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Grade: 9/10

Unit: Biology

Lesson Title: Understanding Genetic Inheritance (50mins)

Content Descriptors

The transmission of heritable characteristics from one generation to the next involves DNA and genes(ACSSU184)

Advances in scientific understanding often rely on developments in technology and technological advances are
often linked to scientific discoveries(ACSHE192)

Learning Outcomes: By the end of this lesson, students will have a good understanding of genetic inheritance and how
genes are passed on from one generation to the next. They will understand the difference between genotype and phenotype
and will start to discuss how your genetic make-up might influence your sporting ability.

Prior knowledge: In the previous lesson, students watched the film Gattaca as an introduction to the Inquiry unit. The
inquiry question is Nature vs Nurture, what makes the perfect athlete? Students discussed implications of genetic
engineering and the ethical considerations behind this scientific phenomenon.

Assessment: Marking of students worksheet. Students will be assessed on their engagement within class activities and
class discussions.

Lesson Component

G Goal Setting for the Learners

Setting Objectives
Reinforcing Effort and Providing

Beginning of Lesson
Learning how differences in individuals arise
through genetic inheritance
Uncovering sex determination
Understanding the relationship between
Phenotype and Genotype
The difference between autosomal dominant and
recessive genes
Get students thinking about athletes and their
specific genetic make-up

A Access Prior Knowledge


Nonlinguistic Representations
Cooperative Learning
Cues, Questions, Advance Organizers

Pop Quiz
-Grouping students in 3s or 4s to begin the
lesson encouraging cooperative learning
-Asking basic inheritance questions
-Where do we inherit our personal traits?
-How many sets of chromosomes to human
beings have?
-In terms of chromosomes, what is the difference
between a male and a female?
-What is the difference between dominant and
recessive genes?
Middle of Lesson

N New Information
Declarative, Procedural or Both
Summarizing and Note Taking
Homework and Practice

Using the following interactive genetic website,

students will navigate their way through videos,
websites and interactive programs to answer a
worksheet provided
What is inheritance?
We inherit physical traits from our Parents
Phenotype and Genotype, what is the
Dominant and Recessive Genes
What gives rise to certain phenotypes
How variation occurs
How cells interpret DNA sentences
Sexual vs. Asexual reproduction
Comparing the two ways organisms pass genetic
information to their offspring

A Apply Knowledge
A thinking skill or practice
Identifying Similarities and
Generating and Testing
Cures, Questions, Advance
Teaching Specific Types of

G Generalize the Goal

Multiple Choice Questions

Using information provided on the website to
answer the worksheet.
Short Answer
Reading and applying knowledge to short
answer questions
Trait Bingo
Students understanding personal traits theyve
inherited and using them to play an interactive
End of Lesson
Students will understand what determines traits

Setting Objectives
Reinforcing Effort and Providing

They will be able to distinguish between

genotype and phenotype
Understand both Dominant v Recessive genes
Students can describe how sex is determined
Students will be considering how your genetic
make-up might influence your sporting ability.

Lesson outline:

Arrange students into groups of 3 or 4 and conduct a pop quiz on Genetic Inheritance
Ask an array of questions and allow students 30 seconds to discuss quietly and write the answer to
access students prior knowledge
Once this is complete, introduce genetic inheritance, genes and DNA and discuss as a class whether or
not people can be born athletes with the correct genetic make-up. Show
Ask students to head to http://learn.genetics.utah.edu/content/basics/ and brief them on how to navigate
the interactive website
Allow students to work alone or in pairs on a Genetic Inheritance work sheet with both multiple choice
and short answer questions. Students will look through the variety of readings, videos and interactive
games to help them answer the questions on the work sheet.
Finally, finish with a game of Traits Bingo students will compare their own individual traits to determine
which are most and least common in the group.

Link to Traits Bingo

Time Management:

Student Behaviour:

Activity Evaluation:

E5 (Were the principles addressed?)

Additional Notes:

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