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Computer aided learning in geotechnical engineering education

Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Adelaide, S.A., Australia

Faculty of the Built Environment, University of West England, Bristol, UK

School of Civil & Structural Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

ABSTRACT: As time proceeds the use of computer aided learning (CAL) in undergraduate courses is becoming a more widespread and accepted form of teaching particularly in engineering education. This paper
presents the CAL resources currently available in geotechnical engineering and is an extension and update of
Toll (1999).
This paper presents a list and brief overview of
the various CAL resources currently available in
geotechnical engineering. To date, these resources
include stand-alone PC-based programs, web-based
simulations and courseware and multimedia CDROMs. These resources are divided into these categories and, where available, web URLs and references to relevant papers are given. An excellent
internet site, which lists an extensive source of links
to geotechnical engineering software, is provided by
the Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Software
Directory (www.ggsd.com) which also provides a list
of educational links.

Computer aided learning (CAL) offers many advantages over traditional forms of learning. These include:
1. the ability to run simulations of laboratory experiments and design scenarios that allow the student to see the effect on some behaviour by modifying various parameter(s);
2. the material can be delivered in an exciting and
challenging manner;
3. students are able to learn at their own pace, rather
than fitting into a schedule set by the course
4. student progress and areas of difficulty can be
automatically monitored;
5. scarce teacher, technician and equipment resources can be diverted to other areas, e.g. research.
Whilst CAL has a number of benefits it also suffers
from a number of limitations. These include:
1. students do not handle soil or rock nor operate test
apparatus, hence, they cannot learn from these
important experiences;
2. students may not appreciate experimental errors
nor the time needed to carry out some geotechnical tests;
3. if the CAL resources are poorly designed, the student may be more concerned with navigating or
playing the software than with learning;
4. hardware limitations may cause the software to
crash or the web-navigator to be unbearably slow,
hence, detracting from the learning experience.
As a consequence, CAL should not be seen as a
panacea but as another tool in the instructors armoury of techniques and delivery modes.


2.1 Stand-Alone PC Programs
2.1.1 CATIGE for Windows
CATIGE (Computer Aided Teaching In Geotechnical Engineering) for Windows, Jaksa et al. (1996), is
a suite of 15 Windows-based programs written for
undergraduate students to assist in the teaching and
learning of fundamental geotechnical engineering
principles. The suite consists of the following standalone programs:
Class4W (Unified Soil Classification) guides students through the process of identifying and classifying soils using the Unified Soil Classification
System (USCS). Class4W uses CATIGEs six hypothetical soils and allows the user to choose various
laboratory tests and field identification techniques to
identify the soils. The results of Liquid Limit tests
and sieve analyses can be plotted to assist the user in
classifying the soils. In order to make the process realistic, the user is given a budget and each laboratory

test is charged against this budget. The user is asked

to suggest the USCS symbol for the selected soil.
Consol4W (Consolidation Processes) provides an
introduction to the processes that occur during onedimensional consolidation. Consol4W allows the
user to choose one of the standard soils, one- or twoway drainage, the thickness of the consolidating
layer, the stress increment, and the time interval
between results. Consol4W displays the consolidating layer as well as graphs of excess porewater pressure vs. depth of the layer, and the change in layer
thickness vs. time.
Dams4W (2D Seepage Analysis) illustrates the
two-dimensional flow beneath a dam, sheet-pile, or
other user-defined retaining structure, as shown in
Fig. 1. The user may specify boundary hydraulic
heads, soil permeability and the geometry of the retaining structure. By choosing a location within the
flow field, Dams4W plots a flow velocity or equipotential vector. Performing this at several locations
within the flow field, the user may generate a flow
net consisting of flow lines and equipotential lines.
The emphasis of Dams4W is not to produce a flow
net but to facilitate the task and to involve the user in
the process.
DSand4W (Direct Shear Test in Sand) is a graphical representation of the direct shear test performed
on specimens of sand. The user may select either dry
sand, or a saturated sand with water pressure, tested
in a loose, medium, or dense state. After specifying
the hanger load, DSand4W animates the test apparatus and plots the result on a shear stress vs. displacement and a normal stress vs. peak shear stress
graph. The user is then able to perform additional
tests with different hanger loads, after which, the
user may estimate the internal angle of friction, .
Effect4W (Vertical Effective Stresses) seeks to
reinforce the understanding of vertical effective
stresses. Up to four separate soil layers may be input
with different void ratios, bulk unit weights, moisture contents, and specific gravities. Effect4W plots

