since the moon is the closest, its effect is the most observable.
The moons gravity pulls the earths seas and oceans. This is why, when
.observed by the beach, the sea will rise and fall within a day
If large bodies of waters can be influenced by an object hundreds of thousands
of kilometers away in space, it is possible it can affect mankind as well. The
.human body, after all, is seventy percent water
One possible reason humans barely feel these effects is because they are
animals ruled by logic. Mankind has established several social etiquettes and
going against these makes one improper. This negative view can result in
unfavorable circumstances. Other species, on the other hand, have less strict
social rules and can express their drive any time it hits them. When the moon
.is full, for example, wolves are more driven to howl and mate

Another thing to consider is how low the moons gravity is compared to other
planets. Gravity is often determined by the planets mass. Since Jupiter is the
largest in the solar system, it has the heaviest pull. If compared with earths
gravity, its gravity is 2.4 times more. This means if a person weighs 100kg on
.earth, on Jupiter he would be 240kg
Despite its distance, it is not impossible the herculean planet has its own pull
on earth and, thus, humans. The same goes for other planets and heavenly
.bodies in the solar system
Gravity, however, is a force humans have much to understand. Until today,
scientists are still baffled by how it affects everything, including time and
space or if it even affects these two at all. What can be assured is astrology
should not be easily dismissed as baseless divination. Yes, it does remain
shrouded in mystery, but there could be a science behind it yet to be

Western Zodiac vs. Chinese Zodiac

Of all the horoscopes developed in the last five thousand years, only two
remained prominent across the globe, the Chinese and the Western Zodiac.
Some contemporary astrologers combine the two to provide a more in-depth
reading of a person. Most horoscope followers, on the other hand, choose only
.one system to follow
There are major differences between the two. The unlikeness of the cultures
caused the two horoscopes to have no resemblance at all. Depending on a
.persons beliefs or traditions, one will always weigh more against the other

Animal Signs


Both horoscopes have the same number of zodiac signs but are
represented by dissimilar animals or figures. The Chinese based their
spirits on myth, whereas in Western astrology, each are represented by
.a constellation

Each constellation rules over the skies for a whole month. Believing the
formation of planets and stars causes an unexplainable impact on a
persons psyche. Western zodiacs are arranged on a month-to-month
Each Chinese zodiac, on the other hand, dominates an entire year. This
is due to the Eastern cultures emphasis on differences between


Calendar Differences


The reason the Chinese New Year is celebrated on a different and

inconsistent date is because the Chinese calendar follows the phases of
the moon. The month will always begin with a new moon, and a
.complete cycle lasts for approximately 29 days
The calendar being internationally followed today is based on the
earths revolution around the sun. This is the same calendar followed
.by Western astrology, thus, dates for each zodiac sign is fixed

From these, its evident how culture greatly influenced Chinese astrology.
.Furthermore, the moon has played a bigger part than any other celestial body
Western astrology, on the other hand, took every movement and body into the
equation. Although there is no such thing as more accurate, Western
astrology will be followed and expounded in this book. Not only will it level
with the currently dominating calendar, American audiences connect more to
.this system

Chapter 2: Aries the Ram

Born Between March 21 and April 19
Element: Fire
Ruling Planet: Mars

:Personal Traits
Just like its element, an Aries is full of life and energy. At the same time, they
can be warm but also hot tempered and impulsive. Whenever they are within a
crowd, however, they will always be the brightest. Whether they are displaying
their abilities, or simply being curious, they never fail to catch attention. Their
.tremendous optimism fuels this and keeps them from depression
As if living up to its animal sign, expect an Aries to take on any challenge.
Whether its intellectual or physical, they will take it on and win. Whenever
they feel a superior is less talented, however, they will be as stubborn as a ram.
A display of impatience and abruptness will prove their boss to be inferior. But
.if they are the leader, they will shine even brighter
When it comes to family and friends, Aries people never fail to offer
protection. Should they also come across a conflict and realize they are wrong,
.they would apologize without hesitation

:Career Compatibilities
:Ideal professions
Rescue worker, soldier, fireman, entrepreneur, government official,
anything involved in television and entertainment

The ram loves challenges, making them ideal employees for commissionbased jobs. They also get specially fired up when they have competition or
.when there are records to break. Bonuses also make great motivators
Another line that may appeal to people under this sign is advertising and
public relations. Their vibrant and outgoing nature will play a huge role in this
.profession, and they dont run short of either

For those leaning more to their brave and protective nature, they are best
suited for jobs that allow them to save people. Not only will every mission be a
.challenge, the ram will feel greatly rewarded by simply leading it to success

Love Compatibilities
Aries and Aries : Bad


The problem between these lovers is no one wants to be the lesser. Both
would want to dominate the other, and this will become the root of
quarrels in and out of the bedroom. The relationship will burn with
passion, however, and this will make the romance worthwhile. But the
.flames wont last long if neither of the two will sacrifice a bit of ego

Aries and Taurus : Bad


These two have very different tastes in the bedroom, despite both being
sensual. Aries are adventurous and will burn even more when different
sensual pleasures are explored. Taureans, however, are unimaginative
when it comes to sex, and this will become the source of the Aries'
sexual frustrations. Outside the bedroom, however, these two will
balance each other, because the bull is good at making money while the
ram is great at spending it. This love combination doesnt usually last
long, but if the Aries takes the lead in making love and appreciates the
.dependability of the bull, then it may work

Aries and Gemini : Perfect


Intellectual stimulation and mutual love for adventure will glue these
individuals together. Aries usually dominate the Gemini between the
sheets, but the twin is ingenious and discreet enough to peak the
pleasures of his or her partner and have his or her own satisfaction.
Should these two lovebirds take their relationship to the next level,
.marriage, then they can expect to have a very successful one

Aries and Cancer : Very Bad

The relationship will spark in great flames, because of sexual attraction,
but these two signs have completely different wants in life. The ram
cannot be easily tied down, while the crab yearns for home and hearth.
Soon enough, the attraction will go down the drain as arguments over
these differences worsen. As for marriage, it will be a stormy sail, and
.their love boat might as well be named Titanic II


Aries and Leo : Neutral


This love can either be a success or not, and it will depend on how both
can meet the emotional needs of the other. They both have the desire to
lead the relationship, because both are filled with ego and aggression,
and this will make the perfect foundation of their quarrels. But should
the ram share the limelight with the lion, which he or she would greatly
appreciate, and praise his or her physicality, then they can run a steady
.and long union

Aries and Virgo : Bad


There are a lot of things to work out between these two, and it all boils
down to differences in personality. Both will have to be patient to
succeed. For one, impulsive and aggressive Aries should allow the
maiden to take her time in revealing her enigmatic sexuality. And when
it comes to making plans, both should strive to compromise, instead of
arguing who will be the boss. Love, however, may run dry when the
.rams intrigue over the shy Virgo fades

Aries and Libra : Neutral


Attraction will be strong in the initial stages of dating. They will peak
each others interests because of opposing personalities. And what will
bring the relationship to the next level is the meeting of sensual
pleasures. But this connection will eventually die, because both will
.soon look for qualities that their partner doesnt have

Aries and Scorpio : Bad


If there is such a thing as bipolar love, Aries and Scorpio might just be
the very representation of it. When they can compromise, their sexual
relationship will be very sensual and stimulating. Otherwise, they will
both be plagued with countless disagreements rooted in too many

Aries and Sagittarius : Very Good

These two have similarities that wont clash, and will instead become
the foundation of a good relationship. Their spontaneity, tastes, and
inclination towards the good life will make their bond worthwhile. But


what makes them a good match is how they balance each others
temperament. The ram is optimistic, and his humor will douse the
centaurs inclination to argue. There will be a slight problem, however,
in the bedroom, because physical satisfactions might not be met. But
should this be overcome by the couple, their relationship will surely

Aries and Capricorn : Very Bad


This time, its their differences that will dampen the relationship. The
ram is fiery and impulsive, while the mountain goat is measured and
sanctimonious. Both will want to lead, but restless Aries will soon lose
enthusiasm because of Capricorn's pessimism. At the same time, the
latter will shudder at the extravagance of the ram. There is a high
likelihood that no romantic connection will take place in the first place.
But should it happen, marriage could be a better aim than a simple

