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1) analizar la audiencia

un solo uso o muchas veces

el lector est familiarizado con el proceso que se explica? (dar mas info
en caso de ser necesario)
el lector est familiarizado con el tema y el lxico asociado? (explicar y d
etallar los trminos no conocidos por la audiencia)
se necesitara mas de un documento para poder alcanzar a las distintas au
2) elegir bien las palabras
usar imperativos: acciones directas de como realizar algo
ser concisos al escribir: ir al grano
proveer el correcto nivel de detalle para las necesidades del lector
ser especfico: sin ambigedades o demasiadas palabras
usar verbos para definir las acciones que deben realizarse
3) asegurarse buen orden cronologico de los pasos
usar paso a paso para definir los steps
resaltar acciones o palabras clave
los pasos de un documento que contenga instrucciones deberia tener como
un titulo: ser lo suficientemente descriptivo para el proposito
una intro: que cubre el doc? background info o specs del product
requerimientos para seguir las instrucciones: analizar los pasos
y planificar la mejor manera de presentarlos. podrian usarse ilustraciones, not
as o alertas. especial atencion en no sobrecargar el texto con disrupciones para
evitar que se pierda el hilo de las instrucciones
los pasos o instrucciones
una conclusion: resumir lo uqe se hizo en el procedimiento y esp
ecificar cuales son los resultados esperados. debe reasegurar lo explicado y hac
er sentir al lector confiado acerca de lo que hizo
seleccionar bien los puntos en cada caso para asegurarse la correcta interpretac
ion del contexto y las instrucciones a seguir
---------------------------------------WRITING TO TEACH
tipically, learners:
want to be able to put what they learn into immediate practice
focus on teaching skills that are relevant and that learners nee
d to demosntrate soon
base learining on previous personal experiencies
relate new concepts to something they already know
prefer to control their own learning
deciding what to learn, as well as when and how to learn it, giv
e them choices when possible
want to know how training will benefit them
make a clear point about their benefits on learning the subject
prefer experiential learning
learn by doing. tailor training to include practice is a plus
type of learning
cognitive learning: deals with retaining knowledge
affective learning: focused on emotions
psychomotor learning: emphasizes basic or complex motor skills
how often the material should be updated? do I have enough budget to do it? whic
h kind of training to use?

training manuals: in depth documents detailing instructions. very costly

and time consuming to update the printed content. they alsoprovide very limited
opportunities for practicing or testing skills. however, learners can use train
ing manuals when they see fit
instructor-led training: requires that a trainer and learners be availab
l at the same time. learners interact with the trainer directly and can be given
instant feedback.
computer or web-based training: it enables learners to control what they
learn and when, and may include both practice opportunities and tests. however,
purchasing or developing these packages can be costly.
blended learning: mixes different training types
learning objectives:
identifies the specific tasks or knowledge the learner is expected to be
able to demonstrate after completing the training.
objectives should use action verbs, the need to specify what learners mu
st be able to do. also be measurable and observable so that you can test whether
learners have met them.
all training material must be accurate and errors should not be tolarate
d because they could have serious consequences for the learners. innacurate info
rmation in training could put people at risk. In other cases, it may simply frus
trate learners who discver that things don't work as described in a training man
if the trainer considers adding their opinions or educated guesses throu
ghout the manual it is important for them to separate their ideas from actual fa
once an objective is completed is important for the trainer to evaluate
the learner about meeting the specified level of knowledge using:
case studies and role plays: written exercises with hypothetical scenari
os and ask them to answer assessment questions using the knowledge they acquired
tests: usually written. they may include open-ended, matching, multiple
choice or true/false questions or a mix of these types.
once you've finished writing workplace material a SME should review it a
nd discuss it with you to make sure it is accurate and meets training needs in t
he best way possible.
-------------------------------------------------WRITING TO PERSUADE
it is especially important when you're writing persuasively to:
know your audience
get and keep readers' attention
ask questions
present technical information as benefits or solutions
use familiar sources, quotes and experiences
be clear
recommend a solution or action
to capture readers' attention you can use
formatting: colors, highlighting key words or concepts.
specific punctuation: use quotes or thoughts in the middle of an idea to
help the reader strive to your point
text that promotes emotional involvement: use contrasts between emotions
they might go through to get their attention and involvement
words with impact: use words that have a strong and immediate impact
it is imperative that your writing is clear so that readers have no doubt about

the message you're conveying.