the total and effective stresses and the porewater

pressure as a function of depth, and allows the user
to view the effect of varying the depth of the water
Expansiv (Influence of Expansive Soil Heave)
allows the user to input a soil profile characterised
by the number of soil layers; their thicknesses and
instability indices; and the soil suction profile. Expansiv calculates the amount of surface heave associated with the soil profile, and displays the distortion of a residential dwelling as a function of this
heave, as well as a description of the process that is
occurring. In addition, external factors such as: seasonal effects; leaking services; poor stormwater
drainage; and tree effects can also be examined.
FallingW (Falling Head Test) provides the user
with an introduction to the measurement of the permeability of soils by means of the falling head test.
After choosing a soil, air pressure and time interval,
FallingW animates the test, and the head of the water
in the standpipe is plotted against time. The user is
able to start and stop a timer, thereby enabling values
to be recorded throughout the test. After completing
the test the user is able to evaluate the permeability
of the soil.
GeoUnits (Geotechnical Engineering Unit Converter) is a utility program that allows the user to
convert between SI units and British/US units. The
program is specifically designed for use in geotechnical engineering and incorporates 9 different categories of units: Length; Area; Volume; Mass; Force;
Pressure/Stress; Density/Unit Weight; Velocity/Permeability; and Acceleration. GeoUnits is
available as part of the demonstration package and,
hence, is freeware.
Heave (Expansive Soil Heave Calculator) calculates the surface heave, ys , and the design heave, ym ,
of an expansive soil profile in accordance with the
Australian Standard AS 2870. In addition, Heave
calculates the influence of trees on ys .
Mohr4W (Mohr Circle of Stress) demonstrates
two-dimensional stress transformation by means of
the Mohr circle. An element of soil is displayed with
user defined values of horizontal and vertical

Figure 1. Dams4W.

Figure 2. FallingW.


stresses, and as the user rotates the element,

Mohr4W plots a vector representation of the normal
and shear stresses, and plots the Mohr circle.
Mohr4W is also available as part of the demonstration package and, hence, is freeware.
Phase (Phase Relationship Calculator) calculates
the phase relationships of a soil, as shown in Fig. 3.
A minimum of 3 parameters is needed to evaluate
the remaining parameters. Phase calculates the
moisture content, void ratio, porosity, degree of saturation, specific gravity of solids, and the bulk, dry,
saturated and submerged unit weights and the program incorporates a flexible solver that allows input
in any combination. Phase uses both SI and British/US units. In addition, Phase provides extensive
help facilities including an example problem and a
set of tutorial questions.
ProctorW (Proctor Compaction Test) demonstrates the Proctor, as well as the modified Proctor,
compaction tests. The user may choose one of CATIGEs six hypothetical soils and the type of Proctor
test. The process is demonstrated by using an animated graphics screen and, if desired, sound. Proctor4W guides the user through the compaction test
procedure and plots the results on a standard compaction graph. The user is able to add or remove
moisture and repeat the test, enabling several compaction points to be determined. Having done this,
the user is then asked to estimate the optimum
moisture content and the maximum dry unit weight
of the soil. ProctorW is also available as part of the
demonstration package and, therefore, is freeware.
Retain4W (Sheet Pile Retaining Wall Analysis)
demonstrates the analysis of cantilever sheet pile retaining walls which is based on the Rankine earth
pressure theory. Retain4W allows the user to input
different soil properties and water tables on both the
active and passive sides of the wall, and calculates
the sliding forces, overturning moments, and the
factors of safety against sliding and overturning. If
the factors of safety are less than one, Retain4W
animates the wall and displays its collapse, dependent on which mode of failure occurs.