Aries and Aquarius : Bad


When it comes to being the boss, Aries will get what he or she wants.
But the Aquarian isnt as sexually stimulated as the ram, and this can
bring the storms of the relationship. Furthermore, the water bearer is
quite unpredictable and emotional. If these two should hope for things
to work out, Aries should be more tactful, and at the same time, more

Aries and Pisces : Good

When the ram and the fish overcome their differences and
temperaments, their relationship can last to marriage. It will be
complex, however, because their elements, fire and water, dont really
mix. If Aries wants to dominate, it wouldnt be a problem because
Pisceans prefer having someone to lean on. As for love between the
sheets, the shy fish will intrigue the ram. But should sexual wishes be
.revealed, the rams excitement will burn even brighter


Chapter 3: Taurus the Bull

Born Between April 20 and May 20
Element: Earth
Ruling Planet: Venus

:Personal Traits
As expected from a sign ruled by Venus, the Taurus feels most alive when
surrounded by sensual pleasures. May it be food, sex, drink, or luxuries,
expect them to be drawn towards it. This also makes a good motivator,
because just like a bull, they will work hard for it. People under this sign are
peaceful. They never start the fight and are even slow to anger, but once they
.reach their limit, expect them to be volatile
Taureans love thinking things over. Whether in love or career, it will take time
before they realize who or what they want. Once they find the answer,
however, they will be in it for good. This dedication makes them great
companions, lovers and parents. At the same time, however, they will be
.stubborn enough to stay in it even when things are becoming shaky
As reflected by their element, this sign loves earth and nature. If they have a
choice, the country will make the perfect home. If not, however, they will find
ways to go on nature trips. Their grounded nature may not bring the spotlight
.on them, but their reputation is solid

:Career Compatibilities
:Ideal Professions
Chef, landscape artist, accountant, engineer, lawyer, educator

The bull is very grounded and with a sole aim for stability, and this nature
extends to their choice of profession. They would basically consider and take
on almost anything as long as the pay is worth the effort, and it comes with
.great benefits
They will excel in jobs that allow them to work with teams. Taureans are very
dependable because of their honesty, patience, and determination, and these
are the very traits that may lead them to the top. Apart from these traits,

working in any company that deals with luxury items (e.g. jewelry, food, and
.flowers) will suit the bull very much
Their one defining physical trait is their voice. Taureans often have loud and
.clear voices, making them ideal announcers or public speakers

:Love Compatibilities
Taurus and Aries : Bad


.See Chapter 2: Aries the Ram, Love Compatibilities for description

Taurus and Taurus : Neutral


Basically, this will be a very boring relationship. Both man and woman
are too grounded; no one will drag the other to adventure and
excitement. Furthermore, the man would prefer the company of guy
friends, while the woman wont tolerate lack of attention. They are both
hardworking, affectionate and loyal, and this could bind them together
.for a while, but marriage wont be a very good option

Taurus and Gemini : Bad


There will be curiosity on each others end, with the twin intrigued by
the bulls directness, and the latter charmed by the Gemini's bright
personality. This initial spark, however, will quickly vanish when they
begin seeing each others traits. Geminids are adventurous in nature
and wont easily stay settled in one place. The Taurean, on the other
hand, will want what the other doesnt, and this will cause frustration
on both sides. The scenario inside the bedroom isnt promising either.
The twin is playful and will change moods to satisfy his or her sexual
pleasures along with his or her partners. There will be a lack of
reaction from the bull, and this can kill whatever excitement the other

Taurus and Cancer : Good

Marriage will be a good prospect for these two lovebirds. The Taurus
wants stability, and it greatly answers the Cancer's need to settle down
and build a home. Furthermore, they are both affectionate and
passionate. The sensitive cancer wont feel unwanted under the bulls
attentiveness. When it comes to personality traits, whatever one lacks,
the other has as a strength, and this very aspect makes both perfect
complements of each other. Sex might be a bit complicated, however.


The crab may refrain from love making if the day passes by without
much love. But as long as there is understanding and romantic
.connection between the two, everything will be great

Taurus and Leo : Neutral


These two have the right sexual and emotional attraction, and this
could hold them together. Once personality traits are laid out, however,
the relationship may turn downward. The lion requires sustained
adoration, while the bull needs devotion, and both may refuse to give
what each other wants in the long run. In terms of money, the thrifty
Taurean will find Leos uncontrollable spending habits distasteful. And
though the bull wont mind being dominated, if satisfaction is not met,
he or she might end everything right then and there. Basically, if all the
hurdles caused by differences can be settled, they will have a good
.relationship. If not, then itll be best to part ways

Taurus and Virgo : Very Good


Aside from a possibly rocky sex life, these two will get along very well.
Their personalities and interests are very much in line, so getting along
wont require too much effort. The bull is known for its tenacity, and
this trait will perfectly complement the maidens sharp mind. Add this
to their thriftiness, and they might just end up as the richest
astrological couple. As for love making, simple positions are enough to
satisfy both, but certain styles that appeal to the bull, Virgo may find

Taurus and Libra : Bad


What could keep these two together is sex, music, and art, but beyond
that, everything is an obstacle. Their personalities dont appeal to each
other. The bull has dictatorial tendencies and loves making plans.
Libra, on the other hand, resents the attitude and will avoid making
commitments. To summarize their relationship, there will be some
excitement in the bedroom, but once outside, all the love may
.transform to quarrels

Taurus and Scorpio : Good

Passion burns bright between the bull and the scorpion, but both might
not be on the same page when it comes to possession. Scorpio is highly
emotional and would want to obtain the same level of devotion from his


or her partner. Taurus, however, would want to own the other as he

would an object. There wouldnt be cheating between these two, but
once they reach the ends of their patience, a quarrel could end badly. As
long as both would be tolerant and levelheaded, marriage could work
.out and be a success

Taurus and Sagittarius : Bad


Happiness will be present in each others company, but their interests

just wont fit like a puzzle. The Sagittarian is terribly adventurous and
not even the domestic bull can tame his or her spirit. If the centaur
cant force the Taurean to join in the adventure, he/she will leave and
look for love wherever the wind takes him/her. Despite having the
ability to build a home and provide for a comfortable life, the
Sagittarian will still pursue his/her true hearts desires, leaving the
.relationship good but short lived

Taurus and Capricorn : Perfect


The bull and the mountain goat would make a real power couple. Not
only might they end up rich, they might also attain a higher status in
life. Both of them value money and hard work. With financial security
being their mutual goal, they could come to an agreement where the
Capricorn will work for them both, while the Taurean will hold the
household intact. Furthermore, getting through to a Capricorn is
difficult because of his/her natural aloofness, but the bull will overcome
this and give the much needed affection and support. Love inside the
bedroom wont come short either, because the Taurean can tap into the
.well-hidden sexual reserve of the mountain goat

Taurus and Aquarius : Very Bad


Their very different views in life will send their relationship in an

instant downfall. The bull is sensual and passionate, whereas the
Aquarian puts sex far down on a list of necessities. Furthermore, the
water bearer always opts for the unconventional, and this can drive the
socially adhering bull to sudden distaste. And last, the Aquarian has a
deep and honest concern for humanity, and the Taurean wont
understand this, because his mind is set on obtaining possessions. In
the end, the bull will demand a great deal from the Aquarian for their
relationship to work, but the other wont take gladly. Hence, the end of
.whatever they had

Taurus and Pisces : Perfect


The authoritative and strong personality of a Taurus is exactly what a

mild and hesitant Pisces needs to realize all his/her dreams. And the
same goes for the bull, with the fish ever supportive with all his/her
endeavors. Their line of interests dont stray too far from each other
either. Art, beauty, and sensuality appeal greatly to them both. The
fishs tendency to become overly sensitive wont bother the bull either.
In fact, his down to earth character will balance this out. As for sex,
their harmony between the sheets will heavily depend on the Taurus

