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2002 y Simon urtis

/o R&W Puliations (Nwmarkt) Ltd,

Suits 3 & 4,8 Kings ourt,.W.illi Snaith Roed, Nwmrkt,



Ali rights




No part of this puliation may rprodud,

stord in a rtrival systm or transmittd in any form or y any

mans without prior prmission from th opyright ownr.

First publish d 2002

ISBN 1 899772 10

Pulished y Nwmrkt Farrir onsultany

Typst and Dsign y
R &.W Puliations (Nwmakt) Ltd

Printd in Grat Britain y

QuJiry Print Srvis (Anglie) Ltd, Ipswih, Suffolk

ook f this sl rqtrirs th work and assistan o


ol, not the last th uthors rvho lrav surrritd thir wrk
:.- lnd aptd t1r litoial atrndnrnts nssf,ry to nrak
..1]191 otrfotlt to th format and thos o th ook. Thr r,vas a
:it la1 o o1loration aross haPtrs and stiolrs rrd nrln
..r.1thoIs w1rol_l.rartdly allowd thir pitllrs to usd
.llrrognisd y fllow :ruthors. only thos illustrtions supplid
]]!r1l_;]uthoIs hav rr aodd rdit. I rnust, howvr, giv spial
..l;rrks toJsi A4harr who rsrhd lrlan of th radiographs usd
'.-lltqhout th book.

1. litr, I tak u1tirrrat rsposibilit for th final sr-rlt; nvrthlss

rr lt grat dal to 3 othrs who lrkd th tt:JanWad,David
. is rri Russll Brorvnrigg rvho rad th tt arrd hkd for
':rrr.. vtrirr lnd frriry :luray. Doug Butlr, who has n
:ll tr-ind nd trntor for nrny rs' was kirrd nough to writ th
iL.lrcr\OId. Louis Holdr at R &.W. Puliations on nlor dsigrrd
.rlJ tr.rattd th laout rrd Lorrirr and Stphn Pnrry produd


gI..rphit. illLlstr.rions .rnd th ovr dsign.

i:n.l]h-' I thank rrry brothr nd usinss Partnr' N4ark, or on mor

.,'l.llrrq th ort whil I dvotd most of rny tim to this projt.

;l ttbok of rerdial hrsshoins


orsshoing has om a long wa sin 1356 AD, whn th

W.orshipful Corpn of Farrirs of London was stalishd. vn

in my short

liftim, thr hav n trmndous hngs

throughout th world of farriry. ]Vluh of ths hav n du to th

inrasd intration twn th U and th lJS s a rsult of
horsshoing omPtitions and apprnti hangs ovr th 1ast 2
dads. Prviously w Wr on 2 sparat Paths with our own idas
and traditions. Now, y oming togthr' w hav oth progrssd
furthr than ithr us ould hav alon.
l\4y first xprin with farriry in th British Isls was whn I wnt

omprtitor with th 1980 North Anrrian L1rsshoingam to

th Dulin Show. vn th sptators smd to know mor about th
high standards ptd than rrrany of us visiting as omptitols. I hav
om to appriat how th UK has prsrvd and lvatd th rat
of farriry to
Nlastr rat'.
s a

I first mt Simon urtis whn h and th Nwnrarkt farrirs hostd

th 1986 North Amrian orsshoing anr. I immdiatly flt a

vry strong kinship with hinr. I was most imprssd with his hungr
to larn and his dsir to hlp othrs larn our raft. H was proud of
h hritag and yt h wantd to xpnd to nw horizons. His

to otain prnrission to tak all o th

tsritish farriry ams and thus inrprov my undrstanding o an
nthusiasm nouragd nr

stalishd training systm. Simon has kn th 1ad in ringing about

positiv hangs in farriry. I nr dlightd to s th progrss h has

md as a ratsman, author, spakr, vtrinr 1iaison and now astr
of th.W.orshipful Conrpan of Farrirs

His first ook, Frrir - Fol to Rhors, dourlnts what h hs

larnd in his own Iati as a rahors farrir. This snd book'

orrtiv Frrir, larly rflts a dsir to larn and ooprat with

ot1rr profssionals.

H hrs sudd in gtting oth th farriry and

th vtrinary omnrunitis to prsnt thir viws on hors foot issus.

H hes dnronstratd that nw thnolgy has a pla in farriry

fild that is frquntly ritiisd for its stuorn dhrn to tradition

- whil at th sanr tim advoating mastry o traditional skills It

oms appalnt that arrirs nrust xpand thir voaulry to

inlud mdia1 trn, and vtrinary surgons rrrust parrd thir
viw of thrapy to inlud rnhanial as wl1 as rdial tratmnt. I
is a1so 1ar, that th trid arrd tru slutions of traditional farriry
not ovrlookd whn adnrinistring prfssionl hors foot


o rri

r i r y

orrtiu Frrir also rvals a frustration that all of us onrnd


th halth of th hors hav shard. It is a ompilation of th viws of

many authors rathr than an attmPt to aLign o synhronis th

prinipls in a progrssiv and pdagogial squn. It oms th
radr rsponsiility to study and sort out th stllar prinip1s that
mrit appliation.Th fatthat fw pratitionrs apPar to agr on e
standard ours of tratmnt for th various foot prolms maks it
diffiult for futur gnrations of farrirs (as wll as nts) to hav
on6dn in th prsn gnrtion.
Grantd,'ah hors is an individual, ut to rdil w must hav
agrd standards with th onsistny and simpliity xptd from a
w1l_sta]ishd raft and a sptd profssion. on wondrs if this
an aountd for y diffrns in prption or ifthy ar du to
a slfishnss that aompanis th prid of indpndnt thought.This

ook rtainly onfirms that w liv in yt anothr transitional tim in

th history of farriry and foot sin. It rminds us of our nd to
rsolv th divisions twn us and among us.

I ontinu to admir Simon Cutis for having th ourag to an

egnt of hang, hlping farrirs and vtrinarians om togthr and
undrstand th hors foot. H has workd hard and paid th Pri to

gain his knowldg and standing in th trad; yt h admits h is


growing. In addition, h is a dvotd family man that has st an

xamp1 Worthy of mu1ation for all that aspir to mastr thir raft
nd sussul in li.

Both farrirs end vtrinarians will om ttr studnts of th

foot y studying this book. Prhaps w will ath th vision of what
orrtiv farriry ou1d . Thn, w will om tht muh losr to

ahiving our rrrission of aring for th oundation of our nol

rind' th hors.


Doug Budr PhD JF FWF

nrtal) to

:irriry has orr a long rv t

y:lrs, rrirs hav trinrtlll

nailirrg) :r ]rorssho (usull

t-tlulr o tl.rt tirn






(lrslrellv y
thlss for

n rgrrisd tht th w]y th tot is

fit atts th hors'.s g:rit nd

prp:rrd arrd t1r tP alld sryl o

sotln dtiss.
tlrrri Frrir

to Ovr tlr gry

ttbook tlf rtdil ltorsshoing l.rls bn ro1lr1

rt otrir arrd sin th

ar.] twn t1.r

vtriltaly profssiorr. It is not r'r,rittn il-r th ptation tlr:tt :rrirs

lr\' \lIl1rl'|)]) i]] lrrlk .rt. slttls,
^. .l'
(lrJL .r \'I'.r]l]
a]tl.rough oth happn. Its rlllirr funtiotr is to ron]ot oadr
urr1rstatrding tll,n lrrirs arrd vtin:ry stlr!]ons so that it is
asir for oth to rvork witl.rin th



Tlris ook hs otlrr aillls, nt last ssisting frirs to ahiv bttr

skills nd urrdrstal.rling irr th :l orl-rldial sl.roing.Tl.r.W.orshipful
orrrp:rrry o arrirs rogrlis1 as long go as 1907 that thr r'vas
nd to noll].g :rnd nrin lirris alov arr1 ond jlrst shoinc

horss 1.or rottiolr an1 grip. Tl.r Assoiat ltlitlatiori (WF)

xpts farirs to trnlstarld rrd, rvlrr nss]ry' 1 to s1ro or
l1 rr1itions and disass oth fot rr1 lo.'vr lg. )rl orrrv nlin
ritri:r irr planning and diting tlrrtill F,lrrir - Ll tctbook tl|-ldinl,
horsshoing Was s:ltisfyin!: tlr rids ofWCF sttldnts
W.hat is ortiv arri.? N4arrv Irrirs 1rav :r saying that..r1rr is
rro surh thing ls orrtiv ilrriy - nl orrt arriy''. It trips
rrily of1 thr tolrgll ut is inorrt. orr r'volr1d lrop tlrt all farriry
is rid out orrtlY,i ft ar poplv rP:rrd (alarid) nd th

pprorilt shos applid solrnll. ]orrtiv frir js tlror tan

it is t;rkin rrrry skills nd trsil.r{: th to irrrprov rogl.risd

ondition, g appJying a rtldiolatral [nsion sh t al witlr n
angtllar linr dorrrrity. lr.r this orrtt th rvorl orrtiv rilts to
.rnrdil'is usd irr tit1 rvhr
put ight 1. lranging.Th r,vor1
its llllring is synonyrrrotrs rvith thrputi. Any farriry thniqlt
tht is trsd to aid th rovry of a hors tirrr a onditiorr is thrpy
with a svrd flor
r rllldv. g
D _ fishtail sho to :r hors

tndorr. T1r on djtiv thet I


rvill not


.surgil'. T1r trrrr

arrir'hs n usd for 1r111y ya].s. It is inorrt :rlld brings

to rrilrd visions of l.rrir orting on tl.r fot. Blood is sorrrthing
that f:rrrirs do not lik to sl



It tlr p;lrllt rly on in th plarrning stag tlrat this had to

a nrltlti_authord work orrro thn on vohrrr. In total lror thIr

23 authors hav involvd in this first volunri frorrr 6 ountris.

Whr tllr.tr vryin virvs twn utho'. g irt th lrllrinitit
:haptr, I hav n ontnt to llorv ah to hav thir sY so tht th

rd rr ah tlri or'vn inorrnd opinion. It is quit possibl tltat,

in sotll

ass. thr

is n on ort

answ. A11 tl.r uthors ar

ratial PoPl and so ltholrgl.r tl.r intntion Was not to prodlr

nlalltrl, nlany aptrs hav larly laid otrt.horv tl'stions.


o it anr ovious tlt orlti Filrir ndd to 2

l,ollrtl.t ok, th only qtlstion was r,vlrih haptrs and sujts
should b ilr I or II.Thr ar soln hPtrs that r,vr ahvavs dstind

fl this

volutn: Anirtonly of tl.r quin Lg, Th Diagnosis of

Lanlnss, Inlging th Fot and Lg and Dvloplnnt of tlr Lg nd
Foot ar stth. Hrvvr, I did not Wllt th voluls to stritly
dividd into fi-rndarrrntal haptrs alrd h:rptrs dvotd t onditions
oth oot and 1g and thir trat1Dnt. So a slightly 1ti vll'v hs
tak an1 I hop that oth volurrrs wi11 lrrrost stnd lor.r lnd
h will hv a1an. Sr of tlr l.raptrs do r.rot l.rav a strit
thnial rlvarr to arriry in th rr-rodrrr lvorld ut rrontlrlss
otlt:ri intrsting inorrnatin and hl us t itis our ys aov th
ooary blrd.

diting this ook has irnprssd llPoll 1ll th nsit to trrintitl

tl.ditionl skills, whthr s vtriny slllgon or arrir, ut lso to

]llv th slf disiplin rrd nrotivation 1lot to b lft hind rvith

r.sard to thnial advrrs.Vtrirrry surgorrs hav to look at th
lr'1.rol hors arrd palpat 1g; rirs

still lld to trirlr t and pply

stl shs auratl..W. oth rrd to tnak us of nrodrn sanning

My lrop is that this ook both

l'ords and prornots th skills and krror,vl]g of tl.r quirr
thniqtls irnd nrv rPair nratrials.

r.trinirrv sl1rgon arrd th farrir.

Sinron Curtis FWF HonAssoRVS

a ttook

of ldil




Anutomy of the quine leg



hopter 2

The Dignosis of Lomeness

Poge 27

Morus Heod nd Rob Pi|swoh


Pge 4l

lmging th toot ond Leg

orus Hed, Josie eehon, Rohe| Murry,
Rihord Pyne, Rob Pi|sworth ond Mike Shepherd

(hopter 4

Poge 69

Development of the Leg nd Foot

Dvid El|is


(hroni Foot Lgmeness

Pge Bl

Andy Bthe


The Prinip|es of Foot BoIone



Simon (urtis

(hopter 7

Moking ond Adpting Bur Shoes

Pge l


Sndy Beveridge

hpter 8

Puge 145

Shoeing for Tendon Lesions

Jim Ferrie ond Anthony [lement


Shoeing for Hindlimb (onditions

Pge l 57

Jim Ferrie ond PuI Lentelink

(hupter I 0

Poge I 7l

erlom of the Hoof psule

Tim Greet




(hpter l l

Lesions of the Hoof

Poge I 79

Jonthon Lumsden

ftpter l2

Hospitol Plote Shoes

Pge l 97

Stuo MorshoII

(hopter I 3

Geogrphiol lnfluenes upon Shoeig

Poge 209

Dn Brod|ey, Berord Duvernoy,

Sergio Muelle GoIdstein ond

ftopter l4




Poge 231

Rob usle, Dove Niholls ond Simon (uis

0pter l5

MedioloterI Limb Deformit]es

Pge 28l

Simon (urt ond Soroh Stonehom

ftopler l6

Shoeing for Grip





Poge 305


Poge 321


Poge 335


This hook dedioted to

the Worshipful (ompony of Forriers

Tlt disrI lhlh of th ltors

to lolltiott, ttlith



rdttd ltttthr tlf di,qits ()l11prd

t t|t

t1l7lil ltdtl

p.rttr s(:l1

ht tlrc


dg' This

rdtirt is obsrud distl t th



(fr li



t rs L|s

rhis ll ltsls
r rprs|lt(l priipll b rhir

ldi t littl

lrIto.lt rltis rltritt


.ffiitl t s2d,




ls lds t

d |I{lti|c. sttsptihilir,1l t tr,l

f tll or itl strtrcfurycs


oJ tht: li'


htt't, ttlilL disttss tll

dlltol]l oJ
d .r




lrc distl litb

r t h s (]t,l,Lr L



2 to 9

to 9)




th othr bons rrrrait

th sanr. Th joints o th distal limb omris th mtaarpo_(ol

mtatarso_) phalangal (ftlok) joint, th proirrral intrphalanga
(pastrn) and distal intrphalangal (oIfin)

Distl to th arpus and trsus th hors has 3 digits rprsntd: th

third mtaaral (forlirnb) or rrrtatars1 (lrindlirn), orlllrronl

ktiorvrr as th nnon bon, flankd 1, th sond

llltaarpJ,/rrltatarsal (rndial splint on) anl ourth

rlltaarpal/rutatarsal (Jatra1 slint on). onlv th third

mtrpal/nrtatarsal lon is fully dvlopd, nd tl.r sond and

otrrth ar rdud, rrding in a utton t approimatly thr qurtrs


i Figurs


t] sqtttil (sdi,g)
|rstlfs sL,tio,s of rlrc liill


of th lngth o tlr third

st| .f th Jilrlimb (Figr 2),


proinral ssanroid ons, first, s

distal ssamoi1 or naviltIar
rltrpals ar plad Y th nrtatarsals,

1rltaarPLrs,3 halarrgs ar rsllt' ont1nl1ing from th thirl

Intaarpl on (Figur 10).

lti|t, tlts sittttrs .|it

u,ltiLL shtltu

h distal forlini sklton g

th Lhb i sprt sfios' T|t

togthr is dttlstrrd

sr1ft tisstt

(ovrg(' .f ll (Fi,qtr 1).




Distal to



Th tlrird

trlt:rarp1 bon is th prirripal weight_aring on

IrltarPal gioll.

ilr th

It is a long bon arrid r,rtiallv. rvith thik

Cortls It is rJativly vlindri] ut orlls r,vidr arrd flattIrd

1istaily.Thr is a llutrint orarrrn 1ot] aproirllatly otr t]rird of
th dist:rn fronr th prirrrel rr1. Th proi.ral sr-lrfa is rlativ1y
flet and is shapd to artiulat r'vith th distl ro."v of apa] ons.h
distl rtiular sure,is onrosd of a sagittal ridg r,vit1.r 2 ondls.

Th sond lntaarpal (rndil splint otr) and olrrth rltaarpl

(latrJ splir.rt orr) r oth larg
roimally and tapr distllv
trlrrinating in routrdd lrtton.Tlr proirrral tnt forr'1s l pat f

joint, rvhras th listal nd finishs in tll distl

quilrtr of th tl.rird rntaarpal. Thy an o vria] r]:rtiv
tlr: aronretaarpal

Irr th stndilr hors, th phalngs r angld t apProi1rlatiy 55o
t th ground.Th poirn1 (fis) hlalr is a 1orrg on tht is rvidt
,ith lltivlv round rss_stional shap (Figtrr 11). Tl.r dorsal



Diogmmti rpresellion of the Iigmels d
ledos pset i th lotroI dtoI foreIimh, with

the o|m1 proim| d diI digitl u|r

Iigme lemoved.


Third mtrpoI bne

tourth melolp| oe
Suspesoly ligmenl
Dee digi.to| f|eor tedo

Superfiriol digito| f|exor tedo

loterol o||oto| ligmet of



lotr| oIIotroI sesmoid |igomenl


lte| digit| exlnsor ldon


Dol (extensor) roh of suspesry




iddIe (o|ique} dtI sesmoiden

5uperfiioI (nright) dishI sesmoideo

(ommo digitoI eiensol ledo


Lolro| poImor Iigomet of lhe poim|

interphIogeol ioit


Llr| oI|ieroI Iigmt of th

proximoI iterph|ogI ioil


(oIlderl sesomoideon Iigomet of ihe

dtol iteh|ogl joit


DooI o|Io|ro| |igomet of the dt|

i|ephlngeoI ioit

a ttook

o rmdi1 hrssho1ng

t|GUR 2:
Porsgilt| slion through lhe equie disl|


{ore|im showing the otomy of this region.


Dorso| (orte lhird mel00rp0| b0

Suspesory |igmet
Deep digil| I|xor ldo
5ur[ii| digit| flexor lendo

Aeory (hek) Iigomenl of th d

digilol fIeor lendo
Proimo| sesomoid oe
irsl ho|on
Seond pholx
Third pho|ox


NviuIor boe



rsverse setio lhrough lhe fool.


slr0ight dl0| sesomoideo |igoml


Hoof w||


5oI of hoof

(oroory orium


(orory veous p|eus

Eid m

Eiderm| lmine


Lminor orium

M(P-P Po|mr ouh of melorpopholge|



Dto| iterpho|ongeI ioint

xlso poss of lhird h|x

Srod pho|
NoviuIr bone
Dep digit| f|exor ted
Digil|/u|r ushin

(ommon digito| extensor ledon


NoviuIor urso


(o||lroI rtilg


Veous pIeus


Polmor digit| nerve


Polmor digitol rlery d vei


(o||oleoI |igomel f



ilerph|gI joit



Superfiil digit| fIer tndon

Trsverse setio through postrn


SogittoI po oI suprfiio| digitl



tirsl ho|x

f|exor tedon

0b|ue dlI sesomoideo


ommon digito| xtesor ld



roximoI ithologe| ioil

5tright dlo| sesqmide

PDN p|mr digih| erve


PDA |mor digito| oer

Dp digilo| f|ol tendo

PDV po|mr digito| vi




nrally l11or onv and th plnrr strtf:L rrrtlr.

t]ttrrd. Th nridd1 (snd) phlan is gratr in r'vidth thn in
Jngth, nd fl:rttnd irr dosl_paltnar dition (Figur 12). Lik th

sufa tnds to orrv nd th pitrar

llror flttlrd. Th distal (third) phalarr is p1ad within th hoof,
l.rd is 1.roof sllapd on th dosl st is a paitll groov and mrly
tlarrrina, rvhih aornlnodat lod r,ssls Dorslly th is a
poirnal tnsol Pross, ating as th instion sit tr th omrron
diitl tnsor tndon.Th bon Posssss nldil alld ltrl palnra
osss and a onv solr sltrfa. Th artiular sura is ls
Ollav' slrpd to rtiulat r'vith th distal ondyls of th llridll
oirrra1 phlrr' th dorsa1

hl:rrr (Figurs 13 arrd 14).

1rr ar 2 sts ssanroid ons: th proirrral ssar.rloid ons rrd


th distal ssarrroid (vilrl on). Th 2 roirnal ssanroid ons

Trnsverse selio through the fetIok.

(rrrdial arrd ltral) fornl th palnrar surf:r o tlr

]llt(..ll.PoPhl.rn.rl 1oint. hv lr p1 .rlrlidl irl shl ith .] 'id'.

h proimal pintd nd is krrolvn as th ap rnd th ,idr distal

nd is dsrid s th as. Gnally th rrrdial ssroil on is
slighd larsr and lor roundd.Th rtiular sltrfa rtiulats with
th distl tlrird nrtaarpal nd poin.ral phalan. Th p;lnrr flor
rrtrf fornrs th gloov for th dp digital flor trrdon, and th
lbial surfa provids th susprrsor liartrt insrtiotr sit. Th
distal ssarnoidan liganrnts orisirrt fron th as o th ssanroid

h distal ssmoid (naviular) bon is a flattrrd orr with its lorrg

ris plad transvrsly in th liln (Figurs 14 nd l5).Th.rftiulJr
sur forrns th palrnr aspt oth distal irrtrphalangal joilrt.h
t]o sufa is losl apposd to th dorsal sur{a f th dp
digital flxor tndon. Th poirr.ral suf provids th irrsrtion |or
h naviuia sllspnsory liganrnts arrd h distl bordr for th rigin
of th distal ssatrridan impar ligarnnt.
ind limb

I grrra], tlr trn of ons in th hind linr is simi1ar to that of

th or1irrr Th di{fr purly in sor sm:rll dtails. Th mtatarsal
bons tnd to long tharr th rltiv rrrtaarpls and th third
Irltatarsal is lrsually rrror irlrlar in ross_stion than th thid
rlltlrrp1 lvrth th nlttirrt fonrrr positiond r1ativly mor

Th fourtl.r rtatasal is vry larg proiml1y, and


sond nrttarsal is rlativJy srrrall. Th plr:rlans tnd to nro

a txlrok

f rnliil



(ommo digil| xtesor ledo

Third mlorp|
Lter| proim| sesmoid o
Itesomoide |igoml
D digill f|eor tedo
Supr{itio| digito| {lxr tedon
Po|mor u|r |igomnt


LotroI digil| exlens0r tend0


(o||otero| |igment of the


metoorpoh|geoI ioil
(oIItr| ssomoide ligmet


P|mr neve. orlery d vei

DorsoI pouh of melrpophoIonge|

Plmr pouh o{ mtoorpoph|ug|
Digitl {lor tendon sheh

Dors| metrp| orlry



ronsvrse setlio through distoI mlororus.


[ommo digit| xiesor tdon


P|mor vein


P|mr mltorpl vi

hird mtorpI one


PoImr metop| rtry

Loterl spIit oe (fourth mtorl)


Digil| f|exor ledon sheoih

[leroI roh oI suspensory ligmet


P|mor oriry

Dep digitI f|or tendo

PoImr puh of melrpoph|geoI

5uperfkil digitol f|exor trndo



Loter| digil| elesor tedo

third mtorpI

F|GUR 7:

Trsvers selio through th mid melotorpus.


Suerfkio| digilo| {Iexor tdo


Medio| |mr vein, rtry, nerve





(ommo digit| rtesor iedo

loter| digitol eisor tedon
(ortex oi lhird mlrrp|
MduIIo fthird mtorpo|
Suspesory ligomet
LterI split e (fourth meloor|)
Deep digii| f|exor ldo

ltero| plmr vei, rlery, erv

Doo| melorp| tery
PoImor mtotrpo| vi
Plmor metrp| odry

Trsve se|ion lhrough lhe to of ihe


tIGUR 8:
Trosvrse stio through the proiml mel(0rpUs


(ortex of lhird mloorpo| o

(ommo digito| xlesor tendo



Deep digitl lIxor tdo


5uperfiti| digitl f|eor tdo


Superfii| digitoI f|eor tedo

DorsoI meloorpo| orlery



lesor orpi rdiIis tedo isertion

Polmor mlorp| dery


Plmr metoor| ortery

Po|mor meloorpol vi


PoImor meioolpl vi

iidi| poImr vein, oriey, nerv


dil poImr ortery

Ltr| po|mr vei, rtry, nerve


LteroI polmr vei




(ortex of lhird melrpo| oe

[mmo digitl exlesor tedo
lterol digiil xlesor tedo
MeduI|o of lhird metoor|
Seod nd fouh meloorp
Suspesory |igmt


Ltrol digitol etsol tedon

Fourlh mipol
Sod melorl
Suspesory |igomet


ligomt of de digil|

flexor ldo
De digitoI fIeor tdon


rlht r1tiv to th' ground than th forlirnb. Rlativl th hind

ph.rl:rrr is usurll shortr' th sond narrowr and longr and th
:i^rrd phln 1rJrrowr than in th orlinr. Th proirrral ssarrroid
:..llls tlld to srrrallr [han thos in th or1irrr, and th distal
: j:.lllloid (naviular bon) tnds to narrowr and shortr.


oi nts

S''rroliljoirrts onrpis a olltion otisstrs that funtion togthr

:o lrro\-ic n1ovn1nt rrd.withstand th fors of wight_baring and
..tris.Tissus omposing a joint inltrd th syrroviunr, fibrous joint

-.,'ul. pri_trul.rr and irrtr_rtiular ligarnnts trd th tissus

..rtlril.tg th atiulr surfa: th artilag and trndrlying lon.

\1]: In th rst othis stion,.rntaarpal,will b usd to rPlst

:.thI 1ntaarprl or mtatarsal un1ss othrwis spifid.

t or popholongel (f

ellok ioint)

r ltlt.rlrpophrllngl joint inlrrds th poi:nl

...:rpl. first phl.rn and th proimal ssrrroid ons.



..l.]l'ls of t1r disal rntarpal ar dividd a sagittal ridg,whih

:-. ltrto r rrspotrding sagitta1 groov ornrd in th proinral first
:l,.:1;lr. Irr th forlini th .rdial ondyl on otl.r artiular surfas

l.tr thn th ltrl sid.Th proirna1 ssamoid bns sit ithr

.:j tlris sagittal ridg nd


lvlrih in tl1rn

joind th intrssanroidan

posssss a sagittal groov

.-)rr h plr.rr .lspt. th



(Figur 16).

joint apsul tnds proimally btwn

thir.l nrtrrrprl orr and th susprrsory 1igamnt, tnding to

:.-.inrtl th lv] wlrr th sl1snsory liganrnt divids.



] took

Boes of the right dl0| hidIim.





Third metotorsol

toufi metolrs|
tirsl ph0|0x
5od ph|x
Third pholonx


Dos| viw of

IGURE l 0:

lhe fit pho|

Prim| ditulor sufre

(ondy|e on dtI iiuIr sult

rmdia1 hsshling



Seod pho|x, 0|m0I view.


PlimoI rliu|r surfo

(ody|e on disloI rtiuIr surfe

FIGUR l 3:
Third phInx ) DorsoI view; } PoImo viw.

]. xtensor roess; 2' Ariiu|or sur{oe; 3. Po|mr


on th

dorsal aspt th joit pstll tnds undr th otl1lllol

(torlimb) or lng (hind ltnr) digital flor tndon

Th latrl arrd nrdial ollatral lignrnts tnd fronr th latral anl

rrrdil portions oth tlrird mtaarpal on. alr ollatral


dir,ids into 2 potions: th suprfiial portion attahs t th poinr

first phalan djant to th rtiular surf; tlr dpr Portiol

irrsrts orr th abail fa of th losr proxial ssanroid on ant
th proirrral first phalan (th latral/nrdial ollatral ssarrroidar
li garrrt)

Th joint mvs prirrily in a sgittl p1atr, rvith a r,vid rovnln

ar.A vrv liritd dgr of1atrl/mdial and otational nlovnrn
is possil during flion. Th joint supprtd y th suspnsor.
aaratus, lvhih rvnts hvprtnsion and fliorr is lirnitd y tl.rr
hls ontating th r]lta:rrpus.
The suspensor lpprIus:

Th ftlok joirrt is strportd larl b


sllspnsory aPParatus. Tl.ris onsists of th sl1spnsory liganrnt

proinrl ssanroid ons and ssarlidan liganrnts.T1r sllsPnsol
ligarnnt rrs to th introssous nrusl, r'vhih in th hors lra
lvlpd into a tndinous and r,vith littl rus1 ontnt. I
origints lorn th proximal pallrrar nlt:ralus and distal ror,v
arpl bons as a rvid. band nd divids int 2 ranhs in th nrid.
nrtaarplls for insrting on th aial aspts ofth 2 proinra
ssamoid ons. on ah sid, a ranh rr-lns dorsally and distalh
frorn th lvl of th roinral. ssarrroid ons ttl join th digita
tnsor tndon in th nrid_p:tstrn rgion Ths dorsal r:rrrh
pirnaril Jimits hprflxion o th interpha1ngal joints, r,vhr

rrnaindr of tl.r susPnsory liganrnt trntions







Digrommti lepresettio o{ lhe dlies of the

poImor spet of the dtu|




L.troI digit|

DoI brnh of proximI phl

PImr lh of primo| ph|ox


Bu|or orlry

(oroo| rtery

Dors| rtry of midd| ph|o


Polmr llely of midd| phlo


Poxim| vitu|r p|xus


D| ortery of dtI ph|x




Distl ovirulr pIexus

erminoI orh

Adptd {rom Adoms,[s i Hrses,

4th dilio, Leo & eigr

.l tL.took

o nr-di:rl


|GUR l 6:
Surfes fomig p of the
mtoropho|geoI ioil.


ProximI sesomoid oe

Proimol rtiru| sur[e of

the first ph|0

t|6UR l 5:
The disl| sesmoid (ovku|or) hone: ) Proximl view; ) DI view.

sslv tnslon o th ftlok

jint during


(Figurs 6 and 17).


to th ssanroids, th susl]soly aPPf,ratus ontinus:rs 3 st

of distl ssarloidn ligarnnts originating fi.onr th as of th
proimal ssatnoid bons. Th suprfiial o strisht distal sesrni.

liganrnt is th trrost suprfiial. It onsists o a flat and tht ir.rsrt

on th proimal, palrrrr sond phalan firortilag.Th rrriddl o
o1iqu distal ssanroidarr ligalnt insrts on th palnl:lr and slight1.

abaial slrra of th first pha1alr. Th dp o uiat dist

ssarrloidan liganrnts ross ovr nd insrt on tlr plrnar firs
pha1arrx on th rninn opposit th sid ror ."vhih al
Proimol intrpholongeol (pastern) ioit

Th proxi.ral intrphalangl joint fornrs th artiulation twn th.

first (prirnal) phalanx and sond (lrriddl) phalan. Th proirlla
artiular surfa ornriss 2 orrv ondyls (th nrdil bing lagr

with orrsporrdin!] onav r]s on th dist

rtiulr sura (Figu 1t3) on th distal sur, a palrnar plat
rn,.hih artiult

firoartilg tnds th artiular sura.

flGURt I7:
The suspesory 0p0rotus.




he wide d of th susesory |igmenl

Brothes [ the susesory |igomel
F|exor surioe of the prximo| sesomoid

Tlr jort apsr.il tnds proimally undr th digital xtnso

tndon on th dorsal aspt, and dp to th stright dista
ssanroidarr 1igmnt rrd ranhs of th supldial digitl flo
tndon. Thr ar short rrrdia1 arrd latral o11tral ligarrrllts
originating in th dprssions on th si1s of th dal first phalaru

Stright d| ssmoideo |igmt

arrd insring

0|ique dl| ssmoide |igment



on th rninns h sid of th proilrral


th alnrar lspt' thr ar 4 ligamrrts: 2 adjant to tlrt



]] iJ1i}

(ntral), nrdial nd a 1atral wl.rih originat on th middl

nd distal first phalan, and insrt n th palrnar

:ltiig nd sor.rd pha]n.

...lr:r1 ligtl.tnts)

joirlt has only a small lnovnlnt rang, r,vhih is prinrari1y ]imitd

h s:rgittl plar.r. Lirnitd ltral/nrdia1 motion an ir.rdud
. ..lrl flion.

D tst|

iterpholangell koffin) ioint

:l listal intrphlagal joint fornrs th artiulation btwn th

.:..lIld (iddl) phlan, third (distl) phalan and distal ssamoid
:':rrtr1) on (Figur 19).


:l lrlra aspt of th joint apsul tnds proirnlly t th

j.l1 o th sond phJ.ln arrd .rillly rahs tlr ollatral

Dorsaily th joint apsul ttlds undr th omnlon

:.1rrlr) and long (hind 1r) digital tnsor tndn, ing


.. ]li]rssd int ial pouhs.

jirrt hs short rrrdia1 and latrrl o11atral ligrnnts rvhih run

l:;r th rniddl to distal phalanx and ollatral artilags. Th



The roimoI interpho|ongeo| ioint.



(ondyle o dtoI rtiuIor surfoe of fit


Proximol oditu|r surlo of seond


: . lrt]a susPnsor (or ollatrl ssanroidarr) ligmnts suspnd th

: . .tu1r n. Ths ar wid ands that originat on th distal
..- Lirl

surfas oh proinral plralan, along th ollatra1 liganrnts

:h proinral irrtrplralanal joint, and insrt on th aaial and

::rirlra1 sutfas oth nviular on.A ranh also insrts into th

The distol interphologl




ArftU|or surfe of third phlon

ArtiuIo surfoe of oviulor o
Deep digitoI f|eor tdon
lsor proes of third pho|o

(ort (ollleroI tortiloge

(oi|oge of dt|




of n-rdial horsshoins


ollatra1 artilags. originting from th distal ordr of th naviul

on is th distl ssamoid irnpar ligamnt. This insrts on th flo
surfa of th distal phalan and strpports th distal joint apsul.

Th distal intrphalangal joint has a low rang of motion that i

to flxion nd xtnsion in th sagitta1 plan
although rstritd rotation and mdial,/latral motion an
produd during flion. xtnsion is 1inritd y th dp digit
1argly rstrid

flor tndon.

fu]lteroI ortiluges (rtilges of the distoI phoIonx)

Ths r artilags assoiatd with th third pheJ.anx. Thy hav

onv shap on th axial suf, ar onav axially and urv il
wards th hl. Dista11y thy ar thikr nd attah to th palrrr
Prosss of th third pheJ.an. Thy ar hld in pla y ligamnts
on runs from th naviular on (a and xtnding rorn th
suspnsory ligamnts to th ail artilg); a sond from th
proirnal pha1an to th proima1 artilag; third from th aaxi
riddl phalanx to th dorsa] artilag and a fourth fronr th artilag
distal ordr to th ang1 o h dal phaian.


Th distal linr is ovrd by skin. This ontains swat and sbaou

glands' a1though thir nunrr and siz ar lss than in som oh
ars.Thr ar hairs produd throughout th rgion.

This is a small


of horn situtd on th palmar xtnt of


ft1k. Th ligamnt th r]ot runs dorsodtally from th dist

'rtr o th rgot. PJsss

to th plmar


nurovasulr undl and insts into th digita1 fasia. It is onsidrl

to a vstig oth sond and fourth digits

The foot
lir has a ovring of skin, fasia :rnd suutanu
tissu. Howvr, th oot posssss a r',ry spialisd forrn of drrrri
arrd pidrrrris that is adaptd to wight_aring nd 1oorntion

A,4ost of th distal







t|GlJR 20:

h hoo is a lrighly kratinisd pidrrnis r'vitholrt blood vssls or

lhe strulures olid.

lrrvs. It rivs its rrutition fi.orr.r th undr1ying oriurn. In ontrast

to skin it has no strtunl luidurn and no stlatlll granulosurrr It is hs

vry thin stratllm grrinativurlr r'vhih produs th thik s[rtum
ornuln (Figlrrs 3 and 20).


irst h|n; 2. Seond pho|o; 3. hird

ph|nx; 3. Eleso roess; . SemiIunr/soIr

h 4. Nviu|o one;
5' DigitoI ushio; 6. Bu|or poio o{ digitl
ushio; 7. Proxim| interpho|geoI ioint;
o| onloinig lrmiI

7o. Dorsl pouh; 7. PImr pouh; 8.

The woll

his is dividd into rgions dsid

s tlr to, hl al.rd qualts

(rndial and latral).Th proinral tnt is th oronar band, nd th

oront orrlls th juntion btrvn t1r r'vall arrd djant ski Th

rv:rll is thikst at th tos, ,hih is th rgion of gratst ritior.r, lrrd
thinnst t th h.Th yourrgst. rllst l.tsti lron is r.snt at th
h]s aus hoor,vll gror,vs vly ror proilnal t distl.As th
to is r1tivly 1orrgr tl.ran th h], t ldr lss lasti horn rtltlirrs
:lt th to. Th wall is rfltd itrl'vads to orrr rs at tlr hls,
spratd fror-rr th rog y paraunal groo\rs.

a ttbook

Sgitl| setion through equine fool showig

f rlndial




ioit; 8o. Dos| pouh; 8 Plmr

(DE: ommon digit| exlensor tedo; P(:



p|eus; | |ig

oroory olium; (P: oroory venous

dt| sesomoideq impor ligomel;

VP: veous p|eus (dors| nd


[(: Iomior orium; pid Lom: epiderml


WL: while |in;5(: so|r orium;

(t: rium of frog;

NB: noviuIor burso; N5L: vku|r suspsory

Iigmet; DDF: dp digill f|xol ledon,

D5: digito| lIeol lendo sheoth.



Do| ploe stio through the plmor foot.


Din| 5e50moid (ovi(U|r 0e)

PIml plotes oI lh dto| phoIx
Deep digil| fleor tdo

Digito| ushio
Frog orium
5oIr orium
Lomior olium
White Iine

In th hof r,vall, keratirrisd l1s ar rrangd in tuuls tnding finl

t proirrral to th dtal ordr. Irr halthy hon, aproimatly 25%


th rva]l is olnposd of r'vatr.Thr ar 3lyrs to th hof r,vall:

;r) Stratuln trnunl (trnal


This is thin ovrin forrrrirlg th strrfa o th ''vll. Th

proitnal and 1istal portions of th strtlrr trnllnl ar difrnt:
i) Priopl: this ovrs th proirrral rvll and ovr th l.rls. It


rron_pignrntd and r1ativly soft;

ii) Strtunr ttorilrrn: this ovrs th rst of th wall. It is


and glossy arrd appars to rdu rvat loss frorr.r th hoorvall.

Strtunr nrdiun-r (rniddl ly)

l.rard tuulr atrd intrtuular horn Th
tubuls rtrn prr.r11l |rnr proinrl to distal. In a dark olourd

This is nrad up othik,

hoo. this l.ryr is pigrrlnd.

Straturn intrnurrr (ir.rtrnal lavr)

This is a nn_igrnlltd layr that hs 2 par:

./ .|).^';'.'||',


l\ Cool)JrV oov:

to this ar

kratinisd pialy and non_kratinisd

h.r intdigi'rt rr ith ll pillrr1 .rnd

ii) Distal

sondarv larnina oth lanlinr orium.

The sole

Tlr sol lrsually slightl1'

o1].lv..rtrl lrs hard, flaky surf. It

onsists ovrtia1 hrn tlrr.rls tl.rat run paralll [o thos of th





rvith intrtubular horn. Th sl ontains approirt1y 33% watr

(Figu 21).
The frog

h frog is a rlativly sft, wdg_slrapd strutur witl.r a ntral

groov and n apx plad dorsally. lt is ontinuous with th h1 bu1bs
;lnd sits twn 2 paraltnal groovs.Th frog rury natlrr is du
t its otnposition of r,vavy horn tuu1s tht .lr irrorrrpltl
kratinisd, alng with inttutrlar horn. It also has a highr watr
ontnt than th wall and sol, otaining approxilrratly 50% wtr.

(orium (dermis)

oriunr is a highly vsula, snsitiv strutur that Provids

llutrition for th hoof. lt ari b dividd ito 5


Periopli orium

h priopli oriunl provids nutrition or th priopl. It is plad

.lp t th priopl at th oront, blnds with th oriunr of th
skirr oin-rall and with th frog oriunr ovr th hls. Th

.oronIy groov sPa]ts it foln th ronar orium' on th outr

..''+;-. ^.^;]]^^ tit i'.t1 idntations on th innr su1f of th

hronor oriu

h oronry oriunr provids nutrition to lnost f th hoof wall. It

.. t]-rik and genral.ly pigrnntd. Th oronary orium 1is in th
.-Ool1av groov inrtrrdiat1 distal to th priopli orium, and
: rlds rvith th oritrn.r of th frog nar th hls. Th dp surdr
-.;rlhs to thr ommon digital. tnsor and ollatral artilags and is
-..sli:ltd l'vith th oronar vnolls plus. Papilla

fit into hols

on th sl.lprfiia1

irrsid the oronary groov. Th stratunl

th oronary orium produs th stratum


]]]!'lil11 o th lvll.

]:]] ""o


l]s ovring th papil1a produ tuular

th lls lin trvll th ppilla produ in[rtubu].ar

-:nilor rcriUm

iutlr pr ids tluitiot tt. th hornl. il.tlin and th

oith rr'hrr.' LiIl r tr trlr.r11 otion o th
: .] i.]lin..r



r,vlrit lin, vrling grrrrinal 1ls do not Produ th ovrlyin1

horn, whih is produd by th straturrr grnlinativurn vrlying tht
oronary oriurrr. It is ornpsd of prirrrary and sondry lanlin

,hih ar non_pignrntd and intrdigitat with th laina of tht

hoo walls and ars. Th dp surf of th lmirrar oritrrn blnd
with th priosttlr oth third phlan and is losly apposd to tht
ollatral altilags dist1ly, ing attahd y a stlutis ontaining l
vnous plus. By suspnding th third phalan in this way, rrros
Prssur rom th linr is takn by h wall, atrd not th slar sura
Th lrina om widr distally, and th distal larnina a]so ontair
Solor o

Th solar oriur provids nutrition for th horny

so1 and is oftt

pigmntd. It ontins nlany papiila of varying siz th fit int<

prorations in th sol.Adjant to th frog, it blnds rvith th oriurr
f th rog.Th dp sur of th solr orium attahs to th plma
third phlan through a priostal and subutatrous layr ontaininr
th so1ar vnous pltls.Th stratur grmintivurn ovrlying th sola
orium produs th so1ar horn.
Frog orium

Th rog rium is gnral1 pignrntd with many snrall papi1l th

fit into prforations in th frog. Th dp sura is appsd to th
digital ushion.Th stratum grrninativunr vrling th rog oriun
produs th horn of th rog.

White Iine
Th whit lin is omposd othin, soft lightr_olourd horn at th
jtlntion f th wall and sol. It ontairrs both pigrntd nd non
pigrrrntd horn. Th non_pigmntd horn is th dp 1r of th
stratum trdiunr and distl PIts of th kratinisd lain. Tlr
pignlntd horn is prodtrd y th grnlirral lls whih ovr1i th
distal papilla of th lainr oritlnr. This pignntd horn fills th
spas around h non_pignlntd horn oth larrline.
Digitol Ushion

Th digitl ushion is a wdg of ollgn and lasti


tissu ling dp o th solar and rog oriurns it is itlrportant irr s


orrr Ctiv


bsorption. Its dp sura is onntd to th distal fibrous shath o

th dp digital flor tndon, and aail sufas to th ollatrai

artilags and assoiatd vnous plus.

ovr th hl

ulbs, it m

trnrd th bulbar ushion.Th digital ushin ontains ollagn and

lasti firs, artilag islands, fat and rrrodifid skin glands, ut has
poor vasular supply.Th glnd duts it through th frog orium and
horn. Th digital ushion is dnsr towards th to, and th strutur

bonr loosr nd ontins grtr ProPortion of fat towards th



L0r0n0ry Usnl0n

Th oronary ushion is th thiknd layr of lasti stratum

grnrintivum tissus dp to th oronry orium. lt attahs th
oronary otiurn to th omnron digital tnsor tndon and th
ol1atral artilags. It is highly vasular and ontains h oronary
\rnous plus.

Th anatonry of th foot is lookd


in gratr dtail inVoluIn


ndons fornr th link twn nrusl and on, at oth th origin
and insrtion o th rnusl. In th hors, th distal linl has virtuall

no nrus] ontnt and at this lvl rnusls a rPrsntd y thir

tndons.Tndos ar omprisd of undls of ollagn firs lying in
onrpl mari, and show oth lstiity and onsidrabl tnsil

At pin whr tndons Pass ovr joints or around


bnds, thy ar oftn suroundd y a fluid filld shath or pass ovr

fluid_fi11d burs (Figurs 1-9).

In th distal linr, th tndons an dividd into th tnsors ilnd

flors o th rntaarpophlngal nd inrphlangal joints. Th
tnsor tndons irrlud th omrnon digital tnsor (rplad y
th long digital tnsor in th hind lim) and latrl digital tnso.
Th flor tndons inlud th suplfiial nd dp digital flors

Th onrnron digital tnsor musl origilrats from th hurll.trs,

raditls and ulna. lt isrts via its ndon n th tnsor pross oth
third phalan, and olr th dorsal sur{a o th proinlal phalan and

Dse|i of lhe do| osel of the dtoI Iimb
showig lhe digitoI elnsor tedos.



(ommon digilu| extsor |do

LoteroI digilo| extsor tedo
Dorso| hrh of suspsory ligmenl

rrriddl phaln (Figur 22). This tndon runs fi.orn latrl to th

r.nidlin at th rpus, into th rnidlin ovr th phalangs.A snovia1
shlr is Prsnt dosal to tlr arpus, and ursa ours twn th

a txtllok

f rrrrdial hrss1roiI1g



Disserlio oi medio| spei of th digit.


ediI oh of suspensoly |igomel

Dlsl rnh f suspsry ligomnt

P|mr nu|r |igoment

Proiml digito| unulor |igomet

Di| digito| onnulr ligmet
5upfiiI digilo| f|exor tdo
De digitI f|exor ledo

(ommon digit| tensor lendo

tndo and jir.rt apsul of th ftlok ;oirrt. Th latr:rJ digital

tnsor mrrsl originats fronl th radius and ulna and insrts on th

dosal proinral first phain A synvial sl.ratlr and ursa sinrilar to

thos in th onlmon digitaJ xtnsor ar prsnt.

Th suprfiial digital flxor nrusl riginats frnr th lrurrrrus,

rvith firou. nd (th proimal hk ligarnnt, or ssor
ligmnt of th suprfiial digital flexor) originting frorl th lndial

radius.Th tndon is within a synor,,ial shath as it

rpal na1. A sond synovial shath is Prsnt
ov th palmar aspt of th ftlok jint, xtnding distallv from th
:rst of th distal

distal qlrrtr of th rrtaarpus to th distal sond phlan. Th

tndon insrts aaially on th distl first plrlan and prirnal sond
Disstion of dt| forelim showig fIor teds




5uer{irioI digil| f|xor ted

Deep digito| f|xor tedo
Atssory (hek) ligmeni of deep digito|
{|xor tdon

PoImol uIor |igoment

phalan, imrndiatly plnrar to th ollatral ligamnts. Th dp

digita1 flxor musl originats rom th rdial hunrrus, ulna and
radius, with a firous and (th distal hk ligalr-rnt' o]. assor
1igalnnt oth 1p digital flo) originating frorn th palrn rp1
ligamnt.Th lattr joins th tndon in th proirnal to rnid_third of
t tlrte.rpus (Figtrr 23). h tndon passs throul.r a synovil
shth onlmon to th suprdial digital flor th l'vjthin tlr arpal



GURt 25:
Digrmmolk represetotio of rlrris, vis d
ervs f th lter| ospt of the dt| |im


LtrI lmr vei

LoteroI po|mr rlery
LlerI plmor erve
Llro| digitoI vei
LtroI digitI oery
Dorsol broh |mr digitol erv

lolero| po|mo digit| eve

[oroory veous |eus

a ttok

o rrdial



anal nd Palmar to th tlok. Distll), a ursa, th naviulr bursa, is

ld twn thc tndon and th nviular on. Insrtion o th

dp digital flor

is on th

palrnar third phalanx and adjant

arti1ag. Th suplfiial and dp digital flor tndons ar losl
rlatd as thy ours distally on th palnral ast of th mtaarpus
and pha1angs (Figur 24).djant to th ftlok join, th suprfiial
digital flor tndon forms a ring around th dp digital flor
tndon, until dividing into aaial ranhs nar its insrtion Both
tndons ar nlosd y th palmar annular ligamnt at th lvl o1
tlok and a proimal digital annular ligamnt distai to th ftlok.
Dista11y, th dp digital flor tndon is nlosd y th distal digital
nnu1ar ligarrrnt.

In th hind linr, th ollllon digital trrsor is rp1ad y th 1ong

xtnsor whih originats fron.r th rnlrr. Distal to th tarslrs,

th tndon is psitind nd rt in .r siri1r Pattrn to that in th


rlim.Th latral digitl xtnsor tnusl ori!]inats fror th stifl

ollatr:rl ligamnt, tiia and fiu1. It insrts on th 1ng digital
tnsor rrrtlsl in th nlid_rrrtatrslls. It ats to ssist th long digitJ
tnsor. Th suprfiial digital flxor mus1 originats fronr th
ftnur rvith no assor ligarrrnt, and insrts on th dista1 first
phalan nd prxinrl sond phalanx, siilar to th fo1ir, tlt with
firous band t th alanus.Th dp digitl flor ori]inats rom
tiia and insrts as in th orlirn Th distal hk or assor
1igarrrnt is gnrally thinnr and longr than in th forlirrr, and rna
asrrt Th rlationships of th slrprfiial and dp digital flrs
distal to th tarsus ar sitlrilar to thos in th forlirn.

T1.r 1od suPply

to th distal iirrr is




tl.rik-rvalld artris nd rtl-rrnd in thin_walld vins (igurs 2 to 9

and 25).

rtriol suppl: Th artrial supp1 o th forlinl is drivd frorn th

mdian and ulrrr artris on th palrnar aspt, and th transvrs
lrital rtry o1r th dors1 aspt.

Dorslly, th r nrdial and latra1 dorsal nrtaarpal artris, r'vhih

rltn trvn th third nrtaarpal on and ah splint on. Tlrs
srall lrtris origirrt ronr th dorsal arpal rt.


o r r t i V a r r i r y

1: th artrial supl o th dta1 1ir, rurrs orr th rrrdia1,

.::]:rnd p1rna spts of th lrrn.Th larg nrdil plrti.rr rtr1'

r1lull()n diit:rJ ;rrtr1') rtlns oll tlr prlnraronrdil aspt' along l'vith
.:l.'ssoitd virl nd rrrv. It rurrs tr,vn tlr diglt.rl fl'rr
.jildolls nd the suspnsory ligarrnt.Th srnll lltl prltnrr trv



ith th

1tr1 p.rltnar virr

and nr\r o1l th oposit sid of th

:lib Dist:rll, th nrdial palrr artry divids irrto th

rrrdia] nd

..tal digitrl aItIis (Figur 26).


t1l allllar aspt, th plnr:rr trtt.trp11 ltris origirrat ronr

:tl 191i1113l d .rlnrar rlh. This arh is frnrd ronr tlr 1r.g
.rdil t, nstonrsirrg to th srnall 1atrll p1r.rr t'. rl.rth

.otltritlution froln

rallh oftlr rrldial pllnrar artv thatjoins th

:.lili] rrd rnlial lllt]arpal ]rtris. This arh lis strprfiia1 to th

i..ls|rl1sory 1igrrrrrt nd 1p

to th distal hk ligall.rlrt



oth dp digital 1ll tndon), r'vitlr a sr.rrllr ranh lyirr

..\\ 1l

th slrsprrsr1- liunrnt n1 th third lntaral orl Th

:;tli:ll and l:ltr:rl Pa1nlar tntapal artris o1ltiJltl distal11', aln

,.\||ll'-l. -l.
.:,- ] .. ,].''.. Lll(lJ(.IlP.ll
,''' l l)I.\' lJlllh' ol.
'] '.\lIl';. Jll(

join tlr rlvant lorsl rntaapal rtris. h tltrtrint

.trtl' or th thil nrtrrlprl n .1rir.s ronl th r.lil
],L l(.lI.P.l] .rl1. lttd .r llriddl p.rl:lr.r nl('t]Jl.P.l] .ltcI.y l]]J\' r.rrr]r
:1rs rtt.is


tlris Pol1it.Th drstal dp alrrr ah is rrnd frrn tlr rlrdil

.rld 1.rt1 p:rhrrr rllt.rarJ artris' lvhih joirr in th distal ortio

.lft trrta:rus.A ltrh frour ths aItrisjoins th ltr] disltal


orttls h. rrrpl.fi. ilI p.tJtlt.rr .rr..h

Fttr tlr lvl of th ltlok, th atIi1 supplv is r.irlr.rlilv r]rir-d

ltrr tlr rrldial pallr .rrtr rvhih divids irrto th rrrdia] lld
i.lI1 disital altris. Ths


strprfi:ia1ly fr.orr.r th 1l.1



tt1ok lrrd provid lod supl to th tlk joint, tndns and

Jiqltl flOr tndotr


1igllltlts, skirr and flisi.h suprfiial

l..rhrr:rr h pol,ids arrhs to th ftlk joirrt.

Bl.nhs of :rltna digjta1 artris:


Pllrrrar branh of rtlirrrl ph:rln: Irr th rirlrel pasterlr

rgion, palrrr arrh fronr t1.r digita] ]rtry provids paltrra
supplv y ranhs joininq t\,vrr rrtl:rtrll plltli.rr .rlrhs,
rr.hih run trvn th stight and oliqu dist1 ssrnidan
ligarrrrrts. Nar its origin, tlris plrlra l.nlr givs off :r dot.s:rl
brrrrh. rrhih sulis tlr dors:rl :rsPt nd rrltonloss r'vith tl.r
ontralatral dorsl rnh 1 to th digital rtnsol ttrdon.


of trnli1 lrorscshoing


5uprfii| disselio { the mdi| spet oI th

disto| [o|im


lvledi0| o|mr ortery, vin nd erve.

Medi| digitu| urovosulor bund| (digit|

rtery, vi d erv)


) Th bulbar artry stlpplis th digital ushion,

) Th

skin, L.og and h.

rnal artr\l sllPPlis th hl and priop1i oriunr.

d) Tli dorsal artris of rrriddl

phlarr: Ths arrastonros dorsall

dp to th digital tnsor tndorr.Thy supp1y th ffin joint.

olll]fon digital xtnsor tndon, pripli nd oronrr oriunr.
fasi and skin

) Th pa1rr artris of r.rriddl phaln: Ths anastonrs in th

naviular sllspllsor ligrnnt to form th proirrrl tlaviular
pJtrs.Thy suppl th proinra1 third of th naviurlar on.


Th dorsal rarrh odtal halan:1.r

Passs through foramrl

in th phner Pross of th distl phalan and xits drslly t

supply th lnrinar orilrtrr


on rrrh, h1 and quartrs _

othr rr.rh). Prior to passing through th oranrn, it rrhs

irrt th plnrr r.rnh o th distal phaln whih suplis th
digit"rl ushi..lrl rnd rog oittnt.

u) Tli

brarrhs to tl.re distal ssanroid: Ths originat fro th

digital artry inrnrdi.at1y distal t tlr rravitrlal bon.

lr) Th ranh to distal n:rviular plus: This rurrs in th

ligamt. lt supplis th dtal odr of th naviula on



Th trrrinl .rrh:Digital artris ntr trarnina in th sol of th

distal pha1an, arrd hn join th ontraltI1 artry lvithin th
snrilunar arr1 to forrrl th trnrinl rh. lris supplis ant

on, lrinar oriurs, th rnarginal artry

of th sol


intronnting ntr.ork of artris.

Venous re|urn (fooil;

1. Tlr

Th ar 3 introrrrrtd vnous p1uss in th oot

dorsal plus in th lanrirrar oritrnr;

T1r oronv plus

in th oronrv

palnrar pi though hols

3. Th


oriurrr, onrrtd



palnrr plus: so1ar oriunr, rog orium, digital uslrion an


digital virrs prvid drring tronr th 3 orrvgd pluss

In dditiorr, 2 vins rurr in th srnilunar arr1 and drain into th
p,.rlmar digital virrs aftr lrrrgtrlg flor th slar forrnina. Tht

vnous rtun rrti.nus proirrra\ ssoiatd with tlr rrrathin1

r.tril supply, ing joind by vrrtls branhs orrspondin$ to thr
atria1 ranhs.




Iiid limh

h arti1 suppl originats Iom th fnrorl aty (ontinud as

r1-r poplital :rrtry)' Distal to th ft1ok, th digital supply sinrilar
t th:rt osrvd i th or1i.
From the dorsl pedol rter:

1. Dosal mtatarsal artry


Tlris runs firs dorsally,


gradually 1atrally until i.t runs in th groov trvn ltatarsals 3

and 4. It thn passs tr,vn thrrr dist1l (th dist1 prforating
rarih) or dividing into th nrdial and latral plantar digital

joind y th plntar ntatarsal artris arrd plant:rr

rtris nar thil trnrinal trd t forrn th strprdial lantar arl.r.


Th dorsal mttarsal rtry is rrot usually aornpnid by



A4dial and latral planta digital artis

trom the slphenlus 0r|er:

di.lI rnd ltrl plant.r rti5:


Mdi] Plantar rtry:

dp rnh passs undr th dp

digital flxor tndon and forrns th proxirrral dp plantr

arh, 1orrg with th latra1 pl:rntar artry and th proxinrl

prorating ranh.

suprdil anh rurrs along th

ordr of th digital flo tndons until th dista1 tlttarstrs

rvhr it joins th plarr[ar artris in th suprdial planta
arh, and ontinus as th Plantal digital artris.

Ltl plantar artry:A dp rarrh passs dp to th dp

digital flor tndon and ors prt of th proinral dp
plantr rh.This supp1is th dp digital flor tndon, th
plantar liganrnt and th plantar tasus. A suprdil rar.rh

uns a1ong th ordr of th digital flo tndons to th

distal mtatarsus wh it .1oins tlr plantar artris in th
strprfiial plarrtr arh and ontinus as th p1antar digital


dil and latral plantar tntatarsal


hs originat trorn th proimal dp plantar arh and slrply

th susprrsory ligrrnnt.Thy joirr th distal proatirrg ranh of
tlr dorsa1 mtatarsal artty to forr th dal dp plrntr rh.
P:rhral nrvs aI ornposd of urrdls of aorrs lvith assoiatd
S--rr;Lntl ils rrd onntivr tissur. Nrl''s r frqunt1y fr-rnd in

:r ttook

of rmdil


.;' i . ,.:,,,

-' ',.



los proxirnity to assoitd artris and vins,

in a


rfrrd to as a nurovasular undl (Figurs 1 to 8).


l1 th nrvs of th distl forlim originat from th mdian, u]n;

and musuloutanous nrvs. Thr is littl motor omponnt t

musls rquird

in th

distal lim es

it is largly dvoid

musu1atur.Th following nrvs er loatd within th distal lim:

1. dial

utanous antrahial nrv:

This nrv is a rnh of th musuloLltanous nrv and suppli

th skin of th dorsomdial arpus and mtaarpus'


Dorsal ranh of th

This nrv


ul-rrer nrv:

th skin of th dorsolatra1 arpus




Palmar ranh of th ulnar nrv:

This nrv supplis snsarion to th susprnsory ligamnt, part

th arpal joint and th distal hk ligamnt (assory ligamr

of th dp digital flxor tndon), and trminats as th mdial an
latral palmar mtaarpal nrvs.

4. dial

and latral palmar mtaarPal nrvs:

Ths nrvs run along th dgs of th suspnsory ligemnt an

supply th ftlok joint apsul and skin in th ftlok nd pastr


Mdial and latral palmar nrvs (Figure 25 and


Ths eris from th mdian nrv and run in th groov t'W'

th suspnsory ligemnt and dp digital flor tndon, along wit-

th assoiatd vin and artry. In th proximal Portion! th latr;

palmar nrv runs with th pal.mar ranh of th ulnar nrv. I.
th mid_mtaarPus a omrnuniating ranh runs distally fror
th mdial to latr' nrvs aross th suprfiial surfa of th
suprdiel digital flor tndon. Th palmar nrvs supply th
pa1mar spt of th ftlok joint, thn ontinu abaxial to th
proimal ssamoid ons as th mdial and latral digital nrvl
trminating within th foot.

6. dial

and letral digital nrvs (Figur 25 and 26):

Immdiatly distal to th ft1ok, ah digital nrv divids to giv

off a dorsal ranh or renhs, and ontinus as th palmar digit;

nrvs.Th at numbr, Path and intrrltionship of th nrvs

distal ]im may Yary twn individuals. Anastomoti
ranhs twn th dorsal ranh and palmar digital nrv
oasionally our. Th prsn of arrant ranhs has n
stimatd to our in 35-50% of horss.

in th

Dorsal ranh:This innrvats th skin of th ftlok, a portion of

th ftlok joint, th dorsal aspt of th pastrn and offrn joints
and th dorsal hoof (inluding th olletral artilags, oronary
and priopli orium).

Mdial and latral palmar digital nrvs: Ths run dista

imrnditly pelmar to th assoiatd vin and artry. Th
nurovasular undl is situatd immdiatly dorsolatral or
dorsomdial to th dP digital flxor tndon and shath at th
lvl of th first and sond phalangs. Distally th nrv dids
into multipl ranhs supplying th struturs of th foot and
hl rgion.Thy innrvat th skin on th pelmar pastrn rgion,
th palmar pastIn and ofhn joints, th naviular bursa, th digita1

ushion and th solar and larninar orium.

Hind l,imh

Th nrvs of th distal hind lim originat ftom th pronel and

tiia1 nrvs. As w.ith th forlim, thr is litd motor omponnt.

Th following nrvs ar loatd within th distal lim:


Suprfiial pronal nrv:

This divids into 2 dorsal branhes whih run on ithr sid of th

xtnsor tndons.Thy supply th snsory innrvarion to th skin
on th latral and dorsal mtatarsus.


Deep pronal nrv:

This supplis th joint apsul of th tarsus, thn splits into th

mdial and latrai dorsal mtatarsal nrvs.

3. Mdial

and latral dorsal mtatarsal nrvs:

Ths supply th dorsal and mdial skin of th Pastrn rgion' th

dorsal pestrn and offin joint apsuls and dorsal hoof wall.

4. Mdial

and latral plantar nrvs:

Ths originat from th tiial nrv and run twn


susPnsory ligamnt and th dp digital flxor tndon.Th ltral

plantar nrv dids in th proximal mtatarsus and givs ofi. a

dp ranh, whih turns into th mdial nd latral p|antar


mtatarsal nrvs. Thy supply snsory innvation of th mdia

and latral ftlok and pastrn rgions. Distal to th ftlok, thst
nrvs om th mdial and latral plantar digital nrvs.

dial and latral plantar mtatarsal nrvs:

Ths originat from th latral planter nrv and run on th axia

aspt of th spLint ons. Thy supply th p1antar ftlok joint

Thy supply snsory innrvation of th mdiel and latral ftlol.

and pastrn rgions.
6. N4dial and latrl

digital nrvs:

Th anatomy at this ivl is almost idntial to th forfoot, xpl

thet in th hind oot a ontriution from th dorsal mtatarsa
nrvs also xists.


urlt rr(1r('|lt |tu|sI



ll o,,,',n,,

is tl|tc ulstd b

t|) |,blrl


,triI h f rctttlttt',

lrltoug|t th pritld


b bl

cl tl|rhtri t|I
idc,tif lr, tIlcr


tl|. dis:rtss

ttd tlditirltts u,ith oti 0 |rsor

t th


, it


rtls b bor: itt rhtd

tlnt our

titltlts sortl[it:s stttt



|ir Il,







IldItI('.lltt'gi s t.'


rlc,S tistktls, nlrht,It doiltq

stttrltin, ittrrt'tI



rs is sornt:|ittts ls ttt,istkut
f,'lr pri! T|t tir o-f this
thptl, is t nhl t|rc rdcr to

ith th vr_inrasing nunrr

o diagrrosti

too availal tt

th quin liniin. it is alrvys trnpting to rsolt t(

thrro1ogy t invstigat a pro1rrr. Hwvr, a thoroug}
linial alnintion rvill always rwrdir.rg. v rt.ir rll
r,trirrirr r'vill rnplo th asi arrrinatiorr, to.r grtI or lss;
dt'gr. rr hnvr thy .r' rhi s ovr .t llors. rn dr his st

otrr that th sis of this amination have bonr ingraind an

krr or srantd.As xprin is gaind it is al'"vays a lrsfl-ll ist


ak to asis' and, rolll tttlr to titn, arnirr prisly wha

. a doing ah tirrr r,v lok t a lirrr or pik up a oot. N4uh o

th fl1o'"ving nra ppr rathr oviotrs to thos r'vho dal rvitl

horss vry dy of thir livs trt it is an undniabl

llt that.ou rrisl

lnor y not looking than vou do y not knorving'.

The generol opproisol

This part of th amination is, lvith prin, don alrost rvithul

onsiotrsi thinking out it, trt it is i.rportant that rtain poitrts rr
notd. vn fr th hors is nountrd. r.truh n oftrr lirrnl

riiris tltc ttlut 2f f ic fronr tl.r onditions irr r'vhilr it is kpt alrd th ttitud and irritia
spct i rc-fltio rtlrig ,,iJ- itlrprssion givn v th olvtrr or gtraldi:rn.T1r gnral ondition o]
l I,d, ',,',


I th [,'.K, th
ue tri


docs tlot llou,

othr thn ra,istrd


r surgo|1 r,o


lurcsg Similr ls ist itl

trl, or|tt't, ot,t|ris. Ther-ftlr,

this rhptt'r


idudd ot

Io sru s


sl.|rto|1s ,d 0s
t,hc pross .f




c|1,ourd di,qosis l Jrrit:rs

to ueterittr


Lltntlss, prtiularly if long trrrr (hroni) or svr, r,vill rsult in

w]stag (atroph1.) o tlr ml-rsls th:lt rvould usd to l1lov th
ttd lilli. T1r gnrl svnlrntr)' o t1r rnttsulatur should.
thrfor, ssssd. Tl.ris ry hJp to idnti th lrn lirn, or
<lnvrsl, to indit tht th linl rquiirrs th 1nost irnrlrdit
f,ttntion is rrot th on that has n th alrs o th lons tI
prblrn, g in th as of ovrload lanrirritis.

Determining Whi |imb is offeted by the Iomenss

lss digosis

t promot tldrstnrli.q

l-oprtiott btttltl vtrir

s|1rQo|1,S ,d ;frri rs.


th l.rors should assssd, partiL1larly r'vith reard to odr',,ight

It r,vill assunrd from tllis oint that th hors is ]anl and that tlr
tlsuing arinatiotl is ainrd at drtrrrrirrirrg th al1s.

If rrot ir.rllndiatl ovious, th nt step is to asrtain th lirrr that

th lal-nnss is affting. hrs is st don b tl.otting th hors orr
loos rirr, in a straight 1in (Figurs 1 arrd 2). It should alu'.avs orn

in rnind that th hors

adjusts its ody nloYn11lts, whrr larn, to

r,oid transrrirrg lvight tl.rrough tlr afftd 1g. T1rr ar nlan
popl who 1ailll to al to idntilv th sour of lal-rlnss
sirlrpl looking at th wa tlr hors rrrovs.Although this is possil






- hos is irotted i o stroight line towrds the

The hose

o o |evI, hord sur[ote. Nte lhol the


Agoin, th hndIe holds th hoe o o Ioose rei

-lndIe mitis

lse rein, Iherey ot

lrofld owoy lrom th


to IIow oturoI heod moveml, ul the oserver

shouId oelol priil|y 0n th hid |imbs,

th movmet of the horse! heod.

portiuIor|y ih vrtitoI dp|met of the peIv.

:l r tlv ss' g l:rrrrinitis gnrallv pla th hl of th foot to t

.lor tr th to' it is alr,va1,s sar to assl1rl1 that th orrly at tlrt
. .ll tlfidntl1- prditl r.orrl ',vatlring hrs trot is r'vhih lirn
. h l:lrll on.

']. 1]lOr.

ouls lrrost frquntl as a rsult opain aisirrg rorrr on,

t1r strr-rturs lvithill that lirnb. oasionally' 1:rtnrrss


'..;ttl.s Ll:ttts o1. a tlrllarli:rl rstition

to nlo\r]nnt, or fro]u

:ttl.O]o{]i]l disas (.'vh thr is :rn inailiry to rov tlr 1g irl

: ..rllr]. rvay, aus th rsslgs

fror th rairr antrot ondu:td

.'.llq th p:lthwas t th nrusls, or fonr th joints and rnusls llk

h br.irl to pror-id fdk)..Whilst ths ass shtrld b orn
tlrind, th isolrtion o t1r sotrr of pain sl.rould lrvvs tl.r


..l il l-l:tv oj tir,.


]l rot is th gait in ivlrilr lanlt-tss is rrlost asily ogrrisd Tlris is

-.:.;ltls it is an vrl,2 .rt gait.Th trrrrls'unlvl':rnd.stiff'shotr1d,

-.rl11 e voidd s rhy tnd to loud tl-r ft that tlr hors is

in on or nro lirns. Sirni1rly, thr is rro slrh thirrg:rs

. hots tl.rat is sourrd at th lvalk/arrtr/gallp ut.nl ]lrr t tlr
.]()r. Ths individuals ar lanl at all gaits tlt it is vrv difljlrlt, un1ss
.;rr:ll11, 1atrr

-]l 1:rlnnss is st., to id.rrti


it ilr

g.rits othr th th tlot.

of rrr-rdial horsshoing


Forlirrr lrnss rsttlts


tl.r hors usine th 1.rd as


ol1lltbalan (Figtrr ). As th lar lin.r hits th flor' th hos


to 1rrov its ntr of gravit akrvrd v liting tlr

is oftn lsribd s rh hors .rrddig orr tlr sourri

1g,.With hindlrrlr lalnnss,th asist lnthod is to ftrs th Y ol
lr point on th plvis, tr .rrrrpl th tu oa or .oirrt o th
hip.. l hi. oin on ll llnl ]i:rl iIl rlndrg-l J ctr r.rti.r
dislarrrnt dltring th stid than that of th sound, or lss larr
lirlrb In oth r,vords, tlr hors r'vill appar to .drop th hip' on th
lrn 1g (Figtrr ,1). Sorr.r horss, lrsullv thos r'vith nrodrt t
upr,vards. Tl.ris

t|Gt,|R 3:
In {orelim lomeess

th horse uses its hd os

|olge tounte|oe


reIieve lhe oin. As ihe

|ome Iim hi the groud, ihe hors ottmts to

mov ils tenlre o[ grvity kwrd by |iftig


svr hinllirrrb lnrnss, r,vill als drrronstrt a lra] rrod Irr tllsl

lrindlirn larrrnss r'vi]l nrak tl.r hos aPP to nod orr th

on th oppsit sid o tht
h()s to th l:rnl indlirn).Tlr hos, thrfor. rPPC:rrs 1lllr on tll
ipsilatl arrr sid) fr]iln. lJtlfortulltlv. rhis is not a herl rr1 fasl
lr1 trt' grrllv spaking, :tttntio11 shtrld pai1 to th lin.rt
asS, a

rrtr:rlatral folirn (i tlr forlinr

sl.ro.itlg rrlost larrrnss first. T1l


rtutltr o othr P:lrlltr!

lrsd in th assssrrrnt oth g:rit lvhih:rr l.rigJ.rlv usttll tlt pro11

yorrd th sop of this het O t.'\.ul1l. hrtrgs irr tlr phs:

o tl.r stl.id an1 rlrllrtt o sirrking f tlr tlok

joillt n


aring ar oftn usftll prrlrrrs Srrbtl larrrrrsss :rr not llrvvl

oviotrs rvlrn tl.r 1rors is tottd in .r striht lirr. In tlrs st
lunging th lror.s itl l srrli1 irl on a har] sulf:r is a stitl tL.\t th:rl

lllv arat tlr lrlrnss (igur


Frther ex0minti0n

Forlr this poirrt, th initial stp is to rtrl irr, or olrt, th oot as tllt
us o th ]arrrnss. This is rrt just tlr f:rrri's :rppoh. but :rr,
individull involvd in :rssssing th 1arrr hors nrust olrs tlril
:lttntion initillv on tlr distl lirnb.Th shap oth of ;lpsul it
:tssssd, rvitlr pal.titllar attIltioll to s)r|lltI,v btlvn lt arrd right
A hors lvith a srrrallr 'nd tllor upright hoo asu1 in olr lirrrt

lrllY hlt,

t|GtJR 4:
To ossess whih hidIim |r,


osisl lo

fotus on oe oit oI the eIvis, g lhe tuor tox.

Th point wi|| pper




lh0n th soud sid.

drop furlher on ih Im


trrrr larrrnss pl.o1lll tht h.rs sltltd in lss lvighl

ing pplid tluough this 1g' or lrr])r h:iv qur;.d t]lis fot sha
rlv in lif, g lolv grd 1u ft, rr.itlr or l'vithout :rdvrs lot-lg trrr
tfts h gro\Yth ritlgs rrrav giv sonr jll1itin as to tlr lriso1. ol
t hors. So_lld
lins' lrr rvhrr signifiant hangs ir
ll]an]gnlllt otrr atrl ]PP:lr as prorrrirrnt ridgs irr th hof rva]l
l.rv ar r.lv signifiall rvhn rrlrinirrg tlr lanr individua
trt povid intstir.rg rrd otrr rlvirllt irrorrlratiorr as to a lrs,:



F|GUR 5:
The hors lungd o th eis within o sm|I

dimlr tirIe 0 0 hord, |eveI sur{o. This is

ortiu|r|y stiff test [or soudnes d wi|| o[t

eerbole sutI Ime whih ot ovious
whe lhe hors trottd i stroight Iies.

hiitorr'. Dil'gn of h grolvth rings ous spifiall irl l;rllrinjtis

Baus th grorl,tlr of th hoof is rtrdd at th frorrt oth hoo, th

l.illl .lr \t \\-idr JP.rIt at th hls Divrgnt 1]oof rings a lllrost

irlr':ria1 noulltrd jn horss o ponis prsntd


2lut (strdlrl

Ollst) ].l1initis and in]it tlrat th illdividual hs lrr livillg uitil

.rlL'_..lirli...rl .liss.' ' \OI l)(' tinl pior to p5!]ttioIl.

lr t should

r,irvd r.orrr in fi.ont arrd fror hind tl.r ]lors

lris rvill na1 th obsr, to assss th stnnltl.v:rr-rd

tt..W.hlr vir'r,d

frol th sid,


tl.r dorsoplrrrar alrlr:


of th tt

rll asrtind and th lroof]pasttl :lis (PA) n


Lotrg tos :rnd lou'', un1_lrtl, hls r a vr ollr]ln filldins in th

1rOrOughrd, arrd sult in rokn lak HPA.Th dorsal ,ell o1.h
hoof asr.rl sl.rtrld b at th sa1n angl as tht oth 1ors1 pastrl,
l.l.rtir,. to th ground. In otlrr rvords, it sl.rou]d b possil to drlrr, a
l1tlr' stl:right lirr ti.orrr th to to th t1k along th fiorlt o h
iot :rrrd Pastrn. Ithis lin is.rrt'rvith th kink lrll,rd, th hos is
..rl] o hav a

brok olrvard HPA.Tlris is q.pil of lu ootd horss.

if th kink is akr'vrds thrr th HPA is rokn :rk.al-ls.

in itslf, th HPA is not a alrs o lanrnss, it rvill hv


liqllif-iarrt influn olr tlr r'v:r r'vig1rt is trrrsrrd though th foot

tlr strl1tlus lvithirl it..W.h.rl vir'vd fi.oru hirld. th sh.rp o

.h hls nl th rlatinsip fir.ll .rdi:rl alid latra] shuld b



A ollrnloll



th.rt tlr rlidi] hl



i]roilll:lllv (up.ards) lativ t th latral hl Thrs us l.ts of

llldiol:rtr:rl ilrr:rl:rn rrd th fat tht th latral hl striks tl.r
:lLoltnd {irst This vrltullv 'lrss th nrdial hl to ushd
ulvr1s I this ols lng_strrdin ploblrrr, shad 1rls rllv

A irr dptlr dsriptiorr ohoo:r1rr atrd

i'. hlptr o:Tll Pinipls oFoot B1n.

a ttook

assss1nt arr b

of rrndia1 hosshoing


A rif

arnillatiotl of th wh] lilrr. as th hnds ar run dor,vn

tor,vrds t oot' r,vill hJp avoid missing nything ovious high up
th 1g, and .r potnti;r1ly un'"r.rding ploration th oot. Th
irritia1 irisptiorl shull invo1v a1l assSs1lnt o th slra
t1rlratl1r f th hoo apsul h should alwas llnpard tl
th oposit oot. .ts ll. ntprtttr o h r rvill rr durin th
dr. Using th lss donrinatrt halrd, i tlr lt hand irr right handd
popl, r'vill giv a gtr st.rrsltiviry to t1]lPr.ltu.
Platiori of th digital ]rtris is asist at th ak o th ftl:k
joint' wht.r th1- pss ovr th proilrrl ssoils (Figur 6). h
rtuovastl1ar urldls ar rrldial and latral. at tlr ak oth tlok



th .ur b tlt, rathr lik thin pis ostins. Eh urrdl

onsists otlr prlnrar artr. vin.rnd rrrv.As rvith othr slrprfiial

artris, puls rr lt, orrspoding to :rlr Ontrtion Of th

hart.Tirr.r sl.ruld sprrt 1arrring r'r.hr ths artis ]i atld th


to dtt the ompIitude of the


oImr digito| rtries.



eurovouIr bud|es o e fe|t o the iside

ond outsid o{ the ftIok over lh ok of lhe
proimoI sesmids. l th iIIustrotio, th Ifl
lhum is on th |otrI rtry od the fit fige
o th medioI orlery.

norrrrl rnplitud of tl.r pu tht an lt.With lful lpation,

: tltllc .lll fl vn itl nornral horss ,.ith no rnortlralitis. As

lvith all asPts oth arrrirr:rtiorr, th puls should b onrparl r'vith

th opposit lir. An inrs in th arrrplitud o th digital puls
lnrl sisnifis an inras itl prsstrr of th blod flow to th foot
Hrvr'r. rt is a highl signifiant and trsful 1inil siun, as it gr.rrlly

indiats inflarnr.rrtion .itlrirr

th foot. N4atll. farljrs


r,trjn:rrins us this sinrp1 :hk, :rlnrost rvithout tlrirrking.

onditioris as varid as slrslar lsss (.plrs irr th oot,), solar
ruising, distl phalarr fratltls, larltinitis and distl intrhalrrgal
jrr.rt svrrovitis all rsult in :rrr .inrasd digital puis'so tlris lirril
fiLrdirrg is n rrratrs spifi fr prtiular nditiorr, ut it is a
highl rrsful finding rvhrr trying to loalis tlr sit of lllrnss.

th strutltrs r,vithirr th oot ar nlosd

rvithirl ;r srrri_igid psul' urthr palpation o th vital rs is
lillritd. T].r distal irrtphalatrgal joint (.offin joint.) n flt o
th dorsal ast of th toot rvhn distnld. :rul palpatiorr just
Ur.rforturr:rt1, aus

r'vi11 rvl fluid lik

srvlling.Tlris ls flutuant rvhn prssul is ppJid. nlgtrrnt o1
th strtlturs around tlr rinr:rl intrphlangal jirlt (.pstrrl
jrnt,) :rn also p:rlpatd.

aov th oron:rry and on tll front of th ot

Th distal irltrssrlidtr ligarrrtrts, th rnhs o th suprfiial

diitl flor tndoll (SDFT) nd th 1p digital flxor tndn
(DDFT) rn also palatd on th palrr asPt o th Ibot/p:rstrlr
rgiorr. Sps ot1.r naviular ursa oftn rsu1ts in pain rspons frorrr




th hors whn firnr prssur is pplid to th rgion rwn th u1s

o tlr hls. Irrftiorrs o th oot, ranging fror rlativl

straigl.rtforrvad strsolar assss to lif thratning spsis of th distal

joint o nviular ursa

rrry produ odra



distl lirrl (.filld 1g, or.hunlotlr').A fluid srvlling may so.ttitns


orr th plmr st of th Pastrn assoiatd l'vith th disitl

shth.This ttr_lik strl1tll[ nvlops tlr flxor tndns firll ov

tlr ftlok joint to th foot. Fil1d r,vitl.r srrovial fluid, it allolvs th

tndotrs t glid asil ovr th ak of th ftlok, and is sol]lti1lls
frd to s a.trrdinous r,vindgal1'(Figur 7). It is irrrprtant that his

is rognisd as darnag to th tndotrs lvithin this strtrtu tna lso


in an inas in th arrrplitud f th digitl pu.

