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U-32 Middle and High School Pilot Project Learning Plan (English)

PROJECT: title and short description

Lgbtq+ activism

1. What questions/goals are you addressing in your study?

To write a memoir with art attached to it - second semester
To read three books each semester, hopefully more
To do at least 2 public speaking kind of events, hopefully more than that though
Reflect on poetry
Erasure poetry

2. Why are you interested in this study?

I read drawing blood by Molly Crabapple and I was blown away with how lovely
memoir was, she has such an interesting, inspiring past and the way she tied her
art in is amazing.
As a part of the lgbtq+ youth it is important to me to be a voice and to not only
help myself but to help my community. I really enjoy poetry, especially poetry
books about activism, healing and stuggle, gender roles/stereyotypes,
masculinity stereyotypes, empowerment, and recovery.
I've been doing erasure poetry for a while, it's super fun and a great way to get

3. Transferable Skills:
List all skills that apply to your project work:
Transferable Skills


I will effectively communicate purposeful
lgbtq+ issues, things that can help us,
and overall just activism and voiced
opinions in order to better the community
of lgbtq+ people
I will be an lgbtq+ advocate in local
I will work independently and
collaboratively with other lgbtq+

people/activists in the community (Ex:

Outright Vermont, etc.)

I will be responsible for setting up lgbtq+

activism such things for myself and
reaching out to others in the community
to be included in events and such.

4. Content Standards: please list all that apply (use your advisor and content
area specialists for help with this!) Add the name of the teachers who will
approve of this.

I will read books, online articles etc.
I will write a memoir
I will speak at my exhibitions
I will listen to songs and use the lyrics for
art pieces as well as listening during
seminars etc.


7. What activities does this project require you to conduct outside of U-32?


Interview experts, participate in a work-site visit, collect survey data, collect scientific data)

Which methods of information gathering do you plan on using? (Check all that

o Interviewing
o Internship
o Observing, documenting, and/or surveying
o Video or audio-taping
o Gathering and reviewing published information (reading) X
o Searching online and electronic databases X
o Creating a symbolic representation (g/g/, model building, map
making) X
o Discussion
o Experimentation
o Writing, and reflecting X
o Other_________________________________________________________
8. How will you apply the knowledge that you have gained? What will you
produce to document your work? (Ex. design a product, organizing an event, produce a
CD, create a portfolio)

I will produce a memoir, art pieces, etc.

Folding down important pages in poetry books and then writing short reflections
on them
All of the work I have done for the activism will show itself, typing documents,
hopefully photos will be takn etc.
9. What will you show to advisors and mentors to show what knowledge and
understanding youve gained by creating this project?
I will show my revisions and my journeys through each piece of this study
10. What experts would be relevant to your work? Who can best address
questions, provide feedback, etc.? 5. Where in the real world might one see
the problem or question addressed by the project tackled by an adult at work or
in the community? (Ex. Local fish and game scientists also study species in our local creek.)

11. How will you develop a sense of the real world standards for this type of

12.Whats your plan for connecting to an adult mentor?

6. What type of audience might you share your work with? (Ex. Industry experts,
community decision-makers, parents, other staff members, local service clubs, other students)

Writers, Chris Blackburn, Peers, Mentors, anyone who would like to read.
13. Make a list of the resources you plan on using in your study. Make sure that
you maintain and update this list as your study progresses.

14. Who might help you find and refine your resource list throughout your study?
Chris Blackburn and Amy Koenigbauer

Annotated Bibliography for this study that you hope to earn

credit for, with at least 3 people, four books, and ten internet sources

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