Chapter 4: Gemini the Twins

Born Between May 21 and June 20
Element: Air
Ruling Planet: Mercury

:Personal Traits
People born under the Gemini sign dont always come with a twin, but they
relish the companion of people. Because of this nature, they make excellent
conversationalists and will excel in anything that requires handling of people.
Spotting a Geminid in a party is quite easy too. Simply look for the guy or girl
with something to say about everything. Aside from loving attention, they
enjoy sharing knowledge with others. And everything they know about it was
probably gathered from the adventures, experiences and stories theyve been
.on and heard, the very aspects of life Geminids love
As if embodying their element, people under this sign are light and humorous.
This is also one of the reasons people are drawn to them. Despite their easy
personality, they hunger for intellectual stimulation. Whether its physical,
mental, or spiritual, they will push themselves to gain a holistic understanding
of everything. Because of this nature, however, they gain the title jack of all
trades, master of none. They know a little about a lot of things, but never
.really became an expert in anything
Because of the amount of knowledge they have, this sign does not come short
of ideas. Expect them to come up with out-of-the-box solutions for any kind of
problem or find the creativity to produce new concepts. What they lack
sometimes, however, is sympathy. As long as peoples attention is on a
Geminid, they are funny and intriguing. Once lost, however, they will leave
.and may sometimes be rude

:Career Compatibilities
:Ideal Professions
Teacher, technical support, stockbroker, rescue worker, architect, machine
operator, switchboard operator

No one will work best in fast-paced high-pressured environments and love it

more than the Geminids. They enjoy the intellectual challenges, and because
they are twins in a sense, they have the ability to multitask. A job that
requires both travelling and networking skills, for example, will satisfy them.
!Theres a huge chance theyd enjoy it too
Where a Gemini should never be thrown is in traditional repetitive work,
because it would kill them. These people are highly optimistic, and they
always have an extra pack of energy. Thats why they should be let go in
environments where they can unleash their creativity and make use of their

:Love Compatibilities
Gemini and Aries : Perfect


.See Chapter 2: Aries the Ram, Love Compatibilities for description

Gemini and Taurus : Bad


.See Chapter 3: Taurus the Bull, Love Compatibilities for description

Gemini and Gemini : Very Good


This combination would make the most interesting and lively couple of
all time. Both are great conversationalists, and because of their charm,
versatility, and vivaciousness, they will end up having tons of friends,
and be loved for throwing unforgettable parties. Sex and love wont
come short either. They are well attuned to each others needs and
preferences, and this will make their relationship both interesting and
pleasant. Should the couple be easily swayed by their desire for
.adventure, it could spark instability and, thus, problems

Gemini and Cancer : Very Bad

Cancer is emotional and prefers to stay put in a place called home,
whereas Gemini leans more on the intellectual and prefers to
constantly move. There will be no security with the twin from the point
of view of the crab, and the strong personality of the Gemini can
instantly bring down his/her self-confidence. Emotional connection
between the two signs can be strong, but a long-term relationship
.cannot be expected


Gemini and Leo : Good


Despite falling in love with the heart first, the intellectual Gemini will
seem romantic enough for the lion. And despite having characteristics
that clash, their other traits will make up for it and give them a great
relationship. The Gemini is a great talker and may end up flirting with
anyone, but Leo has a really high self-confidence, so he/she wouldnt
actually mind. At the same time, despite being constantly moody, the
Gemini's stability wont be easily affected and wont view it as a
nuisance. Where the needs of these two meet is in passion and emotion.
These aspects of romance will make them enjoy each others company.
And what the lion loves most about the twin is the mystery that shrouds
.his/her sexual desires

Gemini and Virgo : Bad


Their attraction will be sparked by the meeting of the minds. Once sex
has turned chilly, however, the Gemini will soon view Virgo as the
mother of all boredom, and at the same time, the maiden will criticize
the indecision of the twin. Whatever fire had been sparked between
.these signs will dissipate as soon as it started

Gemini and Libra : Perfect


If there is any imperfection with this couple, its their insatiable and
uncontrollable passion. They are greatly in love with each other, and
their sexual relationship is equally amazing. The root of their attraction
is intellectual convergence. Despite having two sides, Libra will
understand both of them. And Gemini will share the same love for art.
.Marriage and a happy life can be expected from this combination

Gemini and Scorpio : Very Bad

Their personalities are simply at war with each other. Scorpio is very
private, whereas Gemini is highly social. The purposeful view in life
inhibited by the scorpion wont fit well with the twins aimless, but full,
sense of living. Furthermore, one is emotional, passionate, demanding,
and inflexible, while the other is lighthearted, changeable, fickle, and
superficial. If they could settle their differences, however, they could
make a great team with the scorpions dynamism complementing
Gemini's imagination. Otherwise, they might as well flush every bit of
.attraction down the toilet


Gemini and Sagittarius : Good


These two share the same passion for adventure, and that might have
sparked the attraction in the first place. They dont demand too much
from each other, but they wont get along that well in bed either.
Nobody would initiate and demonstrate what they want, and Gemini
will criticize this. With the centaurs delicate temper, however, a simple
remark could start a quarrel. There will be a lot of weak points in this
relationship, but if enough effort is put into it, it could actually end in

Gemini and Capricorn : Bad


Whatever interest was ignited could die just as quickly, as soon as

Capricorn discovers the extravagant, scatterbrained, and capricious
ways of the Gemini. Their personalities simply dont match, especially
when the mountain goat shows his/her cautious and sluggish nature. If
the Gemini succeeds at distracting the Capricorn from work, however,
then a bit of romance is at bay. Otherwise, the relationship will be brief
.and unromantic

Gemini and Aquarius : Very Good


Not only are they lovers, theyre best friends too. And if things work out
(which they will), theyd soon become a happy and charming husband
and wife. The water bearer is helplessly attracted to the Gemini's
physical attributes. But what will tie the twin to the unconventional
Aquarius is a relationship filled with surprises and unpredictable
changes. Both are sociable and neither is too possessive of the other.
The highlight of their love is their sexual attraction. Despite putting sex
way below in a list of priorities, the Gemini might unlock that hidden
sensuality in the water bearer. Although the twin may feel a lack of
passion from his/her partner, and this could put the relationship in a
slight disarray, other than that, every moment they share is a moment
.to remember

Gemini and Pisces : Bad

There wouldnt be a lack of passion between these two, but
miscommunication will ruin it all. The emotional Pisces is too sensitive
for the thoughtless and mischievous Gemini, and this can bud mistrust
from the fish. Of course, this will make the relationship unstable, and
.problems will soon outweigh the flaming attraction


Chapter 5: Cancer the Crab

Born Between June 21 and July 22
Element: Water
Ruling Planet: Moon

:Personal Traits
People under this sign are represented by a crab for a reason. Just like it
carries its home on its back, a Cancerian will be especially dedicated to friends
and family. They develop deep loyalty to people they care about. At the same
time, they never fail to offer a helping hand, a shoulder to cry on, or an ear to
listen to any friend in need. Though they may sound very feminine in nature,
.they are also courageous, brave, and protective
Where the Cancerian falls, however, is when their loved ones are not meeting
their needs. Whatever they give needs to be reciprocated in some way. If they
dont feel it, they will become clingy, shy, moody, and insecure. Despite their
nurturing and gentle nature, they wont easily let go of the things that bring
.them happiness
In terms of conflict and life choices, people under this sign tend to not face
them directly. If the crab moves sideways to reach its destination, expect the
.Cancerian to do the same in these aspects

:Career Compatibilities
:Ideal Professions
Soldier, child care, human resources, gardener, CEO, teacher, social worker,