At this point th

should pikd trp and palpatd futh. Al1 of

th stLrturs rrrtltiond abov should b r_assssd and th distel
linl should fld firrrily to tv atld liit pilrfl rsporrs frotrr

th lrors and t.tsu that th is norrna1 rng onrov1llnt in th

dtal joirrts.h rrrdioltrl alan slrould again assssd. For th


lirnb shor-lld lrld, fld, witl.r th lsrvr ing th

..k o h hors. F th lt olillr (.n.rr l..) th lt Il.rnd
should lrold th rrnon on loosJy, r'vith th arnl insid th krr

atrd frarnl of th lros.

Holding th rrtlon

r'r.ith th oPrator's aID

outsid tl.r fornr and insid th kn rvill rsult



ediI view of lhe right for ft|ok ioit. he

digil| sheoft dtded (,tedious widgo||,).
Th o b se oth 0ove od low th fetIok

th linr tro

ing hld stlaight :rnd distots th ntonry ronr th.- virv..r.s v (s

haptr 6 |or rn dtaild :lsssslllnt of foot lan).

Hoof teslers
Proaly th nrost irrrportarrt pi of diagnsti quiprnt in t1.r
:lI1lloury oqlrin 1iniians is th hotstr lJsd vry day, tld orl
vrY lanr hose rnind, this r]ativlv inpnsir. tool is vit].
Th a nurrlr of diffrnt dsiglls o hof tstr vil:rbl' solll
o hill lr .rp.rl o tillg nOrnloLl\ pr\\tlr rvhtl oprrtJ
vrr y th r'vkst of trsrs. Soln of th oldr vrsions orrr r,vrth
l.rY long handls and vrr laort l.rirre systrns tlrat lnplifil th
f alid fi.onr th oprtor hands to th foot.Th sirrrpl rlr1, as
r'vitl.r 11 1uiplnt, is to uy a lvll rnad instrrrrrrrrt t lvl.rih vou

boll.r l.1storld asily arrd tlrat rvill st th dist:u-l.

Th rinipl otrsing hoof tstrs is sinrpl..W.hn thv r plrd to

th oot :rnd prssur is rtd by 1osing tlr handls, th 1rors ,ill
hiit rvithdrrval rfl if th t rodus pain.h atlrirratin

a txtook

o remdia]



shuld systlnati, lthough thr is no ard and fast rul


on mthod is to bgin at th hl ad


t th

slor,vly r,vork around to th

othr hl. Should thr ;rny pain rfl. th hoof tstrs ar lnovd

to tlr urthst point on th oot and workd k tor,vrds th point {

pirl.This inlprovs

ary in irrpinting th solrr pain and

rlus tlr oftn sn
rnthod' of absss srl.ring (Figur [3).


Th initial ppJi:rtin of tl.r hoorstrs should not b lvith too nruh

Prssu[. It is ttr to go around svral tirrrs irrrasing th prssur
inrnlntllv tlrn to inrrrrdiatl al1s a rvidsprad pain rspns
r'vhih ftn inrass th snsitivity to rll furthr Prssl1]:.
Th fot should plad btlvn t1r kns fr a fi.or.rt ]iln and ov
t kn for a lrindljnl' as if tlr sho rvr irrg rnrovd.Tlris r,vill


Poor use of hool lrste o{te |eods lo extsiv

serhig of


hoof. The white Iie hos ee

|most tire|y derided od Iorg vities opeed

oth hee.

a]]orv th lg t hJd srrrl1, and safl slrould th hors rsnt th

:rnriatin, and th oof tstrs to rrsd rvith botlr lrarrds. Holding

tl.r oot r'vitl.r on lrrrd rrd oPrating t


tstr.s r'vith

tlr othr

lad t tnonlusiv slr1ts ad Plrts th opr:rtor at potntil rk

sholrld tlr 1ros 1l1ov th linl slrddnly o attlnPt to kik. Prsstlr

is applid around th hoo apsul, paing prtiltl ttlrtion to th

psitions of tlr nai]s, and th onl11lon sits of rlrising o slrsolar
ssstion, suh as :rt th tl nd th sat of orn (Figtlrs 9, 1i] anl
11). any tts srat th:Lt applying prsslrr aross th lr1s irnd fi.onl
on fi.og ]tt to th hof rr.ll (igur 12) ray indi:at prin lrisitlg
ttiltll dn.:r sh.Lrturs. stt1r as th dtal ssallloid, lut tl.rs lrthors
hav nr,r fottlld this to :r usful tst or slr1r onditions.

taking othr linil signs into :loul1t suh ls :rn iras irl
of tll digital pulss and an in:s in th strf
t1l1Pratllr o th 1roo1. apsu1, positiv rsPo1ls orr t-l':rrlrinltioll
rvith hoof t\tI\ rPrsnts a higlrl signifiarrt findrng. 1r rrrst
oll11l1o11 nditions disrrsd irr this .ay ar so1r brrrising (inluding
()rns)' larlrinitis atrd suso1r bssss (.us itl th ot'). Orsionll
frlttrrs of tlr distal pal:rn o distal ss:rnroid r,l,ill lso
nountrl. As rlrntiond prviotrsl, ass onviular disas, list]
irrtpl.ra1:rngaljoirlt srlor,itis, DDFT pathlog.v ar.rd oth onditiolls
affting tlr dpr strllttlrs l'vithirr th 1oot annot b digosd



]i.rlv rvitlr hoo t(.str\.

a diagrrosis,

rsPo1ls on apJiatin of th 1roof stls dos riot povid

ut dos t


idnti th rgion of tlr linr fi.olr rvl.rih

th lnrtlss likly to aising. Sonl lrorss. ptiul:rrl raing




Pressure pp|ied ot the loe of


hoof wi the

hoof ter The omier shou|d hold the foot

t|GUR l 0:

firm|y twee the ks od operot the hoof

The hoof iesle ore |oed so thot they eerl pressule on o sig|e oi|. Th lpoled oround lhe lool

leslers with oth hds.

so lhol oII iIs e ossessed.


I|GUR l 2:

Pssur is op|id from the medioI wII oo to the medio|



of orn, (eiwe the o d lhe

y hrss reot lo ]essure opp|ied here 0d il imporlol lo (ompore the |om lim t th

Jhe hoof lesters ore nositiod from the wolI of th

hooI to th


Some outhors odv posilioig

soud Iimb os exomintion of lhe |o |g ly moy b m|eodig. This is ommo sil o{ lomeess

of the hoof leste from heI to heI, s mthod

ond elr lime should e spent eomining th oreo, od in portku|o1 omporig it to the opposit |im"

of digosig

If in dout, th shoe shou|d removed od

a txtook

lhe ore exp|red fuilhe.

of rndia1 horsshOirrs


syndrome,. Th reset

uthors hov not found th t usfu|.


Tlrorughbrds, snr Partiu].ally srrsitiv to Prssur applid to th

fet in th wa dsribd abov, vn if th sour of th lrnnss ds

not originat in th foot. Th ontralatral foot shou1d thrfor

xanrind if thr any dout, nd this wil] or a rolrtin art of

th assssrrrnt for thos involvd in th r osuh anirnals..W.hthr

or not th hootstrs indiat a sit of oa1 pain, tlr foot should

trirlnrd latr and plord uthr if tlrr is any han at a11 of th
prolrn bing withirr th oot.

Regiono| 0norsthe5i0 (,nerve bIoks,)

vry dranrati rspolls arr oftrr sn on thr fs of hors

o\vnrs atrd trains whn .lokilrg' th oot abolishs .shotlldr
lnrnss'. Diagnosti nrv blks ar th rnainstay of lanlnss
di:rgnosis in th hors dspit th advnt of ar mor thnologially
advand mthods suh as sintigraphy. on again, th prinipl is

If th nrvs that supply a artiular ara of th

an:rsthtisd (.blokd' r

1irrr ar

.frozn'). th hors annot 1 it. If th

of th pain is in [hat r, thr.r th larnnss will not vidnt

r'vlrn th hors is trottd stlbsqtltlt to tlr b1ok. By this n1ans, th

rion rsporrsil for th latnnss an idrrtifid. owvr, as .'vith

all produrs rlating to th hors, things may not quit


straightforward. Nvrthlss, th us o rrrv loks is a rwarding,

rlativly simpl and inpnsiv mthod of narrowing down th

options. Th main us of rgional anasthsia is for th diagnosis o
lrlrnss, ut is should also born in nrind thet

it an play vry

trsful ro1 during tratmnt and nranagmnt.

w onntrat on th us o rgionrl ansthsia as an djunt to

lanrnss diagnosis thn th followirrg protool will illustra how it is

usd..Whilst i right srn ovious, a prquisit to nrv loking is

a larn hors. Gnrall spaking a positiv rspons is said to hav

bn sn whn at last a 50% inrprovnrnt in th dgr of lamnss
ours susqllnt to th lok. It is, thrfor, point1ss to nrv 1ok

th a 5%l improvmnt nnot

quin liniians grad lamnss as a mthod f

a hors with suh a sutl lamnss

appritd. N4ost

r:ording thir osrvations objtivly and allolving omparisons

twn aminations. Thr r svral systnls' ut th 2 tlrost

ornmonly mployd grad th dgr olamnss btrvn 1 and 10
or 1 and 5. In oth systms, Zro rprsnts soundnss, and th highr
numr rrPrsnts non_'ightaring.




Th prsnt authors favour th 1 to 5 systm as it sms th asist to

apply ojtivly. It should orn in mind that, rathr lik th pH
sal rlating to aidl,dity/alkalinity thr is a somwhat logarithrni
heratr to th sa1. In othr words, th diffrn twn Grads
3 and 5 is far gratr than th diffrn btwn Grads 1 and 3.

Th .1 to 10' systm aPpars to offr mor options ut is, in our

opinion, a lss satisfatory sal.



th sutlst lamnss that an sn, i slight;

Grad 2: mi1d;
Grad 3: modrat;
Grad 4: sver;
Grad 5: non_wightarlng.

It is important that a aslin lamnss is

stLishd bfor nrv

loks ar attmptd. In th hors that has an oous lemnss at th

trot, this will not b diffiult.A thorough valuation, inluding flxion
tsts and

trotting on th lung on hard and soft surfas shou1d always

onsidrd, although th intrprtation of flxion tsts is a

ontntious issu in itslf end, if an ovious lamnss prsnts itslf
whn th hors is trottd in straight lins, lunging may not
nssary. Indidual ass must judgd on thir own mrits.

Fortunatly, th nrv supply to th distal lim of th hors is

rlativly simpl. owing to th volutionary adaptations that hav
ourrd, th hors walks, trots and gallops on only 2.lngers'and2
This has not simplifid th dynamis of ths athlts, ut it
dos mak nrv loking onsidraly asir. Gnrally spaking th
pross should startd at th ottom of th lim (distal), working
upwards (proximal). This is baus th most ounon auss of
lamnss our in th distal lim, and also aus if th initial lok
is proximal it is thn not possil to lok distally until th nrv
lok has wrn off (2-3 I.|).

Broadly spaking, rgional anasthsia an dividd into

atgoris. Prinural anasthsia involvs injting small amounts of

loal anasthti nath th skin, as los as possil to th nervs that
ar to .blokd' (Figurs 13 and 14). Intta_atiular anasthsia
rquirs th enasthti to injtd dir into joints (Figur 15).
This iattr produr improvs th spifiity as, in thory on1y on
strlltur is bloked out. In preti, howvr, vn intra_artiular


t|GlJR l 3:

) PImr viw o{ th ftltk/pstern, idkoling

th sitions l whith IoI noestheli shouId
inited for oeslhesi [ the p|mr digit|

rves, mdi||y d |ter||y. 0rng dots:

sesomoid lv |ok,; YelIow do:

digitoI erve Iok,

) LteroI view of th [et|o&,/oslern, iditig

the positios t whih IooI nestheli should

inieled for nesthesio of th p|m digitoI

nerves, medioIIy d Ioter||y 0rge do:

sesomid erv |k,; Yellow


digito| rv Iok,.

an]sthsia rrray influn stuturs otltsid th jint. Usually,

prinlrral anasthsia is usd to isolat th sour oth larnnss to
a gnl ara, and intra_artiu1ar anasthsia is usd susqtlntly to
rfirr th srh ara. orr again, it sirould notd that rgional
an]sthsi on1 dtrnrins th rgion th 1inr r,vhr th sour
o th pain lis; it dos not provid a diagnosis. Imaging thniqus
(on s.rnntrlg).rnd
suL.h s radiogrph (_rlys).
to prnrit a diagnosis
(s hptr 3: Irnging h Foot nd Lg).
or.r th initial lamnss assssmnt has bn rrrad' th fist rrrv
1ok is pr{ornrd.Th ollowing dsription applis to th forlr,
ut is qully applil t th hirrd1irn.Anatomially, t1i bak of th
forlirrr fronr th arpus distally is rfrrd to as pirlnrar. In th

hirrdlir, th sanr gion is said to plantar. Ths trnrs ar

intrhalrga1 fi.orn orlirr-r to hirrdlirrr in th following tt.

Ftrnl th n-r'niv
''' .lf
" iJntifuins



inieted oround th lterol

p|mr erve oI the right foreIim. Approximote|y


.ts th r.us o th
digitl, blk

.baial ssarnoid' lok. A plnrar digital lok involvs

2rn:rsthrsia o th lndial nd latrl plrrrar digital nvs just abv
tlr ollatral :trtilags of th foot (Figur 14).Th abaial ssan.roid
lok nastl.rtiss th pa1nla nrvs on th plnrar aspt f th
ftlk (or on th axial aspt of alr ssanroid, Figtrr 13). Th

or th

Rgio| odhesi: Th Iim is he|d up whi|st

IoI oslhtk


larlrrrss, th first lok usd r,vi1l it1rr b th

shouId b iieted rund h






for oth, and indd, all trrv loks, trt th

.l:rrorl f th ndl plxnlnt ol,iously varis.

h.' lot is pikd

r.rp and th oprt las sl.rort, firr ndl

..tutnouslv in th orrt psition to li los to tll trl.v (rlrLli.Ll

.. ltral). On


in psitin' a sirlg is

tt:rhd t th nd1 and

l1 of 1o1 :lnilsthti is instilld ovI t rlv (Figur 1.l).

to th ort position, 1ood lvill b
.:tr in th ndl htr, r rvill florv tr.onr th rrdl lris is not a rrs
...r orttl blrt indiats tl.rat th ndl is v,v ls to th nrv.:ls
FLrLllrtl)-. rf th ndl is los

..L lrtrr'. r.in.rnd n1.\'


rull to]thr irr

a tlurovasulr burrdl.h

poilrt and thrl

sliuhtly ror phna positiorr.T1r injtion of loa1

should rplsitiond slightly, y tratirrg


:.ositiorrig in a
.]].1\thti should suutnotls and, if dorr or.rtlv tl or,ius
..-. shlrld ris dtrring injtirr.his shotr1d silv disprsd v
:.: .]. l. 1)|.-\clIr* sttsen,le.rl].l

e lrr..]ltre

is ..


li-. L"r
'v' 'l'.

..:]l]os1t nr\r

IGURt l 5:

\l ]0-20 nrin th hors shotrld trottd up again. Sorrr 1iniias

hav th hors rvalkd in ordr t rrhan difusin o tl.r

.]:jlil to

l:1 llasthti and h irrras th htrs that th rrrr,s



othrs plfr to al]orv th hos to stnd irr a o,

..- trillq that inrasd dittion rvil1 du th spifiiry of th
.. .lk. h prsnt :luthors Llsually orlprotllis and hav th 1ros
'. -.1k1 ior 1 2 rrrins bfor bing pld ak in th o. If th hos
-. '' tl sttlrd lftr th injtiorr of loal lnsthti, thn it lras had
: |tt. Tlris is .l positiv l.sPolrs. If th hors is still as larrr (and
.l:ll horss atually tot Llp trlo larrr atr loking th oot, if th

n blkd.

|tr.urtiuIr onosthesio: loI oestheli

inieled ito th dooI ouh oI lhe distoI

inlrhlogeoI ioit (DIP.|1,oflin ioinl,). l'lote
thot the Iimh hs ben dipd ond ruhed od

thol the oerolor wers sliIe g|oves to void

ilroduig i[etio.

. ,..i of p:rin is not in this ara), tlrn this is a ngativ rspons. In

:: ]ltt as it arr b ssttld tlrat that th aus of tl.r lrnss is
: 'l rrithitl th aa ttd 1'tlr rrr' lok. Problrs is if tlr
-.lk h:rs not rrsthtisd tlr nvs u111' or th nvs :l
:..'thtisd ftllly but th lk 1ras only n patial1y sussul ir.t
.:lishirlg th lrnnss.

... rh tll.st

itrstrr, th lok should patd, nd in;npl:t

in th sond itlst r.rntil provrr

.:ltrr is. I)ror,ing this :an ditfiult. Skin snsatiorr, o 1:k of, is th
]l!)\t Colll]norrly trs1 rnthod of assssitrg th tt o th nv
'.k Altl.rouglr this is gnrlly aplial, thr ar .lss in r,vhilr

.:ll:thsi:r slrould assunrd

.<.tl stls:ttiott rnr:rins 1spit th lmnss having rl blislr1.Th

.]j]f.C o]]nrnss sn

t th

lok is th nlost r]ia1 gtrid to its

r,va\,. ah nrv is

tilt.tss. Loal anastl.rtis r,l,k in a rnpl

l ttbook

of mdial



a undl of firs ontaind within a lining' anelogous to a unh o]

ltri wirs ontaind insid a pip. ah wir is onntd with :

difrnt sit, is of a diIrnt siz and onvys diffrnt informatior
along its path..Whn loal anasthti is injtd on or los to th
outsid of th.pip' (th nrv), it has to mov insid and intrat witt
th.wirs'(th nurons).Th tim takn to afft ah nuron dpndr
on th typ and thiknss of th pip nd th rol of ah indidua
nuron.Thrfor' nurons that transmit th snsation of pain may <
anasthtisd whilst thos that onvy th fling of prssur ma1
rmain funtional. As always, a fai simpl produr is mor
ompliatd whn onsidrd in mor dtail.
If anasthsia o th palmar digital nrvs at th lvl of th ollatra
artilags dos not altr th lamnss, th nt stp is to mov slightl1
proxima1 and prform th sem produr on th pa1mar nrvs oI
th plmar aspt of th ftlok (.aa-.ial ssamoid nrv lok,)

Numrous txts hav n writtn on th pris aras that ah blol

dsnsitiss and a whol haptr ould b dvotd to this on point
Howvr, if loking th foot oli.shs rh lamnss, thn et las
furthr invstigetions n dirtd mor prisly.

Thr ar oasions whn pain arising from th foot is not aolish

y ithr th palmar digital or a-xial ssamoid nrv loks. This i
partiula tru if th ondition is ausing svr pain. Som spti<
onditions suh as susolar assss or hroni distal intrphalanga
joint spsis may not rspond to rgionel anasthsia, as has also r
th as w.ith fraturs of th distal phalanx. Th rasons or this art
omplx and, as yt, not fully undrstood.

Furthr fforts t dtrmin th sour of pain usuelly involv intra.

artiular anasthsia. Injtion ofloal anasthti, undr strit asptir
onditions, into th distal intrphalangal joint and naviulr urs:
may hlp to 1uidat th aus of th lamnss. From this point, onr
a pris anatomial loation is idntifid, imaging thniqus suh a
radiology, ultrasonography' sintigraphy and in som ass mgnti(
rsonan imaging may b nssary to provid th diagnosis.

Rdio.rplt is ttntltd a.f thiu

s c r,

r;f stf|ltttlf bli{

r .l


c, f/tr:




tts to
ll.ri d

th hoof or lib. Th ollir

Josie Meehon


rdiogrplry is ro 1lrodttc ptittt,l

1uli, -r itttgs .f rltt' orret


t stdrd 'qls to th
unbls dil.gist t
tlrk digosis of rmlit,

X-r mothine



a 1




Th ol1

ad of th trr
produs _rays. Th polvr of th _ry brri is ontrolld y tlr
oPrator and dpnds orr th nurnr of ltrons gnratd and th
spd at r,vhilr thy hit th targt (Figur 1).
X+n film

This is sht of p1asti ''vhih is oatd on on or oth sids rvith

x_ra snsitiv hrnials, asd on si1vr slts and sirnilar to thos usd

in photography..Whn this h.rs n psd. th filrn rrds to

dvlopd hnria1ly to al1ow th hunran y to s th rsu1ting
lnl. rvhih il ssrltirll hhk.rnd whit.
X-r sseites

Th funtiorr oth asstt is to Prott th filnr fi.orrr light PosLrI

and to kp th filnr prftly flt. A4odrn asstts also ontain
lvhih ampli th fft of ah _ray hitting thrn b
roduirrg tiny flashs of 1ight, allorving a rdution irr th radio:rtir.
dos ndd to prodlr a diagnsti rnrag.



Tokig o upright viu|or view. Nole ih us of

gIoves od pote|ive dolhing nd the grom

stdig s fol owoy os posi|.




lvlethods of development

\tt psttr. th film nds to rossd in ordr to s


irs. This involvs a dvloprrrnt sag rvhr th inrag orns

isil arrd a fiing stag whih will kp th irng prnranntl on

h fihr.This may arrid ut y hand in tanks or y rr atrtorrrti

Positioing oids
\rious loks ar usd to lrold th foot at tlr rquird ans1s to allow
.1l.rgnsti viWs takn. Casstt holdrs nsur th oIrt
:srtionir.rg of th plats.

Rdiosafty is an irr-rportant isstr or th halth and wlfar of tlr
lors and al1 th popl who ar involvd in th r:rdiographi pross.
o51g of huran atrd anirnal tissu to _rays is harnrful and
..Jqut prottion is ssntial. N4ost, if not 11, ountris hav
:.:diosfty 1gislation whih must followd. Dtaild lgis1ation
l1i. il)[rntion|| ur si pinipls r:


Rdiogaphs should r.rly takn whn linill Justifid.

h rrrinimurn numr of posurs should b takn to llorv
linial diagnosis to rnad'

. Radiographi

posurs should onl,v

nrd in


otltrolld aras, r,vith adquat nvironrnntal and psonl

Pottion and standard oprtirrg produrs

F|GUR 2:

) Dorsopo|mr ond b) LoleromediuI views of the

some foot. The dorker oreo lound the dto|
mrgin o[ th d| one (o) ond biwecn the sole
und ped| bone (b) pus.

;] ttbook

o1. n-r1 ia1 horsshitrg


N4odrn mahin, srn and frlm thnology should usd to

n]lnlmls xposur tlms.
o th _ray anl rlust ontrlld
sattr and to kp tl.r dgs of th fild
of vilv insid th bordr oth asstt.

Th hight and width

on1y th nrinirurl nunrr of popl ndd to rstrain th hors

and nratrag tl.r nrahin nd asstts should b within th

ontrol1d ara.

only th spifi

ara to inragd, nd no prsonnl or thir

applrdags, shou1d b positiond

in th dirt lin

o th _ray


Al1 prsnrrl who r rquird to involvd with


F|GUR 3:

radiographi Posll]. n1ust War fully_funtional radiosafty

To produ |r imoges, the sol od frg r

lothing, g lad aPlons' nd rnust also dos Innitord.

_ray asstts should positiond, idally in th ]oks, or l-rld
rrrrotly in asstt holdrs by prsonnl waring prottiv glovs.

trimmd d the suIi ore {ilId with modI|ig

dy (P|y-Doh).

who ar rgularly involvd with




lmoge quolity
Th qua1iry of th inrag dpnds on svral i.rportant fators:

Th strngth of th _ray

Tlr distrr frorn th _ray sour to th asstt and film

Th varial ability of th _rays to Pntrat th diffrnt



in h path oth barrr.

Th hrrril dv1oprnnt Pross o th filnr.



of filnr posd to th unostrutd rays will,


dvlprrrrrt' lak, rvhras thos tl.r ar ostrutd 1, solitJ

ojts wi]l rlativly undposd and r'vill app r,vhit. Bon ii
a solid tisslr wirih asors _raYs nd thrfr rodlrs a rvhit
_ra img. Lss dns tissu, strh as trrdons arrd liganlrrts, produ



of gry. F:rt nd gas ar th 1ast dns tissl'ts, prodtr:irrg

A .pokt' f gs or plrs in :rn irrtd oot ,i1

alrnost lk irnags.

aPPr as a dist lak ar (igtrr 2).

tIGUR 4:

5tnding lteromdil fot; ) Dirdio o{ 0r0m;

b) (sslte d {i|l; nd ) Wode iok.


odrn radiograpl.ri Posur tirrrs for ft r vr short tr

nlovnrnt of th patint 1lrring ;ln ostlr lvill rsult i a htrr
illlag. Th hos rrrtlst o or:lt r'vith th ra1iogphi pross b1




LoleromediI views shw both hges to one

d its positi withi the hoI tsule.

o) ReIotiveIy good dorso|mr bloe;

b) ftges to lh porit| surfoe f lhe


one oused y infio;

) Low toIIopsd heeIs od o roken k hoof.

sler xis wilh t |egih.

\tllding still, wrth


in th position

trarrquillisrs shotr1d usd rvhr tl.r

rqttird. hrrril
hors dos not o_oPrat.

Stondrd vjws
prin ils stlishd standard viws of th oot that allow th
nrajority f anornral onditions to irrragd. Nvrthlss, liniiarrs
rr,ill oasionlly tak diffrnt virvs t diflrrrt angls and Posurs
nd with difrnt kinds of filrn to highlight rtain ras.Th foo,ing
is ridsription fth standard radiographi viw otlr foot.

Preporulion of the foot ond Iimh

Adquat pprtion l.tlust arrid otrt first to 1lsur a diagrrosti
sult.Th oot rny 1rv th sho rtlovd, lthough it ray usul
to hv laton-rdial ot piturs rvit].r th sh orr. Tlris allrvs
llsssslnnt o dorsopa1rrrar fot alan Tlr |oot should lad
out thorourghly a1 th frog and horn pard oarry loose tissl.t.Th
lv].rol a:t shuld larrd .ith a stifI rush, washd and drid

Th rgot, i ssivlv long, nray b trinrnld. It rr.raY

lrsul to ndg fthrs llp awy frol-lr tlr ak oth tlok.

:l tctbOrk f rnl1 ial lrorss1roill91

oot osilio for urighl pdoI view (doop|mr),

orretIy t|ld


hIiqu view'



Dolsolmor viw.


lJright dorsoulmor

showing sogifloI Irtlur




nvirulr view.

suli rvjll nd t b pakd for.virvs of th rrviular,borr

to aqr-rirl rvithout artfats. Playdoh, soft soap orVas1irr rrra1. all
urtilisd for this PLl1.Pos (igu 3).Th lilrrb sould rrrind
torouslv for r-rd t rrd th oat brlrslrd to r1]lo\r all dbris.



LteromedioI view
.sid'virv r'vl.rih is usd to alrrin t1r pdrl on and its
This is tl.r
l.latiolshis to th oof wal]' i ill ass of lanrinitis.Th hors rt.rtrds
on rvoodn blok. 1.r _lay rn:rhin is positiod orr th olrtsid
th lirnb and t banr is dirtd i].oss tl.r fot torvards th fill
positiorrd on th insid of th linr (Figtrs,l and.5 a,b,).

Dorsoplmur view (,upright pedul, nd



This is th.front to ak'vjrv.Th lahin is plrd in ront of tlrt

hrs and th oot is hll on a ]ok r,l,ith th to pinting torvard:
th floor. T]] filnr is p]ad agairrst th sol o tlr foot. Stritlr
spakig this is lld th dorsoproilrlal_alrrr:u.odista1 oliqtr vi\r



us] to produ 2 srat inlags, on of t1r dista

7) trd rtt a s1igt hatrg irr arrgl f tlr fot

This vir'v is

anothl. f t1r distrl ssatlroi] (Figur 7).

A true dorsopoImr imoge wil| shw mdio|.ler|

imh|r h lim ln o{ this py is show

in (hplr 6: Ihe Pitip|es o{ Foot Blte.


Irl a tur or standilrg dorsop:rllrr:rr vilv th foot is plad irr a noLlrr

rrightarg positiolr ;rnd th x_ravs :rirrrd rt t1r irorrt o tl.r foo
lr,itlr t].r fi1rrr:rt th k of th oot (igtrs 8 a,b).




o) Showing positioing
ResuIt.t imog

fl flexr


showing the djst| sesomoid with

evidee of hges.

P|muroproxim|-puImorodistol ob|ique view

(,fIeor, or
1.ris is vr,r. rrsful or

Jokig t th dist1 ssrnoid It also highlights

olth dJ on. Unforttlntl1,, tl.r hors lrs to pl th

tot s il lk undrnath tl.r od1, s pssil rrd std orr spi:ll
.:rsstt tunn1 that ontains th filnr. Th r.rrahin has to
h rvitigs

Llllttll-tvd undrnth

th ll otlr lrrs to airlr th _Ia1,


rlotl.tl at th hl u1ls. lris is not a orrtal position o tlllst

hoss and trrarry rquir sirtion to otirr th bst irrrgs (igurs 9

b :rnd 10).

(onlrosl rodiogrophy

rlio_oplqtt substarr (onr:ry) is injtd asPtia1l,v ir.rt tlr

in onjuntion lvith 1oal rrastl.rti. his
ll;l1s th 1iniian o :onfirln tht th anasthti is :ontain1
rr itl.rin t].r ulsa This tlrniqlr arl als usd to asrtain th
, rtllt o pntrJtiol) irrrris
tllr-iu1;rr ursr. trsul1lr'

IGURt l 0:
LtromediI diogrh f fot showig otrst

whith hos been inied ito th noviuIor urs.

} ttok

o rrdia] hsshol11


thir1lt usd


is l


|,imts d .joits) it is lso

ommoI, sd ftlr ssssmt oJ






frquarc sou,d w
trs|1xittd through


th s

Whn th soud

rhs it btu, tissus

tords th trsdur, riud

d th iformtio is trrrd

to th hirt to b
This rw infortio is


transdurs oprt at
within th had osillating

ultrasound arn. Highr

and hn bttr imag
of pntration will
qualiy. Th downsid of this is that th

Thus or suprfiia1 work, ithr 7.5 or 10 nlgahrtz

sannrs ar usd. Should dpr ody parts rquir inraging, a lowr
frquny prob will utilisd.

In ordr for sussul and aurat imagi.ng to prfornrd, a ]os

.oupling, of th trnsdur and th skin nrust b ahivd. Hn,
thorough laning and otn lipping oth lim is nssary and th


us of ul[rasonographi g1 is always rquird. It is also inrprativ that

th trnsdur is plad at right ang1s to th tissu ing xamind.

th u,rlu to

rtd bk nd h th dpth

of th prtiIr ittf n



into tl itllg ftr llti th

tit tk



nd rprodtttiuc ssttlls.

Mike Shepherd

Not ol is it lplod.for

orthopdi ittlgig (tdos,



ithill ll

tisst,t st],L|turs



th ssssmnt


This nsurs th rajority of th rfltd ultrasound m is olltd

b th transdur in ordr to mairnis th rightnss of th irrrag.

To intrprt imags auratly, a thorough knowldg of th rrorrrra1

anatotny ofth rgion is ssntial.Also onsidration nds to givn
to potntial artfats and variations of normaliy.


This shows

lrsvrse ond longiludi|

u|trosonogrphi imog

of lh indos

ligmenls i the mid onno region o[ o norm|

Iimb. Note lhe rguIor hogeniity ond fibre

pller of eoh f thes strutures.


C orrtiv

a r r i r y

IGURE l 2:

A ltosv imoge of u iiuled SD on the Ieft

hod sid (owd) od o omprotive normo|
img o the righl.

Assessmenl of soft fissue slrutures in the 0nn0n bone region

h suprfii.l digital flor tndon (SDFT) , th dp digital flor
tndon (DDFT)' th infrior hk ligamnt and th suspnsory
ligarnnt ar all lying bhind and paralll to th annon bon' Ths
r vr assi1 to ultrasonographi xamination and' du to thir

rltivl rgular layout, an sutl hangs ar dttd radily (Figur

11). It is important to know th rlativ siz and shap of ah

strutur at diffrnt lv1s along th annon on in ordr to judg
normal from anormal. During mination of this rgion, it is also

important to olnPar imags of oth limbs (Figur 12).


a srutur is damagd, an inflarrrrrratory Pross st up.This

in an aurnulation of fluid within th rlvant tndon o

lig:rlnnt. This tr fluid shows uP as a dark ar (hypohogniity)

on th


This ors aout du to a 1ak

o ho ing ratd

rt.ithin this ara.As wll as th altration in hogniiry an injur lvill

:rlso rsult in an inras in ross stional siz nd a loss of fir

P]ttrn in longittrdina1 stion (Figur 13).

Assessment of the soft tissues of the postern region

DDFT ontinu thir ours through th pstrn

gion. Ths tndons ar aorpanid y short, strong ligarnnts

tsoth th SDFT nd

rr.hih oigirlat rorrr th ottonl of oth sstoid ons atrd inst

irrto th ak of th Pstn rgion. Ths shrt ligarnts ornplt

l trtbok

of remedil




Ih shows o |ogitudio| imge of n ijuled 5DI.

Nle thr rentro| oreo o[

ssoio|ed with o sigi{kt



o{ iire ottr


tlr suspnsor PPrxttls lnding sllpport to th ftlok joint. Th

SDFT divids into outsid nd insid branhs whih irrsrt t th

joint.Th DDFT ntirrus its ours distally, rurrs

lv1 of th pastrn

ovr th ottonr oth nvitrlar orr and insrts onto th pdal on

Th Pastrn rgion is oviousl mor onrplitd than th annon

rgin. Althugh ultrasonographi arination is possil, but nlor

ar and attntion to th varying sizs and shaps ofindividuai tndons
and ligarnnts rrds to b mployd.

Assessmenl of the foot region

Rnt advans in u1trasonographi thniqus hav allowd


DDFT and th naviular ursa as it ourss 1rin

and undrnath th naviular on.This thniqu rquirs a spifi

visualisation of th

transdtrr nd rful prparation of th foot with signifianr

trirnrning to th frog. lJnfortlrnatly th irrrags otaind of tht
DDFT ar liitd in oth th tnt of th rgi.on inragd arrd tht
quality oth irag otaind. ln or aurat and snsitiv iragl
of ths soft tissu strllturs, an MRI san is bst lrplod r,vhrt




fulAGN ETl( RsoNANE lfulAGl NG

Rhel Murry

Equipmenl required for [{Rl

t Psnt thr ar rv


syst1ns availal

for irnaging in th

liv hors aus of tlr onstaints assiatd r'vith ating

unifornr nrirgnti fild.Th magnti lild strngth is dsrid
ill tll1s of slas (T). A4ost human li.nial systms tnd to in th
o0.5-1.5T. Various tyPrs osystm ar availal or us irr rnn:
systms, dditd xrnrity n1:rg1lts nd an
onfiguation. Closd systnrs th 1nost on1monl usd lrd
onsist of a ylindrial, stlpronduting rnagnt into Whih a hunrn
l snlall aninra1 patint n plad. oviously thr ar siz
onstrints with this p of systnr so only th trrnitis of hors
trld fittd into th linial systn1s in urnt lrospital us.
trrrriry n1agnts hav also n produd or th nrdial markt,
:rrrd us a lowr fild nrsrrt to prdu inrags of sirrgl xtrrnitis.

I is on-iasil) thiqu
usd idl i popl' d
irstg\, i slll nimls .for
dttitl, of 1ltll i, u,id
rdg -f fis.tes. I hs
prf ilr pplitiotls .l.n'
ortl t op


di hlj ri

johtts tul

1f t


ng b o s,

It is

rquirs th usc

i,ttisig rdition, tt is




pnsiv d |1 llc titttosittg, It is u, vrstil irt

the bilit to rovid hgs slid
pl,s, d is pbl of

ill l


3 -d its




iotll ilgs itt


tl bilit


ghl dtild

,tolttil irmtion, ith

PLry s 1o 1o'.r'o,

ttsi ti v i


1-hc img is pradud b itig

hdrogtl uli itt th llod t

thi,r rstt frqrc


mgntiJild, d thn detting

rlrc trctg rIsd s ths tli

rl' B ig dilfrut squnS

of ittio t,d rltiotl, tl

itl.t ll b built up' 7h tost

ld,t sours of hdtogtt

i tlrc bod re tter d

s 1ost signl i
l is







l.5 T G

[hospeed mogel

0l the


H|th Tru, Nwmrket whih usd for mgeti

resooe imogig i |iv horses. Lootrd i lhe

bore of lhe mgl is o rdio flequty oiI suito|
for us n the equie dto| |im. Th |ed o
shopd pod to move it ilo the entr of the mognel.

As both Iimbs ore pled it the mognel or l

o, the shpig of the pod ||o it lo |oed
ovr the Iim ihot is ol ig imoged.

a txtbok

of rudi1 horssho1ng




A noeslhelised horse




reumy o oJrros t| fol l/lRl of the

frot fetIoks ond feet'

opn rgnts ar rrror adaptabl with rgard to siz although th

with rating uniform nragnti fild in an opn systm
rrrns that th irag qua1ity tnds to infrior to that of a

orrsponding losd systm.-W.ithin th magnt, us of fi1d gradints

and a radiofrquny oil arotrnd th ody assist in ltilding up alr
imag oth tissus (Figlrr 14).

Protilities 0f [4Rl in horses

For aquiring high qualiry imags, th hors rl.rst imoil and

plad within th isontr (irging portion) of th magnt. At th
prsnt tinr, tlris 1nans that l\4RI rquirs gnra1 nasthsia of

MRI systm nds to

and una{|td y th strong loa1 nragnti fi1d.
Thrfor, an RI_omPtil quin tal, anasthti nd
qtrin patints. quipmnt usd los to th


rnonitoring qui.pmnt ar rquird, and for most magnts th systm

has to plad within a spially shildd uilding.
T1r siz nd shap of th individul hors dtrnrins parti.a1ly what

ln a losd magnt' it is only possil

to inrag th lims and th had in most adult horss.Th dista1 lirrrb
is th most pratial sit to inrag asily in th li.v hors as this an b
aras of th linrs may imagd.




t|GUR l 6:

Aotoled T2 weighted (T2* gldiet ho)

sgittoI imoge of equie foot ntrd over the
diI itrph|ogo| (DIP) ioil.

pld into th nragnt isontr without too rrruh difiiulry with th


latral rumny. In odr to lninimis ti.r trndr

,rn.tsthri.t. \qt]ns r tlsd o optill]is itllrg ..qtrisition in
quirr 1inrs in th shortst possil tirr.r or poduing diagnosti


qrrliq. inrags (Figur 15).

lmge interpretlion
Antomiirl strutllls an visua]isd irr dtail, inltrding tndons,
1isanrnts, artiulr artilag, suhondral, ortial alrd anl1ous
bon. In addition, flor,v in vssls an dttd and sptrosoPy ]]n
lrsd or looking at nrtolit distritrtion.
Inrags produd depnd

on dttion of T1 or T2 rlaxation o

to as T1 orT2_wightd imgs. on
1 rvightd inrags, tissues with fast T1 rlaation, suh as at, shrv
higlr signal intnsity (right). on T2 wightd irrrags, tissus with
slo, T2 lation, stth as wtr, show high signl intnsity. Th
h1,drogrr nl.rli, arrd ar lrd

r]ativ rvighting f th img dtrins th signa1 intlrsiq, o, rrd

Contrast btwn' diffrnt tisslrs. In gnral, strutllrs rn',ith a higl.r
\\,tr ontIrt ar bright orr 2.rvightd inrgs, and thos rvitl.r

high fat ontnt ar right on T1 rvightd irnags.

e ttook

o rmdia1 orsshoing


FIGUR l 8:

tIGUR l 9:

T2 weighted tlonvelse imog o[ th distl Iimb t

T2* grdiet h doo| imuge o[ the dtoI limh

2* grodiet eho tronsvelse imog of the distoI

the leve| oI the midd|e hlx shwig |esios i

showing on ovuio frlule ol the oligi f the

limh showig

oth sides of the DD.

imor |igomet o the novkuIor oe. This is see

oviu|or boe, o frolure o[ the seod ph|

os o fooI ore [ |ow sigo| o th left side of th

d Ioeltio f the DD The loeted fires


from the DD ore doIed ilo th frotule Iie.



ommiuled lqdure o{ th

Tndons and lisrnnts gnral1 hav low signal intnsit on botlrT1

ndT2 irrrags (so appr rrarly lak), s dos rtial n r oth
aras of rlrinralisd tissu. oriT1 arrdT2 (to a lss tnt) rvightd
irags, brr arro''v shorvs a right signa1. Syrrovial fltrid lras lol'v
signal intnsiw on T1 and high orr T2. lrtilag tds to hv a lorv



T2 wightd

inrags, althotlgh 2rppars rightr on

T1 in

onrarison with th lolv signal of th snovial fluid (Figur 16)

Man irrraging sqlrncs hv n dvlopd to shorv


tl'vn tissus and highlight aras of patho1og. Ths ir.rhrd th

asi spin ho and fst spin ho squrrs, gradint 1.ro, spoild
gedint ho nd nragntisatiorr [ransr. Spialist thrriql-rs r also
usd to improv vistla1isation of spifi tisstrs nd rdur artt. Fat
supprssion thniqus ar onronl usd in qtrirl 1inr inragirrg to
du intr{n frorn fat signal.This is partittlarl usful irr lon
lvl.r rndu1larv n has a high at ontnt and so on p.rthology
r'vhih hs loall inrasd fll.rid ontnt rr osurd y lri.gh
fat sigrral. Fol1owing fat supprssin, n T2 lvightd irrrags bon

Pathology rrray dttabl as a


signal intrrsity irr th on.

Detetion of pthoIogy
Pathlog that lny dttal lrsing MRI, rrt di{hr.rlt to in.rag
lrsing othr non_irrvrsiv rodalitis, irrltrds lisanrnt injuis (distal
ssatnoidarr, itrrp, naviular strspnsor nd ollatr1), DDFT




FIGURE 20o d b:

0steooilhri|: sgifi| imoge of rlitu|l orti|g

ond suhodloI oe domoge i }hr


iterholgo| ioit s se o o T2 weighted

img (o), where rti|uge



suhondroI boe very |ow sig| d syovil

f|uid high sig|. A T'| weighted (spoi|ed grodiet
eho) img o{ the som ioit (b) shows ortiIge

With high sigo| od syovi| fluid d

suhodroI oe wilh |ow signo|. Not the
helerogeous urtiIg sigoI i the T2-weighted

.: Lli\

(rrrhrdrrrg th insrtin), lr1t fraturs, artiular artilag

:,].l.lt .1t)d'uhorld,l bon rrnd||ing.

imoge, d |er|y irgulo lti|oge


suhodroI one mrgis o both T2 od T'|wighted imoges.

.:. .Lttt st.l!]s of tlrdn arrd ligarrrnt darnag, foal pathology tnds


.lL]L]:rI;ls ln ]ra of right sign1 onT1 and2_ lvightd inrags

.'.:h ltta1 loal slvlling. In tl.r inflanunator phs' dark lina

'..:l1 spar:rtd 1, x13x5 ohigh signal rlry P[snt darnagd firs

...::ulrdd y llular infiltration. Duling th lat phass o haling
- : rosis. signl irrtrrsity tnds to drs blrt rnrain lrigh than
,. JI ]lo].],ll,l t:ldotl (Figur l7).

).- -r- on pthologY is dttal lrsirrg ithr T1 o T2 wightd

: : .:s Fl.tLtrs shorv s dfts irr th bon otou and strutlt.
: ....;hrrdal on irgulariry and ostophyts ar a1so dttl
' ....: \4RI N4RI is uniqu, howvr, in its aility to show vidn of
.-,' .l.rrtl.lg rvithirl tIl nldulllr otl or nl.lro\V .rviry rvhn (.rt


-1 'j.;n1]

r,vightd irrraging is usd.


ths inrags, ras of

1rrJy rPsnt on odrna, hlrrrorrhag' trular

..]]].] o nrosis (Figurs 18 nd 19).

_:. ..trlr tila{.

P]thology may vidnt on 2 wightd irrrags
-. -]:..r..1 siqnal intnsirv. In ]_-ightd rm:rgs th lr,v signal of

.:].1gg. lr1

hig signal intnsiqv o synovial fluid givs


;l.ritt o.rrtilrg fluid intfs so sur{a irrgularitis n1)r b

.:':Jte1 Loss f ollagn an 1ad to l sigrra1 loss, .hil nrti

j.. l..- ttl\L. inditd y inrasd signal intnsit. or aurlt
... ' rorphologial nrasurnrnts and dtion surflr
. - ... tr lurssd T1 r'vightd _D gradint ho irnaging nray b
. : ..lrlriqll of hi (igurs 20 a,)

.] ttook

f rmedial



cmm sitltigrph dpds



th dclivet o;f lbcllcd rdiphrmt,uIiI It.l th liuittg

fis.r.s of tltc rn lt|l,dr

Itt rtilt sitigrph, rh


is otl
lih tths itslf to lhig
ms| ttott,, usd lbI




ra thI - di




ntthad t()
rditivt molilc d i-itrl

hto tlrc bloodstrttt. lt irulats

i tha blod d is uil|llc Jor
b Il of tlrc tissuas. Th
ol1, si5r',,' ltih u,ill sltiucl



mtItI c- liphsplt



|l lificd ro-ft rl.tsl;es, but

primril borLc',I-h dgrc o;f
prkc b bott is rltd to 2
.frltors ()c is tlt dliul qf

Rob PiIswoh

rrrags ar fornld using

$ .tnrr



2l). This is
tor, lvhih,
* orpliatd sris f intr{a
sY\t1n, forlrl n
irag of th sour oraditin (igur 22) As th sour adi:rtiorl
in th hors is th ons, on nds up with an irnage of th sklton
of th hors. Aras o inrasd radio_pharrnaeutil lrptak ppar
ishtr on this inrag (s Figur 2).Th nlost ol1]lo1l rasons fol
Csortil1g to sintigraphi arrrintion irr irrvstigtinu 1anltrss
ttriutal t t1r foot. is rvhn a nrv lok hs lo1isd larnrrss
to th oot, ut no alrormaliry has n fourrd on a thorolrgh
radiographi survy of th


L)rrring th fist fW nlinl-ltrs ollowing olus injtion into th

isotop to tht b..lt sod is

jugular vin, th distribution o h isotop rvithin th oot rnirnis th

distriution of norr.r.ra1 1ood flow. This is otn lld th .sot tissu'
or..oo1,phas irrrag (Figur 22 a,,).This phs only lasts for a w
tninuts for isotp gins t ativly tkn up y on.

th itisi lt|loli tivit1l



phas irrrgs ar usul in dnronstrating aas of inflarration in th

th bo itsIJ i iJ th lon,c




soft tissus not rlatd to a on lsin. In th quin oot, pool phas



A gmm omero in use tkig imoge of the

|ft [or-|eg Iod shie|d
|egs to strn out the


loed twe th

oiher Ieg lhe pi|ure.



A ompro of soft tsue d boe phse imoges

of hoe wilh nvitulr sydlme. l d


show the sofi lsue hose oproximle|y l 0 d


mi from iielion. These re 0|50


viewed flom i fronl (). Thele is o oleo of

ireosed uploke i


right fore {ot, ridgig

the oroei od the sole of the foot. d) od )

imges or lken i e phose. A|| of the oivity

s dered fom |he oroet od ther

remoiing fous of oe uptk o lhe oviul

boe sufe.

in arnination of th naviu1ar trrsa and dp

..:,..r tndon rgion, artiularly whn rind with latr on
, ..-.:iIr is oftn usful

.s ilaqs (Figurs 22 a't').

]''::ilrlh- 2-3 h ar al1owd to J.aps btwn th injtion of th

i.. nd inraging o th bons. Durins this tim, isto in th


j-srln and sot tissus is ttivly and progrssivly lard, nd

.-rl'td l.r' th kidny nd th o1y isotop rraitling in th hors is

. ..d rl.ithin th ons (igurs 22 d,e).

:.:i:,tphr otIrs lt :rltrn.riv.lpprah. in ha n invstig.rion

lrangs in th .pool' phas, and possil
:uLllr of bon nrtalism in th on phas, is possil (Figurs
.j nl 2.l) Po1 phas imgs of tlr ot ar partiularly usul
...ssing involvrrrnt of DDFT nd naviular usa in naviulr
.il.tltll. l3orr phas imgs ar sful itl ss of fratur to th
.ll. borr. rvhih sonrtinrs annot be visua1isd asily (Figu 25).

-.l o inflrrnlrrtory

a ttook

of rrndie1 horsshing


IGUR 23:
A hoe wilh o |dfyig IterI orti|oge imged t

boe phos Note the inlese fooI inresed

uptke in lhe right hid lim o the e of th
Ilerl orliIoge, sen n th view token from
elow th hoof (). h my


osoitd with


A ose o[ oviuIr o frtur. Ther is fooI

ieosed ulk i lhe regio of lh |efl noviulor
boe s o both th drso|mr view () d

lh IotroedioI view (o nd ) of the left hid lg





a r r i r

tlGUR 25:
A h with mrdio|


frlue of the pedo|

one Thee fo| inresed uptoke visib|e o th

medil wig of th edo| one of the |eft hid |g,
vuId est th sol viw ().

':.:i.lrrh-. injLrry r inflnrnratory hangs in th latrl artilag an

l:lritlts atts lanrnss during th priod o alifiation' and

,: .: rhlr- qursitl on bon phas imging oth foot long for

..: .rlifiation is visil as .r rdiogphi ntiry (Figur 23).

. .:' j,lphv i\ n PnsiV.

-: drtfiult ass of lanss attritrtal to th foot. I is irrrportant

tinl r.nsutllittt produr lld shou]d

:i::\d fol ass in rvhih no diagnosis is possil ltsing onvntional
:-1L]]1.]1 arrd intr_artiular anasthsia, in onrination lvith
- .: '-'.rpJlr. Hrvv. ilt rtin ss. it is ttllly trsu] in hlpillg
- .'rllttrl.rt diqrrosis and, mor irrrportantl, a prognosis or th
::tl. tlrt arrirs and vtrinar surgolls involvd in invstigatlng
: l;rlllnss :1r a\\Iar that th thniqu is availl y rr1. r-n

::lr do not hv dirt ass to this hnolorrv.

.l ttbook

of rrli1 horsshoing


l)igttosti itgitlg
|itIl hodl ittI,, 2






m,il i gil.tg,

.7j rdiogrplt,


rgti rso|ld|1 illlgig u,ill,

modcr, q:,til11r ad




high dtlil htgcs


ltull lorlk lik'


,'lJ tultt


sc o.f skItl ir,qi,q, this


is .frqtl th
of digosis Ii, i


t b of hislril


rol o.f hr
hs hppd i rh pdsr'
itrst l, i

Phsi6to,*1..1 imgig, tl th'e othr

hd, l|otus th ortor tt''l

iilr sitigrph is twtttlI

p(ild irL horss, |||ost

Jrqu,rl usig ir,rttos
t,lmt,ittt IhlId fhl'

i th

di,qtsis .

bo ij r, hctlgrph otld,

thor, dd othr ll ;f

tts to pr|r1l inJl,tlltl|itln i t

ph,s iol

ogil i gig b


l-rrnrogph is

o tlr sura tnrPratur o

jt. dial

us of th fat that hat is orr o

th ardilral


ation. Thrfor, an inras it

sur{a tmratur nray indiat inflrnmaion ostruturs los t<
tht point. o;ts dissipat hat y onduion, onvtion

vapration and rdiation a1though

th lattr, urrdr


irurnstans, is by far th nrost ir.r.rportt.Th tnlPratur of an ar.

of th bod is prodtrt of 11 rntaolism nd 1o1 lood flol

Ilrrass in tnrpratu ar usually th rsu]t of an inras in ths.
ators, with angs in b1ood flow p1aying th major rol. In sorrrr
disas Prosss' thr is a rdution in lood flow to th afft
tissus, and this also will rsult in altrations in sur{a tn1pratl1r.


th titlit lt,ithi, spift tisstts.


Morus Heod


otllputd toto.qrph





rltil lll!1|l(r, lll|\|liIJ it..

prtlgrssiott, td /or rsol,utirltt ttd
t\tt rurrI1.

lrrrrrogaphi quiprent ws dsignd prirrraril for industril


nrilitar appliations and, until rntly, rvs ulky and xpnsiv tt

purlrs. Additionally, thr wr lgai rstritions on th alount o
thnolgy th[ was rnad availal to th puli dorain for ar o
th quipmnt lling into th Wron!] hrrds. A4dial quipmnt aI

dividd roadly into 2 atgoris; ontat arrd non_orrtat dvis

ontt dvis dtt th tlnPratul of th sur{a onto ."vhih th.

ar plad. Th silplst dvis involv a dirt .rdrllg. ltri.

thrmonr[r witlr rnnua1 sur{a pro tht is pplid to th skir
y gntl PIssl.lI. Th involv laorious and tinr onsunrin1
apliatiorr and ar pron to rror.Th platnnt of an ojt agains

th sufa of t skirr will, in itsl, aus ooling or hating o thr

Mor olpiitd dvis involv mdling liqtrid rystals int<
a latx s. Th rystals ang shap aording to tlr tlnpratur(
tlrat ontats thrrr nd, as thy do so, th rflt a di1rn olour o
light. Thrfor, th o1or o h rystal rprsnts a spifi.
tr]tur. Again tlrs r unlrsonl to oprat and prorr t<

Both ths typs of dvi ar all but osolt

as rrrodrn


hs allowd no1r_ont]ting dvis to volv. odrn thrnrorph.

]lnras dtt inra_rd radiation and rnt dvans hv rnl thl




Themogroph o{ the flot f| o[ o ormI horse

tok from i frot Ther o drpy i lhe

sur{o(e leme]olure

0f the fronl hooves,

0mmo fidig frquetly o[ o sigifine.

Note tht the orory ud wrml tho lhe
rst f lhe foot; this orm| fidig.

Thermogroh of lhe solor surfoe of fl {ol
from norm| horse lmpigemet of sig| i|

0 lh sesitive Iomioe (,niI id,} my use

the offedig 0iI t0 he0i sIight|y, differenliting il
from th olher i|s o th view

l l.tt lIt..ttt.'..I.I11\/ ..',''*.'


'.,.It' n^l.t |l


I'b'''r'\''rr('\ rltllrl

..iLls thv do not r.ql1ir oJirlg). Thrnlogr]phv 1l1ras :lr 1lo\\r


]rld aillrd spifi.l1l)- .tt th vtin:lrY nlalkt

'1...]lr lrl1il tlrrrllograpl.r)I alllIas r lightr'r,ight, portal :rd

..:irt orrlv rv tlrolllrlts tollorving swithin on t th1. rr

...ir o rrs.Th p:ltillt should :rllrid strlding in loor or

:.1 h alllint tlllp].tllr of this llrinltion rootll is ntlt

]:()rt]llt. so lollg ils trllls irr. :lYoill lll] t tnlrilttlr is not

. .. .]Oo], so that th l-ros dos ltot slvlt. h hs slrotl]d b



lrl] hav hal :rn1. anlgs alld rlrgs rtllovd fo t lst 2()

lLl-r bl. t]l rlrirr.ttioll'

:l ttbok


l hrsshoing



Imoges o{ o normoI foot (o od ). Bofi re of the

some fool, tke oe fter th ther ut with

diffeet umeros. Differes exl i the bsi
Ihermogrph efue ths

omls due lo

differet protesing folures of lh equipmet.

Sdation is bst voidd as ths drugs usually l.rv sorrr 1t n tht

irulation, and nra indtr vasodilation and/or swating.Aras of tht

ot that hav r.r tippd or lst tl.r hair ovr for ohr rasons
wt. dris and radint hat from ithr naturl r atifiial sours


introdu artfts and nk intrprtatin of th inrags difiult

Spifially, th ft slrotrld lan rrd dry and thoroughly pik
olrt with loos horn rrrrovd


advan of th rrri.nation. rist

altr th lood supply to th fot and is st avoidd Prior t(

thrmography. Sorrr liniians us th altrtiorrs in strrfat

tn1pratllr that otlr ollolving xris to aid in th diagnosis o
palnrar foot pain.Th amination prtoo1 varis slightly dpndin1
on whthr a partiLllar ara of intrst is ing inlagd or a wlrolt
is ing ondutd. Sutii to say that viws ar takr
from at last 2 sids th ar ing irnagd, and onrprison
tlvt.t ontralatrl linrs, whih forr an inrport:rnt pt of tl.rt
intrprttion, ar rd. Th ft, for anrpl, rvill ssssd fron
dorsal, latral, pa1rrrar/p1ar.rtar and solar vi''vs (Figurs 26 and 27) . i\4os

dvis a11ow th.gairr'stting to djtrstd for a1r inlag, thrb.

optirr-risirrg th inforr.rration otaind y utilising th ntir rang o

[h olotrr paltt. ah arnra wi1l hav a diflrlrt o1our pltt a

som anlras allow th oprator to hoos tr'vn svral optiorrs

dprlding on th prrn of th oprator. N4ost orrnonl, l

ty is sltd, and this usttally involvs th wrrnst ar

apparirrg rvhit, arrd th oolr aras gradd through 1lol rd
till' srn ot
grn, lu and lak. Inrags an b viwd orr
is otaind
tl.r arnra and ar sinrply frozn whn th




|GlJR 29:

This horse hs hd rpeotd hof elorlios,

uttrmling i0 dri subsolr sts hr nr

Umber 0{ reos of vrible sUrfe lrmrrlurr,



lggst s of this e{ft is

the thikne of th soie nd therrfr the distre

to the ld vssls benth, rothr th lhe

proimity of th uderIying osess.

is iur]q ltl thtr storl (oftn lrto




.:tstd into th arlrr:i) o disard]. A4odrn diqitl str: rlrdi:1




.rightorrv:rrd, :rrrd frorrr



thr d:rt:r :ln

.!)1l1llll-111i:ttd rrd stod prrrrarrrrtlr',. rrrras




an :rlso b linkd to

:.]o lols or storg ofnrovirrs inrags.

1llrlgrapJlv as alrr,:s otrid l srrr.h:rt prip1rra1 psitiorl irl

-,: di.ilro't JI.ll]JIll]lt o h qLrin ..lini..i.rrl. Rr ..d \ J l\\

llliiltls' it rlrrrirrs tr rrigrlrti too1 rrd h.ls not gind tull

'..-.l]t]1l th nrrjoit.. Th l:rk o pullh.1. pr r.r-irr-tl.

.rri]s hs l-rot lp1 its aus; th 1.ras,tt tt.l [jt.tit.rr.ll.k

:ir1ishd on rproduii1it,r., !611' rvithin irrlividlrll :rss nd btrvn

llilrl;l]s f th satrr spis th:lt an ovid a trortlral s lin

..h ttsrs to lr to (Figur 28).

..llr pr:bliations diagrrosd irrjuris tht

not onfirrlrd y
]1l\ 1llns othr t].rln lirrrinatiorr o lthr othoPdi ilrju., ut
.rlt1 to lirlrinat ths oth injlrris il th diagnlsti r'vrk Lr.1r
..rrll irnPssion of this luthor is that th thrriu i\ not O1l5jst(.I]t

.. Pro]uil nd tht




, , ptt'd Ji.rgllo'i rllthodt (Figu


lvit tlror


\\-lth p.rtilrl.t t-frtr to th foot' tlrnlogapl.r,r, is said to ustrr]

]l t]1 tlr.l11.r111t .rlrd diasrros var.itr'' of onditions rllhrdig

.llljlitis. n.ll-iltl.tr svlrdrorrr. suso1:ir:rssstiolr n] rril ilr].

if a ondition idlrs :rtr inas irr lood sr-rpp11. 19 th |ot,


.l|ll. glll..rllr' or l..rll1. tlln th tht.:rrogr.rpll ot.rind rvill r'rl.1

] ttook

o lrrrdiai



This sti|| imoge hos ee opturd from
vido rding of o hoe o o high seed






irose i sulfe tempellur of th

mdio| hoof wuII oI th Ih fore foot s it

imols ihe surfe. Roid hnges i

tempr0lU durig weight belig

simiIor 1o this moy rused y hool

rotn norral. F{owvr, this inorrrration is rar1y oany mor trs thar
onfirming th li.nial imprssion. Naviular syndrom is said to hav

Pattrn haratrisd y rdud lood flow to th palrrrar foot

lVlor rnt work aid at unravlling th syndrorn of palnrar oot
pain would suggst that th disas has nlultipl auss and outoms
and it sms unlikly tht all o ths will atls th sm, simplt
ltration in lood flow to th plrnar oot. Irprssiv imags lravt
n otaind whn t ar xamind dtrring ris. Vid
rording of th hangs in hoof apsul tmpratur during wigh
ring may rPrsnt undrlying ilnalans, and this appliatior
\fu.arrants furthr invstigation (s Figur 30).

Furthr work is rquird in ordr to lar th othr.wis muddy watr

strrrounding th usulnss of thrrography. Thr is stiil
onsidal distan to ovr or rahing th point whr thi
thniqu is littl rrror thn n intrstitlg djutrt, alit on whil
tlr hors owning puli sr kn t utilis.

turther reoding
Turnr,T.A (1989) Hinllinr musl strain

ss. r1tti

as a us olmtlss

in horss

Prt 35, 281 29o.

urnr' T.A. (1991) Thrnrogrphy as all aid to th 1irril latntis

v1uatiorr Vt. |i N. : 1uitt Prt. 7, 11_8.


(197s) Lirn

skil throlntry in


80- 1 84.



t1tt.L ut



to s isid joir sp or
souil t,it. B), us .:l|- this
tchtiq tlrc itttrnl srrl,lLhrs

Why use rthrosopy?

tlrcs uitis (suh s

hr ar 2 rasns to us this thniqu: 1) to aornlish surgial

tr.rtll1nt; for nlpl to rmov lrippd fragrnnt o or]

:] fi.o',' th tnsor Pross th distal

phlan-x, whr



'ildy rrr idrrtifid s th l.ls olarrrnss othr thniqus;

trrLl i) to tr rnd hiv a diagnosis whr othr thniqus hav
t.rrld; r llrpl W lry sur (fronr thorough alinatiorr) that
hors ftlk joint is t sit of poblrrr, and yt b unl to
.1tlronstrat this on radiogrphs. In this sitution intrnal ir.rsptiorr of


joint, to look for vidn of artilag war and tar' my usftrl

rl rrrak a diagnosis, and

th,iqtt .f

,kll, sgr, hih lltus tts

Rihrd Pyne


is th



to offr advi aorrt trtl]1nt, anagnrllt,

rnd prognosis.

igt t ttt ts, s

t t

tud,o) tt h-



iI mb rr'



I4/ithi th htlrs's.foot thr r 2

uitis hilt lt, ll littd b

k1,|1, sufgf.


offl johtt

ttd rltc tt.uiult burs.

Wirhi tlrc lor lg

th -|.tlk

jit, pstrrL .ioit cld, digitl


tut'd,ott slttlt

tid b kll

lt lso



Generol reqUirements for rthrosopy

Gnral atrasthsia of th ptirrt, whih arris rgnisd risk
irr th hors.

A stril oprating


A skilld, pined sllrgoll.


Spilisd qtlipnrnt (Figu 31).


a ttook

o rmdial


sd ho udrgoig kyho| surgery.


flGURt 32:
A rlhrosope.


A rigid fiopti ndosop

(usuall 4 rnnr irr diartr), is rrntd

via a long flxil firopti light abl to a pol'vrful light sour (g

rrn lnrp), whih illuinats th joint (Figur 32).Th ndosp
olrpld to a vido alrra and th irag is displayd on a tlvision
rnonitor.This irag an b rordd on vidoasstt, or on DVD.

A wid

rang of spialisd surgial instrurrrnts ar rquird for

arthr.osoPi sllrgry. Ths inlu grasping orps (.rongtlrs'),
probs, urtts, hisls and utting lads. Sonl o ths m b
rnotorisd instrtlnrnts.

SurgioI tehnique

Afltr stril prpartion and draping of th appropriat prt of th

hors 1g, a ndl is insrtd into th joint and it is distndd with
.Hartnranns' solution), dlivrd v mhania]
stri1 flr-rid (g
inision portal is mad, arrd
purrrp. on distndd, a smal1
through this th arthrosop is introdud arfully into th joint
(igur 33).Th joint is insptd' and furthr sta inision portals an

b rnad, though whih khol irrstrumnts an insrtd in ordr

t aorrplish a spifi surgial task, g rnroval of loos fragmnts ol
artilag or on.

Th arthrosop n1ay insrtd t mor than on sit in th joint, in

ordr to a1low a through valuati.on of h diffrnt olnPartmnts
nd ouhs.

Throughout th surgial produr th joint is ontinuall distndd

with fluid. This important oth to prvnt joint ollaps (whih


Allhloopi e0min0li0

0{ 0 ioit.

:rould ostrut vior.r), nd to nal any joint dris to fltlshd out.





F|GURE 35:

Diognosli ollhloopy of o ioil reveo|s o reo




View of o hipped frgmet of oe whih o e

removed by keyhole surgery.

lnditions for the Use 0f rthrosopy in

fte horse foot

Diognosli eomintion of the offin ioint

h offin joint is a ommon sit for lamnss prolrns in th hors,

:rulll in nrid to old ag rvhn dgrrrativ joint disas
Otlls. Suh ass an fl.ustraing, as vr oftn thr is littl to s
n diographs.h is no surpris,howvr., as in th r]y stg it is
:h tilag rvhih oms dallagd and arilag is not visil on
;nvntiona1 radiographs (Fiur 34).


this sittration arthrosopi mirratiorr may of vlu to tr.rrrd

lrsss th dgr o dnrg r'vithirr a joint, and






th likly


nffin ioint

Surgkoltreolment of the

h rost o1llllon rson for sur!]ry would b to rov a loos

(]sIohondra1 fragrnnt fi.orlr th tnsor pross of th third phal:rn

Ftgu 35).
Lovog (flushing) of

I',-.,..;^'' ;.'
Illttiorr of

o septk ffin ilit

..",i'l| 'rr.iv i\
'ln \t(']n]V st.iol'tl t'vr'nt.
th offin joint is rnost otrr th rsult of a puntr-rr





outld to th oot or o]:on]ry and. Irrdit trtrnnt b flushrg

,ll joirlt is rtrid. and rthosopy provids a usful rrrthod y
.l hih to aonrplish;s.

a ttook

of rrrrdia1 horsshoing


Diognostk elminllion of the oviulor hurso

In sorrr ass lrrrnss an dmonstrtd qtlit sifially to

relt to th naviular urs. If othr inraging thniqus fil o
v.tJ x.rtl \VhJt tyP in3ury is psnt t Lhis sit. kyhol
arnintion nry usu].. Tars of th DDFT' .rnd demg to th
rtilg on th flxo sur o th nvi..u]r orl. my b
digrrosd (FigLrr 36).
Lvg (flushing) of

eyho|e imog of trn DDFT, t ovkuIor urso


sepli nviUlor burs

Inftion oth rraviular ursa, nrost oftrr du to pntr;rtirrg inju

to th fot, is a Potntially lif thratning vnt. Kyhol surgr has
rvoltrtiorlisd ou ilit to ass his s1.novial avit (urid dp
wirhirl ]l hoofl .rrrd 16 il1spt .rnd flrlsh it.

Advntoges ond disodvntoges


of ilhrosopy 0s 0n imoging


It is th orrly irrrging thniqu r'vhih givs r1 irnag To s is

to liv!


Tiatrnt (g hip fragrr:Lnt rroval) nra aonrplishd,

rv|l l' dirnosis. in sorrr t.lss.

3. Th

abi1iry to flush fluid, s wll as to itlspt, nraks

hr.ri1u or da1ing


it n idal

with inftd srrovil vitis.

,1. It is rinirrrrlly irrvsiv, with srn]l r,vourrds, rvhih nraks

quikr post prativ rovr.


1. Th


Th rqtrirmnt for gnral


It quirs spialist skill, qtripmnt and an oprJting th.rtr.


In rrrostjoints thr ar som nooks and rannis .hih annot

amind arthrsopy.




I routi std vtlir prti Formolion of bones qnd

tl,L mr's prcgl1d|1 is oJirmd

b), ltrsot,td t.tlitltis

of th linrs ar drivd fi.orn tus f artilag

uri1tg tittts .fror 13 ds -ftr

oultio' In hks t 10 ds

prurso[ olrntiv tissu lls. Th out ut is


l)rts o-f th sklto

disribl d,


b 65 ds, tll

shp d strLrctur o;f th lilbs


lcr, Thcs obscrtios

ojr tht th libs dulop
ul rl1' i qtitt prttits.
T|rc n b ,lsrud s smll
buds or utgrowths o t|lc rbro

b bout 30 ds ofgsttio, th

.for|ibs ri

.f ds

blr th hid


rawsot, lls

ithin th

ultipl d hg



form th
omptllts oJ th limb, ulhih
iId th rtilg model, o

tuhih ossfrtiorL builds th bons

o;f th Iimb, th mtlsIs, thir

tndos d th ligtts. Tlrc
shps o-f th libs, joits d
hooes r


mbro s rI s

ostL1nl (Figur 2) nd this layr of 1ls prdus

on on its innr sura rvhih givs it shap and rigidity. Rptd

asorption of this innr lar oon and furthr laying down y th
gradually panding priostum inras th .idtlr of th on shat.
In th ntr of ah modl is a prirrrary ntr of ossifiatiorr whr
atilg is rp1ad b on. At ah nd of th rr th rtilg
dviops sondary ntrs o ossifiation or piphyss. Btr'vn th
nlin shaft and th piphysis is th ar al1d th grou.tl.r lt rvh

th on


its lngth. This who1


hoks, dvlop from artilag rnodls with singl ntls oossifiatiorl

and no growth plats. h fl:rt or plat_lik ons, suh as

though tll ontill tt'o b,'Th





l.itil ;[or orrt

th $ro.


Doy 34 qui mry. Not the uds of fi

Pktur ourtesy of Pro{essr W. R. A||n, Uiversity

of (mridge.



aking up th skul1, do rrot dvlop fronr artilag ltt rorn a nratri

o onntiv tisstr fibrs (intra.rnrbranous ossifiation). Althoug
thir dvlprnts difr, th orr fornrd ndohotrdra] and

priod bttu, 0 d 50 ds o.f



th soundst that an .ithstnd th ors o wight_baring and

proplrlsion.Th shap oth ony tu, knorvn as th atilag nrodl,
is dtrnrind gntially ut is also n.rolrldd y ols on it
(nrvlrrt arrd aftr birth, lvight_aring) and rourrd it (nrusl
nrasss). Sr.rral1 ons, suh as th uoidl borrs ''vithin kns or

rt i thc

50 ds


ndohondra1 ossifiation and dvlopmnt of th individual bon

shap is alld mod1ling Th gross strlltur oa tu is mharriall



tIGUR 2:

Diglom of |og on deve|opmel i lh equie

ftus. o) (otiloge mode| oppeors ofter 30 doys; )

0ulel uff or riostum pors o lhe diphysis

y 50 dys; ) Elrgt [ th diphys o{ the
log bor y endohodroI ossifkotion durig mid
regry; d) 0sifitio slrls i th eiphyses

ot h ed of lh oe {rom 250 doys owords;

e) Th Iog oe with the

deor shope of the odult

oe er irth.

0ssified 0 is shw i ge.

l:lttlrrnranous ssifiation ultimatl has a sinril strl1tur, th

':l:rnd dnsiry of wl.rih is varid b th os plad lrpon it.

I.lllts lso dvlp vry arly in prglrn. As rsult of lrrn

: U\-lllllt tlry rppr .rs spas btwn th rtilaginous pipl.rss
.:lJ rhv ar nlosd y a joint apsul. Blood vssls invad th
l;ihr-ss h sid of th joint in ordr to nsl1r adquat o\.yg11
.: J r.rrrtritiorr t th artilag and ultinratl th bon 11s. artilag
..Js nl:ug arrd on is laid down around thrrr ut th arti1g lls

ttlq tll joirrt surfa flattn and onr th sroo[h rvhit artitrlar
on h firrrl on p|lt.

..I, ,(.

Development of limbs in the emhryo


ssifiation ntr or diaphysis of th 1ong bns o th

.-..:r lirrrbs. slrh as th hunlrus arrd radius in th forlirr-rb and th
.::].u ]d tiia in th hind limb is th alist to ontin signifiat
-] '-)Lltlts liurn atld b rognisal on _ra fi.lrrrs. h sapula
.-. LliltLlr or frotrt p.rrt of th plvis a a1so pparnt. Nxt, th
-] ]]Olls (tl.rtarpls and mtatrsals) appa 65 ds (Figtrrs 3
. h p.lstrn arrd pdal ons (phalangs) thn PPar as


u) Dy 65 equie felus. l'lote lh dtirt shps of
the Iims od hoovs'

_. l:!'i

) Rodiogrph of Dy 65 [lus. Nle lhe white


shodows of lh oes in lhe skulI' spin, pelv od

Uper |ims idi(otig Ihl osilitio hqs 5ttd.

j t\took

of rmdi1 hosshoin



) Dy


qui felus.

b) Rodiogrph of Dy 80 {tus Nole

0ppe0r0e of oes i



|owr Iim or digi.

idntifil nlor y thi position irr rl:rtiorr t

th 1orrgr.ons tharr thir shap (Figurs .1 ,b).Th piphvss o
nts ofossifiation t th nds ofah on a s]orvr t ossifir arl
or.r1 do so htr in gstation (25tJ da1.s onrr.:rrls) Dluirrg th l:rst tlrir
of gstrio th tus r'vill dolr1 irr siz Sonr !.Iowth lts' su1r
tlrt in t distrl tirst pl.ralnx (long pastrn on) 1os and ossifi
dttrirrg th last rrrolrth.Th ss:rrrroid orrs at th ak oth tlokl
.t |so vr Jlt trr O'.itr.
rr1itrrntrv nlarks,

Posl notl development of bons

orr-rp:rrd rvit1r oth spis suh ls pol, dogs or plgs, th(

tllvorn foal has a highl1, ]r,1opd sklto lvhih llor'vs it to starr
lr1 run bsid its darrr rl,ithin a frv hotrrs (Figtrr 5).h long onl
oth lorvr lirrr, suh irs th annot.rs, r littl shortr tharr thv rrt
dstind to rvn th anirrral is nratur. Th annon ons orr1r
gror'v 20% nror irr lngth aftr irth orrrpard r,l,itl.r dub1ing ir
lngth of tJ.r lrulrrtts o rlru irr th uppr 1inl.Th lnnons hl.t
orrly n growth plat stil1 ]p]rrlt at bith arrd it is :rt thir lolvr nd
jtrst aov t ftlk joint.Tlris gorvth p1at is orr of th arlist t
los arrd it dos so y 6-9 rnnths of :ig Th long rnd shrt pastrr
bons als hav only on srowth plat lvhih is irt thir ttppr nd
loss t r sinrilar ag. In griral, tl.r grorvth p1ats lr'vl in th lirrlt
los rlir irl tlr aninral\ li than ths in th lrpp Jirlr (Figurl
6 a,).Thos ]t oth nds of th forrrrr.lnd gaskin (radius arrd tiia.
ls y 24-30 rnnths o1d (Figuls 7 a,) al-rd o th fnrltr tr
hurrrrus l:rtr, trt usually y 36 ronths.Th gror,vth plrts at rh n

oa long on do not los at th sa titn.Thus th 1orr.r or dist

hutnrus 1oss for th uppr rvlrras th uppr or proirn:rl raditrl
1oss bor th distal r:rditrs (th grou,th plt jtrst v th kn)

tlGUR 5:
Newr [o should I to slod within 2 h

of ith.


Ths tinlings n vaid bv trnal f:rtors. Psial atorl

inlud rss Prssl1[ on a growth p1at as a rslrlt of ovr rvisht o;
1or]!.stnding lalrrss. Th adnrinistratin of hrnrons stlh l



) Rodiogrophs of th fet|ok |oit oI o l 0.dy-old

fool. Nol th very o growlh pIts ovr d

below the fet|ok joit (orrowed) ond


immoturily od iompIele ssi[iotion of th

sesmoid oes.

) Rodioglphs of the fet|ok ioil of 7.moth.

old fooI' Nte tht the growlh p|te i fie upper
Iong poster oe

k dosing erIier on thol

Iower o d

fiot in the uppel

i th


ph|onx boe hos dosed ompleteIy (oowed).

:.:.]]i stIoids, whih by thir natur hav tstostron or


]-].]Ilc tts, aus th gWth P1ats to 1os arlir. Convrsly,

-..:.:L-: rrrI dl.ry losttr hn th tndny for sorrrThoroughrd

. -: ;;ot.'L's to
: .... h n

;'. i

IoW tL]. lrr rld lggy. Iosur oth growth

.rn grow no lorlgr ut. in rspons to xris. it tt
.hp .rnd \trngth.