Triax4W (Triaxial Test) simulates the triaxial

testing of soils. All six of CATIGEs soils can be
tested, using drained or undrained conditions. The
axial stress and cell pressure can be increased or decreased during the test, and the drainage valve can be
opened or closed at any time. An axial stress-axial
strain graph and a p, p', q stress path can be plotted,
as shown in Fig. 4. Porewater pressures are measured and displayed throughout the test.
CATHelp (CATIGE for Windows Help) provides
on-line help on each of the CATIGE for Windows
Three of the programs are available free-ofcharge as fully-functional demonstrations, whereas
the entire suite can be purchased either as a single or
site license. CATIGE for Windows is currently being
used by 18 higher education institutions throughout
the world.
2.1.2 ESP

ESP (Effective Stress Package), Oliver and Oliphant

(1999) is a Power-Point-type presentation program
which seeks to assist students in learning the concept
of effective stress, as shown in Fig. 5. The standalone executable file consists of 3 topics total vertical stress, pore water pressure and effective stress;
each of which are subdivided into 3 sections the-

Figure 4. Triax4W.

Figure 5. ESP.
Figure 3. Phase.


ory, worked examples and a test. The test sections

provide a high degree of interactivity and the program reacts to students answers and provides informative feedback when mistakes are made, advising how an error can be corrected. The authors
demonstrate improved learning as a result of using
ESP. The program is available free-of-charge by
contacting JohnO@civ.hw.ac.uk.
2.1.3 GeotechniCAL (geocal.uwe.ac.uk)
GeotechniCAL, Davison (1996), is the result of the
UK higher education Teaching and Learning Technology Programme (TLTP). The first two stages of
the TLTP involved 76 projects which attracted total
funds of 33 million. GeotechniCAL was funded for
3 years from 1993 to 1996 under TLTP Stage 2 and
consists of the following:
ConFound (Fig. 6), Toll and Barr (1996, 1998), is a
knowledge-based system (KBS) developed for preliminary (conceptual) design of foundations. It is
specifically designed for use as a CAL tool. The
KBS will offer a critical assessment of the decision
after it has been made. By offering the student alternatives and highlighting any factors that must be
considered it is thought to give the student a better
understanding of the processes behind foundation
design. Whilst it is backed up by extensive reference
material in the form of Help files, a certain degree of
understanding of geotechnics and foundation engineering is expected. The system is therefore seen as
a supplement to a lecture course, not a replacement.
Its primary use is intended to be in conjunction with
design projects. Confound provides the student the
opportunity to investigate possibilities, whilst getting
instant feedback on their decisions, something not
possible with large class sizes or through other forms
of self study.
Reference, Davison and Poritt (1999), provides
demonstration case studies (e.g. steel sheet piling)
and a glossary. In addition to the normal Windows
on-line help, a hypertext geotechnical reference

manual can be accessed from all parts of the GeotechniCAL software. The reference material is a
collection of Windows Help files, one for each subject: Basic mechanics; Soil mechanics; Groundwater; Foundations; Retaining walls; Slope stability.
Each file contains a structure of short pages, giving
an overview of the subject, leading to levels of increasing detail, plus summaries of case studies and
references to journals and texts. Definitions of terms
are provided by pop-up entries from the glossary.
Many of the diagrams and symbols also have hotspots with pop-up labels and definitions (c.f. 2.2.3).
Tutorial, Davison and Poritt (1999), is a series of
hypertext geotechnical tutorials. The package contains the GeoTutor computer program and paperbased workbooks which, together, introduce the
principles of geotechnical engineering. For each task
in the workbook, there is a corresponding part of
GeoTutor to be selected. GeoTutor enables students
to explore some of the important concepts by manipulating simple models and observing the effect. It
contains activities, spreadsheets and self-assessment
quizzes, linked to the hypertext reference information; all designed to support students working
through the workbook tasks. The activity settings
(including soil parameters and spreadsheet formulae), quiz questions and guided tours are stored in
simple text files which can all be edited by the tutor.
LabSim, Davison (1996), provides students with
the opportunity to carry out triaxial tests on-screen,
as shown in Fig. 7. The emphasis is on understanding soil behaviour and, only secondarily, training in
test procedures. A companion program (Configur)
allows instructors to modify the LabSim simulation,
to reflect their own requirements for technical content, soil types, quiz questions and learning styles.
The main screen of the LabSim simulation depicts a
schematic of the triaxial cell, complete with cell
pressure gauge, pore water pressure gauge, load
cells, drainage ports, clock etc. During the consolidation phase, three plots are displayed (versus time):

Figure 6. Confound.