Cancer is basically the mother among the zodiacs. They are very sensitive,
but at the same time, exceedingly nurturing. Jobs that require these
characteristics will suit them perfectly. Understand, however, that these are
not limited to working with children and caring for puppies. Mothers are in
charge of everything in the house, and so are executives in every organization;
thus, Cancerians have the right qualities needed for a high position. Because
of their nurturing side, they can offer great advice, and become very protective

of their group. Handling responsibilities wont be much of a burden for them

.either, and problems will be dealt with imaginatively

:Love Compatibilities
Cancer and Aries : Very Bad


.See Chapter 2: Aries the Ram, Love Compatibilities for description

Cancer and Taurus : Good


.See Chapter 3: Taurus the Bull, Love Compatibilities for description

Cancer and Gemini : Very Bad


.See Chapter 4: Gemini the Twin, Love Compatibilities for description

Cancer and Cancer : Bad


This relationship will be highly emotional and in a bad way. This couple
has too many similarities, so they will sooner criticize each other than
appreciate. Both are highly sensitive and will take the word of the other
to heart, which will then bloom as pain and hurt. The crab has a full
sense of what he/she is, a martyr and a giver, and will find it shocking
to not see the same qualities from their partner. There will be intense
sexual attraction, but once business inside the bedroom is over, they
.will spend most of their time bickering and shoveling past up mistakes

Cancer and Leo : Very Good


The warmth and openheartedness of Leo is exactly what the insecure

cancer needs. Furthermore, the lion can stabilize the moodiness of the
crab. The only thing the Leo wants from cancer is unfaltering
admiration and flattery, especially in the bedroom. Should the crab give
way to the lion to dominate between the sheets, a lasting relationship
.will bloom

Cancer and Virgo : Good


Despite cancer being too emotional, and Virgo being too analytical,
they will make a good match. They will oversee these differences and
offer their best strengths to build a good foundation for their
relationship. In fact, they will care for each other too much, and it could
cause problems. They will talk about these troubles most of the time,
but will not act on them. Other than that, however, their love making
.will make every obstacle worth the hurdle

Cancer and Libra : Neutral


Libra will be drawn to cancers changing moods, and this might hold
them for a while. But when troubles start brewing, which eventually
they will, then Libra might search for someone else to love. Their
romantic needs and connection is different, after all. Cancer will aim
for emotional transcendence, while Libra will seek intellectual
convergence. The balance, however, values sex. So if the crab wishes for
his/her partner to stay, a new kind of glamour and excitement needs to
.be introduced in the bedroom

Cancer and Scorpio : Perfect


These two signs are made for each other. Each of their personality traits
complement and provide a stable foundation for a lasting relationship.
Scorpio is protective and dominating, the very characteristics the crab
longs for. At the same time, the possessiveness of cancer will make the
scorpion feel secure. Scorpios strength will be admired, while cancers
emotional commitment will provide a safe haven for his/her partner.
Despite being prone to extreme jealousy, the scorpion wouldnt find
any reason to spark doubt, because cancer will be fully devoted to the
relationship. Problems would also have difficulty in arising, because the
.crab will be all about pleasing the other

Cancer and Sagittarius : Very Bad


Apart from having extremely different points of view, they dont want
the same things either. Cancer will aim for stability and security from
his/her partner and a good future. Whereas the Sagittarian wont stay
in one place, cannot assure anything in life, and only has the present in
mind. The bedroom scene wont be fulfilling for the centaur either,
because the crab is easily satisfied. This will soon cause the Sagittarian
to look for a new love, which will then leave cancer let down and
.possibly depressed

Cancer and Capricorn : Neutral


There will be great passion between the sheets, and sex will be perfect.
The attention Cancer needs, however, cannot be supplied by the serious
and ambitious Capricorn. What will be satisfied, on the other hand, is
the crabs desire for a devoted and faithful partner, which the mountain
goat is. Life wouldnt be exciting between these two, but since both are
quite good with managing money, they wouldnt have financial
.problems either

Cancer and Aquarius : Very Bad


The water bearer is too unpredictable for the crab. Their attraction for
each other may be brought upon by a slight excitement in the bedroom,
but beyond that, they simply dont match. This relationship will be a
fight between extremes: conservative vs. unconventional, stability vs.
adventure, exploring the wonders of the world vs. personal obligations,
and more. The only way for these two signs to make it to marriage is for
.one to submit to the other

Cancer and Pisces : Perfect

Emotion and passion will be the main theme of this relationship. The
kind of affection each offers satisfies the needs of the other. Cancer
would never feel a lack in romance with the fish, while the crab will be
that knight in shining armor lover the Pisces desires. In terms of
teamwork, these two can actually build each others dreams, with Pisces
being the imaginative dreamer and Cancer being the imaginative
worker. Cancer will take the lead in the relationship, and though
quarrels will inevitably arise, they will immediately dissipate in the


Chapter 6: Leo the Lion

Born Between July 23 and August 22
Element: Fire
Ruling Planet: Sun

:Personal Traits
As beautiful and regal as a lion and as radiant as the sun, these traits are the
very ones that make the Leo a natural leader. Because of their warmth and
relaxed demeanor, people will normally gravitate towards them. Unlike a
Geminid, however, people under this sign will reciprocate the adoration. Love
is their main driving force, hence, giving warmth and ample attention to
others is prime. Should they not feel appreciation, Leos will feel badly hurt.
.But if mutual love is met, expect the Leo's relationship to last
Another positive trait of this sign is their sense of righteousness. Even in times
of desperation, they will still do what they deem is right. Despite loving
material luxuries, they never forget to let their loved ones experience the same
People with the lion sign, on the downside, have no patience for details. They
are also prone to arrogance and extravagance and may also be inefficient as a

:Career Compatibilities
:Ideal Professions
Performer, tour guide, CEO, fashion designer, government official, interior
designer, salesperson, real estate agent

Leos do not shy away from the spotlight, and thats what makes great leaders.
Let them go, and let them do their thing, and they can lead a company towards
both success and high profits. And just like a real lion, they are fearless,
independent, and inspiring, an apt person for a position with power and
Micro-managing these people will also only be a source of frustration, because
Leos often have their own ways of doing things. They possess both ingenuity

and spontaneity anyway, so trust them to do well even without close

They can be high maintenance employees, however, because they love being
treated with wealth and luxuries. And sometimes, when unleashed in team
environments, they have the tendency to disrupt whatever progress the group
is making. But they will always carry that extra charm to win over everyone
.anyway, so alls still good

:Love Compatibilities
Leo and Aries : Neutral


.See Chapter 2: Aries the Ram, Love Compatibilities for description

Leo and Taurus : Neutral


.See Chapter 3: Taurus the Bull, Love Compatibilities for description

Leo and Gemini : Good


.See Chapter 4: Gemini the Twin, Love Compatibilities for description

Leo and Cancer : Very Good


.See Chapter 5: Cancer the Crab, Love Compatibilities for description

Leo and Leo : Bad


A relationship between two rather self-centered people has no chance

of ever working. Both lions will be concentrated on pleasing
themselves; they forget it takes two to tango, out of lifes problems, that
is. Both, however, are creatures of unbelievable good looks, and this
physical attraction will bind them for a while. Their relationship will be
spent inside the bedroom most of the time, but love may not keep up
with their insatiable lust. If they should aim to end in marriage, both
.should share the limelight, build the we, and abolish the I

Leo and Virgo : Very Good


The judgmental maiden is proud of Leo's humor, warmth, and

accomplishments, and she will provide emotional heat and
understanding in their sex life. In return, Leo wont mind Virgo's overly
critical and practical tendencies and would even admire his/her
cleverness. This will make a happy relationship, especially when Virgo
.makes an effort to satisfy Leo

Leo and Libra : Very Good


Hot is the only word that can describe a Leo-Libra relationship. Both
signs are crazy about sex and will spend most of their time in the
bedroom. There wouldnt be much of a problem either, in terms of
personality traits. The lion will take charge, and the indecisive Libra
wouldnt mind. Where these two dont meet is when Leo keeps his/her
interest to physical love, while Libra yearns for an emotional one.
Should these be left unsettled, they will cause difficulty in the
relationship, and Libra will most likely concede. But if all is well, it will
.end in a rather warm marriage

Leo and Scorpio : Bad


There wouldnt be any problems here in terms of sexual attraction and

sensual loving. What will create friction, however, is Scorpio's jealousy
and possessiveness. Leo will have a hard time coping with this,
especially with his/her partners short fuse. Things can work out, but
.only the sensual side will be lit. And it may not even stay for long

