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Memorize the words (89 new words)

Write 2 sentences with each of them

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Grumble- complain about sth in an annoyed way

Streamline-aptakumas/ shape sth in a way that it can move as effectively and
quickly as possible
Stubble-short hair that grows on a mans face, short stems left after crop has been
Pastiche- a piece of art that intentionally copies the style of someone elses work
Discomfit- to make somebody feel uncomfortable, especially mentally
Sully- to spoil something that is pure or someones perfect reputation/ to make
something dirty
Soothsayer-a person who is believed to have the ability to know and tell what will happen in

the future
Sedulous- showing dedication and dilligence
Vibrissae-any of the long stiff hairs growing around the mouth or elsewhere on the
face of many mammals, used as organs of touch; whiskers.
Uxoricide- the killing of ones wife
Shard- a sharp piece of broken glass, metal, suke
Barnacle- a small sea animal with a hard shell that sticks firmly to rocks and the
bottom of boats
Chaste- not having sex with anyone/ not showing sexual feelings, simple a=in plain
and style
Suffuse- uzlieti, apsruti
Bludgeon- hit someone several times with sth heavy/ to force someone to do sth by
making threats or arguing with them
Ingratiate with- to try very hard to get someones approval/ igytinpalankuma/

Sapling- young tree/ sodinukas

Botch- to spoil sth by doing it badly/ prastai atliktas darbas
Burgeon- to develop or grow quickly
Tawdry-looking bright and attractive but in fact cheap
Tidings-Information about recent and important events
Redolent-smelling strongly of something or having qualities (especially smells) that make you

think of something else / with/ of

Offal-the organs inside an animal, such as the brain, the heart and the liver , which are eaten as

food/ maita, atmatos

Rancid-tasting or smelling unpleasant because not fresh/ pakartes

Dirge- a slow sad song or piece of music, sometimes played because someone has died
Midriff-the part of the human body between the chest and the waist
Chivvy-to encourage someone to do something they do not want to do /Annoy continually or

Udder-the organ of a cow, sheep or other animal, that produces milk and hangs like a bag

between the legs/ tesmuo

Tureen- a large bowl, usually with a lid, from which soup or vegetables are served
Inveigle- to persuade someone to do something in a clever and dishonest way, when they do not

want to do it / sweet talk

Prig- A person regarded as arrogant and annoying/ snob
Rumpus- The act of making a noisy disturbance/ commotion
Adumbrate- Describe roughly or briefly or give the main points or summary of/
Bugbear- An imaginary monster used to frighten children/ bogeyman
Manacle- Shackle that consists of a metal loop that can be locked around the wrist;
usually used in pairs
Ragamuffin- A dirty shabbily clothed urchin

Prurient- Characterized by lust/ lustful

Lampoon- Ridicule with satire/ mockery
Seamy- Morally degraded; unpleasant and offensive; slovenly
Repartee- Adroitness and cleverness in reply/ wittiness
Purloin- Make off with belongings of others/ vagiliauti
Visage- The appearance conveyed by a person's face
Sobriquet- A familiar name for a person (often a shortened version of a person's
given name)/ nickname
Mawkish- insincerely emotional/ sleikstokas, sentimentalus
Polymath- A person of great and varied learning/ eruditas
Nostrum- Hypothetical remedy for all ills or diseases; once sought by the
alchemists/ panacea
Lothario- A successful womanizer; a man who behaves selfishly in his sexual
relationships with women/ womanizer
Mien- Dignified manner or conduct/ comportment
Trollop- A dirty untidy woman/ loose woman
Fuddle- to confuse someone and make them unable to think clearly / apsvaigimas
Puckish- liking to make jokes about other people and play silly tricks on them/ selmiskas
Duplicitous- dviveidiskas
Noisome- very unpleasant and offensive / kenksmingas
Mlange- a mixture, or a group of different things or people / misinys
Svelte- attractively thin, graceful and stylish / lieknas, gracingas
Verdure- (the green colour of) fresh healthy plants / zaluma
Raiment- Provide with clothes or put clothes on/ dress
Imbroglio- A very embarrassing misunderstanding
Maladroit- Not adroit/ gudrus, sumanus
Epigone- An inferior imitator of some distinguished writer, artist or musician/

Potboiler- an artistic work, usually of low quality, that has been created quickly just to earn

money/ chaltura
Captious- often expressing criticisms about matters which are not important , priekabus
Bibulous- Given to or marked by the consumption of alcohol, girtaujantis
Tricorn- Cocked hat with the brim turned up to form three points
Tenebrous- dark and gloomy/ niurus
Braggadocio- Vain and empty boasting/ gyrimasis
Bruit- Tell or spread rumours
Embonpoint- Sufficiently fat so as to have a pleasing fullness of figure
Pabulum- Any substance that can be used as food/ maistas
Pother- An excited state of agitation/ susijaudinimas, susirupinimas
Valetudinarian- a person of a weak or sickly constitution; especially : one whose
chief concern is his or her ill health
Cenacle- A dining room, especially one on an upper floor
Legerdemain- An illusory feat; considered magical by naive observers/ gugaule
Cantle- The back of a saddle seat the raised, curved part at the back of a horse's
Estivation- cessation or slowing of activity during the summer; especially slowing of
metabolism in some animals during a hot or dry period
Regnant- Exercising power or authority/ valdantysis
Terpsichorean- Of or relating to dancing/ A performer who dances professionally
Clerisy- An educated and intellectual elite
Deracinate- Move (people) forcibly from their homeland into a new and foreign
environment/ root out
Fuliginous- Sooty; resembling smoke or soot-darkest dark
Oneiromancy- the interpretation of dreams in order to foretell the
future.Tatterdemalion- a person dressed in ragged clothing ragamuffin
Williwaw- a sudden violent squall blowing offshore from a mountainous coast.
Caitiff- a contemptible or cowardly person

Hypnopompic- of or relating to the state immediately preceding waking up

Opsimath- a person who begins to learn or study only late in life.
Pule-Cry weakly or softly/ verkslenti
Sparge-The act of sprinkling or splashing water

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