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Love is only a feeling

The darkness
1. Upon: about, above, after which, against, anent, apropos of, as for, as
regards, as respects, as to, atop, by, by dint of, by means of, by use of, by
virtue of, by way of, concerning, en route to, headed for, hereby, hereinafter,
in connection with, in contact with, in passage to, in point of, in re, in
referece to, in regard to, in relation to, in relation with, in respect to, in transit
to, in virtue on route to, on top of, opposite, over, over against, per,
pertaining to, pertinent to, re, referring to, regarding, relating to, relative to,
respecting, speaking of, thanks to, thereby, therewith, through, to, touching,
towards, up, up against, upon which, versus, whereat, whereby, wherefore,
whereon, whereto, whereunto, whereupon, wherewith, wherewithal, with,
with regard to, with respect to.

2. Withstand: be at cross purposes, be proof against, bear, bear up, bear up

against, buck, challenge, combat, complain, complain loudly, confront,
contend with, contest, counter, counteract, countervail, counterwork, cross,
defy, dispute, dissent, duel, endure, face down, face out, face up to, fight,
front, go against, hold out, join the opposition, kick against, make a stand,
meet head-on, not abide, object, offer resistance, oppose, play at crosspurposes, protest, rebuff, recalcitrate, reluct, remonstrate, repel, repulse,
resist, revolt, run against, run counter to, show fight, stand, stand at bay,
stand up, stand up against, stand up to, strive against, suffer, take issue
with, tolerate, traverse.
3. Flush: blush, redden; rinse with water; empty the toilet of water and waste
material; release a flow; excite, animate, cause to fly up suddenly birds
make even or level empty a portion of the memory Computers
redness, blush; flood, sudden flow of water; new growth; new increase;
hand of playing cards; freshness, vigor, energy; hot flash, flushed, ruddy;
full, overflowing; well-supplied, abundant; level, even; having all the playing
cards of one suit.
4. Feeling: is the nominalization of the verb to feel. The word was first used
in the English language to describe the physical sensation of touch through
either experience or perception. The word is also used to describe
experiences other than the physical sensation of touch, such as a feeling of
warmth and of sentience in general. In Latin, sentire meant to feel, hear or
smell. In psychology, the word is usually reserved for the conscious
heterophenomenology are philosophical approaches that provide some





basis for knowledge of feelings. Many schools of psychotherapy depend on

the therapist achieving some kind of understanding of the client's feelings,
for which methodologies exist. Some theories of interpersonal relationships
also have a role for shared feelings or understanding of another person's
Tasted: the sensation that results when taste buds in the tongue and
throat convey information about the chemical composition of a soluble
stimulus;the candy left him with a bad taste, the melon had a delicious taste.
Truly: is an American rock band formed in the wake of the grunge era. It
featured singer-guitarist Robert Roth, bassist Hiro Yamamoto, and drummer
Mark Pickerel. Yamamoto and Pickerel were founding members respectively
of Soundgarden and Screaming Trees. While not a commercially successful
group like some of their Seattle contemporaries, the band lasted a decade
with two studio albums to their name.
Beam: smile with joy; light up; radiate ray of light; radio wave; broad
smile; horizontal support or joist used in building frames; balance beam,
gymnastic wooden bar on legs on which women gymnasts stand and
perform balancing exercises; full width of a ship; radiant smile.
Stay: visit, spend time in a place; remain temporarily; lodge; remain in a
specific state; stop, halt; wait; postpone, delay; restrain; appease act of
halting; visit, temporary residence; suspension of a legal proceeding; brace;
small piece of bone or plastic used to stiffen part of a garment; heavy rope
Drifting: floating on the surface of a lake or sea or other body of water;
changing successively especially from one dwelling place or occupation to

10. Hearts: is an evasion-type trick-taking playing card game for four players,
although variations can accommodate 36 players. The game is also known as
Black Lady, The Dirty, Dark Lady, Slippery Anne, Chase the Lady, Crubs, Black
Queen and Black Maria, though any of these may refer to the similar but
differently-scored game Black Lady. The game is a member of the Whist family
of trick-taking games (which also includes Bridge and Spades), but the game is
unique among Whist variants in that it is an evasion-type game; players avoid
winning certain penalty cards in tricks, usually by avoiding winning tricks

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