DeveIonment of musIes nd tndons


. : .:


in th linl uds

o th nl,o l]so stlt to

rnto rrrusl ltrd tndon rlv in prgn:iny. l-3 5()

.:r' rr loabl,v Psllt rnd ontain trrv firs lviri:h h:rv
.LItrl h:rrrg

....l rlr.. ]irlr


. t\took

nd rr ssntixl to nllrsl dr,loPrrlt and





Rodigroph oI the rpus od distoI rdi|

ihys o{ o ylIig (orrowd).

h) Rdiogrph of lh orpus d

|osd doI

rodioI glowth p|ot of 3-yeor-o|d.

ftrrrtion. Ftal nrovtrrnt is quit rnarkl rrd sily sn dtrrin1

ultrasound arnirrtiorrs t 60 days. Inidnta1ly, tal trrovnrnt start
l1ruh 1xtr in hurrran Prgnan, t lrnost rrrid trnr. Ftal rnuslt

firs grow in lrrgth by th addition of nw rrrusl lls and in girl

v an inras in nryofirils r'vithin th lls.

ndons and ligarnts dvlop rorrr th sam vrsatil prtlrsor 11

r.hih podud rlrs1 rrd on in th lirn btrds. Thy turn int

lls l1d firolasts and rodu spilisd fibrs rvhih 1rrrr tht
onntion twn nrusl and on (tndn) or stailis th joint
(lignrnt).Thir firs dvlop grat tnsil strn]th and hv sorn
lstiiry. Th asi olnPonnt o th fis is ollagn, lvhih is lai
in a rlnrp o zizg Pattrn that allolvs thnr sorn lastiity an
storagc onrgv when strethd.Th firs of tndons :lr in parall
liris whras thos oligrnnts 1nay rossd or in spirals aordin1
to th jo rqtlird of t1rnr in holdirrg th joint in st1 alignnlnt
l]oth ttah to on y a gradual transition through fibroartilag, t
nrinralisl :rrtilag to on a vry strong and 1vr arrngmnt
Sorrr ligarnnts, suh s th strsnsor liganrnt (natonrists all it rht
introssous usl), ontain signifiant rrurrrrs onrusl firs lt
tlrs disapp graduall dutirrg th lrr part of th first yar of lif.

lt is

strrprisinq tlrr ths strutllrs r{orrrr thir urrtion s

ifiintly so soon aftr irth lvhn tlry hv onl rr usd in tht
nvironrnnt i utcro. It is intrsting tht yolrng foall



{ol wilh o frdur lo th proiml

sesomoid (orrwd).


u,-hih gallop to haustion sustin fraturs th ssarrroid bons


th ak ofth ftlokjoints ut vry rarly strain thir flor tndonl


r r i r y


t|GURE 9:

:'_1h.o]d Thoroughred, rd lo sprit, whih quite moture for its

A l 8-moih-oId horoughrd whirh is Ies mtur th lhul i o) d us its

oup sigifktly highe th ils withr wi|| glow fuher i height.

jllso].\. ligarrrnt (Figu 8).Whn o1d, suh fratuls arr :lr




t;r] or arling mav thn strair.r th sllspnsoy 1ignrrrt or its

..::ltl to th ssllloid on (a ssalrroid on is n r,vithill a
]] o]. liarlrt). This dnronstrats that flo tndns atrd
: -ilfs lll:l\i hv tllor tnsil strrgth than th on withirr th-t


On oal.

ormotionoI hnges during growth

- . -- litlls oth nworn oal ar urtlr dvlopd than its sktrll,

] : ]l i a' and narl s long as thos oth adult, thr is littl
. - h ftus to strth its lgs during its rrrairrral growth phs'
.. ..lst rlronths of gstation' It is minor nriral, thrfor, that

. .]r orn rvith ongnital lirrr dformitis.Th growth rat o

..- i..,l'. p.rrtiulrl th lightr rds suh as Tlroroughrds. is
. .-..]l)1l;]1. Daily liv wight gains of 4l or 2 kg ar orrrrln in
- .: trr'lvks.Althotrgh foals and yrlings apPar to hav grou-th
i !]I1 in th first 3 nronths of 1if and a sond btwn 9 nd 12

':ls tir inrss in body wight and hight plot a stad ris

. .:';rdual1y lvls o1rorrr 15 months and r,vhih would on1y

' .... br- svr rdution in rations or hroni illnss. Thy an

: ']



o\'e r 95% of thir adult hight and 9Yo o thir edult r,vight
rllonths of ag. Th ag at lvlrih th1, lvel o varis

:::...blr' brwn individuals (Figurs 9 a') :rnd thr is a strong


.i-r' litrk.

t\tL]Ook o rnldial



an1 it is
It is norrnal for th nworn foal to
difult lini] judgrr-rt to did whrr suh a nfrnrtion i
oltsidrd to b rp:rl valgtls and arrorrnl (Figur 1()). Sol

outrvard rotation of th forlinrs is also norrnal. Caral valgus u,-it

signifint anglrlation is th orrrrrronst ongrrital lin dorrrrity u
nlost foals or].t thnrs]vs sporrtanolrsly dtrring t1.r sond mont

of li and rqtlir no )or than lir.rlitation o xris and lrridi:

hoof r. It is livd that th xtra prssur of wight_baring n th
Outr Si] of th growth plt in tlr valgal linl stirnulats grr,vth o
tlrat sid

in ordr to olrt th

angulation. It is only whn tlr

dorrrriry js too svr or th oal is ovr_risd that th go'"vt

plat dnlagd nd th 1irnb dos not straightn spontanus1y.ls

th al hst brodr.rs during th first 9 rr-ronths and this natl1r]l

rdl.rs any valgus or otltwa[d rotation of tlt fronr lirns. Anglrlation


lso sn thrugl-r th t1oks and tlr hoks, sonrtinrs togthr



An 8-doy-oId fool wilh slight rI volgus o[ its

irr opposit dirtions giving us rvlr:rt ar knor'vn

right forIim, whih is ormoI ol this oge.

(Figur 11).Tl-rs foals also lrav a grat apaity for slf orltion
thy ar allr'vd ris and givn appropit oot trirnrring a i
1i. orrgnital and aquird ar-rgtrlar linr dornritis wil1 b disuss

in nror dtil irr haptr



dioltral Lir Dorlnitis.

Varyirrg dgrs ofuprightnss or slaknss throtlgh th astns ]n

ttloks ar sn in th nont.Th fornrr rnay b svr nough t

b lssd as a ong;nital fltrral dforrrriry (o|tn alld inorrtly

ontratur) and rsult in tl.r oal ing urral to stand r'vithot
knukling ovr. Suh ss r.1uir vtL.rinry attntion rrd arfi
suPort Foals lvhil-r hav flural dforrnitis of th kns arr
at th
sially diffiult to nl;lnag rrd ar likl t rtain :rn
kn' onortnatiorr.
during glowth rr] in sonr fals, partilrlarl th 1rgr flstr growin
orls, it n1aY wolsn twtl 3 and 5 tl-ronths of ag.lris hang lrr:

assoirtd rvith n1gnrnt of t growt Plts :lt th tlo

.1.rourglass,shap (Figur 12).It is ;l rt.sPoll\ to pill i

giving thnr an
th lir and tlris ofloding n-ray also rsult itr il toi1lg in o irn


Th orrrnlonst



pysitis, r'v].rih

infllrrrrrratioll o th {:rl\'vth plat during its :rtiv ossifiirtion



lrsd by ss Prsstlr or rr.ight :rrirrg. Physitis is sn at th knt

tlvn 6 :r;d24 nlonths ag trd, tlror r:rrh,, tlr hok at t}

s]ln stf,g. othr uss of th dr,loptrrnt arl trpilrt
knlrkling orrorrlation dtlrirrg grorvt1r in]u1 osto1rondros
,lri:lr iss firllrr dftiv dvloprrrlrt ojoints su:h as t].r tlok

]roks o stifls rsr-rlting itr:r pirrul thritis.








: . lE



tIGUR l 2:

:dsrvept, fooI with voIgl 0gU|0ti0 0f the

._ -:lk

d vorus of lh right hid fetlk od

:]..]sit1q an sponsil
.. osrr,:rtion is rri.rl



.1]s:rss ar

Physii ort 05 romie(e oI the growth

lts o lh isid of th llIok of 4.month-old
foI giving n

lnd alful


fr pl.vtin rnd

allid 'ith

ar.lv or.tion.

nrnlbrs oa group of onditions ,hih ar ktlo.n

]:l lopnlntal Othopdi Diss'.

..'llss or ovr tnsioll of th joints th 1orr.r lirrrs is ]lr

.'.'r1o_ttrdinous nd/or 1igarrrt1 r,vlknss. Prll-t:ttur foals rrlav
:..l thrs onfrnration.lrr.l it ir-' th rr-orn tl n lrnst:rdy
: ..: o gait. lt is s 1llor o1llnlonlv ilr l.rjlld lirlrs rv1rih ustrll1v

- ]] jtl1c1l ltr1 irrlrov d.rrrrrti.r111- rr-it]l ris Svrl1, attd

. ;lrrr ]l.tir b;rrrdagirr to stlPPOIt :tnd l.ott thit Itlok lnd
.: Il () tlry


n1 1rl suPPort ,ith :rn tnsin ithv :r]k

:l trls of th lrls. hs dforrllitis ar disr-rssl iurt]l irr

:::l II.

)v|opment of the hoof nd foot

of t ]roor.s rs p.lrnt ill tll l).rr- (l5 trrs (Figu 3lr)

.1ll l:rJ bori rr,ithin it is 1r.on l.v ,v 80 d:r,vs (igtrr .{).

:l tbook

o n.rdi1 horssheins


The soft leoves of hor o the hoof of o ewborn

fooI. Nol the reok


Iie o the hof wII {lom

where they will be shed.

Photo ourtesy of 5. (IdwII, Newmlkrt.

Tlr hoois unpignrntd and th hrn tuuls grow from t oront

drvnrvards, prodtring lvs

rvlih giv th sol


apparn.Th outr horn hardns ut th 1vs ofsoft unpigrnntd

horn forrn sot ap, ,hih prvnts th foot rorn danraging th

utrin rvalJ. during ta1 rnov.rnt in ltr prgrran.T lavs hav
a rak lin along whih tlr ar shd whn th foal bars lvight
aftr irth (Figtrrs 13 and 1,1).

Th horn o th foal hoo is quit sof ompard with that of


dult. posur to air and ris grdually hardns it during h first

3 mnths oli.Th onforrtin of th hof soon afrr birth is a

tl11Plat othat whih it r'vill hav as an adult.Thus h shallow hls
sn at 10 das old will sti1l ]pp.rrnt 2 rs latr and rnay
wrs ith hls ar allowd to o1laps. Likwis th narrow, dorrk
yp hof will show vry littl pansion during growtlr howvr

muh ffort is nrad to sprad th hls and quartrs. Hoo1

onfornraion is also strongly hrital.

hangs in postur will hav a profound ft on th onformation

of th ol hoo.Th omrons rson in lightr fastr growing foals

is th quird flxural dormiy of th distal intrphalangal

FIGlJR l4:

A sgiflo| setio though the digil of eworn

[oI. he ett of th

sofl |ovs o{ holn se

od oo the ope growth p|uts ot the dtl

metoopo|, proimoI l sl od 2d phoIonges.



rono_pdal joint within th hoof (Figur 15). This an dv1op t

ny tim within th first 6 months of lif, most onrnronly btwn
nd 4 rlonths old and on1y in front

sorntinrs on, sorrilns

oth. his is livd to du o pain within th lim or foot and



nlor rquntlv in dry yars rvhn th paddoks wil1 hardr

hoof ollls nlo trpight nd its dorsal or front r,vall n.ray


' ti;l1 or knr.tk1 forvard'.W.ith lss l'vight arinr:

th hoonrror,vs

.lld th hls lngth. ss war at th to rny lad to inftion


th whit lin. Rsting ths fols is important


rirrar arrd arrir attntin ar ndd. This ondition rvill

.ilsussd in gratr dpth inVolunr II.

Adpttion of the skIetoI syslem by trining

l]oll r livirrg tissu rvhih rdpts to th fors pl1 uon it ant1 is
::pld onstantl t1rougholrt lif. Th lowr lirrr of th n.ratur
.llttll:rl has to r'vithstand th stss oarrying half ton of dy r'viglrt
- spd on a nnon on arrd pstrn ons rvl.rilr hav a srnallr
-.l;s stional ara than th hunran wrist. It has rr dnronstratd
: l th olrs in h 1orvr linr of th rhos work vr los to
l:ir aking strain during galloping.Th tub_shapd annon on
..-lr' dr'lops vr dns or o1nPat bon. In dirt rspons to thr
...-.rllprssiv nd nding ors applid dtrring trainirrg, th front prt
. rh bon, o tlr shin, thikns rnor han its sids and ak (Figtrrs
.. .r.).This adaptation of shap and dnsiry is l1d modlling. lt is

by th work of spialisd lls

: ltl ;lnd,

(stolasts), whih rsor

in its pla, furthr bon is laid dorvn in thikr nd dnsr

A quired f|eur| d{ormity i o foo|.

o((ur m05l ommoly elw



months d

ffel one or olh frot feet.

j.I1.lls y 1ls alld osto1sts.Th 1ttr l].s ar idntial to thos

nrodlld th on in th mro rrd dvlod it durrng

Surprisingly w xris yls ar qttird for this Pross to
. . ttiv. Thrfor th rahors dos not nd or bnfit from
:lg .rrduous trainirrg work in ordr to rrrk its
sklton fit. It
. '.ltrnlonly rognisd that a rnisnrath twn on adaptation


: .: rr:lining rsults



in injtrris strh

as strss fraturs and sor shins.

th rusular and ardio_rspiratory systnrs rny rquir Irror

:..Jitioning thn is idal or th ons and tndons within th iirs

.1i th skil1 of training.

.,-. .joirrts hav

2 rnin funtions. Th prinipal on is to

:] ..-''1llnt, nd almost


of th hors 1inrb joints ar only apal of

Illn[ in on pln, flxing and xtnding.Th shouldr, hip and

:.:lll joints

. ..'l

ar apabl olinritd rotational lnovlnn.Th snrooth

1ining. flil


apsu1 and

luriation y synovial fll-rid

th strrrounding trusls and tndons o irrrplrnnt this iow

-....lolr lnovmrnt whil ligarrrnts nrintain th joint in a stl
::sjit-l.hir sond untion is to at as shok absorrs and is

J ttbok

of rrndial

hssho ins


tIGlJR l6:

o) (ross stio of lhe onon oe f

untried 2-yr-oId.

) (oss slion of the ono o of lroied

2.yer.old Not the thitkr w|I oI th boe.

Piturs our1sy o{ Profssor L. B. Jef{ott,

[Jivily [ (omridge

oqually ssntial


tIiint tlrotion. Conussion




sord y th sul.rorrdral on plat, whih is th on undrlyinq

th arti]as oth rtiular surfa. It is nrodlld s dsibd av

and dns, rnor rsilint on is podrrd during triing Th

intgral ns of a n.rpliatd joint lik th arpus (kn) or tarslrs
(hok) sprad th lod aross that jint y tlndreing nlinitlrl

olllprssion lrd outl'vrd nlovnlnt, thus rdtring th fo r'vhih is

transmittd dolvn th 'nnons to th lowr lilrr

Tndons r livd t los tl.rir tnsi] strngth and lastiit1,

gl.:rdttalJy rvith trainins and ag. It lras bn slrolvn that onsidrbl
in th rniddl of th supfiiial flor tndon dlrrinq
proal that this hs a dstrlrtiv fIt on th
rnhnial propItis and il1tgrity f tlr tndon ovr ti111. It lrs to
assrttrrd that othr flxor tndons and liganlnts urrdrgo sirrrilar
strss btrt, as thy sutr strin injur,v lss oftr.r, thv rust itl.rr
ttr adptd or' nlor likl.v, ttr pottd y stlpport rolrl th
lr:rt is gr.rrtd

l,vork and

it is





ta] lirnbs hav


of apid arld


dovloprrrnt, th fist tr'vrr 30 and 5() days lrd th sond trortl

250 da1,s onr'v:rrds .,vhn th ftus dotrls irr siz. Tlris aid grou.th

r:rt ontirrus aftr irth :rnd gradually lvls trt tlr.rr 2 and 3
Ys o ag. h produtirr of a sou1 rrd r'vll orrforrrd :rt].rlt
l.qtrirs rgular :rrld rfi-rl osvation, ir.rtllignt nlanagrrrnt and

]ot of luk




hroi lttcss origitltittg itl

rh.fot is rc,

i, lI tps of horc, For

p|rrpos of this dtrptar



u'Il b

dned s prsisrt, tild to

rldrt l,ltllss, tt,ithout
vidrL o;f tt'l.I rts or
spil pi. ott ttss
sur .frlot

pilt, sult


s -fr|,ur

scpsis, r onsidrd i
|/|m lI. oditins suh s


or solr btisitl,g, (|1




pi, Itt tt' disussd





thc .ftlot, u,ith mn

l,osl psitiond s|rutts, d

th rltiu icssibilit

rttititlt,t (1l1 mk


dignsis dilJiott. Rllt

p tl

l og,


itt stlldig
t o t lt


t i


oshi p s

rld hiom|tmtis o-f th distl

lilb (1r(| .fitrt|Lrig o||!.
drstnding of th diffrt
ttdiritts rig rltis lqio.
Coorl qllit frri is obuiosl
riril itt lotlt pructltittg th

of som of

ondititts' d
thir tltltl,t.

Dignosti 0ppr00h





hr should a stndrd approah to th as f l.rroni foot

11 larrrnss ass, th airn is to loal th sit
of ain nd thn o dtrtl-rin th pthology Prst. It arrnot
irritially prsurrrd that a lrnnss loali.sd in th oot, and a full
linial atrd lanrnss alination shuld rfornrd.Th rnlind
of this stion lnphasiss thos aspts o th anrinatior.r that ar
partiularly applial to hroni foo latnnss.
lrnrnss. As witlr

Th signalrrrrlt of th as lay b hlpul, g naviular

dis:ls is

L1llonlnlon irr oung and o1d anirrrals. A thorotrgh history slrou1d

rordd.Th n.rost usl.rl ats to dtrrrlin ar th ntur orrst o
tl.r rolnr (aut or insidious), th duratiorr of th pro1rrr, th
grd f lamnss Prsnt and any rsPonss to rst, xris, shoinq

or thr tratn1nt. Th hors should b osrvd at rst to

assss its

stan and ovrll onfrnlation. Th ft and distal lirnbs shouid

onforlnatio and symnrtry.

Standard vtrinary ttbook digrams of idal oot ].an ar
unortunatly not vr lPrsntativ of th m.ljoriv o r.r1 li
sittrations, !5 vry fw Thorouglrrd horss or thir rosss hav
l whih is paralll to th dorsal hoof rvrll. In th assssmnt of
asYlntntri t in this ryp of hors, th nror txtook.nornral'oot
nr:ry attrally b rlativly ontratd du to l.rrorli 1amnss, and th
ttook .anormal' foot may th sound on Figur 30,
hptr 6:Th Prinipls oFoo Balan).
inspt1 arfully to dternin alan,

Th dtal intrphalangal ;oint apsul should plpatd dorsally'

abov th oronary and, o dtt distnsion. Th rrrajoriry o th
spi1i amination of th hoof is dirtd to ruling out mor aut

and suplfiial auss of hoof pain. Th digital pus should

assssd, th sol pard, th sol and wall insptd nd hoof tstrs
applid. If pain is ].iitd y hootstrs. it may advisabl to rnlove
th sho to nrin th so1 prop (s Chaptr 2:Th Diagnosis
oLa.rnss). F{owvr, it is nruh sir to assss a sutl lamnss
prolm i th hors rmins shod.

Th dynari amination should inlud walking and trotting


hors on a firm, lvl surfa.Th dynanri foot a1an and dgr f

larrrnss should dtrmind.As mny ass of hroni larnnss ar
ilatrl, an ovrt lamnss may not vidnt in a straight lin. (Jnlss

tlr larnnss is svr, th hors should b lungd on oth rins on

had and soft surfas. Th omparison wn th dgr of











<: j'r-j






5o|l thermogrphi viws of:



NormoI fool;

MdiI or. Not ieosd heot i set of r;


) NviuIl deos. Nole dosed hot i h|





.llrlrss on ths surs is hlpul, as th majority o hrorli ftlot

.llrnsss r aatd on hard sltrfa. Flion tsts shou1d

::finrd outillly. s a positiv rspons would ptd in th

of ss of naviular disas arrd dista1 intrphalangal joint


hrlographi xtrrination an hlpfu1 irr rtrling out sllpldial

.lot inflamrnation, whih rvill sho-uv up as.hot'aras (igur 1). Irr
..]-irorri larrrrrss thr rny a rlativlv drsd oron]ry
..;rr1tion du to drasd wight_aring (Figur 1), ut
.hrr.rlogrp\ rvill not yild ny infornration r,vhih wit1 ditrrtit
:iqrrosis. Thrnrgraphy is ovrd in tlror dpth irr haptr 3:
.;lrgin th Foot and Lg.
L)i:rqnosti lal nalgsia is irrvalual irr th valution of honi
..lt lnrnss An aaial ssamoid nv lok (ASNB) is oftn usd

. lr1 in o out th psn o foot lamnss. Th is lss

.klihood f inadvetntly dsnsitising th tlok joint l'vith a
:lk prforrrrdjust low th bas ofth proiral ssanroid ons

t.took o rmdia1 hosshoing


tIGUR 2:

LoteromdioI rdigroph tind durig

oviuIor urso| Iok, htkig ed| pIoemt

plmor t the o.

I :il::


ll l]:l,llllllll,]ll:l']

rathr than at th aial ssrrroid ]vl. Gratr spifiity is

btaind y startine r'vith a palmar digital nrv lok (PDNB) Th
lok should prorrrrd as distal s possibl, anglirrg th ndl

ial nd distal to h o11atrl rtilags. Thrtili this

dsnsitiss th palnrar third oth fot, ut in prti nror oth

oot may los srrsation' and th dgr osolr dsnsitistiln should

hkd rvith hof tstrs. Sprat nrdial and latral loks nry

b hlpftrl t loalis th pin to a spifi h], whras rvith nrst

hrorri onditions thr is n approitlatly svrrrnrtrial rspons
to th sprt loks.
Irrtrasvnovial analgsi th fot atr ahivd by 1oking th
distal irrtrph:rlarrsal (DIP) joint lnd th naviular bursl. Rnt

prirrlr.rtl studis hav onfirmd linial xprin tlrt ths

llks ar rrot as spifi as on thought. Intr_artiular rralgsi of

th DIP jirrt rvil1 yild a Positiv rsPons in th rajitv of ass of

naviuhr disas. It n lso dsr.rsitis th sol, spi11y dorsally.This
potntillY onfusing tt is lss vidnt rvhn using sma]ir vo1llnls
of loal f,nxsthti' and th dgr o sol dsnsitisation sholrid b

hkd at th blok. Nviular ursal loks ar tlrr thnially

drrrnding t pr{orrn auratl, arrd radiographi glridrl is l-tsua1ly

Boe hose s|r itigrom o{ foot, showig
spoi, t lhe region t isertion t DD[.



nrployd to nsl1r aurat plarnnt (Figur 2). Although sonr

dsnsitistion of th DIP joirrt arrd hel n our' th loss of solr
slrstion is lss rnarkd than aftr a DIP joint 1ok. This lak of
sifiit1, r,vith intrasynovial 1oks has ld sonr liniins to qustion
thir usfu1nss, nd to aarrdon thir routin linial appliatin.This
uthor'.s oinion is that, in onrpl lnrnss ass, th rnirnl



Uhrosoogrom of viulor rgio {lom the so|or

surf(r of the foot, ofir p0ring 0nd pou|tiig th


.]]loll1ft o diagrrosti infornition is rquird to alriv n ur]t


llrrsis, nd th arul intrprttiorr o intrasynovia1 bloks


:]{.r1lrly hlpful.

rull drogr.rphi sris of oth ront ft should otaind in arr


ohroni lanrnss that has rr loalisd to th oot.Th oot

DIP joirrt and naviular on, shou1d arfully

latrorrrdil projtion. Th palnrroproimal_
: :lrro.ltl olrqu (PaPrPaDio) projtion, o flo viw, of th
: .l iulr bon is invalubl in assssing sutl pathology in this
:.=ion Poo radiographi thlriqtr oftn 1ads to slrb_ptinial
. ]-.1s Patin nray b quird to otain trlrly dignosti
. :jl.plll. lnd rnl rngl o gJtr hrn 45" rvill giv r
:.:l:rn, s r'v1l as th


on th

A lss ollinratd and posd rojtiotl a1so allows valuation

. ].. rt.itl*,'
th nd,ll
_'-b" o
"''__.r.-*_- on.


.,:lttlt.t sintigrlphi tnintion o h t n .rdil

.:-trtlrd r l lg nurrrr of rfrral ntrs, and is vry hlpful in

...:s lrhr. a dfinit diagnosis has not n otaind aftr loal
.: :igsla and rdiography.As a phsio1ogial inlaging thniqtr it atr
..':i.1 inrnrati.on aotrt on patholog arrd rrrrodl1ing, or
-::lr lalitis a vidnt with anatorrrial imaging thniqus.
.--rtlin dignoss, g insrtional tndinopthy of th DDFT an only
- - lud rvith this thniqtr (Figur 3).

xrrrirration of th oot is oftn urrrwarding in

oot larrrnss, dspit ing al to ima{: th
:.,.,.ir.r1r on, th DDFT and its insrtiotl onto th distal phalan


of rmdi1 horsshoing


tIGtJR 5:

LtermdioI viw

of o sgittol sedio f

desktoled foot. Note the |ose r|tinshi oI lhe



ioit d


soild wilh the oviulor o.

thror-rsh both sola :rnd alnlr pstrn appoahs (Figur ,l). Th

:lthology i th DDFT is s1dorn in tJi nridlin pltion that an

inragd and, s th trr1on is gnally imagd in :rn ot_irridn

fashion, th idntifiatin opathology is diftrult. ol1atral liganrnt
ijuis oth DI[, joir.rt rrry apparnt ultasonograhiallv.

T]r lor dvand inraging thrriqus o rrrntr roll.l11

inraging (RI) rnd onrplrtd toography (CT) a slorvl rrlillg
rlor radily avail:rl fo us rvhn a dignsis rrrrlins lusiv, dsit
t lis of all th thrriqus dsrid abov.
CJ.ratr 3 ovrs all th av itrrging t1rniqrrs in nlor dtli1.

NoviuIr syndr0me

This :r otlrrrron and lvll gnisd 1rroni 1anrtrss a{fting tJr

lr:rvitrla (distal ssanroid) on and its assiatd struturs It is
dsrid as

s,vrrlrorrr :rtrs th

nla a


tiolog and pathonsis, and divs linial rrranist[iorrs o th

ol..nr. Th rr.lviLrl.t on itsl, its artil:lg or trsa, th irrrpar
liganrent, naviltl sllsPnsor)r liganrts or dp digital flor trr1n

(DDFT) rrray 11 b vribly inv]vd irr tlr patlrlogy.T1r dorsl l-rl1

o th rraviu]ar on is rr-ithin tlr DIP;int (Figur 5), and t1rlrs
ptho1og1. r'vithirr ths strlrturs

llray our togt].rr nd is lifilr]t

to distinguish.





FIGllR 6:

1:r a 2 rrrairr grollPs of thoris: vsular onrpromis and

. ...ilrhtlil. Th thory of artrial olusion lading to painul
].ll.. ishri 1ras not n supportd y primntal studis of
. .:iirl lood supp1y' or y ornpatil hto1ogial hangs. Th
-.lillhnial thor has rahd prdonrinan without dirt
:. lJtr f its rrrhanisrn. Anornral ors on th naviular on

t|exor sulfoes of nviulor boes, with DD[

refIeed' } Normo|; ) Deosed: plil elosio
of etroI firorti|0g 0d 0 fu|| thikess defe
through lo subhodrI oe.


. .-... .lis throlrgh xssiv physiologia1 loading, or through rrornral

:.-s ing applid to foot with anormal onforn.rtion.Th latt
..'.rrion should aris in hrss rvith a rokn ak hoo_pastrn is

P.\). :rrrd low ollapsd hls. F{owvr lirrial ass d not

: :..\)rilv hv this ryp

of onorrrration' and on s.rdy showd rro

.:.ir..rr in foot onfornration wn horss with nviular dis:rs

-: .i hos lvith non_naviular di.sas lamnss. Rnt io.rhanial
jis ill horss with naviular diss hav dronstratd an inrsd
. -..

. .ji of tl.r naviular on in mprison to norn-ral horss, ut tl.r

.j lr';ls drasd aftr palrrrar digita1 nrv anlgsia This suggsts
-.- rh insd load on th nviular on may a onrpnsatry
:: ..-hnisnr, and h initial stinrulus sti1l nds to dtrrind.

. ... histopltho1ogial lrarrgs r haratrisd prirnarily by 1sions

] rht. P;rlnrar aspt of th navitllar on (Figurs 6 ,), whilr ar
:: .lr to ostoarthriri hangs in othrjoints.

I,|ttol signs


'.]ssi dsription is of rniddl_agd hor.ss, rvith a gradual onst,

.:..l1. ogssiv orlinrb lamnss. Thr is usuall shortnd

. .:

hos rrray stuml lnr frquntly and rr.ry

srrrs nlor O1nmon in lrorss workd
.:]]littlltl\'. Th latrrss is usull ir.rtrmittnt initilly and nry

l.l1 -trid plras. T1r

: :t





o rmdial



inrprov l,vith .,varnring up. !(/ith honiiN thr nrav


dv1pnlnt of a ror narrow' upright fot shap.

Balrs tlr larrrnss is usu:rll1, iltr;rl' rr ovious had nd lny


vidnt to tlr o.nvrrr irr th arl stags. It nra only notit

rvhn th larnnss onls synlrrrtri. I t1.r lrrrss tht
orrrs qual orr both orlinrs again, th hors ur .rppa to
tnrorar rrnission.Thr llr.ry h.lv rr prodron.ral siqns of loss
rfotrran, shortnss o tion or ootitlss Th prolrn nray l
rportd xs ing su]dtr tn otrst 1- th own! rvhn it has b
suddrrlv notid.

Th lassial tirrdings

1. Chroni,


bilatral' rvight_ing orlrnr lanrnss, arbat

Itltt,.in,'irr 'r..irl otl.t firtlt stlrr..;


Dtal linr flion tst is uslrall1. positivr;


Positiv rspons to palrrra digital nrv lok;

,1. Positiv radiogrrphi findings;

5. Musl

Wasting and pain in shouldr nrusulattrr as a sonda,


This author finds vidn of pain as a rsult of tnsin ad ho

tsting in th middl of th third of th frg to lss rlial.

Th majority o

ass r,vill rspnd

to a PDNB. It




larnnss to swith to th othr 1g whn h larst 1g is lok

oasiona1ly an ASNB nray nssry to allviat th larnss,

nlor ommonly to produ furthr improvrnnt in rsidual 1amn
aftr a bilatal rspons to PDNB. About 80.% of rravitrlar disa
ass wi.ll rspond psitivly to a DIP joint 1ok, and this is rrrployt
rotltinlv in th diagnosis othis ondition.A positiv rspons to tt
blok r'vill lso otind in ass of prirnary DIP joint pain, and tl
diffrntiation of ths onditions will disussd in th stion
DIP joint pain.Th spd orspons to DIP joint analgsia dos n
auratly distinguish bEwn th 2 onditions. Th naviulr bur:
lok is usu11y mployd whn a diagnos is not vidnt aftr tl
rnitial loks and radigraph. It is nror ditult to pr{orm th:
rrrany othr loks, and it sms to involv a slightly highr risk


onrpliations. A prop ortin o ass of nviulr syndrorrr that fil

rspond to DIP joint analgsia will spond to intraursal anaigsl





Upright pdoI proietio of o oIoted, diseosed

viu|r o. Arrows iIlustlote iresed umer
od size of syovil fosoe o the dtoI ordr.


.:ls .rss th paitl snrs to origi:rt fi.or th flor sur:r

' . .().:trti1s, th lrs or h DDF! r:rthr tlran fi.onr th n

:ll t1urlri, f synovil fluid should assssd' s it rrlay b





r.rr.sitis Sonr ss


nviurl:rr syndrrri til to

: n:rr,itrlal bursal lok, rvhih nla indiat th prsrre

-: ....llls. oI Poor sprd t dsnsitis pain rvithin th borr'.
] .]

.:'llls shlrld itIprtd in th light of linil findigs. A

.... . .lirqnosis o nvilrla disas is asd upon ppropri:rt
. .igrrs :rnd rdiorphi harrgs. Sor horss rvith palnrar hird

.. -.'




not hav radiolgia1 signs. nd sintigrphi

in ths ass to dtrmin if thr is

..itl tr hlpul

- ... lr on involvInnt. Som horss n1ay hav apparnt

- -..:ht lrlrgs rvithout ths ing a aus of lamnss.
: :. :.


dronstrats lassil radiographi signs of navitr1ar disrs

. . Jsroirrrl_plmarodistal obJ.iqu (DPrPaDio) proj tion.

' .:s suh ls nthsiophts, inrasd nunrbr and nlargnrnt of
.-]:'']j oldr synovia1 fossa, mdullary yst formation and distal

-.- i.rur\


rn idntifid. nthsiophyt formation and disal

.h:lngs llr also found in sound horss. lthugh grt

:.1::.- usd to given to th signifia o hngs in th

. ss, th urrnt reognition that th prinrar pathology is


.::- -l]or sur{a of th on nrans that grat signifin

- :

PaPrPaDio projtion. In
orrviular disas, tlp to 70Yo of ass lay hav hangs
' --:.: rr th PPrPaDio viw, lrt not on th DPrPaDio projtion
:.; . irr s ar showrr in haptr 3). Changs idntifid may inlud



gir-n to hangs vidnt on th


;rt rosins (Figu 8) o roughlring (Figur 9), and

slosis. ontrast radiogrphy ofth flor aspt ofth

- i'

.l t\tbok

f 1I}dia} hosshoing



t|exr view

of o

desed viuIor boe

demosilotig rosio of fIexor ortex (oowed)

|exor view of o deosed oviu|r boe demoslllig rougheig oI f|exor otex (orrwed).


rraviular on an rid ottt aft injting an iodin-orrtairrin

ontrast:lgIrt into th n:rvitl1ar blrrsa (Figur 10).Th n assist il


A olrosl ursogrom ouiliig


idntifying artila] dts' lvhih will prsnt for ossou

p|mor surft

of rti|oge (orowed). Ao se the olrsl

lepresetig lhe wilhdrw nedIe trot.

hangs a visil on radiogrph.


ss o rly naviular syndrorrr lvi11 rrt shorv radiographi

lrangs su{fiintly 1ar to allor,v a spifi diagnosis [o b trrd

Garrrrna sirrtigaphi alnirratin an hlpfi-rl if th diagnsis l
tlnrtin.Th solar projtion is th rrrost usful vir.trrd Jn ilra
irrrasd radinl-rlotid trptk nray b idrrtifid irr th

th nvitllar borr (Figur



L)iagnosti ndosop of th rravitr1r tlrsa an prorrrrd

illtrodtring a ,1 nrrrr throsop into tlr rraviulr urs und
gnrl anasthsia. In ass rvhih lok out to th ursa, but i
lvhih rro radiographi arrorrnalitis ar vidnt, it .ln ssist in th
vlution fth soft tissus (Figurs 12 ,).

Just as tlrr is not on rvp of rravitrlrr svndorlr, thr is not orl

singl, ttiv tratmnr. I\4any of th prir.rils for t]r trltnlnt (
hrorri ot l:rtnrrss lr th sanl Wh:rtv tlr spifi lignosis. err
thy ar dis:lrssd in dpth in tlris stin.

orrtiv artrv is th nrair.rstv o tratnrlrt h rrro

ritial 2rsP.t is to :lttrrrpt t b:rlan tlr foot and orrt at-.




.- j].!\ th.rt 1ny prsnt. rting a rokn ak HPA lvil1

-. .' :- th Prsst1I orr th naviu1ar rgion. Th irrrportan of
. : : b;lk th ak ovr Point has rntly om nrphasisd,
-.'-.-.llas th prssur on th nviular rgion at th nd of
] .:.]. phas A rol]d to has onl a linimal tt in ringing
'. l.: k_ovr point. okr to will hav nror fft, urt
. :] ...t k to st th sho ak into th to adquatl1',

-'r'')- Ilr- nfiial tt is lost.Th us of to lips should

.: h us of quartI lips allolvs th sho to b st bk

-. ' -,\' (Figur 13).Th us f a Natlral Balan sho (Figur 14)

' -. 1]lor. drrllati palln plmnt f th rak_ovr point,
]. ..-)si\' sola plssur shotlld avoidd. Nails shou1d pJad
. ... rh rl'idst part o th foot. ggar shos hav n usd
......:ilr. i th trat|t of naviulr diss, ut t]-ris author

rh' tditional viw that th .suport rh hls' by

]] ..]]]: l'orrd thnr. For transfrn twn th sho and
tk pla in th rgion ontat, and tnding th
vond th hl r'vill not infllrn this It has n

. :l.

'. . .i .qI shos wili Plvnt hyprtnsion f th oIfin

-- : l stt stlfa arrd rotation of th oot, hus avoiding high
] ]: lI-L th rraviulr rgion. Iowvr, as th 1anrnss il.t

.. .l .ltss is muh nlor signifiant on hard than soft sur,

. .: :lot snl to b rrrajor onsidlatin. It is possil tht th
,, . tr.rr1irv pror,idd y th ar sho onting th 2 hls


tlGUR l


Boe phse sol stitigrom [ horse with

viruIol diseose.

nfit, as tlr hls ar oftn wk and sl.rard.Th nra

..- :Ilstrr ror straight or ggbar slro to prt o th

.. . tr inasd trthr y th tls of a hartr s]lo,
: ls r'ildl nfits irr sonr ass of naviular disas tht
. ' :3iondd to ggr shos.

lGtlR I2:



} Firi|lotio of

: i-\tbok

f ndil horsshing

viulgr hurs: o} Horr|

{iorfilo d DDF.


FtGUR l 3:
Use of quorter |ips to ||w slting bok of rk.
ovr ii'


rokn ak HPA, rvdgt

lr grduatd shos ln trsd to dras th ]oad on th DDF
:rnd naviular borr. Tlris is st usd as a tmporlry rrrasur on1,v,
sujtivly thr is a tndny torl,ards dasd lr1 growth, rvhi
is ountr_Prdutir, irr th lon!]-trnl. It is ofltr.r dif1rult t
nollra!] hl grrvtli, rrd th st rsults may otairrd rvith th
us o Natural Balan slros. Pds an usd to ]rs th
:onussiv fors transrrrittd through tl.r oot' brrt agairl
mployd as a t1npor:rr\' lrr.lsur. durirrg tlr strnrrnr nrontl
rvhn th grr-rd is h:rrdr. Foot alan is disl.tssd irr rnor dtail i
ss r,vith svrl ollapsd hls and a



This will usd in onjulrtion rvith otlrr forrrrs

t]:atm|t. I thr s bn :rn ut lratiorr o1:rtrrnss' [hn

rid o st lla nssary initially. I th lallnss is ll

:l.roni and

lolv grad,


hors :rn st:rt ontro1]d ris straigl

lwy. Lorv inrp[ r'vork is ttr, on a soft, uniforrrr strrfa. It

gnrally bttr to kp th hors movirtg as lnuh as possil.

l'valking and ttrrnout ratlrr thn prolngd piols of o st. 1

furthr ris plan s1rould thrr dtrrrrirrd dpnding upn tl.
hors linial progrss.
gedkl treotmef

A nur o drugs ar usd




lnanagnt o navitr1 disas. Non_stroida] anti_inflarllr.rtor

lrugs (NSAIDs) ar ttiv and onolni. Phrryl,lutazn is tt
lnost o1nmonly lrsd NSAID. Non f th othr irgnts l.rar,
Provn to hav a1r)r gr]tr fiay to justi thir gratr pns
Phnylutazon an jtl.rr b usd in th short trn irr aut disrs






NoturI BoIn shoe: squr to o||ows osy

reok-over tigure 27 demostlotes lhe sm fool
efore orretive [rriery.


in horri

: .-. ttts, ts:rr rar



Although thr a onns

in adtllt

horss. It is rrot lrr, ut it

horss to rvorkd satisato1l,:rnd som rnild ass nuy

.. -..tttsh. th prolm. It is not a prrr-rittd rrrdiation undr.
: . ilr .ll.l (.onrPtition jrrriidlt.tiorrs

.::.:l is :r priplral vasodilatory drug, fi.quntl usd y gnral

- : .r:l.s AJthough thr is n 1ngr tJ-rought to a vasular
. : tr rr:rviula disas, sondary vsurl olrgstion ;rn
-: Holr\.! any rsPol1s to th rrdiation is gnrallv only
- .::\ :rrld this ltthor dos not onsidr this to a ptilaly
.. '. : tr1lr o trtnrnt. ntrnrr of othr vasoati'n. dtrgs,
. ]]. 1lltrnlloll alrd pntoillin, hav n trid ut hv
.' l.] th. tst otir.rr. Cortiostroids n injtd ithr into
. . . ? .lorrlt r dirtl into th naviular ursa, otn in onjuntion
- - '. tton:rrr his an prtrul;rrly ftiv irr ass of naviulr
. .'.. r)r itl :lss rvith ontrrnt DIP joint synovitis.Th tt is
:]]ll1o]';t]]v 1n mor svl. ass.

lloIldrottiv. dus sull ls llrlrrrorlan 1hy.rluroni..

and polysulphatd glyosrrrinoglans
: :li. g Adqlrn, ar rnplyd olllnronlv as adjtrrrtrv
]] -]].i ill althliti onditions. Th 1inial fft ilr duin
] .]:ll1lss is r.trirriral, bu hy rny oson1 nfit irr rnild
. l)l'r1 qlr.srilrog1arrs (GAG' r rnarktd havily as d

- -:]].lrts. tl.r n-rajoriry ontaining lrndroitin slrlht


-:]]ltll h1, |13 riirrra] fft irr trting ]arrrrrss, but rllay
.'. i.i th .stifr' hors rrd or rlintnn thrPv o hss


rvl] o ohl. r.tttlrnt.

- ..

] ttook

of rIrrdil horsshing


tIGlJR l 5:
|lro-opelolive view of poImor digiloI neure|omy.

Surgioltreotmenl..A rrumr odifrnt rodurs hv n usd in t

tratrnnt of navilr1ar disas. Plrrrar digital nurtory is probabl
tlr oldst rtn oftratnrnt for naviular disas. It is onl approprit

i thr has n good. positiv sPons to P])NB. T}r surgil

thrriqu is to rnrov mininrurn of 3 nr oth nrvs t th rrrid
Pastrn 1v1, taking ar to hk for assory ranlls (Figur 15).
is nrnlally arrid otrt und gnral nsthsia. Thr is a lss
snsation to th pJrar third of th foot, so th horss nray hav :l
inrasd tndn to sttltrrbl Post orativly and may not b awal

of a so1ar Pntration.Thr arr nutrrr of omplitions, strh :

rinnrvation, painful nLlronla fornation and DDFT ruptu. Th
produr is not Prmittd undJoky 1u and FI ruls It do
hwv, offr an otin to r1nov pain r'vhr tratnll1ts hav fil

Naviular suspnsory dsnrototy is a surgial thniqu t1rat airs t

rIov th 1asti anhor on th naviular on. lrt th atlr;
nrhanisnr oation is unrtain.Thr is an ntrraging suss r;]t
t 6 nrontlrs aftr surgry. ut th lnjoriry of ass t1.rn sut{i
rurrn of larnnss.Th thniqu is prformd inrqtrntl1'.

For lassi rraviular disas, r'vith linial and radiographi hangs,

prognosis is gnrally poor fr th hors to onti.l at its prvious lr-.

of athlti lag. Th prognosis is ttr for a lan.rnss lvhih is l
svr and of shortr dtrration, but rvors with prdisposing angul:
dforrrriy. Horss tht start lvith Poorr foot onfortnatil
atully hav th paity to sholv a ]rtrr rsPons to orrtir
arriry y inrproving th oot a1an nd bioml.ranis. F{orss us





FlGlJR 16:

DPrPoDi0 rodiogrh of hors with suhondrol

ysli |sion (rrowed) in the disl| pho|.

'll lrltttrv rl-ok. or.in tlr rlror lnietrt disiplirls' g pllo,

:. ] to o1llPt satis2rtoril). on NSAIDs. N4rrr,v olllptitir.
:::i ..}1l rlrnlgd sltssul]v t prforrlr t a 1.r 1r.]. arrv


irlorrtlv dignsd l'r.ith tlar,iulrr diss nd tlraY

.:.l L]oorI prognosis

: .i r]lt1 srrr1orrr).




ta) or a tt pro*rrt.sir (g

st| interpho|ongeoI ioint pin


joit iorr. spifi

.:.rtl1irlg o th pathologl'' inl,olvd is s]doru dfinitiv. Th

-: .l.j:

:rrn :rn oftn loalisl to th olfin


tl ontor,rsial balrs of tl.r ditIiultis irr irrtptlng

. ...lirlt :lnllgsia raulllati jilrt disas is th rrrost onillloll

.tll it.t thlti: hoss, dtr t oll:l.tssir, ols transllittd to th
. :lstll joint irr th lirt.r. Ostrtlrrsis llra)l oLlr sondr\ to
. ..rilrl:rr fl:ttlrls f tl.r rniddl or distl plralrn Srall
. ..]lrld1 grrrnts th xtnso]. Pro]ss o th distl phal:rn

-].s]lt fl-;ttus ttt sor, lltoL ttlnld. tirrrnts rltr' l.

filldings f no lirli:l1 signifin. Suhondl.l vsti lsillls

:h:ll:ltrgs (Figtrr.e 16) :rn atls l)IP joirrt airr. Irrjuris of tlr
.-l .rJ 1iqll-llnts tl :llls sv lartlnss :lrlt itr onst



' ]Islrtiltiorr is rronla]lY of Ilirl




'.ll sigrrs, :rnd it hrs t difrrrtit1 rorn navilr1 diss


:lll] :rrrlin:rtion, thr rr.ill otlr pll1 distnsion of th

ilrt sul (Figtr 1 7) . Th lrrrrtss is oftn ilt1 :rnd rvill

] ttook

of rrndia1 horsshoitrg


FIGUR l 7:
PItion of DIP joit dtsio.

( \.l(.r.ltd r lullqing orl |rrd sttlit.rlld v flioll tt'

Diasnosis rqtrirs a positir, rsPons to a DIP joint lok. Th
sYrrovi] flrrid slrotrld assssd ritilJJ or arr itrr.ls ill pssttr.
.rllJ drr'J r.rs..o'it1. Til rn.rjl.iv o .rsq J(. llgJiV to .l
rrviular bursal 1ok. Aftd horss rvill otn ]k ol-1t to ll
PDN1], arrd dfirritly to an ASNI] Radigraphi alllination slroull
b usd to ru1 out th prsn o hangs onsistnt ,ith navitrl:rr
sYndrorrr. h nlajoriry o ass r'vill hav no, or strtJ' priartir-r1:rr

ostohyt prodution and rnodlline artiltlr nrrglrrs. h

-\tnso[ ploss is th nrost lrsual pl to s hangs (Figur 18), rr
rv o ovr_irrtprtin noral variatiorrs. Sirrtigrahr
al-trirration is n ltrrrtlrkal. (J1tlasorlgrphv an usful r

is quird

lssssing th o]]:rtral 1iganrnts, ilthough atin

llriv dignosti and rptal itrrags.



orrtiv fariry invlvs or]]ting arrv inra1ans, irlging ak

th brak_v point and prviding 1quat hl su1.prt' Pds rrlr
usd in tl.r short trln to drs olrussiv fols itlr hors h.r'
tl,rk on:r hard sura (th us olroof pds is vrd in nror dtj1
inVolttrlr II).

a sigrrifirl
is orrt and tlrr is rto sriolt.
r-rtrdrling patholog. Th rrrst otllrrronly trsd trrdi:rtiorr is
or.rlirr:rtiotl o lorv dos 1.tiostl.oids. tiarrrino1otr,;llll
Intra_artiu]ar tlrdiation should lrrnr111. i1d


if tlr



hv]urorrarr, g F{Yorrt


o Hvlartil. h fla o





. _:-

IGURE l 9:


i DIP ioit

deos. Arrows iIIustrol ew bone

Loteomdil rdiogph of smI| tsor protes froture (oowed)'

..ll th

tr:tt]ll1lt of qrrin joint ]iss rvls on qtlstiond, Llt

prili: n1 rs:rl.h work h:rv sho-rl tll:rt tlr1' r
, ..]l-l\'Lnfiil ilrs1 at orlrt ]oss Th hors sllu1d b sir'rr
: .:.'111 rr,:rlking ris Llntil sotlnd. For a rrild larlrnss tlr hos
..1 _tllinl 2 ,ks aftr tI21t1]lnt l1d ttlrlrd t
..:i .lris if sotrnd, o tnditd i thr. is prsistn f
.: ': DIP jirrt pain :rssoi:rtd rvitll ligarntorrs irljr-rr rvill
..:] .1 llfof proJngd onvalsnt piod. Artl.rosv an
. ..' ..ltlo\, llip fi.attrs oth tl.rso Ploss (Figr.r 19) or t)

: -...:.

...... th joint


ass rvlrih ]. 1lon_rspo1rsiv






]]-.q]losis is unl.all1. good for tllil1 1rlrnss ass. It is poorr i

'Frglrl 20).

ilatrl. or if tlrr ar siotrs onirr.rtionl

:.ltr1itis trnd11ving th pr.olllr. It an ]ifilrlt to
j] ].]1ti.lt lllY llaviu]lr disas r.onr DIP joint p.rirl rrd. i thl. is
: -sPo])s to tratnlnt o DIP joint pairr, th 1iagnosis shuld


)ep digitoI f|exor tendinitis ond insertionI tendinopthy

FlGUR 20:

i 'l 1llOr ntlr, ognisl lrs of oni foot lalllss r'r-ith

.']i.irlg signs Str:rins of th

] t\took


oLlr r'r,itlrin th foot lt

of rdia1 ].rosshoing

Arthrosoir img fom horse with DIP joinl



tIGUR 2.|:

l imoge [ o DDtT iiuy proim| to lhe

oviulr bone (owed). tigur ourlsy

Mihe| Shrmme, AnimoI lleoIlh Tlu,


distai pstrn rgion, or thrL. .ln pln nd infllrlr.ration t t

insrtion of tl.r DDFT onto thr distl phalarr. Ths irrjtrris .ln

our du to a singl trtrrrrati irrsr.rlt, or sult fi.onr rptd loading.

spially of a fot witl.r poo onfortntion. Advarrd diagnosti
rlthods ar rquird to lnak n urat dirgnosis.Altlrough nruh
rr than n:rviular syndronr or DIP joint pain, it should
orlsidrd r,vhnv thr is a prsistnt oot larnnss lvithut
diagnosis ing nrad onvlrtional rnans.

Irl som irrstans soft tissu sw1ling on th palrrrar asPr[ oth dis]

Pestrn rrraY palal Th pttrn of lrlrrrss otn 1iffrs frorl

llvitrlar disas or DIP;ort disas, s it r'vill b qually aPParnt on
so o h.tr.l surlts. hr will nomlll .r oiiiv \pon\ to .I

Pl)NB, although


ASNB ray b rquird



ursal blok is rrror likly to positiv th.rn is a DIP joint lok

Radiography rvill norrrrally unrrrkabl, although thr rrra
slrt1 rotlgl.rning


f th distal phalanx in th rgion of insrtion




. : DDFT, vidnt on th latromdial Projtion.


:rrphi xmintion is xtrmly h1pul. Irr th sot tissu phas,

-.. outlin of th DDFT ma vidnt. In th on phas th rgion
.:r'rtion of th DDFT may vidnt on th solar viw (Figur

positiond nror dorsa11y than th naviular on (Figur 11).

::]'ollogl:rphy is oftn unrwarding, as has n disussd arlir.

i,l.].I (Figrrr 21) and CT hav oth n shown to b ttiv in

-._.r'ing a spifi diagnos. Ths thniqus rquir gnral
-: ...thsia, ar limitd in thir avai1ailiy and ar pnsiv.Th nt
.. ... gail'ooot diagnostis is th dvloprrrnt of lvIRI sanning
--.: .Jn b pr{ormd with th hors in th standing position, as this


' ..rld irrras th utilisation of his mthod or auratly idntifilirig

_ .:.rlI inirlris within th



_ i th insrtional and pur1y tndinous injuris rquir rst and 6-9

. :lhs rly rquird. orrtiv arriry involvs balaning th
-.. 'rining ak th rak_ovr point and providing tra suPPort

.:.. .r br sho. lvating th hl wi1l dras th lod on th

DF..Wdgs nra hlpful in th ar1y stags if thr is a svr
:.:]]s5. ut a good h1 dpth is rquird in th long trm, and th
:.-,-.lisnt priod should utilisd to allow good trinning to
]].-]'Jr.i this. A ar sho rna bnfiia1 whn rh hors is
.. l:ht k into work.


. ..::o


gnrally poor, lthough thr hav n no

sris availal to valuat th outorrr of a larg nurrrr


PdoI osteitis


sritis is inflanrnration of th dtal phalan-x, oftn rsulting in

.:: -l]-.rlistion and somtirs in nw on forration. It usd to

- .: olllnon digrrosis, ovring a op1 of disass, bu[ is rrorv
- ..:rr o r s a signifiant diagnosis in isolation. Spti pdal
:..il i:

disr-rssd sparat1y.Th gnraiisd forrrr

usually tts oth

i :uld an ausd y prsistnt onussiv talla, spilJ.y

...:.c. lrirh thin, flt sols and a 1ong to, low hl, nd also in

. .. :]:. ir-rndr.A tnor loalj.sd forl arr our in rgiorrs f hof


Of rmedi1 hrsshoing



F|GUR 23;

DPlPDi0 proietio of hose with geled pedoI osteil.

5o|r inligrohi imoge oI hors with pedoI osteit.

r'vll dformatin or sondar o onditions suh as assss, hoo]

w,ll raks rrd rns. It arr b difiiult to dtrnli if th 1arrrrlsi

is atuali du to pdal ostitis, or if th on l.rangs ar simplr

indiativ o th svrity f th soft tissu pathology and pain that


ausing thrn.


h linia1 prsntation an b varial.Th

1arrrnss wil]. rrorra1lr

xratd on a hard oI unvn surfa.Thr will oftn solar

rlrising and srrsitivity to hoof tstrs, as wou1d ptd giv

th prdisposing hoof nformation. Lamnss rvill loalisd t

th foot y prinurl anal.gsia, ut thr should mininra
rspons to intrasynvial nalgsia. Radigraphi hangs inlud


of th dorsal


of th distal phalan on


latromdial projtion. Th DPrPaDio projtion is usually tht

rrrost hlpful, and ompati1 signs inlud dminralisaion arotln
th solar margin, loss of vastrlar foramina, inrasd siz and nurrrbl

o vasr-llar anals and, oasionally, fraturs of th solr rrrargir

(Figur 22).Ths hangs nray also prsnt in sotrnd horss, s


C orrtiv




. ]rDi0 rojelio of hoe wilh fouI ped| osleit (oowd).

-..-.l1.l 'intigr.phi amination an b h1pful

to onfirrn

..:itosis ofpdal ostitis (Figur 23). Loalisd ars ofpdal ostitis

vidnt as oal rgions olysis (Figtrr 2,1) or onw on

.-ltion.Th rdiogrphs should b insptd arfully to rul otlt
: -]3 o1nnlon auss o lanrnss' suh as naviular syndronr r

- iP

qornt pain.


lll.rry us will rquir ratlnnt.Any inra1ans should

:::td nd, if thr is a flat so1d onformation, a rod, wll satd
..: .h rvill nfiial. Pads an dras onussion, as long as
.'' J not alrs dditional rssl1r on th sol.Th hors will nd
: std trntil it is sound and thn gntly Iought ak into work,



on soft

strrfas. hroni ass may rquir 1ong_trnr

l( S-\lD administration.


-,.-. dpnds trpon th svriry o th ondition and th origirrl

-.:.: Chroni ass gnrally arry a Poor prognos1s.

:l ttook

o rr:dia1 lrorssholnq


rue dorsopoImor rdiogroph

demoslrlig sideboe (rowed).

Note predposing medioller0| fool

Ossifjotion of lhe oIIoterol ortilges (sidebone)

()ssifiation of th olltrl arti1gs of th distal phlangs is rnos
omnlonly sn in 1arg, flt ootd aninrals. It norrrrlly starts at th.
jtrntiorr bvn th artilg arrd th on and progrsss proinrall1
It arr onsidrd noral firrding in oldr hrss and har,ry rds

but n aus trnsint lanrss dtlrirrg ossifiation. Poor


oformation and hard work tlaY prdispos horss to this onditin


This is


unollon us of lamnss.

Pairr, hardning and slvlli.

nra plsI1t on plpation ovr th artilags.Any larnnss shoul.

aolishd y a palrrrar digital nv blok. Horizontal ban

1orsopalrrrar rdiographs, with th foot in a wight_baring position
rvill show th ollatral rtilgs withut strprirrrpositio

Iladiogaphi vidn oossifiatiorr ofth artilags dos not rrral

that this is th atls of a 1arnnss (Figur 25), and ohr diffrntia]
should xludd. Sparat ntrs o ossifiatio n1a)I Lr Prsn1
nd shotrld rrot n.ristakn or raturs

As lanrnss is ustrally tr:rnsint, th hors r,vill rquir piod osl

An imlns slrould b ortd and road sho, fittd r,vid :rn
long at th qtlartrs ar.rd hls is applid. l.roi .rs rlr.ly rqtlir
lng_trrlt NSID .rdnrinirr.rtion.





toot with polmr third f00l sydrome due


ovrhg of heeIs.


h plognosis usuall good for arly


ut poor with hroni

Polmor third foot syndrome (PTFS)




rototio, of the dtoI pho|o i se

of PTFS.

palma digital nrr, lok. Thr is usually nrininr:rl rspons t D

rrrv rvll a rspons to l rravitrl:u bltl.l

lok. Radigrapl is unrrnark1j t for onfirrliitlg poor f

joint rrrlgsia, ut tllr


nrnron lrnding is tlrt th sola nrargin of th dist

phalan is l.rorizntal or. Yn lvatd t th to (Figrr 27).Th 1att

is oftn l't.v sirrifi.rrrt firrling' s it indits tht inrasd stra

r'vill b rtd irr th hl r.giorr 1, tl.r DDFT. Sirrtigrap

arnitrtiorr sholrld lrnrrrralkabl, ut tl.ris atrthor lr:rs srr sotl
ass rvhr thr .as rr irrrasd ttptak in th rrvilrl:r botl
prstrtrrablv r1rtd to th inasd nrhlnia1 lding irr this rgio

lris r,olr,s :rrotlnd or]:tiv farriry and rst to illolv th pin




strsid. 1l inralans 1nlist orltd rrd tl


ggr r hrtr sho slrotlld

fittd for stailisation' altholrgh irr sonr ass btt rstls tnay

rk_or. pint rotrgl.rt k.

ot:rind r'vith Nattrral Bla shos. If th h1 is vr 1o',, tht

lvation rvith ithr a l'vdgd pad r graduatd slro n.ray irr ao
tmPor2uy r1i|. Rltorv ss ]r not L1non1n1on' and rqui ttr
out on soft grottnd for r rrrinirrrutrr of 3 rnonths, lvithotrt shs nd lvi
aggrssiv, r1rlar foot trinrrnirrg to 1llo\. y rrrrdr_run h].

This dpnds Llotr th sr,riry of th ondition and th dgr

orrfornrational anorrnlitis. Irr this lrthor,s prin tI
irrflun of th qualiry orrirv on prognosis is vn rttot tnk.
than it is rvith th othr auss o hroni |ot larnrrss. Man
an mar.ragd satisatori1y lvithout ing urd.






is tll

rr ttsd


dsrib t|L rl,t,ioship bru,n,



/rr.,'J Iit|l,




hr is ot li that foo alan and arriry in gnral ar

iorporrs thc

not sintifi; that it is n art and :annot b qlrantifid.This vil

suits rrrost obsrvrs of farrirv. not lst th farrirs thnlslvt
Farriry lrry not hav n dfind y strit ruls that an b appli.
univrsall,v, ut this dos not man that it is not a sin;it only rnn
lrat it has t to dfind.Th ors (oth natural and indtrd) th
att th quin foo ar not divord from thos that govrn th rs

r,h,t,Jrrir tts |h l,rs, |lrh

stndi,g (stti brll) d
tltovig (d),nn,'i, bIrul). Tlrc
|rrir Itrs th bl tlf th.|.oot


t t t i

rt. t h .fo


t t it t,.

tp slc, td pliltg tlt sho.

Cood .frrir iuolus ttttlLi,

s loscl s possibl,th-|oot tt,ith

tlrc lcg so tht tlt s|pc tt,d

proportios th fllot r th
l11ost sL|itilbl

Jbr rht Iimb. T|rc

tlt hrsshe is tthd

th .fotlt aitht h





of th univers.


should viw farriry as having alnrost infinit

variations, all owhih hv rognisal pattrns that an ustrally

prditd. In th sam way, in tnnis, no 2 shots ar idnial ut th.

ar lI stil] govrnd th lws ophysis.

In simpl trrrrs w should b al to rogtlis rtain ommo]

lim and oot onormation and prdit a;
ou[ol asd on a hang in th way th hors is shod
(Jnortuntly, though W start with th simplst lg and foot in th
nlrnnr1ian world, a nunrr o omplitions o1n intl
onsidration. Th shap of th lg (onfornrtion) varis, as do
:rtors rgarding

rd typ, hoo qualit, th nvironnrnt, injuris and disass. W

hav to aPt tht th prinipal rason or shoing a hors is nt tr
.aln' it. Horss ar shod to prott thir ft fronr war n.

irrjury and also fr grip, th vry sar rasons tht horsshirrgrv

irrvntd 2,000 ars ago. Th first ompliation to rognisd i
tlrat, hwvr wl1 a hors is shod, its aln is hangd inrrrrdiatl.

y lifting th foot trrthr fron.r th ground. Fror that point rr, th

bIan dtriorats as th hoo grolvs down and forr'vrd nd th
sho wrs.
It nrtrst b orn in mirrd that nran hobalan problnrs ar allsl

v poor lg onfornration. Th hoof distorts aus o th lrnvl

loading o prssur frorr aov. Judiious shoing nr.ry rnritrtail
soundrrss ir.r a hors witlr poor onfornration, ut it Will not lt th

1irb of nlatur hors. V w hoof in-ralanes r ausd b

:rrrirs. If th Wr' on ould osrv sirrrilar prolms on vr
hors shd by an indivrdual rrir. N1ost imbalans ar not al-ls.
litcr]'' t'" ''.i*' [g1 rrirs .l Inor ofin pui]v

rognisin th onformatin or its ft uon th hof apslrl.Th
thror d not tak th nssry tion to orrt it. Th farri
tlds to ar'vr at ah shoing of an hoof distortion so tht h a,
rshp th oot and ring it ak into alignmnt.




l:] ]]Ck
. :r: tl

hoof_pastrn ais (HPA) is usually indud shs

too long and/or short shoing. Short_fittd shos nd
.. ..:l: r too 1ong wil1 vntually aus larnnss, whih nra
:.:.-Ilt Anr.hoof iralan is aggrvatd y laving too lng a

t.t\\.n 'hoing nd/o rinlming. h ltoo grows

- -l:]s1\'ut of alan as ah day passs. any onormational
:]: : :]r insurrnountal, rrrisalignd 1iln slowly auss th

. .::.rt. dnlrging irrvobly ligamnts, joints, th pdal bon

' : 1l\ itrlar on. h hors oms lm in a mattr of


: ths

th danrag hs rr aumulating fr yars. Corrtiv

ass is a long_tIm prosPt and oftn





0 00l0ne

:.:hs st to orrsidr tht thr r Prinils t alanirrg

.h sholr1d usd

guidiins'This author strongl livs

']].:d JL. som.goldn ruls'in th prparation oa foot and th
: -. l. .r horssho.Ths ruls ar idls and th losr W ar to
. - ]
: thrll. th mor likl h hors is to prforIlr o its
- ' :.-]Ill ontial and to rmain sound for a pro1ongd priod In
. ..:.Lll\tJlls th prinipls statd in this haptr wii1 rnaintain
. : :J\. ln Ths ruls rnak farriry mor mthodia1. By


-. .]or mhodi| and ognising simpl


' . .:ls. \v ar al to gathr and olnPar inorration.

-;seSsmenI 0 00I0n(e

.ii-sslllnt o th a1nd foot an rkn down into th

. .:lJ ;rntrior viws and into th stati and dynanri alan. in


. rlrds

rvhn th hors is standirrg


r rnoving.

: ^of bolone

. .. :l.lof :r1n is assssd r'vhn t hos is l]t nrovins. h

- .]luit


stod up sqllar so that it is aring rvight vnly on

_ .:r lt should

b on lan' lvl sua, lars nor.rgh to a]lo."v

.1t]l.1Ll th hos for saf vir'ving, and ssssd as :r rvhol, h
:;..l rt.llt:lllv:rnd ah 1g pikd up (Figu 1).Th hoovs shlrld
'::.ris] t shp and distortion, lvhthr tl-ry ar ovr_gowll,
] -]!r\\'fh rirrgs o 1sions (igu 2).h sl.ros s1rould lookd
..: r-gr.d to thir suitbilit1, (Figrrr 3)

] ttook

of rmdia1 horsshoing



0 ssessmenl of stti hoo[ |o ivoIves

pikig up th fooi od emiing the shoe od
soIor shpe.



tlGlJR :

A lderol view shows the legth o[ foot d detoik

Viwig the shoe o

fi fool

provids ifolmolio legrdig weor od |gth o[ shoe

suh os groMh igs.

gnral assssmnt must rad o th hoof shap and it

proportion to a partiular hors and rd must rrrad..Whr thrr
ar growth rings and thy ar paralll, th rrray just signifl. a hang.
onvironmnt, dit, or an illnss. If thy divrg or ar omprssd ir
on par of th hoof wal1 this shows that th hoof is undr svr.
unvn Strss or that it is not ing nourishd adquatly in rtair
ars, g laminitis rats a distortd hoof wall with growth ring
divrging at th hls and losing dorsoproximally.

Th ryp and siz of th shos is notd along with any additions


nornra1 shoing, g studs, road nails, roild to.Th war pattrn of th'
shos shou].d notd.Th hors nray drag its tos, svrly War

ranh or not rk_ovr in th ntr of th to (Figur



terior view

This is usd to look at th foot and lirn t rst'rom th front.l-t

front lirns should assssd looking down th spinal ais of h
hors and fronr th ront of ah individltal lirnb, i tlr way th o
is pointing (Figur 5).A vrtial ais through th ntr of th arrnol
on shou1d ist tlr hoof into qul halvs (Figr.rr 6).Th hoowa


Crrtivr rriy


Sevre toe Weo] o[ 0 hid foot my e (oused Y

lork o{ litns r {lxio o[ th hok. | th tse,


Wekess dUr t

ffed the

ho git.


-: ..



th sio| x o[ lh horse

:]. (o
the right) lo e rtld



A imgiry |i through lh enlre of th |ft

fo no ond hoof shows the hool (idioted)
su| to e offset IoteroI|y.

.' at th srrr arrgl n oth sids. Th lv1l slrou1d not flr

: l'ttl rtrtd (Frgur 7) Th hind ft arrd linrbs should lookd
-..' ']i.-..ll' cin.l .''.] .]i.*,.l'
ti.lrnt o th lirrr. l th
.,, ,,",..
.,) in
. : -.ir':rnl is not lrorizntal it should not th fri's pimv
: . ]\'e to lvl it. It is r.tin1 sign th.rt ll is rlot rvl1 with th
i: j t];11a1) lrt it is trnliklv that timnrirlg of on sid of th hoo

h l.roof apsu1 is th arrsrvr

1 ttook

rf nrdia.l horsrshoilrg


tIGUR 7:


A |teromedi| sdion lhrough hoof opsuIe shows the Iefl sid undrun {ovex} od ihe

Th righ| fore (|eft side) is typi| o[ t-i hoe thr

hos offst kne d s|ight|y vrI fetIok. The hot

right side f|ord (rorve).

{|res medio||y


whol hrs from th front t1ls us aout his ation anl

tlr rsu1ting distortion of th hoof psul and th war on th shos
If h is wid in t hst and has oft kns it is 1ikl that h.to
at th

in', flrd tndially arrd upright on his iatral wall. H probl

pddls whn h walks, lands hard on his latra1 wall and braks or-

on his otltsid to (Figur 8) H sho war rflts this atiorr; it

from th outsid branh to th outsid to. If th hors is rs

,id and hs krrok kns (arpal valgus), or has an utward rottiol:
h will hav a hof psul that is distortd latrally so that it flars l

t]l l.rr.rl rvll. is upright r undr rrrn rrldil,l.tnd ln.r llr' ll

nrdial u]b shtrntd roillla1ly. His ation will dish and h rri
praly lrrd on th latral hoof lvall, nd load onto th rdil si]

durins th rvight aring plras, lrakln] ovr on tl.r insid t. ]f hl

Llnvn lnding is st,r h wi1L pon to olns and vrr quar
t.l..rks (Figul .l 'r.h..d,.

Th 2 .llllnls ov follow t1r ul t]lat .urrtion o1lo forrlr i

tl.rt t hrs'.s onforn1aioll ontrols th r,v:rY that it rlrovs Th



o) The |eft

fore (right sid) both rototd oul od

hs rpo| v|gus. ) A ylin view showing th

typi| medil heel (Ieft) proimI shunl d loier|
|og hoo{. ) The some fool hs medil quorter

otk oused hy uneven lodig od loodig.

]].l]1.\'fft is tlrt th hoof apsul distorts du to urrvn lading.

.. oortli

. ts

o1lorving funtion. It dos this or sval rasns:

ontinually grolving nd an thrfor rnflurrd y



ilt '.lrfre.l

:1\ ot firrnly fid to th skltorr, g th hof lvl1 is thd

-..'th lanlina;wlrih y tlrir ntur ar flil and th oronary
:..Il] is only attahrd to th skin.

h hoof rnay wr unvnl.

Jol.tt il onlpssil.



looking dor,vn th lnq ais of th arrrron, Pastrn

: apsul on is l to
th mdio1atra1 rlationship
...: .h, hoof nd 1g.Th 1g is hld y [h annon s los to tl.r
]...:i .ls possil arrd allor,vd to h:rng Joosl1.. Tl.r had nrust
-..:.1 to th hos's shlrldr to giv a good vl,. On th frnt linrs,
.T' sqtra liglld
.. .
-1\ s tll st gr-rid t lr.rdiolatll l1rr. A
. . rh bak of th nnon taks alv:ry th gussrvork and
.:.-rrrtr'. of ssssnrnt. It rrot on1Y sholl,s lvlrtlrr th sla surdr
'){ | to th 1ong lis brrt .rl'o hihlrhtr disrortilt.is arrd fl:rs
ng ois (f ront): J






|ot ln :r]so rought forrv:rrl and hrrng lionr jtrst or,

.::t.:rllorr,ig tt to fl- tuttlrll.lr''.A vilv is tlrn g:rid v 1ookins
:. ()ll rh hoosu1 irrrr:rol, l-ris civs a good r,isiorr of tl.r

.} ttook

of r.rrredi1 1rosshoirrg

I O:



for mor


ssessmel of the hoof (0sUIe re|tioshi With

the leg








|eg for olne is bsl


The so|r she shu|d e iimmed s symmetrkoI|y

Th |g is brought forword d viw lqke down


the tnon, givig o |.tiiv osessmenl oI

done lom dietly i fronl l hehid the

posi|e. Here o iniury to the heI (A) hs distoed th

th |eg nd hoof opsuI.

dirdio thol it poits.

hoof. NrmI heI (B)

rlationship twn th annn, tlok, pastIn and hoo rpslrl

(igur 11).

D.l to th anatom of th l.rind linr it is not Possilr

to assSs mdiolatral alan in rlation to tlr long axis irr th srlr
Way as or th front t. Batrs o th riproal apparatlrs th lc
nnot b hung losly whrr pikd uP; th ftlok lnnot tl]t
witl.r th hok fld'Looking ovr th poi oth l.rk givs soll
inornration ut this lon sholrld not b usd to did th i
The long o (hind):

plan of th oot.T1r st irrforrrrtion is gaind osrving th fol

orr th ground. Th hors rust sll to hav its oot p1d in ..

baring wigl.rt vn1y on all 4 ft Th;

osrvr should starrd just off th front o th hors, dirtly in r-ol
o tlr hof and annn This is usua1ly at aout 10% olrt ronr h.
spinal ais (Figur 12).A sinrilar vir,v arr b takn flonr hind h.

t.ttl.lrl arrd rlad InannI'

F|GUR l 4:
The tlPA shou|d be in |igmrnt


stod upsid_down on th grottr.rd :rn r.rsd a g.rid to th.

Solorview: Looking t th undrsid otlr oof tll us lot ti

ot alarr (igur 13). Th rog is th st guid to th 1.r



FIGUR l 5:

) Poorly shd d g|dd, th |og tes od

lIpsed h|s trt slresss

lo lh


Iomi, th f|exor tedos ond other res of the

fot. b) By brigig hok th brek"over oil d
hIs od shoeig with |gth, lhese sts

trirrrrnd frog is a wdg slrap that a1ways rnrains

:: :llv loatd arrd alignd along th dorsoplnrar ais f th dist:rl
- - ltl (PIID.A]l othI
Parts of th hooapsul distort around it.Th
. :. n shu11t unilatra1ly, th sol drops and th whit lin :an


]1ll dtndd.

-:'rol view: Frorrr th sid,

th hors is viwd for dorsopa1ma (D/P)

.:l (Fiuur 1,1); it is ssntial that th HPA is in prft alignmnt.

-..-1r' tl.r hoof rvall arrd angl at th hl should ao align. A

ph shou1d not nssary to assss D/P 1an as th
.ltrs r oniy ovrd y a thin layr otissu and skin.Th top
' :j th dorsal 1roof wall will always rnrain paralll with th dista1
it /tL^ ^
1-,- -rrly Ption is during aut foundr whn


h:rs rotad).




l/Pl: I t HPA is rokn ak' thn ars oth oot nd

orn trndr !]tr strss, whil.r ray sult in lamnss



: ..;rs 15 ,b nd


lr dorsl rvall larina ar sujtd to taring fors du to th

.:l r rnr long to nd tndd rak_ovr point Distnsion

hamorrhag in th rvhit lin is a sign of this.

Cil:rtr strain ours

in th

susprrsory aparatus. T susplls<l

is th systrn o trrdons alrd ligrnts tht allows th

:ls to lok its lirrls nd st starrding lrp. It also protts t1r
:.s's ftlok frorn hyprtnsioll duing fast work and junlping

.i rtok

enlq]ial lrrscshoins


Log los d low udru heIs us or

00((er0t0 ondilis of th f| nd |g'



|GURE l 8:

A rok forword HPA. Aftr 6 weeks growih, ol

) A du fot hs o broke lolwld HPA, o steep drs| w|I d high hels. ) A solr view shows thol

the strog hI.

typio||y it hs o hid shp. the hof qu|ity nd tlohmet r poor lrm th qullrs forwrd. A du
foot does not usu||y hv tonlrled heIs

Th flor tndons and th inrior hk liganrnt ar partiuhrh






joint (DIP), may b

disas (DJD)' spially

of th



,1. Naviulr syndrom is frquntly linkd to this imalan. h

xtra tnsion on th dp digitai flxor tndon (DDFT) rnusr
aus gratr prssur uPon th nviulr ursa and on.

Sot tissu in th udal half of th fot is damagd, g orns a

usually assoiatd with his onformation.

HPA (Figur 17) is sn whn th

th PastIn ais.Although nt.r.
dorsal hoof wall is mor
srious s a rokn ak HPA, this an still lad to sturnbling nr:
ssiv landing on th hls. A rokn forwrd HPA with a stP
BrokenforwordHPl:A rokn frward

sonrtims onav' dorsal hoof wali is alld a lub foot. Th s]r

shap is sinrilr to a hind foot with wid hls and a l'vll dvlop
frog (Figur 18 ').


Uprigh| foot: An upright oot should not b onfusd rvih a lub foor
Th HPA is in alignrrrtrt and th solr shap is usuall oval atr
ontrad t th hls (Figl;r 19). Th us of .rn upright tot
spiall1, if unilatra], rnay an injur to that lin-r at so1n tilrl


A uright fol (tIossi) is orrowl od highr

th th psing front [oot. Th he ore usuo||y
lrted. igure
ontrted foot'



is solo viw o[ urighi

Anotl.rr, unprovn' supposition is tht th upright oot js th strlt o

t linr on tht sid ing shortr than th opposing ]ir. h.

upright fot grows in this mannr du to lss wiht l.ing

nraks up th hight diflrn.







gth should e oproprite lo th roformlin: Both o) od } re du for rshoeig. ) [ls

.gth eyod the uttre bul requires more; b}


o mor uplight oformlio wilhout requirml



foot:Th typ ooot has a vry onvx dorsal hoof wall nd

:::.lr ftn srr in th hind . haratristiall th pastrn givs

.]Illrs\io1l of ing displad audlly and th uls of th hl

. r\


This is undoutd1y an optial illusion. Th

rlr o hon at th to is always longr than aPPars fonr a solar

. .
l ri .rsy t liv that this shap is rtd y durnping th t;
.:... .ruthor.s xprirr th is not th us.Th wall, spially t

- : is vr long

trd th distal phalan is hig1r up

in th hoof

..tl tltttr lying pralll with th ground (s Figttr 5 in Chaptr

i::l'rgirit th Foot and Lg).This is soltims dsrid

as a rvfs


: '0r


.tr PJttrll of rh shos oviously rlats to th hors aiorr

At ll tirs, rvhil th foot is on th groulrd, th

. .] :l lllovnrnt.

. : is rroving (s Figur 10' hptr 16: Shing r Grip)..War.is

. ..)-!1 to th sho at lnding, sliding and at rak_off. Analysir.rg th
, . tlrrt w gin frorn looking at th war on th sho rrray wl1 hlp
: .lidins oth th Prsllt ln of th hors and also a utrrr

rginr..W nd to onsidr th fators involvd arfully :urd

. .r tllnr t th rvar that rv


h surfa on whih th hors works may :

rng, tl.tt{'

road or a nrirration of ths.
_.-*b^' sround.


f rmdia1 hoIsshoing




o) A true dorsopo|mr x-ry of ) od ) shws

medio|teroI imbI. ) Eyelininq ofirms lhot
the |otroI (Ieft) sid |onger. ) Th lteroI woII


lig t 90".to the log ox of th

2. Ag lrrd 1lrss: to l:rgill is onllllln irr tlr ol]r o lss fit hrs
3 h .p slr; st1 ol alutrrjnilrrlr' .id or trrotv tvb.
.1. Th lrlgtl.r otirl




Additirrs to tlr sh; rod

sh:rp of

rr:rils. stllls,


tlr oot.rrr1 slro flt.

lvlr quit vrr11,r'r'ith th to lo1l1 -v th brkjn

lros r,r.ill lr,ar th OLItI tO 1or an1 bls ,j1 tlo\-; .r to
orrt W]r t irirrl. of].st kns lr.ith tlr onrp:llr,virrg v:irr] ttlk,
ltr1 to_in olrrrlratiorr h:rr, pdd1ilrg :rtiol}, lvllih ltlss rrrl
Fl-rrt shs tls1]Y

]ng th 1llcth ot1] lt:rl brrrr:h.

Hinl slros u.r in a tota1l

di{rnt 1D:l1lnr

to liont

slros. h.

for this is that th l-r.rirr joirrt o1r lir. th hok, fls ilr ttr.
to t krr. his rrra1. s1n too obvior"rs to PO1ll
hlr,r, otrl assurrlptins ar trl:rl aotlt hill.
or.tt ltt
ljlllb ll:rn :urd sho r,vlr basd on h Iiorrt. Hin] shs ar oftl
lr-orll of sqllar :it t]r t<l 11l ]lln11r 1rVr s]r irr r.ont. This r


o1-lposit 1irtion

rrslr1lv l:rtd

t a i:rk o flion irr th hok. T]l ot hls


flight r and. ltholrgl.r it lirvs th grlrrrd, th to is tap1 d<l''lr r

it sr,virrgs lrnd th 1rr Th blnhs ttstra1h, rv:rr lv1 lr ir]
s()n1tinls s1ightlr. 1nor \v

to th latr:rl sjd. Onlv r,l.htr this i

is rl,oll nrorr th:ur tlr outtsi1

i t rrrdi:rl rrnh

slroltll rlrn b s}rrvlr.