Leo and Sagittarius : Perfect


They share exactly the same interests: adventure, meeting new people,
and freedom. But what makes them click is how Leo teaches Sagittarius
to be more faithful, and how he/she, in turn, flames inspiration in the
lion. Making love will be done as often as each desires. The beginning
of their relationship will be all about amusement and entertainment,
.but it can last to a happy and fulfilling marriage

Leo and Capricorn : Very Bad

Basically, the mountain goat wouldnt understand the lions principles.
Its easy to anger a Leo, but he/she often forgives and forgets. Though it
takes a while to tip the balance on a Capricorn, he/she would surely
never forget. When money is concerned, the lions extravagant
spending and impulsiveness will immediately cause the Capricorn's


distaste. And because both have the natural inclination to dominate,

they are never destined to make something remarkable inside the

Leo and Aquarius : Very Bad


These two signs are independent in their own terms. Aquarius is

focused on exploring the world, while Leo aims to live an extravagant
life. The lion wont get its desired admiration either, and the water
bearer wouldnt have much patience to cope with his/her partners
.attempt to rule. Fire wont burn between the sheets

Leo and Pisces : Very Bad

The lion and the fish wouldnt understand each other at all. Despite the
intrigue between the two, theres just no common ground. What the
lion cannot tolerate in the fish is its hypersensitivity, and whenever the
Pisces would encounter grief or dejection, Leo's pride wouldnt allow
him to offer comfort. Furthermore, the lion is all about domineering,
flamboyance, and activity, while the fish settles in silence, the mystical,
.and the unworldly


Chapter 7: Virgo the Maiden

Born Between August 23 and September 22
Element: Earth
Ruling Planet: Mercury

:Personal Traits
No one is as calculated and practical as a Virgo. Their minds never quiet
down, constantly brewing ideas that are both functional and beautiful. Since
their element is earth, Virgos may lean towards any form of craftsmanship,
because they love creating something with their own hands. In terms of
personality, these people are mild, cool, and calm. Never underestimate their
silence, however, because they are strong and firm, and they make good
When it comes to family, they are dedicated and nurturing. Once married,
males will take the commitment seriously and never walk away. Females, on
the other hand, will dedicate themselves to child rearing. Virgos are also one
of the kindest people around. They are so kind that they are prone to taking
.work and responsibilities beyond what they can manage
As with everything, Virgos also have flaws. Health is a big deal, and some may
lean towards hypochondriasis. At the same time, because these people are
opinionated, they tend to become too judgmental, especially towards those
.who arent living to their potential

:Career Compatibilities
:Ideal professions
Teacher, writer, editor, critic, translator, detective, technician, statistician

No one is as fond of details and perfection as the Virgo. They are neat and tidy,
can easily spot inconsistencies, and have a really sharp memory. These are the
very traits that make them perfect for jobs that require research, writing, and
statistics. Abstract thinking is another characteristic that will play a huge
.importance in this line work, and they dont fall short of that either
Service oriented jobs will also bring out the best in a Virgo, especially those
dependent on tips. They are naturally cheerful people and can easily get along

with anyone, and this is why customers love them. In fact, as long as their
.service can be requested, revisiting clients will surely ask for them
Another subject of great interest for the maiden is language. As long as a job
.instills this in some way, expect the Virgo to be all over it

:Love Compatibilities
Virgo and Aries : Bad


.See Chapter 2: Aries the Ram, Love Compatibilities for description

Virgo and Taurus : Very Good


.See Chapter 3: Taurus the Bull, Love Compatibilities for description

Virgo and Gemini : Bad


.See Chapter 4: Gemini the Twin, Love Compatibilities for description

Virgo and Cancer : Good


.See Chapter 5: Cancer the Crab, Love Compatibilities for description

Virgo and Leo : Very Good


.See Chapter 6: Leo the Lion, Love Compatibilities for description

Virgo and Virgo : Perfect

Love to both Virgos will mean something more than the typical meeting
of the minds and sexual satisfaction. To them, it equates to a lifetime
partnership, making them a highly ideal couple for marriage. Because
both are intelligent and responsible, they will make a great team.
Theres no need to harbor different tricks in bed either, because their
pleasures are easily met. Where they could fall is in the constant battle
for leadership. Virgos also have a tendency to look for a fault in their
partner. But as long as they focus on their similarities, these wouldnt
.matter at all


Virgo and Libra : Very Bad


Their characteristics are so polar, their interests and desires would

never be met. Libra loves sex and his/her tastes leans towards the
expensive, whereas the maidens focus is entirely on money and how to
spend it wisely. In terms of romance, Libras enjoy doing the intricate
dance of love, but since Virgos are straightforward on everything, they
will find this irritating and useless. Since the needs of both arent being
.met, Libra wont stick around for the tide to change

Virgo and Scorpio : Bad


Not all great friends could end as great lovers. This story has been
proven by the virg0-scorpio relationship. They have a lot in common,
and this provides a good starting point for a partnership, but whenever
theyd move forward into the sexual realm, all they do is drive each
other away. The problems will revolve around differing views and
.trying to keep up with one anothers temperaments

Virgo and Sagittarius : Very Bad


Neither signs will be getting what they need from a relationship. And
the kind of love the centaur gives will eventually drive the maiden mad.
First of all, the Sagittarian wont make an effort to understand his/her
partner. Second, he/she cannot be tied down, and last, the centaur has
a greater thirst for sexual pleasure. All these are opposite to what the
simple Virgo looks for in a partner. And after a week of burning
passion, if ever there was any, the Sagittarian will be driven to look for
.love elsewhere, and this will cause many fights

Virgo and Capricorn : Very Good


Virgos intelligence and practicality will combine well with Capricorn's

tenacity and self-discipline. They will get along well, especially in terms
of financial matters, and both would even be proud in the home they
built together. Problems may be encountered in sex, but they
understand each other so well, it wouldnt cause much of a disturbance.
Yes, romance will be lacking, but its not a big deal for either the Virgo
.or Capricorn

Virgo and Aquarius : Neutral


Despite both being intellectual signs, they have different goals to fulfill.
The Aquarian aims to be as brilliant as possible by staying optimistic,
keeping a wide circle of friends, and by keeping highly active. The
maiden, on the other hand, aims for efficiency in everything he/she
does, and they are not drawn to social gatherings and events, unlike the
water-bearer. A relationship can still be worked out but only as long as
.strong feelings are present to bond them

Virgo and Pisces : Bad

There will be stability and compatibility because of the meeting of the
minds. When it comes to satisfying the Pisces many sensual desires,
however, the cautious Virgo would never comply, and this is enough
.cause for an unsuccessful marriage between the two


Chapter 8: Libra the Scale

Born Between September 23 and October 22
Element: Air
Ruling Planet: Venus

:Personal Traits
Living up to their sign, people born under Libra are all about balance.
Whether its between work and play, mental and physical health, or emotional
and spiritual well-being, everything will be in perfect equilibrium. Because of
this, however, when faced with problems and choices, urgency is the least that
can be expected from a Libra. It will take time before they come to a decision.
But when they do, everyone will surely benefit from it. Harmony between
people is another form of balance; hence, they also make good mediators for
Libras are charming, self-sacrificing, and great team players. Thats why, when
treated unfairly or cheated, it will be like happiness has been taken away from
them. This does not mean, however, they wont fight for what they perceive as
right. Libras are prepared to strip down decorum for the sake of getting their
argument across. Leading is a weak point too, but to them, being heard is what
.matters more
Talking about their favorite subjects are another thing people under this sign
love. Aside from that, they are drawn to exercises that stimulates both the
.mind and body, like yoga

:Career Compatibilities
:Ideal Professions
Travel agent, supervisor, dancer, host, diplomat, negotiator, sales-person

