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A formal organization is a type of group or organization that Is deliberately

constructed and whose members are organized to achieve a specific goal.

Churches, schools, hospitals, prisons, armies and companies are just a few
examples. There are three characteristics that are present in the structure of
all formal organizations, and each has its own way of maintaining control
over its members. These are;
A, normative organization
B, utilitarian organization
C, coercive organization
Normative is one classification of formal organizations. Thus, it based on the
beneficiaries or power of the organization. A normative organization refers to
an organization that uses normative power to control the members in the
organization so that they would work effectively to achieve the set goals
through integrating the group. Normative organization maintains control
through shared moral commitment. Membership in normative organization is
purely voluntary. People join because they want to or because of a strong,
positive sense of obligation. Members work together to promote an
important social cause. Churches, political parties and fraternities are
examples of normative organizations. Members join voluntarily and share a
positive sense of unity and purpose.
The second type of formal organization is a utilitarian organization, which
maintains control through bartering. People join utilitarian organization
because they have something to gain. The culture is one of productivity and
purpose. Members are compensated for their contributions and concerns. If
you are employed, you are likely a member of a utilitarian organization. You
have individual responsibility and receive appreciation for contributions
towards the organization. Colleges and universities are also an examples of
utilitarian organizations. For the money and efforts put into your classes, you
receive credentials and a diploma confirming your degree. A large
percentage of people in modern societies spend a great deal of time in
utilitarian organizations.
The coercive organization is a type of formal organization that maintains
control through force. For example, once you enter a coercive organization,

you cannot leave without given permission to do so. The culture is one of
strict obedience and order, and members are typically stripped of individuals
and forced to confirm. A prison is a good example of a coercive organization.
Membership Is not voluntary. inmates are stripped on their belongings,
forced to wear identical clothes and are identified by a number instead of by
names. These are strict rules, and prison guards are present at all times to
force them. The military is one example of coercive organization. Although
entrance to the military is usually voluntary, you cannot exist without being
discharged or retiring. Members of the military wear uniforms and similar
hairstyles. They have strict rules for how to behave and must follow a chain
of command. In any coercive organization, life is routine and rules are very

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