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C B Calicut university questions for the years 2011, 12 and

Section A
1. Applications of C B? (Repeated)
2. What is consumer attrition?
3. Stages of FLC ?
4. Post purchase dissonance? ( R)
5. Subculture?
6. Consumer involvement?
7. Core culture?
8. CB definition?
9. Reference group?
10.Define learning ?
11.What is personality?
Section B
1. Life style marketing?
2. Sources of information search process?
3. Strategies to be followed in each stage of FLC?
4. Note on social class concept (R)
5. Recent developments in modeling CB
6. Role of colour in buying process ( R)
7. Note on consumer profiling
8. How are attitudes formed?
9. Purchase process involves predominantly emotionality. Discuss
10.Explain consumer rights
11.Explain factors influencing CB?
12.What are the characteristics of attitude in CB contest?
13.How segmentation, targeting and positioning (STP) help marketers to form
marketing strategies?
14.Explain problems faced by Indian consumers?
15.What is the significance of personality traits?
16.Explain four basic elements of learning
17.Discuss Howard Sheth model of CB

Section C
1. What is meant by choice heuristics?what rules are followed commonly by the
urban Vs rural consumers?(R)
2. Explain models of consumer decision making with its limitations (R)
3. Importance of reference groups? Identify influence of following reference
1) IT executives 2) public sector officers 3) Auto driver 4) government
employees ( R )
4. Explain the role played by public policy in shaping CB with examples?
5. What purchase decision would occur for a family in the purchase of a water
purifier? Who according to you would play the role of decider, buyer,
influencer and user? To what extent the role change in the case of a
television? Justify. (R)
6. Discuss how information processing take place in buying behavior?
7. What is frustration? Explain any five defense mechanisms people adopt to
resolve frustration
8. Discuss in detail Maslows hierarchy of needs? What is its relevance to
Note: The above questions covers all the Calicut university questions asked
in the year 2011,2012 and 2013, except the case studies. There are many
repeated questions, for which I have put ( R).
I wish to add few more important short answer questions.
1. Absolute threshold and differential threshold ( j n d)
2. AIOs
3. Dogmatism
4. ELM
5. Enculturation and Acculturation
6. Conjunctive rule, disjunctive rule, lexicographic rule etc
7. Total set, awareness set, consideration set, choice set , inept set, inert
8. OSL
9. Opinion leader
10.Reference group
11.Subliminal perception
13.Verbalizers and visualizers
Study the slides very well. It is very easy. As I used to say, you must study the
concepts very well, it is not like other marketing papers. Mention the name
Schiffman and Kanuk wherever possible, as this book is our primary
reference material. Any doubt ,anywhere, please call me.
Thanks and Regards,

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