If Cancerians are the mother-types, then Libras are the heartthrobs. As if

being good looking is not enough, this sign is also charming, entertaining, and
gracious. And what makes everyone drop to their knees is their friendliness.
Libras love people, and since they are all about keeping harmony, they will
find ways to make everyone happy. Should they be assigned to customer

service, expect things to go smoothly between them and a potentially angry

If they lean towards politics and matters of the state, they will make great
diplomats and ambassadors. They are highly cooperative, and they can
.immediately establish rapport with anyone
More likely than not, however, Libras are drawn to the arts. But instead of
brooding in a dark corner to write songs, they will shine brighter when theyre
.out there singing to people
Whatever their inclination, social environments are most suited for these

Love Compatibilities
Libra and Aries : Neutral


.See Chapter 2: Aries the Ram, Love Compatibilities for description

Libra and Taurus : Bad


.See Chapter 3: Taurus the Bull, Love Compatibilities for description

Libra and Gemini : Perfect


.See Chapter 4: Gemini the Twin, Love Compatibilities for description

Libra and Cancer : Neutral


.See Chapter 5: Cancer the Crab, Love Compatibilities for description

Libra and Leo : Very Good


.See Chapter 6: Leo the Lion, Love Compatibilities for description

Libra and Virgo : Very Bad

.See Chapter 7: Virgo the Virgin, Love Compatibilities for description


Libra and Libra : Good


This love will be exhausting in good and bad ways. Both Libras are full
of energy, and their relationship will quickly transform to a highly
passionate one. Despite a rather cheerful partnership, however, they
will demand so much from each other, they will tire each other out.
Because of this, they will likely spend more time with others than with
each other. And since both avoid settling conflicts, their connection and
.stability could start to rumble

Libra and Scorpio : Bad


Jealousy and infidelity will uncontrollably swirl between these two

signs. Libra is careless by nature, and this will fire the jealousy of the
scorpion. Despite having a strong mutual attraction, quarrels will
always be in the picture, and what makes things worse is Scorpio's
unreasonable rage. This could drive Libra to have an affair with
someone who isnt as restricting. If theres one thing the scorpion cant
tolerate, however, it is infidelity, and this will cause the explosion of
emotions. The only way for the relationship to work is for the Scorpio
.to dominate and the Libra to submit

Libra and Sagittarius : Good


Sagittarius will get along with Libra, but their main problem will circle
around the centaurs untamed spirit and independence. Libra wants a
reliable partner, and that might be too much from the Sagittarian point
of view. What will make their relationship strong is the Libra's ability to
keep his/her partner intrigued. At the same time, life is never boring
with a Sagittarius. If differences can be settled, the relationship will
.work and can flourish

Libra and Capricorn : Very Bad


The Capricorn's strong sexual interest will be wasted on Libra's

laziness. At the same time, despite being highly attracted to the
Capricorn's ambitiousness, Libra could not stand the mountain goats
practicality. Love in the bedroom might be a little tricky for Libra,
because the stubborn Capricorn will literally bring work to bed. This
relationship is not bound to last, however, because Libra will soon tire
.of it and look for someone else

Libra and Aquarius : Very good


Aquarius is quirky and stubborn, but Libra will get around this through
diplomacy. Despite having clashing personality traits, it will be easier
for them to compromise than most couples because of their strong
sensual connection. The center of their relationship will be convergence
of Libra's sensuality and Aquarius endless and erotic games. Libra
might fail as a lover because of oversensitivity. The water-bearer wont
understand this, but it will be overlooked. Even without perfect sex,
.their relationship will still flourish and could end in marriage

Libra and Pisces : Bad

Emotional needs of both signs will be satisfied, and it could have been
the source of attraction in the beginning. Once they start knowing each
other, however, they will see how incompatible they are and will soon
end in quarrels. Libra is social and energetic and will have little
tolerance for Pisces discriminating and sulky nature. Furthermore, the
fish has a need to lean on someone and expect the person to show more
interest on him/her than everything else. This will completely drive the
.Libra away and leave the relationship for good


Chapter 9: Scorpio the Scorpion

Born Between October 23 and November 21
Element: Water
Ruling Planet: Pluto

:Personal Traits
No one can give the best advice but a Scorpio. These people wont shower
others with bull crap just to make them feel better. Instead, they will tell the
person outright where they lack, but also point out their strengths that could
help them through their problems. Despite the bluntness, Scorpios are not
.insensitive. In fact, no other sign can extend as much empathy as they do
What makes the scorpion unique is how they do not expect any reciprocation
of emotions. They are not needy with attention, but they do make great
leaders. Not only are they excellent problem solvers, their sense of justice is
infallible. Expect them to come to the aid of those who lack the ability to fight
.for themselves
Most of the time, however, Scorpios prefer solitude. They are contemplative,
and they are drawn in knowing how people tick and work inside. Self-control
is their most defining trait, and they look for the same in others. If they are
.provoked, however, expect them to return the aggression twice
Being too contemplative has its drawbacks too. This leads the Scorpio to
pessimism and may sometimes cause paranoia and doubt. They also hold
grudges should they ever be crossed. The word vendetta, after all, came from
.a Scorpio

:Career Compatibilities
:Ideal Professions
Scientist, surgeon, physicist, detective, educator, lawyer

In jobs where most people would have already died in panic, expect Scorpios
to excel in it. Whether the job is to diffuse a bomb in an active war zone, or
perform a complicated heart transplant, these people will find the focus to get
things done. This is also whats special about them. They can zone out
.everything else and maintain focus on the task at hand

Another line of work that may appeal to them is anything that could make
great use of their intuitiveness. They are naturally curious and, as mentioned
above, drawn to know what makes a person tick. Should they become a
detective, interrogations wont be as troublesome as it is. The scorpion,
despite its size, is intimidating, and so are the people under this sign. The
more mysterious a person or an event is, the more it will appeal to their
Whatever job they may be in, its always best to let them be. Scorpios are
independent, and the same time, employers can put a great deal of trust in

Love Compatibility
Scorpio and Aries : Bad


.See Chapter 2: Aries the Ram, Love Compatibilities for description

Scorpio and Taurus : Good


.See Chapter 3: Taurus the Bull, Love Compatibilities for description

Scorpio and Gemini : Very Bad


.See Chapter 4: Gemini the Twin, Love Compatibilities for description

Scorpio and Cancer : Perfect


.See Chapter 5: Cancer the Crab, Love Compatibilities for description

Scorpio and Leo : Bad


.See Chapter 6: Leo the Lion, Love Compatibilities for description

Scorpio and Virgo : Bad

.See Chapter 7: Virgo the Maiden, Love Compatibilities for description


Scorpio and Libra : Bad


.See Chapter 8: Libra the Balance, Love Compatibilities for description

Scorpio and Scorpio : Very Bad


Despite being both water elements, they can light the bedroom on fire.
Beyond that, however, their similarities will also spark flames but only
to destroy the relationship. Both are jealous and possessive and are
highly demanding. Instead of understanding each other, they are
bound to take little problems and make them big, which will then crack
.their relationship apart

Scorpio and Sagittarius : Bad


This relationship to the Sagittarian will be about fun and games.

Scorpio, on the other hand, will be intense about it and will make a big
fuss out of the centaurs sense of adventure. Their passion is ideal to
ignite a memorable one night stand, but staying together for long will
.only be a waste of time

Scorpio and Capricorn : Perfect


The security a Scorpio looks for in a partner is in Capricorn. Their

teamwork also spells perfection, because the scorpion is inventive while
the mountain goat is patient. Despite having strong personalities, the
scorpion will dominate, and the mountain goat will understand that its
all due to great love. In terms of sex, the scorpion will be more
imaginative, but instead of shying away from it, Capricorn will keep up.
Marriage is a good option for these two. Not only will be passionate,
.their union will be well balanced as well

Scorpio and Aquarius : Very Bad

Scorpio is all about dominating and bending the other to his/her will,
but Aquarius is the very representation of freedom. This conflict will
soon make Scorpio jealous and volatile, and the restriction imposed on
the water bearer will only start problems. Sex, however, will be a one of
a kind experience, because Aquarius is imaginative, while Scorpio can
be explosive. The best way to handle this relationship, however, is to let
.it go


