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Modal Verbs and Infinitive Constructions

I. Translate into English, using Infinitive Constructions:

1. Este improbabil ca ei s reueasc s se neleag cu directoarea colii.
2. Se bnuiete c Harry a jefuit aceast banc.
3. Se bnuiete c Harry repar maini.
4. Se tie c noi avem note bune.
5. Se tie c noi am avut note bune anul trecut.
6. Eu tiu c el e un om cinstit.
7. Eu tiu c el era un om cinstit n tineree.
8. Se spune c Preedintele ascult muzic n fiecare diminea.
9. Se spune c Preedintele plnuiete invazia acestei ri.
10. Se spune c portarul a dezvluit misterul acestui castel.
11. Se spune c majordomul se uita la televizor n timp ce proprietarul atepta la u.
II. Underline can/ could expressing permission with one line and can/ could
expressing possibility with two lines:
1. You can ski in the Romanian mountains from October on.
2. On Sundays the students could stay in bed till nine.
3. You could bathe here in summer.
4. Can you lend me your typewriter for a week?
5. Im afraid you cant stay any longer.
6. One couldnt cross the street. They were taking pictures in front of the concert hall.
7. That child can be very naughty sometimes.
8. It can rain quite often in Scotland.
III. Use can, could, or be able to in the following sentences, as necessary:
1. David speak Italian now. He speak it three years ago.
2. Mary read German. She read German when she was 11 years old.
3. you speak English well last year? You speak English now, you? (tag
4. I find the tin-opener yesterday, and I still find it today.
5. He learn foreign languages easily.
6. you let me have a room for the night?
7. You travel from Bucharest to Tg. Jiu in four hours.
8. We regret we agree to your requests; they were not within our power.
9. He (not) finish reading the book before he went to bed.
10. Jane tell the name of all the capital-cities in Europe.
11. An orange be very refreshing on a hot day.
12. As I was not interrupted, I finish my work in due time.
13. When she was a young woman she sing prettily.
14. Ruxandra P. speak French before she went to France for the first time.
15. The boat overturned, but, fortunately, we swim back to the bank.
16. As Helen and Bobby speak good English, they explain to the English
tourists their itinerary.
17. He catch the bus as he run fast.
18. Oana said she solve all the exercises in Chemistry she (be) given before her
summer holiday.

IV. Fill in the blanks with could or be able to:

1. When the coach plunged into the river, only the driver get out.
2. He was as strong as a horse; he work all day and dance all night.
3. I mumble a few Hungarian words when I was a teenager.
4. She reach the shore before she fainted.
5. I type when I was sixteen.
6. you walk after the accident or did they have to carry you?
7. Although a long way from the door, they get out very quickly.
8. The man asked me the way, but as he only speak Italian, I help him.
V. Translate into English using modal verbs wherever possible:
1. Cnd era elev, el putea scrie s scrie cte trei pagini pe zi.
2. n seara aceea, prizonierul a putut/ reuit s evadeze.
3. mi dai voie s sting lumina? Da, i dau voie/ Nu, nu i dau voie.
4. Jane tie s picteze.
5. Ieri am aflat c Jane tie s picteze.
6. Cnd a vzut fantoma, Jill s-a speriat foarte tare, dar, cu toate acestea, a reuit s se
stpneasc i s i continue treaba.
7. Nu pot s nu-l ajut s i repare maina.
8. Cnd am vzut-o, am intrebat-o dac pot s particip la orele ei.
9. Este imposibil ca ei s te trdeze.
10. Este imposibil ca ei s te fi trdat sptmna trecut.
11. I-am spus c nu are cum s fie John criminalul.
12. Aceast main se poate strica oricnd.
13. Tu vei putea participa la aceast competiie sptmna viitoare.
14. Era imposibil ca ei s i dea seama de adevr.
15. Doctorii au recunoscut c era imposibil ca ei s fi salvat pacientul.
16. Pot s vin cu tine la acest concert?
17. A putea s vin cu tine la acest concert?
18. O asemenea tragedie se poate ntmpla din nou.
19. Ali turiti se pot neca in acest golf oricnd.
20. Ali turiti s-ar putea ineca n aceast piscin n viitorul apropiat.

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