Figure 7. LabSim.


mean effective stress, pore water pressure and volume change. During the loading phase, the on-screen
plots are: pore water pressure response, axial stressstrain response, stress paths, and volume change.
Site Investigation, Moran et al. (1997), is a simulation and game supported by a series of tutorial
modules. As shown in Fig. 8, the tutoring modules
are designed to enable students to learn about the basic constituents of a site investigation, to see the
range of information available and its usage. The
game enables students to encounter, through images,
animation, video and audio, the challenges of the
real life site investigation.
Spires consists of 3 separate programs SefCut,
SefDam and SefWeir (Fig. 9). They enable the user to
modify the parameters in standard seepage flow
problems, and calculate the two-dimensional flow
nets. SefCut models flow into an excavation in layered soil supported by a sheet pile wall. Excavation
size, sheet pile depth, layer thickness and permeability can all be altered. SefDam demonstrates flow
through a simple earth dam with a core of different
permeability. The side slopes, crest width, location
and width of the core, upstream and downstream
water levels can all be altered, as well as the permeabilities of the dam and core materials. SefWeir
models flow below an impermeable structure, with
the possibility of including a cut-off. The location
and depth of the cut-off can be altered.
SSI (Soil-Structure Interaction), Davison (1996),
shown in Fig. 10, is a finite element program which
endeavours to teach students SSI without them having to learn the intricacies of finite element theory or
mesh generation. The software presents a number of
SSI problems (walls, embankments, foundations,
tunnels) and within each of these there are a number
of topics (e.g. embedded wall and wall with a
berm under the walls problem). Within each topic
one can vary a number of system parameters (e.g.
soil stiffness and structural dimensions) and examine
the effects of these changes. The program incorpo-

rates quizzes to allow students or lecturers to check

progress, and a tutorial on the basic operation of the
To February 1999, 335 people have registered as
users of GeotechniCAL. Unfortunately, it is not possible to determine how these people are using the
software, if at all. Audits of the entire TLTP show a
disappointing level of takeup across all 76 projects.
The TLTP Stage 3 is smaller than the previous two
stages, 10.6 million compared with 33 million,
and focuses on integration into the curriculum rather
than new development. Unfortunately, much of the
TLTP software is too prescriptive and cannot be
tailored to individual courses and many are written
in 16-bit format and will not operate in the Windows
NT operating system.
2.1.4 MECSOLOS (REESC) (reesc.ctclab.ufsc.br)
MECSOLOS makes use of text (in Portuguese), images, graphical illustrations and animation to help
students to learn stress distribution in soils. This
forms one application of the REESC Project
(Reengineering of the Engineering Education in
Santa Catarina) which involves 7 universities.

Figure 9. Spires - SefWeir.

Figure 8. Site Investigation.

Figure 10. SSI.


2.1.5 SLOPE/W (Student Version)

with lectures, laboratory sessions, tutorials and for

independent study to assist students in developing
competence in solving engineering problems.


GEO-SLOPE has recently released a student version

of its popular and extensive SLOPE/W package (Fig.
11). SLOPE/W uses limit equilibrium theory to compute the factor of safety of earth and rock slopes.
The student edition is a limited version of the complete full-featured software and can only be used for
educational and learning purposes. The student edition can: (i) analyse problems with two different
soils plus a bedrock layer; (ii) describe the soil with
a total unit weight, cohesion and/or a friction angle;
(iii) specify pore-water pressure conditions with a
single piezometric line; (iv) examine circular and
non-circular slip surfaces; and (v) compute factors of
safety using six different methods of slices.

