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The Lord of the Flies Product Rubric : NY Time Book Reviews & Analysis

Teacher Name: Ms. Zinni

Student Name: ________________________________________

Introduction 10%

Paid Star
Reviewer introduces the chapter
of The Lord of the Flies that they
are talking/writing about
thoroughly and in an interesting
manner to entice readers. The
readers will have a clear
understanding of the intention of
the product.

Comprehension of Reviewer is able to accurately

Novel Being
answer all questions, give or take
Reviewed 20%
one, posed by NY Times viewers
about the topic.

Internet Sensation
One-Hit Wonder
Grandma Likes Your Post
Reviewer introduces the book
Reviewer mentions the book they Reviewer fails to introduce or even
they are talking/writing about well are talking/writing about.
mention the book they are going to
enough to get the idea across.
Readers will not be entirely sure talk about. Readers are frustrated
The readers will have somewhat what the product is designed to because they do not know what to
of an understanding of the
expect of the product.
intention of the product, not
necessarily excited though.

Reviewer is able to accurately

answer most questions, save 2 or
3, posed by NY Times viewers
about the topic.

Reviewer is unable to accurately Reviewer is unable to accurately

answer four or five questions
answer five or more questions posed
posed by NY Times viewers
by NY Times viewers about the topic.
about the topic.

Time-Limit 10%

Time limit was met, product was Presentation is 3-4 minutes long.
thorough with information and
The product was a thorough and
entertaining. The product even
entertaining review.
engaged young reviewers.

Review is less than 3 minutes

long, was long enough to be
thorough or entertaining, but not

Presentation was mostly fluff, not

entertaining nor thorough.
Presentation is longer than time limit

New Type of
Platform Was
Used 30%

Reviewer has more in-depth

features and advanced
knowledge with the platform of
technology used that further
enhances the review.

Reviewer has created a review on

a new platform using technology.
This platform may include video,
audio, interactive web design,
etc. Furthermore, the platform
used is a finished product and the
student shows familiarity when
navigating it

Reviewer has created a review

on a new platform using
technology. The platform used is
a mostly finished product, but
the student does not show
familiarity in navigating it.

Reviewer has created a review on a

new platform using technology. The
platform used is not completed and
the student is unable to navigate the
product well.

There is mostly correct grammar,

spelling, and citations throughout
the product, written or spoken.
There are small errors which can
easily be corrected.

There is sometimes correct

The reviewer does not show any
grammar, spelling, and citations comprehension of correct grammar,
throughout the product, written spelling, and citations throughout the
or spoken. There are errors which product, written or spoken. They need
prevent readers from
to re-word multiple areas of the
understanding what is trying to product.
be conveyed.

The reviewer is happy to be

reviewing, but does not always
support this emotion with the
facial expressions, voice, or
attention to details.

The reviewer shows some signs

of being interested in their topic,
but this notion is not supported
by many facial expressions,
excitement in voice, or attention
to online presentation details.

Correct Grammar, There is correct grammar,

Spelling, and
spelling, and citations throughout
Citations in any
the product, written or spoken.
text (spoken or
written) 10%

Enthusiam 20%

The reviewer is noticeably

excited about the topic - the
facial expressions in video, voice
in audio recording, attention to
details in online presentation
convey passion for the product
and novel review.

Created by: Vivian Corynne Zinni using Rubistar. Date Created: Sep 13, 2016 10:15 am (CDT)

The reviewer exemplifies no emotion

of excitement, happiness, or interest.
Their product is done as quickly and
straight-forward as they could
manage - no facial expressions,
little/monotonous talking, or little to
no details in presentation online.

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