Shoe lngth:

Slro ltlr:th is a ftor itl arlrininq tlr shos. Th ]ssi,

rrristak is to rurn r.r,s thurs up th buls oth h1s,r,vhil lroldrtrl




- .. :' rl.. lrd

-. ..l;. is r.r1v

' j


l th lngth o th sh Protrtlding yond th

vehrab] gtridlin ith oot is rrt11. trirrrrrrd

-st la. If t1r lrls lr long atrd uld_urr, and ould hv

.i].iirl ;rk. tl.rn it raY that in rlation to th foot and lirrl

] i ]..i is still sholt. onvsl, a ,.11 drssd |ot shod,ptrn oll a

. .]. trll- b shod rvrth suffiint lngth (this aspt of fot birlatr
......d il.lrt1rr in th Slloll .for Dorsop|tr nlc stion otlris
-r sho lngth is bst :tsssstl strndirrg ak |ronr th hors
l ..kirr irr tlr litlr onolrrrtion rr1 ot slrap in onjlrntin
. . .it lgth (Figurs 20 :r,).

hoof bloe

.llrqh ttllrh inrn1:ltion Igardirrg tlr hors's l1n n b

it is nssar1. fo orrrplt assssnlnt to s th
.:- 1Il tlrtion :rrrily anllot influn tlr linr in th air, all tl.r
.::t t.t do is afft th fot lnding, 1rrring th lvight bll.irl
' .. nd t;rking ot1 (r:rk_or,r). Alrnost all hoof alan_rlatd
:...ris :lis itl th lnding and lvight_irring phass otlr strid
- : .i .(1 stati:rll1.,

: .l ths :rn afftd br,

oth fot tritrrnring rrd shoing.

lnterior viw


.t.'.,.]i'..-,]i*^,-tl-,;. tont of th hols lvhil it is r'r.alkd towrds

r qood vir'v is gaind of both tlr nrvrlnt oth lir.rrbs in tl.r

r nd llso thir landing and


B sqtlattirrg dolvrr low, it is

th grutrd. iood

'....'.sibl osrv th irrstant tht th 1ot striks

l:,.]rolatral (sid_to_sid) balirn is srr l'vhn th 1.rof lands 1r,l.

I lh

hoo is otrt of rdiolatral :r1rr, thn on sid lands fist

.1lt.r.t) rrrd th othr sid irnrndiatly slarnnrd into th grolrnd

ilrrpt) in th rvight_rirrg phas

-r1 x.rnrl of this is sn

in th hos tlrir[.tos_out'(Figtrrs

l b.).As his foot lnds, th outsid to (rvhil.r is usually flard) irnp:rts

.lst rrd s th od rvigirt Passs ovr th linl rrd oot tlr insid
hl is snapp1 drvtr.h rr-ight of th hors is r1]d ovI th ilrsld
o :ls th foot brks .lv and lifts off.his t of ation is lill to

'LLl' h rrldi.r| (insid2 lll to sllurl up highr tllll th.. ]t:rl

routsid) lrl. It tr.ray a1so aus orns on th irrsid atrd quartr rks
lo th hof r'v:r11.T1.r insid hl :lplrs high at first glan nd is
ftrr tirrrrnd down to.lvl it''"l,itlr th latral hl.lris is th vr1,
\\-orct thing thrt llr hppn aus it rats a gratr dnrrri
ira1rr.Th ssiv 1oading on th rdi1 sid of th 1roof uss

th ul and oronary rrd on tht sid to om displd


of rmdia1 horsshoing





ok, heIs bok, n eseti|

rquirmenl prior lo shoeing. o) ond b) re the

origio| reok-ovel od oudol suppol poits, x)

d y)


trimmig, ) od d) ore {urthr

improvemels goied y the shoe, ie rol|ed toe

d upright he. Th diogrm i||ustroles lhe

ofle surrig imrovel i heeI ogIe,


sen i tigur l 5.

proimaily (shuntd). This mistak ours whn th foot alon is

assssd out of ontt wih th lim. Th only way to avoid this
rnistak is to y_lin th 1inr; ida11y with a T_squar.
Lterl view

Th osrvation of gait rom a ltral \,iWpoint an also hlp in foot

trimming. In th w1l aland hors, th oot should land lvl or
slightly hl first. F{orss that land to first ar usually shorving signs o1
pain in th auda1 ra of th oot and ar pron to stumling.A hr.s
rvith ull_nosd ft will oftn larrd to first (this may b th aus ]

th onv wll rathr than th us of th g:rit)..Whr th to is

long and th h1s ar undr_rtrn' rk_ovr is d1ayd n1 th od1
rvight is ]iftd highr in ordr to tlrov onvrd..W.hr thr is or h:
tr a larrrirriti orrdition, th to will uslrll flip up irr l:
xaggratd lnannr nd th ot lvill larly land hl first.


Th phras .shing for aln' inororats th foot Prparatio

(trimming), sho sltion and th psitior.rirrg oh sho on th oot

It is ssntil to ahiv as nruh as ossil b trirrrrrring. It is tru t
say that, ith fot is not preprd orrtly, thn no typ of sho ol

will improv mattrs. Baus it is asir t visualis n

dsri a sho than a hang to th foot balan, th ous has 11 to
ottn n on th sho. In othr words tlr sh is srr in th srrrt

sho fit

wa as a drug is sn. lf th foot has ol1apsd his, giv it an ggar




nd to viw shos as
has larrrinitis, giv it a hartbr.
orthopadi dvis tht nhan th foot prparation and giv r.r
rdditional iornhanial {1t.


Shoing otls r-ls an additiorr:rl rvay of adjusting th 1lr of tlr

toot As a gnral rul, th oot r'vill plad, in rlatiorr to th 1im,
irr th dition tht sho is tndd.To ahiv this, th lot mtrst
tinrnrd stritly in rdarr lvith th fo1lowing guidlins:

1. Th

so1 surfa rrrust

at 9()o to th 1ong axis o th arrnn

(Figlrrs 21 a,b).

1r dorsal r,vall nrllst r drssd ak straight to a1ign l'vith its

proirnl third (this rrry dtrirntl in sorn ss ssiatd
rith lrnrinitrs); th rk_ovr poirrt rrrust still audl to t1ris
point, Figurs 15 r'b).

3. Th

his nrust b drssd ak to thir rrdl

L.trnlly (t]l

widst p.lt orh.' g).

The |eft side of


foot hs ee trimmed. Note

thot lh toe hs reeded od th hI uflrss


more udoI (rrowd). h f{et show


i Figule 22

Shoeig for dorsopolmar bolone

Footprporotion: If th hors hs a okn ak HPA, wit1r a lrlg flard

t nd n undr_run rlrshd hl, both th to rrd th hls must
lrssd bak. Th lrls ar just s importnt s th to. It is :rsY
ro undrstand tlr insd lvrag ofl long to d quit sinrpl to
s rvhr to tinr. I)rssing th dosal lvall k to lign with th

roinral third lras 1ong n rr ptd rtrl of oot balan nd tlris

rr b onfirrd by a latrl radiograph.Th typ oto on th slr
n rilrg th rk_ovI Point bak furthr. Balrring th hls is lss

undrstod arrd hardr to qllantiI alts thr is l1ot th sanr

at gtrid1irr. .N4an1. rirs dsri th poirrt to lvhih th hls
widst point tl.r fi.og'; unfottrntlv this
shou1d trirrrrrrd as
is solnr'vht anriguous Anothr gtlid is to trirrr dor,vn urlti1 tlr

horn tuu]s ar




]ad to unfoturr:lt

ilrrrrstans iadhrd t rgardlss of th dpth ofot.Although


to stat


hard and ast lr1, this irtrtlror livs tht' i a foot

is trirrrrn] rvith oth th aor, guid1irrs in rrrind, th hls rvill

ak, lr]s
rrlrprovd. Figttrs 22 a,nd 23 shrv th tt of tlr

lk' prinipJ.
into ourrt th tv f is
rvill do nd its ioll.rhrrial rquirttrrits.1r k_
ovr point is rrrov] lrirl]y 1prrding on th ry*P o to A
onr,rrtiorral to plas it ud th trirrrrrd to, w-hras r]]d to
Shoeing:he sho sl'tl nrtrst t:rk

th:rt th l.rors

a ttook

o rrrrdia1 hrrrsshoing


o) The hee of

lh sh xtnd lo over ihe heeI ullrss lo lhe wide prt of th frog' ) he heel |egth on bee se to etd beyod the huflress d

oker loe blings bok the oii f breok.over

lvill ring it k 5-1() rnnr.A rokr to

n1ovs th bk_ovr


ak furthr and a squar to, spially ifalso rolld, an brig it a,

30 ,10 rrrnr.As a rtll othunr h udal xtrrniry of th sho shou
tnd to l'vhr th ltal suli gin.Tl.ris is for an opn sho lvi

upright hls (Figurs 21 ). Nvrthlss it should ritratd tL

lngth f 1rl is nraninglss r,vithlrt th ortt hl trirtrnring.

ggbar slro hs long bn usd whn thr is a n'

to inrprov a broklr ak PA. It is otn cid tht n gg

h rvight,. Both of th
th hls, or th.lt it
phrass trip ot th tongtr ltt lr qr.rit maninglss wh.
amind. Th first bgs th qustion: hw dos r pi o rnl
Al trl tl
'prtd rortl th h| rrls b rir support rnything?

sod, thr is, of rtrs, rnor sho twn th grotrrrd and tJ

foot, but th hors,s rvight rains th sal as ds th aring r

of th oot.

So horv dos rh ggbr rvok..rs it un.lrrhtdIv d... rvhn


rinrrning of th oot rrd th fitting of th sho lr or.It? It h

h. .rddd nfii.ll t'Ii'..t .' givinl. tltr ri..idiv (l th\. hU





',-i: -:
l - .': . :^ f hoe

: L


wifi eggl

: -: , o||d o rokr




A sol viw of o fitted eggor (Figure 25). Not lht


udol |egfi is h|fwy hetwee th

hI uflress ond th buIs. The heIs should sit on the midd|e o[ the web os iditoted y lhe
dotled Iies.

] : .-'' luing sharing movrrrnt.A straight r will itnprov

. . : .l rr i11 not giv th sar influn in rpositioning th ot
-: ' ]]. to th linr and body wight of th hors.Th ggar an
. ] .-j .] lrd1 tnsion sho. It is vry fltiv whn th hoo
..- i. t.orr(.t rrld it is pplid on h oIrt pinipls

] _ .:l i-r

:rd 26).

..._-..l]n in fitting ggrs.


ltt nlost Iloss thrt rqtlir thrlr

. ',. --11sd hls nd otn an ovr_dv1opd frog. Th ar

.- : :l'ds s]ting out in ordI to avoid dirt prssur upon th
- - ..:it tlr it rrains th most usful sho irr th farrir's
' ' :] rh rl.rakitrg of ggars is vrd in haptr 7:aking nd
:.: J3r Slros).






alan'shing and

to til for in rnt



point' ilrr or shoin

Th styl of otlr


.- ..'.]i] ;r] sho is basd on tyi1lg to rnu1at th war of fr.

_ : . -rl1 hl.ss. Th rrrain Proponnt of this p of shoing is
..' :ithorrh Enr, Van L1osn and N4illr (1977) wot

of rmdia1 horssho1ng


A luroI oIone shoe hs loe tht sqU0re 0d

roIIed, mvig

lh reok-ovr poil



xtnsivly on w.lr PttIns to th lrof of th fr1 lrors. Th rrr:r

haratristi oth sho is th squar lvidnd t'rvhih is rolld

lralits width Th sho is lso std ol1t at th to h sho is fitt

rvith tlr rak_ovr st audal to :r onvntional fit (Figur 27).

his autl.ror opinion on this sryl oshillg is that it l.rs rlrh mr

rvhn usd irr th orrt irurnstns. Latr haptrs shol'v its r.rs
partiular.ly fr shoing ass hroni folrnd. It has lso svd t}
r.risins th
_'_' dt aout brak_ovr and th va1u
.-_ _"_"_'_i
sirntrlting natur. F{wvr, sr,r dubts 1lrust raisd aor-rt tl
r.irlt thoing vy hort l.gdls' o thir vp .rnd tl\ in lh
1llannl..W. rrd to rrrrrr that thr is littl thrt is n:rtur:rl .lol
th hors tod:ry; thy largr. saddld, shod, lir- ilr d.lllrp lirrr.-rt
rv:rlk orr tlr road, t..W. rnnot jlrst pik out olr asPt oth hol
:rtrd nrtt]t (possib1y ronousl) rvhlt r'r. lir, t nrltr1

to lvt lr1s ,hr tirntrrirrg :rnd slroir

HPA.T1rr ar verius we)Is to:rhiv thi
Shos ln trgd to in.rs t lrr.rght;rt t1r hls.This tlks sk
lrrrd titrr :rnl adds to th .ight of tlr sho (Ch.rptr 8: Slroilrg ti
Trrdorr Lsirls).W1d_rr lv1gs h:rr, n :rvlill in rllt l.
.rrrJ ll.rr. th .ld\'.uit.lg of llrinirrr1 Wight additiorr anl ,.rs ofittin
levotinghee: It is possil

:r1on trnot ]ort th




|GUR 28:

Iog hind foot wiih

s|ight|y ul|.sed

0p0r0te. ) After lrimming od shoeing. Nole

the improvd l|PA d he| gI.

.:l .. rrldr is availal Plasti and ahrnriniul.n shir rvdgs r

. '.i .tr h .rsis .rntl lightst rvl d.lirlg ltiht i'
' ]I hs sli tr'vn tlr sho and th oot and ar ttsurlly
- .]llo sition Thy hrv tndrry to \\';rr us o th
: :l .ltl1 ontrtion of th foot at tlr hls.
rh.. 1r,atio of hls of tl.r fi.ont t y any In:rns othI
. ] ]]l11l sl.rou1] sn as a lirst rsot rnd rt:ririy not a long
: .'. Hls r.isd in th r,l,alrs mlltjond ov h:rv a tndrr


- .

.:l.] ]1s ultlr. It is vr1, urrusul to find lrirrl t brokr.l

:l rtlll._rtrn hls as srr irr t1r lnt ft. No dut this is

'..-:]l otiv arirrs botrt '10% tlr hors's rvight. Hind ft

- j.,..:l]tl\ lv:rtd or rsons not dirtly rlatd to aln, g or
- ]-l.Ilt .l
_.-_-' \l);tvin.Th
lr]s ar lvatd Ot to orrt
'_ on


..: ttll:lln in t].r foot ut rathr to altr th alrr f tl.r

] .:j to llviat a odition (this is ovrd in nror dtai] itr
: ,: S1loing 1.ol. il-rd Lir orrditions.).


-.:5d fool:rinrnrig involvs parirrg th 1roorvall, spiall at


,:-r tt sholr1d

plad ak on th grolrnd arrtl

..1 :htl :lt fist sl-tls aPPrnt frorrr solar r,ir'r,...W.hn




1llil]lnr th hof pstll rotats 1bnval arrd t:rks orr


. . .-' .ltttlnt ilt]n. A onvlltina] hind s1ro. with rrr<lr

-, . .l1l ]l:rt is lldl (Figtrrs 28 a').
' . .:lJ tit :rnd 1irrbs rquir onsidr:rl tra ]rrr:th. hs
. :]] ts 1srl.

A inl sh tht

. .h lllgth to fittd that


has th hls



tlot in.rpir.r uporl th

o rrdia1 lrorsshoing


The t|u foot see i Figures ]8

od b) fler

shoeing. Nle tht the he remoin high nd th

HPA is niIl roken forword.


A ho

with o osymmtri imoIt


looled). The fIt, o|lopsed fool (neresl) requi

s muh ilntio s the upight foot.

Theduhfoot: A hrb ot is a hroni orrdition ,hilr :rrrrrot uri

It is ustrl1v th rslr1t o:rn urrrsolvd flulal dforrnit irrvolvir.r
t].r DDFT. ovr.trirrlring o h 1rls of th 1r-r oot nray throl
trlh r't.'tir.c st]..]ill tlooll t]t flo tndon: 'rn.l th qtll'_..'ll.n,
:hk liganrnt tht larrrrrss rsults.Th:lt is not to say th]t tl.r fri
shou]d not att1rrpt to irrrprv th sh:rp. Sln jtrdiiol-ts trinlnritl
of th hls ".rtld
ot.:tiorr o th tl is adr,isd
th dol.s.l
_ t'.-.*'
oo rl.:r11 is on:rv it shotrld dssd k to straight. Oll
alarriris guidlin is t trirll th tlot so tht t1r surrr of t
dirrrrrsios lrrt1.r th sttnr of th dinlnsiorrs of tlr nortlr]. fOOt o]
t]l othr sid. g i th rrornr:rl oot is 2.5 rn ?.5 lll :rnd h
ltlL fot l.ras :r r,vidth o 11 5 rn, trirl t hls unti] th ltltlr r





3.5 nr.l.r fri sholrld tY to rt a straight HPA.Thr slrol.

tlot arr attn1t to llratlr t1r t in sh.r. it is .litiult nolrgh t.

n:ril to a lu, oot suly rvitlrout tlig to slro osrti:lllr
Blrs oth internal strss to tll llllrirr1 tthlrrnt, th hr
is prrl ro Poor qualit hoof rvl1 rvhi1.r ar.r :rtrs di|filrltis rr.hl

niling. Sd to is otrr
,liffi ,-rrltiec /Fi.rre
\'_5_'-- /'


and tllis t-tlotrnds shlrl


upright fot rlds ltrntiv shoirrg onsidrations t(

tlr 1ub oot G'rlvth is lllor r'll, t llot growing rrrairrlv :rt th h1.
Upright foot:





o) (udoI viw of tigUre

lh |oss [ hel

3, showing lhe xtenl f

A symmelri| shoe


regrdless of the msig hoo{. ) The shoe fi


the foot should be


d suorts the hoof

psuIe od |im.

]:] -:Io\\ th s1rotrld b broLrght dorvrr qlr11v rvhil nrintallirrg t

] h sho fit should por,id rvidth or p:Lnsion :rus, ith

: li h olltration no lngr ists, hof slrp rrray irlrprov.

it is lrn]iklv that an trpright ontr2ltd foot rvould


:. ' tl)r.rnl shap, shoing in this nlannI trsuall rings aolrt

:..:rl.l irrrprr.rnnt ovr lllonths and ylrs. It is irrrortarrt


- : :.--.L]1 :rttntion to tlr othr oot and ]ilrr.

] r:]Lrosig 1irn to th urigt foot is ustrally rvidr and flttr
. ..:. ]l)) his rrrt. du to \ta rvight t.lkn otl it r,l,hn tll
_:l: |t rvls orrrrd v rrorr_,ight barirlg in.]urv.lr fl;rt foot

..'llritll.l to ]rry tlror rvight thn th upriglrt fot. Iithr is

]::('tl ttlllt to br th ht.iht <' tlr LrPright fot dolvrr.
: llll] stlin tlrv thrr,vn uorr th fl:rt ot. It is lrsu:rl o
. :: tll :rudal ra of th f]at foot 1, shorrrg rritlr lrrgtll




for mediolterol bolone

: l.lllr

tot is tirnmd for aln prior to sholrrg:

l orvll blring sltrfr of

}l Jng ais


cgbar sho.

t];ls ar drssd ak so that

]l.o1lt to th


th ront oot is trilnrd at 90%

oth al]non.
th rvall

rurrrs stlais1rt fi.orrl


bring strfa.


of rrr.rdial horsshoing


FIGtJR 32:

) A t.i hoe with o fooi thot f|rs medio||y

(Ieft) ond

high |oter|Iy (right). b) Th f0

dressed os dos to bo|oe os posi|e. ) A

eggr sho fittrd tight to lhe medioI side d
wider o thr |terI d) A viw from bove shows

lhe Iotro| lnsio, whith |oes lhe sh mr

symmetrioIly udr the Iim.


solr shap is tril.r-rrnd so t1rt t1r shap is both sytl-lllltl.i.

lrotrlld th frog nd l'vithout flat spors (Fiur 31



Th lrjnd oot is blarrd usirrg 2 arrd 3 aov al.rd llso tlr nrr
lrd postrio virvs dsrid rlir in t]r asssstlrnt stilr I:
sil-npJ trrrrs, tl.r arrir should trinrrnirlg t pl th ht.
un1r th linr s tl.rat lirr tlrrugh t lorrq lls o1.tll ;ltrll:
ists th 1roof apsul qrrllv

It nrust alrvas rrlrlrrLr1 tlrt tlr prinr:rr aus o:rn inlal:rrl:

g nforratirr, lrslrall nrains ,ith th hors ll its



rasssslnnt an] ralrring sholrld :rrrid ol1t at ]h sllirg

is not l\,J-vs possil t hiv 1 rrd 2, btrt it is ssnti2ri thlt :rt ;l.
sJloing thv ar tt1nPtd T1r irraility to gain prft bln
trinrrnirrg is n opporttlnity tl us th horssllo to olllplt tll






shod wilh som ltrl etsion



ihe heI runs uder (solr view Figure

.].i1g1l llrld th lanrnt otlr sho ar additiorr:rl tatls thlt

.:: rj

lGUR 34:

Drwing the ier w { th ltroI rh

tnsi}n sfioes: In th s of rl.r]io1trl irrl]lll:, rl.hr

::.:tlq:rlotl rr.ill nt rin tlr llt f ]n ak thotrclr h


-..': f th hooi th sho ln st rr,idr tO

: :r-etllr'.A

. llof

ensures thol th utiess rsis o lh shoe whiIe

th shoe givs Itr| width nd relis th shoe
setio dpth

sr.lport th lirlr

sl.ro tl.rlt tnds 1rorizollt:rl1 1.91,.1 th .list:rl b1

rvall is krrorvn zrs :r latr:rl ttlsiotr slr. This is th

t b pris tlr nar shoul1 rfr to r'vhth th
':..irlil Orl tll rudi1 o latral sid- otlr 1ot Ar.r ttlsiolt art



,. hill tiolltjlrst tittirrg



jug harrdl'sho

sho . rlrillirrlts lvid (Figtrrs 2

rvitl.r n tllsion of lllo tlralr 1() rll.

]]. ]r nltlllL o rvavs to rlr:rk ltrl xtrrsion sho.

: .. is.just t fit th sho r,vid oth oot.llr1 o tth dg o
' 1OL' Rt'_starllPinq and plitlrlirrg rril l.rols futlr irr tlr rv of
'.ll llo,s tr .i1 fitting rr.ith sul lr.tils. Fitting tlr sho
-. .lll to th foot arr1 thn ,l1irrg ltr .tnsirr to th sl.ro:ts
..:'.r1 is srlll;ll :rnd:rL1r:rt 1]1tho1. (Jsing a rourrd ar stio]l


.. rrlt].roi r:lts god finish




is rrot :rsily r-rlld ofl. Hr.rd

o rrrrdi1 1rosshoirrg


F|GUR 5:

FIGt,|R 36:

A |g with medioIteoI imIone.

h soIr view o[ igue 35 shows

lhl th mdiI hoof wlI hos suffred muhip| sses usd y th

unven Iooding.

orging lrtr:rl ttlsiorr shos tsts vel1 th st slrotrlakrs (h.

rllking of latl tllsion shos is ovd irr hptr 9)
Fitting lterol eIensiln shoes:


rul of thtlnlb rr-lrrr fitirrg


it stvs out. i jf ..
tnsiotl is that orr it otlls out rO111 th
gins tl ol out frorrr th to qu]rtL.[ 'rrrd tnds 5 lltrr, thrl ''
st]vs ol-1t at 1ast t].rat dist:rrr until it P]sss th lr1.h:1r 1ll:i])'
trrrrrrlt. gir'rl fl. :rlul:rtirrg th lvilth of arr tnsilr. ost l

tilnr :rsl on thorti:rl gotlrtri shaps r'vhih look vv gotl.1

P]Pr lrt r inrrtial irr ral shoing. I r.rratlrr iddll 1.ro'.
tnsion' W ar onstrairrd bv th at th:rt it rll:rs.ik th oposirrg lirll 1 that it rr:rv silv pulld of. In h.
ljoiqv o ss th tnsiorr shor-rld qlrlis th distan flotll ]l.
olttr dg oh branl.r to th t of th fot (a 1irr 1rsoallll.l:
thrtrgh th rg) In svr ass, rvhr a l:ltra] tttrirt is rqlri.l

1uir.s a rn1ial

A po|ymer hoof rir hs e usd to rpir d
lvle lhe medioI side.


lt is ossil to rnd out so that tl.r ntr f r'vigl.rt ring

ists th rlldil rr1 latrll nlargirrs oth slro.




tIGUR 8:

A sIr view shows o symmelrii shoe fitted. h

|ue olour

Dell Imressio teril fi|lig

the vilies.



N4rry lditltn


1:rrg 1rorss a


:rs 1laro\\r

l otn rvitl.r var] ftlo:ks.hs l.rrss r'var sr-rl1- o1] thir

. l.rrlres rr1 t.trsh th 1rorrr on tht si1. Anothr sigrr of this
. j;l stss is tlr l.roo .11 disitg:iting :rnd altsing n:rilig

..:iis Atl fo1lorvillg th guidlins to tirrlnling, slru,n :ror.,

'. lr ir1.r sotll 1:rtral t1lsiorr lr.i1l Pn t1.r starr an1 du tl.r

on tlr latr] ].roor'vll (Figtrs 3 :rnd 34).

:]J tll hirrd lgs a


or orv_hokd th hind

t nd

l- strport.Altlrougl.r th is lisk atta1rd to sl-roing .ith .idth


llldi:r] ranh, srrr should gir,rr. tra lngtlr

.,'- th


hlp to

s:rnr rsult.

|rol elevotion:-.y'hr

it is flt

th:rt rndioltrl




: ]l.rs tlot brr:r1.rivd, l sho an tl fittd that is ad on on

:..ll l-ris shorrld orrlv don atr srious onsidation otlr

: :.]ll\:llli th

otrrti1 sid tts..W.ith tlr:rdr.nt of ayli alr1

.-ll.}lopai rtials, this an ahjvd on tll hooarrl :r

l tlttd (Figtrrs



3.5, 36,

37 and 38).

f rmdia1 hrsshoing


Further reoding
Curtis, SJ. ('999) Frrir _ Fol to


Nwmrkt Frrir1

onsu1tny, nglnd.

mr, L., N4illr, J. and Van Hoosn,

(1977) Horsshoing Thor t

or' L &. Figr.

Hikman,J. and Humphry, . (1988) In Hikm\ Frrir. 2nd dn.JA

lln, London. pp 214 _


Stashk,T.S. (d) (1987) ds'L,tss i Horss4th

dn L &




nd Don,






A,Io Florse.

nilworth Prss Ltd


br shc

is otlc itl ulirh

hls r.jid ht
l,ig oJ Ltl'


u,id vrit o|

stlas ld fs dr usd

rrcdil shoia.



ttsd ro:



of th -|-oot t ttothr, g


th Lodil.flotlt


th lrcrthtlr tt,lods tlrc hoof ,ll




L J th fro,q;

stbilis tlrc l.f



s|righr br rthlL:s psul,|

l11|t|l(t; d -) 1 L1| os |1
orthopdiL, di


ltr.ft lhh

psitiott, g .|ishtil worcs


md[\, itt lrri to th



ltltut'qlt tltr' is tt ittr-;ittg

tlttltbr o-f mtturd btlr
.s/lO(l.s, thr u,i r b d
otllmriI t:d t prdtrc tlrc

i this bok.Tlt

tbilit to htd

tk br s/rs

sstttil in


terio| se|tion for br shoes


t h important

;, thlt,

r,vhn sltirrg rrrtri1 or r shos



otl th sh hls n md, it r'vill add r,vight to th h1 rr:

of th


Th siz foot nd tp o hos is th


onsidration, g rvhth th hors w-trld stil]. in ,ork o turne

trt..W.hn slting nratrial suitrl fo a shs, th rvidth of


atrif,l is nlor inrportar.rt than t1r thikrrss as all bar shos al

dsignd to sllpPort th audl r of th ot or linr. It is :rls
inrortnt rvhn nraking straight ar slros for th r'vidth oth b:rr tl
at 1st th r,vidt].r of th sho nratrial or rvidr, tht disp1aing th
r,vight rrror vnlY ovr tlr ak third of tlr oot and rog (g rvith
sho stio /,, inhs x /, inhs 9 rln 9 rl.rnll th r nrinirrrrtll


shotrld l 3lt inhs [19 nrm] o 7/3 inhs [22 nrnr])

In siturations r,vhr a pattn or fishtail sho is ing olrsidrd, th.

rul rs to slt s light stion o;llatril as possil in ord tl
rdu its lvight. Hor,vvr, it is lso irrrportant to nsur tl.rt th
gaug of matrial is not so ligt tht it rvill nd undr th hors..

Listd lolv ar th ar shos that ar lrsd

in nrodrn


prati and th mthods of sizing th shos to t.Ths sizs ar nt


rdil ;frrir.

suitd to

()l rgulr

Nvrthlss thy rnay prv usful in assting th brginnr Th siz.



prtie .forgig llts


llh sttlLrd.


arrirs as vryod r'vorks stl

ditrrrt .r

to th point whr th sho should firlis

(Figur 1).It is usful whn nraking a stright ar for ft to rasu
l'''.idth twn h1s, as rvl1 as width arrd 1ngth of foot
ar :rsd on mastrring


thol for sizing

This hart rvill rvork for ft f width 14() 155 rntrr (5 1z, to 6 inhs
Ddut apprinrat1y 25 nrm (1 inh) or srallr t.

L =

tol legth; W = Fool width; tl = He| width



Hee| width os show


lo widest prt o[ frog.

Stright bar

rvidth * 1ngth + 4 inhs (100 nrrrr) approirrlatJr


width + lngth * 4 irrhs (100


r'vi]th + lrrgth + 5 irrhs (125 rrn) rpproirnatJ.r

P]ttn bar



rvl.lh | |nph. thu doubl



lngth + 8 inhs (2O0 rm) pproiltlr





. l111'.

'i.iu*. th

h.lr.t is asd



lrrsth rnd an :]nlolu}t

..illoLlnt is sl on all shos rrrad otrt f flt a:rrrd inluds tlr

:.. tldd fir rrPlttins th to. tll t lrd rnd Lrlling.


the weId

:l \.:l].iOus

* ::

llrthods for forging lvld


or sar* or r shs

2 ll.,).

nlay difr, thr is on hard alrd

lnllst ovrlaD 1ft ol,r isht uriss volr:rr llt

,Ll.jh s()1]r pp:rrtion rrrtlrods

.ri th:lt




The 3 types o{

rf: o) Ste srf; b) 0vr| strf;

d t) ditioI storI

l tbook

o rlldial



lndd ilr rvlrih s you rvtrld ovr1ap right ovr lft. Th is t.

I]rvnt th rv1d nds sliping arvay ronr h oth as you stik
thnl dtrring .lding

With all

r'vlds, ah ovrlapping rah o th rvld rrds ar tpr..

dorvn as trnly as possibl arrd tight togthr to nsllr that ]trrin

rr,]ding th lvld nds or safi r rvorkd sil into th rr 'r
lavirrg no tr:l f th jorrl.
org rvldirrg is to join 2 sarat nds of lll:l'tri.
rrsing onl1, :r l-rt sur, harrlrr and anvil Th traditional rrrtho.

h rirripl of

itlvolvs ovrlapping th s:rrfd rrds o h rvld; tlrv :rr thn rough

tl th satrr tlnPrtur. At this point' th srs rr rvork.
togth tlsitlg vrr hanrnrr lor,vs, orrntrati1rg olr rvorking th rrd

of oth sids otlr sars initill, thn allorvirrg th harnrnr 1or'vs


^''^-l.^..,.1. ^il....'.,] rvork irross h rvld nd. It is oftn nlad

asir y using th to o th hlln on th sar{ lrds in h
girrnirrg.This sl.rolrld nsur rninirnl1l tas os:rrs irr th ar f
Welding with gs

Traditionally th sour olrat was oal or ok fir, as it oul] h

rlltl to a rvlding tn1pr.rttlr vr ffiintly. Nrvadys gas org
Jr Vrv potrlr;rnd. ltholrgh th thniqu of w1dirrg th 2 saft
nds togthr rrnains th sarn, it is usttirlly rrror nfiial to us.
soln form of fltrx to ssist th lvld nds to orrd. his rrals th,
tlds t b rvldd togthr:rt a uh rdud trrrPtur.Th flu;
is applid atr oth nds ;rr s.rrfd toi]th just or l'vldinl
(Figur 3).
Ir i .lr]rliq.'lc t^ I..i..,
ur rtrb t.


applying th flur alorrg all dgs of

'l ''^ r^ , ..."'.'


"..] * '. ,''.'

on oth sids otlr matrial

Th rr.ld i. thrl [.ought to.r 1'llorr llt'.ll .tnrl..rt lris pl.lillt. it

ossil to s th flu taking on a glzd and rr-rrrrring :rpparatr.Th'

srn prdu is rat1 as rvith 1 or ok fir, laning of:r1

flu slag rvith:r r'vi brursh tr irritial hanrnrr lows hav joirrd th.
r'r,ld llds. Solntils rvhrl rvldin in th gas org it r:rY .
]lss:lrv to o11ntr:lt orr otll orr sid of a ar lvith th firs
r'r,1ding h:rt. sold r'vldin h:rt is 1uirl fr th otlrr sid l
t]l :r. In tr,vn alr lvldirrg h:rt, fltr is pl:rl aor.rrrd th rvld
tIGUR 3:

t|ux p|ied roud th morgis of the sorfs

Th is essry whe weIdig in gos'


To nsur rtl:tiltrurtt h:rt thilr1 irr t

forg:rnd prolog thr

fir,s lif. it irrr lrsftrl to ptrt r slllrll Llttill of sr:r stl in th.
l.'l.... |i,l. h ril.lilt'' 1]ro(.(ilIr l...in'. lli' i11 .rllorv th rr1.





: .:

:...| of th ol, efoe turing the ioe rdues wider we t the




stitk, heI, the bor


primotr|y l 20", the ti oo|d od th br

: :lttl to

r:risd tlt th fog ttorr rrd kp tht. t]ul'

is forgd k ito th he|.

::ilr o tl.r fi. It lso allolvs th lrat arolrnd tl.r surts

.i r.l 1llo1.


:.:i! the stroight br





t].r rquird lrrgth trsing

t}.r 1l1:lti]1

th gtrid


in tll ntr thn lrlv th lvidtlr


. : . L. to b lnd r:trk it fi.onr h nd. Ior.r nd arrY trlr

: 'il lLl.tl.s of tlr r, allorv a trrth 1,, ih (1,1 rlrrrl)
:.l]l rr] tr hokv stikig.





: 'rli

Irltll1 is ht.l t th tl nd trpst. It is irr.t:tllt ttl

rtlh :rt th to :r or th to rr] is rnad. T1ris

.1].:] () 1l sho l bttr rv:rr qtr:llitY rrd prr-ttts th

:h ll:tfo\\.st al


th sho oll th fu1lring hs bn

]l l nd is Illiisht]. At dris poirrt tlr rlrtal should


lt th to

ara (Figu .l)

_ .::: [.l..rrlh is rrt t lr.lli th brr rrirltlr qlrird. I hokv

- ':] \t:1 h (1.1 rlurr) is allorvd. Tlr trp rs ool] an]
-.'' tolr'lls tlr f of th nvil (Figur 5).Th 1uatr of tlr
. ..gtl


th nd srfd. h s:uf nd allolvd to ln to

. .: <i|litl th k oth r stright h ntr rlrk at tlr to

. . : .rill rvlrrl t!:ilrs in th first sid oth ar (Figu (l).
. il
'lrll pdtt is :rtd orl th otlrr rrrh o th
:...:1l s;l|s ppr1 or lvlding on


o lnldial

th sart lrv brl


F|GtJR 6:

0 sid oI the sho hs e forged d tud.

Note lht th sorfd r ligs wilh th etre



Th fihed stright o shoe symmelrio| ond

hs o wI| defied bor with hee of good width
d dfined ongIes.


0 ho|f o{ lh eggr lured d lhe

orfed. The t|re mrk


usd |o |ign the


forging onntrats on th flog plat. orl should nsur tlr;

th point of th fi.og pl:rt poirrts at th ntr of th to oth shot


St 6: l h firli'hd \trJight iho ir thrt.t'_t1u.rr ull.'rd. ]r

lvidth at th ornrs of th ar and th rvi1th f latil at th to
should u,-idr tharr th rv f th anlrs (Figur 7).

Forging the eggbor

Using th sizirrg glrid on p]g 132, slt th nratrial lngth
Stp 1: rk tlr ntr of th nrirtrial' upst th to. forg t t
nd atrd outsid quartr and th sar{nd (Figur 8).
Stp 2: Rpat thjs r.r tlr othr brrr:lr and vrlp th s:arfd nl
Stp 3: Bring tl.r sho to .tn Vn rvldirrg ht n] r,vok in th s
nds l'vith th to of hrrrrnr on th a oth sh (Figu 9)




t|GUR l 0:
The ud| 0reo 0f th ggor seted Ul 0n


fot surfoe lo re|ieve the frog o[ udu presure'



1 hommer the strfs ot

-. -: iig ht

. .::

.. ' -::


is [u||ed od oiI


psiiios |t is tmmo

-kig ggos to pIe the




;:ld rr-lding h.rt is takn and th t and ottol dgs



rr-ldd n tlr bik.

on th frog surfa of th sho (Figur

>:..: th.rra oar


i..rish th sho thr_qurrtr ftrllring. Th ntr rn:lrk


ill th

-:']|.g le

ntr of th sho (Figrrr 11).


Dor sn0e

:.- sizirlq gtrid in this l.raptr, slt tlr rrratrial lrrgth.


lk rh nt ofth lrratrial arrd onr ah nd arrd rrark hal

.-i. L. rqtrrrd.N4ark th l.right that tlr ar sids hav to b.


Fi. rh to into th sho.


L]:lrJ h first nrark frorn th to otrtrvards (Figur 12).

:.tok o mdia1 horsshoirrg


Stn -l: Still rvith th fist rk rrd ilross th r,v to forr rh h

(Figtrr 13).
Stp 5: Bnd on tl.r sotrd lllark, again aross th'uvb and sarf tht
rid (Figur


Stp 6: Rpat th srrr Ploss orr th otlrer barrh. p tlris


rnh slightly nror upright.

Sp 7: Forg th qu:trtrs to shap tl.r sho arrd ovrlap th srrf



Aftel th loe is tured the brnh is et outwords

t th fist mlk.

Sep 8: T1.r sh is rought to a lvl1irrg ht an.l th sarfd lrd.

forgd togthr. Forginu :ltr wldirrs should onlltlt otr th


ornrs and k thrrr rtsp.

Stp 9:Th sho is fullrd arrd th to rokrd (Figur 15).

St 10:Th ar shold sit lvl and


orr tlr:rnvil.

h firrishd lvidtlr of th bar shouid sirnilar to tlr rvidth of tht

slro Th hight of oth ar rltlhs should b th sanr but thi
insid rnh ror upright' irr ordr to rdu tll lran finjtrrv t
tl.r opposit linr (Figu 1(l).
Forging the fishtoil shoe
tIGtJR l :
Th br

Usirrg th sizir.rg gui1 in this hptr, s1t tlr r:rtil lngtlr.

luld down oross lhe web to {orm th

she heel. Nte how lh uses


formed thol keeps lhe shoe wy Irom th frog.

Sp 1: N4ark t1r lllatri]l itr tlr ntr atrd rlrk frotlr :rlr nd hrl
tlr lrrst rh:rt th .rr is quild to . N4ak a urtlr 3-,1 ih
(75-100 trrr) irr rorrr


iitirl ar nraks on oth nds fr th lngtl

rquid or th fishtail (s th sizing lrart).



The or is bel ro lh wb t th seond mrk

FIURE l 5:
Th fiishd lten or shoe is

silr wifi s|ight rokrd loe od th or [|i to th ground surfo

to lorm th ol. At this oint it is strfed.




FIGUR l 7:
more upright t rdut iiury to the opposig


he roh is t oul

the firsl mork from lh

tr (o) the bl i oi th seond mork (). he

fs ore over|ped d the she is redy for


lJrrd th :rllh out rotrr


]Jll th brrrh

-. Il.pt':rt th



first rnark fror ntr (Figur 17).

t th sond nrark frorrr :lt atrd s:rf

sar Poss

on th ot].rr rrd and nd th to.

-::h qr-r:rrtrs otlr sho ar fogl rrd th sars lndd ol

.'*"- 17).Th sarfi ar .1d] arrd th slro th qllartI
: -..
|r to n rol]d o iippd



.ls tlr hors .i11

A lippd to

b on b rst


is rorrrrndd

.ill nt rrfit frorrr

(Fiur 18).

::ging the hebr



l1l sizirrg suid o1l Pa!. 132. slt th rliatril lngth.

:\]:rlk th rrtr rrd rrlak fronl l nd th rr.rir.1 lntJl

- ir'q lat Rnrrrrr to allorr. fr taprirr of h nd o tll


The {iished fhlil usu|ly hos o |org




th ll2rtrial r'vill lrrgtlln .v apprirtlv 50%.

]:h taprd lld is

:. otr.. sid


rrt to orrrl 1hg hggl /fi.^.' .'.ol*




'..]:h ross is l.atd orr th othr nd and th to is turnd



J ttook

f rndi1 hrsshing



l 9:

he toered ends oI the {rog p|ote ore ilIeld

iwrd od srfed liol lo.luring lh sh

t|GUR 20:
he heoror

[ormed d the

sr{s o|ong th

frog lto ulignd od lended.


frog lote ent tk in o vi usig lngs

his mkes the w|dig reo tessibI,

Stp 4: Th sho is ttrnd at th quartrs and h sarfs


(Figur 20).
Stp 5:Th k thir.d of th sho is hatd, inllrding tlr frog plat.
and is rrt krvrds r,ith tongs. Tl.ris nr:rks th ra to rv1d
rnor assib1 (Figur 21).
Stp 6:Th sho is nor'v rad t r,vld.Th srrfs ar r'vorkd ill orr h
Ia of th frog plat arrd also dorvn th dgs of th tr.og plat t gir

Fl6UR 22:
he fiishrd hertr: the frog Iol must f

size nd

|ng.th ropril

l lh

futii nd ft o whith il used.




Stp 7:Th sho is lratd all ovr atr lvldirrg nd nt l.;rk lrllt
th trg l:rt is lvl rvit tl.r sho.
Stp 8:T shoe is tulld rrd finishd (Figul 22).



.g 0lUminium for br shoes


.:tiutll is r'r.idlv usd rrolvdays It an as trrhnia]lv ttiv

th advr.rtag of ir.rg 20% of t
of th patt al sho an1 th
.: rh otlrr lr shos listd in th haptr :rn rrrad firrl
: ''tl1ll h pattn bar and fishtail nlay yild undr d r,l.ight i

: .l stl tr rrrany sllos and has


.]'.)]ll iurrrirriurl, arld thrfor is


r shos, lurninium is lightr :rnd thfr ttr.

'..'..r.1 gsars
= : -r

not lorrrrrrndd.

r straislrt ars r nrd in th sar :rshion s

th orrly ditrn irrs t1rat

ggb:lt.s lr1 staight ars,

lrlatrial tllt.lst b L1pst ito t lrrgt at ah n] t

- : :litlq tvitl.r t]r to nd (Figur 23).

.. .lihs shos an ,botlght rortr rtilrs,.ls 11 th rild st1

j. :lr-IltionLl rlir, .itlr vr goo1 standads oqu:rliryTlrv :rrl
rvitlr th us of a gs r'vldr or :r tig rvldr .ih rs
_:lJ t lvl1ilrg lurrriniurrr.Tlrv an lso forg ',vJdd trsirrg
.... lolll.e o gas o k.


.]lhot1 o
.rrillg th sa nds is silrrilar to th rrrild stl
]..ill. pt that th s:rrf nds slrtrld b :rt a stp.r rng1 l'vhtr
...r ought togtlrr (Figur 2.1).This allorvs th alunliniunr flrr

:..1 fi11

to ru througlr t sars l'vhn h]tinc in th fir.

tlGUR 23:
Bth ds of luminium br r usei ior t

forgig on eIevtd br sh

t|GUR 24:

Sorlig {r luminium welding ds


str thn for stel

.l ttook

tl rr]ill



Th produr for nlakirrg alurrriniltr r shs is


1: Prpar



th r'vld rrds but kp th sarf nds rnor urigl.r

(Figur 24).
Stp 2:Apply th fltr rrd il flu rod r,vir ovr on sil oth lv1l
lr1 (Figur 25).

Sn l.P]:


rh fi-.Th rod fillr and flux rvi11 tk orr a rsill

apparan and rurr tl.rrough th rvll. Rrrrov th sho frnl th fi

arrd pla th r


n th anvjl. Pl th harnnrr on top f th sar1d

ra nd pss firm1y for lround 2() sorrds.Thn ligl.rtl rlrsh ofallr

h oIumiium ti| d f|ux

pIod ovr the

orf rior to wldig.

shg r,vith rr,ir rush and rg 1olvtr th frog 1t (Figu 26).

Vur]lions of bur shoes

Tl ar nunlrous vaiatjons on th 5 ryps of ar shs.Ths


uslrlly iorpotd into th ranurtlrr of th slros.



fittirrg straight ar slros to ft that hav .r prolnirrnt fs.

hr is ofttr a nl to tak a stp olrt oth foot slrrf oth


to aonrodt th rog and rdlr dirt Prssllr on this ar.}ri.

an .lon y l.rking th rquird ara olrt oth ar on th 1

iiished o|umiium stright r shoe.

oth anvil for th srfs orgd (Figur- 27),or th sho rr L.:

rvldd at th bar thn a flttcnirrg tool is usd on th ar t hir-
th sanl rsult It is also nssary to rnl]nr that oth of tl-r.
produrs will strth th matrial arid nrak th r ll,idr, so thl.
rnust onsidrd r'vhn aluiting th siz of th sho.
oke stkking

It is sorntinls nessr lvith a straight ar sho to giv th r.rr thir

o th frog rrror stlppot' whn rrraking a ar that rrds t.'

:olnrlodt vry lo.,v and wak hls. lr oot nlay n] rlll:
r'vidth f nratia1 at th orrrrs th ar t giv ddd strngth.rr.:
stlPPort to th uttrss of tlt hls.Th forging lr.rtlrod usd fr hl.


knori n s lloky .ti..kirl tIl .

Aftr th to bnd, th bar is bnt at an rngl f pproirnrtt.lr. l]t

.'"t..j.] is o]d.T1r nrtal is rvorkd lak torrl:.
h:nvil slll{l.lnd graduallv tlr rntal n b r,vorkd into h.
()InIs of tlr r (igur 5). This produr must olnp1...:

-1.. +i.
^ t^


lhe sho o,th vi| sis ihe br wy

{rom th frog when th bor {orged.


r tlr srf nds ar forgd.




A roker ioe tured up lo promo.t breok-over'

0 o pll shoe it heIps stoility.



frog pressure


lt tlrt qtrir ;r straiglrt al r ggar hav a nforla[ion

.-h llill gir. is to a protrrinnt frg. It is a1so olnro t find tlrt
:O1s o th ft vly flat and lrav 1ost thir or-rrl,ity. It is


in suh

:: tllis

so1 prssur r'vhn t r

ass to st

ollt th solr


of th sho


rvisht rrtrg

.- .

otllltln rvhrr fittinr. ggr slros to sat ut tl.r innr fot

.: i- dg of th ar ara rournd tl.r fi.og to rliv prssur. This
:..-'.Ilts th slrarp dg of th r ronl uttirrg it th bak portiorr
'].. tr.o!] (Figur 10). It is ollllnon prti to fit ost oth 1td


.hs rvith rolld o rokrd tos (igur 28). Howvr. it is r'st

.illr's ah s individully as th ]nain funtion f rolld tos is
]]l.rs brak ovr. It is not unolllnlon to otnin a olld to
.':-r sid lips giving oth stailit to th shos on th ft and as

:r-lk ovr.

bor shoe

qtraItrl :rr sho is usd fo orrrs rvhih nd tratnlnt

29). This prlraps not so otrrtronly usd
-. rdt,s, ut is vr straightforu.ard to rrrak. It is st to rk
.:.lgJ.rt ba sho thn us a IoPp]: to Lrt awa)/ th a rrdd to
. ...Os tll sat oorn.This nsurs that th sizing of tl.r sho is th
.. ' h str.right . It also n.raks it asir to produ a syrrntria1



'l shod (Figur


holf herlbor shoe


hatr sho is usd fo rndiolatrl imalan, rvhr a

havily on on hl. It is lrsd or ntralisinq Pssuf o\,r

s lods

'... ot.1r nraking of this sho is strightorr,vard.To siz it, masur

:r ttook

lf rmedia1 horsshoing

tlGlJR 29:
A lhre-quortr r sh shouId remoi bIod





h {iishd h|{ heor

buIed wilh the

frg p|ote runing u one side [ the frog.

t foot r,vidth rrd lngth thn add t].r 1istan dor'vn th l:rtraj 1l.

otlr fr.og orr th sid tliat rog suppot is ndd. Idlly th fr.,.sllpport shotrld trrd rlo l.rrthr. thln ] o rh (9 nrrrl) l.rind th.
point oth fiog. It is nssary to ddut tl, irrh (1,1 nll) Iirrl til.
totl lgtlr as th plt rvill drv lvhn tpring it rol its orrl.stioll.You r,vill lso nd to dd th alnou1rt ndd or tlr to


Bor rnrkir.rg th sho, ttlark th dist:rn. rrrr on nd, tll ;llllolrl]'

rr11 or th trog lt, thn nrark th l.rr:rtri:rl itr t tltl'.
trvn th


o th frog plat :rnd th ot1r rrd

oth tltati;

Tlp lor'r,n th |rg 1rt lld anl n.l it irr t n ut :rngl (FruLl.
]t)).This llol'vs fr th to tld Lrsinc tlr llt rlrk t glrid;rrl..
orr t].r to rrd hs rr lrgd, t1r outsid l.:rnl.r is bnt ]nd I1l1ll strport psition1 trrol ill lin lr.ith th frog. orr t1r sh -.
llllpltd volr an rlsp tlr ti.g strppot if rt is too lotlg (Figu 1




Itjuris kl t,hc ttdtls o|'th

distl lirtth tlf tltt: hors r

AnotomioI onsiderotions


h anatorrrv o th distal lirrr hs rr ovrd tnsivlY ill

odl lssi|itl ittt th 2

|rls('tio rlf tl,Lc tdott. Withht

Chaptr 1:Arratorrry f th quin Lg.A klro',ldg oth origirrs

nd jnsrtions of th digital flor rrd xtnsor tndons wilL al]orr
th iornhallis of orrtiv slroirrg t undrstod. For instatr
raisinr. th l.right oth h1s rvill rdu th lod orr th DDF trt
xs a onsqun, tlr ]oad orl th SDFT and suspnsorv ligamnt (SL

thsr' t!tiis lsitltt,s ltl


r I t i


tt b

.fl. q

u t t, :

rirt ,ltt,goris

d o

l s i





qf tlrc |rLt! rt'd

ldig ttl rL|ptIt o


.furthr sbdividct| dcudig ott

ltltitlt.t nd t)/( of tt:do
i ld. d

i ri

ill prftlrn

s is

s I|

lrLlrss rtr|



.flt. t,dos dlmosr lsiuel.

ittjuris r( lso
t||1||1()|,| ttl,t!


t'ttl tdort

lthol,h tl' srtpcr|iil digitI

.|1ll tdn (SDF,), dp

tdtt (DDFT)
ttd tttst' tut dltts dr |st
ottlloltl, itplitd dtt to th
r1igirI, .|1ol,

rItil r,ptlsd Ilt||1,

ttdtl mt,d Ik .f

-f th

so.ft rissrt



inras.hror' althtrgh this q.pe of sho rr1' ldvotl lrl

tirl onditions it


orrtaindiatd in oths (Figu 1).


anrirlation of trrdon lsions should a1.ays invlv l thoolrgh

linil anrination (s haptr 2:Th Diagrrosis of Lanrrrss). Irl
ttrdir.ritis 1sions, partiula attl-ltin should applid to th

f any hat or swlling .rrld


afl'rl palption o th tndorrs' h

lvight arirrg arrd norr_rvight rirrg. an invalual irr h1pins

t loalis th lsion. In trxun1ati lsions, palpation o tdons arr.]
hkirrg fo thir prsn or asn in ptd aras is usfull rl
osrvation of strr during rvight aring rnay also h1ul
Digitl palpation f th r,vourrd nd its xtrnritis rrsirrg n sti
thniqtr ry also yild vlul infornrtion.
Tlr gold standrd o assssing tndon lsions rnrains ultrsoogpl.rl.
(s Chptr 3: lrnaging th oo arrd Lg).Tlris prnrits an au]::lt
:lsssslnnt of th lotirr and tnt of injury arrd allorvs 21 1l1o1.

prognosis to givn. Rglrlr ultrasonographi assssnrnt i.

also ir.alttabl for nrnitoring l.rling rnd rturn to ris Irr


allthors, opinion 2ln au].at asssslnnt o a tndorr lsiorr arrtlot b.r.tl

ld without ultrasonograpl.ri valtration.

xtensor tendons

Tndjrritis f th tnsor tndons ours rarly du to th lolv 1ri

of loading prind ths tlrdons. At mxirnl lodirrg



Grduoted oIumiium fot shoes ore rltl for

reIivig stroin on the DDFT.



tnsor tndons onlv riv ppoirrratly 10% oth load ril-.:.

1 th flor tllJons. lttnnt inr'o|v: nrploirlg rh pin..ii.t

dvoatd for flr tndon injuris (s pag 148).




.:li.lg usully ours lu to trtun, nd injry to th tn\(lr

':] jo1ls is nrost orrrronly sn irr jurrrping horss. Loss ofuntion
:1-r 1ong or lorrg and latr1 digital tnsor tndons nray rsult in
'.:llb1irrs lnd kntrk1ir.rg ovr of th 1rr. Loss of ftlntion o th

.l1 1igital xtnsor tndn lon is unlikly t fIt th grit

:litl.lntly.W.ith tir, fftd aninrals lrn to flip th digit for-wrd
..i:itlg th sr,virrg phas o th strid ovonring arr prolrns.
. ].lg1rosrs tr trnsol tndon lsions is good as full urrtion is not

and trrdon rstion an usd

: :...ss;l]]v


a lthod of tratnrrlt.


usuall1, turrllti in natur and standard prinipls of

. lulrd nranagrrrnt slrould rnplod. Strturing of th tndons is
...ilss.lry .rrd oftrr inrpossil. It should notd that th tnsol
. j1].1otls hv srrovial slrtlrs as thy Pass ovI th dos:rl irspt otlr
..rntts tld, iattd, tl.rs should tatd ardingly.

-.'lns lr


Llvnt knukling ovr nd susqurrt danrag to th ftlok joirrt,

fittd.h tnsion shuld turnd up

to rrrininris dly irr rak_ovr. In svr1y aftd ass a
lorsal splint of th dist.rl lirn lrre rquird as a short trm

- ..l tnsion s1ro an


:l.r rrd



llll his


he flexor tendons nd the suspensory ligment


:rldirriis fIts lrorss invo1vd witlr a11 typs oativitis and tl.r
. ttl:rsing vidn that it is th slrlt of hrni ovrloding oth
--.1ltl 1ding to grdal r'vkrrirrg o th trllul:rr matrix alld
:lr :r singl atastroPhi vnt. Th SDFT o h trlil is tt.1
:]1ost o1n1nonly du to its snrllr ross stion]l are, onrard to tlr
I)DFT, nd th ]ratr strss plad on th SDFT during tlok

ll .1g)i1.''i.n. Crtairr prdisposing etoIs hav rr suggsi


High spd r,vork athlti horss nlost orrrrrronlY

i Ftigu _ lads to lss of


o_ordinatin and poor tndoll

stilisation rnl.rsl;


Arrrnra1 onforrlation oI oo oot balan _ 1og tos, lorv atrd

undr run hls, sloping pastIs;

a ttook

o rmdia1 horsshoing


1) Too hard or too

sot ground _ hrd ground inrass spd, sott

ground inrss work lod;

5) Ag - inrasing ag has n assj.atd with


dgnration in fir alignmnt in th ntrl rgion oth SDFT:

6) ris - thr is vidn to

suggst tht high intnsity ris

rsults in dgnration of th SDFT.

Th suspnsory iigamnt (SL) originats as a nrus1 lr[ dvlps

liganrntous strutur as th hors maturs. Thr is also thought t

som dgnration with ag rsulting in 1sions of th SL dsnritis

pottn sho to e|evote th heIs t redue

tesio i lhe DD (s Figurs 4 d 5}.

ing sn mor olmon1 in matur horss. lowvr, uni.].rtrll

injuris ar sn in young aninrals and ar prstlmly du to suddrr

1ryprtrrsion of tl.r tlok. Injury rrray our in on o3 rgins:
th origin oth SL; th od f th SL; or th rnhs oth SL

Att a diagnosis has n nld, tratrnnt o tndinitis or dsnritis

should onsidrd a prioriq. s th inflarrnatory asad will .sr-rlr

in futlrr fir darnag. Tratrnnt shtlld orrsis prinlarily of o1.]

hosir.rg to rdu l.rrt, sttpport ndrging and anti-infla1n1nato\'
nld-iation. A ntlnrr of othr thrrpis hav n dvoatd
inltlding trndon splitting, intr_lsionl rrrdiation rrd supl.ir
hk ligamnt dsoton1y tlt thr is still rrrtrh dat as to r,vhitr
thrap is bst.

Ronrnrndations fo frrriry a

F|GUR 3:


A ov hod forgd {htoiI shoe o 0 hind foot

tlGURE :

|ritd fishtil sho. |(eping



bh of fhloi| stright voids it eig pul|ed

{{ y the oposiie


as fol1o',vs:



A {rited {htoiI shoe

ItrI view Weldir

the o|d shoe o lhe groud surfe e|evtes tht

heel o{ lh f00l s|ight|y.

a r r i r

Corrt ba1an of th foot is dsird. Long to, low hl

orrornratiolr is to avoidd s this rsults irr hyprtnsion

of th ftlok joint.

)DF To rdu

tnsion on th DDT a raisd hl or PJttn bir

sho an fittd. Th unloads h DDFT thry loading
th SDFT and SL. It not dsiral to kp th q,p of sho
fittd fo longr than 10 r,vks as this ray rsult in ontratd
hls. Th hight of th hl lvation should rdud
gradually at 2-3 wk intrvals (Figur 2).

Support an o{ld using a audal tnsio1l (fishtail)

s1ro. Th lngth o xtnsion ry nd to rdud irr
friirrr lsions to rvnt intr{rrr (Figurs 3 ,b,).


0 fishtu]I nd o potten shoe from stroighl 0r rggbur

'.1t r sho 2 sizs larr thn rvou1d fit th hoo (s Figtrrs 4

. 5 a,, and 6 a'b).

\essory |igument of the deep digitI flexor tendon or inferior


I l.

:ne |lg0menI
:.:t;tsitrg th hight o th hls ,i11 rdu loading of tlr DDFT
.:,J nsqurrtly of th arssory ligamrrt oth dp digitl flor
.:l.1rr (ALDDFT).Ths autlrors hav had sonl sl1ss irr lor'v gral
.,.DDFl tndinitis rlin r tls'.' ttviulr sllo (Figtl 7).

.GUR 4:


o or


shoe 2-sizs |rgr iho

:moIly fit the hoof.




Using th pint of lhe horn nd th ound f



h om|eted fishti|.

lh homme1 forg the {htil

of rdi1 horsshing



F|GUR 5b:

F|GUR 5:

h potte or formd [rm the fhloiI.

Th hr f|oilened on th ground surfo

he hight oI th r be vorid y u|lig tl

or towrds th to.

FlGUR 6:

IGlJR 6:

A IotroI view of o hid tten sh.

A hd.md hid ptte or shoe (see (hpte 7: oking nd Adoplin

Bor 5hoes, fr frgig islrutions).


Flr tndon 1arations Otlr ntost orrrrrrorrly r'vhn


hors th

irs lg orr:r shp bjt, as a rsult of rvi l-tt or fronr intrrn.

drirrg ris.Tlr vital inrportn of th flo tlrdons ;lrirks tl.

to ths strrrtlrrs a ossil ]rr rrling or vrr litr

tIlr.ltnirrg V1l. It it r.rtril] to.ls\\\ dlt.tl.t.''lt.(.tlrJlV.ln(l \r'
trt shotrld l rll1 t r.prir t1r t'rrdorr(s) rf a rturn to tlrltir

:ltivitis is to b attl.rrtd. L)lrn:rg to th rgio[ o h tndol

-itlrirr lr digit;rl f1r tndorr shth :rrris;l 1rror guard

to th lrklihood f s1,t.rl,ial spsis, th ro1ong

halig til and th possibiliq, of rstritiv adlrsion fortlr:rtion.
prgtllsis dtl




Teessee 0vi(U|0r shoe, ideoI

for miId


|igomel slri. Th riile ehid th shoe

|hot hrek-over i the entre o[ okuIqlio of
the offin ioit.


viility oth ntrrovasular bundl as

-] ]il f this str-rttrr lnay ld to nIosis of th distal lirnb and
]:i ...- tlthanasia. If, howvr, tlris strutur rmains in[at thn
:] .]rlt.lt to asrtin th

. :

: .::l.-e

_. -.-

. .

';n 'rlnlntd.

sholvn b h hors durirrg Wight bring rrr giv rl

'..ri] o th struturs involvd

h ttlok rvi1l drop ut will not tolrh th grourrd (Figur


l1lrl- to this strutur alon usual1y ours du to a

:trtirrg 'uvolrnd distal to th tlok joint; thr.wis th
SDF is 1ikl to involvd as wll' Th flor tndon
.hth is likly to irrvolvd with an injury to this rgiorl.
\\ htr rvight is plad on th foot th to turns upwards


. :-..]DDFT
h rlk dops and th to tuns uprvards

.. : . DDF




joint rvill rst on th ground

rrd th' to wi11


ulrer.ds. If th tnsor tndons r lso danragd thrr tlr


rr-ill r.nllin flat on tlr floor.

in aing ninr:r1s rvith or rvithout

tl rttls of both f tlr proirrr1 ssrnoid bons
l)lsrtrption is usd rtllr hprtrrsiolr o th
C)ttrs otlrnronl

.} took

of mdil



lGIJR 8:

Aliered slo nd hoof.poster xis moy indile lhe stulures iiured o disesed: ) 5Dl b) DD
d t) SL'

ftlok joint ut th nirrrl ray b prdisposd to tt

injury y pr_isting disas rvithirr th ssanroid otl
th distal ssanroidan ligarrrnts or th ody or tl

proinral insrtion of th susPnso ligarn

Charatristial1y, th hors .,vill sand with th ftlo
droppd nd th pastrn joirrt nlor promirrnt dorsally ju
abov th oront. Tratlnnt should orrly onsidrd
rnima1s rquird or a non_athlti purpos (Figur 8)


Initial tratmnt shou1d airnd t stailising th 1irrrb and prvntil

any furthr danrag to th soft tissu struturs.This an b ahil,t
using a rnmriall availal splint (g a Kirnz splint - st
Figur 9) or y nranuaturing a.oard splint'.

A .oard splint, an b

ashiond by dri11ing 2 ho1s through th h

th to rgion.vo rnathing ho1s ar thn mad at r1
nd lf ni
of strns
"'_'__D oard.Th oad is r,l,ird t th so1r surtl.

:rnd sho at

tlok fld to a1lor'v th oard to t

rnrprtd into thik drssing on th palnrar or planta aspt
th lirrr, thrbv fiing th distal lirb in this position

of th |ot and th





The l(imzy Leg Svr Slint ||ws hos J


o shorl

distone whit prottig irom

furth ggrvotig th ijury.


]].:]]i irllolr.s rpair of th tanstd tndons by sutuing u,.ith

nyln) to ring th nds of

illto th losst proirnity possil ad allol'v halilrg.

-...:i.1. rrratria1 (g monofilarrrnt


j .

.tl;lsthsia is nssary'Variolrs slltu pattrns ar advoatd,

'...'.l:1okir.rg loop and pully sstrs, 1l of .hih airrr to rdu

]: :.. trllation, rrrinimis gap rrrration and prsrv intrilrsi

....:P1r. orvvr vn th strongst

PattIns an

] ._..:

.:'l' ]ttrn

hr. tht

rdditionl suppot is givn

:,. -i^llr


hivd y fitting t1r hors with ithr a ast or rigid

ltnl to Prvnt rnovmnt.Th advantags of a splint ar [hat
.l: :]:i ;Ln hangd to Jssss soft tissu haling and tht

: ]

SDF and DDF tndons ar 362'9 kg and 421 kg,

, .. ., ....lr' lt it inlriv.

only ahiv

stgth of pproirntly 35 kg whras load valtrs at th


- ,:h.rpr..ln inttiatd at an arlv stag of ha1ing r'vhih nray

: l: l'r1 if tl-r tndon shh is involvd. In th forlim, a ast to the

. .. .. h' poirnal lntalPlls is sutint blrt, in th hind linr, a
. .: :ll lvl of th prxinral tibia is rquid. If this full 1irrr asr
: : lrrd. flion oth hok and stifl by th riprol pparatus

ill tnsion on th flxor tndons,partiularl-v th SDFT and

-..J o rk dorvrr.Th 1inl should b ast rvith th tlok joirrt
'...il t]d ro rdlt trrsiorr n [h tndons.

1 ttook

o rmdial




l 0:

t|ok support sho. Note





feilok od roximol posler l0 rrsl 0.

Th lsions ar likl to b tratrmati in origin and onvntin:

managnt of th wound and any synovial struturs is advoat

Laminitis of th ontralatral 1irrr is olmon squl with this qlp
o injury and th fitting o a hartar sho or solr support pd l

of th SDFth
on1y n b ratd y surgial
ftlok support ra.
I onomi onsidrations ar inrportnt, transtion

It is rorrrmndd that rpaird tndon is prottd rom



aring for a rinimum. of 1'2 wks.Aftr this priod furthr suppo;

should givn y a ftlok sllppot sho to Prvnt hyprnsio
of th ftlok;oint (Figur 10).As th linr has n st or splint

rvith th ftlok joint partially fld, lvation of th


lvrrantd to avoid a suddn altration in ft1k flion atr th

has n rmovd.Th dgr osupPort and hl 1vaion shou1d b

drasd gradually ovr th fol1owing 12 wks at 2-3 wk irrtrvr1

Fo1lwing this th hors should fi.ttd with a udal xtnsion sh
(Fishtail) to hlp suPport th tlok joint. Th lngth of thi

tnsions may hav t omprorrrisd whrr usd in th forlim

Prvnt intrfrn.

Arhrodsis of th ftlok joint an b onsidrd for thos

r,vhr thr is omp1t disruption of th suspnsory appar[us
tiaturs through oth ssarr-roid bons.






hrttre reoding


.::..I..\. (i999) Flural Dforrrritis In: r1ui Surgr 2nd dn. ds:J.A
Si::k & J.A. Aur..W.B. Sundrs, Pldlphia. pp 75-765.

SJ. (1999) Frrir _ Fo| t


Nwmarkt Fariry

..rr.ultany, ngland.





(1986) Thrpy and ortiv shoing for

:quIrr tndon disordrs. omp. ont' du, prt.Vt.

8' 970_976.


P.. (1999) Phsiology nd pathophysiology f

S-:=. R..W nd
lnJon nd 1igamnt In E,qui L4dii d Surgr. 5th dn. ds: P.T.
olhn. I.G. N4yhw,A.. N4rritt &J N. oor. osy In. Missouri.


ias:::k..S (d) (1987) ds'Lmss

i, Horss 4th dn. L

& Figr,



lmtlss nor r.frhl |


I th hok rqitln, ltltll .sof

stpIlit h prstti




dist,ttsitt o.f tl: tt.srurL




(,ho, suitt,') tlttd

of |h



bur rhis Sol|l(,ti!|Is dls

ht: st'tt i


rl'sl shth


hid |imh lltss is

s1lci fi l.s

l t ii1t


s I


johtt bltli*s) tt hc uscd to

llis t|rc lttss t,o n
ttttttit| r,io itt th hid


lilh. Th |()sf


tls o|-

li,i| lmss tlsstlirLd lt'i|]t

Iltt' |rstts rllk1 is 1'oll.' s/,.lt'ilt
Rt'rlil, .frrir1, ,i tlftut 1lrr










i Iht



|r(lt||lr rtol .fr

wh (lmtlt, li.tltttt dslttitis)

td st,s o.|. itl|,rtittttt ttrd
ptt:Llr.|irio (lk rt st!fl )



Rdigrphs dmostrote oy hoges i

odved ses { sovi with ex,tsiv n |ysis
od ew o frmotin Not lht ) digitl
imge, he the enhd qu|ity




j:.-.LLls tlr ondition auss pairi, th rnia1 phas f th strid is

::l-t-tnly shortnd and th hight of th oot flight is rdtrd.

:lltitns horss drag thi.r tos rsu1ting in ssiv war o th

:. '- ;lt th to. In ilatal ss, th hind lim gait an appxr stiltd.

'r.s rvith arlv signs of th ondition tnd to warnl out of tlr

.llss aftr sl lvork, tlt in sl,r or advand ass th lanrnss

: --ht t r'vors with r'vork.

gr.rlly sd on a onrination oa positiv rsult

:il.tt nd/or nrv bloks (intra atiular arrd prinura1 analgsia)
: : a1roraphy. A lw 6_point nv lok n usd to rtt] otrt

... diagnosis is


1rrrr prolrns. on radiographi xan-rintion, rvhih nortallY

..:itis .l radiograpl.ri viws of th t:rrstrs, on lysis and/r s1rosis
] j\\' o1l ornr:rtion), pri_artiular ostroPhts and narrorving

:-glr1;lity o.;oint spas an sn in advand ass. Baus tlr

.::lJitiorr is oftn iltral' otlr hoks rvill ftrr anrind

A udur itigrophk bo

sn demostrolig

ireusd uptke of lh rodiphormulioi

i th

regi of lh lower hotk ioinls.


F|GUR 2:

nly rnild or o radioloia] hangs.

sintigraphy) arr vry usfll1 to
:' ihs ass a n san
.:.t on spvin us it ir vry rrsitiv lrthod (Figur 2).


3.'.r.' sorrr arly ss show

.::lrtlrnI of th ondition is airnd t iirrrirrting pain and

:.-Ll11r th hors lrsul, rath tharr rstoring nrlnl fl-rntiotr

rh joirrt Slrrgil rnd no_surgil tltrrrnts hav bn dsrid

: .] ortiv



otn part

of tlr

..lIrsvativ trat1nnts (norr_surgial) onsist




of strlri or



-:.,rtl;l rlrdiation, adaptation of th hrs ris rolrtrn (tlrr is

: l r.rfit to gaind trorn rst orrly) arrd/or orrtiv shoilrg.

.i.'rlrdia1 trrirv an b usd togt1rr rvith long trln (sonrtirs

...rll1nnt) sYstli dlrlinistrtion of non_strid1 nti_
:.tl;llll]tov drr-rgs (NSAID)' i phnyltltazon, r,vith varving rsults.

1 rdital,v strssful, ut llt a1rvays prnrllL.llt. is irrtr.r_

.::rlr1r nrditior.r rr.itl.r ortiostoids. Sortirrrs this r,vill b
...rllind rvitlr l.rylurorran (g Hyonat o Hlarlil). Lalnrrss is


in rnost horss

tatd rvitlr ths slrbstans, lrt



.:rt itr 2 t 6 rrronths.


-lr'il1 produrs irrlud nurto1n).! unan tnto1lly oI

.:1ur.s tlrat

ailn t us oposing ]rtiLllar Cartilags


.:hrodsis) Produrs that ar usd to lhiv orlv fusion irrlud

:.illo\.:l] of artiular artilag rvith or .ithotrt on r;rftinq nd

:r ttbook

o rlldia1



.lrilling trrti rr'ith o rvithourt rtal inrlants. Suy lqlri'

Fu|I exlsis: )

A r viw o{ o

etensi (righi sid); )

extesins with tri]ers

{uI| Itrr|

A rr viw f


!.r:rtr firranir1 ilstttrrt arrl th isk of gna} an2rst]l'].

:rlthough snrall, hs to tkrr into :rollllt. In gnral, rsu]ts ll.
r,:rril rvith all ths plodurs. Rrrtl hrrrial rthlodsis h .
n dsid .hr tll tir-rllr .lrtil;rg is dstoyd rrrth
austi hrrril, ut sults s far r dhppoirrting orrrrd to oth..
sugial thlli1lrs.

Shoeing for spvin

Svr:rl shoins adaptations hav n dsril, o l,1.ri:h ltl..
(or-rtsid) tnsions or trailrs, or 1r] lv:ttiol-ls and rolld or s]L1:1l.-.-.

tos ar lnost ornronl tls1.

T]r latral tnsiorr is usd in an ttlllt to nr:rk th hors lrl.:.

orrlfortbl, y lrangilrg th r'r.ight djstrilrtion. It is lir.d .
|trlltior.r b altrirr foot_gound lviglrt distrir-rtion and ti..

orintation durirlg starr. Horss -ul,ith sPavin f,ttn1pt to unloai r] .

dosal,/rdial aspt o th srall tarsl joints v r.]rstribtrtrn th.
rvight. In [h :rtrthors' rirr, horss rvith atrt n s'r.-::
t11d to arv th larrl lg in a shion that rvill tak as tltuh sr....:,
ofr th lldil aspt o t]l trs:rl joint as possi1. Th 1..
\tlrsio11 hlps to sl.lPort tlr orrarY atrd lvn tl.r fot 1l.i.
1atrally llnd p].\,nts addlrtio of th lirlr lrrrdrntlr th o..





FlGtJR 4:

) A wrongly |oed xtsion (ote IotelI


rolling uder the ho{); ) (nv hondmde heI

extesio (lop sh), rpIoiq th wrg|y |td
extsio shoe; ) WeIded heI elesio; lh nol
muth Iorger thn lri|r)


ond portil extensions

tnsiotr is orr in whilr th sho tnds br1.ond th ho

:.rt1 rrrdial11. or latrally, startin!] at th to rrd rrding yond th

..L (Figu


.lt:rl trrsiorrs ar varitions oull tlsions rvhr th lngth

:.l rridtll

r dttlind bv th tion and onforrnatin o tlr

:lll1 (Figtrr .1 ,,).

l tllaitr fl.rtrtit.ts of tnsion shos r to quaiis rvight

.:ilttioll n th lirrr and hoof rrd _align th gait oth hors.
Determining the


:, :rtion orr aftd hors an vr, dpnding on th svriq.6f

:l: ondition and tlr onfotltion of th hors. A good r'va of

]--.,.'..;'.;'.- t1.. ^1"..111gnt aDd width of th trrsiori/trailr

is to rvath th rrimal tnov and pl tl.r ttrsiorr just

..llrl.1 tlst oirrt

"_ ntat tWCn t hoof and a lr,1 slrfa.
r -___" of
p]rrrrrt lvill l'vi1n th stan :rd gait, and tk sdrrr strin


a ttook

of mdi1 horsshoing



t|GUR 5b:

A lrsve

u|tsoogrophi img f ihe sofl

tissus hid the hok. Jhe


orro idite morked

oI the suportig soft isue


A |ogitudin| imoge of Figur 5 demosto1..;

the ovious soft tsu swe||ig tht is de-::


hid the SD.

oftlr lrok. Should lv1 ootall not b possi1 at this tinr, a nl.l..
l'vdg otrld usd, th hight orvhih n rdud gradull.
[h lnrnss rds.

(urb (pluntor Iigmnt desmitis)

Cur is rvll dfind nlrgrrrnt at tlr lantar aspt of th h.l...
;lproxin-rtly t] 10 rn (3.5 4 inhs) Jr'v tlr point of th l.rk

injury and inflarrrrnation to nurrrr of tl.r sIt ti.s...

rgion, inltrdirrg tlr supr{iia1 digital 1lor tndon (SDF

ltrr rsult fror.rl



th Plantar 1igarrrnt and th rtinatllu1l


thir rsl,-

Prdisposing onditins inlud sikl hoks (.lrr hoks') l] ..'.

hoks. Th rlorrrral onforrnaion is 1ivd to impos additil:

to tlr lantar 1igrnnt. lrr an also sn in horss rrrt,nornral onfortrration rvhn traur:r ous rvhi1 nulling uo sh;rlr


A hors ,ith

Pirr in this rgion l'vill sorntims starld lvith rs hr:risd and go on its tos to liv tnsiolr on tht. plrnt.rl. ltrtlr.:..
ur_lik d|orrnation at th trso-nlttars:rl julltion slrr-r11 :..





A grduted sho (lllo| view). Nol the


loe d ih heel fiing |ngth.


Upword fiotion of the ptl| ouses o inoiliry lo f|ex lhe hok ond ifIe whih
resulis i toe drgging whe w|king tiemled.

.]llgd rvith radiography nd ultrasonogaph. U1trasnography :rn

:.llrorrstrat thikning o sft tissu struturs irrvolvd (sorrrtinrs
.h pl.rntr ligrnt i not invlvd) and gnrall shows a 1nottld

.lrpohogniiry f darnagd struturs (Figurs 5 a,).

\ u lrok appran itl yung horss rny ssoitd With

;lrshirrs o th trsl bons sondal to inorlrplt ossifiation at
:.ith. With radiogrphy this an b assssd. Th ondition irlso has

ditrntiatd fi.onr

.als lrr' rvhr tlr poilnal nd of

]t[alsal (latal splint orr) is lag or prol.tlinrrt (ltr:rl to

.h.. 1antar ligarnnt).


of rmdia]. horsshoirrg


|GUR 8:
(ov squr to with lterl troi|r

ratrrrrrt in]lr1s appliation o old paks irr tlr aut phas.


on th pl2rntar licarrrI
sho -ith slpirrg r,vdg r:ris

fo1lor'vd v rst.Tb 1iv tir tnsion

th hls irn risd r' {ittirrg r

hls (Figur 6) Calkins r not advisa1 aus ths :ltls rl.


lntermittent UpWrd fixtion of lhe poteII

his is a onditiorr sn mor orrrrnonlv in Shtlands or nltnirlt:
rds and Stalrdardrds. It rnay rlatd to an xssiv11, strrl,-i
stit] onfornratiorr, nrlorltin of th stifl joint r th r'sult .
itlalquat qttadrips nrusl on..W.hn th patlla is fid tlr h:.

is lrna1 to fl th linr. aus th lirr-r lokd in tnsiorr

As rsult of this th to is draggd as th hors tris to


th hors is 1d out of t:.

7).This ftn ours
o..W.hn th patlla trnloks, th hind lg nray suddnl [1.pfi.1.'
orr'vards (Figur


This an somtils onfusd r'vith stinghalt. As part oi

onsrvativ tratnlnt ths ass arr fittd with latrll u'ls;

irl Shtl.rnd porl..

shos. It has n drnonstratd primntally

tlrat ths shos influn stifl joint kinrnti.s..W.hn th orrdlr.

is sn irr prforman horss aftr a rst prid, it rvil1 gnr.l
tsolv with irrrasd fitnss and no furthr tlatmnt. r-q ..
ills, rvhih dvlops th quadrips rnusls, t.rlay b 1nfiil1 \\' l.

th uprvard fiatiorr ours vry rquntly or fails to sPolli





hod-mod |lerl exlsi wilh friid

medi| wedg (|efi rh).

