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21 Tips to beat day to day STRESS at WORK

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Dr. Harish Shetty
1] Add feeling phrases to your sentences: for e.g. If one is upset by a junior instead
of saying, I have never seen a more incompetent person in my life a better
alternative would be, I am very angry for your action . Here the feeling is
expressed and the action criticized. Adjectives are feelings colored with
judgment. Adjectives hurt, feelings connect.
2] Greet ones peers, juniors and others as one enters the work place in the
morning. Hierarchy may not matter. A joyous greeting stimulates the
Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal axis the circuit that helps modulates stress and
stimulates health.
3] Micro breaks for a few minutes between important tasks ease the mind and the
body. Listening to a song on an iPod, deep slow breathing; laughing aloud with a
friend or a colleague, an easy chat on the phone, a short exercise such as spot
jogging etc helps. Exercise helps dissolve tears and fears.
4] Sharing ones feelings with peers and others lightens the heart. Deeper the
sharing, higher the peace. Fritz Pearls said, Get out of your mind and get into your
senses is an appropriate maxim.
5] Sipping little water in frequent intervals helps metabolism especially in
summer. Eating on time, vegetables and fruits helps the mind and the body to
6] If stuck to the chair for long hours, few minutes of stretching or short walks
inside the room breaks the monotony and helps.
7] When the pen is paralyzed and the words are stuck sleep over it and do it the
next day. The unconscious mind will work in your sleep and help smoothening of
the thinking process.

8] 5 minute meditation on the chair can be practiced as and when free. Visualize a
beautiful incident in the past and fantasize the same as if it is happening now. This
may involve all senses, see the experience, and hear all the sounds, smell the
environment if appropriate, feel the touch, and re experience all the feelings as if it
is happening now. For e.g. One may fantasize him/herself on the beach.. Here
one may visualize the sight of the blue water, sky, feel the breeze, smell the
environment, feel the sand under ones feet, hear the sounds of the sea people etc
and experience the emotions associated. This helps one relax completely.
9] Om a difficult day when everything is going wrong, talk less, do deep breathing
and postpone important decisions for the next day. Call up a buddy and bare it
10] At times picking up a blank paper and writing whatever comes, works
wonders. As one writes the pen dictates and stops when the pen stops moving. No
need to analyze what is writtenThis is a good exercise even on a good
day..The pen may move more easily than the lips or the vocal chords.
11] On a difficult day dress up better. A bright dress may brighten up the soul
when everything fails.
12] Share the black humor. Expletives when shared with those whom one trusts
help see different sides of an issue. The black humor clears the air and lightens up
the tunnel of thinking by broadening it. But if the desire to share the same
compulsively increases than it is a signal of severe disturbance that may need
professional counseling.
13] Make a call to your family. A lighter moment shared with ones spouse or a
family member helps.
14] Clear the clutter on your table and let the place be airy. Good pictures on the
walls and easy colors on the walls soothe the soul. If one is lucky a sound proof
room is preferable.
15] Take your prescribed tablets if any and follow the Doctors advice religiously.
Do not sip many cups of coffee or tea without reason. Cigarettes and any form of
addiction should be avoided. A small plant in the room or a flower pot adds value
to the mind. Shavasana for 5 minutes i.e. relaxing all the muscles of the body
with slow deep breathing during micro breaks calms the heart and the mind.

16] Difficult phone calls from family, friends or others can cause temporary
disturbances that can snowball. If urgent dissect the problem and break it into
small pieces. Pain disappears when dissected. Reflect on the same with your
buddy. If not just close the issue in a box to open it later when free.
17] Smile in the office even during difficult moments. This will never be
misunderstood. The H.P.A axis remains healthy. Smile at friends and foes equally.
This increases the hug size and broadens the Empathy quotient.
18] Emotional Contact time with loved ones builds healthy hearts. So even on
busy days the few minutes with loved ones may be utilized in the realm of
TOUCH, TALK and TIME. Family Contact Time should never be compromised
and the family dinner should never be attended by the T.V.
19] Those that enjoy reading the scriptures may do the same for a few minutes in
the office. Whatever helps relax may be used. Different things may help different
20] Irritability, Insomnia, Impulsivity, Isolation, Impotence and MISTRUST are
consequences of stress. Reverse it by improving sleep habits, good diet and
increasing the TRUST INDEX.
21] Emotional Audit at the end of the day happens automatically. Be aware of all
the thoughts, feelings, sensations and behavior as it keeps changing. This practice
brings a lot peace. Compassion follows and also lots of love.
If the above methods do not work and one feels gloomy, sad, irritable, excessively
lazy, hopeless, worthless, cannot concentrate on simple tasks, have crying
spells ....see a mental health professional immediately

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