use short sentences, rather than long ones
avoid using unnecessarily complex or potentially ambiguous words
use the active voice, keep the passive voice only for when it is really
-------------------------------------------------WRITING REFERENCE MATERIALS
definitions (technical glossaries)
manuals and documents that include techincal instructions
online help pages or wikipedia-type entries
Be succint: clear, unambiguous and succint. short sentences are easier t
o follow.
order the material into manageable chunks: break up the content into sho
rter, meaningful and manageable paragraphs or chunks, dealing each with one idea
or concept. you can use headings and subheadings to orient the reader.
order the material logically: organize the content in a reference docume
nt into as logical a structure as possible depending on the subject matter.
keep within scope: you shoudln't provide any unnecessary detail. include
only what the reader needs to know.
use appropriate language: never assume readers will be familiar with jar
gon or industry-specific terms. Explain them the first time they appear. Know wh
ere to draw the line, in a manual for advanced users you won't need to explain b
asic terms.
dependiendo del tipo de material a redactar hay que analizar la mejor manera de
organizar y transmitir la informacion al lector:
- if a reference material must contain definitions of terms, it is impor
tant to keep the definitions as simple as possible, keeping the target audience
in mind. dont include other technical terms or abbreviations that your readers a
re unlikely to know or they might have to turn elsewhere to find out what these
mean also. avoid including the term youre defining in the definitoin itself. a g
ood approach when youre writing definitions is to use analogies, synonyms or exa
mples to explain terms in relation to things your readers will understand.
- definitions provides a succint explanation of what a term means, while
a description goes into more depth by including more information associated wit
h a term or concept to five readers context and a broader understanding. You nee
d to ensure that the information is ordered and logical, with clear transitions
between different points. In a description you might need to provide relevant ba
ckground information (historical data, etc) to place a term in context but be ca
reful not to overwhelm the reader with too much information.
- guidelines:
keep it short: your writing needs to be more succint than usual. words,
sentences and paragraphs you use should all be as clear and to the point as poss
design for skimming: online readers tend to skim rather than read every
word. you need to hold their attention. use bold typefaces to pick out important
information, use bulleted and numbered lists to break up the text on screen and
guide the reader's eye to the important information
use hyperlinks: include lots of hyperlinks to enable readers to navigate

the content. online help pages can be faster and easier to use than printed doc
umentation because the reader can navigate directly to a page or topic without h
aving to skim through other material.
organize content logically: locate the most important part of the inform
ation at the top to keep the readers attention and make a good use of larger, bo
lder typefaces and headings.
- detail the required attributes of a product or project. they could inc
lude information about requred materials, dimensions or workmanship for a buildi
ng project
- poorly worded specifications can lead to costly or even dangerous mist
akes, so it's important ot be as clear as possible when writing them
- you should write your sentences in the present tense, using the active
voice. Breack down any long sentences and paragraphs into shorter commands and
lists to prevent confusion.
- you can also include charts and diagrams if they're appropriate
- your use of terminology should be consistent to the words you us aren'
t open to interpretation. avoid using different terms to refer to the same conce
pt or using one term with different meanings.
- avoid weak words with relative meanings such as "very, simple, normal
or effective", instead replace these with more precise terms
- a manual is meant to guide readers through particular processes in the
ir entirety (?). like other documents that aim to instruct, manuals are document
that many readers turn to only as a last resort. so it's important that they do
n't confuse or frustrate readers.
- you should consider the level of expertise your readers will have and
choose your words carefully so your directions are as clear and straightforward
as possible.
- you should use the imperative voice because it's the most direct. also
be specific and include whaterver detail is necessary to keep your directions c
lear and unambiguous
- in a manual, you can include definitions in the main text or in either
footnotes or a glossary. Generally you should place longer desciurptions in sid
ebars, separating them from the main contento to avoid disrupting the flow of th
e directions.
- warnings should also be separated from other text and highlighted in s
ome way (by using bold typeface or placing them in a separate text box).
------------------------------------------------WHICH IS THE BEST TYPE OF ARTICLE FOR ME?

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