.-otlslvativ ttmnt, th nrdial patl1ar 1iganrnt is svrd

.'.lrqia1ly. Bus th ap o th patlia an fragrrrnt ollowirlg
::rdial pat11ar dsotonly, onsrvativ tratlnnt should tid
r.t and a piod of rst is rquird following tratmnt.
Poor onformotion
.Jo nformation n anothr tor lading to hind lir
:rollns. For arrrpl, as narrow horss (t los togthr) :rr
.ltrrr bow-1ggd.

This givs th hors a tndny to


Brushing is whn on foot osss into th flight path of th othr,

.triking th hof or th 1g in th pross.A sho r,vith a 1ata1 trailr
,nd r squar to oftn nfits ths horss (Figur 8).Th prini.p1
:hind th latrl trailr is that as th foot lands, th trailr auss th
.l.oof to turn inwrds, sulting in th brak_ovr point of th nt
.iid bing mor ntra1 to th to of th hoof instad of rndial.
Horss shod in this sryl rvill, in h .ruthors. prin, dvlop a
-.r idr. stan and a widr strid pattrn, whn wa1king on frrm
Lr.l footfall is dsiral in both front and hind lrrrrs. It is thrfor
lllltlnls nSsay tO us :t unilatrall rvdgd up branh in a sho

:o l.riv this (Figur 9). otn it is th mdial ranh that rquis

uildig ut thr ar ondiions, suh as upward patllar fixtion, tlrat
:quir a latral rvdg.

a ttbook

of rrrrdial horSshoing






After drowig dow the inr rnth, the steeI

The toe is t d the fu||erig



Th troi|er forged.

morked givig 1/2 inh exto to th ouide rh.

tIGlJRE l:



After eding roh, fu|Ir od oi| hoI' Nole

Th osition of th fu|lel d lhe hommer reo|s

he omp|e|ed roh with lhe toe noiI

position of ful|er lo goi o defiite slop t the toe.


finh lo ihe fu||ring.


poro|Iel t the iside

of heeI.

tIGUR l 6:
The omplted shoe.






g for hindlimb Iumness

- : ::

:.:rg| tnsio with troiler

nd dip

: - ::l siz.. rrd stiotl of stl rqlrird, tl.r 1.roosiz rr1

. :l .' ir'n otlsidtiorr. Gnr:rlil., s:tion shou11

- .

rvidth oflthr xtnsiotl rquird plus th

l grtg th lngth of stl rqtrird to rk tlr

]].(]r|]Or;l[ th
. .l11


.] |]].lrlh is drarvtr dorvn:rnd th hoof rrrilsttrl. For tlris

. ltlrt1 tl.r 1rrgtlr of th sho rquird plus 5 ll.r
:...:s lt) to 16).

. . ; ::-:r


|o shoe with troiler (mohine.mad shoe)


slro siz [ trirrrrlring th-

hoiTlr lngl

th oot ilight P:rttrll;th gf,tr th :rrrgl f

.:l. Liltl th oot u.ill tlrrn lrporr l:rndinu (Figurs 17 to 22).

........:i..ls trorr


: ::.]


tIGlJR l9:



orge triIr b drig the tng hd dwn

whi| strikiE th hl.



flGt.]Rt 2r;

t|GUR 22:

Restore ihe width f the s,fion by dwig drw

h mleted shoe with o 5qUore 10e rrd lterI

the isid w f Ih she

tri r.

rr dia.] ho r s sho irl




|GURE 24:

5Itt the proprite roud molrioI for the

W|d the


(l 1/2 ihes) to forg the troiIer.


|GtJR 27:

SeIei o Iegth of ste| |nger tho requird.

th heI t n og|e of 45.,



exlension os shwn, leoving pro 4 m


The omplted tsio



of th

r||owig proximteIy

extesio rquird,

5 rm (2 irhes) elr for

lrlork lhe steel lger n the ou.tsid rnh, tl

the dips 5 m (2 ihes) fromlhe enlr.

the nd. torg lh l


tIGUR 30:

Squle ond sfe lh to {ler hedig.

FoIIow stdord

shoemokig rtedure. Nol

odvtog of using ove over {Iol ste| is

iIity to ovoid

globing olio upo











Notthegrdu| tpero{ lhmdiol

th inside lo


wdgfrom okoshodheipproximoie|y25mm{l


from.th d efor iumig u lh broh.

j --:-. |rol e|ensio (ove mlt'hine-mlde hind shoe)


il]l]1opjJt siz osho :rftr tri.rring th

' :'.l th tnsion

.l .. h tnsion
' Oolltxt

F|GUR 33:

hooiTh .idth

is dndnt trpon holv tl.r 1.roo1ands orr

should on1 no furthr tr.r'r.ar1 thrr th

r,l.ith th gotrnd (Figtrrs 23 to 25).

...:..,: |terol e|nsion (laop shoe)

''-:::ilr th siz:rnd stion ostl rqtrird, th hof siz lrrs

j .i\ 11 onsidrltion. Gnr:rlly, a stiorr is s1td to

oth trrsion rquird and th siz of hoo.

'... th lngth of st1 rquird to 1112rk th sho th trrsion
-: rlLgl tlrst. tlrn th appropriat lrrgtl.r Llt to suit th siz o
..:..rid Ag:rin, lrs t.i th lngth of sho quid, lus
l ilrhs) alt th loop is forgd (Figurs 26 to 3O).
:.|f h rr.idth

:::. ::.:d mdlll


tlGlJR 34:
A|Iow the hh to swII both sides

Wedge vlith troiler

, -:lllliLl .Lr-rd fittirrg th ppropit sho to th lroof, should

.l.tl llot b:ltt:lina1 by tirnnring alon, rrrdia]. o]:latral
.-: ...:.If aldd to th sho (Fiurs 31 to 32).

-:. :.

!rg1ng n



'.. lrdlld bralrh l rqtrid orr hrnd_for.gd sho, th

..: i: utlind in Figus 33 to 35 slrould follrvd.

]. t\took

of rmdial


tItte o one side on|y, fius dou|ing the height

f lhe wedge


Further reding
Bak,.W., 11, P. and larnk, A (2000) Th ffet of latrall wdg
shos on th sagittal and transvrsa1 plan kinmatis of Shtland poni:


ongrss Hadbook,

pp 198.

Butlr, J.A., o11s, C.., Dyson, SJ., o1d, S.. and Poulos, P..W: (200(
Iik| Rdiolog of th Hors. Sond dn. Blakwll Sin Ltd, oxfo

Gough, . and unro, G. (1998) Dision mking in th diagnosis an

managmnt of on spavin in horss 1 Prti 20' 252 259.
Shramm (2000) Dgnretiv disass of th hok: tratmnt options
ogrss Hdbook,


pp 71_72.

.C., Platt, D. and Smith, R.K.W.

(1998) Tratmnt


ostorthritis ofth tarsomtatarsal end distal intrtarsaljoints ofth hon

with monoiodoatt: prrninary rsu]ts. ef. Surg. 27 296.


Charatristially thr is a irular lyti ara at th rnargin ofth djst.

phalan (Figur 2).This ara of 1ysis should not onfusd with t
tna, a norrlal radioltrnt ara sn in th dista1 phalanx of sorlr
horss. Th lti ara orrsPor.rds to th kratorla in siz and sh
and is th rsult ofprssu_indud ostolysis

Thr ar 2 si typs of krator' th ylindrial and th

spherial fornrs (Figur 3).l3oth ar amnal to surgial st1o1
Typia11y th lindrial ornr riginats at th oronay and lrl
th sphrial fornr rrray or-rn] .
Th 2 typs ar sotntirns s
any sit on th dorsl
togthr in th sanr foot. In at this author has nountrd rrrulti
lsions in a nunrr of horss. oasionall th ylindril fol.:
aPPars to originat distal to th oronary and.
gradua11y grows distal1y, whras

rnay rstd fron.r th hooof a hors undr a gn-r

ansthti or 1oal naigsia.This uthor prfrs th ormr appol

A kratonla

althugh frindly dats frquntl our with our farrir usd :

',vorking on standing rathr thaD rumbnt hossl Howvr r
distal lil
Patint is positiond, th surgry must b prorrnd lrsirrg a
touniqut (Figur ,1) to allow aurat vistlalistion of th lsion .lll.

in partiular, its origin.




:].:]3rIm0 r0diogr0hk imoge of o



kerotm. Not the horleti


0e0 withi th distol pho|mx nd




mogi o{ lhe |esiion.

FlGUR 4:
This touriquet

th slodrd mthod of hemoslqs in sinding potient. |t

|ied ofter the

odmiistrlio of o|mor digitl (,oioI ssrnoid,) nrve lok. Th touriqul osls of o stondrd
bdge 1pe, whith usu||y pp|ied vr g0Uze 0r gmgr sws roIled up d
|d ove

lhe vessIs t the leveI o| the xiI surfoes of the poim| ssomoid boes. h esures

eve prssuIe over th vseIs. here wiIl ommoly be Ioss o{ venous bIood whe lh vsu|r tsus o[

lh fot r ied t|owever i[ thr is ony sig of rtrio| lood, th louliquel shouId re-oplied
fore tliuig wiih the proedure. It is ommo poti l dmiister sedlio, whih typil|y
okti| of lh 2 ogoist od it.

t i"



. -':


spheri| krlmo. | th tos it


t'lith o muh lrgr ylidrkoI

': :




." ned fr th
riion o{ o lrge


Two r||| uts re troled i th drsoI hof wIl. hse should torrespd |o the size und sile of the
ketom, s iudged y th s|r ppor f th lsio o |rm rdiogrohit imogs. Nte tht the uts
re reoted os fr proximo||y os lhe tory d ut do o| (1055 il. Mst ry|idrioi kero,tomos seem to

.::..:ldefel Suthkrionsreusullysn rigitfomthrIeve|fthororyhnddgreltrshu|dbebservdwhsurigtomlte

_ .
extio of th krolom wilhoul oroory or1 iiury |t is esist to |ver the hoof wo|I upwods t the
. - |esis Nole tht there re severl


i ttbook

rnelodtryteel thekrtomowoyfrornunder|igtissuetitsorigi.

l r.rdia] lrorsshoirl



h the defe lfl ofter isio of th ke1.

i tigu 6. he ett oflhe |esio withi the dis-:

phlnx e idetifid by the mrk:

depressio Ih ofter ils removoI. lt |so e se.
how fr roximo||y the Iesion hos oigintd

usuI prrtite

l0 (0rry oUl




uderIyig o ond r{uI deridemet of


pidermI |minoe t lhe orory nd in :

ottml lo minimis th risk of reurrn o{



tIGtjR 6:
Th is y|idriI kertomo xised i i enlirty
with th dors| hool fIp. Nt thl il exleds lh
|ngth of th hool woIl d hos ee eeId owoy
from th piderm| lmie ol the toonry od.

tlGtJR 8:
his the s|or opeorne of th hind fot o{ o

middI.ged ony

wifi 3

y|idri| kerotmos.

Tw re ler|y viIe in this view {ore y

xlensive rig of th so| hs en ied ul.

Notie iust how wide d d{ormed th whil Iie
hs m, re[|tig ihe extsive otur of
krtomo formli in th foot'

It is r-rsua1lv quit rsy to idrrti th loation of th lsion frotll l

:rpp:lran of dorsal hoof dfor-riry th dviation of th r,r,hit lin

trorn adiologi:rl vidn Th lsiorr has rvhit flak app:r:rrr

rvhih is ustrall difrntitd si1 fronr t].r so1 vn if i
1pignrntd. T\v par.l1l uts :rr rrrad on itlrr sid ::
katonla through th ftrll thiknss oth dorsal hoowal1 (Figu





lll' b]1ing is invital vn witlr a orrtly applid tourniqllt

it is impossil to sanguinat th foot. Llwvr, th should
:.-- orrsist ovous lood nd slrotrld not prfus. If thr is
: 'jtl o ight artrial blood, or if hrorrhg is prous or

-:]]istnt, tlr tourniqut slrotrld _applid.

]. kIatonla

is undrnind and pld al'vy r,vith t1r ovrlying


. - ti.orrr th urrdriyins lamina and distl phalanx, to th oronarv

...]l!1 OI to th lv] oorigin of th lsion (Figr 6).In sor.rr ass 1t
.-' l 1iIfilrlt to idntif th oigirr of th lsion prisl and und

illrlstans it is sr to Prsllln thrt h origin is proirrr:r].

:l rlrost uial aspt of this produr is to nsur th lsion is
.]:lO\-L1 in its ntity (Figur 7) in ordr to avoid rgrowth of th
.::.1to1l1a, rvhih n lrlppn if thr has bn irrolt lrnor.al.
l:rr.r- this nitrst ahivd withotrt injtrry to tl.r oroay band

. ..

-.--i lr rth onsqunt potrntial hoo nrrldvlopmnt.

F|GlJR 9:
A[tr fuhr prig 0[ the sole (se igure 7), the

lhird krlom

ow do|y visil. Not the

lomellr strudure o{ lh krtmo, whih is rther

rr'in sur.gial rstion f tl.r lsion, th hoof lval1 d|t should

..: ..rkd r,vith salrz swas soakd in a diltrt solution opvidolr_
, .ln hs an kpt in pla witlr a hoof brndag, ut th autlror
: ..h l.fts th us of a nrdifid hspital plrt l'vith a dorsal flang.
.l:. rrslrt.s vn prssur is l.rarntaind ovr th rvotrrrd, distlragrg

UUSU0|, 0s is

i grey


.:.lr-loprnt of xtrrant gralrulation tisstr.T1ris drssing an b

.: .rlqd daily uritii dr kratinisd uti1 has fotlld.

: .-R l 0:


: s n uight dorspolmr rdiogrhk imge of fi fool i th 2

.:-.gs Three iuIor rdiIuent ors wilhi the on o{ the dtl





he sme rdiogrhi( view s tigur 9, hr surgitl remvl o[ lhe


ktoms; iditig [uriher loss f be {rm th dt| phlx

osleo|ys s rsult of pressur from th kerotomos. Note iust how

!c hs |ost d how eor th kroloms hove grown io lh distl

.-.'llogeo| (,offin,)
iint. h

:r ttok

t|y o optil illusio.

of rmdial


FIGUR l 2:


he {ot ftr o|itio of shoe od stdurd hositI lte. Not how muh

lsue hos e lost {rom


The iodine.sokd

ressue. h

foot. h sho wos g|ued n 0s 0n mergenry

roedur duig surgery whe the ex,tet of the hoof wolI lss eme opporenl.


gouze swos the pked il th d{rt ude l r_

is imorlnl t0

revet th deveIopmei



grnuIoti lissu.


0 the defd hos lle mIt|y ked with

iodie*okd gouze d then gmge swbs, lhe

luminium visor is otthed. h is mdilirolion

f dosoIJIgd hspito| p|t. lt ||ows esy

ess for dily re-oking. lvlst importnt|y, it
esures thut the drig ke.t i p|oe, p|ying


i0 the

heoIig lissues,



url gru|oti. As with olI hsitI |ols,

it im0rl0l l istrut

0WI5 0 o|ilin

od lmov| of the p|ote od visor wilh 0 spner'

Lok o{ tre during


mnouvres roy resuh

in rss.lhding the o|t d mlfuntio f

th rius.

T]l author hs tratd ] olrv r,vith 3 krtorrras irr on hinl foor i:..

involvd:r radia1 surgi:rJ po:dlrr urrdr gnl atrasthsil lrl.rtllsiv rt-lloval of

.lit,rJ phrI.rll.


hof r'vall, lrrrina tissu nd otl r.olll

|)O\t ()Pl..lti\. Ill.lt)'l('l)lL.ll

a :pilisd .p of hspital plat r'r.itlr ;r dorsll visor. tl Pott

;l till



ror,r), is possil vn aftr th rrrost r:rdil slrrgi1 ri-li':

(Filrrs 8 o



nsur 1.rlirrg r,vitllout J\-lOP1llt

ltt.lttlt g:rntrlirtion tisstr Th s is illustr:ltd t lll.rnstI11t
posd tisstrs:rnd


r(lllird tIr.'.rplrL..ril




tIGUR l 5:
Aoximotly molhs posl orrtivly, there

groh of th

drsI hoof wol| with he|thy

ed o{ gruIotio tissue fi||ig the dfeo.



The hrtr sho is used to provid suoil for

the foot i oiulio with lhe hositI pIole.

0ligiIly stdrd egg r sho hd be used

with th p|te. The ddilio f

o frog


ih fot od mod the

rovided etr sup]t t0
0ny m0re omfolhl

[|GUR l 7:

(mlel rgrowth

hor hd


oroximlly 7 monlhs sl oerolively.

pially, lamnss rsolvs apidly following stlrgr. Th priod o

...llllsn rquird wili dpnd on [h siz and sit of th ision.
Hrrr,r it is trsually many ronths fr most hrss an lturn to
.-l] ris.Th fitting oa hospital plat is ssntial to nsl1r optillll
'. .]]t oPrativ lnanaglnnt. In th longr trIn, a bar sho with iips
:l ithr sid of th dft should applid. illing th dft rvith
.l:lllsit rnatrial nray a1low 1lor rapid rturn to ul1 ris.This
.:luld on1y arid out on kratinisd util has forrrrd.

o i xubrarrt granulation tissu dvlos

th pst oprativ phas, loal dridlnnt an trsuallv

.. tr krtoDla

...l.id out .ith


hos standing undr 1oal ana1]si nd atr

n app1id.This trsuall ttiv ill solving th

..)1O11. Jt is strrprising hor'v r,vll horss n op r'vith th loss of
.::lltllr.rl proportion ofoot and yt rtuln to thlti xtivitY.
..ttrrqltt has

: :ltrs 19 to 2.+ i1lustrat th surgia1 rmoval o sphial

l :rliogreplr of this asr is sho$In in Figtlr 2.

.l tt]\t.bk rlrldiirl



FlGUR i 8:
Nle the hng in igmnl o[ lhe slr hor.


tIGtJR l



Poll|eI ruis i the dorsl hf wll ore md wilh on i|lling sw (wotr ooled

Th dool flp elevted od lhen removd.




A lorge spherio| krotom ron

sre on(e the f|op hs


The kerolom e|voteo


(orful urtIg of the uderIyig

dtl ph|x is rried out.

F|URE 24:
he spheritl krutm fter




Thc r1ttilt lto.f is n tti,1ttI

srrturd tLpfuriott o.f th



l)tu1|I hors

d rc,titl.

Ds1lite this, tlt hoo.f\ rolt:

th ttprditbili, ,J

iroru trc





i ts


ttds f,o th

itt.jr' L,Iittr

lf rc ol11l1.lo|,| ld grll1,
lt| tttt'tttfltll1' u'irlt r|1|ill(
uound (rc; pltcrr,s dp
tcttsiuc it1|ttris 1r t


rr1uir thorotryLt nltttiott

d rotrtd trttllttt, oo.f

lsios tl lssiftd ordig to
th ntr o.f thc isult (brsit.l,

putttr' rk




d th



rful nrl
sstl11dti proh f,o ulttttttd


|,|1,l,| l


t rl d

t t




qt I1l

dprtiut o th sit ld ctcttt


tlrc irtjur.


hpttt dos |1,t or

()|l,|nri()l hoo.f rks st,rch s

sd lld glss

of t

' rpltih p-orms

s rh .first litt f

loortltiotl, 1l)igh|-bdri

Wound he|ing of hoof |esions



in dpth i ILlu


onjuntion with t
d hling prprtir

nd avtr].sion




wotlnd haling of skin ar otlmon to th.

svral inrportant fators ltniqu to tis\l.l
Dspit this,

1nost part, th prinipJ.s of


tl.r hoo tht influrn th rpair Ploss signifiantly.

linial pin hs shor'vn that haling tirns or hoo lsiorrs t..

gnrally protratd rrrpard with r'''trnds at othr sits. As h
'ounds r not anrrrl to suturing, and fi.quntly rslrlt in ti'rt.
lss, haling ours y sond intntion. For tlris :lson, haljnq '
]:liant on tl.r forn.ration of granultion risstr fi.orrr th oiunl, subur'

or on and susqutrt nrigration of grmina1 pithlitrrr-r. In additrorl

th pair Pross is ardd ftrrtl.rr y th asn of atir, r'r,ouIr.

lntrtiltl.1l omponnts of th oriunr hav th alility to nrigrlt.

atrd ovr a dft providd that a halthy d ograntrlatiorr tissr"r h:.

n stalishd. F{owvr' pitlrlilisation is allltst irnpossibl in r.
psl1 of inftion \Vith this in nrind, as hoof wouds ar rypilJ.
hvily ontinatd rvith dirt nd fal nratil' thr is l]is:

liklihood of intion and tndd haling tirns.

h hoois sujt to onsidra1 rllvrrrnt onlpar1 lvitlr rllrl.

othr sits in th hors' Th inhrnt onst2lnt lvight_aring Ii.
dYnamis lding and trnloading f th fot, vtl in th ontln.
hors.:rr ssoiatd .ith ontinl.ta1 rnovrnnt of tissus oth h:
his rror,rrrnt irrrpds rvotrrrd hrlirrs atrd rprsnts a signifilrl
irtor ontribllting to tndd h:rling tinrs. Dspit th ih 1o.
strpl to th foot, vasular irrjuv ours onrnronly lvith d h.
rrra1, rsult in loal ishan.ri prdisposirig t intion .lrl.
irrrpaird haling Ths ftors otrpld r'vith th norlnal slorv rat
hornv tisslr rgrrr:rtin rsurlt in prolongd haling tirns of h.

irrjtlris and

3 5 nrnths. Flrrthnror. t1l'

in nrind th Potnti]l irrvolvrrt of rir'l

lsions thlt rypially irr th ordr of

liniiarl should a

strutllrs ourri.ng sir.rrl.rltanousiY r,vith injury to tl.r hooi Injttrr- r.

vttl tt.tttlrrs.rdjant atrl dp to th hoof nray rs1t in intil

r instilit ausing arcr or lif-thrtning onrpliations.

The sole

Full thikrrss rvourrds of th sl tnd through th kratinisd rl.

grrrrinal pithliunr, oritlrll nd slrutis. Dlrring th initial rvor.ur.


C orri

r r i r y

poss tlr wound nalgins d not rtet and thr is tro

.'- lling oadjant sot tissus dtr to th onfins of th hoof apstll.
onlrsly, swiling assoitd with th inflanrrrratory and rpair
...hss of wound ha1ing sults in tissu prtrusion at th wound that
:.:ils pih1ialisation.As ativ wound orrtration dos nt oltr,

::nulation tissu fornrs to ovr th posd on or oriurn.

''\unls rsulting in posur of th disrl pha1an ar assoiatd lvith
..-r1ongd hrling tims, as granulation tissu olllation rm on is
..+lifintl slor'vr than fro th vasu1ar rih oritrtlr. Susquntl,
::lrg:ttiorr fror h surrtlnding grrinal pitl-rlium urs in a
.-:ntliptal lannr ovr th granulation bd.T1r rmaining dft is
:hn ii1ld th proliration okratinisd solar pithliunr.
Th hoof woll

Firll thikrrss injuris of th hof wal1 rpair in a nrlnnl sinrilar to

..l1:rr lr,ounls Pt that pithlia1 nrigration fi.orn slrrrotlndins
.tlrinr pithliu linritd to rp1airrg th straturrr intrntlm' Th
:.idull dft in th strturrr nrdiunr prsists until norrnal hoo r'r,a1l
rargin' Furthrrnr
-lo\\'th poinll to th lsiorr rahs th slar
.ithlil tissu ovring hoof rvall dts rnav polifrt from v:rriotrs
.jj-nt tissus, inluding lrrrinar' oronrY solat r dmal pith1iul,
.::rldir.rg on th 1otion of th rvound. pithlial lls nrigratin
:on.r djant tisstrs r,l.ill :tssu111 th haratrj.stis of thir origins.
h oronor bnd


full thiknss dfts in th ronay and ar apal of

..ollrPlt rgrrratin b ororrar pithlial rrrigtion frorn lvotlnd

:llgirrs lvithout pr1nnnt hoof rvall dfts. Largr dfts, lrna1
. ridgd y olonary pithliunr, a rp1ad y adjant lrninal

..r drnal pithlium. Th hoo r,vll go,th prodlrd v th nrr

.Oon:lry pithJ.iu.r otn rsults in rak ornration and dos trot
:r]u a nornral stlatllm rrrdiunr. Dspit this, th anornral hoof
tissu is ormnly sarisatoly to raintain norrnal hoof fution
\\ hr oronar bnd iury is assoiatd lvith full thiknss loss of
.i.lstn skin' laminar o oroDrY pithliurrr rigrats proim1 to th
..OIOnlry rrd and hony tissu glows olr th Pastrn.

voIution of hoof lsions

l-:rltrtion of hooinjury should iniiall irrvolr, lassifiation of th
rr'ound in rlation to th atu of th traurrra, dpth, loation :rnd

a ttook

of rrrrdi1 horsshoing


tlGUR l:
A deep orosio |o the oroory bod od ski of

the pstrn whih ws ssoiold with


hemorrhge. Hoof iiuies ofle iorporot

iiury to the ornory p|us or digilu| rtris thl

my rsuh i sustotioI bIood Ioss.

dtrration. It is irrrportant that th rvor-rd is assssd

in onjuntirl

with valtltiorr of th dgr and typ of lnrrrss..W.olrnds of

hoof, oronary anl n1 p:rstrrr r,l,hih aar nlinor but



ssoiatd rvith sv larntlss nlay indiat involvtrrrrt o d..1

vital stuturs, inftion or strutural instaility. A olnplt phr.sir.
.ttttitl.ltion shuld lrvy' ptforlnJ t v|ut rny otld.rl.'
sstli ffts, suh as adiovasular onrpron.is du to loo1 1o.'
(Figur 1). Sirilarly, dttion of dJitional arrorrrralitis or ir1tti.
should not ovrlookd as th rrra rqr-tir spifi trtnrlt:rnj
:rfl th prognosis. Prior to a dtaild lvoutld anrirration. irliii
thpy nray irrlud onfirrnrnt, prsstrr andaging. irtt.lr'rr.lr.t.
fltrids, antiiotis, an1gsia, ttanL1s prophyla and anti_infl1]-l1ll;ltOIthrapy.

systnrati approah to lvoutid v1uatiotl should ldtd..Wh...

possil th r,vound slrolrld assssd jrr a latr dry nvirolrtlrllt I..
th- as o aLlt, dp or irrtd r'votrnds, hoof n.raniplrltiorl ..

grlrall assoiltd lvith a rnrkd pin rspons and sdatiorr rl:

prinlrr1 rnasthsi:t ar otn rquird to failitat valuatiorl.Wh:.


trrsiv ol: th tlllpJlllnt o th hors lirrrits .

thorough v:rltratiolr' grrrr1 anasthsia rnay b nssr-. l-L.
posd snsitiv tissus shottld ovr1 in stril gl (Surgi_Cl


Intlasit Gl), th surrolrnding skin lippd' suprfiil 1.rooraspd rl;

th so1 pard. Th tissu surrttnding th wourrd should l,ttl;;




]|h ,Jlr :lntisePti sru nd thn oth r rilrsd r'vith a dilut

]..liPti solutio lJsing stril glovs th wound should alatd

ltrtrrin th hooand oot struturs irivolvd nd to dtt th
.-ji-llc oforign odies.A stril pro an usd tO assss dr
))..l. oPnings Carful orrsidration shtrld b givn to th possibl
.. O1\r:1rlrlt in snovial strllturs, Partiully in r1ation to r,vounds

1lin!] th orolray band, pastrn arrd hl bu1s.Th irrtgriy o

. \\ Ilovial strl1tul (distal and prirnal irrtrphalang1joint, digitl

...iO \h]th and podotrolr1ar ursa) shou1d ssssd by aspiration
. :]Lrid. svnovial fll-rid analys, atrial ultu arrd distnsion rvith
::i] isotorri fltrid. Injting 10 30 r1 ostril isotoni fluid into
:.- t\tlovi1 avity and osrvirrg ol lakag frr tlr wolrnd asssss

:ltllutliatin btwn a srrovial strutur and th wound. ntsis

:il svlloviai aviy should prforrrrd at sit I1Dot fronr tlr
.itll trndr aspti oditions (Figtl 2). If th i.njury rluds

- :.r]


.. :;hlrrgl


rthrontsis o th distal and proil

joints a palrrrr/plalltar :LPPIoah should


- ::lllir'' diqital flo tndolr shath ntsis rrry ahivd at th

ssarrroid borrs '.hn palniar/plantar pstI1r irrjltris .r
-..sstttllt o othr dpr strutuls suh s or.iurrr, gtlinal tissu,
: :.1:O\-:lstll:ll. undl(s), digitl ushiorr, flor tndorrs, ollatal
- .]li.llts and atilag an b diffiult. va1ution ma nd to b
.' '.- .1 util lrmorrhg is otrolld prssur bndaging (12-2+
involving rlr
,lr trnrd undr glrral anasthsia.
..1ll1 :ttll oronlr rrd should arnind 1osly. r1tli
: ..::in oronry and rvolrnds is inrportnt partiularly rvlrn

tIGllR 2:
I[uly t th hoof woIl, tronry bod d postr
ski my exted t ivoIv |he uderlyig syoviuI
ovity. Ihe itgrity f the dto| iterho|gol



y ioint dtesi wilh slrriI

otoi [luid d obsvtio of lekge lrm the

woud. Arthroeles is rfrmd udr ospti
odi|ios ot o sit rmol [m lhe iniuly.

: .s lnq, to lirrrinat th possii1ity o a forign ody. Strstatrtial

O oronary tissu l'vill rsul in orrrpronrisd hoo intgriq,',
] ::..]s th tt on l.roof strlttur fi.onr partial thiknss r,vounding
]ifiult to assss ur.rtil thr is hoorgror'vth.Th foot has tlr

.-:ttsitr- to dv1op adquat olltral irulation followig

: ...rrl insult odigital vssls to 1low tissu rpair.Th possiility
..]..!ll-1llt t].rrornosis o digital vssls ollor'ving trurna shotrld
.' kp in rrrind. Dnrvtion 1na our in njuntion r,vitlr
' - .. r ssl l:rratin. lthough gnrally o .rinitrral linil
*:: -...ltl. subsqunt 1oss o on rrrass and strngtJr h:rs btl
- : :l llorr,ing dnrvatiotl

] ...

o th piostulrr of th rr.uddl :rrrd dist] ph:rlllrgs nd

. .l..1 Lrgllrtrts oth proirl and distal irrtrplralnga1joints


:l hotli 1alrlnss. Dpr ijuris lll:ly :lus irrtion f th

-. f\tbok




traviulr bon, rlriddl rrd dta1 plralrrgs or [h ollatr] til]g

For this rason' radigrahi arin:rtion shor.rld rforrnl otl ;
:ss .ul,hr

thr is s:vr larrrnss, dp injurry or rvhr draining tr:l

lr Prsnt (Figur ). Rdiogaphi asssslnt sholrld slrpplnrnt

rvitlr ontrast stu]is odrrining tats for a glatr appriation otl
struturs irrvolvd. Squrrti1 radiographs

lt f-1

dv intrvals ttr:

th dr,loPrrrrrt of spti ostitis, ostonrvlitis or priostal rr.

orr produtiotr sondI

to th

origin.r1 trau1rr. LJ]tsol-lll

f soft tissus

arrl draining tr]ts nr.l 1.f9.u,..1 .

stlis].r irrtgritv otndor.rs ar.rd ligarnts, th rigirls of drirrilrs t:r

rrd to

tIGUR 3:

Upright rdiogrphi viw f ihe third ph0|0

more lhot kiked

piet f shl



resuIlig in o fuII thikss lertio of the hoo{

wol| d

.weight-hrig |meess.

Rdiogrphs rvIed orrspoding

Iiner |yti

ony defett in the distoI pho|on. A septit ostit

i the

distoI hl tht wrs

subsequenlIy urefled i toniuntio with hooI

idnti\ dpl

rnldd rign odis.

Ngltirrg t r-rrrdrtk throlrgh valuatiori ovita1 stLlturs

:tssoiltion r'vith hoo ,ounds trray rsult in irr:r1qult tr.ltllrlrt. .]

inatrrat prognosis alrd a po outonl. Pr.ior t rrrrrkirtq
trt1nlrt osr,r hoinjuris, owns n1ust rrrad rvar otl
1-lotatd and onrpl ntu o th tratllrllt, th rrsidl..rLr
Pns' pssibl omlitions and likl1, prognsis or rstorltion

iilm nd tirrrtion.

wlI dridemet.

fulngemnt of hoof Iesions

optinlur lnalragnlnt ohooirrjltis rquirs an apriation f tl

spifi lr,olrnd ha1ing proprtis o th 1roof arrd th ftrs th
.lfft rvtrrrd hrling. 1r rirripl goal of tratnlnt 1s tO at
halthy rrvironnrnt for wound haling nd t otain th st possiLl

osrnti nd untional rsults. Prior to stl!]ry al1 ,l t sotrld t

trit.trtrrd aus, otn, th non_opratd t tnd to l rrglt.

if th

oprrtd foot rtll.ril

:rinful for an tndd prid f tirrr. Prparation o th hoof t.
slrrgrv shotrld prornld th day |r slrrgrv if possibl l
1uing th ha1irrg pross' spiallv

iopl, outr hoof rvall and suprdial horn of th so1 and rog


Th ntir foot is thn srud rvith povidon iodir

in alohol and allorvd to dry. Th foot is th

ltrgnt, rinsd

rvrappd in a povidn_iodirr soltrtion soakd ar.rdag nd ovl.t

rvith Il inrprn:r1 1.rr. Sirnilarly' th skin around th pastrrl

lippd nd larr1 with an antispti srlr, aftr th r,voutrd

ovrd in stril r,vound gl or antisPti ointmnt. A [urrliqrr

.lpplid t th lv1 oftlok rdus intra opratir, hanrorrh!. rt
1us sl1rs]ry tinrs. Harostasis arr

b hivd y


rvrapping a rol1 olasti rndag (Vtrvr) firnr1y round th tlo

tO ConlPrss :rnd ohrd th digital atris.'W.hn th vastrlar tissr-r


o r r t i r. a r r i

,oot .l illisd, lding will nsu ur.rtil th poo1d blood irr

hls dirrrinishd.A1trnativl' a rubbr toulniqut

.lp1id ronr th oronary and to th ftlok, whih rl'.ill
.i: tllr. ornplt lrantos[asis. Dspit this, lrv grad ozirrg is
: :.l ltttint1 throllshout th produr.h Pastrn arrd hoo:rr
': -:::''.:rrd or ;rspti slrrgry.Th rrrraindr oth hoof ot to b
..: rtl] ]:}stIn

. --

' . .'.l tl is vrd with

rr atrtolavdVtwrap.

l-:]]] lllost il11port.rnt fator in tlr rnanagrnnt of hoof wounds

]j..:ijlllrlt ofdvitalisd tissus arrd forign rnatrial and on.rplt

.] . ..\.isioll is th nros {tiv nrthod. F{wv, diinrnt

.:..-].r1 tissus strh s tl.r gnrilrl pith1iunr, oiunr, l1rVs,
-i :.. rll1 svnovial avitis should onsrvativ.Tlr viability o


]:] ' )ill-s nd

tl.r lvound rlargins 1n:r not b apprnt irrrnrdi:rt11,.

tisstls of qustional viailit ar st lrralragd by
. i..:lIl!I rr ith rrroist diltrt antispti adhrnt drssings rrd dld

, .:ll. llitlr

.....r. isiorr i nssary a,t 2-3 day intrvals. Sugial

.].llll1t shotlld orrrind lvith lrrg volurl irigation o :r
.: . Lr g with stri1 p\sio1gil solutins using 30 nr1
:'': .Lnd 1.S g ndl or a pulsatil punrp is {ltiv at dridirig
.. .:.ilol. foisn rrrtrial and batria frorrr liglrtl ontaminatd


:s For lost hoof ijuris, ontlrrinatiorr is hav and dply

...].(].1rrr shar disstion fol1owd lag voluni (3-6
:i 1.l\llg is rrrr fftiv atrd not as tdious as prssur lavag
.']ls Followirrg dridmnt th intgriry f adjant synovial
.'.. ..is should b assssd, as outlind aov Th intimlt

-.:rln tr'vn th hooarrd th rrnaining struturs of th fot

- .]. \trl] prdispss ths struttrrs to injury in nrt with hoof
] ]]i For this rsorr, manag1nnt of hoof lsions is inonrplct
:..l.t orrsidrion o tratlnt of th adjaIlt strl1turs. oPn
.:... shotrld managd with larg volum lavag lvith stril
.'..loqil sltrtion and trtd rvith intr_artiular and systnli
-] : ]'L]is. Inftd and dvitali.sd tissu of th distal phaln, its
' .:1 artilag and tndons should isd.

. -. irr o topial ntiioti prparations in trating and prvnting

.:lld rnttion i.s qlrstional.Th topial aPPliaion of antispti
':. ]]11lts nd solutions should avoid high onntrations
.'..;'hidin >o.05% and idin >o.2%) whih impair wound
. .-:rJ Srlilrrl, stringnts suh as l'vhi lotion, 2,% orrrralin or

tinttrr of iodin ar dltrious to fibroplasia and

:: 'llli:llistion. Systi antiiotis r indiatd whn injury



.]t .]p to th drtnis and whr vit]. struturs suh as synovia1

J t\tok

of rr:mdi1 horsshoing


avitis ar involvd. Broad_sptrum antiioti thrp suh

pniillin nd gntamin is appropriat for hoof wounds asd on h
likly prsn o mid atrial populaions inluding anrolll
bpial and systmi mtronidazo1 rrray b indiatd in ass whr
anaros ar rsistant to peniillin. Loal dnrinistratiotl of hig


onntratiorrs o antiiotis intra_ossous nd intravnous in fusil

o th distal lir Irray nfiial whn trating infion of r,it.

andaging lirnits furthr [raun1a and ontnrination, appli.

Prssur, aids in dbridmnt and Prvnts dssiatiorr. App1iatin
rnoist adhrrrt drssings, sr.lh as guz sPongs, ar indiatd to assil
furthr wound dbridrnt and prvnt dssiation. Stlsquntl.
non_adhrnt srni_oltrsiv wound drssings shuld app1id t
ailitt granulation tissu fornrtion and nhan pithJialistrl

Firm pking ohooand sol dfts with a ontat drssing bak

rvith gauz sPongS hlps prvnt swliing and tissu protrusion frr
th wound. Th sondar lyr of ro1l otton is app1id to absor
lvound xudat nd distriut Prssur vnly. A1though this lay
tn onrittd whn ndaging wounds of th sol and distal wall, lt
nfiial in ontarninatd wounds and h1ps to wik away ,
rrroistur h outr layr o th foot ndag should watrpr

and ma onsist oa dispsal IrPPy and dhsiv tap, svral 1\.l

f dut tap, imprmal lasti wrap (Vtwrap). inorportion of
rur innr tu or a omlnIial watrproof oot. I is inrportnt t
irvoid xssiv Prssur or dire ontat with dhsiv tap on rh

olonary nd as h oronary pithliurrr rny om rnratd.

Stal hoo wounds nray rr.ranagd adqualy with bandaging n

orrtiv shoing Larg and unstale wotlnds r st prottd at

wound managmnt my rquir rPJt

dridnrnt and rgular andag hangs until inftion is ontro]li
rir to appliation of a ast. A distal lirb ast provids staili' t
stai1isd y a ast. Initiall,

of damagd tissu, prvnts uth.

ntarination arrd rstrits forrrration o granulation tissu. asirl
shou1d inorporat tlr hoof and pastrn (phalangal, foor or
ast) to lw th ftlok, and nray b applid to tlr standing hor.
r,vith th aid o light sda[ion. Th us of ast foarn, rrdirrg th
rvll lor'v th ]vl oth ftlk and rolling th prirrrl rirrr of r}
ast distally bfor th matria1 sts, Idlls th inidn oast s.

ailitat novsularisatin

(Figur ,l). As tlr phlanes .lI \t in ttlsion, without rstitil,

th atrg of rrrotion of th tlok, a raisd hl is rarly r1uir.
Aryli: nlnt (Thrrovir 6091) ap1id to th tO and h1 otl




:. ] |ht f alunriniur foi] and taping it to th ottom of th ast.

:]lrrrg] st is lss pnsiv, sir to .rpply and has a lowr


:: :i-.-;ltron rt than a



whih may also b usd.


\.00n0ry 00n0

-:::rli:r] :rlrsions to th oronry and ar onlmon and

.:.i.i1rs:ltion ours rapidly witlrout gross vidn of sarring.


:..1r. tlatlllnt is not rquird for suprdil arasions othr than


:.lning th hors irr a dry nd hygini nvironmnt L)pr

::.):.I1s :lr oftn assoiatd with onsidrbl hamorrhag om th

] .]I\' lus and varial dgrs of Pastrn skin nd oronar
Oss lnitia1 rnanagmnt rquirs pssur andaging to ontrol
-.:--l.,rhq, \y5tmi antiiti ovr and ttanus prophyiaxis until
- ::l]lleDt of involvmnt of dpr struturs (distal intrphalangal
: - :d o]]ltral artilags) is prforlnd. Smll stal Wounds ay

: :]].lllJed irritially lansing with djlut ntisptr ]nt5,

.: ].:Illnt rvith wt_dry andaging or svrl days and stall
. :-:lllll1t Susquntly, th wound is lnangd with snli

..-rslr lssings suh


]\{lolin orTlfa,whih ar bkd by gauz

..::is nd sud with roll gauz. Topial antiioti r


: ..=:lt.ttion .rntisPti oin[lnnts may bnfiial arly in wotrrrd

sondary Jayr o ro11 otton is pplid, whih is thn

::d r. .t rr-trroolayr. Non strid1 anti_inflammatoly drugs



trtook of rrrrdi] horsshoing


AppIitin of o pho|og| or


(st 0


eIemt i lh suessfuI lrlmnl of ustle foot

Wouds 0) 0hopdkflt

is o|ied t0


0r0n0y 0d ond proximo| poslel. ) (st foom

0p|ied 0ver the sto(kinel miimise5 (0st s0res 0d
o(ry|i( eme.t op|ied to the to od heeI of th

t0 revel weorig. ) The sl ds dtI to

the fetIok to ovoid rubig durig


tnsion d flio. The io of the sl sold

with odhesiv l0De l0 0revenl t0nt0mi0li0n.


ar adinistrd or t1r frrst 3-5 das and road_sptILlnl systIru

rntiiotis ar indiatd rvlrn injury tnds dp to th drn-ris

Largr rrrd nror nroil wounds ar nlanagd as :rlv for th first fr

das r-rntil stalishrrrnt oinfioll is ruld out.At tlris point wou
haling and estoration ofth ooxry tisstr is st pronrotd b ,


n for 2-3

wks. Coronary g.rlnil tisslr h.

rrnarkal rgnrativ apairy if spsis, instaility and ishari:r


adqurt dridnt, PropI r,vurrd lrn]]1lll

nd sting rrrajor oon]ry injury ray onvrtd into r.nitl
oronary dt. Aurlt ssssn1llt oth tnt of loss of grlrrirt


oronary pithiiunr at th ti] of in.]ury lnd susqunt oll.lProllr1)

to hoowl1 intgrit ditfitrlt. In nranv ass th ft ooron:lr
tissu darnag rqtrirs tirrr for hling and rgrorvth t tssr l]tlt


intgiy (Figur 5). oronarv dfts lad t PrtllJlrllt 1roo1. r:i}

or dfts in tl-r lroof w11, although rrot r11 aus untiorl

tlGUR 5:
) Poiol thiknss rsion to the ornory nd
iv|vig the hoo{ wo|l d psle ski 5 dys

ftr iniury folIowing trolmet with

dheret dressings ud ondging.
0ppe0r0e ofier

ho|ge| st ws plied

for weeks showing lormolio oI


lisu d


ornoy d' ) Apern

l l2



stftory funti oI lhe o00ry b0nd.



showig hof wo|| grMh inditive





ilpairrlnt or lrtlrrss. PlvIrtativ 1Iaslls srrh s r]ul. ho(

trinrn-ring, orrtiv shoing arr1 aryli rpair rrlay rdu l
linrinat [h onsquns of th oro1lary dft and l'vill dtilt
inVolunr lI.
tl-riknss oronary nd larations irrvital invlv th ].r
r,vall and distl pstrn rgiorr to vrying dgrs. W.hr possib


r'vound lnangnrnt should nharrd b dridnlrrt and pri

;rposition of rvourrd rargins. Rpair of 1rations sl-rould |ol1o



.-.... '1'otllld lllan:lg]nnt prinipls r,vith rrrphasis on ating

.. -.l''' llr-irotrrltnt, prsr.rvlng oroll.rry rissu and providirr
-' j.]-].lt
stili. fl optirl haling. Tisstr is apposd using rrorr_
. - :...tl trlorlofilanrnt suttll on rrttirg ndl in a vti1

: . :].ii

Figur 12d). Staility is st ahivd y applvilrg

2- rvks. Laratiorrs that rsult in rirrilrral loss
-..lrotl:Lrr, b:rnd tissu llor'ving strturing o by sond intntin
:. :;. rlv rsult irr hof wall dft. Laratd orollar balld
. ..-.- ]ll.]\ l rrrrsuital or dbridmnt nd sutl.rring, partitrlall
;]tt].ll (s
. :. .,.lrlg1 lst for

..:l t:ttlllnt is dlavd Thrfor, tissu

- :- -ilt inftion arrd to allorv fornrtiotr

: ::Lil irlstln thr wil1 sustantial

rstio11 1s l1rssaI to

of a ha1th granl-rlation d.
loss o oronary band tisslr.
: .] .t L)] lll]lnt dt of su_optinral, though oftn funtional, ho
. ..l ill rsult. Long rnl ornpliatios ol1wing oronar alrd
1llev irrlud ho wal1 raks' dfts, kIatotous growths
:.:. ht.tl\. spurs,

rvhih rrray rquir surgil ronstrution and long

- :::]] orretiv

Hoof woll
. ...1 rllikrrss larations, Punturs and avtllsions of th hoof wal1 r
. !llllllon. Strh injuris rrra fol1ow dridrrrnt of a hoof rak,
....:r irrjrrry frtrr

sharp solid ojt or surgially ratd dfts.

lras rstlltd in a full thiknss dt, radiographi

of th foot should pfornrd to dtrrrrin if thr is
.:: JJr'ing lon involvllrnt. In t1r nrajority of ass rvoutld
]]l...ll.1gnrnt possil rvitlr th lrs o sdation and rgiolll
..'-.-LI.tvr taura


tIGlJR 6:

f Dreme| powr u ond

ee removI


miiming dmg



dmogd hoo{ w|I whiI


hellhy odjt |mir


a txtok

o n-rdial hosshrng


Initial trtnrnt of tralrmati woutrds involvs parine

any undr_run ho wa11 ak to lnargins of halthy hof wll :rn
.loop knif' or powr urr (Drrl; Figttr 6
lallrinar tissu (Js f a
t() rlnov danragd hoof wall nlininriss darr.rag to adjant lralthl
1anlinar tissu. Nroti larninr tissu is dridd arfully, lavagd rr
th worrrrd aind for tnddd forign odis or irrvolvrnnt o
th undrlying distal phalanx. I thr is i',,olvrnt o undl.lr.inl
n th dft should urttd ak to lralthy on, lvhih is firl

is not disolourd. Brad_sptrunl s)rstnli atiioti

should b admir.ristrd if thr is on involvmnt until hlhr

b1ds and

srarrula[ion tissu orlus ovr th dt posd drnral tisslrs lr.

thn ovrd lvitlr :r rrrr_adhrrrt sni_olusiv drssirrg (Sofr:r_tlr.

orJlorrt) in onjuntion with topial dilut antistis.Th ont.r

drssirrg is akd with rnoist gL1Z spongs firnr1y pak1 irrto thr

Lge, u|e fulI

lhitkrss ho[ wI| defeds m

e sti|ed with tlourd melI ds

slerYs |ted in the hoof w|i.



n absornt lyr is usually Llnnssary and a watrproo1l'

on grarrulatin tisslr orrs, sri_olusiv drssirrg'

is tl.rn applid.

.hih prorrrot pitlrlialisation sulr sTla or Mlolin, ar usd.h,

'tlnd slrould alrdgl urrtil th dt is ovrd lvith orrlrtr.
pitl.r1ial tjsstl. Ith l.rof wa]l dft is rrsidrd likly to afft th.
stlutl1ral intgrity of th hoof, a ar sho in rbination rvith srl,
lips o rigid fitiorr ]ross th d|t ay nssary (Figtrr '
Orr pithlial ornifition hs ourrd th dft rlra filll rr iri
.n' Borrd) to l1or'v r]i rtllrtl r\
ho rlli (quilo or Fl
onlPtition. Applitin o aryli rpair ornpunds sholrld .

dlad urrtil a sutIiint thikss o kratinisd tissu has frnr] .

prvnt 1rat fronr th trring Ploss darnging snsitiv larrrina (2
rrronths).Th radr is rfrrd toVolurl II for a dti1d dsitrl

hoof arvli onrpotlnd appliarion.

Avulsion iniuries
Iloof wall valsion injuris rnay trrd to irrvolv th ornar bn,
arld adjant skin as wll as th sl and tlrird phalan. Th avulsi

rplt, inomplt, aut or lrroni. vu1sion injti

wpially involv frtur oth hoof wall with proirnal displaml:
tr.rding into th oronary and as a rsult o1.tl.r downward fol
tlr lirn striking a fid objt.


om1it vulsion ours rvhn tissu is lost fronr th foot or h.'

tissu oan inlnplt avulsion is rstd du to orpronlisd lol
supp1y. Th vtrlsion lny onfind to th hoof r'vall althotrc

involvnrnt o th oronary band and pastrn tissus is oll]1llll








stal during nlov1nnt


ra rnanagd

..:ri1tllnt, lavag atrd ndirging. If thr is strffiint loss of tissu

..Ortivc bar sho should applid (Figlrr 8). Unstabl or 1rg

by asting for 3 wks following dridrnnt

.:: l:rr:rg.Th stabiliry providd by asting improvs th hns o
..]lll]]t rforrtion of t1r hoof Wall. sting shotl1d dld
..:.iil intin is rsolvd o its dvloprnnt ruld out. Sirrrilarl,


ltr st tratd

postpon1 tlntil ish]rrri tissus r dridd rrd

] ....ntlallv is1.rri tissu is vluatd. Squntial lvound
l::idrlnt ovr svral das rrra nssary to rat a halt\
::'1'lronlllnt for sting. Asssslrrnt and solution o inftiorr o
.' :lil1 stluturs is pranlount to a sussful outom. Broad


i-]:.tru1ll ntibitis arrd stril n1ging ar nrritaind untii halth


:..lllt1tiol-t tissu forrns.

hroi omplete vllsions ma dvlo a krtoratous growth tllat

:-...lr]s proxinral to th oronary and (Figur 9).Th horny tissu
] .\ :lus larnnss with Pastrn lovn]nt and rqui pio1i
::]lo\1 to rlrdr tl.r hors pain fi.. Strrgial tratnlnt possibl by


kratinous atial, undrrninirrg arrd rapposing adjant

...-i tissu Sul.r rpair nlust arnpanid by asting fr 3 wks
.: J l-rdagirrg fo urtlrr '1-6 rvks. rtor-nas ar ovrd i dtail





o) {oIele lrof woI| ovuIsio invo|vig th s|e

d the soIr m0rgi 0f rh dt| ph|n

(0lirmed y rdiogrphs. his vulsio is
ossidd wilh rniimi dmge to lh tornory

od ) Th gvu|si w05 moged y surgkoI


dgig d suppd y o fu||

r sh.

Kratoma oth Hoof pslrl.

Inotplet vIsions ma our nvwhr in th foot. T1r avulsd

...-lllL.nt of hoo gnrally ttahd at or irov th oronry and.
l'.orr,a1l ratur nd sparation ours on1Jnonl at th hl and

to th oronary band. W.hr thr is no or

:: ::lrrlla] oronary and involvnlrrt th undrn.rirrd hoof wall is
.....itr nd tnd

.pull_os'fron.r its oronary ]tthmnt to

..:id rva arfull1, ,itlr
..]:lt :1 ornplt avulsion Th solar arrd hl attalrrnt of th hoo
. .il is spratd t th rvhit lin and angl of th ars rvith a hoo
..:lli r Dlnl tool. Th undrnrind wall is spartd frr th
:.:ltr. ttahd dorsl rrrargi using a Drn-rl to] or osiliating sel
:-.hr than hoof knif and niprs, to prvnt tairrg ohlth 1roof
...il ti.olll th drn-ral lrnina.Th dorsal attahrrrnt of tlr hoof r,l.all
.. -.hrr vlld fllrsh to th wour.rd.Th rsitat hoof dft is tratd
il tlrll thiknss hoof wll dfts, l.rarrging th andags vr 2-.l
.]...\-) Lllltil th tissur is kratirrisd (Figur 10). A ful1 bar support sho


::g_hartLlar sho) is aplid to rovid lroof rvll stiliry and hoof

.::rli tr b trsd to fill tl.r dfiit aftr 2-3 rnths. Th rstr1t:rrrt
l '.lorvt]l rypial1y dos not opromis funtin oth foot.


of rmdial


tIGUR 9:

(hroit mp|t vu|sions my dev|

ker.lomlo growth


exIeds proxim0| l0 th

rolory bod. Th igid hory tissu moy ouse

|mss wilh ptst'

mvrmenl 0d rrquire

riodi( ihiig 10 redr th hos pi lre.


tIGtJt l 0:

!om|i vulsio o[ th hoof wIl t th

que1 fo|lwig lul trum. [Ioser evlutin

ve|s neor omIele spotin of the hool Iom

the under|yig lminr tissu nd


disruti to th tronry d. ) FoIIowing

priur| sthsi of the p|mr nerves


is lied. ) Th slr d


tthmet I the hf wu|| is seoroted .t the

white li d gIe of the hrs. d) ]he

udelmined hoof wIl


efuII eeled with

in roximu| d udl diretion l

sept the wl| |m ils ornry tthmnt. e)

he remoiig undermined w|| seplted frm
the hehhy oilohed dosl mrgi using DemeI
too| or oil|otig sqw" f) h resuhing mp|et
vuio th bodgd nd or shoe lied'




tIGlJR l.|:

(osrvtive m00gmet
{te results

i upwrd

vuIsio iiuris




oroory hd od sur lrmlio. Ths throi

plotruding vuios re suseptible to fulhr

trumo od moy use lomees.

Iotplt ulsions lrray aL1t or hroni. Aut injuris, wlrih

iiroporat th ornry arrd, ar assssd for tissu viailiry arrd
lgr oontanrination. Itlr oronary and is bviousl dvitld
:rld tissus ar havily ontarrrinatd, rstion otlr avulsd tissu and
h:rlirrg y sondry intntion is ronrrnndd Whr largr stions

o th hoof wa1l and oronry and ar involvd, and thr is an


lood supply, ronstrution of tlr olonary and


otrrnrndd. osr[i and funtional ptations and tra[nrnt

;osrs should disussd with th ownr prior to rnarking on
.onstruv surgy' s protratd post oprativ ar is likly to b
1l. ssary.

^1ut vllsiorrs

whr olonI tlssu is vial ar st


.ro1Ptly y ronstrution and stailisatiorr. Partial avulsions

,.llrtatd rsult irr lvatd

oronaly tissu that pr-odus


horny spur.

h undrlyig tissu orrrs firoi and pithlialiss bov


hond skin sufa.

Itoni htlof wIl vllsios may assoiatd wit1r prsistnt

or arrant growth of a hoof wall sur
Frgu 11). Horny sPurs ly ontriut to lrrrrrss as ovlnrr[
.:luss irritation to th urrdrlying snsitiv otiurrr oI th sPur ma
lr-qurrt1y trauratisd. Furthrror, attnlptd ronstrution o

ilrrtlss, nn_halin{. wotrnds

.rrd and nrisshap wourrds is rnor diffiult nd lss osmtially

lotrg trnr
1sing tiran rrranagrnnt of L1t wounds. A tr
nosis r soundnss and sir-r.rplifid long trnr hoof rrrtragnrnt

liklv ifdfts ar rpaird in th ut stags ofhaling.

:l ttok

o rdia1 hosshoig


FIGUR l 2:


|omIele hoof wo|I ovukion invo|ving the

tolory nd od posle. b) ]he ovued hoof

wo|| sted

lo pproximle|y l.5 tm elw the

oloory od od lhined usig o Deme| 1oo| so

i| moy e sulured |o the odit hoof w|l whkh

o lhinned. } Th woud is dridd, etedd

ond odiotet ski udermied



re-opposili oI the oroory ond. d} The hoof

w|| sulured usig o-orbob|


i o ver|itl moflless ollr. od then lhe ski

od oroory lissues ore opsd usig
inteuoled sutures.


Rpair f inomplt hoof avulsions is prormd undr


t failitat aspti thniqu, opimal tissu



hamostasis and onrplt valuti.on of vital stru[l.lrs. Pri_opratir

broad_sptrum antiiotis ar administrd nd, if dpr struturs

ar involvd, long trm antiiotis may rquird.Th hoowall and
pastrn skin ar prpard as outlind prvi.ously.Th avulsd hoof r'r,al]
distal to th oronary nd is rstd to approimatl 1.5 n-r 1orr

th oronar and and thirrnd using a Drrnl tool. Th hoof r'l,all

djant to th dt is also thinnd so that th avulsd hof sgmn
may plad in th dft and suturd.Al1 aspts of th wound ar
margins ar appsd unlss
xp1ord, ddridd and lavagd.
tissu viiliw is ustional or th is undu tnsion. nsion_




::'ir'ing nd skin_mobilisation produrs may b nssary to allow

.:i.sitiorr of wound rrrargins and aurat alignmnt of th oronay

Th hof wall is suturd using Siz 1 norr_asora]

:llonofi1rnnt in vrtial mattrss Pattrn with .r utting nd].

>.isqlrntly, th oronary nd and skirr ar r_apposd using Siz 0

.: ]

vrltil rntrss or si.mpl irruPtd suturs. Attrat

.-:psltion wih riniml tnsion is importnt to lstor nornrl hoof

:ro\\'th (igur 12)'Th distl hoowall dt is 1t to ha1 y sond

]llL.Iltion and a phalangl ast is applid or 3 wks.Aftr rnrova1 o
.iL :tst orrtinud stal1 rst and oot arrdaging ours fr a furthr 3
--''ks. on [issus krtinis, th suturd avulsd stion ohoof wll


Ll stailisd

with hoof aryli (Figur


SLrrqial trtlnt of hroni avulsions an vr rwrding and is

.rL]roahd ]s or aut rpairs. In addition to prparation oth spur

.nd djant hoof wall, th undrlying sar and granulation tissu is



Reir of iom|et ovu|sio 0her emvI of lhe

ho|ogeo| tst. Jhe sulurd vued seiio of

hof wolI hos e [iIIed d stoiIed with hoof


:rsd sharply to allow h flap t iay flat. Th dgs o th pastrn

.frshnd' rsting 1 2 rnr of skin.
.Ird oronary and ar
hrorli non_haling wounds rrray rquir dridmnt o dpr
::litd or dvitalisd tissus. Sar rvision nd wound ronstrution
.hnlqtrs o th pastrn and oronary and rray nessIy to
:1rgn th oronar tissu


withou undu tnsion. Post oprativ r

for aut rpair.

Rpair ohoof wall vulsion injuris nray assoiatd with numrous

:r.np1iations inluding prtil or omplt wound dhisn nd
.h dvlopmnt opinul horny spurs, hoof dfts nd raks. Mor
:\tnsiv avulsions tnay rsult in prmannt lamnss du to fratur,

or signifiant loss of th distal

phlanx. Additiorral

'.rpliaions rrra aris rom injury and intiorl to th digital

.ushion, ol1atra1 arti1a!.s and th flor shath nd dist1

lrltrphalangal oin


of th hoof

2 yeo fter


in th sn of suh onlpli.ations, th prognosis

i Figure l2.

reonslruliv sulgery

iomplt hoof ovuIsio.


FIGUR l 4:


god futi|

0Ul(ome Wos othievd with o evid o|


Imess. Th smti ou|tom sot[tory with

rstoring funtion1 hoof growth and rturn to athlti soundnss is

good re-|igmel nd growth from |he oror

<od following ronstrlltion Dspi this, variabl dts in hoof

lrall strutur ar olnlonly sn whih rrra rPrsnt ] osl]1cti
L.irrrish only or ma rquir ngoing orrtiv trimming ad shing
igur 14). Rpair of hroni avulsions is nror lik1y to rstrlt itl

bod. Dspile th, sevlI sur{itil rtks


ition or
'.:Irtlal hoo wall df thrtl ut rp;rrrs.
]trllturl rrrprorrris of Yit] tissu of th oot ours in onjuntin
il'ith hooinju., th Prognosis or mplt rtuln ountion is oftlr


o rrrr1ia1 horsshoing


Further reoding
Blakfrd' J.T., Latirnr, G.,.W.an, P.Y and Shirs, GM H (1994) atitg
pastrn nd foot larations r'vith a plra1arigal st Pror. ss quitt
r. 40, 97 -98

D.., Stovr' S.M , Yarorough, T.I] , Dk, . arrd Taylor' I{ .

(2000) Palrar-p1antr ial ssatrroidn aproah t th digital fll
tdo shth irr hrss.f ,4llt ' ut d ss. 2I, 11-1347 .


Hrrrig, G., rus' Il., Kirrg,VL, Stkl' R.R arrd Kirkr_Had' A

(2001) mprison of t. trrthods or prsurgil disintion of th
quin hoof. Vt Su' 30, 66-7

P. and Honnas' (1998) Diagrrosti

rrural nd rtitllr

ansthsia It. urrthir1us i qui Sur d Llcss2ld lll

ds: N.A.Whit ndJ.N oor'W.B. Saundrs' I,hiJdlphi' p 490-50tt




HoW to appro hf rvll sully in th 1rrs ro

46' 15 155.

qL rrlt,

Honnas, N4., N4aghr, D.N4 arrd Lirrord, R L. (1989) Surgial rnanagIlllll

of ]i11iult oot prollrs in th hors: urlnt ol.tpts ro t ::

Prt 34' 219-262.

arkl, .]).' l\ihardson, G.L.' Ptrson, P.R. rid Mghr, D. (198;

Surgial roDstrution f hrolli olollry band vulsrorrs itr hr
lrorss.J,4rr md ut.ss 190, 687_688.

Nikls, A. (1987) Ho 1aratirrs nd avulsions I: urrcrLt Thrp1, lll

,qti Prtk,2nd dn. d: N.. Roirrsorr..W.B. Saurrdrs, Philadlphi.l.
pp 275-277.

Prks,A.H (1998) hroni fot injury nd dformiry I:



qui Surgr d Lrrtss 2nd rdn. ds: N.A. Whit nd J N. oor

Saundrs, Philadlphia, pp 94-91 .

A H. (1997).Wounds of th quin fot: prinipls of haling nj

tratmnt. rti


du. 9, 17 27.

I)rks,A.H. (1997) Hoof rks and hoof wall avulsiorrs. I: urrthrp tl

qli Mrlii IV d: N . Rinson..W.B. Sauldrs, Phi1adlphia' p
11 1a

Riggs, M., Proudrnan, CJ.' ughs, I. and Caldw11, . (1995) Managtrnt

oftraurati, prtial hoovulsion in 2 orses. quin t. du' 7 11 1++


T.S (19s9) Mnagrtnnt of lartions and vu1sion injuris of h

foo nd pstrn rgion and hoof wll rlks. Vt. li, Nort|l rtitl,


Prt 5,195-220.

ll R nd


J. (1983) Surgial managmnt of

svre hl

woutrds irr th hors; a rtrosptiv stud of 30 ass. omp or dttt

prt Vt.5' s435_s44

lrnr,T.A (1990) Hoof wll lrtions. In: urrt Prti of 1ui Sery d'
N.A.Whit andJ N. oor J.B. Lippinot Co., Philadlphia, pp ,l02 .l0.l




spitl plt shos rL


ta hoof


TJrcrc has Iru,5 |1ggn d


this tp of sho, spi|l tvithi

rt qui vterinr prti t,tlhr

m ijuris to horss, -ft

rquir prottio. It hs th

dvtg of putting pfssrr o

th ou'd sit,


ssiu grultion tissu.

Drssigs b
lied or
oomill d ith grtr s.

spitl plts Ir


doutntd in books nd
paprs rittn b uthors
rogttisig th pottil Joo

improvd mrlgmflt






hospitl plt, sho is

ur 1)'Thk bok mks

t 2

tps: o ass

ulooil edgd bh,un th

sho tld th;foot d

us; th othr uss

;for hospital

ovr plt

hld i pl ndr to lk itlt

2 sr lks rlt th hls t b usd


,strt-nil trtmnt,

and kIatoma (s haptr 10: Krtoma of th Hoof apsul).

ar nrust takn to nsur that rry sho is


to us r oth

ownr and hors. Sorrr plats r inhrntly dangrous, on ing th

hingd p1at. on th fixing is undon, th foot annot droppd
until th whol produr of drssing lras n onrpltd. This is
aus th plat is prmnrrtly attahd to th sho; it may injur th

hors wr

it to

pu1l its oot ]Way or danrag th Plat rking ir


Th author has usd, in a linil situion, nrany hospital p1ats ot

varying dsigns; th 2 dsribd in this haptr a his shos ofhoi
for all ass.Thy hav a sipliity omanufatur nd r pratial
us.Thr ar any lorat dsigns for hospital Piats, ut it is th
as of us that is th most inrportnt sPt to th hors owllr.
vtrinary surgon nd vtrinary nurs. Th 2 asi ryps dsrid
in this haptr ar th 4_bolt plat and th.Farly plat, plus variations
that an mad to ovr vry vntua1ity (Figus 2 ar'd3).

lloterio lnd tools

Th rquirmnts or th 4_olt Plat


Th olts (orrtly alld st srws) or surirrg th Plat to th

sho, hosn arding to th siz oth hors. 10 r an idl
hoi or rrrost progrssing down to N48 or


for snral1r shos


this sho d
thos dsribd in this hptr r




in ft th ol
u,ith th moder

tlrsions r th dditiol us oJ
.drn tril,s' T\tr r t.,
svrl hospitI plt sho kits


lsti tht on b tthd

to tlrc lf usig



thor hliues tht, .t t, t|rcir




Lugwitr deihd d ilIustoted 2 types of hospit| plote i l 884



. ..-.:

-.: ::.y
....: ;: ii

pIo1e equires

oly oe o|t ot fie he|, mkig hgig dressings very simp| d ||owing

h 4-oh |t hs moy voriotions; th is md

|or [oo|, th |le otlohed with s|otted p


hed mhie rews.

iLls tlltri sizs o olt do not hav :rn irrprirl quiv'rlrrt.


],l,Whitrvorth hol rvill pt

rr N41() bo1t

h plt tlds to at last 6 inhs (150 nrm) rvid. fo mtrst

.J..r1t ss. l.r t.rratrial usd for th plat is alunriniurrr, mild_
.:1 ot.stainlss stl hostl on a1r as''s rrrits d r,vith
.t)1l\1dl.:ltiolr f th tools arrd rrratri:rls vill. Th thikrrss
..i lr P]rt nds to b at lst 5 nrtn (3/'o in1r) for alurlrinirrnr


thitltlr gal1gs bilrg


for th stl.onr stainlss or nri1d_



h.. tols quird fo ths Plts Wi11 in:lud: 2 sl lokirrg

:lts (Vis Crip Plirs or Stly ol Grip Plirs) haksar
'{r:llr, ltri dill o pilla drill, a sltiotl f drill its fi.onr
,._ ] ltlttl. ltrriltin ut1ins fluid iDorrl Stlpl.ut]. (.lI1.

Whr thre

Iss IomiI oflhmet, fog

suport o omid with o hospit| |te y

Woy 0f 0 he0rtor

:l.ttlh. hand fils and th usul harllnrs, tongs and othr orging

h .p of sho is hosn arins irr nrind th svriw f th

..rs ggbar shs ar th tirst hoi, nd lrrt shos rvhr
.J .' lrl3rrl.1 lttvolvs ]l hoo irrll rnd liov :uppl.t i. ndJ
lrrr..l). It should rrrnrd that this sh nraks ,otlni

;] ttbook

of rmdial




A[ir lhe eggllor hos ee fittd to lh {ol, lh

p|l mrkd with or ri.


Stp 1: Th ftllt is trtrllrd and tlr s]ro hosn:rnd shpd to fit tlr
oot or arlY surg]:\r Whilsr th foot is ing oprt..d orr th rs
o th lrospit:rl plat arr



ordinatirr trvrr th farri

tl.r lrospital inrass th tiin,v oth pross.

Stp 2: Th rrratial is sltd for th pl:rt. A1lrrrriniltrtr is soft

atld asir t r,l,ork but rr.ill lr:rv to b :r thik !]]ug to lsi(
donring. Stl is a littl hrd to sJlap ut :rrr drilld ell
grolrnd to shap. It n also hatd and orgd i tlssa.
Stinlss st1 is good hoi s it is asi to kp lan arrd rsist
orrosiorr F1lvvr, it js hrdr to lr.ork. Car tlrust tkn t.
tllak sltr that 11 uttir.rg tools ar sh:rrp s it lvill r'vork 1r],

nraking lrilling ]rrd uttirlg Platil]ly irrrpssil. Arrgl grindL

slrould not b usd orr stainlss st1 ls th rrratri:r1 her.lns v
Stp 3: Tlr sho is rarkd:rrutr1 rvith pn o sri arrd t1r lt
ut out rvith haksarv or jigsarv kping to tlr outsid oth ir]
rornrndl lubriant ,ill h]P th
produr. Slolv spls r ro1ll1rlnld tor Lltting stilllss st


5 and 6). Usig a

tlsinr: oil or a god prir viation snis or harrd llibblrs Th p1t

Ilrlishd ltsing fil to rnrov arry shlrp dgs.

Th plt tul olong |h mrkd Ii. his

doe y


powered jigsow.



methods, in|udig

Stp ,l: on the plat is L1t otlt, it is lalpd to th sl.ro irr th

ort position rvitlr sllking plirs. Th t psition ftlr th
fiir.res, viding th nailing rr.l rvound:lr2ls' ]r tlrkd fr 1illtrr5



. :.R


IGtJRt 8:


p.le d shoe r |kd logeihr d

i : -m

r trt pulhtl. ilrsig ithr fth st1 rrratlials, as tlr

it lr'ill slip Th fin:rl position of th rrt rnarks r'vill snrl

-.:..i.lr lr.ith orr

.... .j:


he holes ore tppd io tke o l 0 mm bo|t.


ho|s dril|d diogo||y oppposit.


olt ithr sid of th to rrd on in ah hl.

h t of th pla is nr:rrkd .ith a :lrtr. plrnh' nraking

o dts snrlins

.'.This lvill lrJ anyon

tlror,irrg atll

]....]., ll lll-lt wit th o[t orintation.Th ho1s an nolv

.-:.1 t:rkirls :lr to ntr thrrr in th lv f tlr sho.Th sho rnd


and tl.r sho l:rd LlPPrlnost on th

.:.1rill tb1 (Figlrr 7).A11 4 f t1r positins nr:rrkd an drilld

... .hi' .rrr orli.rt Positioling oth lat, nrking hanuing tlr
.. .r 1orlgr ross To spd up th pross ornloval n1 rfittirrg,

: rl

l:rr.rlp1 toJthr

' ] 1l]s, diagon1l pposit, r dilld tholrglr th sho alrd

' ... Figrrr. 8). Fou o1ts ar god altrnativ tlr t.ith lr rd


()r l1r<ls

rvith srrrallr olts.

- -.] 6: Orr th plat nd sho har, bn dilld, tlry should

::.l.1I(] lnd atrothr 2 hols ]rilld in th plat t t1r a1ditiona] 2
:] .. 1lrrks.1.rs thn lrav



rir,ttd i.

rvith lU rlrrll drill to llorv th olts

.'tgh Ith hols do not lirr r.lp .ltly, tlr hols :rrr b inrsd
or 12 rlrrl until th). do. It sholrid b notd that tlr biggr tir
...l:lt lro1s r. rrlargd

-) th

lss st:rl th plat .hr.r fid.

.,-... : h

sho hols r tppd out to tll dsid siz 1 0

,r Ltti:rnt

lFigu ul

:] rtook

o rrrrdial horsshoing

t|GUR 9:

(r musl b tk wh tppig to [ui|itie s

of us.



I O:

|GUR l


Th oIts ole inserted nd ut f|ush wilh the foot


surfoe of lhe shoe.

lrove een morked, s hos lhe toe.

finhd 4-oh pIote. Note tht il hs 2


bo|, rivrfied t0 form 0 stoIe bose. The removole ol

Th plat and sho ar oltd togthrwith 2 M10 o1ts lvith th

t th to. Rmoving th ss olt lngh with a haksaw, th
thradd nd is utrsrr'vd rnd fild t rtr lngl all rotrnd to r1o\'
burrs (Figur 10).


as of fit is hkd and th o1ts insrtd with fingrtips. It i

ilnportirnt tl.rat this is possil and hat only th final tightnr1

rquirs a spanllr as it spds Llp th lltting for tlros lvlro rvould
lrsirrg this sho th nlost, i thr vctrinary sulgon. Vtrln]ry nl1r\
and hors ownr.


8: Th finishd

4_bo1t plat (Figur 11) an naild



ors's foot, aftr r'vhih any rlail hds that protrud ov th sh r

fild lvl. This

.i11 nl th plat

to oltd down


r,vitlrotrt distortion.Th ara lvithin th sho is flushd w1l to rnlol'

an dbris, prior to filling i'vith swas This void, spially th l,vun.

sit, is pakd


swas lvl r.u.ith th sho. Sorrr rnor sr'vas

thn addd vnly so that th pla wil1 prsslrris th r,volrnd sit.

it prvlrts ttrrrt grnulatiotl

tlr rar,v ara and nals th vtrirray sl1rgon to kp trak o an
intion undrnath th granulatiorr oth rvotrnd.
This pssur is vry irrrportJl1t






l 2:

1 foe plle

o voritio of thr 4.oIt whee some woI| hos re removed to oess the Iesio. The

ul oul ot lhe sme lime os lhe p|ote od e| up to the lequired og|e od rodius.

oriotjons on the 4.bolt plote


:lr many vriations of th basi 4_o1t plat, inluding flangs

: :h ovr hoof wal]. avulsions or whr ass to n inftion has

of sonr hoof wall. Flangs hlp hoof wall

to drssd asily with swas and, if prssur is ndd on
. ..:]l. h flang an pulld away from th hoof, th swabs applid
.. - ;h ilng llowd to spring bak onto th drssings (Figur 12).
:---_:ird th rmovai

.-:: l: A

-.. h

rtengulr shap is ddd to th outlin of th sho drawn


his rprsnts th


Th 1ngth f this


. L.ld nrad to ovr th wall wound inluding th thiknss f

,-: 'ho. g if th wound is 2 inhs high (50 rrrm) and th sho
.-..inss is

. . l'

inhs (8 mm), thn th flang nds to at last21

1ong (63 mnr). Th width of this flang shou1d ovrlap

]1ll5 f th wound at lst

t.:: ]: Th


',^-' , inh (-13




plt inluding th flang, is ut s markd. on th plat

..lr nd finishd and all th ho1s

th sho and plat ar

::J togthr and insrtd into a gas forg. Mor dir hat an b
.d using a gas torh. Hating maks forming th flang_nd

a ttook


of rnldial




lGURE l 3:

Th f|oge p|ot in igur


see lrom Iow



imrsio molerioI


mouIded iside lhe sho lo improve seIig nd woud prssur

Beouse il is {or fo|, o vry |ight slio wos used

nd nuls were wldd 1o t the 6 mm bol'

IGtJR l 5:


A vrilio o{ the 4-bolt p|t is lh thr-quorlr p|te she, wher lhe sh we intr{res

Th thre-qurtr plte shoe hs |ow f|g to ovl lh

with ess l the lsio.

r of shoe rmoved.


tIGUR l 8:



h finishd trly p|ot [rom Iow. Not how the tngue {iis under the to d th hee| is

Th sIl for lhe rostrl t0ngue (0n be indted

tipped up to protet ihe o|t from wr

oIuminium usig to| mde for ihe purpose.





-rsi.Th tirn of hating is gaugd so as not to rnlt th a1urrriniurn

:-.lt. NB If stl is usd this is not a onrn' howvr, stair.rlss st1
.l ']itfi'-lllt

'* _"_5.-'

rP 3: on th flng is hot. th sho and p1at ar rmovd ro th

-r nd pld in vi with th flang upprmost. lJsing a harnlr,
:h tlalrc is nt inwrds at its as and ornrd into a urv arttnd
:h sho and along i lngth to nrath th hoof w;r1l angl


Th sho and plat ar hkd to nsur that forming

.1,lng h.l.


not lnd t fitillg oo tighl.

t)thr variations of th sirpl 4_bo1t plat irrlud: foal siz plats

.r'tnq sma1l A46 blts (Figut. 13), th inltrsion o a frog support
:lr td to th plt, th us of dnta1 imprssion matrial to provid

rPPot r,vitin th sho void (Figur 14) and a thr_quartr slro

Figuts 15 and 16) applid lvhr th injury is too los to th r'vll

l:ld th sho would ovr th sit rrraking wound drssing irpossil.

ll h s othr_quartr slros, th plat an rrrd with a flang
-.-l s:llll l.right s th thi.knss of th sho and thn rrt to ovr
-l+ nncnirl.r

in t nc

The FrIey p|ute


Plat Ws first dsignd nd rnad y D. Farly of ohio

-.:ll \\:l's pu1ishd inTh Hors nragazin in 1998. It is a good lroi
..-. t.rlrv diffrnt solar prlnrs arrd it is asy to us as it has onlv on

:Jt (Figtrrs 3 nd 17).

!"loteriols ond tools


.\iurlrinitrrrr or ste1 eggbar shos.

Siriss stl

or alurniniuln

pit, at last

inhs r,vid, to

.rorrrrrrodat nlost srzs.

. .\

squa stall1p, at last 19 rnl (3/.* inhs) rvid,


th rosrl


oo]s tllain t sall as or Ivious Plats F1orvv drilling

sr;litllss stl is nlad far asir with alloy HSS in1uding oolt,

]lih l-rlaintain llardnss na

r1 h:rt'



l rlrtho1 nds to ollorvd losly irr ordr to g.rin lllinlltrtt


fi.orlr th sho.



f rnrdial





he eggor ei owy from the groud surfe

immdite|y oftr th oini of ufires. It musl ol
imige on the heels

eds to be of su{fkiel

og|e lo lmove th oIt from ground otol.

Stp 1: An ggar sho mtrst sltd for this ryp of plat. It nd:
to ovrsiz y n or rrror s1zs.

2: on th sho is fittd to th width of th fot,

a sqtlar slol

is orgd ntrlly in th to aking ar not t distort th innr 't

of th sho; any ulgs ar rmvd with a half round fil.This slot r
lso mad y utting ah sid with a haksaw and thn filing it oul


a squar

fil or an b rrrad wih a spial ool (Figur 18)'Thil

stion must 1osl rnath th rostra1 tongtr or a tight fit.

Stp 3: Th hl stion oth sho is nt upwards just aftr th h

uttrss.This an don ovr th dg of th anvil or prfrably in ;
vi. ar must takn wih this stp to rrraintain a rtain g;
rvvn th sho and th h] uls (Figur 19).

Stp 4: Th outlin th sho is drawn ono th plat and L1t ollt

h sho and plat ar plad togthr and lampd with a pair f slt.
loki.ng plirs.Thy ar plad in vi with th h1 nd lvl witl
th top of th vi jaws and th p1at is nr to onform th sho

5: Without rmoving th slf loking pl.irs, a ho1 is drill

ntrally in th hi, thrugh oth sho and plat.Th p1at is rlov(
and th hol opnd ol1t to ] 0 mm.


