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Queens for the King

October 2016 Newsletter

An October to Remember
October has been a month to boot up our brains and
flex our brain muscle. We are challenging the kids
in Sibongumbomvu School to memorize Scripture.
They are responding very enthusiastically so far.
House visits have been a deep time of testimony
among our patients. We are diving into the book of
Judges and exploring the life of Gideon with the SW
teens. Elizabeth is loving her math classes and led her
dorm into Dorm Wars battle. Jacob is posting good
marks in school and swimming up a storm in water
polo. Come recount with us how the Lord is working
here in South Africa.

No compromise
On October 2nd, Thomas got the
opportunity to preach during the morning
service at Hilton Baptist. He preached on
Deuteronomy 7. He reminded us that God
wont compromise on His word, statutes,
or love. We as Christians must stand firm
in love even though our culture pressures
us to conform. He reminded us how
worldly compromises are a snare to our
spiritual growth. Continue to pray for
Thomas as he declares Gods truths. Pray
for him also as final exams approach soon
in his on line seminary classes he is taking
to improve his preaching skills.

Teaching them to observe

all things
We continue to love teaching the Grade 4
and 6 classes the bible stories about Jesus
from the New Testament. The kids also are
really working hard to memorize their
Scriptures verses weekly. Candy makes a
great motivator here, HA! If a child
memorizes a verse each week for the next 8
weeks, they will earn a Jesus story book
bible to take home with them. Currently
they use them only in the classroom. Pray
each child hides Gods word in their hearts
to be transformed into His image.

Craft time with the girls

Thursday Kids Club

The children are finding
inventive ways to memorize
their verses. They make up
songs to the verses and lots of
creative hand motions. I love
the way they say their verses
each week. The shy children
will whisper them to our
Sweetwaters teens who lead the
bible stories now in IsiZulu.

He fills our hearts with joy in Shiyas

Despite the harsh living conditions and persisting drought, the patients of Shiyabazali continue
to persevere because they have the hope of Christ now. One of our older ladies testified this
month that before she knew Jesus, her life was so hopeless and fighting with her neighbors
seemed endless but now that she knows Jesus she is filled with endless joy and peace despite
her circumstances. Continue to pray for these folks as they face such difficult surroundings.
Pray for their growth in Christ. A few of them still need SA identification documents or
medical assistance for their handicapped children so pray for those needs to be met. Continue
to pray for a very WET season here to end the drought and water their gardens.

Hooray! The water truck is here!

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