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\f0\b\fs44 \cf0 STATEMENT OF PURPOSE\
\f1\b0\fs24 \cf0 \
\f2 \cf0 The competition between the companies and their products has been ever
increasing. Companies all over the world are thus, trying not only to capture th
e national but the international markets as well, given the resources. This very
competitive and \'93survival of the fittest\'94 add to the fastest environment
that has led to an increase in the demand for management professionals in the re
cent years.\
To achieve my career goals, I need to learn much more about current developments
and techniques. A Master\'92s Degree will provide me with theoretical understan
ding, an in depth idea of practical approaches in aiding managerial decision-mak
ing and research skills. \
Strong quantitative skills, familiarity with computer applications and experienc
e gained while working in Cybage Software pvt ltd have helped me to develop shar
p analytical abilities and have given me the confidence to tackle advanced probl
ems and additionally have developed good interpersonal and communication skills.
I look forward to applying these abilities to the immense opportunities availa
ble at your University.\
Education is a very important part of life, I would say a \'93Life Belt or a Tre
asure\'94 that remains with you all through your life particularly higher studie
s i.e. management, makes your approach more professional which is the need of to
day\'92s time. \
Narsee Monjee is one of the best places where one can get his post graduation st
udies as the faculties are always ready to help you and also there are a lot of
facilities available for the student. I have always felt that honing up of my sk
ills & further understanding of the above subjects from a Narsee Monjee will giv
e me a cutting edge to stay far ahead of those who have post graduated from othe
r colleges thereafter share with them my knowledge and skills for the benefit of
\cf0 \
\cf0 Given an opportunity to further study, I am confident that I can participat
e extensively and shed more light, on the knowledge, skills and experiences accu
mulated by me till date and convince you that within a short span of a decade,
I am confident handling higher responsibilities and accountability by holding a
high position in A Globally Acknowledged Leader in this field.\
In conclusion, I would like to add that the essence of University education lies
in the synergetic relationship between the student and his department. From my
end, I bring with me a zest for challenges and a spirit to learn enthusiasticall
y with complete dedication, perseverance, and hard work. I feel that postgraduat
e study at your University will be the most logical extension of my academic pur

suits and a major step towards achieving my objectives. I see myself passing out
from your esteemed University not only as a student but as an individual who is
ready to take on the world and achieve the impossible. I would be grateful to y
ou if I am accorded an opportunity to pursue my postgraduate studies at your ins
titution and am able to justify your faith in me.\
\f3\fs26 \cf0 \

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