Scorpio and Pisces : Very Good

The type of possessiveness a Scorpio has is the kind of love a Pisces has
been looking for. At the same time, the dependency the fish has for
his/her lover quenches the thirst of the scorpion to dominate. Their
romance will spark love at first sight, and their passion and mutual
.intensity will make love between the sheets more than delightful


Chapter 10: Sagittarius the Centaur

Born Between November 22 and December 21
Element: Fire
Ruling Planet: Jupiter

:Personal Traits
The centaur is all about pleasure, and its one true love is travelling. One habit
of this mythical creature was to shoot an arrow and follow where it landed,
then shoot it again. The same can be said about a Sagittarian, in terms of
career and life, in general. Forcing them to stick to a normal routine will bore
them, or worse, make them rude and uncooperative. Because of this innate
love for adventure, they often maintain a big circle of friends. New experiences
and wild discoveries make the Sagittarian intelligent, and they relish
intelligent conversations with people on the same level. Since they are people
persons, they are fun to be around, and they may even drag other people in
.one of their crazy, unplanned adventures
Sagittarians are prone to making big plans. Some of them are too grand, and
theyre literally unrealistic. And people under this sign always end up trashing
the idea, not because they cant do it, but because they get easily distracted.
Once a more exciting adventure comes to mind, theyd drop the first without
.second thoughts

:Career Compatibilities
:Ideal Professions
Anything that involves travelling, coach, animal trainer, minister, public
relations, editor

Because of their outgoing nature and their love for adventure and travelling,
chaining them to routine work will literally bring them to their deaths.
Sagittarians require great spaces to move and to shine, and they will work best
.in situation where they can expend their excessive energy
The centaurs also have a potential to become great bosses because of their
excellent decision-making skills and easygoing personality. Diffusing tensions
and conflicts wont be much of a problem for them either. Their witty humor,

tact, and fun-loving and likeable nature can settle any differences between
.subordinates and coworkers
The line of work Sagittarians should consider are those that involve nature,
the environment, counseling, animals, and even religion. Though they may
not show it most of the time, they are highly spiritual. And these jobs will give
.them the right sense of fulfillment and purpose

:Love Compatibilities
Sagittarius and Aries : Very Good


.See Chapter 2: Aries the Ram, Love Compatibilities for description

Sagittarius and Taurus : Bad


.See Chapter 3: Taurus the Bull, Love Compatibilities for description

Sagittarius and Gemini : Good


.See Chapter 4: Gemini the Twin, Love Compatibilities for description

Sagittarius and Cancer : Very Bad


.See Chapter 5: Cancer the Crab, Love Compatibilities for description

Sagittarius and Leo : Perfect


.See Chapter 6: Leo the Lion, Love Compatibilities for description

Sagittarius and Virgo : Very Bad


.See Chapter 7: Virgo the Maiden, Love Compatibilities for description

Sagittarius and Libra : Good

.See Chapter 8: Libra the Balance, Love Compatibilities for description


Sagittarius and Scorpio : Bad


See Chapter 9: Scorpio the Scorpion, Love Compatibilities for


Sagittarius and Sagittarius : Neutral


Sex between two centaurs will be very kinky. Theyre open to trying
anything and everything, even orgies, and as a couple, theyd be highly
unpredictable. No one could ever guess what they have in mind or what
theyll do next. But both always have different roads to follow. Their
meeting will more likely be brought by chance, and the spark will come
from the same taste for adventure. Eventually, they will go separate
ways, but on good terms. In fact, they could even become longtime

Sagittarius and Capricorn : Very Bad


The Sagittarius is open to everything, while the Capricorn has a closed

and fixed sense of being. Frustrations will arise from the Capricorn
once the centaur shows his/her carelessness and irresponsibility. At the
same time, the Sagittarian will find it difficult to drag the old mountain
goat wherever he/she wants to go. Theres no amazing sex life to save
.the relationship either. It will be frustrating for both sides

Sagittarius and Aquarius : Perfect


Apart from having great intellectual connection and chemistry, these

two will have one of the best sexual relationships among the zodiacs.
The interesting imaginations of the Aquarian will blaze their sensual
pleasures by introducing something new, which will tickle the fancy of
the Sagittarian. They are both unpredictable, highly active, and loved
by everyone around them. The inventive ideas of the water bearer could
happen with the help of the centaurs optimism. Being both outgoing
.and sociable, almost nothing can get between their relationships

Sagittarius and Pisces : Bad

The sheets will be in flames between these two signs, but outside the
bedroom, their incompatibility will shine even brighter. The centaur
will feel smothered by the Pisces suffocating need for love and


attention. Sagittarius will also feel restrained by the fishs shy nature.
Theres no hope for these two to work. Should they end in marriage, it
.will be a heavily complicated one

Chapter 11: Capricorn the Mountain

Born Between December 22 and January 19
Element: Earth
Ruling Planet: Saturn

:Personal Traits
Among all the signs, no one is more driven to succeed than people under this
sign. This is why they are given the mountain goat as a figure. They have the
need to climb the top, and at the same time, they have the right focus and
footing to do so. Above all else, Capricorns are hard-working. They are more
than willing to put in hours for countless nights, as long as it will lead to their
goal. This is also why many of the worlds renowned leaders, mathematicians,
teachers, and scientists often belong under this sign. Their decisions will
always be realistic and logical, and they immediately see the bottom line,
.which makes them ideal partners in both love and career
They may have a shortage of humor, however. Or if they do have a sense of
humor, it is often in the form of sarcasm, which can only be understood by the
quick-witted. Capricorns may also look dull and lifeless to most. Their heads
.are so focused on achieving, they show very little emotions
There will also be times when Capricorns may look selfish. They have a habit
of guarding their hearts, and because of this, they tend to be secretive.
Sometimes, they will also withhold valuable information for personal strategic

:Career Compatibilities
:Ideal Professions
Banker, editor, administrator, IT, manager, and anything related to science

No word best describes Capricorns but ambitious. They will do whatever it

takes to succeed. And no matter how critical or difficult things become, trust
them to endure just like the mountain goats climb on even the tiniest crags to

reach the top. This persistence is what drives them to work hard and put in
.long hours just to get things done
Should they become bosses or leaders, expect them to be strict when it comes
to schedules and quotas. They will even go as far as enforcing rules to prevent
delays and possible internal problems. Despite being highly responsible, many
will savor the power. But this shouldnt be much cause for worry, because
.Capricorns are also conscientious
Whatever work it will be, as long as it needs to be done and done right, look
.for no other but a Capricorn

:Love Compatibilities
Capricorn and Aries : Very Bad


.See Chapter 2: Aries the Ram, Love Compatibilities for description

Capricorn and Taurus : Perfect


.See Chapter 3: Taurus the Bull, Love Compatibilities for description

Capricorn and Gemini : Bad


.See Chapter 4: Gemini the Twin, Love Compatibilities for description

Capricorn and Cancer : Neutral


.See Chapter 5: Cancer the Crab, Love Compatibilities for description

Capricorn and Leo : Very Bad


.See Chapter 6: Leo the Lion, Love Compatibilities for description

Capricorn and Virgo : Very Good


.See Chapter 7: Virgo the Maiden, Love Compatibilities for description

Capricorn and Libra : Very Bad


.See Chapter 8: Libra the Balance, Love Compatibilities for description

Capricorn and Scorpio : Perfect


See Chapter 9: Scorpio the Scorpion, Love Compatibilities for


Capricorn and Sagittarius : Very Bad


See Chapter 10: Sagittarius the Centaur, Love Compatibilities for


Capricorn and Capricorn : Neutral


Capricorn upholds people who share the same values with them. This
means having another Capricorn for a partner will bloom a good
partnership and even greater teamwork. The problem will be how
boring the relationship will be. No one will introduce new things to
spice things up a bit. Both will be so serious with their careers that,
instead of building a good and exciting relationship, theyre alienating
.themselves from each other

Capricorn and Aquarius : Bad


Career-wise, unpredictable Aquarius will jump from one job to another,

discovering what the world has in store. This will make the stable
Capricorn shudder. Apart from that, their incompatibility stretches to
the Aquarian's incapacity to stick to the norm, which is what the
mountain goat is all about. Should there be romance, these two will
later realize that what they had shared together has turned to
.friendship, a better status than a romantic one