2.2.3 ETH (Zrich) Courseware


This site, which is currently under development by

Dr. Les Davison (c.f. 2.1.3) and Prof. Sarah Springman, provides the soil mechanics, foundations and
glossary sections of the GeotechniCAL Reference in
HTML format. Two simulations from GeotechniCAL Tutorial are available as Java applets. In addition, this site gives details of a case study involving
the construction of a deep basement for an underground car park in Bristol.
2.2.4 GeoMeca (geomeca.ecp.fr)
GeoMeca is the web site of KSO (Knowledge Synthesis Organisation) whose aim is to provide a better
understanding of the in situ properties of the soils
and rock for tunnels, foundations, dams and roads.
The website contains a number of photographs of
geotechnical engineering aspects from France, Belgium and Portugal. The site also contains a number
of video clips exhibiting different aspects of soil behaviour and information regarding CD-ROMs.
2.2.5 Geotechnical Courseware

Geotechnical Courseware, Budhu, M. (1999a, b),

consists of the three web-based simulations:
Consolidation Concept is an interactive simulation of the process of consolidation of fine-grained
soils. Students interact with the software to get an
understanding of the important aspects of the time
dependent settlement of soils. It is available from the
author for a cost of $US250.
Virtual Consolidation Test provides an interactive
simulation of the oedometer test. It is not intended to
eliminate the actual test but to complement hands-on
experience; to extend the range and convenience of
testing; to test a students prior knowledge; to guide
the student through the testing; to allow the student
to prepare and interpret the test results, and to evaluate the students understanding of the calculations
involved and the interpretation of the test results.
Throughout the exercises, the student can monitor
her/his performance and seek on-line help.
Virtual Triaxial Test is a multimedia web-based resource that is intended to replicate all the procedures
that a student will perform in a real laboratory setting. Some key features of the virtual triaxial test
courseware include: (1) A simulated 3D apparatus
with functional gauges and other instrumentation in
a virtual laboratory; (2) Each student has their own
personal virtual apparatus and soil sample; (3) A
student can assemble the apparatus, prepare a test
sample, place the sample in the apparatus, add loads,
witness the deformation of the sample and plots of

Figure 11. SLOPE/W.

2.2 Web-Based Resources

2.2.1 Bolton Institute CAL Courseware

This web-based courseware is designed to support

the MSc program in Environmental Technology at
the Bolton Institute, UK. Existing materials relate to
contaminated land and address: history and political
initiatives; soil assessment; water assessment and
reclamation, including innovative treatment methods. Materials on ground investigation are under development. (At the time of writing the paper, the
URL was inaccessible).
2.2.2 CIVCAL (civcal.media.hku.hk)
CIVCAL, is a web-based collection of civil engineering projects in the Hong Kong region. The collection consists of descriptions, diagrams and photographs. The authors suggest that, in many ways, an
actual site visit may be adequately replaced and, in
fact, in some respects enhanced through a virtual site
visit that makes use of computer and multimedia
technology. In addition, computer-based multimedia
materials have been developed for use in conjunction

the results, and determine soil parameters from the

test results by calculations and by using a virtual
Mohrs circle program utility; (4) The courseware
tests a students prior knowledge that is relevant to
the triaxial test and quizzes the students during the
virtual laboratory exercise to evaluate learning outcomes; (5) Students are provided with immediate
feedback, performance evaluation and help; (6) Several 'what-if' situations are coded into the courseware. For example, if a drained test was conducted,
the student has the option to conduct an undrained
test on the same soil and or retest the soil at a different overconsolidation ratio.

2.2.8 Virtual Reality Triaxial Test (geocal.uwe.ac.uk)

Virtual Reality Triaxial Test, Davison & Porritt
(1999), (Fig. 13) is a virtual reality simulation of the
triaxial test which uses VRML (Virtual Reality
Modelling Language) to provide the 3-D effects. The
program allows the user to place a sample in the cell,
to consolidate it and to apply axial loading. It is a
simple prototype, but demonstrates the potential for
virtual reality as a teaching/learning tool.

2.2.6 Heriot-Watt University CAL Courseware

This CD-ROM (in Portuguese) describes the procedures for characterising and classifying soils according to the HRB and USCS schemes. It describes
the measurement of particle density, water content,
liquid limit, plastic limit, shrinkage limit and particle
size distribution. The CD-ROM also includes video
clips of the various tests.