Stp 6:Th plat and sho ar fittd togthr using a NI10 olt.Th.
ar positiond ntrally, and lin srid arotrnd th insid of tht
sho t th to. Rmoving th plat on Inor' 2 sribd lins ar.

from th outr dg towards th srid mark a th to'Ths.

2 marks nd to nath th width of th to rss.Th lins ar lr
towards th ntr of th plat and stoP past th sri ]in at
distan qual to ha1f th thiknss of th sho r dpth of th rss





fl0uRE 20:

fihd p|ot t t lh orret og|e ul lh

heel d


roslro| tongue fits lhe idt io the


flGrJRt 2l:

A 4.olt

hospitoI plle shoe s th fool o

onsiderole omou|.


pair of loking plirs, th tongu is nt upwards and

-l plat o1td to th sho again.Th tongu is fild and harrrrrrd
.jorl'lr into th to rss.An amount oth tongu that is not 1vl
'..ih th oot surfa of th sho is rnrovd.Th tongu rvill now b
.Lht1y taprd ut th plat wi.ll slid mor asi1y into th to rss
Frgur 20)' Final.ly, th as of rmova1 and rfitting is hkd as th

:onqtl an bom quit tight.

>p [3:



th sho offrd up to th foot, partiulal attntion

paid to th aa of so1 at th to.This may nd to asd

'rih a kni to al1ow asv ass oth plat.Th fit should trid
:or nailing on.
Sp 9: Aftr nailing on th sho, th nail hads ar fild offso that th
:^t lays flat and dos

not distort on th bolt is tightnd.

in ](). The rrr within th sho nds to flushd with dilut

?l.idon_iodin, to rmov any dris, nd Povidon_iodin swas
lsrtd to rt prssur on th plat is fittd.
h 2 plats dsrid do hav draw_aks, but with r hs an b
.Frly plat' has no mans of grip and an
::dud. First, th
..ippry on nrud and grss sufas.Th rivtting ostl strips ross
:- plat, us of hkr plat aluminiurn instad of stainlss stl or

a txtook

of rrrdia] horsshoing


aPpli.ation of studs ar all mans of improving grip.Th bnt hl an

eus xss prssur on th hl uls and susqunt lemnss mav

mor aut than th original injury or surgry. Aurat fitting to

avoid hl bulb prssur is ssntial to avoid this. Car nds to b
applid to mak sur thr is a small laran twn th sho and
foot in this ra. Flt footd horss will suffr from ts prolm mr
then a hors with an upright hl onformation.

of th p1at at th to en somtims ssiv and prolongd

us of this sho may rsu1t in a nw plat having to md. Bot
ryps of plat will dform ovr tim du to unvn ground, onavin

th plat upwrds into th void. This is orrtd y flattning th

plat with ah shoing.

Th 4_o1t plat has w prolms, ut th most vidnt is


thiknss of th ombind pis; sho, plat and boits (Figur 21).

Fitting a thikr sho on th opposit foot will hlp th hors to f]
mor vnly aland. F{owvr, th author has not r1ly found this
to a problm ovr th short tim during whih th sho is normallr
usd. ]Vlost of th ass rquiring a hospital p1at ar usually put on bo
rst and ar not risd at all during th tim of onvalsn.Th
bolts oftn war havily at th to and may nd to rplad.

Furlher reoding
Lungwitz,A. (1913) orsshoing. 11th dn., orgon Stt tJnivrsit Prss
orva1lis, orgon.


and Frri, J.W. (1'997) Farrir prim for th studnt nd

pratising vtrinarian. qui vt' du'




l)cspit big


tttttl ttt'ir,'tltt'ttt, rlt


forlr [g,,'n,' susptiblc ro diss

d ijr h suh.id,d to t,h






dttpttirL of irl spct,is is

highl dpdt ]1on


t:,irl| d up,'ltt thr, liti


tht or pl,t

sttstirLr1 (||r |i.l(.

of diffrct hors


spct,is ,d t|rc

rphlo,q br rt,it,ess
.ft' h rth



o.f tlrcir


di s pls




l,hti diJfrcs btctt, th

rti d t,rti, lso ;fll' th
ur rid to the htid rgis of

si or othcr

,tilt|lts. So


t.iotts jo |t,st|,lt limts, bur

rltrs ltu ssnnl htt,qs itt

hih lh,,ittg onditis ua|


trctrcs of |d t ht or .from

droht to .flod.


t ll popl,



Iif d nills uhih nr ntie

|o tlt,s rcgios nd .force th







th :rgs. nran has shor,vl.r hilnslf apabl of adapting to

Il.rrling onditiorls. rdjusting hjs Ii rhthrn. dit. h.ri"t.

garmnts ;rnd shos to th hars1.rnss of his surrolrndings. Flo

dvlops and adapts as a untion of th linrt anl of availal
insts, rrrmrnals and fish rvhih onlplt tll lif hin of th rgion

For ons,

natulal alan istd on our plant.

It only rJativl ntlY that popl. anitrrals and flora hav shitd
and bn inlplantd into forign zons.Todav' nw disordrs, disrss

and phnollrna of spis roliratin or radiation arr

Horss hav also n sujtd to suh hangs, first with th

nrigration othir wild hrds, hn with olonisation of th ontirints
and today for usinss oI sPort purposs.Just lik nran, th hors suts
ronr ths uphavals: 1isass, brding and growth disordrs an rsu]t
''vl.rn th animal

rrnor.d frorn its nativ nvironnrnt.

At th start of domstiation, th hrs trvlld ovr on grourrd.

tri1s and gnrall within th nvironrlnt into whih th u'
orn. (Jsd as a nlans ohatrJ.ing rnatrials and goods, and for hurnatl

transportation, thy rivd n spifi hoo ar. As ppulations

grw, th hors ar a valual farm animal and a rnans of arryirr
arrnis into attl. Th nd for hoof ar thn bam ParIllollnt

Th sin of frriry had its fldgling ginnings, as populations

anr lss norrradi and sttld in itis. F{orss wr thn usd nor



: -.--












Th hors hs gglophioI sprod oss lh

who| gIe.

Ih hp|r Iooks ot fdrs of{edig

[orriery i lhe morked res.



obsrvd. Adapting to ths hug hangs rquirs a lt of tilrr



tIGtJR 2:
Pu, Indio: Nmdi shephrd wome wilh their
ponies befr |eoving the ight omp.

for farrrrirrg and nli1it]r PL1rPoss' but for t.vr forllr of

;nsportation, J.rght to har'ry figur 2). As a sult, diffrnt tyPs of

hor.s .nvr brd

.o.r] or

for spifi tasks. During th 20th nttlrY th lvork

th hors in dvlopd ]ountris


rplad y rratiolrl

irs .Th advnt f surad roads, nd th hang r.onr n oprr hrl

trl'ironnrnt to onfinrlrrt


stals, ratd additional hoo


Holss in onfind sPas llr strjtd to Wt, dry or soild

i.dding..W.t onditions an rodu an ovr abundan of nroistlr
'rrrd slrlsqurrt loss of hoof wall intgriry. Dry onditions an prodlr

hrd onstriting lroof wll and ontrtion of th hoof. Soild

L.dding an produ hoo disass s a rsu1t f ati and ftrngal

Th hlth of horss living outsid an also influn y

fund ornposition. A high alklin ontnt an al1s brakdorvrr
otlr intrr hof rvall. Roks and hard grourrd an aus so1 bruising,

iroof .,vall avulsions arrd hi sornss..W.t and rtldd1. onditions arr

;lus lanrnsss assoiatd wih


assss, sraths, l-rngal an1

inftions. Paddoks that ar too ltrsh in th sprirrg or utumn

..l1 aus

an inrasd inidn o lalinitis (Figur 3).

lak o

:.ris also adds to th ovral1 hoofprol1nrs that farrirs nountr,

lrr1rrdirrg a lak of iru1ation

in th foot. orss that

a risd

J:rrly ar nror likly to hav hlthy hoovs'

Frrirs nrust alrvays arvar of th ft of halrgs in nvirontnnt

otr hoss,ft.Th divrsiql of onditios in rvhih horss nrurst ist

:psnt a hallrrg with muqt rrrt y arr inasd krror'vlds

l1 1vl

of skill.

a txtook

il|ig thm with kidess: i mny dimoles, |ush
green grzig Ieods to onditios suh s Imiitis.

o rmdial



(tllATl( ttETs AND Tt|E llP0RTAN(E 0t EDUTI0N

Bernurd Duvrnoy

lirnat is on of th nrajor fators whih a{ft th hooe othr.


-}.-.^ :nlud

th statrdards of arrirv
of ths in harg oth horss' ar'



Usltally, th farrir is dirtly rsprlsil |or hoof r nd prvntrtl

o foot polrrrs

Owllrs. ids

H should thrfol th ky prson in advising




\rryday tratnrnt nltl.rods


rol1t1n r.

Frirv. as rossion, has nrad orrsidral gains :rs :r rsr-rlt t

dvans in vtrinr1. nldiin and tlrnolog bda'v, h fous is lr
spifi disordrs rrd di:rgnosti aura1..hn1ogial dvlopnlr.rrs
_ uh ;rs llrr' pl.lstrs :rnd glus, alunrirriltnr allos, ntir nw Iangs
of :rtory_trrd shs arrd apprpiat tools _ l.rv ll hl.1 lrrrri
rr.ork rvith rntth nro spifiity nd prisiorr. ljnfolttrn:rtl tlrs
advntags ar still 1nostly in tlr lrands of arrirs rorlr th r,vltlrr
p:rrts of th rr.orld. Itl ottntris r,vhr qltitl sporjt Jti\'itis :lI not

rvll dv1opd, th ost f tlrs Prodtlts is still r to high htiv tl

th ost olir'rng lnd. onsqlrntl,v, harl to otain 1o:r11 (Figtl .l)

Irr tl.ris autho's oinion, tlr srt to




ountris is to kp gols sinrpl and rnodst. Prirll irnortrr shlrl.l

sivn ro skill ovr trlolow. It is hvls pssil to itnpror,is rl1
firrd a soltrtiorr. onl,v y strir,i.ng for starrdards 1lrr in riLl
elrr:atjon .,l,i11 rv- hlp rlis prati to r:rsotral 1vls. In this, th



of atlrtoniv arrd phsiology otrstitut th


to prornr trirrrnritrg and shoing. to dal

ftir,l), r,l.ith

plblrns o th hors,s ft that w nountr vl'vhr.

Breeds nd hors dispIement |ody

Tlrr r 5 rognisd qtlida irr th rvorll.Thv


Hodurs. (trl Amrit: Frrie wrkig wi|h

ver simp|e t moufodurd llly ond limited





o oltl

tlris solid bas, lr. not 1ikl to b rll ptlsrtr.,rl


(donrsti hos).

qu.rs asintrs (donke1,).

qr-rus qllagg:l ullr11i (Crron o Burhll\ zra)

,1. qrr zra (olrntin zbla).
5. qr-rus gvyi (Grv zbra).







lr4oy l| eds

re doted to lhir


situoiio h Mrwri [ Roinhn, Indi, se


l o

Woter oil,

is suiled to ils

enviromrt. Note lhe e, p(U|io]


l0 thi5 rrrd.

.l..1rr- thr :rr :r grt nurr of quin rds aroutld th ,orld


rr spifi to thir isolatd rgions arrd, tl.rror, not grrra11v

'-':11 knolvrr. 11 ths hoss, nrtrls nd donkvs hv tlrir rr


tttlir'.. rrlophologil 2rttls; tlry ar il.r:dil r,l,l1 adat] to



hllshnss o th li.rt tld to th torts tht ar rquid o

:llr his asily osrvd in th obtrst frnilia rds lol;trd

... ltlh ls


Iish or tsritkh Co, th \V1sh porrl,, th Srviss Fr:rnhs

] lt]lltlls, tir Frnl.r B:rudt

du Poitou or th Siiiian donk1'. But

::. :l 1ss rvii_klror'vn ds, suh s tl.r ri]lo oLatirrArnria.


r.lvri of Rjsthn in Indi:r (Figur 5), th Akhal Tk6 of

. '.ktullistan rrd th \4ongolin por (Figur 6) A11 ths -ds
j:lt throtlglr th ags as faith|Lrl hlprs irr tasks th:rt In2rn olr1d not
...lrlrlish alon. Sirr thir donrsti]tion around 3,()()() l], horss
.' : rr ourrd t nr in his grlt on]usts and in his u:rn rrd
:..1 1511|55. Snr rds \\IC 1Ior adptd [o lrl'ry work, oth'rs
..,ll. l.tlil.intr
hil ir rrr: il) th
....- l).l\t.
... \l)('('d
r..--. Prrirn hor' d.rlr'
..-. rhil Ar:riarr horss to th Indi A4:rlrrajs; in th sa \\.:r},,
. ..rtr o (]at:rlrn donkr,s Wr portd to th USA, ,h thr,
]] t Ot] to produ th l.rr.rg nruls sn ir.r th agriulttlrl arrrs of
.. \tllritl grat plairrs. Bv losing thir idrrtit arrd dpting tl
lt onditions irr thir rrrv nvionlnnt xnd t].ri nlv
sotlt spis hav also ontributd to sl1,l]st:u1ti:l1 hatlqs
. llr hir d. Histo,v is 1u11 slrh ass.

- . ..

lrl;lllirrs hav t:rkn ov nrost of th lra' jos that horss

... Jid: this hs orn a trgi situation fr th drft_l-ros rvlros

-] ttook

of rmdi1 horsshoing



t|GlJR 7:

Hohhot |er.Mog|i, (hin: Mog|in hoes with trditiool riders t

Lodk, l|imo|yos: Ntiv ponies with


sodd| pks.

brd, mlig.

in soiry has disapprd. In ountris suh rs Fran, draft ].rors..

rding has had to b subsidisd t prvnt thr spis frotn tol


Sprt and 1isur ativitis l.rav hlpd to dvlop l1w otntll to

prossions dpndnt on th l.rors. Nr'v rds or ross rds h,lr
rr dvlod to fit th nds of all ths ativitis. Now hat holss
tr:rvl y ai, and distans ar not an obstal, horss ar otn rrrol-j
to rrvironrrrnts f rorn thir honrlanl.

lnfIuene of limte on the horse,s foot ondilion

As a rsult o

Iinrati and topographi onditionls, th hn.

obsrvd in th haratistis o th hors foot ar witnss vl'
r.isibly t this adaptation' vn to its vohrtion ovr tinr.An r.trrrJ.
.rillo'ir.r Sorrrl-l
of this is th ailirv of snral1 hors brds suh


Arrrria to ndur alrd adp to vry hrd lotrr. Ths, and otlrr.
suh as th ponis and dorrkys o Ladk, ar sonrtims oligd .
rvork in tr1 rrdiions of lrt or old, irr iy wintrs nd otl
diffiult rk paths (Figur 7).
Tlres onditions ar hard on th horss, ut vn 1nor so on popl
lvh, in ths irunrstalrs, ar unlikly to nrovd y f1ings ot
piry for th 1aouring onditions of thir work onrpanions In gnr:ll
ths littl horss hav vry solid hoovs whih ar ottn dnrsd Lrr'
irgu1ar ar and poor shoing. F{orvvr, sPort horsS irrrportd Iionl
th othr sid oth rvorld. oftn suffr frolr.r th rdial lirati rr.1
ditar hangs whn thy r rought up in onditions so ditrn




it.n thos o thir nativ rgion. Ths situaions, imposd uPn th

!o]:t hors, srrr 1ss aptabl aus

thy rsult from th rvhirrrs

of th r ths
thir natula].
.rgi1 horss
itat. Sport horss hav oftn bn waknd th sltion o
th rilr. I\{an owrrrs ar insutE.intly awar

ding stok bing asd uPon prformn rthr thn

rrormationl strngth.

h most striking onsquns oa harrgd nvirorrrrrnt is th fft

orr th hors fot; growth disordrs, poor horn quality and foot shp,
grolr,tlr rings (Figu 8) and thrush ar all omrnon squJ.a.
Horss that rrnain in a ral nvironnrnt hv n lss affd v
ths hangs.Thy ar a1 to lrrat on th asis of natural sltion,


Hoduls, [ell| Amerir: Glowth rigs d

deformities oI th foot, oor hoofr ond firy.

itholrt human intrvntion. Gnrlly ths rds hav vry strorrg

r rr-hih d.rpt ithr to wt lands o to arid, hard ground.


hr-rnrid onditions, foot siz is appars to

grtr aus


hof w1ls hav a tndny to flr. Hurnidiry nraks th ft mor

rndr nd rrror vulnral to arasin rom th ground and hard
.utfs suh as roks, tr_stups or forign odis. F{orss rvorkirrg
Oll soft ground usually rquir shos to Prott thir ft and to
i1lrt:sr thir grip and tation. In dry and vry hot onditions, horss
.lr'1op inrdily totlgh horn apal of rsisting war and providing
.r l.righ

1vl of prottion.

Phl-siologially, horss' ft rppr to ttr daptd to dry' hot

:orrditions than to toistur. Araian horss in thir ntiv rgiolr lr
. prft xenrpl of optirnum adapttion t a ho, dry lirr.rat. Th

:ld to sho ths horss will dpndnt upon th intnsiq/ of

.rol.k o whih hy.rr sujtd.

lrl ountis rvh traditional farriry nrthods ar sonrwhat


.l. trrost sr'r prolrns tnd to oLlr in importd horss.Th 1oal

.-is hv not n traind to nag th tyP ohooprolnls 2lI
..Ollullon in sport horss.lris is trot surprisig givn tha, vn in th
.'st :rrrd in th hands of omptnt profssiorrals, ths horss rquir
.\ nltiulolls

arriry, .,vitl.r no rrrrgin or rro.

.l ttbok rerrrdia] ]rosshoin





Bernrd Duvernoy

Dry Iimutes

orrr dhvdration and its otrsqutrs lad to svr probln;

for nrtry sport hrss irprtd to hot ountris suh as Irar
India, China or Mio. It is diffitrlt to giv trnlpratur
rn!]s' hunridit and rinall valus for ths ountris aus t1r
r so vst that th lirat varis a ]ot r.orrr on art to arrothr. ]Ju
fr alrrpl, th highst t1Praturs ar 38o in hran,'+0. i


irr I3ijing,

3(lo in Mio.Th huidity is vry lor

il ths arf,s, Pt hnnai du to th proinrity f th sa.Th

Prntg o air hlrrnidit during this high pak of tnlrtlrr

tnds to ICt a r,:rriation in hoof ondition whih an lad to ho

damag unlss day to d prvntiv t is im1rnntd. N4an

from th hat us o lak

ppropriat ar. Dhydrtion of th horn r,vakns th rvalls r.r
rrrdrs shoirrg, and in Partiular nailing, ditfitllt. Th lvail vr

r'varrrr loodd brds suffr

rduing th surfa in ontat ''vith th sho lrl

rlakin!: sur atthnrnt o th sho rrror ditIiu1t.
oftr.r disirrtgrats,

Flat ft, sols with Poor or no naviry quikly our vr

diffiult to lnanag. Ft that r in ontat witir hard ground sufft

from ssiv prssu on th sol. Irrvrsil situations rris raidl
if farrirs lak th knwldg ndlor rnatrials for adqut sol

rks, onsquns f trirnnring mistaks (long t, 1ow hls

intr{rn injuris (ronr studs or th sho), transport idnts
vn oor sho fitting, indiat th ginni.ng of vr traumatisin

on th ft. Sral1 injuris, ngltd trimnring or shoing, la

of good ar or inorrt rnodifiation of th hoshaP ar oftn t
origin of 1arnnss. hs an lirnit or intrrlrpt th of t

rhlti hor' (Flgur 9).

Gutmo|, (elroI Ameri: A hel rok usd

Hr agairr, a lak of dqtrat krrowldg of ths disordrs, of th

physiolog of h ho nd of 11 th frrir ossiilitis wi1l
lrandiap to Prvntion nd trtmnt of th prolrr-r. rks als
our on barfoot horss whn th horn is dr and laking 1astiit

by u orot iiury o very dry foot

or th sll rasons as statd bov.

t|GlJR 9:




IGUR l 0:
Ir: A rio horse wilh otloted ft d

high hee|s. These fet 0re


0f thr

viromrl nd |k of firy ore.

irllportd sport horss spially, th ft rquir sPifi dail a

F\.nt th vportion ohon nroisttlr and thus nraintain gratr
. :sriili Applyrg oil on th w1l ofrs good prottion. An anirnal
': rgtal oii will hl rinor h priopl fft.Th following
. 11lllI1t formul is hap, fiint nd asy to
PrPar: , * liquid


:.lttltl or pig ft or hony * nltrstard oi1 or oontrt oil or latrrl oil

.-: o1il' oil in qul proportions. on shotrld war of al1 synthti
rduts, old ngin oil auss a drasti usti flt to th hoo.


..- rhr


is e dfiiny o hn qu.rliry o o spd o

.lillg th oront vi

dy (5


to l0 nrin h oront) wit]l


ratn offrs ftiv tratmnt. Svral ran spifia11y rnid

hls Purpos r vilabl on th markt, ut if nothing ls is

-. ,r];r1' o11 an giv a vigorous nlassg using ordinry hand_r:rm
:: i] lr'ith sorrr laurl oil. Plnt of xris is .lso vrv important

: rditiolri.ng th ft; it stinrulats 1ood irulation and th hoof

.:.tr] .pnds and ontrats with ah stp. Dit rnust also
...-:r.id nd should ontain all th irrgrdints nssary to nsurr

.ll rn ornrrrf

.l:l;ttion of th hoo is osrvd on narrow ft, whih tnd to

--- \

in th hl.This foot shap tnds to grow straight and too

with a onsqllnt loss of good phsilogial
...-11Ilt. Poor trimmirrg arrd a lak of tnsion of th sho



11l tl-r hls.



of rmdial




Morning exe o Pune roeourse, Idi'

duig lhe Monsoo. Th ois ive in o|y Ju

d oliue wifiut rek uti| the ed of


ranhs, as wll as a lak o ris, wi1l avour th dvlopmnt


this poor onormation. on again adquat attntion by th ferrir

is th only hn to hang th foot shap or at last to Pvnt a
painfu1 and irrvrsibl situation dvloping (Figur 10).

Long dy periods foIlowed hy wet (monsoon)

In ountris afftd y monsoon yls, g India, altrnating dry an

att th horss ft; indd it during th
monsoon sason that most ass of lamnss our (Figur 11).

htlmid sasons wi1l

Ft whih hav om dr and hrd in intns hat ar suddrr11

plungd into uddy paddoks. This ss o nroistur will rapid11
rrrak th hoof soft and vulnral to th abrasion of th ground. Al
this tinr, nrany ft Punturs, sol uts and hoo abssss hav to
tratd. It is somtis vr ditIrult to stimat th origins of thst

inidnts whih ar not rlatd to routin oot ar. Foals, yarli.ngs ol

adu1t horss ar qually vulnrabl.
N4oistur also givs ris o thrush, whit lin disas and ungus, vr
to foot nkrs..W. knorv that humidity is a vry favoural gloun
F|GUR l 2:

for tril or

Beiiing, $in: l'rlule leet with shoes mode from

|oy tyres. Foiers i thid wrld (ounlries ofir

for ths disass, but wood tar, oPPr sulphat, iodin

iodin ry:tl * turpntin oil ar still vry good ltrnativl

odol mtelioIs lound looIIy.

(Figur 12).


urrgal proliration. N4an onrnrrial produts






Sergio MueIIe Goldstei

The environmenl

'.?h nvironnrnt of Mditrranan urop



in gnral,

dry on.

orprrd ro th tst of urop, th nnul rainfa11 is signifialrtl

1ss and thror th avrag r1ativ air humidity lvls ar 1ow.
sunlnlr this ritiv humidity n lss than 50%. Th


{rorrr -]OoC or blow

in wintr to 48oC or

hlqhr in July.

his dry nvironrnt nrns tlrat thr is 1itt1 availa1 nroistur for
lsorpin th hoo wall. Grass fiids in sunrrnr an onl b
.trstrnd at a onsidrabl ost

in trms

o tort and mny (Figur

.;. Pddoks ar oftn lnrly dry plots of ot.rrpat arth. A4aking

:lltrd pudd1s nt to th Watr troughs is not advisal, for this dos
rt hlp rnintain halthir hoovs. As soon s th hors walks awy,
' rrrtrd on its t dris and rrrrains akd on th hoovs, drawing
:llistu fronr th hoof wall..W.hn this Pross is rpatd a fw tilns


th hoovs hadn vr lnor and bo trnrly brrttl.


lypes 0 Dree0

h a 2 rnain atgoris of horss to onsidr with rrn to

s'ltng: a) Hoss born and rd in N4ditrranan urop, whthr
:l.lril to th ra oI not; and ) Irportd horss, orn and bd in
::ir hlrrid lirats.

|GUR l 3:

Arb hoes 30 km nh [ odrid. Sornlimes,

ve os |y os Api|, tmperturs roh 34"(.
They ss


y August, lter o log summer

tht begins i Apri|. Ay mgre shode


welome lhugh the ofteroon.

.] ttbook

of rmdial




Th nativ horss, rnan of whih hav omrnon anstors, inlud

rds sulr as th Spanish Andalusian, th Skyos arrd Pindos ponis

of Gr, th Portugs Lusitano and A1ter, th Camargu in Fran.

th Nplitno and labrs rds oItaly or th ]3osnian pony o1

th Balkans. Al1 ar vry diffrnt horss, with mny diffrnt uss, ut

hav a vry sirnilar hoof typ: thik sis, thik wa1ls and a tight.

ontrtd look to th whol foot.

tIGtJR l 4:

A Sph Andolusio. Th hoof o the right


bee trimmed showing the moul o{ groh

moved i ompro wilh lhe untrimmed fol
on the |eft. Despit th 30 mm growth, the sh
ws t emedded i ih soIe.

In th havir brds, g th Arrdalusian, w would xpt to find

biggr ft, ior apale o supporting th largr.. otn xssivlr'
hal ody, ut th ft always sln to b on siz too srnll. Th
qlrartrs of tl-r hovs ar straigh[r than th idal dsrid ill
farriry litratur.This is a1rady pointing at vry lirrritd apaiy t
pand on wight baring (prhaps ontriuting to thir haratristi
high atiorr; Figur 14).

Th Araian hors, probaly th onrnron anstor to most, if not l1.

rds is also rd in soutl.rrn ltrop.ltlrough it shrs all th hoo1
haratristis nntiorrd for, its ft ar lnor in proprtron to its
od siz. Iowvr, tlr quartrs ar stil1 in gnral, strai.ghtr than th

Dtl to th strong hoof quality of thes

rds, whn proprlr.

trirnnrd or balan, tl.r hoovs do not dform or asily dvlo

ollapsd hls wl.rih rvould altr th hoopastrrr trgl. vn rftr tl

8 wk slroing intrval. Nithr dos th hoof sprad at th qurtrs.
irlthough a good-l 0-15 nrrn


inhs) of r,vall nray nd to

trinrn.rd of.

Rntly iri Spain, it has born qtrit om.ron t s Thoroughds

usd not orrly on tl.r :ltrak arrd for show jlrrnping, ut als in
Dorrr Vaqura o1lfptitions, wlrih ar ornprisd o a sris ]
riss similar to thos sn in Wstrn riding, or vn in bul]figl.rting fr.orn horsak. Dspit this hang in rrvironrnnt, tl-rrr
ft appar to rrnin sound.

Shoeing notive horses

In grrral th sol full, and th firs layr is rnlovd rrror

with th hoof uttrs, or ) toing


knrl.. ftr paring th rog. Wl.rrl

sulnlnr drnss is trm, [h ssiv hoof growth orrrs rok

l.r:rrd arrd starting th trinr is ditjult. lJndr ths onditions, i i.
asir to gin trirning th dg of th 1roowall with th uttrs :tl
n angl to th outsid of tl.r oot, ronr hl t hl. orr his firsr




: GUR l

s osier

:. n




to egi trimmig the dge of th hoo{ woI| wilh lh hoo{ ufirs

Thr toig.kife u wdged udr lh soIe d struk wiih the y|on

lo the utsid of the hoof, fie s| wi|| the be |eft s|ightly higr

hmmr lo drive it fom heeI to heI. hs oe eIIel Sh AdIusr


1he woIl.

horses. Nol ihe onlrotio of th {oor.

:::R l/:

Fl0UR l 8:

-. -; lh

Th Spnish Ad|usin wos long vrdue

1oig.kife, lh sle o|in omes [[ i oe pie' Nte th thikes of the hoof woII



yel its feel


hoIthy d |od. |[ w imgie

;lrs rr rrrovd, th sol rr.ill .. slightl1, higl.r thn th rvll

. -1l tirrg knit an b rvdgd lrndr it and strtlk rvith th nlon
: l:lr l.r- trrr1 lavr of so1 olrr's ot, sot-tltitllc tn rr pit'.
:ls :l sol o a softr onsistny, lvhih an thrr pard rno
rrith 1rar,ving kni This, in [lrr' Poss rrror ss hoof
....hrh rr gilr trinlnld .'vitlr th uttrs. h har] out

.l ttbook

of rrndia1 horsshoing

Iies fom the orory d



surfe l the qurlers, w vu|is

how the fot

more lue shpd ih

ne shped


sura of th frog wil1 a b rmovd nror asily by starting with

th uttrs rathr thn a knif (Figurs 15 to 18).

In most irumstans, an all-purpos thr_quartr fullrd


lippd sho of20 8 mm (to5t,uinhs), 22 x 8 mm (7,,, x 5l.u

inhs) ot 22 ]0 mm (7 t, str inhs ), is adquat. Natural hool
pansion is lss on strong hoovs with straight, upright quartrs' )'t
shoing rvih p1nty of width is dvisa] to ompnsat or th
rlativ narownSs of th foot.This should not aus an intrfrn
Ho shoing is a1so rommndd, as it sms to hlp mintin
halthy hoof qualiry this is proa1 y saling th nds of th horrl
tuu1s (Figur 19).

Shoeing imported horses

Horss that travl to Ntditrranan urop lotn a rnor hunril
lin.rat undrgo alr adaptation pross .hih n quit traunlati.

dpnding on th rd. tlr tinr oyar and th stalirrg onditions

Th nrain onrn is th rapid loss of rrroistur in th slrnrnrr, rvlrih

rrraks th hoof hard nd brittl. This will aus th hors to fl th

inrpat of its hoovs on th grr.rnd mtth n1ore intnsly.This inrpat

wil1 not dissipatd y th fot shk absoran rnlrnisl.ns tl

th nssary dgr.h hors wi1] tnd to shrtn its strid, and

nlovmnt will om rnor sti]td.


Frqun[ shing is ronrnlndd, as xssiv ho grorvth lrilJ

nour] raks to dvJop.Th appliation ohoof orrditiorrrs all
lrlp in raintaining th supplnss th hoof r'vll. any suh
nditionrs ar avi1abl in Northrn urop whr thv hlp k
loistur otrt of th hoof. r shuld b tkn to slt on whih is
rih in natural oi1s (latrrl, od livr oil, t). Fd supplnts nr:]\
a1so play a ky ro1 in aiding halthy hoof growth.
Tl-r shs trsd shorrld as


as pssil, as ths r,vill tak


nails. N4ost shok soring pads do not hav tlr xptd positir.
tt:in at thy 1l1 vn nollra] th ontrtiorr of th foot nd

produ wakr quartrs.

Rgtr1ar ris appars to kp th hoohalthir and mor lastj
Tllis an rdu th priod of adptation to th nw. nvlronnlnt.

Dpnding on th surrounding onditions, and th individual hors.s

adptailiryit ar.r tak frorn 6-12 months or a hang in th hot
quality is apparnt. Hoof wlls will vntually Srngthn to op ,itJ-r





A wid f |woys retommdd lo tompesote

for the reIoliv 0rrowess of lhe hoovs.

th nviromnt, although oasionally sm horss, partiularlv

horoughrds, adapr vry poorly.

Hol,s ar snsitiv to hangs.Th adaptatin pross bgins at t]]

.ol.ona bnd rrd has to gror'v out.Th n!]ativ f|ts on th hoof
lr;r11 to a difrnt nvironrrrnt, also hav to grow out nd th hoo
ttivly slrstitutd b w lrorn dvlopd in tl.ris diffrnt

Urldr drought onditions, whih an our priodially, vn ntiv

il. 'l.'s hv difiult irl dprng to h inrl'd cunllnr. ttd
Ir.li':t'd rvint ttnp:]tl.ls. rvith no ru spring o utun]n o:l
.ls :l butr. Quartr raks an appr and ar oftn vry prsistrrt,

:rn rul[ip1 aks ar osrvd Ths an hlpd trnporarilv


pths (sVolrrnl II), but lrsua1ly rtrr arrd rvi1l onl lar up

:rrplt1y r,vhn th linlati orrditiorrs rtllrn to nornral and



lohs grown.


of rmdial



sl-|OlNG l|ORss lN WESTERN


0t Al/lERl

D BrodIey

h profssinal farrir othi.s ag has rnn diffrnt produts at hir

dposal. Ths in1ud a larg assortnlnt

of rady_nrad


difrnt tps o pad, hoof fillrs, sol prottors, t. A11 of ths

rnatrials nbl farrirs to sr thir lints rrror 1fiintly. ont
fator that dos not harrg is th hors ai1iry to adapt to ir.
rlvironrrrnt. No ttr anrpl of this an b fund than in th dsl

rgions o th wstrn Unitd Stats (Figurs 20 and 21). Th f;.:r

horss an hav orrrpltly ditrnt hoovs frorn on ornr o a stt
to th nt. In on ara whih is stP and hilly, horss' hovs tnd t
nlor upright whras. in anothr ara with flat sandy rgions, hoor'.
nra b broadr with a lowr angl..W.lrn ths horss ar rotlght int

aptiviry hir hoovs hang dramatiall.Thy ar no longr travllilrr

mils to fd and watr or trav1ling up and dolvn roky hi]ls or ars.
sandy dsrt lands.Thir nvironrnnt lnay now ir.r a arn with irr
htlurs of turnout ah da.hy rr-ry arry 100 lb (,l5 kg) or mor
thir aks. Ith hav poor onfor1nation in th wild' this lvill orlli
in aptivity and prsnt n vn grtr haLlng for th


W.hn rv ar onfrorrtd lvith a 1anrnss as, W should ask


tlr nvirnrrrnt whr this hors livs atrs or ontribut to r.

1l-trnss?'' I so, th hoo ar Pro!]rln nrust adjustd


Dry high des gio with |itt|e in the woy of

frg. i\tly oI the frl hos of lhe soulhwst
Uniled Slotes lside i thse res. These horses
ted lo hove o more upright, oxy hoof.


Soulhwest gross p|ois oro i the sring.





A wolking

0W h0rs lroiig form. Irrigtd

stures, dry di ho|dig r5 0nd s0d 5Urf(e

W0rkig 0re0.

olllpcnsat for th nvironrrrnt. This sarrr prinipl ap1is to th

ound l.rors. Is th total nvironn-rrrr whr this hors rsids

onduiv to th jo askd o it? Is th trirrrnring/shoing shdul
rlquat to rrrintain th hors in a sound ndition?
dsrt rgions oth south wst Unitd Stats provid harsh living
.wild'horss ar atuall lassifid
orrditions or th fral hors.hs
s.ial'baus thy sapd fronr don.rsti stok and a not ntiv

North Arrrria.

h lrurlridity of th rgion tlrouglrout h yar is trrrrly lrv

\t in tl-r south wst rgion in t stt ofArizon.This hs rainy
L..rson dllringJuly andAuglt.Tlr htunidity will otr tlr high sid
Luring aftrnoon lrours. Th rnpr;rtu r.l1lg for th dst rvil]
rring r.otl-r lorvs of _18o to hrghs of 30-,10.C.

in tlr high mollntainous rgions will

hv firl,v upright

loovs ths in t1r plirrs,/sandy aras (Figu 22) will h.rr- a llrol.
.randd l-rof.Th hoovs ofral horss rvi1l b slrort r'vith strong
r:rlls In th higlr lklirr ar:rs, hovs tnd to disirrtgrt in

sinrilar to rvhit lin disas.

.o frirs


ths dsrt rgios, th only r1 polnr that is

'llurrtrd r had brittl hovs. his prolln ours in th

iot.rsti horss, onfirrd in snrall aas. Irr ths onditios, horss

i.uld rrfit from inrasd ris and tlr.' rpplition

ilistuisrs to h hoof lvll'

a ttook

of iedia1 lrosshoing





t is now gnrally aptd that

g1oal warnring is gi.nning t

th world lirrrat and wathr Pattrns ar oling nrr

trm and lial to suddn hngs. In Britain, sasonaiiw l
oming lss distintiv
ar wttr and warnlr with th
irlidn of prolongd har'y frosts and snow diminishing, rplad

Likw, th inidn of protratd hat wav

surrrrnr nronths is inrsing. Not on1y do ths

n-ror har'ry rainfll.

and drolrghts in

hangs att th 1oal hoof nvironrnnt (i tmpratur, humidit

and ground onditions) ut hy also hav an tt on th aninul

ditary intk as grazine nditions hang. Ths hngs ar
urring at rats gratr than tht at whih quin hof v1utio
and strutural adaptation an kp pa (Figur 23).

ontnt so trn1s of at r hurnidiry lvill aus larg flutuatior:

strngth. Ths sharp hangs irrras th strsst

fIGUR 23:

in th rnhanial

| th tJ d |e|d, hooves le {lquent|y


mhnial proprtis of hoof horn r dpndnt on thir Wat

to log

prids stood


.ithjn th horn apsul and, undr load, alr atrs raks to


(Figur 24).


Dry rittJ orn an rak alvay with disstrolls onsql1lls all

softnd r'vk horn an ollps undr load' lading to ollapsd h'.l

[)r ud brittIe hor p owoy, mking seure

iIig diffkuIt.




In ordr to onrat rkn hoowa1 h farrir n punh \tr.t


hols in th sho to allow ttr hoi oplanrnt or l]latrials t

r ui1d th hoof an lnployd.




Nui|"|s shig hos ee uvoille i diffl

forms fr some yrs. Th shoe ottqhed wi
ry0.0(ry|0te gIUe'

,4drn dhsivs also offr today farrir th opportunity to attah a

ho without th us of nails (Figur 25). Attntion to


Lranufaturr PlParatioll rquirmnts must followd los1y to

nsur suss.

h inidn of onyhomyosis or whit lin diss pars to

r.rrasi.ng.This may rlatd to th batria that lodg in h soi1 not
dinrinishd in th uppr layrs y frost. Consqunt1y, with a
Varnr Wttr Wintr nvironmnt, thy ar al to nrultiply and
nvad th softnd horn tissus arlir nd gain a stronghold bfor

h hotr dry spl rdu thir fay.Th is rphasisd in th as

th donky, originally rought to Britain rorrr th ditrranan

Roman tirns. It has a diffrnt horn dnsity to hat of th hors
nd, in its natural nvironrrrnt, is hoovs ar dry and tough. Iowvr,
n th oo1r ut Wtr Wathr oth tsritish Isls, its hoovs ar vry
usptil to ingrss y horn digsting btrium (Figur 26 a,).

]aus th ssons ar orning lss w1l dfirrd, ditary mana]mnt

; eining signifian. Crtin ryps of laminit hat wr

birrg diagnosd throughout tlr yar. Llorss ar routinl having

hir dit supplrrrntd in on fornr or anothr. Although this n-ray b

lnfiial, ovr srrpplnrntatio1l or undr supplnlnttion .rn .rus

Imaland dits an 1d to horn qulitis that r avoura1
o strlphr rduing atri. N4any supplnrnts ontain tr Cl1nts
h:rt th anirnal nds for nornral vrday untiorr. ssil,


upplrrrntation rnay ovrload th systnr and, lthough xsss of

ol lnrnts lav d rro harn and rtd sil, othrs nly
ruain and burld up to toi lv, g slniunr.

ii [tbk

rr]ia'l hossheig



A dokey hs hves thol ole dopted to orid od stoney oditios. |n dmp orlh europeon dimle they eome vly sueptib| to hor digestig lerir
od fungi (sedy toe). ) Shows the |oss f urig surf; h) Shows th le [ hof woIl udermied.

tIGUR 27:

somr rlilkiol exee reos () nd eddig

sul[es () rele odilions fovouroIe lo
boterio lhol ore delrimeto| lo lhe hor. Poer
ddig shouId ot e IIowed lo eome wel od

soi|ed Woodhip hs eome

o very


dding moleio| ul very drying to the hoof

Strow sli|| opeols to lhe mos| hor fried|y.



Sonr nrodrn artifii1 ris arna surfas and dding matrial

ar a1so rting unnatural mirolimats for horss' hoovs. Sotrr.
srrrfas utilis matrials that,

in darp nvironmnts,

rlas mtai'

ions rating avourabl onditj.ons for sor horn-digsting atri

(Figur 27 a').

As th world 1imat hangs om mor signifiant, today farri

nrust om vn mor awar of nvironmntal onditions and th.
polms that ln nsrt.






:uilher reoding
J..A. and Goslin, J.I\4. (1987) Funtional dsign of hors hoof
kratin: th modultion of mhanial proprtis though hydrtion
ffts.J xpt, Bio|.130' 121_16.


]udras, ._D., Shil,

. and l\{ulLing . (1998) orn tuuls of th whit

lin: an insuffiint arri aginst asnding atrial invasion. quin

du' Mnl| No


Th quin


HooJ 1'I_18.

]ut]r, K.D. (1,9s5) Th tinipls of Horsshoing 11. Butlr Pushing,


)ompndio d A-lytri (1729) Ferlr'do d Snd y Lago, Josph

Gonqalz. Mdrid, Fasimila, diios Do Castro, Galiia spana.

)urtis' SJ. (1999) Ftrir

Fol to


Nwmarkt Fariry

onsultany, ngland.

)ris d Marhalri D'Authvill, P.' Fromond, P, 2nd dition. }laloir'

S'A., ditur, Paris, Fran. Portugs dition y organizaqlo Andri
ditora Ltda.
rrnr,T.A. (1998) Whit Lin Disas. qui ut' E,du. Mnul No 4, Th
qui Hoof,7'76.

P. (2001) Th iolog of whit ]in diss: Nw

findings and impliations fo th futur. Prsntation: 7sl UK Frrir

\olph, C. and

oltio, Prsto,


irrriologia Clinia d ls Cojras su diagnostio difrnial, olhagaray, N.,

ditor Hrnisfrio sur, lVlontvido, lJrugaay.
]umrrula D .]vitavia (1694)

Antonio Prira' Liso, Portugal.

]shak,T.S' (d) (1987) dms, I-mnss i Horss.4th dn. La and Figr

/arrn vans,J.,


Borton,A.' Hintz, H.F., Dal vank,L. (1977) Th Hors,


N.A.. San Franiso and London.




as Barly Dis

n horss and

aminitis is


3]* known
us in thos


d in 350 b
1u as to

Barl Disas is now known in various parts of th


as lanrinit or oundr.Ths trms ar [n usd snonynrousJ

ut this is inrrt. Laminitis is th ondition and foundr on of th


Laminit is th trm usd to dsri

a typial hl_lading lanrnss

rarial svrity. Squla to laminitis inlud aut foutrdr and sinkin
r'vhih involv a dislotion of th distl phalan- rlativ to th ho

apsul. Rovrd aut foundr ass ar trmd hroni fotrrrdi

ass (Figtrr 1). \)hil th atiopathogrrsis o
lar.l urrdrstood, th bio_rnharris ar

laninitis is

sti1l n

1lor vidtrt.

This haptr dfins th trms usd in dsribing lanrinit, th orrrnro

auss, and many of th trtrlnt options. In th stions daling l'vit

lthough thr is a thl (

inrproving rak_ovr and using th palnrar (plntrr) parts of th ot
tat1nnt, various altrnativs ar givn.

(spia th frog) to rdu larnilral strss, sol

oftlr advi


onsidrd by th radr to onfliting, i th us opolystyrn foar

and hl lvation. h 3 atlthors ar spifi s to thir prrn.

laving th radr to slt thir orvn hosn ntthod o tratnrnt.


Lomiit, if treted i ils eor|y sloges, my l


the horset retur to ormI


Howev1 i mny (0s5 lhe ds proglesses l0

out funder od/or sikig sydrome whkh

my |d to deth. ln re|tive|y miId oss, or

thos suessfu||y treotd, th hrs suvives wilh

hroi hnges

l0 the

disloI ph|onx


ompromisd hoof groh (,hrok {oude/).

Reovered sikrs hv fw hges to the fet.







Osls, PR0G

pin, d if th

tuss itns

to th ttt
.foundr stg, (ln rsult in
diss progrsss

0s ls AN D TRATf\4NTS

rippling hngs within th hors\

Robeil ustoe

.ft, Suh hgs ttl prIde

th iml from prtiiptig i

thig bt tIrc Lightst thlti

Diseose mehnisms

ork' Th ost

rsntl thr ar 4 nrain thoris attlPting

lnhnism of quin l.rminiis.

to xplain




Iiitis, sinking sdrom, is life

thrting d

80,% o.f ss,

hn dstrution of

th hors' (}iutt

Voulor theor

his is supportd y th gratst amount o pritnntal vidn.

h thry suggsts that th initial vnts a{ting th foot ar thls
o|rsoonstrition. N4diators, whthr th b dirtly ronr th gut
r ditry 1arirritis, or an inftd fous in ass of spsis, or via an

ilrtrllldiary organ strh s th livr, ar thought

to initit



roimtl 80% o-f lmiitis


dr dLl to

|t1||Qmt1t d


it is



.fdig ur

lr |ht thr

ststtiI wIfr issu,

onstrition in th artris and vins supplying th hoof.Altrnativly'

r sonstrition ould origirrat from ativation of rptors on th
1ood vss1s und nrvous ontrol.Vsoonstitirr

afts th vins

tlrol than th artris. This irass prsslrl within th lood

pillris, i.nrasirrg th tndn for fluid to lav th vssl and
ntI th surrunding tissus. This irrrs irr tissu Prssur al1ss
pin. Th vasoonstrition and inrasd tissu fluid prssllr irrrpls

flow of lood lvithin th


At th


tim fators inI:rs

prrnailiy of th apillaris, inrasing fltlid lkag. In addition,

h ndoth1ial lls lining th apillaris and vins otn attrativ
t platlts, whih aggrgat and fortn lots whih urthr inrpd

1o1 flolv.

As th systnri lood prssur has lso inrasd,


rttrnt lood is divrtd through th rih nrtwork of rtriovnlrs

;ulstonloss (AVA) dirtly into th vins.Thtrs thr is n inrasd

lood prssur, inrasd 1ood flow to th foot ut rstritd

'or.no) pt{usion of th tissus supplid y th afftd lood
h ainr of tratnrnt for thos supporting th vsular thoy is to
hiv vasodilation, irihiit lood lt forrrration and itnprov or
rsor pr{usion of th digitl issus.
ir strni

Tok theor

his thory proPoses that rnany of th abov altrations in lood flow

er.rd rtrsion do our ut ar sondary phnomna. Th initial

il ttook

f rmdial



|GLJR ?:

A ohs pny is t high rk [ sffering |omiit.

irlstr] r thotrglrt to darlrag

to th

lsrrlt.tt nlrbran, rvhil

th idrrrrs.This lnnlbratr is trrrrlr

nvoltrtd lr.ithirr tlr oot, lrrirroring th lntoltlv oi. rirlrry :rn
sPa;rts h drrrris trlrr

sondrr,v lanrina.This thor- cll!.g\t\ ht .t toxirr (th tin l

Strptototts l,'or,l.s h:rs n inrpli;rtt] v D Polli) is sposil o
tl.r dalng

to th lslllnt


It is poposd that this i

hivd b th to-iri atirrg rvith a grorrp of nzv1s lvithin tlrt

:rsnrrrt nttllratl,


tllati_rrrt:r11optinss, su1tinq il

s1ittirrg o th srnt trrlrr;ln lrrd s.trltiorl o tlr pidrllli

frorlr tlr drlis.T1r sr-ri' o tlr drll is rsunra\l r1at1 t

tlr dos of tin d1ivrd t tlr srttt ll.ttllrr.h tratlrrrl

tholy i.olvs prorrrotin o\rsOollstitio1

o divrsion olood orrtinirrs toitl ar,vav ti.onr tlr ]atlritrl.

lr thos follor,ving tl.ris

getholk theor

his is rrruh th sarrr



th toi tlrorY but thl than th darrr:rgr

tlr asrrnt nltrrban irie lu t a toill' this thor st:lts th

tlr d:rnlag is ausd v ltrd nrtalisrrr. In p:rrtilrlar, dpltiorl

gittos i. in itro hof tissu plants has rsu]td itl spr:rtiorr o
drnra1 and pidrrral lallrin. Supprtrs

othis tlror-v trt

irrroving 1od prusion of tlr fltl tissus bv

Css .


losirrg oAVA :rnd p-haps th drrrirristr:ltion oinsulin.

lehniol Iheor

Tlris rlts t oad forrndr, tr2rl1lrl]ti lrrrrirritis and


sinking. It stats that irr rtin iurttstans tl.r rviglr

oI rP:ltd tr'u1na inflitd on th larrrina is sutlint to O\,ron1,






t|GUR 3:
Th sme oy {tlgule 2)

moihs |ter fter

grduoI wighl |oss }i is w ut low rk od did

not su{fer {rm iminii ogi durig


remiig 8 y of h |ife.

th ohsion twn tlr 2 sts of l:rrnina. Th othr. intIstig

findirrs in rltion o wight-aring foundr and sinking is that, whrr
th lrors ars u11 wight on a linr, no lood :rn ntr th oot.This
ott]d 1nd supPort to t rntali or th vasular thory.

o onlpolrnd ths thoris urthr, ndotal rPots y prind

pratitionrs rpot llnt suss rats with dianrtrially pposing
trf,tl]rnts, g

th us of gonovin and ooling th ft

aprornazirr and potrltrs


This autho sllsPts that th ar narrow tim rvindor,vs durir.rg

r'vhih oth o ths tratmnts may usul. Th prolrn that
rnuh of th danrag to th hors oot ours or th ownr/vt
an s an1, lanrnss, so th hans of utilising ths r'vindor,vs a

Th prol fr rsarhrs is ithr to find on uniing thory that

plains hor'v 11 th,auss,happn or to giv a provn rhanisnr for

Prevnting Iominitjs
It is mo hlpul to onsidr irumstans rvhil.r rrrdr th arrirrrl
An aninral, wl.rih n

susptil to larrrinitis, rathr than uss.

dsrid n of th follorving sts of irurnstrrs, shotrld

rgardd as ing v 1ikly to dvlop l:rrninitis.Th trln.PIon to
to' infrs that it is an irvrsibl
lllninitis, is otn trsd. l3ing
situation, to rvhih th hors rvil1 air,vas l sujtd.This is not th
as r,vith sitv/ditary latd larninitis, r'vhih rrrak up 8% of th

a ttok

o rmdia1 horsshoing


ass sn by this author.

By orrt

managmIrt, ths animals a

b rought out of th high rk group (Figur 3). only thos animal:

with hroni untrtal systli disas rnrain
Diet and ohesiI

This author has nouragd ll hors ownrs ovr th last 20 yars nol
to al1ow thir horss to om os, as this puts thnr at high risk ol
1aminitis. Although w ar not Sur atly why this ours, w d
know that nrany fat horss show insulin rsistan, in othr words th1
do not show a lowring oblood sugal onntrations whn injt
with insltlin. Rnt1y, Dr P.Johnson at th (Jnivrsity of N4issouri lra:
suggstd a possil xplanation.

Th suggstion is tht fat horss and ponis ray suffring from :

syndrom whih has n wll rognisd in hurnan mdj.in, that o
omntal Cushing disas. In popl, th ornnturrr, a fatty sht thl

ovrs th intstins, oms an anornral sit or th prodution o,

[h hornron ortisol.Th omntum in hs individuals ontains a

abrrant st of nzynrs whih onvrt th prson own inativ

.ortison, into th ativ orm .ortisol'. This inrasd amount o

irulting ortisol hs an advrs tt

on th


nrtaoli.sm ausing inrasd lood g1uos and insulin.

sirnilar situation rnay ourring in at horss, whih show higt

onntrtions oirulating ortisol, insulin and gluos' ar hard t

dit and oftn suffr fror.rr laminitis.This syndronr in horss has r

rfrrd t as.priphral Cushing disas'; not a vry good narn al
th tra ortisol is not oming from th adrnal gland s it dos il
pituitary_dpndnt Cushing disas. Similarly, ths animals do no

in hair oat so rypial o pituitary_dpndn

at th tim of writing, thr is n
ushing disas.

show th hangs

spifi tratnt for osity rlatd ]alninit. Nvrthlss sut

arlirnals an kpt fr o th disas y strit diary an

ranagnt rnthods.Th srt is to prvnt th animl onlint

obs nd thn t kp it or.r a lrigh fir, low alori dit. Ith anim;l
is os it rnust gradtrally ditd down to a ondition sor of 2.:
to 3 and thn kpt at that wight. Th hors nrust not arry any f
dpots and you shuld bl to fl its ris sily whn you run you
:rnd along is si.d. owvr it sholrid not so ltr that you I1 st
its ribs.
Arrinrals whih ar rognisd s

.good dors' r .as kprs'


,ll rufring rorlr ithr priphr.rI Crrshing\ dis'.'u




?othyroidism. Laoratory ansis of lood sampls ar nssary to

listinguish th 2 onditions.

Any animal suffring ftom toxamia, th prsn of toxins in th

:iulating blood stram, is at high risk of larninitis. It may bom
larr, with furthr rsarh, whih toins ar most dangrous but in
ih mantim it is safr to assum that all toami horss ar at high
isk. Th ommon toxami onditions, whih prd laminitis and
oundr, ar rtaind Planta giving ris to a sPti mtritis in mars,
intstinal inftions, oli (partiularly thos animals rquiring surgial

orrtion of oh in whih thr may lolisd pritonitis) and

ingstion of plant toxins.
Drug reloted lminil

Som horss sufr laminitis following th administration of various

drugs or vains. rtainly vaination of animals sufring from su_
linial disas is likly to mak th hors ill; this is why vrtrinary
surgons xamin horss for vaination. Simita som horss
rat advrsly to wormrs, and it is not known whthr this is du to
th drug itslf or to intrmdiary ompounds r].asd and absord
from dying worm lva. Som drug tratmnts sm to prd th
onst of laminitis mor frqun than othrs, g doul dos of
pyrantl for tapworms.

Th ortiostroid group o drugs is th most dangrous. Th

adrninistration of ortiostroids to horss alrady in a high_risk
situation should avoidd if at all possibl.Ths drugs do not aus
laminitis vry tim thy ar usd but, whn they do initiat laminitis,
it is usually sevr and rsults in th hors foundring. This author
taks a vry onsrvativ viw of ortiostroi.ds in horss and would
only us thm as a last rsort, i in horss with a lif thratning
ondition whih is likly to improv with a ortiostroid..W.hn long
ting ortiostroids ar administrd to os ponis th risk of
foundr must xplaind to th ownr.vn injting on joint with
a small dos an rsult

in foundr in horss in training!

ess slroin on the lmioe

onditions rfrrd to

es wight_baring

laminitis and roed foundr

rsult from rpatd treuma or prolongd for applid to th lamina

ovroming thir inhrnt ohsion. For xampl, if a hors is svrly


tI6IJR 4:
Lmii,t d th rosequt 0Ule {UdeI Wos
oused to lhe left hind of this ho from ontiul

wight.eoring due to the frotur of th righi

hind postern.

irr t right hind 1g fi.orrr rtur r inft] s.vnor'i:t

strutllr, it tks l11 its rvight orr th l|t hirrd r,vhih otn tttndr.
ol.sinks.Th tndn is to i th injtrtrl lg ttntion rrt ngll
th lvight_lrirrg lg (Fiur .1) Sirrrrlrrly horss lrndgoing lst l
rolorrd ris o h:rrd grolrnd, atiularJy if not suffiintl tlt


rrllw suffr fttndr irr oth front f.

Hrumonol luminitis

Som fi]lis and nlars patdlv sufr ronl 1lnjnitis, usuallv nlild]l
lvhn t r itl ostl.tls.Th rnnisnr or this is ls yt ul1pl:1jn.
arrd tratllrrts r sirrli]ly thin on th ground.

trshing\ disas is th rrrost otlnltl]r

to rrdoin dsfuntin T1ris lr'.l.
rognisd frrn olalinitis
oiginal1 dsrid y ushing, as a syndrorn in lvhih th ]llr
Hor'vvr, pituitar-v_dpndnt


gland prdus tno]: tha a rrornlal nlollnt of rr tisl

(hvpradnoortiisr). In horss. hpradrnoortiisl is n1r

to ]n norrrlality irr th pituitarv g1anl..W.htr t|r.

pitlritarv bnorrnaliw is a trtr nign tllmour or a l-r-vprplasia is :r nl
porllt in rqud v histoprtho1ogists. rrshing,s disas :lllss t]-](
lr,vavs sond]r,v

ors to fail to shd its rvitr o.lt; the oat o]l1s thik, lorls
lttd and url. h .rninrals tnd to drink ssivl1', srvat rllo.
than norntal and los rvight dspit an inrsd Pptit. ]n adliill
thy trrd to ]]ang slrp (igur 5) T is rdistriblrtjlr t..
dpots on tlr hors lvith ft pls ing ]ail dorvrr rrourrd th shi
o udlr. th t:rjl l.red, o\ir th lilrs nd st and in th sltprl or.L.i.
fossa. Frorrl th sid th 1ook rathr sqltar or.lkir' than notll"-




tIGUR 5:

he typilly hir opeore



dpednt (ushig diseose tse. Nle the


|oky 0ppe00(. (liiis shouId |ok

fr ft deots bv ih eyes.

Not all Cus1ring

ass sl.rorv l1 o ths signs t tlr sarrr tinr btrt

1orrgr th anirnal sttr,ir,s tlr rrror signs tnd




old weother

Vrv frv anirn1s suffr fronr larninitis in ld orrditions but this

lrtrtl.ror blir,s that th olldiriotr ists. ]t snrs to prvntd
asily y tulning th hors olrt in r,varrrr rvo]lr.r lg and:rgs so it is
plslrrrblv an individual snsitiviry ofth digital 1ood vssls to old
\\rathr.This should not orrusd lvith horss rvhih onr fot
sor in th sllo\\,as this is lr-ror likly t lu to alling f snor'v in

sols of th t lading to dirt bruising.

lnodequote or irregulr foot dressing in hronfu founder ses

All hroni

undr rss tnd,

to a varial xtnt, to


llrisshapn ft.The tos orrr Jong, th hls high, th so1s flat arrd
dl rvhit lins lvidnd (Figr 6) Ifth frrrir dos not kp t1r t


or is not alld ak irt last vrY 5

a) orrl larrr tronr sl prssur
ti-orrr th grolrnd, inrasd prssur orr th dorsll larirra or joint p:rirl
as norrral a shap as possibl

i th offin joint as th hls bonr too higlr or )

srrffr frorlr


patd attks of lnrinitis ollor'ving all th abov.


ess reloted laminilis

F|l]UR 6:

Strss r]atd 1anrinitis dos our intiqtrntl,v, g


J.ross (rrd

ltitr1arJv donky$ whih hv lost a long trn1 olllPniorr, o


of rmdi1 horsshoing

he tyiol| dtorted feet f

o throi


ts; lhes eIong to dokey.


aninrals sujtd to long and tiring journys. LIowvr this possibili

lads man pop1 to hink that thir horse has strss rlatd larnirriti:
r'vhih , irr fat, usuall du to inappropriat fding and nlanagmrrt

Dignosing Iomjnjtis
Lanriniis is not dit1iult larnss to diagnos. owvr it dos
Prsnt in a rang o svritis. For pl rild lminitis is str
ornrnonl in rahorss in trining whr tl.rr is a loss oation orl
hard going or on a tlot_tlP in th yrd. Ths horss at otrt
dsrid as ing unal to trot ut a1 to gallop. Thy ar usualhsltfring rom an ss of ral in th dit ladirrg to hroni 1orr

hindgut pH. Th uss unwantd hangs in trnprarnnt, suh s

o wlking, aggrssion' oli and lan.riniti.s. Th ft slrolv a grdlr1

.'.;,]^.;.- ^{ t.,.]^'5x]

1a7hi1g ]ins; strrtinls


hrnorrhag is sn in th whit ].in horrr.

Th digitoI pu n e [e|i eelh th figer od

i these ositions.

At th thr nd

o th sl o svriry horss whih r ound t

pastur rumnt' blowing and ovrd in srvat ar oftl

rnisdiagnosd as oli, Zoturia or fratur ass It should
rlrlmrd that 1aminitis dos not onl aflt th front ft, it rrrar
att th hind ft whih givs a ditrnt stan. Th hors tris tl
stand wih all its t on th s:ll spot undr its 11y. Th othr
ondition whih an nusd with larninitis is aquird d
digital flxor ontratllr in adult horss. 1though ths ass tnd to
try to land :rnd stand on thir tos, at first glan thy do adopt a stn
lvith th affd limbs strthd otlt in front of th, partiulh

lvhn thy first ris

It a rnistirk to onfus t tr1ns larninitis and foundr. Us oth
foJlowing lassifiation systrn will hlp us rlnrr what i:


in th

hors foot nd llror inlportantly giv us


aur[ guid to Prognosls.

ar asily rognisd withoLr
T1r ollor'ving .1 ryps of

th ned for radiogphy or othr spialisd thniqus

]inial aminrtin rvill nal a]lotiol-l into on of th ollor'vic

l1 ass of 1anlirrit :rr lnr, hav arr inasd stlll!]th or fol. .lt
thir digitl pulss (Figur 7) arr1 trld to stand On thir hls :rrrd tr
t tak th wiglrt offthir.tos (igur 8) Ths r th htristt









A figr tip ru dow to fe| for lhe orory nd

stoe of imI ofled i frol fel.

deprssio, whih horrti of oute founder




Th dgr of

lanrnss th show an

:trlnly varil, ranging from a rnild lamnss in on foot to :rn

.rrrima1 down, ovrd in swat and groarling. Larninitis ss shift
rvight ronr n foot to anothr. Although th digital pulss ar
inrasd in rat, prirnaril du to pain, it is th hang irr ntur o
th puls, whih an b flt t th ak of th pastrn, whih is th
diagnosti sign.Th digital puls an lt in rrrost nornral horss, it
is sir o fl in fin skinnd animals than thos with thikr skin
and subu[anous issus. I th normai hors th puls has a rlativly

gntl ris and fall whras, in orss with laminitis, th puls has
slrarpr, harnnrr lik quaiity.

Reognig lominil ond the sequeloe

ut fouder:

Ths ass show ai1 th signs o a larninitis as, i

larrrnss, stan nd puls hartr, and also hav dprssions rvhi:l.r

just aov th oronary ands (Figur 9).lf a firrgr.is

urr dorvn th pastrn, ovr th oronaly and and nto th hoowall
of a noral hors thr is no rsistan to this movlnnt. In a as o
rr palpatd

:lut oundr, th fingr tnds to lodg in a dip or dprssio irr th

skin jlrst ov th oonary and. Aut foundr ass ar 1nor
sv1 afltd han laminitis ass.Th dprssion indiats tlrt th
lrrrrina l'vithirr th foot ar pulling apart and t distal phlan is
tllor,illg distally within th fot. Th dpr th dpssior.r, atrd th
rL]:ltr its o11atral tnt, th 1vors th otrrrdr Ir.r ot1rr 1vords tlr

lr txtook

o edia1 horss1roing




F|GUR l 0:


| sikrs th trnry nd depressio etends

Frt foot o[ o hloughrd mor with hli fudr. he diverEnt growlh rings re rrwed

ok lo ve lh uls of olh heIs.

Ng|iget |r|y [lor i th se.

dr. tJ.r dprssior-r th artlrr 1or'r.rr l'r,ithin th


tl.r tlist;r]

plr:rlarr hirs disp11

Slkers: T1rs :rnirlrals a th n]ost svr rrrrristttorr of th olr

Thv d not show t1r hl 1olding nd to_rliving stn o th
1lnirlitis o aut fourrdr ls. Rthr' th st:lnd sqtta br.rt

irrrrnoil:rnd ar tlltl1v rlutallt tO n1ov. Iford to .irlk thr

rvil1 rusl.r frrvard ilr atr inoordinltd lrrrrn. Sinkrs rvill rtrn in
;tll\Ithing r,,,hih hPPns to b


in thir

path. This .Llltho hrs sll ]

kill thnrslvs this rvv Th othr haratrjsti




sirlkr is that th1, hav dprssions bov th :oronarY ands, rl,hil.

t.\tIld tlr ftrll lrrgth of th oront; ronr on hl,:irotrtll th to tl:
th ot1rr hl (Figur 10). Sinkrs lsl lr:rv rn inrsd strnqth :

th digitl pulss as in lanrirlitis rrd :rut


ass L1oll,r'r

:ulilllals lvhih hav sunk for so1ll hol-1Is' rrra also harr stotl o1d |'
:rs th notlla] ilttlation lras n ut o|f. Sinkrs lvhil.r hav r

lvn rnalgsis rtain th sqttar rrrotionlss strr trt. if or1 t

rlrov, lvil1 r,v1k lik ass of rvial malrdjlrstrrrnlt svtllrolli
(rr,blrs) in tht t1r1, slap thir ft dor,vn ls thv rrrov
d!roi founder:

l.rroni oltlldr ss hal,


rind On or


pisods O xCL1t l.lrrrdr in th pst :rnd ar lft r,vit :l.rtjsti.

1langs irr thir ft.h t borrr rrlisshpn rvitlr higlr hls, ltl:
tos, flllttIrd sols lnd hav grrvtlr rilrgs orl th hoor,v:rlls rvhih ll'.

nror rvi]lr, sPf,d t th h1 th:rn at th to (Figlrr


o r t i V a r r i y


\dditionall, th whit lin in th dosal pat o th oot, arournd tlr

-o, onrs widr tl.rarr nornral and otn shor'r.s disoloatin
)r:rng srll1n stining o vidn ohnrorhag into th hon.This

|GURE l 2:

tlow hrt lo oid i


5u5e(t (05rs

tra of strthd rvhit lin is onronl ilrtd atrd sults in st1

-o.Ths harrgs all ir.rdiat th ourrn ofudring; th ft

anornral, th strutual intgrity of th 1anrina rvill lrv bn

:on.rprorlisd and t1r l.rors will rvalking on inhrrltly rvaknd



is possibl r hroni foundr ass to suffr subsqunt attaks o

|an.rinitis nd :rut olrtrdr.. Thortia11 it is possil fo hrorri

r-rndr ass to onr sinkrs although this author has nr,r

prind this.
.larrrinitis, tlre
b sttrnnraris, lvhn appoahing a nW as of
diagnosti Plotool onrrrrndd is as foilows: arnin th ft in

ordr to idrrtifv tl.r hangs hartristi


honi ourrdr;

ltnli rvhthr th hors shows to rliving stan, irrr:rsd

digital pu1ss and oronay dprssions thn fol,l, th hart to
dtrrrrin th ryp o.lanrirritis' as r,vith whilr you ar Isntd
(Figur 12).

a ttook

o rmdia1 horsshoing


Further exomin|ions

It is important to otain a good history from th ownr so that an

opinion may formd as to th likly aus. In many ass th aus
is only too ovious suh as whn prsntd with an ovrwight
animal having rivd a high-alori dit. In othr ass th.aus'
is not so oous and it mey rquir xaminations of lood nd urin
hlp to steblish th unding aus. For xampl larninitis in a thin
hors narly always indiats undrlying systmi disas, g
pituitary_dpndnt ushing disas, hroni livr or kidny disas.
Laminitis in thin horss is rarly th rsult of an inappropriat dit.
This author uss a routin quin hamatology and iohmistry
profil and th analysis of ratinin and 6 ltrolyts in lood end
urin sampls. In addition it may nssary to masur ndognous
ATH, insulin and ortisol in lood to aid diagnosis of pituitary_
dpndnt ushing disas and osity rlatd laminitis. Dynami
hormon rspons tsts, suh as a TRH rspons tst, an provid
usful information on oth th thyroid and pituitary,/adrnal axis
status of th hors.

Although it is not nssary to radiograph th ft of all laminitis ass,

doing so an provid valual data in trms of radiologial
masurmnts should th animal dtriorat to aut foundr.


It must aptd thet' until th mdial problms assoiatd with

as of laminitis an ontrolld or rmovd, it is unlikly that th

animal lamnss will improv.Th vtrinary surgon is thrfor th

important profssional at th a stag whn laminitis is first
diagnosd. Th farrir oms into his own latr on should th
ondition dtriorat to foundr whn orrtiv farriry work is
vita].. To ahiv th st rsult th ownr, farrir and vtrinary
surgon must work togthr. First, th intndd us of th hors
should b stalishd. If fd with a modratly ta1ntd hors in

training, thr is a srious qustion as to whethr any trtmnt shou1d

b attmptd if that is th only potnti]. rol for th hors. Th

vtrinary surgon must abl

to ontrol th dit,


managmnt and rgular tratmnts givn to th hors. If this annot

ahivd at hom thn it is proaly bttr to hospitalis


animal.Th vat to hospitalisation is that many quin hospitals ar

usy plas with larg throughputs of horss and staff. Laminitis and

undr ass nd a quit omfortal nvironmnt whr thy an

.st or long priods without intrruption.

vital that th fari and vtrinary surgon ar oth taking th

;arrr aPproah' If on uss hartar shos, omplt ox rst and
[t is

vasodilators and th othr prfrs sol supports an agrmnt must

ahd bfor tratmnt ommns.

his stion dsris th tratmnts that this author has usd most
;ussfully ovr th last 15 yars. Th rsults otaind using ths
[Iatmnts ar puLishd in th quinVtrinaryJournal and to dat

th highst suss rats pulishd in a


vtrinary journal.
Treolmenl protools

on vasodilation,
analgsia, dp digital flxor tnotomy on ontratd
drainag (aut foundr) or dosal wall rstion (old and hroni
oundr as, rrrinimising prssur on th sol and monitoring th
hl hight (nithr raising nor lowring).This author dos not nail
shos onto autly lam horss, th aim ing to rninimis th strain
Rommndd tratmnt protools ar asd

on th lamina.
Lominitis treolmenls

Larninitis is an mrgny and should dalt with y a vtrinary

surgon that dals with horss routinly.Th prinipi is to rmov th

.aus,of laminitis. If this is dit, and in th UK th largst varial is

grazirrg' th hors must b rmovd from its ass to grass.

Bfor th hors is walkd, it is advisal to fit ftog

suPports. This an don haply y using a ro11 of soft andag
undr th frog (Figurs 1'3 a,).If th hors is vry lam, it may b
nssary to wait until it has rivd analgsis in ordr to al to
1ift a 1g. If th hors is a long distan from its stal, it is adsal to
mov it in a low loading trailr rathr than walk it. If th hors is shod,
lav th shos on; whih will man that thikr ftog supports ar

nssary. Sho rmoval at this tim is unnssary unlss th ft hav

n ng1td and er ovrglown. In ths ass th shos should

rmovd and th fet trim-rnd to provid a firm pair of hls for th




l 3:

i.tting o dge frog suppori: The bdg

Th frog supporl i p|oe: BItking indiots

urol|d util it lh orrel ihikes.


whe weight-beorig lking |oe. Not thol

Iotd bout

no o lhe sol, iditig thot ther is o

lorword d of th bdge

1 m ehid the trimmed oit of the frog.

diret prssur.

lrors to st:rnd on..W.hrr trirrrnrirlg th ft th slrould dssd

or'vrds not dorvn' i rilg th tos k lrt do not rlnov th r,l.all,
rvhih rvill or th hors to stand on its sols :ln1 inrls th


gedkoltretmenl..h vtrinirr sllr!]on likly t adrrrinistr a laxtir,

sJin (liquid par:rt1in atrd slt) y stornah ttr and provid lirrritd

an:r1gsis (hrr1utazn) and vasodiltors (apror-nazin).

Colltion old rrd lrrirr sar.rrpls is ronllnrrdd at this tir. It

orrlrorl or ltnirritis f,ss to su1r fronl anami and arr

lppropriat harrr:rtini an b providd (Hanro 15; 10 nll iv vr


thr day for 3 injtions). Palpation of11 oorrry ands on all ft,
prral1. tlvi dil, is rquird s atr dprssion rvhih dvlps
irrdiats tht th hos is ginnirlg to foutrdr.

l th atrirrrl is sik (torrii) it is ursful t us fluniin or its nti

ndotli and trti plat1t_ggr]ation proprtis (1 rrrg/kg daily) in

ornination lvith intrvnous fluids. I th hors is sik lu to r

irrtin it nry b tlsul t us a orbination of antiiotis
l'vhih giv a road strull of nti_atrial ativity. ]Jlod ultuls


tnv b I1ssf,ry prior to this, spia1ly irr ass hst intions.

Il ass of rtind plrrtr in rrrrs vigorlrs torts ar nd1 to
linrinat th intin. Fo nrpl r'varnl ntispti utrin rv:rshs
hlp to void th Lrtrus Ild failitat rlrrl-ral rrrrova1 f th planta.

oYtin dips rrr usd. Bth 1al

t.rd sstlr-ri rntibioti

trt1nts ar ronrrndd.




Ho's rr-ith g.lstro_itstinal diss nd a:rl ultttrs, s)/str1rri

:rrliiotis atld oftrl nrassiv volunrs of intra_vrrous fluids if l
strssIul tratn1llt is to ahivd.

Flurriin and hyprirrrrllu


lllso b trsd rvith vayirrg dgrs osuss.


l th vtinry surgo is arnining tl.r nirrral rvithin ,l8 hurs of

rh orrst o linial 1anrlrss thn hparin a1. Wothwhil using
t its antilgu1:rnt proprtis (100 units s loding dos iv ollo.d
l .1() trnits r,r 6 h). Th trtrlrt is proalv onl1, 1yo,..1'
!.t.rl-rirr rvith fo 4a or 72 h. Ifluniin is not gir,rr tlrn aspirilr
tlr.rr' usd (5 rnrrlkg \r oth d:r1,) as an atrti platlt_aggrgation
dLtrg irr orrrbination l'vith notlr rron_stroidl anti_inflarrrrrratorY
slrh ls phnylr.rtazon.Alt1rotrgh pl.rn1utazon is t-l old drug, it is
t]l st for ontro1lirrg th pain o 1rninitis. Mlonatlrat (22
lrrg,/kg daily) is a usul altrtrativ. T1.r irrr is t ontol th hors
lil lvitlr su{hint aprornazin to kp t1r ainral nrodr:rtlv
tlrli1tri11isd all th tirrr and 1iritd phrry1utazoll to ontrol, but
rrlt aolish pain.Th hors shuld :rl to l its ft i in nrild
dlsonrot. To this nd it should b r to Lls nlo tharr 2 g of

lrrrvlL.ut;tzn diiy. Additionally, using

nrol arraigsi


llL.ssay rvill onlpltly rrsk linial signs of th hors ltrtilr to

'qO uP

its tos,. This is an indiation o ithr dp drgit.rl flr

t.tlusl Ontratur or an bsss in th palmar o plarrtar part o th


h aproriazitr dos st givn tr'vie dily orally ithr in th

td:rs 25 nrg tablts o:rs a p2rst.

Failing that, intrrrrtrsu1ar injtiorl

;tn usd. Trrrquillisation dus th hors's anity, l.dus th

sl'strrri iood prsstrr and nals lorvr dos o phrrlutazon

t usd than would

thrwis th s.

Th dos of

:lronrzi should rgularly rnonitord, as horss with larninitis



borr-r ltrnatly snsitiv and rsistant

to it. Strng

snl th r'vathr rvill infll-rrr th dos ndd;




is nss:rrv

t hiv th sarn dgr of trrr1uillisation irr hot than in o1l

Giving too muh apronlazin an rslt1t in th hos


strrling virtually inrnroil or hours, whilr is ontaindiatd. It is

dsiabl fo th hors to lay down nd ak th wight ofth ft not
st:lnd trp for long priods In sonr aninrais is an b usu1 to st th
lrors quitly with a sidlin.Tlris is uslrally onl pratial or onis,

,hil.r arid to

li down on th ar dowrr, thy oftn


thr, .,vhn thy alis it is ror orrrfortabl. This is aptbl atrd

rovidd tlr hos will

trv tinr. dily


itslf vr, on oly wants it to gt uP

to urinat and


pss droppings. Aprorrrazin

o rmdial





deep |e dry whitwood shvigs ed


Th imoI is eourgd



dow od rmin quiet.




trrdiatin should usd urrtil th digital prrlss rturn to norrna1 i

l:rrrrirritis ass; this is l-tsull1, lvithin 72 h.

Th uhor hs rro thortial prlnr


th lrs of


triitlat paths and rarlrs but has nvr sn nv:rt1vlntlgt. t't

lrsing aprrrrazin s a piphrl vasodilto.


Clarl dy '"vhitrvood shavings :lr th rrrost sliital bd]jn

tr lanlirritis ss. It is not as old o dirw as Pat' 1ro as alsiv l
snd. It is :rsrbnt, rvarrrl d uslrioning (Figlrr 1.t) I th td
lrid to a dpth of at lst .l0 nr ovr th rrtir stal floo ar,
:Llior,vs tl.r standing hos t st its h1s t l'vhatvr higlrt it firri

rrrost orortal by digging its tos into th d.

Frog slrppots, if ort1v fittd, inrprr. th orrrfort

80% ol:rrirritis ass irrrrrrdiatl1,.This is irrdiatd a llutin i
thir arlity and tlr adoptiorr oa rnr norrral star.r h airrl of
|rg suppot is to thikn th trog artifiill allorvirrg it to tak
roPortio11 of th hors's ,iglrt thugh th fr.og nd thus
sorr.r o tl.r stain on th ianrin. Th rog sL1PPot should nt e
Frog support:

thik that th hors is ford to tak nrost o its rvight tl.rugh tt

frog s this lvill lrs:llr L1nYn b:rring sufi: trndr th oot r
rvi1l soon nrk th hrs lanrr. Bandag fi.og suppots an b kpt
pla or ,18 h and, if rrssr, rplad t th]t tirrr as thv
r.rsull flattnd arrd

thir ft




Aoompods:Th us f vaiol-ts qrPrs of foanl pad und th hos,s f'

has o.r poptrlr rntly. Irr this uthr's pri, ths n

irnpov th hors's omfort i th foanr undr th sol is lovt
fo th pad is fittd. Bv hoi this autlror r'r.ould ahvs us
andg frg strpport. A pad ma1. bnfiial ir-r rr unshod hron




tundr as suI|ring an attak of laminitis. If th pd is trirnrnd to

th shp oth foot, and all sol sllpport rmovd, it an povid fi.og
st1pPot whil prvnting th sol ronr prssing on th grolrnd. This

ruthr dos not ondon th prinipl of using rusha1 foar

:rus th snsitiv solar


oriurn is usd to rtrsh th pad.