Capricorn and Pisces : Perfect

Despite having nothing in common at all, these two signs will have the
right emotions to support each other. Capricorn will dominate the
relationship, and the stability the mountain goat will impose shall
prevent the fish from drifting in directionless dreaminess. At the same
time, the Pisces will give joy to the Capricorn with his/her admiration,
affection, and sincerity. They are perfect for each other, and their
relationship will last. Even if the Pisces might eventually cheat, which is


in the very nature of this sign, the mountain goat will cope with it and
.wont leave the fish

Chapter 12: Aquarius the Water

Born Between January 20 and February 18
Element: Air
Ruling Planet: Uranus

:Personal Traits
Being the water bearer, it is an Aquarian's nature to be generous with their
time and resources. They are driven by the need to help, which makes
occupations that contribute to humanitarian causes appealing. Their greatest
concern, after all, is the welfare of others. This is also why the Aquarian is a
stranger to none. They are one of the friendliest people, and they will even go
.out of their way to reconnect with friends they have not seen for years
Aquarians, however, dont always connect on an emotional level. Since they
help people a lot, they tend to avoid getting themselves too personally
involved. Connecting the mind is more important to them, and a steady
.exchange of ideas fascinates them more
Despite having the need to constantly help, they also crave for alone time. In
fact, every Aquarian needs to be given time to meditate and reflect. Otherwise,
they have the tendency to become emotionless and sour and may even slink to

:Career Compatibilities
:Ideal Professions
Designer, musician, inventor, organic farmer, aviator, scientist

Most Aquarians are eccentric, and no corporate career may be compatible

with them. In fact, they rebel against it because of their need for freedom of
movement and thought. But career compatibility is the last thing Aquarians
worry about, because they might just come up with their own unique
profession if nothing out there suits their needs. If not, they could always take
.any unconventional job with openings

If work involves humanitarian movements, this might just catch their

attention. As explained above, Aquarians are all about helping and generosity.
And as long as they have time and energy on their hands, they wont give
.second thoughts to get involved
On the other hand, catch an Aquarian's attention by seeking help in conjuring
avant-garde ideas. If theres one thing they can do, its not doing things in the
.same old boring way

:Love Compatibilities
Aquarius and Aries : Bad


.See Chapter 2: Aries the Ram, Love Compatibilities for description

Aquarius and Taurus : Very Bad


.See Chapter 3: Taurus the Bull, Love Compatibilities for description

Aquarius and Gemini : Very Good


.See Chapter 4: Gemini the Twin, Love Compatibilities for description

Aquarius and Cancer : Very Bad


.See Chapter 5: Cancer the Crab, Love Compatibilities for description

Aquarius and Leo : Very Bad


.See Chapter 6: Leo the Lion, Love Compatibilities for description

Aquarius and Virgo : Neutral


.See Chapter 7: Virgo the Maiden, Love Compatibilities for description

Aquarius and Libra : Very Good

.See Chapter 8: Libra the Balance, Love Compatibilities for description


Aquarius and Scorpio : Very Bad


See Chapter 9: Scorpio the Scorpion, Love Compatibilities for


Aquarius and Sagittarius : Perfect


See Chapter 10: Sagittarius the Centaur, Love Compatibilities for


Aquarius and Capricorn : Bad


See Chapter 11: Capricorn the Mountain Goat, Love Compatibilities for

Aquarius and Aquarius : Good


They share the same views, they have the same unconventional tastes,
and they both pursue intellectual growth. In other words, two
Aquarians are highly compatible. Where their relationship will fail is
when deep feelings for each other just cant develop. Theyre both so
.focused on the intellectual side, they end up having no sex life at all

Aquarius and Pisces : Bad

Chemistry will rule in the beginning, but once the Pisces asks for too
much from the Aquarian, everything will go on an instant downward
spiral. Pisces will demand attention as proof of the others love, but the
Aquarian will find this suffocating and might end up depressed. Since
the water bearer believes individuality should be developed in
everyone, the fishs insistence that he/she be put in the center of the
others life will give him/her enough reason to cut their ties and go
separate ways. At the same time, Pisces will view Aquarius as


Chapter 13: Pisces the Fish

Born Between February 19 and March 20
Element: Water
Ruling Planet: Neptune

:Personal Traits
Pisceans are signified by the fish, because they are very secretive. Fish live in
water, and this makes them mysterious and sometimes unfathomable. Despite
their dedication, passion, and compassion, they dont easily reveal themselves
to others. Once they do, however, these few selected souls are lucky to
.experience the inner vibrancy and life of these gentle people
As if truly living underwater, people born under this sign also have little
worlds of their own inside their heads. They love daydreaming, and this often
.leads to brilliant ideas and unthinkable imaginations
Deep concern for the happiness of others, especially of the less fortunate, fuels
the average Piscean. It doesnt look like it on the surface, but they feel very
deeply for everyone. This, however, is also why this sign is the most indecisive.
No matter what, the feelings of others will come first, and they will try hard
not hurt them, so they are constantly afraid that their decision may end up
hurting someone. This very trait makes them not an ideal leader, but great
.support personnel
So much like their element, where the slightest touch can disrupt the calmness
of the surface, Pisceans are very sensitive. They worry about everything, even
when theres nothing to be concerned about. And this is also rooted in their
.desire to keep everyone happy

:Career Compatibility
:Ideal Professions
Nurse, physical therapist, psychologist, philanthropist, veterinarian, artist

Pisceans dont actually work. They live out their passion, and earning from it
is just a plus. The arts tug at their soul, and they excel in them, thats why
theres a high likelihood these fish will either be in dance, photography, music,
.or any other form of traditional art

Should they be tasked to create something, they would often come up with
novel designs and ideas. When styling someones hair, for example. They
wont simply ride the trend and give their client a modern haircut. They will
always add that signature style that will define the person, so the haircut will
.be the person. This is all due to their deep intuition
.Work that requires extending compassion will also appeal to Pisceans

:Love Compatibilities
Pisces and Aries : Good


.See Chapter 2: Aries the Ram, Love Compatibilities for description

Pisces and Taurus : Perfect


.See Chapter 3: Taurus the Bull, Love Compatibilities for description

Pisces and Gemini : Bad


.See Chapter 4: Gemini the Twin, Love Compatibilities for description

Pisces and Cancer : Perfect


.See Chapter 5: Cancer the Crab, Love Compatibilities for description

Pisces and Leo : Very Bad


.See Chapter 6: Leo the Lion, Love Compatibilities for description

Pisces and Virgo : Bad


.See Chapter 7: Virgo the Maiden, Love Compatibilities for description

Pisces and Libra : Bad

.See Chapter 8: Libra the Balance, Love Compatibilities for description


Pisces and Scorpio : Very Good


See Chapter 9: Scorpio the Scorpion, Love Compatibilities for


Pisces and Sagittarius : Bad


See Chapter 10: Sagittarius the Centaur, Love Compatibilities for


Pisces and Capricorn : Perfect


See Chapter 11: Capricorn the Mountain Goat, Love Compatibilities for

Pisces and Aquarius : Bad


See Chapter 12: Aquarius the Water Bearer, Love Compatibilities for

Pisces and Pisces : Very Good

These two will give the sympathy each other needs, and this sparks the
intimacy that makes Pisces-Pisces love immaculate. Since both are
dreamers, however, they are at danger of drifting too far from reality.
But if they hold on to each other, they will conquer this and stay
.anchored and strong


Everyone will always have the option to believe in astrology or not. Some, after
all, will find the thought of stars leading their lives to be ridiculous. And it
might just be. But what will one have to lose in believing? Nothing. And what
.could one possibly gain from at least knowing about it? Everything
A million possibilities could have happened but didnt. This is a fine mixture
of fate and choice, a movement that even science still has no way of
explaining. And this is what astrology is about. When predictions are made,
and when compatibilities are measured, it never imposes these were true and
accurate. What it promises, however, is a better choice, a happier ending than
.what one is inclined to make, and all it takes is to believe

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