2.3 CD-ROM Resources

2.3.1 Characterisation and Classification of Soils
(Inst. Militar de Engenharia, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)


Heriot-Watt University, UK, offers two sets of webbased courseware relevant to geotechnics:
Environmental Science A: Coastal Change in the
Moray Firth is designed to support the practical
classes on environmental change in the Moray Firth,
Scotland. To date, the courseware provides a basic
visit to the area around Ardersier, with topological
and geological maps, and aerial and ground photographs.
Topics in Environmental Geotechnics provides
lectures notes, illustrations, lists of references (with
abstracts), case studies, frequently asked questions
and self-assessment tests. It is intended to reinforce
limited class contact time. Materials include the investigation of contaminated land.

2.3.2 Multimedia Geotechnical Laboratory Testing

(Email: sunils@uidaho.edu)

This multimedia CD-ROM, Sharma & Hardcastle

(1999a,b), which is currently under development,
seeks to demonstrate geotechnical laboratory test
procedures which include water content, weightvolume relationships; visual soil classification; atterberg limits; grain size distribution; compaction
tests; field density testing; permeability tests; consolidation testing; direct shear and triaxial testing.
Using Toolbook, each module contains reference
material, modelling and simulation using 3D graphics and video and an interactive tutorial and quiz to
test the students understanding.

2.2.7 University of Durham CAL Courseware


The University of Durham, UK, offers 3 sets of webbased courseware:

Dam Design (Graham 1997) is a series of web
pages that provides comprehensive information on
concrete and embankment dams. There are sections
on loading, site investigation, geology, hydrogeology, foundations, spillways, and construction of
dams. Dam Design includes some limited selfassessment questions and worked examples, a glossary and reference lists.
Road Design (Wilkinson 1997) is a series of web
pages that contain reference materials concerning
road design, based mainly on the UK Department of
Transports Design Manual for Roads and Bridges.
Road Design includes sections on history; traffic
analysis; site investigation; earthworks and pavement design.
Slope Design (Connolly 1997) is a series of web
pages that contain reference materials on slope stability. Slope Design includes sections on introduction to slopes; introduction to slope instability; slope
stability analysis; remedial and corrective measures
for failing slopes and case studies. Some limited example slope stability problems are also provided
without solutions.

2.3.3 Multimedia Soil Laboratory

(University of Portsmouth)

This multimedia CD-ROM, Alani and Barnes (1999)

which is currently under development, provides a
panoramic tour of a geotechnical laboratory, with the
use of videos and photographs. Help files and digitised images provide details of apparatus, sample
preparation and test procedures for standard soil me-

Figure 12. Virtual Reality Triaxial Test.