It is ronrnrndd that iarrrirritis ass onfind to stal rst

30 days, i 30 das aftr th ptrlss hav rdud and th hors

shrvs no lrnrrss in th stal without analgsis.This not only givs

th drnrgd llnrin tim to rovr ut ao



rdution dit to institutd. prin has shor,vrr that sonr horss

laruinitis ss aI in ft nrild aut fourrdr ass and,
to soon' an g;rdully dtriorat. It is surprising t
fitrd tht if horss ar givn fr xris, not vn frd or riddrr
is withorrt th 30 dr rst priod, th oftn dv1op solar
poJaps.This rrsually ot-Lrs (l wks aftr th initial laminitis attk.
Dlrring ths 6 l'vks th hors is not sound ut otrr dos not show
1iagrrosd as

rr-lrrr risd

srious lanrnss'

In addition to aprpriat nldial and stal rrranagrrlnt' dit is

inrportant if a sussful tlatrrrnt is to l ahivd. Llninitis

ss should riv

high fibr, lorv lori

slrpplnrntation of spifi nutriilts. In th

.lit, lvith

UK, th Lminitis Trust

has dvlopd a d Approva1 A4ark sl.rrrr to idnti fds whih

th Sintifi onrnritt of th Trust rgards s suital or 1anrinitis

:tss. T1r shrrr also provids suggstd fding rats for aprovd
ids nd th lveights of othr orgs nssay to ornplt th dit

In tlrin or
pa:rsitisrrr, a

o thos rvith lood strlts indiating

larviidal dos of arrthlnrinti is appropriat. In a vry

;rnarrri hoss,

,ith a goss upst of hind gut atria it rna b nssry

to \d th ut r, sing ithr :r proioti or a fal filtr fronr a

trv horss

rornr1 1rors.

Slrpplrrrntation shourld provid rlial slrpp1y ofnutrints in a onr


hors an asor (Farrirs'For.urri1a).Th us supp1nrrrts tht

ilrlud hlatd rrrinrals or iopls should b avoidd


thy rnlov

thr hors in_uilt intstinal sltivity and ur.rbalan th dit; iopl,s

kl th hors o asor whatvr minrals or lrrrnts hv

l.rltd. Supplnrnts


should ontain th rnironutins nssary or

oIt horn forrrrtiorr, partiula irr olrndrd horss' as th part of

tl.rir hooapstrls (at th fror.rt of th foot has dtahd) th k art
o th hoo nds to as strrrg s possi1. L{oof trtnlrlts dsig;rrd

a ttbok

of rmdi al hosshoinE



A drowig i wilh o shorted poit is p|ed oout l

m bk [om the tru oil of th lrog to highIight t
know posilio o th {rog. The e Iie oro the foo

plovides indeIiIe mork to show whre the pi wl


to totrghrr horn shotrld b voidd. Th hoof nds to b strong a1l(

plil, no hard and brittl.This is partitllrly irrrportarrt lvhrr thr i
arly risk ths hlrrials onring into ontt r,vith oritrrrr, skin o
bon. As nrallY hoss rvith lanrinitis ar toanri to qonl dgr.
srrpplrnnt should provid th 3 nutrints ndd y th [vr t<



pr{orrrl its nrtao1i dtoifitio1r. Sirnilrly many hoss t..

rrraginall,v hypothyroid so a supp1rnnt should ontain lant


A tue |tro-mdioI weighteorig rdiogrophi



most useluI whe deo|ig with

A iyle soke hos emedded i

the bIok to produ

seIie. (hopler 3:

|mogig the Foot od Lg shws lhis i more

strpply f L_tyrosin and iodirr' lvlrih r nssary or thvroxin.

lrnration. Irr irrrrls rvith Ctrshing disas tlr supplnrnt slror.llt
ontain dquat alnolults o L_ryrosin and phnlalanin, ."r.hih
usd to forrn th tr]nsnittr sus[rr l)oparrrirr.



ule founder Ireotment

Itr ut foundr' th haratristi dprssins abov th oron'

nds indiat that th distal phlar. hs rnovd lvithin th foot Il

sr-rh ss,6 nrontlrs otathlti work is rqtrird A]1 th xanrinatirl
nd nrdil trat1nnts aply for atrt otrndr ass and furthr l'vor.]

is nssar to trY and mininris any urthr latrrinr dtahrrrr.rt. It i

irnportant that all th ft o aut foundr ss ar radiographd
soon as pratiabl usins a rpatabl thniqu. This r'vill nabl th

vtrinar sllrgon to sur th foundr distarr in h foot

provid a rogrrosis.
X-ro tehnique:


fr'v sinrpl prlirinaris rvi1l nrak th ditrn

trvtl n _ray that is sorrr trs or diagnosti and porrosti

urPoss nd on whilr is not. A woodrr blok, aolrt 2 inhs hig

and wid nough or th hors to stand on, is rrdd.b high1ight th

a shrtnd iyl spok is ddd into th top

tlr 1ok (Figu 15).Th hors'.s oot is pikd and rushd olrt an
any ovr]rown frog horn tirrrnrd way. Th rog is trirrrrd so th:
tlr olltral suli an sn to thir dpths on ot1r sids oth frl

ground stlrfa,




;nd rotlnd th tru point of frog.


pi with a shortnd

oirrt, (so s not to untlrr th rg rilrm), is plad about 1 r.r.r

hind th point orog (Figur 16).Th positiorr of th pin is markd

bv dawing lin ross th sol alrd rog rvitlr flt tippd pn.
dsal .r'vall rrrarkr

is nld as follws and kpt in th _ry mlrin

l.r. Anothr pi f iyl spok is ut off and 1rkd


straightnss y rolling it' h nd is squard so that th wir masl1s

-r0 mrn long.

h dorsl hoowall is lighl aspd, just blorv th ornary band,

to rll1ov flaking or xssiv priopli horn. Th top of tlr dorsal
hoof wall is palpatd rvith a fingr to find th idg whr tlr llotl
hngs fronr hrd to soft.This pl is nrakd with a flt tippd p
1iri, or lightly rasped to lark in th horn. Th wil markr is tapd
(adiolunt adhsiv offi ta) straight up th dorsal wall r,vith th
o of th wir t th pn lin (Figur 17).Th _ra is takn with
th al paralll to th top of th r,voodn blk d to th lons is
of th nviu1r bon. Using a rathr lightr Posur than nrrnal;
1til is sough around th drsl oronr groov rathl than ossolls
halrgs. If tlr hors is shod it is not possil to us tlr frog nrrkr.
Horvvr 11 oth stps in th protool r usd nd shotrld prvid :r
Illnr fronr whih n aLtrat found distan n b 1tl1atd.
Th dvlopd filrrr is p1ad on a horizontl viwing o.

paralll (panding r r.ratltial) ulr, 2 lins r ira'uvn paralll to th

grtrnd ]in. on lin gos aross th proinrl linrit of th etnsor
Pl.oss; th othr gos ross th proimal rrd of th dorsal wall wir
tlr:rrkr (Figur 18).Th distan btr,vn ths lins is th apparnt or
trlsurd fotrndr distan.To orrt for nrsnifiation:



A piee o{ stroighl, stilf wie of known Iength


positioed with lhe to ot the jution twee

molure 0d iuvei|e dorso| hoof hor. Th

determined y digilo| o|tion.



A Iotero.mediI rdiogroph showig |he molkers

d hw io mqsule foudr doe, th vrtiI

dio etw th 2 rrowed Iis. he soke

wires shown i tigures

a txtook

o r1 ial horsshoing


6 d l 7 oIso se


Tu foundr distan : Apparnt foundr distan Ral lvir.

lngth (50 mr) / Apparn[ r,vir lngth (as nrasurd ronl th -


ray filrn)


Th ptd

ollowd, an rad frorn Figur 9. Furthr advi on progr.rosis i


givn latr in this haptr.


th hors dtriorats to ut floundr. it is nss]r t(

povid firnlr nd ll-lo dural fornr of frog slrpport tl.ran
andag rol1. Thr ar a vari o ornrria11y availal prodtlt
rvhih will ulfil this tsk without th nd or rrailing shos t tht




ot.Any of ths rrray usd irr lin with prinipls of avoiding s1t
prssur' not altring hl hight and providing sutfiint sho at tht
hls to giv a slid platfornr on whih th hors an stand sur]r

[ouder disto (mm)


suss ra, providd th sanr tratmnt protool i


Th grph shows the otiipotd sU((ess r0l

p|otted ogoist the foudr dislone
founder oses.


This author has usd a plasti and st1 adjustal hartar sho at hr
lini sin 1990 ut it is ppriatd tlrat it is not h asist sho tt
ariat undr fild onditions.

v.tt whrl using rog suppors is nvr to us thnl irh rog i

lrady painfu1 to thurnb prssu.This usually is dlt to an ovr_thi]
flog support having n fittd rntly, or to an sss or so1rl
tlrrdr th fog or sol.Th lttr nry drind through a dosl rvl
drainag prdu iit is possibl to nd th rstiorr to opn th
jtrntion twn h dorsal larina ad tlr dorsal lrorrry


ssss in olrndrd horss slrould not drind y opning th

sol fi.om nath, i distally ronr th ground sufa. This usurll.
rsults in a lass of sr,vllrr solar oriurrr prolpsirrg through tl.l
drainag hol; suh prolapss arr t:rk nrarrY rvks to r_pithlialist
I it is rrot possil to us a rog suport sho, th l.ros an ]1

arfoot in t dp sl.ravings d unti1 th frogs a no longr snsitir

and an starrd a frog sl.lpprt dvi.

tlriknsss opad ar usd (12 rnrlr,

lllt-tl 'nd 20 nlrrr), all of lvhi ar 2() lrr in diarlltr.This



th sho :urnot lrsd orr lrorss lvith ft r,vi1r than 2() m.l-l
p:Lds :rr usd not so rrrtth irr rpoltiotl to th hight th
hos' ol th siz of its tt, ut in rsporrs t tl.r flatrrss or ont,i
th so1s. A thikr pad is nssv on a ollv sl irr rdr r



laran,btrvn th stl qulrrtr:rr nd th sol oth fl


radigraphd rvith tnrkrs, s dsri

lir, to did r,vhr t fit th ap of tl.r l.rrtr.T1r 1rors's f
sholrld drssl orrvrd ifnssa.

First tlr foot should




h frog should tri.rrd to vl its sids so that th dpth of th

ollatral frog suli an srl, nsuring that th hr is trimmd to
vl th tru point of th rog. Failur

to do his is on f


onlmonst faults in hartar shoing. I th tip of th frg is bound

to th solar horn, prssur ron-r th hartbar rvill transrnit to th solar
oiutn. whih wil] us pain nd brtli'ing.

h wall should smoothd with th rasp and sndpapr with th

hors starrding n th pad, or his foot rstd on th pad on the kr.r
i h won't r wiglr. Th hors should kpt sti11 lvhil th
ut1in of h oot is drawn on th pad using a watrproof indli1
rndiurrr tippd flt pn. nough pad must b lft to giv tl.r oot
sutIiint lngth bhind th h'

h outlin of th frog is drawn around (if th rog is in ontat with

th pad, th rnark of th rog in swt an sn in an oliqu light).
If th no frog nlark, th position of th fiog is stirrratd (it is st
to gnrous as thr is nothing wors than finding th tip o th
tig lat has bn throrvn away).



A hol

ltri jigsw hld in vi, th oot outlin is ut around.

is dri.lld throtrgh a pat oth pad whih will dardd; this

nals th ut to ontinu around th insid of th sho nd frog


Th fit o th sho is lrkd gainst th foot and



nssary until it is pr{t fit. Using an rasiv ur in an ltri

drill, th slro is satd out rrd od


A lngth ofgaug plt ut to fit auratly

th ront dg oth stl lis

aross th sho so tht

fw nrillilntrs lrind th a of th

lasti rog plt d h dilld nd tappd hol lis ntrlly ovr th

ft.og plat ntrall. vo s1ots ar dril1d througlr th rarrhs o th
sol pad (tl.rs shou1d losr to th ground sufa of th sho tharr

th oot su, nrakirrg it si to kp th ft ikd out latr on)

to apt th nds fth stl ar.
Using rlips, rrugh 1asti is ut out on th ground surfa of th frog
Jlt to riv tl.r stl qllartI bar. Failur to do so nraks th rog p1:rt

stik u in th air 2rt too aut an angl to tl.r frog.Th fit oth sho
on th foot lrkd so tlrr no rog support rvhn th sho gltrd
on.Aoding to th lright of th fig in lation to th wll of th oot,

it may nssar}' ithr to pa horn fronr tll frog, or orrvsly, to

glu atr addition:rl plasti thikrlr to th foot surfa f tlr frog plat.

[-Isinp; ht.rir ....''..'

sl.lll. th tas ar lvldd around tll branhs of th
sho.Tll 2 tas rvhilr ovr ah nd of th stl ar ar wldd first.

a ttbook

o nrdi:rl horsshoing


The p|stk ond stee| glue-on diuslo|r hertbor
shoe (Euslote 5ho).

A plasti

ta is hld th tip tn rtrry frps and th othr nl


lrtd r,vith th orrsponding sur{ oth sl.ro.Whn tir strt{aq

look r'vt' or dvlop tiny buls, ating is stopd and th stufas

pssd togthI using a srr,v drivr. Tf th polyurthan is ovrhatd.

it r'vill start t row and urn atrd it will not rvld (Figur


T1r wa1l is d_grsd with a ottor.r wol sr,va sokd in aton or

trihlorthyln. It is lorvn dry and th sho is thr.r g1ud t th foot

assistnt sholrld hold th othr 1g up. oriy 2 drops of th

),anoarlat gltr shuld put n th wall l'vhr th tb is to b


stuk; using nrr glu Worslls th bond. Sonr xtra gltl an rlttt

arorrnd th dgs oth tabs on thy ar stuk to th wll A grlrL.

srw of a stritabl 1rrgth is fittd (not s long that it hi th grotrnd

whrr tl.r hors rvalks) into th hol in th quartr r.This is turrd

rvith h Nlrl ky unil it onls into r.onJt jth th rg. (it rriJl
gt hardr. to turn)' tl.rn it is turrrd aothr quartr turrr.This srlr

is hkd trvi daily or tl-r 1lxt i+ ds (it ray

nssarv to fit long srrv as th rg olnprsss),:rftr whrh

hk daily to nrk sur th srw hirs not 1oosnd.Th ot sltra

of th st] ar lnust ot olrtt rh sl, nith lntlst th insid dg
of th.anhs'of th sho thr than t th vr prihr1, (Figrr


Th Euslo Shoe i positio on the fi: Turig

the glub rew wilh o A|I key ol|ws odiuslment
of the frog suppo'


In sorn hroni foundr

ss sulrirrg :r Llrrlrt ttk


ftlndr, it nray dvisal to drss th distal pat f th dorsal r,v:rl]

of th fot, tlrr lrlirrg to improv s o r:rk-ov ut nt

rmovinq an surviving 1arinal ]ttahnts. This apparan



|GUR 22:

A mii (prtiI) dorsI wI| eselio i on oute

foudl ose. Th loedur o||ows driog of

su-mull fluids without Ioss




.dtlping' th to. In addition, th to of tlr sho an b

squard if nssar nd st tlndr th rrnaining to of th oot.

In addition t providing durabl and prral adjustal fornr of

it is ronrrrrndd at th aut foundr stag to prfornr
a dorsl wall draing (Figur 22) and olonary gooving produr.
B rlrovirrg a art of th dorso_distal hoof wall, drirrag an b
hivd fror all th dosal lallirra rvitholrt olnprolnisirr surviving
fi.og sl-lpport,


Th nd to rtin surviving larnina annot b


nrphasisd. The irrtr_lan-rinr onding all that suspnds th hos

withirr its hoovs Prmatttr rmoval of th dorsal wall will inr:rs

th ourrdr distrr and ra rdtr a sa1vagal s into on witlr

littl or no hrr oa sussul outonr.

hronor groovinQ..Coronary grooving rodurs ar dsignd to rdu
th orprssiorr on th parts of th oronar groov' aov whi}r a
dprssion has appard. Coonary grooving, partial :rnd full dorsal

u''all rstions do not rquir th hors to nrv blokd or

otlrr-wis dsnsitisd, as ths thniqus, prornrd orrtly, do not

invad liv tissl.l and r thIor non_painfi'r1. Thy ar bst

pr{onrd trsing high_spd riJ.ling tool suh as a Drml.

Osiorrallv th hors rnay nd to b tranquillisd nlor hvily thtr

t prnrazin dosag it is alrdy riving if it is of a nrvous
displsiion. In rrnoving th stratum rrrdium and thinning th stratlr1n
intrnunr it is l-rpd to nlov upward ot. on th oronr groov

.rlld intprov th h.rttt.s o th distotd oon]ry plpilll

rn-.o.l1ling.h horn an sn to r whit whrr th lilnit
ofth soov is apprirrg arrd n lrllrorhag indits that part of

a ttok

of rrdia1 horsshoing


ithr th oronary or rirnal larinar oriunr has bn invadd anl

that th rstion shuid rrrad rro dpr (Figur 23).

Providd th dding is kpt latl rrd dry tl.rr is no indiation tl

arrdag th ft. This uthor anojnts th larninar horn r,vithin tlr
rstions rvith Hoof l)isinftant and thn lvs th ra posd tl
th air. I3andagin ft not only hids th tissus frotn viw lrt ls

tlaps vaporatd nloistur wlrih wakns th r'vall horn


l.disoss to hortr inftions. Dry horn is strongr th wt hrrr.

Dorsol woll reset|ion:

draing aa

This autl.ror onlv tnds th srrlall dorsal

into a full rstion on a distint


stt nllt;l1
radiohrny is visil radiolgially (o1d foundr stag, Figurs 24 ld

25).As a gnrl rul this produr is not prfornl-rd soonr thn 6

rvks aftr th hors oundrd. A dorsal rva1l rstin rlnovs


An exlesion o{ thr mii resetio o e olied

oul oe su-muroI lodioIuenis ore vi|e


th Id {uder nog. Th shouId e 0 r|ir

|h 6 weeks ofter fouderig.

dthd dorsa1 wll, llor'vs lrain:rg ostl nlura] assss' r1novcs

uprvrd Prssur on th dorsal oronary riltrn and llorvs ss
udr th dorsa1 hon sol, again to ahiv drainag. Usually t this

tirrl th oIonary dprssions r rnlodlling' i tlr hors h:rs

stoppd oundring, is rnulr nror ornfortal lld rrl p rr-rh
having ild on shos applid. I dorsal r'va]] rstion is to rnd.
tlr foot nlLlst b shod first. on no aol1nt should lrorss r,l,ith dors:rl
rv:rl] rstions lft unshod.
Deep digitol fleor musle on|rlIlre:

Dp digital flor nrusl ontr]tllL.

snls to our itl a rirroirr'' of lut fourrdr ass.ls.lll ggr]tlt

tIGUR 24:


A bvious rdiIutey uder th dorsoI hoof w|l.

A muh |orger rdio|uey whkh ex.tends from quorter to qurier roud the
front of the ft i eglled se t th o|d fudr stg




FlGUR 26:

Th slo lypi| o{ o imo| showig ilhr:

l ) iltroI oess in th polml rts o{ ofi

frol fel; or 2) dr digitI {|eor mu|e

(olrlure offetig oth fot |egs. I th mre
it wos



sPons to foot pain.Th dp digital flr r-rsl gins to pull th

.tip' of th distal pha1anx down and around towards th horny sol

linially, th hors tnds to put its to down firs whn it movs

(Figur 26). Analgsi drugs, suh as phnylbutazon, will ftivl
rnask this li.nial sign, vn at snrall doss and th lirriian nrust
did whthr to giv rrror analgsi, in th hop that th rusl
rvill stop pulling, or go straight for tnotomy su[gry bfor nror
displalnnt ours? As this author has only sn orr hors rspond
to an insd dosag fanalgsi and apparntl stop ontratirrg, h

tnds to opt for an a tnotolny. Givn tlr rovIy priod of

ourrdrd horss is govrnd y th rt o growth o th hoo hol n,
r'vl.rih taks 1ngr than a surgially dividd tndon taks to ]ral, an
arl tnotomv dos not rsult in a ion!.r lovry priod. In at, if

th sugry is nssary, th soonr it is don th ttr lfor th

founlr distan bon-rs unrnalragal.

Surgkol lehnique


autl.ro prfrs

to pr{or th strrry at th nrid_anrrorr


with th hors trndr tranquillisatin and 1oal anrsthsia (Figur 27).

rrrY forr.rrd trndr gnral irnasthsia lut arris
inrsd isks.lso. it is ditrul to stirrrat hor''n. rnu 1.r1 to lnl()V.


during suI!]CIv it.rlpossiil to drss ft flt alrd lvl rvlrrr th:rr

sidl'vavs on and thr is isk of hyprtnsion of th offrn joirrt

flexor musle otlur. The |ft fr lg

Th slrrr,v

durirlg rovIY' wit drrrag to ssoiatd ollateral and susprrslr1,


a txtok

A hroi foudr se sulfrig from dep digit|


udergon surger nd th {ool is dressed. Th

right fore s yt utreoled. Not lhe differ
in he| height

o rrncdi1 }rosshoirrq


Sinkrs r ss in r,vhih thr is ti wirldow of orl1v a fr,v

l.rours in whih to appl fftiv hof tratnrnts if a hoof slough is

to vidd. This is lrs, in a tru sinkr, 1l th lnrin hav

dtahd and th oronary dprssion tnds arotrnd th ntir
oronary nd.Th distal phalan is loos within th hoovs of ths
ass and thr is a lirrritd priod trvn dtahrnnt and laminar
swlling during whih an Iftiv rog slrpport sho an fittd. If

this an ahivd th oronary dprssions ar lss dp on

palpatior.r fol1owing sho appliation nd, providd th anima1 is nt

llowd to wlk and thr ar no furthr rrrdial ornpliations, ths

ass an mak ull rovr witholrt furtlrr tratmnts. Rovd

sinkrs show singl grorvth 1in on th hoof wall paralll to tl-r

oroilar ontour. It is still rrrrlrrlldd tlrat th ar givn 9
nlonths of rst prior t any work.
I trtl.r.rnt is attnrptd aftr larinar swlling hs ourrd, rsults
ar] qnra1ly ad. Tlr pair.r ths anials suffr an oftn prlul
:tttn1Pts at trat111nt. Th prirriplrs o tratmnt ar as for aut
foundr ss ut th suss rat is sigifintly lowr. Marry ass
ithr injtlr tlrrslvs fatally r slough thir hoovs. Sonl animls
l.rav survivd hoo sloughs ut onsidration rrrust givn to
wlrhr it is huran to ontinu with tratnrnt ollowing a slough.

In this squl


Jarinitis; it is vry usful to hav pr_

tratlnnt diographs so that ass an dividd into Tp 1 and

T. 2 (Figtlrs 28 and 29). Typ -l ss an rovr and rtrrrn to

lvork whras Typ 2 ass do not.Thrfor, only tratlnnt oPtios

forTyp 1 ass ar disussd hr.Tiatrrrnt is asd on r_aligning
th phalngal o1urn to a straight ais, rstoring th distal aspt of
th distl phalarl to approimatly 7o to th ground nd rnrving
ss dors1 horn to rstor th paral1l rlationship btr,vn th
drsal rt of th distal phalan rrd th rnraining dorsal hoof wall
(Figur 30).Th ft nd rgular drssing, down lor at t th hls
than th tos at no longr than 5 wk intrva]s.Tlr tr.rt to.'vhih
his is don sholtld ssd y osrving th divrging growth rings
on th latral and mdial hoof walls. In addition, any horn intions

shotrld lard up if possil and wll satd ut shos with

sutfiit hl lnsth rrray hav to fittd to ass with flat or onv\

prind arrirs n rstor th norma1 anatonrial lationships

in rany ass without th nd or radiographs; in at many do tis
on a daily asis. Howvr, thr rr rgin avts; r shoul1 b






A rodigrh of hroi fuder Tye

[ol: Note the hool dioion but

A rodiogroph of o hroni foudr ype 2 foot: A solid wedge f dool horn

wilh o redution in wlI thikss i the ploximoI wII tomid

minimI osous hg lo lhe dtol pholx.


sigi{iol osli o[ th d| ph|x.

risl r'vhtl thr is sisnifir]t ostopania of r1r dtl phalan,

otn lvit1.r rnrod1ling o th dorsal ort o tlr on yt rrot bd
nough to rgrdd as a lroni ftrnd.Iyp 2. Suh :ass, lvitl.r
distortd ft nd rathr lng tos yt sound nough to rvork, shotrld
trirrrrrrd in a onsrvtiv fshion. Rthr t1ran rrrror,ing a nrass o

to lrorn arrd lrndrlying lrrrirrr horlr to rstor th


llationship dsribd aov, tinrrrrirrg should rrro gradual. Sonr

ass. if uh oth horn is rnovd at th to, r'vill dstabilis arr1
ourrdr gain.Thy snl tO hv adptd to aonrnrodat 1istotd

Th sond avt is to avid rroving

ssiv hl horr

aggssivl in a.on.f'attnlPt at lo.uvritrg th hls Sorn of tlrs

:rnir1s hav strtrd

ar rrovd thy

dp digitl rnusl ol1t.ltLll and if thi hls

a1 to starrd up. It is llssar to itl.rr

lvill ot

b gradtrl in trirrrnring or rfortrr a to_r'vdg tst firct. rnd


nsur tlrt th niral is not rriving arr:rlgsis rvh:rr this tst is

:rs this rr rrrsk orrtratur vIy ttivly.Th to_wdg tst
nrinris hl nroval without th d o foot tilnrrring.A gadtrtl
pad s1.rou1d ut out to rnin-ri th shp oth to; lor tha on

d r.nay ndd Th thikrrss of th pad :rt th to should

approinrat to th higlrt of hl ing nsidrd for rnroval. Th
r,vdg is p1ad r.rndr th to of th fot anl an assistarrt lifts tl.r
olrtra_latral 1g.Th hrs bhaviotrr is osrvd to s if it .tpps

a ttbook

of rmdil



t|GUR 0:

Th riiIes ivoIved i dresig hrok||y

foudered hos,feel ivo|v drsig the hee
k (wilhout rodioI oveIowerig d dresig
lhe dorsoI wo|| r||I lo thr dist| Dh0|0x).

to rsnt th produr.Th tnsion in th dp flor trrdorr of t

tsd 1g is fl for and during th to_rvdgr tst. I th tndon
ls lik a tatrght hwsr rvhn th to is raisd and th linr is loadd.
and th hors rsn[s th tst, it prol hs suffrd dp flr
ontratl1r. Th intndd :lnlol1nt of hl should not rnrovd.
Trattnnt ptions ir.r ths ass lr ithr t rlrov a lssr anloullt
o hl or hav a dp digital. flor tnotol prorrrd. In th
orrrr as it is hopd that h animal r,vill rasonly orrrortal
r,rr tholrgh th foot drssing rsults itl a ornrorrris btwn


pr{tly fitting fIrn joint and stight pha1angal ais.

T]r third avt rlats to tnsiv horn ir.rftiorrs in Connrar

ponis, whth thy foundrd

or not. This author


prind 3 ss lvhih, dspit irrtrrsiv and aggrrsiv tr:Itllt.

|ild to rspond and had o dstroyd. Histlogial arrrintion i
thir hovs shor'vd that th all hd arr inabilirv, prsunrably grrti.
t inorporat 1ipid irrto thir hoof horn.

Th gnral prini1 whn trirrrrning hrorri. oundrd horss't.

rvithout th nfit ofradiographs, is to osrv th attd foot frnl
th sid, dtrrnin th lin ogrorvth of th nrost rnt dorsal holn
rrd drss th oot for-r'vards to rmov all horn in frnt oth lin.T1ris
r,vill rsult

in th rnraining dorsal

wa11 ir.rg rvitl.rirr

2o oparalllisl

to th dorsal ortx f th dtal phalarl.

It is inrportarrt t th nst of diing with a foundrd hors's ft
to tr and provid s aurilt prognosis s possibl. Tlris nals




ownrs to mak an informd dision as to whthr thy wi.sh to, or

an afford to, pursu tatmnt. Additionally, it avoids prolongd
suffring in animals in whih thr is litt1 hop of rovry.A study,

undrtakn b th author, idntifid signifiant fators involvd in

th prognosis of foundr ass. First, and prhaps surprisingly,

grouping of ass into laminitis, aut foundr, sinkr and hroni

By xmining th
stan and th ft of th hors arfully, a prognosis basd on
sintifi onsidrations an b mad. Difrnt tratmnts an
.sussful' tratmnt
xPtd to giv diffrnt suss rats and
must dfrnd. lJnlss th hors rturns to work at his prvious o
oundr is the most usful prognosti paramtr.

highr lvl of athlti funtion without th nd or analgsis, th

tratmnt may onsidrd to hav faild' i thos whih ar sound
nough only to at as pts or rding stok, or thos whih suffr

laminitis attaks tn a 12 month follow up priod, may rgardd


te founder

Aut oundr is proaly th group whi.h auss th most diffiu1t

disions to mad.This author has ahivd suss rat in trating
aut foundr ass of 81%.Th prognosis an rfind somwhat by
masuring th oundr distan from rdiographs. Th suss rat
dlins rapidly for ah mrn inras i.n foundr distan byond 14
mm.This author rarly nourags ownrs to ontinu with tratmnt

if th foundr distan is 15 mm or gratr (Figur 19).


Sinkrs hav th lowst suss rate (2Yo).It is possibl to find sinkrs'

smal1 foundr distans, i within th rang of normal.iry

whih hav

thn 10 mm).As a gnral rul ths ass hv a gratr hen

osuss than thos with highr foundr distans. Most sinkrs hav
foundr distans gratr than 15 mm and many ovr 20 mm.Ths
ass hv suh a small han of rovry that tratmnt is not

(hronk founder

It is impativ to us radiographs whn prognosing on hroni

foundr ass.This allows th idntifi.ation of hroni foundrTyp 2
ass, whih hav no han of rovry. ovrall, in th study rfrrd
to aov, th suss rat in hroni foundrTyp 1 ass w79Yo.




FlGUR 32:

5olor o|os my o((Ur os o sequI lo foudr or sinkig. |ts rsne ot

The difflee etwee lhe ogls ofthe dors| wo|l d lh dors| ortex of

|wys v|id grounds for euth00si0.

the dt| h0|0 Ws found lo be o sigifionl progosti prometer onIy i

thoi fouder ss

a|her fottors offeting prognosis

othr rtors tnv

advrsl). aIt prognsis.Th inaiJiq. tl t:rt tl.r

lvill nrak ttnlpts at tratrrrnt util.

in on foot only gr.rr.rlly lrv h.ll tlr

trdrlirrg nrdil onditior.r

Arrinrls that ar ttd

rltiipatd suss rt. Th rd also irrflrrns th utorrr, or

anrpl Arabs arrd Thorouglrrds hav 3 tirrrs tlr liklihood o1
tritr opard to al] othr rds.This flt is indpndt of its
1:rssifiation or grol-l.

Intrstingl, th higlit oth aninr:rl, rnd thror tl.r r,vight, is not

lrr]atl .ith outor and horss hav th sanr Prognos1s as

plis.A highr ratio ofsolar prolaps ass fil than urrpro1psd ass
(Figlrr 31).Anir.rrls tht sutr so1ar prolaps ollolvillg larg inras

in founlr distn hav a sigrrifiantly grat fai1ur r:it

t1ran thos

;ulinlals rvith srrr11r ourrdr distan.

h svrity o ]arlnss is signifiantl f,ssoitd with olrtoln

Hor'vvr, progrrosis shuld ot sd on tl.ris ator alo. h
ssoition rlats dirt1v to a trnd torv:rrds Inor s\/r larnss i
sious aut fudr arr1 sinkr ass. ass' lvith no physir
dislarrrrrt rvithin th tot nr:i shrv trl 1atlrnss yt hav
llr.rt progrrsis.Additiorrlly, th ang1 of rotatiorr (Figur 32) rva:

tlot ftrnl to signifiant1y rlatd to olltoll, xPt in hroni

fotrnd ss. In oth wor.ds, th angl orotation is not a signifianl
lotlosti indiatr in aut oundr atrd sinkr irss.




sH0lNG Tl| (||R0N|( t0UNDER (Thoroughbred broodmr)

hroi found'r dos




broodrs bt bus

Simon (urtis

of thir

ootlli ulu d ontind s

thr is high proportion, withi

Diognosti signs
h diagnosti signs ofhroni foundr a dsrid rlir in this

haptr. Baus

of th


of th

Thoroughrd foot

onformation, and th rlutan o ownrs

to dsrib


mers in this way, many synonyms ar usd instad.Thy ar frqun

sols, or just ad footd. Radiographs will

almost alwas onfirm th ondition of hroni foundr but, th ar


in most

ondition thr ar

instans. Dpnding

on th svriry of


numbr ofxtrnal rognisal signs (Figurs 33

.b and 34).

1. Th


th popultio, s
rigfrom this
odition' uss Jor ths lrg
umbrs r tiod rlir in
th hptr, iIdig strss hil


in trining, horol

ftors rItig to th ostrus l,

annuI prgt






d o


ell, d mtritis r folig.

T|rc prinipls iuolud


trimig d shoing of
Thoroughbrd broodmrs


-f'o* hroi ;foudr, m b

quIl pplid to orhr surviuing
Th mar is unomortal without shos.
|ps d brds' ois r
Th dorsal wall is onev.
rnod for thir bilit to sr
Th hls grow astr than th to, oftn sn y th divrgn of n ttk of
foundr nd ltr
growth rings t th hl.
rSu||.I l sI

is flat or onv.



Th soIe { mor with hloni {ouder is fIt o onvex (rrowed) Th do| wII oove d tlr

A mre wi|h hrok foude usu||y hs growlh

h r high.

igs whih divelge towolds lhe hee|.

a txtook of mdia1 horsshoing


|GUR 34:

tIGUR 5:

Mores wilh hroit lounder frquen,t|y suffer from hsses. h more hos

A Ioterl rodiogrph of o Tye


hroit foudr Rdiogrophs give dditior

informolio whkh my of{et th those shig regime

i oth hee (rs) nd i lhe toe.

5. h psll of a srrd rak at th tor.

(l. h rvlrit lin is distndd .lt th to.
7. Th holvall

is of poor qua1iw r missing arorrtrd th to Iir

qu]rtr to quf,rtr.


Solar aks nd assss oltr in fr.nt f



Craks and ssss lur rrridrvY dorvn th s.


ap of th fi.og.

1atral branhs th stlspnsory 1iga;-unt :rr oftrr taut


llv sn.

Radiographs ar us1l.rl in onfirrning dignosis rrd :rlso in orrfinin

dtriortion or stailistin of tl.r ondition (Figur 35). Ltr:
r'.iws ar th rrost usl.rl and shrv:

1. Th dpth of th


i th

distarr trvn ground d th

distal phlan (PIII).

2. Th foundr distarr
3. Skltal rotation oPIII in r1tion to PII nd PI.
4. D-ivrgn of PIII rorrr th dorsa1 r,vall (apsular rotation).
5. Rrrrodlling rrd lyti hatrgs to PIII inludir.rg pathologi;
fraturs of th distr1 margin (Figur 36).



Su_sola atrd su_rrrtlr1 abssss.



tlGURE 6:
A post mortem seime o[ o dist| phlo hom
mor wilh hronit {oudr (s

tigur 42) shows

th rosin ond remdl|ing 0t thr dt| 0rder.

IGtJRE 37:


A view o[ igure 36 from ove shows lh

dmineroIed diol ordel (pedoI osleilis)

This |he othr {rot |o1 [ Figures 36, 37 nd

iusig o rogged 0peor0n(e.

thologi| frlure' Thr mle wos deslroyed o

43' The ovily (rrowed) is oused by

hum glouds

dorsoproirrral_palrrrarodtal oliqu vi,, r,vith th foot



_r Plat is r,voth taking t th sanr tinr and may shorv:

1. Dnrinalisatiorr oth distal bordr

2. Ptholgial fraturs (Figur 38).

(Figur 37).

othr diagnosti inornrtion inluds th stan and gait of th nrar,

horv sh ops r,vith variotrs gotrnd onditions arrd hr stat f
pgnany.Th first sign of this ondition irr yollng lnxr is oft th
nd for shos on hard grolrnd in th sut.r-rrnr o sv frostv grolrnd

ilr th lvintr.Th rar is not larly lar ut is

slol. to lad, intiv

in th paddok, and dos not usually stand in th 1ssi ut founlr


a trxtook

of rmedi1 hrsshoing




The hee ore lrimmed ok to o olmo| height.

The dors| w|| is leo|iged d the toe roIIed.


Chroni foundr mars should not onfusd with mars tht ar

foot_sor du ithr to xssiv trimming or having had thir sho

rmovd aftet l training priod, whih oftn lavs oun

.footy,.Th Thoroughrd hs
dsrvd rputation for thin horn of poor quality. Having l
sujtd to th rigours of training and mor nails than any oth
Thoroughrds (3-4 yar slightly

sports hors, th hoovs ar oftn in a poor ondition to support th

hors sholss. Nvrthlss' vry attmPt should mad to g

thm out of shos as soon as possil. ostThoroughrds dvlop
thikr and mor roust hoof wall at 5-6 yars oag.

Usually th roodmar with hroni foundr nds shoing aus

of th flat or onvx sol. Iowvr in low_grad ass, whr thr i

nough roust w11, trimming a1on may suffr.Th prinipls ar


Prsrv th distan twn th ground nd th sol; thrfor

do not ovr-trim.






Seling oul (oowed} the shoe removes dired

(o10d brtwee sh ud sIe. tuilur to d th
m0 fudher imped |ood tilultior..

Ilprov th brak_ovr, y rolling or squring th to ifsslry

(Figur 39).

3 Trim

t1r hls bak; thus inrasing th aring suf and

rduing omprssin oth audal foot (Figur 40).

h prirriples of shoing or hroni oundr aI as for th trirnrr.ring
(tJ.ris fat is frqlrntly ovr_lookd r'vith an ildiat onIrtration
upon th horssho and its iornhrrial {fts).Additinal nfits
ar gaind shoirrg and th dsign of th slro.

Shoing should ailn to raiss th foot and so1 ronr th groulld,

rduing dirt trauma, nd givs th hoo apsul inrsd rigidiw.
Th dsign oth sho rrry inorporat:

1. Sating out to rdu sol prsstrr (Figur 41).

2. Rdution rn rk_ovr y way of rolld, rokr

or squar to

(Figur 42).


Frog support.

.1. Caudal support.

lr dwak to slroing is that, unlss strffiir.rt ttntiorr is giv to
ah shoing, arrd is rgular, th ondition rr.ra dtriorat purl rol.rl
bk nd h1s
Poor or infrqunt sl-roing. T1r gldn ru1 is
k'.This dos not nssarily nran drssilrg offth dosl lvall bak
to tl-r sho ordr (Figur .l3), whih n rdu th intgrit of tlr
w1l nd rat additional pro1nrs.Th biomhanis and rfort of


of rmdia]



good shoe

for hroi foudr hos

squre/ro||ed loe |o ring bk the it o{ rk0ver 0d suffi(irt heel |gth.


he frot Jeet of

o more with thoni foude. Th

rigl lor (norest} hs shod fo one molh

ond the Ieft for hos een limmed. The fet show

the hrotertis of Iog lerm hroi foudr

0|y lodiogrphs l|ow difieretition of Type


od Type 2 hroi fouder. The more hod |d

suefuI od piJre (od from oe epode of

stsig) |i{e for some yo prior 1 the frture
(see tigure 38)


Ied 1o hr dme.

tlr 1rors ]r p:lr1rrount; th ;lsthtis ar sondar1. (Figr.rrs

.1.1 arl

45 a,b).
fpes of shoe

A good

stl :onav sho stiorr orTl.rorolrshrd roodlrlrs is 1(

8 mrrr (r., x.]i,n irrl.rs) If th ftrllring is lsd t th to tis r,vi]
ring ak th r:rk_ovr pint. Fol th rnildst ass ths r id:rl
S:rting out onav is not asy v hatlrtrrr. Usirrg fil or. arrgl.

gind is ltlor pr.rti..l.

Arl llttliniurrr sho o2() 8 lrll t 2) ] 0 rntn (3l., x 3r* inhs o

7lo x 3lo inhs) lloll,s :tsir nd dp sating and r,vill lso rat
g]:2rt]: ground to sol distarr. It is sirlrl t alt th sho ld

rlurking it into .r squ]rL. to rvitlr a rolld to rrd slting (Figr-rrs .1

Lid'l2).This sho and its appliation an vilvd s a sirllilar bu
lss r:rdial approa tlrn th natual rl:rn

nlthod dsribd


irr th haptr.

T1r lr:rrtr sh has rol in t1r sl.roig o hrni foundl.s

Iolvvr, this author hs ound tt ovr tl.r long trrrr (12 loth
plus) its tiay dirninhs.h rog plat n1s to b fittd r,vith ls

lngtlr than fo aut ftrndr, i at last 2 nl (3l.* illh) bak r.otrl l.r
tl.ilnll.rd ep of th rog.This rnay alts of tlr rmodlling
tlr distal lllargirr atrd th dgr of ]ttion r.qtrntly sn in ths
rvs oi .tss. Th frog plat should b fittd lvith nutral prssur.

Frg prssur an als gaind y shing .ith P.rd rvitlr .r rii.-.

Iiog and undr_fillirrg lvit1r dntrl inrprssiorr rn:rtrial (DIN4). ll




tIGUR 44:

hrnk foudr shws


dorso-dt| mrgin of

A rdiogrph of u ype
some rmod|ling to

P||l, xrssive toe |englh (orrowed) d o sh||ow

deth o{ so|.

F|0UR 45b:

tIGUR 45:

h fot show in Figure 43 is lypio| of my

horoughbred mores. [hgs

to.the PIII


After lrimmig, ordig to guidIis show

r|ir i th slio, lhe rek-ver ow doser

ompounded y o|lwig th to to grow fowrd.

lo lh

Nole th dte fue lhe rk'v oint ond

th troory ond (orowd).

dooI w|| oi rsed rrk to the shoe od ihe

DIM fills th

orory bnd (rowed). Not thol lh

hee re suppoted udo||y.

l:rtral stlli and sol rorrr audally to

rvithin 2 rn of th

ap oth t}g.h lrors tr rnk us oth rar lralof th tot,

r'vhr rvislrt n orr. thus rdtring th loading o tlr sol :rnd
drsal lvall.This arr b virvd s a variation otll or,nik thlliqtr
or shillg lrlld :rlld is this lrtho nrthod f hoi fr l:rnr

hlotli futlds.
Seondry 0nditi0ns
1r lr:rrrgs rvithin th hof :lsuJ' rirnai1 to th distal plr:rlrr,
and th rsr-rlting a]tratiorr irl slrap tl1 ilr:ras o strss :rtrss

]lllrnss Sorrrtirrrs it is orrl,v

point that th ondition is rogrlisd as sulr. It is ssntial tlrat
th prir.rrr ollditiol-l is irrrpovd o stailisd rr'hil tr.rtirr thr
sorr1:rv tts that ll1y :ll1s :rut

at this

a txtook

of rn-rdial horsshoing


flGURt 46:

| Iog term hoi founder oss, lhe




remode|led. Both oes or

[rom horses of o simiIor oge ond size. Nol how

oe ) ol onIy erodd |og the doo.dtI
morgi bd o the sho||ow deh tomred to ).

sndar lsins. It rna that th sondary onditions ar signs o

th prgrssion fro Typ" 1 to Typ 2 (igurs ,16 a,).
Sod roks

Snd raks a th to, spially rvhr th rvall is urvd irr, a :

lassi sign of hroni oundr. It ppars to ausd b
orr-rillatin oth dsnt and rotation of PIII, th tndd brakovr point nd, proaly, a rstritd lood spply to th dorsal rvll
rinlnring ad shoing as dsrid in this stion will rdu thr
strsss and hlp imrrroilis th wall trt, in lnny ass' thing i
rquird.This is dsrid inVolunr II.

ssiv loading of th hls, undr_run h irpinging on th.

palnrar soft tissu and PIII rotation 1na aus sub_solar bssss arr




su_rual abssss n1a our undr a sand rak ]1 assss shtrld

opnd with s littl o11atral damg to th horrr as plssibl.

hroni foundr ass tisull hav insuffiint horn; glowth Ird
hling ar slow. opning dirtl1, into th sol usuall rts :l
prolaps of snsitiv tissu through tlr sol tht is diffiult to rnang.
Sr.l_solar assss an almost always vntilatd at th



juntion of

and tlr whit lin (Figur 3,l).

Pothologkol frotures

It appars tat pathologial frattlrs our along th distal rrrargin to


xtnt in


larg nur of hror]i oulrdr ass. Radiogrphs

shorv minut fraturs

of th

rrgins, rvhih

r ontintl.rllv

rsord. osinlly, rvlrr tr is svr dlninrlisation of tlr

distl llr.rrgin, r 1rgr fratur

will our ausing irnrdit pain


the dangr of squstrum (Figur 38).

llle diolot er ol si nki g

,-L..^*;,- ourldr is sn to hav sunk ftlrthr on o1l
d LlllulllL

sid of th oot. Th sol is ror droppd on on sid anl t]r

distnsion of th',vhit lin is gratr on that sid'Th oorrarv n1
nd 1roo rvall lso lak lrrdiolatral sllnltry (igu 47) A
dioglph rvill onfirrn lndiolatral sinking (Figlrr 48).This lads to



A onlerior view o{ throi founder ihoi

suk more on


osideroIe dl0rtion

medi| side,

lo the




Dtesion of lhe lomine greoter o thl sid.

urtlrr onrplitiolls 'hn ihtlitrg. It is diffiult to rril th slro

svrlrllltril to th og ais. Nvrthlss t].ris is a sood arrrpl o

rr.hl. th Jorlg .ris o th .tlltlott givs tll rrrir gtlidlin irl
alarr:irrg th foot
The log term
Shoing rllrs r,l,ith hroni ftrndr ovt. lorrg prio1 is invital1,
disappointing.Althougl-r ]g11._grd (T,vp. 1) ss rvill otn liv a full
alld svr ass (Typ 2) 1rnost alrvays hav thi lir's
shortnd b this onditiorr. At sorn Point an inoral dsnt
gins. puntlrtd y slrort_trn inrpovrrlllt. Tis lsnt is
hratrisd b sorrr f th sondarv onditions mntiond aov,
i lvorsning sand raks at th to' asssing atrd patholoil
fattrs f t].r dist:r1 nrargilr of PIII.Whr a lar inrprovlllnt o
th ondition is l.rivd th.. thniqlrs dsrid ov this
li, n-rodrt

IGUR 48:
A doo|mr -roy of the hove foot showing th
o tolumn sikig mediol|y

shotlld virvd as Platall and suss t-l-lsurd v th nl-rnrr o

vars that th nre is mirrtaind t that lv1 osoutrdnss

a txtbook

of mdil




Str.|t Support S1;-t/l is

itttadcd s [)rt


sYR0 F0A[4 sU PP0 R sYsI\'l


r.il tt |lt lttst .f ut nk


Dovid NihoIIs

ltiitis' omfort is ttsull), slt

itttttt,'dinrl ttr1 tt,iIl itttrt't'

Jhrtltr o|,L sl,d lllok

litio. TIt St1tr,11,',o,,,
Sup1lort Ssrm ldrsscs ttLl

t it iIllPUtllt to tls th orl.(.t t1';rnd gr.rd.,sn o,'ttlt s.' t]ll.

rvJln olllprssr1.

li on6



1os1 sinrttlats

sol rtratri:rl :rtrd dos rrot

strutttrs o t1re foot. Corrrrrrrial swrooanl kits



lv:rilal. Ealv orrt appliation rn1 rrrarr:rgrrrrrt lr1ps to rstor

tmiJilr suotlt .|r th Jrog,

ht th

nd inr:rs th lood supply to th 1ot iltld atr rdtt th d;rrlr;rg


tr- b

r ig i.tslr.r y p r,l

vid h

ur!l sl ttd brs |l

t th asrnnt ttllllrln of th ]alninar d v up t

lcst pir|ul rs oJ rlt .foot ttl

lo protct th tor prlifil

5lep I:


ls o.f th .,o/' his


lisl' d i thout

l ls i I




is.lttttirt ttd r,'.,sttl. //('.li),iis

t,hih,.lJitltt p|,tas


o-flo,q sLL)()rt |tltl




jan th oot o 1oos lirt trd s1 pis



si11,. It is l.rlpftrl so111tillls to lav sorrr hoof l'vall grorvtl-r

rs it rvill lrlp to cttr th stlpport loks. Rasp rokr:rt tll to.

as this


:rid rk_ovr (Figur 49).

Bor going o h oo l.r.. 2 it o drlk lp on t]l

grottnd sid of th Sr1'rforrr .rd. irr .r oss Pttern. L\-


trlrrlr hnging Ovr th

si.ls arr]

tlr to of t]l

pd Ths rvi11 th pllnrrrt t.rs (Figtrr 5).

Slep 3:

Pla th pd on th oot lavillg ailllltlv



vrhanqillg th to.This rvill assist in p:rd omprssion.Th pl rrrlrs

b larg noltgl.r to tnd to th .rk .rrt o th rog. Appl duk

FIGtJR 49:

Th loose hor removed d the lo rsed to

id rk.over.




GURt 50:
h Styrofoom . rred fr ttthmt y

stkking ross ptiern of lpe to the boflom.



[|GUR 52:

the pod is ttohed seureIy io the


The fir od wi|| soo ompre with wighteorig

ld overlhe uIs of lhe h.

tap lroliztltally arund th ttorrr of th d and horvall :rt th

ovrth lrls of th hls r'vll

s:ltrr tirtt.N4ak a rtriniurn of 2 r,vr:.rs

onto thr lrair. ar lnust trkn rrot to trvist th pads 1uring tapirru
(Figu 51).

4: ftr 2'1_,18 h' th pads should hv orrrprssd nough to

rod to th solld lok ap1itiorr (Figur 52).his is dplldrrt
on th surfa or.r r'vl.rih th hors is kpt nd horv rnulatory tlr
hors is. An idal lrvilnnlnt is a 2() 3() sqtrr lltr ar o firlrr
grottlld rvitlr .lrr r.r osoft slol-rrrd, or dling' r'vlrr th hos :ln



st rsults hv n:r]rivd r,vhrr

tl-ris this ss


1rors h:rs lrd

to 1l1ovnlnt, r,vit poorst rsll1ts srr i o


trorss.Th orrrpssd pad shuld rll.tovd fi.orrr th tot arll hoo

a ttook

of rmdia1 horsshoing


Th ompresed pod removed nd the les ol
pi o the rrspondig sol mrked.

tstrs usd to tst th ottm of th hoof and mrk




(Figur 53).

If tlr pad omPrsss 1nor t th to than at th hl, it Will b

iportalrt to d_rotat th trirnrd, ornprssd pd Rmov th
taP on th grotrnd surfa f th pd,gin at th middl of th pad

and rasp towards th ak (Figur 54).

5lep J: Th rnrindr of th first pad should b tapd ak into th
rron_pairrful ara, using 2 pis oftap, and a nw pd tapd on toP

rrnmring t rnk th wraps ovr th hl uls (Figur 55).

This sond app1iation should rndr th hors rnor oifortab]


in tirn, it nray nssary for a third:lppliat1on.

6: arfl1ly rnrov oth orpssd pads and d_rotat th

sond pad, on1y whn nssar (Figur 54). Th front prt il

trinrnrd away t th snr pla as th first layr.Th 2layrs sholrld

tapd togthr rnaking sur th tap dos ot gt into th ridgs
groovs Jft y th ars rnd frog lts Th 2 pis of pad ar tapl
into th non_pairrful aras in th rar of th foot, using 2 pis of tap.
nd a nr,v pad addd s or.
tlG|JR 54:

otl an aut

as has stailisd and inrprovd to


Gra1 3 o

The rushed pd trimmed (orrowed), if etssry,

bttr, th hrs is radv for trtlnnt usin{: th quin Digit Suplt

rody to e re-0fl0(hrd.





The rushed pod (oowed) refittd od o ew
pd tpd ovel it.

Trouhle shootig

it is notid that th pads ar rushing rapidly at th to, rmov th

pad, turn it ovr and turn it round, plaing th thik nd at th to,

and r_app1y th pad.

will not rush, it is possil that th hors is not amu1tory

or is on dp or soft dding. It may b possil to ovrorrr this y
taping a hrd pad on th ground surfa of th pads.This should only
lft on long nough to start th pad omprssion pross. L1orss
elways orrr lor omortal fo11owing th rmoval of th hrd
If th pads


If signs of pain om vidnt in th prsn of a Sryrofoam

Support Systm, it nra du to an absss. Th pads should
rmovd until th hors has rovrd fom th asss, and thn r_

a txtook

o rmdi1 horsshoin



r1itt digitl tport

rDss) is



Ltitlitis d .fourlr.





lry G. ik.

Dovid Niho||s



tttti priipls dr .fro, d|I,d

tttll hoof st,tpprr, rdiI



brrlk.vr | th( to(,

ilt,trcsd l|(ro|dial

d' ,hr


hl la|iotl.

-ltis tttlr\ t'pritts h

sltott tlrc ts r.,f rlt DSS.qilc.t
birr rsults th, ttl,tut1l prvitlt,1l







is duc to


th -|ht

tht it ddrsss th bitrthnil

nds o-f rlt .|-oor .fr u,i,hrbrir,irlnti,plt)lsil, 0|1d

pI|I rso|ls(..

h DSS sStn1 is nrad in a kit ornrt, in 6 sizs (115-145 rn


inhs), ah kit orrtining slros, pads and inrpssirl

..'plat'. t. iiz.
' ot tog in'rts.rnd 3 hiqhrt owdg

r.ri,l..]l kit
also ontains su{fiint srws, olts nd inrprssion tlratrial r th
first shoing and 2 r_sts.To otain th gratst dg ofsuss, tlr
rrrn ufa

turr,s istru tio trs nru st

fo1lor'v d arull1,.

Slep l: Whn :ln ut s lras stailisd to ol Grd 3 or ttr, th

hors is rad r trtrnt using DSS.Tl.r foot should lnd
dris arrd 1oos sol rrrtrial and hof tstrs usd to tst th

bottotrr o tlr hoof rrd nrark th painfi:l aras. T1r dtails shorrld b
ordd on th rvok up for.

2: -Irtntrring sl-rould

b undrtakn utilising


Hof les|e ore used lo |o|e poi od Iie

drw 5 mm ehid the ld i[u| re. DI is

potkd hid th |ie.


n.ttu.rl bhtt

guidlins.ss soi is rnrovd ]t th JP\ th Iiog and audall-v

to th insrtion f th rs into th sol. Th halk solar horr just
insid th whit lin twn th hls and quartrs of th foot,
should rlovd down to th rvary lorvr layr.Atr nrsuing tlp
froni this layr 3 nrnr, th hoof r'val1 is trinrnrd towards th h1s. alr
sid should trinrnrd to th san1 plan ronr th sol. Por,vdrv



tlGUR 5/:

innr bordr of lhe toe of ih sho is plod t the

isrlin of lh lrog px to the so|e.

tIG|JR 58:
qul mouts of DIM r mied lo plodute the undr.sIe rushiing.

horn rottt h rp o th fiog.rnd .Ltly

:rt.rhd rog rorrl tll

Ii.og/sol uttrss should b rnrovd This dos not appl to n horn

ovr th painful aras ofth sol.h d_rotation audal to th tip of

th pda1 on rdus th prsstrr on th s1ar iru1ation'

5 3: Using hoof tstrs to tnaP ollt th painful aras f th sol, a ]in

is drarvn a fl'v rrrillimtrs audal to th l:lst point of pain and nothr
ross th so]. at tlr tru apx of th frog, ontinud a short rvy up tlr
lrorval]..This l,vill asst latr in orrt sho plarnt (Figur 56).

a txtook

of rmdia1 horsshoing




0e the d ositioed ond oflhed, il o b ut

The set DlM

lrimmed ok

ehid lhe

orud. Th ye||ow oreo o th ottohed pd shows the

morkd line. (ompressed DlM is pked ito

oreo seod out.

the |eost poifu| ors of Ihe {oot.

Step4:T sho is plad with th innr bordr of th to at th ap

alting ths shos, th whol
of th rog and shapd to fi
rnh of th sho shouid b movd without distorting it, or

th wdg rails will not fit th pr_drilld hols in th


(Figtrr 57).
5lep 5.

Two pi.s of duk tap ar pld on on o th imprssion

pads, as for syrofoam applition. Tak nough of qual parts o th

to fil1 th foot bhind th

pai.n 1in. Th
inrprssion rnatrial should lndd to n vn olour and pkd
into th rr o th hoof. Th imprssi.on pad is tapd on' applying it
to th hoof wall and pd togthr, with som WraPs ovr th hl
ulbs. Th hors should nouragd to stand on th pad to

imprssion metrial

oll1Prss h irprssion matriai vnly (Figur 58).

5 6: using on of th srWs suPplid, th pad is attahd to th sho

with th raisd frog pi on th ground sid..W.hn th pad and sho
r srwd togthr th pad ls satd out on th foot surfa

Th is to prvnt any Prssur on th painful sol nath, whil

Potting th distal ordr of th pda1 bon Most surplus pa

around th outr ordr o th sho is ut away ut it h1ps to 1av

som pd ovrhanging th to of th sho (Figur 59).

7:T\e imprssion pad is rrovd arfully rrd th st imprssio

ra[rial is trimnrd so it is hind th pain lin (Figur 60). Nail or

th sho and pd and lrrh up in th nornral nlnnr.





Th depfi of frog suort t be irsd

oordig |o th hols leotio. RoiIs


eIevolio) o oIso e dded lo osst in IlloI


5, &


th hors walking in stright lin, th gait should


svd. It is inlportnt tht th lrors lands on th ak pt oth frog

A rer view showig the D|, pd od shoe, wilh

irrsrt fi.rst, so it rrry tak sonr tiln to slt th orrt fi.g inst.

th odditiooI frg suport d ri.


9:Th hors shotrld tritnd in 2 nrtr irls to osrv holl,

las its 1gs. As it turns, its outsid 1g should pass round alrd
antrior to h ontralatral lirrrb. Ithis is not ahivd, and th hors
plas th linr hind th ontraltra1 1ir or dos not tuln asil,
rils an addd. Aft rrrrving th Prottiv olts lnd sr. orr


th rails that orrspond to th rog insrts, th hors should b walkd

agin to assss th hors's gait; ftlrthr ltrtions oth frog isrts arrd
rails rny nssary (Figtrrs 61 arrd 62). Furthr adjustrnts n

nrad without rmoving th shos. Th rog insrts utili tlr

hanrodnatnis and soft tissu to support th on olumrr. T1r
inrasd blood suppl aids in th haling pross.Th adjtlstal fi.og

illsrts and rails provid suPPort only during rvight_aring rrd

las whn th foot is unloadd. orrt sho positiorring nsus
tl.r:rt th point of rak_ov dirtl natlr tlr tip o th pdl
on, thus rduig th lvr rnr.Th rails rdu th stati tnsitl
on th d digitl flor tndon nl a positiond insid th nail
groov. This ailit:rts si turning s th lva!] is rnrovd frorn

th dg of th sho. In this authol prin, DSS hs onsistrrt1

t.turrd horss, i1d ty othr trrr-rs o tratnrnt, to pr_disas

a txtook

of rrndi1 hotsshoing


Further reding

K.D. (1985) Th

Prinipls o;f Hotsshoing 11 Butlr Pulishing


R.A. and ripps, PJ. (1999) Fators involvd in th prognos

quin laminitis in th U. qui vt'J, 3|' 4_442.


Hikman,J. nd Humphry, NI. (1988)

Irr: Hikm's

Frrir.2nd dn.J.

lln, London.

ovnik, G. (1'997) Nu Hop For



quin Digit Support Systn


situdtio|Is mcdiolr|l Normol limb growth nd deve|opment


d|ormitis f rh lbs r sil





i|t' o|.,tl

tIl|1)' l.:tllI

it'i rl



t i

tt o.f tl rc





squttl' tIrc



,iming b iptioprit'

frv das of lif and thn nronitor

foa1 is al

is usful to rrrak an .rssssrnt







th tps

pblm tht ml b


nd thls tht li so tht

pproprit prgtlosis |1, b

It should b ralbrd tht limb

orttio is dttli tttil tLrc

idiuiduI skltIl lttlr.
This hptr dsribcs oI nd

borml, duloptt



ssnt ;f limb
o'frmtio, the tps of



bsrud d thi1tts

to llotu optitlll dulopmnt

t|tc lilb


for thlti

lar bsis,


al strngthtls rvith xris, and mtllls, th 1irrri

straightn providd th ft ar kpt aland. Sonr individuals hav

a as nrrow stan rvith apparnt utward rotation f th lvhol
lirrr and thir 1bol'vs a h1d tightly to th narrow hst wal1 (Figur
2). In oth ths instans joint alignnt is orrt and as th oa
strIrgthns and roadns aross its hst onforraion rvill bort
orlt providd th t hv n kpt aland and trirrrmd lv

to th pstrn (Figlrrs 3 a,).It is important to diflrntiat ths f1l

ronr thos with a signifiant r wrsning ongnital angular limk

dformity (ALD) or an aquird dfornriry

y proliration o a spial rgion o

]rtilag (th physis or glowth plat) whih is thn onvrtd irrt
on' At a tim partiulal to ah growth plat (Figur 4) it sto
Th lorrg bons


poduing artilg and thr is no urthr longitudinal growth of tha

iong on (losur of th growth plat).

Long ons inras in dianrtr ), diffrnt mhanism. Tht

l1ular lining ovr th outr sur{a of th bon, th pristtrl




A youg i-doy.|d fl wifi miId rpo| vo|gus.



during th first

ost foa ar born lvirh a nri1d dgr arpal vlgus, lss tlran 4.
(Figur 1). This is du to joint lait, and th lirn an align

ttpts t orrt th d|.otlit1,

mor lik|

ours oirth.

n1onthl for oals l'vithout signifiant onornrational problrns.

rl reogition tlf th t1,p of

drmit tld its origitl k ()rtl.As th

impo{tt to b rlr

to stand nd o1lrv



dposits on on its innr sutfa, and bon is sord frnl th innr




olt Withi th rndullar vity. Tl-ris

lthough ll.tst ativ




th inrlnatur 1rors, ontinus in th skltall

lrors in rspos to ris and on lodig




Dvlolr-rnt of th Lg and Foot/.

It is irrrportnt t frrriliar r'vith th tin-r fo rapid grorvtl.r and

losur of th growth plats of th long ons if stps ar to b takn
to ir.rflurr th grorvth of that Prtiular bon.

Stirnulution of th growth pIotes

of tl-r distal 1irb ar stin.rultd y th strsss of

arins or trrprssion..Within th phsiologial rarrg ths
strsss stirrrulat grol'vth ut rvhn th onr xssiv, grorr-th
(Figur 5).
'lrvs r ltops
]rorvth plats


h sons to ph,vsilogial lvls f lrnvn strss aoss th gror'r.th

lat allolvs tlr ols r'vith a sllla1lr angl of dvjation to ort
thlrlslvs (Figus 6 a,b) T lspons to ssiv strss oll olr


Bse orow/loe out (roltio). 0ne.monlh.Id


of th sorvth plat tnds to PrPtllt rrd r'vorsn th donrity

du to asvnlrronous growth aross th grolvth plat. In th as o
apal valgus thr ar ssiv ors on th ltrl sid ofth gro.th


plat sJolvillg gror'vth on this sid o th borr rvhih tnds


aggrt t dforr.niq. (Figur 7).

Th aus of ALD is nrostl nrritl: it is ftn an intrsting

xris t virv tnr


fol tosth.

FlGtlR 3:

5light dvinlios rpid|y t hoof im|ons.

o) The hoo{

w d the hee| shunted o the

mdioI sid (left) d lh hooI Iogr on th

IoteroI (ight) } The hoof is lrimmed so tho| lhe
soIr surfe

t 90. to the

|ong o of th


a trtbook

of rrrrdia1 horsshoing



A t0h|e (0d0ptd from Frtz) shows th periods of

roid growih ond timings for sugiol ilervli

fr the vrious hyss.


The right side of lhe grh shows lhl iitio||y

inresed omprsio promotes growth sped,


{iri| d x|is u.to'orrelio

(tigures 6 ,) llowvr, wher tmpression

inresed beyond



hysilgi| rg,

exessive ompressio redues groMh sd untiI

il slops. IlIustrtio dptd from Adm5 L0menss

i l|es, diti 4.


Th dforrrrity


p phss

rrry aquird and atrss that shourld onsidrl



ssiv ris;


Lrnrrrss rstrltirrg in xssiv r,vight_rine on th sotlnd lirrr


ostornlitis (inftion of th on) of th physis rstrlting il

drng tld prrntttr losur oon sid ot1r gror'vth plat;

4. Anornll

wight_aring on a linrb.

Assessmnt of medioIteruI deformities

Foals should rnonitord rgularly (monthl) whil star.rdirrg an.

r'virlking on hard lvl slrr. Carful osrvation ogait is nss;ll.
[o srtain th loation and typ oany dforrrriry. It is itpotant t.





Yug orI vlgus [o|s frqunt|y show

rpid utoorredio o)

A l_2-week-oId


) The sm fooI some months Iler. he foI wos

oly trimmed every 4 weks'


t stl-Lrtllr of th rvho1 ]illr,

rr] dtrnrirr

rvhthr t]l

dforrrriry is sirlrpl or a onlirration opoblrrrs.

Th foal should stood sqlrrh-. .rrrng rr.ight vn1 o t ]irrrs,

rlld virvd had orr, ilrrtral11. fi.onr t1r nlidlin and tlrn dit]v in
fi'orit oalr lirll (Figus 8 a,,/.Tlris llrvs valutio ooth


otatioll dorllritirs.

h fo] slrotrld thrl lvlkd ill :r stiht lin alva,v :rn1 t,ards th
ilsssso (Figur 9).It is irllPortt th:rt th ta1 is lr.l1killg 1.r1. If it is
Lrning into or rv:rv ti.or th lrrrdlr ot fliglrt trd pl.ttllllt .rn
b ltrd.h hindlils ar vir'r.d ls th 11 is rvlkd arv rrd th
ol.lirrrs s th foal is ,:r1k1 ak. Fot t1ight rrd platlrnt slrou]d
assssd in rlation t1r ll-ridlin: atrd th qlund. It rrr:r b 1lss:lr\l
o rvlk tli oal a sond tlrrl to onrrtr:lt ot-r a partilr1r lirrrb Ylu
nr.ly l]5]1 to assss th strr1ing fal gain. Firral1-v th linl s1ruld
assssd v y linirrg (lookin along th ln!: is oth lrnl).It ull
ppriat to do this in tl.r stal.1r ]ilr is pikd u nd hld
jlrst lorv th kn r,vith th kn fld (s J.ratr 6: Th
Pinipls of Foot Balarr).Initi:rll, llolv tlr lorvr 1irrr :rnd fot to
l.rng ruttrrallv tln]r tlr toal uppr lirlr.h solar sua: shoul]
;lssssd in rl:rtin t th rrnorr nd pstrlr. and th rlrdiolatral
aln oth oot arrd ]istortion of tlr hoof apsuJ.Th so1:r rrrrgin
shotrld arirrd fo -ssiv \\'ill. or growth alld flaring or
straightnin of th r'vlls.

Lifting th to allor'vs


o joint

alignnrnt. .Joint


prrtitrlar.l,v of th kn, rrraY valuatd.

thtl ltssssrrrrrt orsons to tlrat tion.As nforrr:rtion is d1,nai

of rrndial

The rrpus of

3.week.old foo| with


vo|gus de{ormity. he I|roI sid (o) nt growing,

It is r.rsul to rod osrvations for ah lirn, tion to b takn ltd




or growig sIow|y; th mdiI sid () growig

orm||y reiing 05yihrooUs groMh (0Usig
the ngu|tio.


F|GUR 8:

lifhe ssssing fo mrdioI|er| deviotios in

s|ndig {oo|, th ssesor Iooks dow lh midIie

of the fo| (ol d oIso lrm i frol of the Ieg


W se how our peeptio


honges y jus| oItrig our viewpoid by {w

deqrees (o, , ).

in th olrng hrs, assssrrrnt slrold trk pla on a rgular asis :rn]

ritil valuation of rspns to tritlrnrirrg, tnsions or surgil
intrvIltiolr is ssrrtil.

bnfiil if th farrir and vtrinar sllrgolr work losl

togthr to a11orv all spts of th prol1n to b onsidrd and

lt is

joirrt pproah rhd.

(orrelive forriery
Th airn of orrtjv arrjrv is to rdu

ssir, ors



otlprssd sid of th gor'vth lat, thus nouaging ph1.siologiJ

rrtiv grolvth stirrltr1tion to our

It is irr-rportant to ditrntiat tos lfornritis r'vhih ar likl to

irprovd fror thos r,vhih an sinrp1y st:rilisd rrd ssiv
ors rdud to prvnt ftrrthr dtrioration.

Trirrrrrring slrould nou]:ag a laland roundd foot lvitlr rrtra]lr

plad frog and qual dinrnsin f th lvlls. Th |ot sholild
trirnrnd to lrrd squarl on th !.rol1nd rathr than itlrr th l:ltIa]
or rlldiai wall ittirrg th sror"rtrd first. Foals with arpal valgus usuallr
hltv irrasd.,var of th nrdial lvall. so th latra] sid otlr fot
hits th grolrnd first.

oLrnt xss1v strsss is no longl

in unqual r,viglrt distributiorr rr
rotnllrndd as this
distortion of th oot.

Al'r'rssiv trirrrnrirlg









fo| givs

impor,l,t informolion


A fo| with lighl fore (left of pilur)


grdig to{rmtion' h is beouse, wilh on

vorus Th view from th frot of kee This {ooI

eg erig weight, y devilio is xggroled.

rquires ller| elsio (see tigurs l



]ssiv ris oI ovr_tiling th oal iln Worsn n ALD. It is

1rrPort:rnt rvlrn thr is :r signifint dolnlity that t1r o:rl is givr.l
:stritd ris, ustrallv in snull nursry pddok ,ith its dal.
\l1ediolotroI exten5i0ns
r.rr.r1' :rpplid to th hoof to llol1ra!]
rror eial r,vigJ.rt_itrg thouglr th physis A rndial tnsiorr of
]-5 rl.r is aplid in t1r :rs ol,algl dfrrllit1'- rr] sjrlrilar lat:rl

Mdial o latrl tnsions

:tnsion irr ass vrrl dfrriry (Figu


Methods of appling medioloterol e|elions

rh r lll]n\I


to lllak tnsions tr oa' ft. original1

ths r'r.r rl-rad v nailillg on stl o alurrliniurrr slls. Latr ght

llros or fols (N4lrstard B_gltl and Dalri) rvr rrsd to rat
tnsions. Tl.r sirrrlst and nrost ortoli: 111thols tdaY v
Llstoln Lrildills tt:rhnltrts to th hoof lvith dhsil,s (polvrrrrs arr1
alis). Blolv a 2 rrrthods of ustonr built tnsrons

a txtok

o rdia1 orsshoing


tIGtJR l


rered y rspig the woI| the

side rquiring th polymr elesion (|eft). he
h hof

IoteroI su|i nd outer w|I re |so rosped


The outr woll is heted to dry ond worm it. The

soIr surfoe is dried od W0rmed immedi0tly

io to |ition of th poIymer. he g|uig
sur{e ithr louhd or set dow frm th

o (Iing

gents mUst t b used

Polmer ure|hane:

. Th

sid that rqtrirs th xtnsiotr is tillnd dwrr to


l.rorn along th r,va1l, sol, ltra1 sulus :rnd ins slrrfa (Figur


nd th solar surrfa ar drid thoroughlr'

trsing :r hat gun. Frnl this pirrt on th oot ust llot pJ:rd
on th ground. Appli:rtin of th polynrr should ollolr

Botl.r th olltI


imrndiatly (igurs 12 a,).


Th polynrr (qui_th:in, Suprast) is applid vi a rrozzl to th

sufl of tlr hoof r'vall. A lrorr_adhring pad is p1ad on


th sround.ltrnativl th oot an rought forward and kt

14). Frrrthr polymr is applid

oI th gotrnd (Figurs 13 nd

tttrvard rrd upr,vard t finish th tnsion.




r r i r y



l 3:

he plymr oplid lg th utr wol| d

nto th suItus.


A p|yslyr od is p|oed ver lh fool suiute

d lhen ui dow. Furthr o|ymer p|id

|GtJR l 5:
h {iishd einsi is rsd to

90. io ih long

is of th p$e

FI0tJR l 6:

ground sur{e hs ridges rospd to imrov

gri o hd surfes.

.{. Th sla pl:rn o th tnsiorr nd oo l. trinlrrd to th

dsid angl (igur 15).

tration (th lrrd pol1,rrrr an slippr on so1t1

sutfa is sord.'r.itlr onr of rh sp (Figur 16)

5. To inras

T1r outr pri1t o th o th tnsion is tritlll.rrd to th

dsirl linsi.ons r.rd rotrndd (Figurs 17, 1 8 end 19).

Ith ov prodlr t1]orvd, th tlrsio rvi1l sty irr la fot 1 2

n1onths Aftr 3-.l rvks tlr lot and tsiorr should _ssssd
:ind titllnrirrg arrid otrt to rrroliv tl.r ngl :rnd shap if nssary
trIi e|ensions:

tinrrrrd rrd l:rnd thoroughlv ll,ith ton.f.h

sid tht has th tnsio attahd is tirrrrrrd lo."v. This is

1. Th foot is

a ttook

of mdia1 horsshoirrg





A so|r view of th finhed xlesio. Nol






Bui|dig th tesio u the hoof woII ieoses



he fiished xtsion

flom o olrior viw



although th tnsion is ui1t 1trally, it irrvitably blrilds

uP.By laving th rron_tnsion sid untrinrmd thr is ronr

or adjusting th angl ftrirn lrtr (Figur 20)

2. Th

arli (Bond.n Fl, quilo) is applid rvith 1yrs of fir_

to th rirrg strra and outr hoof

glass 1oth as strngthning,

lvall (Figur 21).


A1ur.rriniltrn nlsh' ut to th final dirnnsion of th tnsiorr, is

nrddd in th arvli (Figur 22).

,1. Th aryli is allor,vd to st and is thrr tritrrrd to th dsird

angl (Figur 23).

Whr all tnsioll nds to l,vidl, dditiorral strngth arr

gaind by onrbining lunriniunl plat lvith aryli (Figur 21')
Atr altrnativ nrthd ic rl llcillo. t"...^^|15ti uf (Irnrirrr)
(Figur 25).

SurgioI (0rre(tive pro(edUres

Ths prodllrs r onsi1rd whn foa1s hav ild to rsPond to

ol.Itiv frrir rnd mnagtnr.rt hangs

or hav

r:rthr than imprvd ovr th first frv r,vks

IGUR 20:

Th fot prepord for on ry|i exlsin y


lh side


Io.trol su|i od uter wII




elsio. Th

0re 0|s0 lrimmed 0nd



su!]Iy is ing

onsidrd it sl.rould b tlndrt:rkn -'vhil thr is still th ptrrtil fr

raid gror,vth at th PartiLllar grorvth p1t inv1vd' i th distal radi:rl

hysis for rpal v:rlgus' or th distal trrtaarpal o mttrsal gror'vtl.r

plat and pxinral gro\\.th plat oth prirnal h1ari in th as of

ftlok varus or valgus (Figur


o r r t i V l r r i



tlGURt 22:

is op|ied to the side o[the soIe



o {ihd with pre-ut lumiium mesh pushed


emiirumf er entil periost eol tronsetio

Ih priosturn is onsidrd to limit longiudinal growth, and this

.rlasing' proedur is pr{ormd on th shortr sid of h lg to
enourag asymrtri growth aross th gror,vth lat.

This produr is arrid out undr gnral anasthsia; it is onl

onsidrd nssary in a vr srnall numr of ass that hav faild
to rsond to onsrvativ 1-nasurs' lvith dormitis uP to 15-20..
Trnsphseol hridging

his produr involvs th plaing of sulgial implarrts, ithr stapls

or sr\\'s and wirs, aross th growth P1at on th longr sid of t].r
bon to inras strsss and so s1ow growth on this sid.Th implan
ar rrrrovd whn th tirn is lignd orltly.This is a orrsidra1y
rnor invasiv produr with a muh highr risk of onrpliations. It
is usully only orrsidrd rvhn thr is a svr (>20.) dfornrit
(Figur 26).

prs 0f medio-IteroI limh deformity nd possible forriery

Geerol guidelines Io trimming foa


lrr grrral' tinrrrring a oal is no ditrnt frorrr trinrnrit1g a hors o

A finhd olylit xlsio

irn oth g. Nvrthlss rtin fators shotlld tkrr ilrto

a ttook

of rerudia1 horsshoirrg









An Iumiium etesio otthd with ry|i

is the fool se in Figures 26 ond



A uff rype g|u o shoe (lmprint) md


thermoplsti (0 (rete medio| exiesio.

aolrnt. Th arrir an aflt th linr dvloprnnt at this ag. l3

thir ntlrr, grwth plats (di.sussd on pag 283 and hptr ,l)

to Prrssur stirrrlr1i. Sinrpl kpirrg ull.vn qrowth in

hk (larring th foot) at th ag lvill irrrprov unvn strss aross
tl.r growh plats.As rul of thtlnr, th solar p1arr oth foot should
trimnrd at 90o to th 1ong ais o th pastrn lrnti1 3-'1 nronths,
aftr whih th long axis should th nnon

Anothr nsidratiotl is th nror d1iat natue of th foal foot.

Th hoo wall and sole ar thirrnr and t1.r distal phalanx wihin is
vry los to th surfa.Aggrssiv trirrrrning is ror likly to lnak
th oal oo[_sor and thr is vidn that it nray rrrak raturs to
th distal argin of th distal pha1an- mor likl.

Th sol only nds laning and should not trin1rd.Th frog


trirrrnrd up ithr sid t kp th suli lar (Figur 27).

ngulor limh defornil

This typ of dformiry involvs a lar angular dornriy on th

nrdiolatral plan. Th dforrniry is dsribd y th joint and typ,
g arpal val.gus, ft]ok varus (Figurs 28 and 29). RadiograPhs ar
nssary to dtrmin th at Point of angulaion, g th arpal
joint or distal radial physis, and dgr ofangulation (Figu 30).

