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NAME: Alex Niemiec

DATE: March 22 & 24, 2016

TIME: 9:00-9:49 & 9:52-10:41

SCHOOL: Sabis International Charter School



GRADE: 3 & 4


UNIT/THEME: Pillow Pole Hockey


EQUIPMENT: 6 pillow pole hockey sticks, 1 gator ball, 8 pinnies

Standard 1: The physically literate individual demonstrates competency in a variety of motor skills and
movement patterns.
Standard 3: The physically literate individual demonstrates the knowledge and skills to achieve and maintain a
health-enhancing level of physical activity and fitness.
Standard 4: The physically literate individual exhibits responsible personal and social behavior that respects
self and others
Massachusetts Curriculum Frameworks:
2.2: Use a variety of manipulative (throwing, catching, striking), locomotor (walking, running,
skipping, hopping, galloping, sliding, jumping, leaping), and non-locomotor (twisting, balancing,
extending) skills as individuals and in teams
2.7: Demonstrate responsible personal and social conduct used in physical activity settings.
By the end of the lesson, student should be able to:
Psychomotor- Perform dribbling, passing, stealing, and shooting in pillow pole hockey while exhibiting 2 of
the 4 skill cues for each during gameplay. (S1.E25.4)
Cognitive- Identify all of the rules of gameplay, that are addressed by the teacher at the beginning of the lesson,
at the end of the lesson. (S3.E2.4)
Affective- Demonstrate proper behavior by following the safety guidelines that are established by the teacher at
the beginning of the lesson for the entirety of the lesson. (S4.E5.4)
TEACHER PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVES During the lesson the teacher will:

Hold students accountable for their actions by consistently desisting misbehavior throughout the lesson.
Enforce all rules of gameplay by freezing the game and reminding students what the rules are whenever
a rule is broken.
Clearly establish the boundaries of the game and ensure students do not go out of the boundaries.

SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS What are the safety concerns? What is unique about the students in
this class?

Students must always remain in their quadrants when playing the game to prevent crowding of the ball
and possible collisions.

Students cannot enter the Goalie Zone when shooting or defending to prevent students from
attempting to goaltend.
Students that are not working well together will be separated and asked to participate in different groups.

Landy, J. M., & Landy, M. M. (1992). Ready-to-Use P.E. Activities for Grades 3-4. Paramus, NJ: Parker
Publishing Company.
Landy, J. M. (2002). P.E. Teacher's Pre-Sport Skill Lessons, Activities & Games for Grades 4-6. Paramus, NJ:
Parker Publishing Company.

0-2 min

2-7 min




Students will enter the gymnasium and
sit at the designated meeting place
Students will move in small groups to
the start of the jogging warm-up and
students will begin 3 at a time
Students jog around the boundaries to
begin the lesson.
Student Prefects of the Month ensure
that students are continuously jogging.
After 5 minutes, students go to meeting
place and prepare for instruction.
Teacher is to remind students to walk
peacefully to the meeting place.
Lesson Focus: Gameplay
Class Management- Teacher will explain the
rules of the game. All skills in the game will be
reviewed and demonstrated by the teacher
before gameplay starts. Students will be split
up into teams that the teacher coordinated
before class.
Stop & Go Signals- My go signal will be,
Ready, Go and my stop signal will be the
whistle. Students are to drop all equipment and
focus attention on teacher when they hear the
Safety & Boundaries- Safety is extremely
important when playing any kind of floor
hockey. The play area is the basketball court,
and will be marked off by cones at all 4
Stick must remain below waist at all
Absolutely no intentional contact
(checking) can be made
No swiping at other students
No slap shots
Student Behavior Expectations- Students are
all expected to follow the established Hockey
Rules that will be stated during the

I had to re-position
myself for the
introduction because
boys and girls werent
behaving facing each

Introduction took
longer than planned.
Explanation of the rules
was more time
consuming than

introduction and posted on the wall of the

Checking for Understanding- I need someone
to repeat the safety rules.

7-8 min

8-44 min

Transition: Teacher will randomly select the

teams that are playing and the teams that are
sitting. Teams that are not playing will sit on
the benches and will have activity sheets to
complete while they wait.
Activity 1: Gameplay
Class will be split up into 4 teams,
with 8 students on each team
2 teams will play at a time and 2 will
fill out activity sheets while on the
6 students will be playing at a time on
each team, with 2 students subbing in
every minute
One team will wear pinnies
Games will be 6 minutes
The play area will be split up into 3
Whichever quadrant a student is
assigned to, they must stay within for
the entirety of the game
On each team, 3 students will be on
offense and 3 will be on defense
Students on offense are allowed to
travel to any place within their
Students on defense cannot go passed
half court
There will be a restricted section called
the Goalie Zone that students cannot
The Goalie Zone is marked off by
red lines on the floor and is about 10
feet away from the goal
Students are not allowed to leave their
quadrant if a student leaves their
quadrant, the game will be started over

Games were started

over very frequently
because students were
stepping over the
quadrant lines and into
the goalie zone.

Substitutions were
difficult. Students did
not want to be subs and
bringing subs into the
game took too much

I was not very

consistent with calling
penalties. The penalty
box was seldom used.

As the teacher I need to

spend more time giving
feedback during the

Students cannot enter the Goalie

Sticks must remain below waist
No physical contact allowed
If the ball goes out of bounds, teacher
will decide which team has possession

Check for Understanding- What happens if a

student leaves their quadrant? (the game is
started over)
Extension Up- Every students has to possess
the ball before shooting
Extensions Down- Remove the Goalie Zone

44-45 min

Extensions were not

used; the game was
appropriate for their
skill level.

Transition: Students will move, by team, back

to the meeting place and await closure

Teacher will review what was learned
during the lesson
Teacher will explain that we will be
45-49 min
starting a unit on wiffle ball next week
Teacher will ask questions:
What are all the skills that we practiced
during this unit? (dribbling, passing,
shooting, stealing)
What was your favorite skill? (stealing)

There was not a lot of

time for closure
because games went
longer than planned.

Activity Worksheet
Select a classmate to watch and tally how many times they touch
the ball during the game.
Classmates Name: ________________________________

What are all of the skills we practiced during our pillow pole
hockey unit?


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