Connolly, H. (1997). World wide web pages for slope design,

MEng final year project report, School of Engineering, Uni.
of Durham.
Davison, L.R. (1996). GeotechniCAL Computer assisted
learning in geotechnical engineering. Proceedings of the
7th Australia New Zealand Conf. on Geomechanics, Adelaide, July, M.B. Jaksa, W.S. Kaggwa and D.A. Cameron
Eds., pp. 957963.
Davison, L.R. and Porritt, N. (1999). Using computers to
teach. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers,
Vol. 132 (Feb.), pp. 2430.
De Paor, D.G. and Simpson, C. (1996). Visualization of basic
structural geometries with Structure Lab 1. In Structural
Geology & Personal Computers, De Paor, D.G. Ed., Elsevier Science, pp. 5156.
Ferreira, R.S. (1998). Learning stress distribution in soils using a digital multimedia tool. Proceedings of the Int. Congress of Engineering Education, Rio de Janeiro,
Graham, A. (1997). The development of world wide web
pages for dam design, MEng final year project report,
School of Engineering, Uni. of Durham.
Jaksa, M.B., Kaggwa, W.S. and Gamble, S.K. (1996). CATIGE for windows Teaching basic concepts of geomechanics by computer. Proceedings 7th Australia New Zealand Conf. on Geomechanics, Adelaide, July, M.B. Jaksa,
W.S. Kaggwa and D.A. Cameron Eds., pp. 976980.
Moran, J.A., Langdon, N.J. and Giles, D.P. (1997). Can site
investigation be taught? Proceedings of the Institution of
Civil Engineers, Vol. 120(3), pp. 111118.
Oliver, A.W. and Oliphant, J. (1999). A computer-aided
learning program for teaching effective stress to undergraduates. Geotechnical and Geological Engineering, Vol.
Paul, M.A. (1997) TALiSMAN Specialist Seminar on Copyright and the Web, Moray House Institute of Education,
Edinburgh, June, www.talisman.hw.ac.uk.
Robinson, D. (1995). The Virtual Microscope. Terra Nova
Geologic, pp. 638641.
Sharma, S. and Hardcastle, J.H. (1999a). Using Multimedia to
Teach Geotechnical Engineering Laboratory Procedures.
Proceedings of the 34th Engineering Geology & Geotechnical Engineering Symp., Utah State Uni., Logan, April.
Sharma, S. and Hardcastle, J.H. (1999b). A Multimedia Approach for Teaching Geotechnical Engineering Laboratory
Testing. Proceedings of the 11th Panamerican Conf. on
Soil Mechanics & Geotechnical Engrg., Iguasu Falls, Brasil,
Sproull, J.D. and Orzach, M. (eds) (1991). JedI teacher activities book. US Geological Society Open File Report 91-14.
Toll, D.G. (1999). Information technology applications in
geotechnical education and vocational training. In Geotechnical Engineering for Transportation Infrastructure,
Proceedings 12th European Conf. on Soil Mech. and Geotech. Engrg., Amsterdam, June, F.B.J. Baraends, J. Lindberg, H.J. Luger, L. de Quelerij and A. Veruit Eds. (In
Toll, D.G. and Barr, R.J. (1996). Computer-aided learning for
geotechnical engineering, Deliberations on teaching and
learning in higher education, JISC Electronic Libraries Programme, www.lgu.ac.uk/iem/engineering/eng_comp.html.
Toll, D.G. and Barr, R.J. (1998). A computer-aided learning
system for the design of foundations. Advances in Engineering Software, Vol. 29(3), pp. 637643.
Wilkinson, D. (1997). WWW pages for road design, MEng
final year project report, School of Engineering, Uni. of

chanics tests which include particle size distribution;

moisture content; atterberg limits; compaction; field
density; permeability; shear box, triaxial and
oedometer testing. It is also being developed using
2.3.4 Soil Mechanics and Foundations

This text/CD package (Budhu 2000) combines the

fundamentals of geotechnical engineering with a
soils assessment virtual laboratory. Readers will
learn to understand the physical and mechanical
properties of cells; determine parameters from soil
testing to characterise soil properties, soil strength,
and soil deformations; and to apply the principles of
Soil Mechanics to analyse and design simple geotechnical systems. The textbook is accompanied by a
CD-ROM that contains text, interactive animation of
the basic concepts, images, a glossary, notation,
quizzes, notepads, interactive problem solving,
spreadsheet links and computer utilities, such as a
program to evaluate stress increases due to surface
loadings. It should appeal, particularly, to visual
learners. A quiz is included in each chapter on the
CD-ROM to elicit performance and provide feedback on key concepts. Interactive problem solving is
used to help student solve problems similar to the
problem solving exercises.
It is likely that, in the future, CAL will enjoy a more
prominent role in teaching and learning practices
than at present. This is due to the continued falling
costs of computer hardware, the increasing presence
of the internet, and reduced resources available in
the tertiary sector. In addition, it seems certain that
many more online courses, simulations and virtual
laboratories will be offered over the internet.
Alani, M. and Barnes, R. (1999). A multimedia soil mechanics
laboratory software development for teaching and learning
purposes. Proceedings of the Int. Conf. in Engineering
Education ICEE 99, Ostrava, Czech Republic, August.
Budhu, M. (1999a). A simulated soils laboratory test. Proceedings of the Int. Conf. on Simulation and Multimedia in
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