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What does reception do?

Reception can mean different things according to the context of the chart we are looking
at. One of its important uses is to indicate a responsive engagement in an aspect.
The table shown below is based on Guido Bonatti's explanation of how easily matters come
to perfection, as given in his Liber Astronomiae, treatise 6, chapter 2, 104v (Dykes
translation, p.362-364)
This shows that reception is not expected to be taken as an answer in itself, but as a
descriptive factor in aspectual application. What follows is obviously an expression of a
general principle, which assumes all other chart-factors to be equal.

How do planets receive?

Below is a diagram to show one of the textual examples offered by Bonatti. He explains
how the Moon in Aries is aspecting Mars in Gemini by sextile. The Moon is received by Mars
because the aspect is cast from a place where Mars is dignified (by sign). This allows Mars
to 'commit its disposition' to the Moon, which increases the Moon's potential effectiveness.

Note that this is not a mutual reception, because Mars is not positioned in any of the
Moon's areas of dignity, and so the Moon does not simultaneously receive Mars.
It is important to realise that most traditional references to 'reception' are talking only
about a single-sided reception like this. Mutual reception, as its name suggests, offers an
indication of mutual reciprocity, the meaning of which is self-evident once the basic
principles of single-sided reception are properly understood.
Let's imagine that the Moon signifies our querent and refer to Bonatti's table for the
expected outcome of this aspect. Since it is the querent's planet which is moving most
quickly, and so making the application towards the quesited's planet, we can expect that
this easy aspect, which is received, is likely to work out well. However, the querent cannot
expect the situation to fall into her lap, but must be prepared to invest some energy and
will power into an opportunity which has the potential to be successful. Her planet is the
one making the application so the onus falls upon her to find ways to gain the quesited's
If this sextile aspect was not received, the prospect of perfection would drop a level. Then
we are told that the good opportunity remains, but will only be actualised if driven home
by the querent, who must be prepared to be diligent and expect to work over some
obstacles in the accomplishment of what she seeks.
Now compare this to the situation where Mars signifies the querent and the Moon signifies
the quesited (as can often happen since the Moon is able to generally signify the matter
asked about). This gives an indication of the 'easiest perfection of all' because the matter
asked about is brought to the querent, as if it is dropped into his lap. Now the only thing to
judge is whether the querent really does want this thing which is offered to him without
any strain. It is the movement of the planets which indicates desire or motivation, so this
manner of perfection - although it is the easiest for the querent to accept if he wants it may not indicate where his own deeper motivation lies. Hence we can't really rely upon
this being the most assured indication that the matter will go ahead, unless we have other
indications to show that the querent genuinely wants it too. In relationship charts, the
primitive desire to give chase and be hunted often causes complications!
For those who believe that an unreceived opposition aspect can indicate perfection, take
Bonatti's final description in the table above and read it out loud - slowly. Then consider
the point he makes beforehand that matters which are perfected under these difficult
signatures may seem to work out in the end, but the perfection is not long-lived, and is
usually destroyed shortly afterwards. William Lilly's experience led him to agree with this,
which is why he made the comment that, even with reception involved, he has rarely seen
anything brought to perfection by opposition "but that the querent had been better the

thing being undone". (CA p.125) Lilly gives an example of pursuing a debt through the
legal system, which cost more to pursue than the debt was worth.

When do planets receive?

Some points to remember about reception are:

A planet will only 'receive' an aspect if that aspect comes from a place where it is
dignified. It will not 'receive' an aspect from a place where it experiences debility
or detriment. There is no such thing as 'reception by detriment'.

To 'be dignified' is different from 'having some dignity'. The latter can save a planet
from being peregrine but it does not describe a planet which is notably effective
and essentially strong, which is what we expect when we refer to it being
'dignified'. So in the practical application of reception we are looking for the aspect
to come from a place where the planet being applied to holds a good, effective
level of dignity. For Bonatti, this meant a planet could only receive another if the
other planet was either:
> in it's sign
> in it's sign of exaltation

> in a place where the receiving planet governs at least two of the other minor
Many authors express the view that unless one of the three above mentioned conditions
are met, the reception will be too weak to be considered effective. Bonatti stresses this in
his third treatise where he says:
But if the Moon was joining Saturn, who is a ruler of the Aries triplicity but does not have any other
dignity there, he would not have received her: because he does not have more than one of the
minor dignities in that place, by which it is not possible to perfect a reception.

Some of the text from Bonatti's work Liber Astronomiae, has been translated by Robert
.Hand and is available online here
:Related articles
:The principles of reception
A brief comparison of the use of reception by historical authors by Deb Houlding
:The use of planetary dignities
A collection of resources and articles for beginners and advances students by Deborah
:The use of three triplicity rulers
The Classical Use of Triplicities by Deborah Houlding

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