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LESSON PLAN- English (Rotations)

There is a focus on interpreting poetry, sustained reading and spelling

LENGTH: 120 minutes

Discuss how authors and illustrators make stories exciting, moving and absorbing and hold readers interest by using various techniques, for
example character development and plot tension(ACELT1605)
Understand, interpret and experiment with a range of devices and deliberate word play in poetry and other literary texts, for example
nonsense words, spoonerisms, neologisms and puns (ACELT1606)

discussing poetic language, including unusual adjectival use and how it engages us emotionally and brings to life the poets subject
matter (for example He grasps the crag with crooked hands/wee timorous beastie)
Use metalanguage to describe the effects of ideas,text structures and language features of literary texts(ACELT1604)
*sharing views using appropriate metalanguage (for example The use of the adjectives in describing the character really helps to create
images for the reader)
Read different types of texts by combining contextual , semantic, grammatical and phonic knowledge usingtext processing strategies for
example monitoring meaning, cross checking and reviewing (ACELY1691)

reading aloud with fluency and expression

reading a wide range of different types of texts for pleasure

Discuss literary experiences with others, sharing responses and expressing a point of view (ACELT1603)

To strengthen their skills in identifying and analysing poetry as well as practice sustained reading and spelling

(15 minutes)




Begin on the carpet
Whole class introductory activity
What is a poem? (a piece of writing that usually has figurative language and that is written in separate lines
that often have a repeated rhythm and sometimes rhyme)

How do we know its a poem?

Whats different about a poem than other types of writing?
How do we need to read a poem?
What do adjectives do in a poem? (The use of the adjectives in describing the character/setting really
helps to create images for the reader)

Think. Pair. Share- Children to discuss these points with eachother

1. Introduce the reading groups and explain what each group will be doing
2. 20 minutes for each activity-rotate until children have completed all rounds
3. Explain who is in each group and which order they will be doing the rounds-they can
check the board if they need a reminder


Reading Group 1: Read to Self
Choose any book. The aim is to be able to read with no distractions for a sustained period of
time (20 minutes)
Reading Group 2: Listen to Reading
Watch/Listen to a poem Clancy of the Overflow by Australian poet Banjo Paterson with
the screen down and write a short summary of what it was about in your work books
Put the screen up. Watch again. Now what do you think? Add to the summary

Memory game
Poem printouts

Reading Group 3: Work on Words

Spelling Memory Game
Reading Group 4: Teachers Group
Children take turns to read aloud (monitor their fluency and expression)
Analyse the poem together, Man of This Land by Stella P.Bell
What is the poem about?
How do they know?
What does each verse tell us?
Why do you think the author chose certain words?
What do those words do to the poem?
Why is that important?
What pictures come to your mind?
How does the poem make you feel?
Do you think everyone would feel the same about this poem?
Do you think that all readers would make the same meaning out of this poem?
Encourage the children to lead the discussion
(10 minutes)
Back the carpet for whole class conclusion
Discuss what the children did
What did they discover?
What did they find interesting?
Did they find anything that challenged their thinking?
What did they enjoy?
Think. Pair. Share- Children to discuss these points with eachother

Lesson Evaluation:

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