As prviously dsrid a mild dgr

o arpal valgus <4o is nornrel

in yurrg foals and wanlings. rpl valgus and ftlok varus of ithr




GURt 26:

fl6lJRt 26b:

tIGURE 26:

l fol hos sevr fet|ok vrus dformity to ils

A -loy shws tht lh moi sit f dvilio

0ne monlh |ler, o{ler lrosphysol

ft hid.

lhr dt0| third melolrsl hys.

some impovmel


sen. Th fool Iso hd


etesio fit.ted (s tigure 24).

h for r hindlirls ar th lnost rquntl srr. apal vrus


rsually sn as dvloplrrnt proltlr in foa1s whih ar svrll

rront1rs old, rnind lvit1r ftlok varus roduirrg a w_lggd
rapid priod ogrorvth nd it
PPIan. It is otn assoitd rvith

s in1Potnt to rstrit th xris nd us ltrl tnsions to

|llouag nror aial lvright_aring.

n th hindlim, tlok vrus rs sll s ongnial prolrrr. Solrl

vanlings dv1op outward rotation of th hindljnls ssoitd with
apid grorvth giving a rrrarkd to out hindlinr gait (Figur 31).
lolgol deformities

h foot shuld ba1nd nd tritrrrnd t 90o to th pasrn.Th

atral sid oth hoof u,all rrray b longr lu t inrasd war on
,h rrrdial sid and proima1 shtrnting oth bul and oronary band;
his inralan shottld b orrtd.Thr may b flaring of th latral
wa1l arrd/or an upright mdial w:r11. If n xtnsion is t applid it
;huld on th mdial sid of th foot to inras support on th
erdirl sid of th linrb.
IGtJRE 27:

Vorol deformities

h foot shtrld a1and and trimrr-rd t 90o to th pastrn. T1r

nrdial sid of th hoof wa|l is otn iongr and flard; this rrrdio].ata]

imalan shouid b orrtd. l n nsion is t appiid it

a txtok

of remdi1 horsshoing

tlimmd hoof (ot the symmtry of sho). he


rosd k od the sids of the frog

lrimmed. xressiv so| lrimmig shuId



IGUR 28:

tIGUR 29:

A fooI with vorI ftIoks usig o toe-i ste

A foI with o Ieft fore (righl of pilur)

od git.

volgus deviolion.

should on th latra1 sid ofth oot to inras latral support

th lim

def or mities

Ths nd arftll assssmnt. Th t should aland and tht

aPropriat sid or th tnsion nrtlst judgd on th partiula
s' g in th as o arpa1 valgus/flok varlls uP to 3 4 nronths o
aq th varal dorrrriry shuld tratd with a latrl trrsiorr.Tht
srn dornrity at 9 rnonths shou1d tratd


nrdial tnsion

0ffset kees (henh knees)

This dfornrity rlats to th rpus. Aia1 lins drawn thrtrgh

rlditrs rrd 1nrt:r:lrptrs do not lin lrp; th aia1 lin through


nltaarpus is st 1tral to th lin thotrgh th radius.This dfornir'

prodtls unv11 strsss through th gorvth plats n rh nrdial sidt
of th lol'vr lir (Figur 32).It nia assoiat1 rvith t ollt or to(
irr (ftlok vrus) onforrnation of th lor,vr linr. Horss rvith ots
krrs r.qur.rt1y dvlop splints on th r.rrdial sid oth 1g. Ir is no
flGURE 30:

rodiogrph showig r| voIgus with



possibl to ort this pr1r.rl ut it inrprtant tlr:rt ths fals .r.

nouragd tO to ol1t, ligning th sol:r sura to th 1ong is oth.




FlGUR 32:


A fooI wifi ouNord lotlio o[ the hid

A fl with oth kees offsel. h right fore (Ieft of itule}

A fooI wilh o outwod lottio o[

|ims od

see moe esi|y. Whe fi sevele, volo| fetIoks ore

side of itur) lily suh tses wi|| impove. The


sevrr fetIok

de{ormity Ilight hid).


ievit|e. Imovig


oformtion hy sulgery or

forriey ot ossibl.

fie light foe

foirt tosk to minti hf shoe i




Rototionol deformity
l.rs involv outrvard rotation, ustrally o th lvho1 1im about its

long ais It rrray on-rirrd with an ALD, usually arpal valgus

(Figlrr 3)..Whn viwirrg th l.oal from lrd n it is asist to dtt
y ssssirrg th position of th frot surf o th kn. Ths fo:rls
ar otn narrow in front ,ith thir lor'vs hld ightl against h
l.rst r,vll.Thy nl hav a as

narlow stan.

h is usually inrasd War on th rndial sid of tl.r oot alld

l.rtr.ll fl.r rvith .rn trpright rdi.al wall. \4any of ths donritrs
sholv a rllarkd irrrprovnrrrt as th foals dvlop nd strnethrr,
partit1l by 12-15 rlorrths old.
Tiirrrnring should rstr b:rln oth foot and rshp it to rrrintairr
nrdioltral sy1nltry. Aggrssiv oItivr trirrrnring dos not 1r1
ths i1ividr-rals; it rrrly distorts th hooapsul.

a ttook

o remdial



Further reding

Adams, R. (1990) Non_inftious orthopdi prolms. I,:. E,ti linia

Notolog ds: A.M. Kotrbe,.W.H. Drummond and P.. osh, La &
Figr Philadlphia.

Barr, A.R.S. (1995) anagmnt of angulr ]im dfornitis

quin ut du.



in th



(1999) Frrir

Consultany, nglnd.

FoI to Rhors' Nwmarkt Farrir1

Frtz, P.B. (1980) Angu1ar lim dforrnitis in foals. Vt |in. North m. (rg'
niral prtk)

2, 148,

T.R.. (2000) N[anaging flrrral and ngular ]im dformitis: Tht

Nwmrkt prsptiv. Pro .ss, qui Prt, 46' 10-16'


Hunt, RJ. (2000) N{anagmnt of angula lim dfomit. Pro,.ss. quin

rt' 46,128-129.

D., Rorts, .T. and ughs, .

(2000) Rstritd ris


transphysal ridging for orrtion of angular lirn dformitis. Pro.l

ss. quin rt. 46' 1,26-1'2.7.

Stshak,T.S. (d) (1987) ds'I-mnss i Horss.4th dn. La
Philad1phia, p 320.

& Figr

intndl wok sufa, rangin |rom th snrall or
sur{as' through to th 1rg or lulrt that rna

Sic tl: prtie qf tthut, irott




horss,Jt b,n, th

ad to pl.u1r rss -s/ or gitt

grip hs lddcd ,qrtl to

rh stris itposad otl t|t r1i,





thc |ib. Tltcs r of u ror

ittt1ltlrtlt tod, ultcn ltorscs r
orkd on odrn rodtt d
r1l srfs tuith || ur-



rtirtttctl,| .f,,'

t t



isttlrill, 1l|r|ls pt1lt

duis ro irttr,'lu t,i hu bc


vctcrir tld

.frrir tts. Thsc

l.ttg .froltt

or rtohlc
-forgd hls
, dsigd t runt slippig


i titer


tl,dititls, thrgh


lrcld of dil.frt rtttrils

sctiotts, Solrr

f rhs

hd insrts ot'.



int rrcdt tttc

trrd rop) btu,tl

sltoc ttd .grotmd stl (Fi,Elr

itt,tnadit ltrils

lur i|cdcd

irs th

Jiitiott tL| the sl, d th

rolt,d s tt tuhras .fo rgd

ravbl ogs L1|r

dsigd to give potlt,t lorldhq

tht di,s i,to


groud su t

giu grip (Fi,trcs 2 ,b).


us tod r shapd to opti1l1is t1rir



staility at l.righ spds on softr sur{as sulr as ths noulttrd it


Jhg n]ay lso ontain hardnd ntral pin


:rrid) to inras r'v (Figur 3).

N4ost rndrn studs srrv irrto pr_th.rdd hol, ithr drj]1d o
urrlrd. irr th rv of tlr sho rrraking thr asilv irrtrhangal.
dpnding on rquirrnts, althugh sonl nlaY fittd prmatrntl.

y driving th stud into a rnathing taprd hol. Plug studs shoul.l fi

flush to th ground strrf oth sho thus rrriilising any inrbalan'
fft (Figr ,l).

Non_slip horssho nails ontain a snr:rll lrdnd pin (ttrngstn) arrl

ln trsd irr pl of ordinry sho nails or thy n b usd as
sinrpl stttd y putrhing a nail hol in th rquird p1 nd rivtin1
tlr lrt ofnail had irr pla. If thy r usd in pla of a norrnal nail
:Lr Inust tkrr to nsurL. tht th pirr hd dos not Iotrl-1ll
xssivlv.This r,viil aus th in had to l| as ulrunr iratiI
a roking nrotion to th foot on hard surts ausing disorrrfot r.
t]r anirnal. In h long trm this nray lad to atlorrrrl war ]tt.
rrd pobal lirnrnss (Figur 5).

mr adaptal thni1tl is th trs of tungstn pins. Thr

sinrpl th tprd ntral or found in stlrds A srlrr :


rnr pirr [l,., irrh for l.] -- .:.

rl drilld anr.lrI on th sho surfa and th prtl is . --. - .
down alrrrost flush rvith th sho sur{a.
(lpproir.rrtly 3.7 nrnr fot


Atrohr thiqu tht pop1ar irr th

USA ut


so in

th: .

is hossho oriunr or arid.Th is granu1ar fornr oft1]l.. ]

arid in a rzl nratix, availl as itlrr ro]s o.tll.tis.
1ll1ggt or pi of arid rod is plad in positiorr otr th: .:.
lrsful to rat a srrra1l dprssiorr in th sho sltr1r o .l
lustd rvith flu porvd. It is thrr had in r rs tu::tn1ratuf of aout 850. (riglrt rd) whrr th raz rn:.

bgirrs to r1t and


.l'vt' [1r sho slrr{a. Arry high spots or slrar


l{lori|ly, my devkes nd moleriok hove en used lo improve grip. Her loed rope iserld i
th shoe.




Htorio||y shoes hve ee mde with proietions

lo iresr gip.

These iIludrtions



Lugwitz (l 884) showig o she with loe d heel

olks (o} od vrious drive.i uds oIled peg

oIks ().

)is an rmovd asil for r_solidifiation and susqunt

:ooling. It is dvisabl o fit th sho forhnd (Figur 6).

ieIetion of type of trution

rry thod of grip nhanmrrt or slip
rvrrtion th arrir, in ojuntion with th ownr, nrust did on
V7hn diding


:h st nrthod o ration.

Sltion dpnds on typ f anirnal and

it is qlrird to pr{orm. arful hought must givn to

lamnt and th onsquns of a partiular nthd nrployd.
Th wi altr joint angls and aus an inras in th shar fors
:h task

rnd ranio_udal or in th hoof w11.Th qualtrs ar.rd hl ara o

-h oronary and is an ar of high flion and strss in th foot. In
:his ara th lanlinar atahmnt to th distal pha1an is rduing, wl1l
:hiknss is rdud nd untional nrovnt of th palrar asp of
;h hooinrass (s haptr 1:Antonry of th quin Lg)

.To gras' insrtd into rahors plats r intndd to inras

purhas as th to of h foot digs into th trak surfa. F{orvvr,
r,v1rils th undoutdJ.y inrs pr{orrlan (igur 7), ths ar
rssoiatd with a gratly inrasd inidn oftndon rlatd injuris.
Raing plats for th hind ft oftn hav a a1kin of -[U rnrn (3 6 inlr;
aisd, on th latrl hl. This undoutdly givs grrp in rtin
:onditions trt invitaly auss ira1ans of th oot and lin.r on

Ther re vorious lypes nd sizes of ew-in slud,

flom simp|e blok she (o); Iow wilh orium

oe (); io high od poited with o orium or

hard surfs (Figur 8).

a txtook

tIGlJR 3:

of rrrdil horsshoing


tIGUR 4:

Th she hos o drive-i plug with orium oe

(Ifi) nd o diIId od topped ho|e (right} reody
to uepl rew-in s|ud.

t|GUR 5:

Rod oiIs with orium pins 0re very weor

resistonl. The shoe see to wor eilhr side of
th pi.

Crtin quirr athlts rrraY hav spifi rquirrnnts for plrnn

and nurns o studs tlt it is th atrthor inion that stllds sholl1
plad towards th l.rls of tl-r sh and i_latrally (on irr a
sid) to rnaintain rndiolatal alan
Sttrds ar a usful and otn nfiial ool lrt thir inapproprit lrs

lvill rat prolrs. Pl:rlnrrt oa singl sttrd in th trtsid h1

onl rats a rndiolatrl irrralan in th fot ut irrrass


tr,visting fos on th lg..Whi1 this bi1iry to tl1rn quik1y ula


in sonr traind spot

anilnls, g Pol ponis,



aus injury to tl-r nornrl hos

Reserh into grip



o|id t

lr fittd shor.


1o nd he f

bhnolog,v llas rovidd 1lrarr n\\I ratrials t1rat a norv rrrplov

ill horss1ro nr:rntrfltltr and tv atr hav r,vidlr'vr1'in ftts.'
tl.r qr.rirr distal lirrr. T1-r qlrin lir.lr lres volvd to a dsigrr th:
t:rrrsrnits arll lissipats

lag rs thruglr tlr foot. Th hols h:



tIGlJR /:
Te gros re Used i some oig oulris. hy

e ef[etive in inrosig puhs ut


ilese ijuries to fot nd Iim.


ftIkis (or ouIks) l usuo||y l0 mm (/ ih)

in heighi. They ore Won o the outr heeI o lhe
hid p|tes.

volvd a sllsPnsory aPpraus in th 1g tht ids irpt lod

disprsal. Hooslip is also a snlal1 trt signifiant part of this.
In hunrrr athltrs, nrodrn nlatria]s and innovativ thnlogy hav
n agrly inorporatd, lvith nurnrous in_dpth studis on th
grip of running shos or thir intrations rvith trk suras.This lrs
highlightd th ara s on of ritial irr.rportan or top lvl lrunr:rn
ar onlY nrv bgilrrring to
prforrnan and irrjury Pvrntion.
rltilis thi' tr.hnolog or otlr quin lhls.

Horssl.ros hav bn dsignd ronr ditrnt ratrials (plsti nd

rrrbr) in alr lttlnpt t altr. tlr grip and lssrr irrrpt .rttl1uxtion

to th linrl (igurs 9 a,).

hs ati1s hv diffrrrt fi.itiorral poprtis r'vhih ar fltd

in th listan th foot slids tr'vn ir.rrpat nd onring to rst (sli

distarl) and th tinr takn or this to oL1r (slip til). Prvilus
studis hav rrr:rstrrd th s1ip distarr arrd slip tirr fr diftnt so
rrratl.ials. Th1. [11,g ttmPtd

a trxtbok

to oti-ris


to ahiv

f rme 1 ial horsshoeing



PIsti (o) d rur () hov

een used os moterioIs fot

horshoes lor mony ye. l|rd
|ostis often |tk

grip speti||

o hord surfoes Ruer shoes

re oh se io grip too


ot I|owing lol s|ip

in th unshod stt.Ths studis ar asd

on th assunlption that ntlrr is bst.Th hav rsu1td in hang
in th rubr ompound usd or lrorssho onstrlltion.
sirr.rilal to thos rordd

h foot ontats tlr groud t vloiry o 1'-2 rnls and thn

dlrats to rst. Sl.rortrrl slip tirrrs ar assunrd to assoiatd

lvith highr fors on th rnusulskltal svstnr atr inrpat

jrring'. If foot dlration is th rsult o frition tr,vn


sho and th ground thn th ranio_auda] for should highr.

dlrring foot slid


sho with highr grip, i rrrr for



Kinti (dnarrri) frjtion olrrs tr,vn 2 strras that hav rlativ

tlrotion rnd has a offiirrt lorvr than that for th offiint oi
stati (lilniting) frition r,vl.rih olrrs -uvhn thr is no r]ativ
1llovmnt.Th sittltion wlrn a hors oot/sh is in th slip phas
of stan atr onsidrd as dnami frition. Tlr rtio of th
r:rnio_auda1 (F) and Vrtial (Fz) ornponnts of tlr grourrd
ratin for (GRF) will giv an approirrrt valu of th otliint
of dynami frition tr'vn th so and th {:ound during slid
(Figur 10).

Ths arr rrrasurd using optial motion atur quipnt.This

inorPor[s amras that lr r1 to rod th positin of th foot r.
tr:rking rtrorfltiv rrrrkrs in ss of 21 tills a sorrd
usd in onjuntion r'vith a for plat. th grurld
ratiorr fors invo1vd atr also rrdd (Figur 1 1).

2 odis intrat, nronrntu1n is onsrvd (Nrvton Laws t

\4tion). Th kj.nti nr!5y of th lirn and foot as it inlpats th
ground is onvrtd to strin rnrgy ausing iasti and onlprssiv
dforrnation of th intrnl struturs.At inlpat th foot slids for.,r]

until tlr ofiiint of dynarni frition ds Fy:Fz rtio thn th





I O:

Th gph shows the hoof movemel of


idividuoI oimo| i 3 types of shoe: st| (blue),

rubber (gree) d p|sti (red). h fot imtts

with the groud oi poil 0.0, nd it o e see


lht the foot olinus lrovellig (dione


t rst (whe the lie is horizotoI) s th



ireosig) for l



mi||eods efore oming


|ood. This oIso shows the differig s|ip

hroteriis of shoe types.


me befo/fte impat (ms)



Relro.ef|etive morke ore trked using optkoI

molio plure equipment lo ono|yse movemet

d hoof sIip.

oot stops sliding. h stati lim

ln fully loadd and th vrtial

oird distriutiorr rrrhanisns utilisd optilnall (Figur 12). Likrvis at

rak_ovr atrd oot of, thr is

r point rt whih

sati fi'ition is
vroln s th ot rolls for.ward, th to slips kward just prior to
avins th grotrnd. By in:rasing Ii.ition in this ar, th tim th ot
in ontat rvith th ground an inrsd and ffot mainrisd



this nay ld to inrasd loading in othr aras of th linr.

Hof slip t ot off is onsidrd a 1rg prolr in th shlving fild

rnd this loss of ation oth hok is :rlld.srvimrrring'. onvrsly t}i
|Irrasd popnsiry to slip, indd th rrd for l.rk of grip. is
:ploitd in som quirr sPorts' l brrl rirrq ontsts.


of rndial horsshoing

tlGUR l 2:
Ditio oI foes meosured in lomoti s|udies

[2 = p/dow. ty = lorwrd

otkword. x =

side io side.


With th us of nW mtrils or thir appliation t horss'


inrasing ntinually, a plasti/polylnr an now pp1id dirtl

to th trimlnd foot t ornr

with th vr inrasing nd

sho and,

for 1ightr. toltghr and a nror physiologially basd

approl.r to

horssoing, w nd to awar of foot slippag.

Th hors in its natural nvirorlrnt nds to s1ip It is part oth volvd

onussion dissipation nlhanisnr o th lowr Lirnb nd foot. So

whthr w ar trying to inrs grip or rdu slip,


arrirs W must

awar of th.aus and fft,f anv mthods w us.

Further reoding

l)ollar' J A


Hidt, R


A. (1898)








52-11 ; 3 1 _39.

Jr., Dorrr, S G , awly, P.W., Srantn' P.Jr.' Loss, G nd

in fritior.ra] arld trsionl rsistn il

Hor'vrd, N4. (1996) Diffrns

athlti sho_tuf intr{s.






2ld d.JA

Hikn.ran,J. rld Hurrrphr, N4 (1988) kt: Hiktrl\ F-|t.

A]ln, Lor-rdon. p 12_15


A, s,J.T.,Johnson,BJ.,Rad,DH and
A. (1996) Florsso lraratristis s possil risk fators for

Stovr, S.N4, Grdn, I

Ardns, A

atal nlusu]oskltl irr.jury of Thorughbrd rahorss.


J' ut


1\47 -1 1 52.

Lungwitz'A and Adalns,J..W


Tltbook of Horsshoing, orgorr Stat

Llnivrsit Prss, orgon, pp 1'22_156.


H., Guign' PN4 ' Rogrs, K , Rorv, L L.


h ft f

s1rp .rt

irnp.r on L)llrt ti ut,J'

sl.ro rnatri1


Wi]sl, .

on th kilrtis nd kinrnatis ooot


3' 70-1

llopstort, L

. nd Drvrlo' S. (1999) T1r flt oshing o

kintis lld kinnlatis duirrg tlr sta phs. ,1tli ut J' Suppl 30,

N. alld Hrrrng' L s. (1994) N4trpha1ng1 ad

joint kirrnratis in orss shod lr.ith 1.rooulks J. 1uitL utlt


Si' 14' ]9_323.

Wllson,A.. arrd Prdo' .H (201) odi1lation of a for plat sstln tl

qlrin i:rt atrlysis otl lrad road sulfas: thrril not t1tLt,L ut.J'
Suppl, 33, (t7-69

Yk]irltll' U., Jhrrstorr, C ' Rpstlf, L trd Drvnr, S (1998) Ollot

igir-rl and th itnhallis

ill horss

otnpratir, study trr,

horss sl.rd tditional hosshos, rur horsshs nd rotlt

o ri | p ()f t, SL!, tl i s | 3r L t |t r| LI i u t i l p 1; s l


Crrti1. fztriry

AboxioI: Situtd r,vav fi.nl t ntr

Aduttion: Movrrrt of th

limb arvay frotn th mid]in of tlr dy, i slvig


Arosio: irrrnrsrid r,l,ttnd ausd ). rition lading

t rnrvl f

suprIiial lyrs of skirr (pidrlis and potiorrs f tl.r drmis)

itl whih pus aurtrlts

Foot ssss otn tls 1amlrss rvhih usua1ly susids .lrtr th r
dairrd Also a]]d grav1, pus okt.



]oalisd inftion f snsitiv tissus

o nl short duratirr NB aut

arrd honi

do llot



sviry o th prolrrr, i it is possiJ to av sVr or nli]d hroni

Addul: Swing inr'rards

Tlr us hind disas or anorrna1iry



]r us and lnannr of dvlprllt of a disas or


Th aJJoy rrsd or ospia1 plts is aproinlatly 94% alulnirriulll.

2.4 %' ragnsiutn, (I.5 1% lnanga[s, p' plus marry othr 1rtrts



A rtJt hlr.tisd y los sll.tion. rIt stllt

phrrrro1gial dprssirr f nrv funtin.

A Jir showing a rnarkd hang of dirtir-r

long a1ong a ltromdil plarr. ALDs ar dfind y: 1) sit, i arptls

AnguIor Iim deformit (AtD):

tJok; and 2) ryp' i valgus or Varus.



r towards th ront. Sc

lso: Postrior

Arlel: A thik_lva11d vssl r,vhih arris lod from th hrt to th 1ungs

rrd od.


strutur or aPParan tht is not ntura] ut is rtd y,

ampl, h imaging sstm.

Arthroenlesis: Punur ttd rspirion o joirl.
Bolone (dnomi)


Arthodesis: Sugil irnmorlisation of


joint fusion of th ns


B|oe (sloti)

Arlerio.venous 0ostomoses: Sialisd olrntiols trvrr artris nd Vins

rvlrr, rl,lr oprr, allorv tlr flrv o ]ood fr.rn rh rtIY o tlr vitr
lvitlrirr th lalirlr
rvitlrout pass] through th pillris
irultiorr' trrglrt to invlvd rvith prssur rgulrorr, trl]prat]-rr
ontrol nd poal;,- iLrvolvd ilr th dvlo-rnt o1nrirlitis


grrt hat uss ontrtion o tissus, rrst

of srtions' r

ont1 f11irrg.

Iot to nourish Shinkirrg o dgnrtiotr of

ol dtss.

Atroph: Forrr Grk.troplria,'

tissus lJsualJy rsults frrn disus


S :


rtritLo||s orlosto1oss

A lrtin rstlltirrg in

tissus ig tr.rr forn thi attahmnts

Axio|: Situatd or,vrd th rniddl o ntr

Bo|on<e (dynmi):

BoIoe (stotil:

h rltinshi ofgit, bk_v an] foot 1arlding


ltior.rship ru.rr

t hlrs, its onfotrration, hoo

sh alrd slroing
Bor shoe: Ar-ry horsslro


rs nOt intIrupt]

an opnig t,.n h

l.rls Various ornrs sho ar usd t inrs sllpolt surfa., plv

PssLlI, Prvnt ssu or stilis th hoo. S also; gbr, S,igILr r'

a ttok

o rII11i1 hossht'irrg



Bolstok: Th nrtal stok fi.or

lvih horsshos r for.gd

Benh knee: S: [|\t k


The rr nd of



Lonr]n attn l.]vil

ot}r sids. lJsuallv tnarls oth ft r lgs oa pir

Ble: Sa11 |rrid srv1ling rrndrnath th


A vlur fny


susttrs irtd r.api1l

}rits rh iru1atiorr irr otr pass arrd dos rrt

into r 1lq vitr so th.lt it



Breok-over:1ll riod trrn h h|s liLilrg.rn.{ h oq lrvillg

gound drrrirrg lol.l-ttitr as thr fot rottrs roun] poilrt in th t
Btuise: ]r


rutrtring fld r,ssls rvithin strsitiv stutLlIs rsultilrg fi.orrr

traulrl. Hoof ruiss ftn rstilt fotrr tlr os stpirrg on stons. Brriss
:rrr lso



an,- snsitiv strutur,



frg nd t tlls of

tlr }rls.

Fot onfonltitl lr.hr th to is ovr lons


vv llv' th

HPA is okn_bk.

A forgd solid b]ok

rlp Also lld lk.
(odol: Ra surfa. S



th h] of th sh to iprov gund sur

a1.so: Ptl|lr



Mvrng toward llt.



ihekel pIote oIuminium: as

riss.ross riing pattn Whih i.nrass

trngth nd provids som grip.


Long stnding in natur

S lso:ut'

lIip: Flat projtions, usully triangular or round, xtnding upward from th

lutr dg ofa horssho. 1ips ar fit flat against, or st into, th outr surfa

lf th hoof wll. lips ar usd to prvnt th sho frm shifting on th hoof

rnd to stilis th hoof wall.
loboIt drilI bits:

An alloy twist dri1l apabl ofdri11ing hols in

stainlss st1.

lonfootion:Th shap of th hors.

Condition in whih th postrior h1fofth hoofundrgos

in width. Th may rsu1t from othr hoof prolms,
r sifiant
onlrted hoof:



th opposit sid of th animl.

(ovex: Surf urvd towards th osrvr.

(orrlive shoeing:imming or shoing a hors hoovs to ountrat flaws in
]tn or


(roioI: Toward th had.


omity: Anormaliqz.

Dehisete: Spartion or rakdorvn o al1 layrs of a surgial wound.


To ut off th nrv


y inision, ision or


Deviolio: Vrition from normal.

Th dtrrnintion of what is using th prolm and th nm

tht ppIid to tht ondition.

Digih From Latin.digitus', a fingr.Th quin 1im distal to th ftlok.
Diseose: A dviation from th normal strutur or funtion of eny part or
whl of th anima1 assoiatd with haratristi st of signs.

Distol: Futhr away from th ody, o point of atthmnt. In othr words,

towIds th ottom of th ]im


DolsoI: Torl,rds th ak

of th aninra1 (tlr drsunr) Itl th hrs ald othr

qrralrupds' his is th tlppr surf, l'va trm th


DorsoI woII rese(tio: Rrova1 of part or ll f th ]rs] hoowall, usul11.

pt of tratnlnt



n in.raginary

Jirr rrrnrling fr-olt to bk rnr tlr dosa1

t t





slrap' usd fr drsoa1rn inrlns.

Th 1vlpirrg ontus o foal


arly gstatin r its od

stutu bonls Jarly dvlopil (ie r 40 1ays ofrgally)


ilrstrunln usd fr dirt visual insptirr f o]]oll'' or]rls o

Nlv on frulation at tlr instiol.t oa tndorr' ligarnrrt


joint psul
pithelioIisotio: Halirrg

tlr folrntion of pithlitrrn ov


surf .

Th urly llrtlr, vsu1ar lavr ovritrg intrllrl .rtld trrrl

sulfas of th od1.. It orrsists 1ls joirrd srrrll iuoLults of rrrrrtitlg








sho or othr dvi ontinus hrizontally ond th

dtal ordr f tlr hof l'va11 S l,so: I-trl, tsiott, to tsitt' tdl


An invutd olstrution frrrr rpard omponnts (rvldd lrt

[oIse quorter: Rrs


insult It is

to a su_optinrl rgrlvth of lanrirrar nrdiunr


dfind s an ovrgro\\'th of horn lvhih ovrls th

rroml ,ll.

letus:Th dvlpirrg


t,l0 dys oprgnrry unti] it is brn

li'htoil shoe: Flosslro, tndirrg o tlr ntrio lmost to th ftlok or

ultirnat trdl support S rl1.so: dL tsi.
tlutluonl: Flirrg:Ls if ull of fltrid.

A nlatril to

ssist ,1ding.

loot o|f:Tlr poirrt olst otrtat t,


oot nd tl.r grurrd 11ll'ilrg


[orge we|ding: b

joilr 2

sur{s o trr'tll

lrerrrrnrig to!]th t a higll


l] ttbook

o rludia1 hsshoirrg




l) To shap hot

nral rvith hatnmr; 2)


th to of th hin

sho striks th to or sole oth front fot

ours whn th dta] pha1n hs orrr dispid rom its norm

ositiol within th foot du t th rolonrd or svr ffts of laminiti

ssiv wight ring or trauma

trog pIole: An ra ofrntl to ovI th frog fogd from th ar oft sor


A groov in th stion to oltmodat th nail

Groduqted or shoe:
Grou|otio lissue:

o nrv

A br sho with grdrral lvarion towrds th hl.

Nw tissu ornd in rpair of soft tissu wounds ortsistin

ndothJial budding' and firolsts t:

epi11ris, forn-rd

diffrntiar frorrr msnhn.ral




drivd fror undrlining vsu1ar tissul



Frog plote


Th opration o th digita1 artilag/digital ushiorr ssm

nd inas lood flor'v to ssist in tlr surot of PIII.

Hqemostosis: Th rrst of lding y vastrlar spasm and lt rnltior-r or

oprssin o ligatron.

A sho institutd y B. Chpman, in th sha of hart, tht hs rl

tndd rog_plat finishirlg 1 tn floln th o th frog Usd or
lrninitis and thr hoof wa11 lsions

HistopothoIog: hangs
Hoke stikig:

in tissus ausd y

h thniqu of


sw11ing th mtl o th r sho at th

ornIs fth h1.

Hoof.post oxis (HPA):

Th a1iglmnt of th hoof apsul r'vith th pastrn.

Hoo| sIough: Dtahnrnt f th hoof apsul


following omplt lss of lod

t th oronar and lminar orium oftn as a squl to


HPA: S: Hopstr is.
Hpeexlensio; xtrrn or xssiv tnsion of 1im or
Hpeltoph: Arr itrrs


in siz (opposit o aoph).

Rfrs to lrvr lvl of rfltd sound (o) than is

nsidrd rrornral for a rgion This ommonly ours in liganrnt r
tndo o11owing inju ry.


lf, nidilll






Loa1 dfiiny

th sr sid of th niml

of lood du to ultiorrl or


strution th lood supply.

th snl ostnoti rssul as tissue flui

nor shrink as th is no nt flor'r, of Watr aro:

Isotoni {luid: F1uid possssrrrg

.hrv ]]s



stnirma1 mrrrrns

vint of a standard ]rrial rvith rr itred nular stlutur(

oftn rdioativ.

Th dvloprnnt f, or onvrsion irrto'


krtil-t _

slrorotirl, lvhrh is th prinipal onstitllnt ohrny tissus.


loelotion: Irrgtllar, jggd rvorrnd ausd taring

di'tinguislr.J roltt r ut r ini:ion.
lominiti: Adj tiv dsr rirrg any

f bod


ondition involvin g larninitis

aus oflatnnss of vribl svrity and attirrg an nurrrr

t, haratrisd 1.

a hJ Joading stan and a harrg in th hratr

t digital pulss.
loleruI: Alva frorrr th rnidlirr of th hose

Lotelol extension: 1) Gtlri trln or ll tps ofslros, or othr dvis' th

Olltilu horizntally orid tlr distal rdr otlr hof ivll, on itl.rr sid
2) Sifilly sho' or othr dvi' that ontinus hoizoltallv yond th
dist] ordr of th hool'n,all. orr th latlal sid
Lovoge: Irrigatiorr o lr.ashitrg out o a

h 1uilr lilnb


Th lltir



lrolllv rgan


tlr krr or }rok dolr,tr

lpldag' li-onr tlr


r hip dorvn

Lyli: Losrlirrg arrd/r 1issolvirrg

Moeroled: Sftnr]
lVlediI: brva]s




lvttirrg r sokirtg.

tlr llridlirr o the }rors



Mediotors: B:io]oqial hli].s ,]ri1r r produd durrrrg digstiorr r

rrrtabolisn nd hv an t ll thr, sorntirs distnt' dy og:llls or
s\'s r]-I1s.

Medioloterol: Arr ill-lginar horizorrtal


frorrr sjd to sid ross n objt

Th .huse king' pross arrid ut b a

ll1ir'' i' nutritin, rtiotl t.


or tissu to sty

MetoboIile: Sustan produl durig mtaolis,,'' itr s)rntlrsisd during

trrtallistn r takn ronr th rrvionnlrrt.

all iridzol drivativ, ettrv agail-rst

lst linially inrotnt naroi atria nd rotozo
Mellonidozo|e: Arrtitri1 ag|lt,

Mild steel:

llon_al1o st1 rvith rrp t 25% aron

Molpho|ogy: Strrrtur ltrd ornl oorgallisrrr (s lpposd to funtion)

Noviu|or diseose:

A trtl

Novi<ulol syd]ome: Pain

disas o tl.r orl, i slrolvirrg rdioaphi hatrgs

Mediol or lol|

in th naviulr ra inr,olving diss svrntotlls nd

Neulo|ogiol: Rltirrg to t r]rvous systelrl.
Neurovosulor: ol-r-rsd f

lrvs and lood



ssiv a1ourlts o fluid -t'll lls of th bod.


illg irr ht' i in


O{fset defolmity:

A linlb

rr ostus (rtiv stt').

tht dos llot ligrr tllrouglr a jirrt a1orl vtil


0ssifiution: olltin f ll
Osteomye|itis: Illt]:rlllrrratiolr of t n nlrro\\l lrd :rdjant bn

0steopoenio: Lss one susal In tlr o|tt ffourr]r, this trs t

lss o distl phlalrgl nlss. 1r-r to distts ;rtropl.r1., l:rk o bld suppl',
prssur tloph1,

ld is slrrtitlls

assoitd rvitl-r ptrrulnt intiorr f tlr

oll stonrlitis
Poddlig:A dviajoll in git in lr''llr th lloos tltlvad
is ot sn itl horss lr.hilr hve

a ttok



fligh Paddlillg

tod ill

ot rmdi1 horsshoillg



Orl th unlrrlth


To tllin toulr


o 1r foot ot astrn o h forlilll

The lnarrrr of lvloprent

Potho|ogko| lrotule:

o diss

ratur tl on .rth a

or :rnolllliry

l isting ll.knss



Bodilv hallgs assitd rvitlr



Putlen ol shoe:1r;larrr givn to a slro rr,hih 1vts th h]s rr,itlr a r

Also knorvtr

;rs :r

llst Sho or l\aisd Br Sh

Hving 5 digits

Pelineurol: Surrorr



:1 11-r\r.

An lrtisti ovidrr _ io1in so]rrtiol.l ol-ltillirrg


.l tnl.inlLrttt

idirl y lvit

S: P|L|


y o h lnjor ons in iliqit (plrrral hlangs).


Orr th ulldrnath of tlr foot oI Pastrrl of th hin]lirn

osleliot;blr.rds o on th k slrr Oposite trrior.


n arl svnlptolll f a diss


A fbr:rst f th pro1 outolll oa disas

ProphyIois: Prvntiol.t of dis:rs


A lrr or

systrn o'.rk o lrnirration tlnat.

Proximol:blvrls h ody, or point oatthnrnt. In ot1rr u.ords, lr to

th lirn.
Refrotol (oses): Rsist:rr}t to trtnlnt
Reinelvolion: Rgr\'l.th of nrv ndir-rgs.








An opr:rtion involvilrg th rlovl opart orr org]l o Strutlrr

Ntrvrk of srnall lod


hossho tht has ll urr,d rrprvrd torvad th hooft th

t l.ris ass :rlrd dirs rak_ovr or's nrttst spiallv prd to
iv okr t sho's.Aka: 1lo11d tos (UI{).
Roker toe:


toe: hossh that hs l-t otitldd

o11 tt]

out d oth gourrl

srLlta: t t to

RostroI: Prtinrrrg to tl-r nos or to\\,ds th rorrt



RolotiooI de{ormity:Th u,hol or rt oa lir tund :rund a vrtial ais

Ruptule: ]]ak, or urst suddnJ1r

a ttbook

o rdial



Roker lo

Sorf:T nm givn to th ovI1Ping rl orrrtl to lr.ldd

Sedotio:Th at of elnlirlg bv:rdrninisttiolr f :rn qlrt tht qtrits


Sesis: Irrdiats th rst-r: f irrftirr
5eli osteilis: ltrfltnrrrarioll

ofon ausl y patllogt-ni llri]:oorslriS1ll\

Sei toe:h t otlr sho is llt u at

Siglmenl: Me.lil l.ristrv dalilrg .itJl



usu:rll a lrini] slr

gj se\. red. us t

Siker: tv f Iundr jll ri,hih ]llrillitis lrs dstrl'd so rrrnr, o tll

latrirl:r tht tl.r n olurrln is llo lollge sustlld:urd gilrs t sjllk
rvitlrirr th lrot..

Anv s.lling r ;rrrorlll:rl gorr.th ill l tr tlr ]-rk A .g spr.itr t.

:r so1t srr,llirrg rr t1r nrdi1 ll1,/l .lilrsll sltrdt f th hk A 1o.:
sp:rvilr'is rr nl:rrgd vill nd:r h:rlllless lrislr A.tr spvin.is rll

llstosis otl t tarsal ons^

Spehosopy: Stul o sptr f substt.ts to (1tt tlrJ.r r-.str
Stin|ess steel:
arrr rr.it

stl ntail.tig 10.5% or l-nr hrnriurrr :urd lss tll;rrr 1

ol rvithout ote;rllv



Tht ar r.rrr\'r..lri.rirls. solll-

]llOt rsist;1]lt to orrositll-l thtr oths.


11] i!\Lrg


Slore horse:

A young

.1stind fr

National Hlrnt ratrrg.

SleeI: S: lvIi|d

hos kpt r.lntind tultil

o 4 yars o1d, usu:rll


illjrrry to th solar fot'

svr l]tratil]g


involr,irrg th

rlviulr ursa' i1p digitl flr tndon r dista1 iltrphalangal


onditjon or

disas rr,il-r is prsnt

in n


atlil-nal Llt not yt

ridtlt on h,r,sial atnintion N4arry disss mailr lvithout lirrial signs

irr t1ri r1 sags
Su.ulis:Vsular tissu undrlrath th pidrmis rld drlnis (liulrr).

Bllilrd th of



Su-solol: Bnt t1r

so1' g tlr snsitiv

5ynovitis: Inflnrrrration f t





sol (idris).

(tlr srlol.iur)

Divisin, i utting ornp1tly tlrrrrgh tlldn.In th o[t\t o

tund'r, tis tlsuall lts to tl-r d digitl flr.tndon.T opratior1 is

lrsully prforr-rrd at th nrid trnotl or

Thlee quorlel or shoe:

A r so r'vilr

rrid pastrn


ithr a ldirl r ltral r:r of

sh nlissing fon-r th hl quartr to t hl on otl sid

a ttook

of mdia] 1rossho lng


An tra Jong hl on a lrorssho r'vhih is usur111- rurnd -l5o

frrn th rrtr lin of tlr hoand th 1irr of flight.

Trosverse (imoge):


An inlag produd s .ross stiorr'oth linr, i ilr

plrl paalJJ to th qrourld

lesl: Involvs th rnstrrmrrt of tlryroin arrd T t dfir.r1

tilrs fr trd aftr th intravnous injtion f 1 rng o troid rlasirls

TRH response

hornorr Usd to valuat th thyroid statl1s of th hos ad ]ras bll

o diagns pituitary.dpndnt ushillg's diss

Rovl of ss horn usillg hoof kni' utts nd rsp.Also



lrssirrg or parirrg

Sortld trl]] or Tungsttr CLid An 1l f turrgsttl alll

abon that has vrv hiq}r arsion (and hn lvar) rsistn.



To srvll nltl in spifi ra.

VolgoI: Adjtiv of valgus

Volgus: Into a Poirlt out rom tl.rt pornt | <


Adjtiv f varus

out to point

ar.td thn ir-r





A rdution in th diarntr o lood vssl, trsua1h

assiatd ,ith dutiorr jn blood flor'l. to th supplid tissrr.



A inrs irr th dianltr of 1od

vss1' usuall1- assoitd

lvith n illrs irr 1od floW to th supplid tissu.

Vei:Vss1 rvhih rturns 1ood to th hrt.

We:Th rvidth f th stok rol rvhih horssh is trrd.





Ut ti ursit

L,trir Sho|

Rtld, mhridg




3 0S,

\I l,it 11

r r

S 1 ()

r rl



L |,S,l1R


Arrdy J3th qulifid frorn arnridg lJnivrsiryVtrinry Shoo] in 1989

He traind in surgr at th Urrivrsity of Bristol and thrr at Rssdl nrl
Prtnrs itl Nr'vrnarkt H is urrntly Univrsit quin Sugoll t tll
Qun's Vtriar Shool Hospital, LIlivrsiry o anrrrdg and is ;l
Diplornt of th uropn o1lg of Vtrinry Surgs H has
anrVtrinar Surgn to th Jans nd British Thr l)ay vnt arls
rld th Britlr Porr Sowjuinganl

His main

ars osialit,v li in othoadi surgry alld lallll.lss, spiJh

to onlptitiolr hoss l lrs lrvs n intrstd in tJr plitil
ofnovl disnsti arrd thrputi thniqtrs to larnnss rlrs.




t F ,

Ro d, Ki

lt t

(J r i,qu t h


J 1 g,, ,rlt t k,


rkshir,\./L8 4Qs, L,.1(

Sudv Bvidg gn his pprntiship

1980 r'vith the Frri 1nrilv irr

h gaind vriry o skills and

kilds ohorss an1 onis

A1-rslrrr. Stl.rnd rvhr.

soirrg of




1r assd

th.W.orshipfrrl onalry of Farris

his orvl.l usinss :rsd in Crrtal Sotlarrd



krror,v1dg orl

(DipWF) tld



th villg f I(ilrr.rdzrr.'

198B h passd the Assit of th W.rshiful onlpn1, of Frris

(AWF) and

yr ltr h

aln a F]]olv of tlr.W.orslripul rrrarr1. of

Farris (F\)F) r this tiln h lvs invitd to otn all alillr fo tlr..


th pst h rvas rgu1ar ot.tlptitr t otptitions nd girrtl

slrss t a lol lld illtrntitrl 1vl H:rlso lljoys juling olllptitiol-ll

nd is grrisdWCF judg.

H is

a1so inr.olvd

irr t1r tairrirrg f apprntis and ]ls lturd lld

dtnttstratd farri in various orrntrjs. H hs tr

W Fot Balan



rgular tutor o th




Bo 381'


lif,'lri 9392,


Dan l3radly ws orn nd raisd in 1iforni His unrvrsity duatiorr was

intrluptd y 1l up and a 2 yar tour of duty inVitnarn.Aftr attndig a
rrir shool, h shod Saddlrds, bnnss
N4orgarrs, Huntrs and
WstIn hrss During th 980s, h was n arly usr of dhsions nd

on shos nd gaitld rfrl working n






nd lmrrritrs.

I)an gll working with G Tools H is involvd in

dvlonlnt f tools ad trvls th

USA nd

aroad tnsivly, givirrg

]iis al-rd rprsnting G H ontinus shoig horss in th ntra] oast
o aliforni, whr h now livs. H lso ontinus to rid trils rvith his wi
Stlzn and lirns tht h still oasiorrllv suIfs t wvs


Do,g Butlcr tt,priss, In',

Bo 1390, Lort,

olordo, 805


Doug But1r hs studid, rvrittn and spokn mor words on l-rorsshoirrg

tlran atron ohis gnrtion H lras ulhd hc Pri,ip|s oJ orsshoittg,
h tl-tost rvid1 usd frrir tt in th world, and prsrrtd Progla1nlns oI1
frrir sil.l and rftsrnnship fr narl 40 yars. I additiori, 1r hs
pulishd Shoitl,g ittYour Right h[id lLd Si-Figur Shoit, tts that hv
ssistd frrirs to nrast fot 1n, sho fittir-rg d si usir-ress
prilils ov 20 instrutiorr1 vids podud y hinr hv n usd for
ari tlairring irr rrrly vry ountry. Dr Butl otaind lris l,hl) in quirr
Sin dVtrirrry Anatonly frnr orrr1l Univsiry rrd rvs th fist
Anrrian to otairr tlr FWCF b nlination.bd, h povids ontilluitlg
]ution nd advaud training for frrirs and vtrirrairrs lvhil
nrailtarrring slt farri pti. H hs organisd Farri FousN|
otrn. tlr first_f_its_kirrd usirrss orrf.rn

frrrs, vtinarins

:rd th 1ui rossionls.

a tbok

o clndia]





Sl L,

Sl, Fr,h|, Sr l rr))




BVS. I,s


Arrtny ]n-rnts graduatd fronr th lJnivrsiry of Bristo1 irr 1998, during

rvhih tir h a]so mnagd to studv in th Cnad nd th USA. H
r'vrkd irr nrid Prati in Hrsir for ]2 ronths. Follorvillg this h
utldrtook a 1inial Sholarshi t t lJr.rivrsity of Glsgorv d spialisl
qur ortho]di \r.ork atrd qttin surgr. H is urrn rvoking i
J)urrr' South fria, rnalaging t onrin his irrtrsts ilr trav1 nd qlrin
Orthopdis y rvorki in a prdonrinntly Thorughbrd prti tl.rat
spialiss irr quin ]alnnss and strlgv



|i u tll tk


B8 8DLj'

ulto Rod




Sin-ron urtis hs shod horss for 0 yars in Nwrnrk' ngland.

His fanrily

A. urtis & Sons and h is ttahd to th Bauort ottag

quin spital t th orrtiv Farriry Dpartnlnt H is urrrrt1y th
tlsinss is o.

of th.Worshipful onran oFrrirs (201_202) and is a F]lorl,

y xarnintion. Sinlorr is t only frrir to om n LIotlorar ssoit
f th Royal Collg ofVtrinary Sursol]s and is a visiting lturr to t
N;rtional Stud'Th British l\aing Shool and arridg lJnivrsiry. H has
givn wokshops and lturd in 15 ountris on 4 ontinnts and ll
pulishd irr ot vtrinry and frriry journals was a o_uthor on th
D_Rom.Th Hors'.s Fot,nd th vido.In Ba1n'. Simon Curtis is lso
th uthor o Frrir Fo| to Rhors




1; in nrrir

Brnrd l)uvrny travls tnsivJ,v fol lrrh otlr ya. H rgrrJaJv visi
stud frtns in Indi r.,,lrr h rn'.orks s a ollsulttlt air nd istL]tor H
hs osrvi] nrny lvJoping ountris, illluling Clri;l. Irn.rrrd
Hondttrs Fl s lturd irl ur.op rnd th USA rt vtrinry rrd frriey
olrIrrs nd s ptrlishd rti1s ilr tlr urpatr FirsJur.rral.


rttt d ltisstlt,

6 ct, Stitzind


Brnard hs gailld his Fdra1 Dilorrra in Farrrry rld Bjaklitirrg and

anl rlst_farlir i 1983 t th Fu]ty o Vtir.rary diili'
lJrrivrsity of Brrr. H fourrdd lris orvn farli, prti irr 1.]5. rn.rililv
soing pr{orrr-rn horss

Sil thn h

lrs dvlpd s tl]tor rrd ltut

lks ft.r tlr friv intIsts of qustrin ssoitiotrs rrd priv.rt

or'vnrs H is kn to in tb vaIrgud of rlu, dvlopnrnts in nlthods rld




R|j' I1ot, 166 igh


Strct' |iwlfu t, S lffIk

8 9Q,

l)vid llis graduatd frorn th Ryal Vtrinary o1lg' London, i I96J

arrd thn spnt 2 yrs in rati in Hampshir for joining l'r,ht is trorv
tlr hrg quirr rfrr.tl prati o Grtrwod, Iis arrd Prtnrs itl
Nwark. is wok inluds sttld, stal and surgry and h is n llVS
Rogrlisd Spia1ist in quin Orthopdis gaild FRVS fr thsis
on Foal orthopadis rrd l)iplom i quil orthopadis H hs srvd


und_ ad post grdut anrin, ulishd sval paprs arrd

ook hptrs and is

at Cmbidg lJr.rivrsiry Vtrilrr1,

hs bn arvrdd th Rird
Hart1y 1irril Priz and h Sir Frdik od Mnrorial dal. H is
a Dirtor of th Vtrinry Dfll Soiry ltrd trrrntJ.y srvs on svrl
assistant 1ttrrr

Shool. H ws prsidllt of

BVA in 1991 and

Thooushrd vtrinarv dvisorv mrnitts.

a ttbook



edial horssho1Itg





us Fn, Drlts,

|/S rtE, xP FR1,/s

hippu.Llll, Wi Ltshir


, L.IK

llobrt ust grdlrtd ronl Livrol Urrivrsity it 1,977. H spnt 9

rs irr quin rati irr th UK, ir nd Arrstralia or rturning to
Lrr-rpol s 1trrrr in quin studis. H gind RCVS rtifiat
qualifiations in quirr prati and quirr othoadis.
ln 1988 Ro

sta1ishd th Lnrinitis 1iri at ]Jristol lJnivrsity as a Irral

lltr or 1alninitis ass In 1990 a lv lasti rrd stl adjusta1 hart r
sho rvas dvlopd t trtlnt oflriniris, ourrdr nd sirlkr ss.
T1.r ook.lirirrg Larrrilritis aIrd its Pvntion'tvs rvrittn irr 1992 and
hs sin so1d ovr 10,000 ois. I 1993 lvs wrdd th Dilonra lf
Fl",hi o rh Royl C11g of Vtrinry Surgtrs or his thsis
lnasllmllts involvd in th rogrrosis of .1uill lrrninrtis'

In 1993 th Larninitis Clini rnovd to urpos uilt prrriss t Dalrntsy,

Wiltshir. In 1998 t Lrniiis ust l'vs stlislrd as a rgistrd hait
r'vhos trros is t rais furrds for rs:rr


h Strt,

|ltuils, rshir



itlto lnlillrrs

Jinr Fi is a hird gtrration frrir and ]ras rr slroing horss for 32

ornpany of Frrils in
yars Fl sairred th Fllorvsli f th
1982' susqulltly oming judg and minr o arriry. Jinr arrd his
rothrA11an urrntl run a 14 prsorr shoing rrd farriry supp1is irr south


krr olptito,Ji1lr hs n irr t1r SotrishTrn 17 tirrrs. ajr rvirrs

Th Royal Hrglr1and S1rr,r'., Stonligh, l,o-a at th US

r,ntion (tr'r.i) lr.itlr lris rot A11an, lgrv Tp 1, 12 tims n]
v:rious th lvirls ilr a1gar 1sss inluding r,o A4:rl 6 tlls' a1tlrugh

tlr irrdir.idul titl has al,as lltrdd lrirrr, highst 1a irlg tlrid

His hois ar fl_fishirrg nd hors_shitrg ntsts.






T'h Forg, I,I,.luItn Rod




B8 \DU'

igio u Goldstin rvs borl in Pru and rov1 to tlr USA r,vhn lr
,vs 7 rrrigratd to Spin in th nrid 198s to stud vtrinar rndiirr
Lt th ljlrivrsidd orrrlutns d N4adrid, Ftrltad d Vtrinaria. Whi1
hr b dvlpd an il]trst i frriry at th qllstlia N4i1itry Unit
\ftr yrs h didd to pusu arr in farril.
jgi al]r a Sptish itizn nd slrld rrrainl Adlusins arrd Arians in
l)rrtrl Silr. trvlld lqurily to rlglald to stud and pssd th
l)iplonr o th Worshipfu1 rnpny o Fairs irr l 999 H urrn divids
[rrs tim trvn th U nd Spin, rvh runs ollrss in rriry or th
:orrutriq. f drid

H prsrrtl1. 1ivs in Nr'vrnarkt


his rvif, ri_Jsus and his 2 girls. His

intsts irrlud histor' ahittur nd rnaissn lrrri.:



l'IS \II/I rt Ds]-.s Dip

rlL|.ort ttgc
Hosp,itL, otto


Tirn Grt g:rduatd



a N4astrs Dgr or .ork


Sholaship ald .s alvrdd




N u

d Rld,

rk: t,, SLlffoI

in tlr Surgy Dpaltmnt i 19ff . H wnt to

Auirnl H]th Trust in Nlvtrarkt nd rvas au,ardd Fllowship of th

Ilo1 ollg o1Vtrinary Surgons for a disstatiorr ol a rdilogil stud
odglutition In 1982 h joind Rossdl tld Parttlrs. ornirtg prtnr itr


His intsts ar itr gnal equin

as n a.ardd a rtifiat irr


quin orthopdis ald




Dilomt oth ur.oart

quin Sotissu Surgry 1, th
irl qui Surg, by th

o11g f Srrrgons He is rognisd
RVS ld th uropan o1lg
and is

Tinl s ,on th (JtltnaryAl'vard of th lJitishVtrirrayAssoitirr ald rlr

llilraril art]y Linia] l)riz H has puslrd prs in vtritlry jourtlals
lrrd otrtriutd haptrs to vtritla ttooks. rvs Psidt of th
Britislr qrrinVtrinryAssoitiorr ilr 2000 rrd is lrntly thJunioVi
Psidnt of t Bitish Vtrirrarv Assoiat1on


of rmdi1 hsshoirrg


B tfrt ottg

Hoitl, otto



qi ,c
d Rd,

tlg, |'l u t rk t, S

B|iltI,Id ]..1Rlls


Hd qualifid frorn th llovl Vtrinarv o11g, lJr-rivrsit1. 61

Londo, l 1991. H lvokd in trird p.rti sht piod br
iltrnshis t th Aninra1 Hlth Trust nd l\oal Vtrinr ollq H
joind Ilossdl and Palttrs 1,, 1aao. dlitr rirl-rril.v r,r.it ral.ross' atr
ear a partll in 2000 His partiular intrsts r ]anttrss and digrrosti


ie Vtrirtt li,i,
i gsh u F r, Tt r h tgsl u,


Ro d' o

L t



7B11 Srlt



i l t:

l).rrrl Lrrtljrrk graduatd

in I99J at tlr lJllivrsiry o Utrlrt in

Nt}rr1anls n] lr.orkl

nri] P.ltiq til r rr o akirrg u





3 a

lr.W.is rrr 1r qr.rirr W1far, t qtrint

of C1asgorr. Vrillr.v Shoo1. Durirrg hi
p..iod lr tl.r] rr'ih.r v.lid sllad offist liniol alll trrd trrdi
:rlrd surgial ass lr.i[h an l11hasis orl orthopdi rolrls' ltr1 dr,lop
sil1 irrtrst itr thc \.tit), e ofth ptfrlllan hlrs. H urllt]r
rr'rks a th quin Vtin:rv lini' a siJisd 1rrirr liri asd ir
1llflr.shj,.W.st_rrtrl Sot1alld is paig or t rtiIia ir
illtr.tr ositirl





1r Utrjvrsitv


rd otlt fr 1l alrors trainr, prrrt to_pilrtd (,ith


lrthusi:rstn tlrtr srtss!) nd hunts rgtilarl1. rvih th Lnrk :urd 1lnfrrr'..






I;S, Di|otn





Rmt d,ik



qli a




Sd, ustrli

th lJnivsit Sydll ill latJ7 nd th.Ll

Jonathan Lursdn grdtratd rorn
L)avi] Huthins BVS at th
ornltd an intrns1ri


Susqtr;lt1,v, h rvnt into gtlrl qurtr

sugial sidny at Mi1rigarr State
rati utltil trrmnillg
Dgr irr th vltrtion ald

Urrivsiry USA Jot-rtlran
and u.rs alvrdd tl.r st
surg,v of th
o11g of Vtrinrv

rsidrrt slrrtifi

Ulrivrsiry o Sydny, Canrdn

1993. H all a Dip1nlt o th Anrrian o11g of

Vtlirrr Surgtls in 199.l and fuifi]ld linia1 appointnts t i1rigarr



arld olrdo Stt Ljrrivrsit or ornirrg t silnt

slrgoll at tlr Illd.ik quine Cntr, Sdn,Austrii in 1995 Jorrathrr

is a prttlr o th Ralld,jk quin ntr rvhr his prati inluds
rfrr1 surgry n]

routin rtrak r.ti. H has pub1isd nurrrrous

sir-rtifi Itils lld lras spial intIsts irr rt1i rrd trpr
tat sllrgrv





t1rWF nritratin

il Alil


s n atir,ly ilrvolv] rvitlr th renrdil nd or.rtil. shoing t

lJufrt ottagr quirr osital, Nrvln:rkt' or (l s

lras ltud irl :rrirv fo;-difrrr quitl grous, ilrllr]ing


orr o11g qustri:rn studis- H is ls tutr lbr th

W His strjts illu] fot ln. nrodrn frri1. trriqus atrl
hs slroillg. His profssina1 intr'sts illud all spts o rm1i]
ltr.rls tr th

rri1,, spiall,v

-B Brootttlti|l



Sttrt ashal] bgan his apprrtis1.ri irr fariry irr 1982 nd qtla1ifiL1
pssing tlr f)ipllr



lalinitis nd oot rr,olrrrd rrrangtlrnt Arr', otll trrlil

shirrg, h sls .i] varit ohoss

Stuat livs .it his rvi

Liz nd 3 hildrn rl Nrfolk'


his Pstis

ilr1rrd fisl-rirrg


o rmdia1 hosshoilig


I.h: r|o t t'1,

rP24 2Q\"





, F l


rr oIIr

,t1tti tl

Hospitl , tftltt rl Rtltl,


'llil19, N,tt'tttrkf, Slrflllk



Jlsi N4hn spnt 2 yars arins for rlnatule foals bor joitritlg mi
Vt]:ill.]ry prti itr Ir]nd Slr qualifid as a vtrinr llrrrs in 19B5. Ir

shjoild th Rossda] and Partnrs vtrinry PIti d batrr tht

in 1991 t tlr Bauot ottge Hsitl Thr sh ,'al



rrrvolvd r,r.ith li irrptiorr of tlr digital

ray systl

Jsi instruts t vrirrary itrtrns itr rdigraphv t t hospitl, lr.hr hl

primar itrtrst is i;naing l'r,ith ra1iogrhy lld sintigray.

l H

l r

h T t st' Ltl t,tds

Prk, Krford, |lturkcr,


]8 7UU,

I{L .



N4ttrr gaduatd fron.r anrridg lJrrivrsit

rn 1990.


subsquntlv utrdrtook Intrship irr quin nrdiin nd surgry t t

Univrsiry f issouri o]]o,d y a Rsilrry in quin stlrgry t I{nss

St:rt Lrrivrsity' USA. on rturillg to t UK, sh atn tlr quiri

slrrgoll at anrridg Urrivrsiry for lnovir-rg to th Arrirrral HlthTrust'

Nlvrrlarkt i 7997, rvh slr norv lads t olthopa1i srlr trd
1uin rnnti rsorlalr imaging Sh is an Anrrian nd uropatl

in qrrirr


outsid ''l,ork, sh trins

atl] o1npts




a r r i r

2 drssg

Tbt| oot rotcritln Lrd, tut,


ks Rod,



S|h fol d, I.|'t.*t

RH1 0Q

Dar,id Nilros rvs ortl in Blhlll' South Ln]orr. ])vid frlil horrs
akd onto a larg riding shol and this is rv]r h stablishd his 1r,
f]iir ,ih lrorss At th g of 7' Dvid;nt a arrir arrd, or tl.r {irst tinl,
didd h rvantd to b farir

In 1968 Dvid strtd his apprr-rtiship lr,ith Holvrd oopr FWCF (ons),
in iIrgr :rr, Surry. H qualifid as Rgistrd Shoirrg Srlrit1r
(RSS) in 19f2 alld didd to s lif outsid tl.r frir), rvold rrd joind

Durilg t1.rr tir-n h stil1 ursued rr ativ itrst

in faiv In 1978 David rturnd to frriry rrd, follo,irrg a urtr priod
orrpar.r), o :rrri.rs
o trinrrrg, passd tlr Assoiat o th
(A]x/F) rrr Il 1988 Dvi1 orrd a grollP Prti of arrirs,rvith his 2
tlr Lorrdotl Fi Biqd

usinss Partns ark Siggs and iha1 Wi11iarns' Tot1 Foot Prottirr
Ltd ( arir suplv o;nprr) H norv spnds uh ohis tinl romotlng
trrodrn arir ill urop nd th USA. H is mtnr of lr Grrild of
Prossional Farr':irs (US) Dvid rain ojtiv is th futur dvloptllnt
o try rtd to itttprov quill .oundtr's

10 Kigsl Ltt,

Ih dcrsl, u


ss7 JLi

is Prdo has n a farrir arrd ]ksnith for .]4 yrs runrrirrg his
il ss, U Aftr gaining th RSS in 1974 h

moi1 stroing usinss

gan to silis il rmdial arirv arrd l'vas sussful optito ill

oth shoing atld st shod l.rors onlptitions H rvas l'vardd th WF
in 1987 and bg studing ,ith th opn lJrrivrsiry gaduting in ]995
rvith a I]S hons dgr in Naturl Sins



n prirrd rvldr and nginr nd has taught for oth

govrlllnn rnJ rivrt tilling glllc\'

H hs plsntd aprs on rks and slipag i;l hss,ft t

intrrrtiona] onfrt.ls rrd is trrrntly working
qtlin oof Biomnis irr h Stutur nd

Aln Wilsorr


T Ro1Vtrinary 1Jg, Uivsiry of Londorr.



PhD rsarhing into

otion Lratory of Dr

f rdia1 horsshoing




elrt otr qtthrc

Hspitl, tt
. it tg,









BS rrS1rtlt)




llihrd Payn

grdutd from Bristl Univrsity

otaild an hnous dgr in Phrlaology.Aftr


199.5, hvirrg als

in mid prati
quin ospital) an

a yar

h' rnovd to Rssda] and Prtrrrs (Bauort ottg

orpltd a 3 yar rsidl-ty in qui Surgry. H gairrd n llCVS

rtifit in quin Surgry (orthpdi$ i 1999 nd partnr ol
h prati i:. 202

H da with first opiriorr work ssoiad with rhoss in trining an

u'ith lrg nd v:rrrd lslod of surgial nd rndial rrrls His mai
alas of intrst ar oot surgry, oli surgry and minilna]]v invasiv.kyhol
sllrgry (arthrosoy and laparsopy).

Rihrd is kn on ll sports ut nor'v onfirrs hrs jnvo1vrnnt to goJf and


Belrt attq qi
ospitl, ofto|1 rtd Rod,


t, |'j u rk t,



x,{ |/tl,I BS




I)ilswrth qualitid fro th lJrrivrsiry of amridg in 1981 H

workd in rnid prati untj1 19B5, r'vhn h jind Rossdal and Parttlr:
in Nwnlarkt, omirrg partnI in 198B LI .,'vorks on th rahors sp1


oth prati and was rsponsil r irrtrduirrg nd dvJopilg th trulat

sintigrap\ unrt. Ro obtajlld th rtifiat



irr Vtrinary

986 nd hs spial intrst in 1arnnss.





Bufut ottg



spitl, otto|I rl Rod,


itlg, |'ium rkt' Stlk

N4ik Shphd 1 99 grluat oN4ss lJrlivsit1. rrd, aft graduation,

in glral Prti in Nr,v Zealand fr doirlg r vlriry f

th lJlitd Kingdorrr H joind Rossda1 and Prtrrrs in 1991

1r r,vorkd

loums irr
o;nirrs pItnI


tnusulosk].tl irrjuris

1996. His min itrtrst is diagnostr imagillg or


l1 ts f hors arrd l.r lrs bn instrul.l-tnta]


dvlping tlr us ofultrasnograp\ for th dignosis and tnanagnlnt l

plvi frurs. H hs a1so girld trrsiv in in t1r nlangrnnt
o tlldon nd 1igalllnt injuis in ralrorss.


J. sToNAlvI

Brt ottg

S lk

Strt, |ju,mdrkt,


Sarah Stnham graduatd forn th lJivrsiql fBrjstolVtrinar Shol

in ] 98

Slr l'r,orkd

in gnral quin prati for joirrirrg Rossdl


Prtns irL 1987, sh hs susqrrntly lm a Partnr Slr 1rs spialisd

in stud farrn nldiiIr gaitrirrg hr RCVS Crtrfit in 1990 nd has atd s
n ll)i]]r in

tlli' 'uj.

in oa]s and watiillgs Sh hs sokn itrllationlly

on foal rndiin and ritial ar rrd has a]s pulishd in his fild

Saralr's spial intrst is



th fol ritil ar unit at Bufort ottag quirr Hospita1.

a txtok

f rmdil



Asesses, 2,4, +0,63' 100, 128'

211 , 218,217 , 252, 256,251 , 264,


Blok' nrv'

102' ]0, ]0.l' 159' ]73'

r1i, \29, 186, 187, 188. 190, ] 91,

195' 28]' 289' 29' 29 1, 292

Briunl, 116'298' 299'


]uminilrm ms, 290, 291, 292


Ansthsia,1l, s ko Bklk, ru'

36' 37' 38' 9' 40,17,59, 8.l' 1 72,
82, 190, 1L)2,257

Analgsi, 83, 84, 85, 87, 88' 95,

158, 159, 112,




82, 212,

257 ,259,261

ntiiotis, 182. 18.5' 186, 1 87, ] 88'


108, ]]3, 116, 117,

1.22, 1+' 117

18, 1 19, 120,

,1.51,765,22' 254'

267, 268, 269,


0, 27 2, 21 6, 27 9,


l]rokn ak hoostrn xis

1' 45' 87' 91''92'107' 1]3'
119 , 12l.), 72

B,kn l.onr'.d

Arthrso, 6' 66'


ht- p.trn



68,90' 9]

Avrr]sion' fratur'



t]2, t]5,

10]' 19' 1'12' 1 15' 1 16,



l3alan, dorsopalrar,31' 45' 113' 114'



Bln, inl]n, 3], 46' 64' 90' 96,


02' 1 3' 104, 106'




123,121,126,127,1 28, 283, 298,

299' 0|)


artilg, ollatrl, 4' 11' 12' 1 1' 1 5'




|25' 126'

282, 285, 286,





1 1


129' 1+'

4, 295, 300

Lrk ligamnt, dtl' 18,

21 , 2,l

hk ligamnt, roirrrl'



115, 116,

]65' 208' 218' 224,26'282'

l-]r]v diss' 232

ontion, hoo, 82, 111' 12' 125'

Bsnln t nllran, 2 1'


Bddirrg' 211'228' 2.l8' 2.56' 27'27'\




,217 ,220,221 ,222

rg, 13, 1.l'

l)|orlriis' knk knd, s /.tl
D m,iti s, rpl uIgus, 7 6' 11'0

Dformitis' of1tt,

Doritis' rotation,
D[ritis, valglrs/vlgal^ ]6']7 110'
111. 282, 283, 285, 286,281, 290,



oriulrr. oronry. :l' 13' ] 5' 1 6'

lilll Jr:liry
(ALD)' 94,282,28' 285' 287'

Dorl rritit. rngrlJ.r

76'11'282' 283' 285' 293

lJiri:' sti' 106



Dorrrritis, flxural,

285, 287, 294,295


L)forllriis, arpal varrrs, 293

ontrtllr, flural, 76, 240'247

256' 257 259 26

BarrJ rring' 303

5' 6' 11' 1'2' 1'


6' 11o 1 1 1 ,282' 28 2t]5, 286'


onforration, ] 5' ] 6' 7 7' 7 8' 82, 87,
91,91,98,100, 101, 102, r 03,



i0:+, 106, 107, I 10,


L)1rmiti s, rpJ vi gr'

linia] nlination, 28' 62' 65' 66'



Drrrritis' ow_l ggd, 765' 29


32, 261, 269, 27 2, 27 6, 290


58' 162,163


11],14'1'17't49' 158' 161' 162'

Baian, mdioltr1, 33,

rrshion, digital, ,{, 13, 14,

61, 68, 82, 95, 746, 210, 250

dlami' 106, 117,


rks, sanl, 264,2]0,21

ushion, orolary, 17


90,92,94' 1o1,

raks, hoo' 100, 110,117, 1t]tl, 189'

195' 21 6' 222'' 223' 226,2+

Deep digital flxor tendon

audal suport' 118' 120'

Balane' 31,

s S|rids


rtiJg, rtiu]aI, 7' 20

192' 19' 194' 195' 20' 211


orv hks, 129, 158' ]62

Cushio, ular, .l,

arid, 298

18,1, 186, 187, 18U, 189, 190, 191,

ushing,s diss,
26' 28' 29 214,250


180, 181, 182, 183,

lrr, 1, 163

nnn on (tird nrtrpal),2'




nkr, 198,218

Assymtri, s B|



alkins, 161' 198' 298,299,o1

Arthrdsis' 154. 159, 160




rtll. oron.lly bnd. IJ. l5

1' 92' 9' 96' 99, 104'

1 1

oronary grovirg' 255


]Jursiis, 89, 93


rs, ,l, 82' 83' 1 00' ] 03'

2+9' 21


Artri ovnous anstoos5 (AvAs),

Artry,4,5' 6' 9'

1.' 14' 15' 16' 22.


oriunl, iopJi' 1 ' 1 5' 22' 25

orirtlll' solar' 13' 11' 16'22


B rst' 92' 1 39' 2o8' 215'

Adsivs, 198, 227, 281



Blod' 5, 13'20'21


orirrlll' lminar' 4'

s lso sthsi,

36, 37' 38' 39' .l' 56, 8, 84' 88'








v:rrl/r,arrts, 77


128' 287' 29|)' 292' 29'

Dtritis, rvinlsrvpt. 7(l


110' 116'

4, 295

Dglrrativ jint diss (DJD)' 67'


Dsloton]y, 94'

Flt ood,





Hmi_i rumfrntial priostai

6, 26

transtion' 291


286, 287' 29, 29 1, 292' 29'


oo xpansion,

29 +'

ot lan,

Digital flor ndon shth (DFTS)'

5, 6, 13, 17 ,21,25

Distal inrplngaJ (oIn) joirrt

lP)' 2' 3, 4, 5, 8' 11' 12' 13' 17,



83, 88, 95, 97, 98,



28, 12, 133' 134'


16,17' 138' ]39' 141,142'111'

148, 149, 1.66, 167, 1.68,

69, 1 99,

Frtu, on, 32' 34' 40'

,+6' 5.+'


57, 58, 59, 74,75,79,89,95,97.


100' 102' ] 51 154,




, 1 03

Distal ssmoid (navirrlr on), 2,

90, 191

Frg' prssur, 121',








216' 248' 2+9,252,25,

nvironnrnt, humid' 210' 21.5'


nvironnt, monson'
nvironnt, Wt'




21 8

215' 218'226'

quirl digital support systm (DSS)

21 6,279

57,58,59, 84, 85, 89,90,91,96,

99, 100,

0l, 104,


Granu]atio' tissu, 175' 116' 177 180'

1U1, 186, 188, 189, 190, 191, 195,

5, 289, 298,

299, ()0' 1' 02' 303'

rgo, 12
xris, 62' 61'

' 7 6' 77' 78' 19' 82,

92, 97, 119, 1:16, 148, 150, 159,

1.64, 171, 199, 208, 21 1, 21 7, 2\8,


Grorvth rings, 30, 31,

242' 258' 26

xt]rsor tnlos,8

122' 215, 285' 286' 29' 295



' 26' 214

21 6, 217, 227

Horn, quality, 7 8, 2L5, 21l, 226, 227,

Hypradrnoortiisnl, 238

Infetions, foot' 33, 9,14' 45' 67,

68, 79, 172, 180, 182, 183,



Ilflamlraion, 32,49,55,56' 57' 59' 60'

76, U3,98,99, 104, 14u, 162. 181
Insrtiona] tndinopathy, 85, 97

lshlllia, 87' 1 80' 1 88'




lsoin' 93

Grorvth, asynhronous, 283' 285

Growth plt,



Growth, sylmtri' 82, 121'

))) ))( )1) )1 )4o )q.l ))

oofrvr, 79,106' 109' 111' 121'

186' 188' 1|]9' 191' 195'202'20'

21'1' 27' 216' 256' 258' 260' 284

Gs, pokt, 44

Grip, 1 06, 207, 208,

oo tstrs, 33' 34' 35' 36, 82' 8.t'

100' 0' 172'2]'276'2]7


Gamma sintigraphy, 36.38,40, 56,


89, 190, 191, 192,

lyprxnsion,gl' 1|, 147' 148' 149'


nvironmnt, dr, 1 9, 21'1, 21'5' 216'

218, 21.9, 220, 22+, 225, 227

oof slough, 258

Horn, hydrtin,

251, 255, 258, 261, 272, 279

ndosopn 66'90'91

s Imbl

Hoopsrn is (HPA),31' .+5' 87'

91' 92' 1()1 11'2, |1' 111, 119
120,122' 12' 124' 125,1.44,152


Frog, suort, 12,142,114' 177



193' 194' 195'20


Di'tl inrphrlngl joint

8' 12, 125, 217.

186, 187, 188,

s Bl

o{I, 30

org, 122,

Hoof ]sions' 1o7 ' 172,17' 1'71' 1'75'
177,180,181, 182, 1 83, 1 8,+, 1 85,

Foals' prnlau,77

102, 103, 146' ] 59' 2,244,264

Dit, ] 08, 21'o,214'211

2' 25, 26' 240, 211' 245' 219


28, 281, 285,


90, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 1 00, 101,

Digital puls' 2' ' 31' 82' 240,


Hky stikig' 135' 142

4,75,] 6,71 ' 78'

201' 2o5' 218' 282'

Diagnosis, 26' 28' 4' 38, .l0' .12' 43,

59, 60, 62,63, 65, 68, 85, 88, 89,


2, 125' 2o8'

Fltr' 134, ]35,1.+1' 1+2'298


F]ion tst' 37' 88' 96

L)vlornntal ort opadi disas

]s, undr rln, s H|s, ollpstl

Firosis' 55, 193


s foy.si.r

I(ertinised, 1'75,1]7,180,

8], 190,



08, 215,

atma, 1.]2,






1] 6'

inrzy split, 153

Frt$' 71, 12'75,17,80

ir glass,290




1 1

emrrhagc, 55,




1 ]

3, ] 75' 182'

2.+rl. ].+J. 255

H, iipsd. 31, 45. 87' 92, ] 03'

10.+' 110' 11'111'.]18' 119.121,
1 23, r21, 117, 1 90, 220, 226

;t ttbok of l"f d i;rl

h l s



Lmenss, ssessment! 28' 29' 30'

31. 32. 33,3+, 3-r. 36, 37, 38, 39,

56, 65, 67, 68, 82, 87, 88. 95,

98. 100. l(j1. 102. 103. lu2


Lrinitis, 28, \' 2' 3.l.


63, 119,

Larlriitis, rtt orrl1r' 11,21
22' 2' 29, 211, 212, 21' 214,
245. 24q. 25(1. 252, 25.1, 255, l5h,


0, 21 1, 251, 262,


Prrntur' rvorrnds, 67, ] 80. ] 89' 218

ostrus, 237, 28' 26



Lainitis' oudr distn, 250.

25 1,



2' ] '

Radiography, 38,42,

6' 102' 16

56, 59, 65,

Ostoarthriis. 55, 87 ] 58
osrthrosis, 95

1 63' 172' 11,115,177

89' 1 91' 29, 240, 244, 25o' 251'
252' 258' 260. 261' 26' 264' 27 1'

ostohondrosis' 76

osto:rondrl rgmnt' 67' 95

)q) )qJ

Rrrrodllins, on' 55,79, 80' 85' 96,

ostoryolitis, 184,

Larrriniris, lhnial, 21' 2f 6

osopht' 55' 96, 159

255, 256, 259, 261. 265, 268, 269,


Rair, hoo, 128, 129,
r 90, I 9,+, 195

Laninitis, ll tboli, 21' 25' 25o

Lalinitis' srss

1td, 22, 2L),


, I 54, 222,224,252,


Rstion' hof lvll,

Pad, graduatd, 10'l

P'rd' syoom. 248, 219,

Lnrinitis, vsrrlr thory, 2' 25

Long to' lolv ]' 99' 103,119,216
Lsis, 1()1' 158' 159, \72, 175' 18+'

2, 21 ,


6, 9'

60, 86, 98, 99


97, 98


93, 94, 95'

Nvirrlr syndrnr' 57, 63' 54, 86' 88,

89, 90, 96, 98, 101, 103,


s Bklk

No_slip (hrssho nails). 298


Nn-stroidal nti_infl rnnl tory drugs

(NSII))' 92'95' 101,1o2, 159'
161, 187 ,216


disa] phian' 10'1,

5' 262' 261' 268' 27

Putzon, 92,


Spsis' 32' ' 4'

59, 216, 211, 257


292, 29'





68. 82' 99' 150'

Sptt mtritis, 237

]8' 282' 28, 284, 286,



Sdtion, 17,62,11' 182, 186, 189

Sptt ostitis, 99, 18,{

Plysulphtd glsrioglas,


Sond/rrrth mttrsl, 2, 5, 7

Pntoiflrllin, 93

6, 77,

Sating, 101, 121' 1.22' 11, 142' 14,

63' 1 64'

Pdnl o'tiis,qq, l0, I0l,2b5

287, 290' 29

diss, 29

Nurovastrlr undl' 32,39, 15]


139,140, t11,112


Nrrrtor, 9,1, 159


PalJa, uplvad fitjon' 158'

Physrs (grorvth plat), 70'

Nrosis' 55. \51' 212


Sarf, 133,134' 135' 136,137'

Pl|]. mdirl d.mromy. lo5


Naviular suspnsor dslntmy' 94

Nrv lok'

82, 96, 102' 146' 183'

Prth (rpair), 270

Nviular disese, 34, 5,82,83.

87' 88' 89' 9'91


usl llsting, 88

9]' 108, 116, 117'

9, 120, 121, 1.22, 139, 1,+3, 160,

Rotf,tion h






Pa]nlr third oot syndro (PTFS)'

Palpation, 2,


5, 1 90,

, 91,120' 121' 138,


1 1

(4RI)' 40' 50, 51,.52, 53' 5.l' 55'





88, 96, 98, 100, 103, 10:1,

182.252,251 ,21 1,27 6,271 ,278

agneti tesonane imaging


rspns' 32, 33,



81. ] 88'

Rstion, tissu, ] 72, ] 75' 1 89' 193'

Prin, rfl' 33, 34



1.9' 191, 2+5' 252' 255' 256






Rpair, tndon, 150' 153'

253, 268, 216.278,279, 288



100' 10]' 102' ]0:l' 11,119,158,

Lnrinitis, hrnl onl' 236, 28' 263

Lalrlillitis' sinkr' 232, 2+2' 24, 258,

45, 4(r,


ostob]sts' 79

Pads, 92. 96,

,+3, ,{.1,

51, -52, 53, 54, 55,

85, 88, 89, 90, 94, 95, 96,91,98,

ostolasts, 79

252' 255' 25] ,261 ,262' 2+

also,4llsss, 32. 34' .l3, 4,1


)nlsis, 227
ossous hngs' 90' 250,251''259
ossifi tin,

Lanrinitis' oundr ilroni, 122, 199,

22,239' 212' 24' 2+5,218,219'
254, 258' 259' 260, 261' 26' 266'
267, 268, 269,

odema, 3,55

Squstrur' 198'271


Pvidon iodin' 175, 184'207

Shard ls, 1 ,91 , |o' 121

Pssur haling' 17' 1]5' 116' 182'

Sho rvar, 106' 1 08' 1 ] 0' ] 5' ] ] 6'

12' 128' ] 35' 59' 208' 298' 300



]86' 187' 198' 2o2'20,20+'

Shs, djtrstJ hrtr, 254



Shos, altrllinium'

gitl), 2' 3' 1' 82' 29' 24o'





1 ]

6' ] ,11' 142' 116'

25'268' 287

2+2,2+ 218' 2+9


Shos, trilrs, 160. ]6], 161,165.16]'

Slros, rrd] tnsin' se al.io

Fhri|, 121, 1'l9,

18' 120' ]21

Shos, agbr' 91




\26' 12' 16'







1+9, 177, 191, 199. 200, 205, 2A6

Shos' r1 lt' 198. 199.2()1'205,

Shos' {tlok sort. 15+
138, 139, r41. 1+8,


Shos. flang, 115' 176' |7]

Sos, .l-bo]t plt,

hrrnogrh, 60'

150, 154,


98, 199,22.20'

20.1, 205, 208

hr;llplsti' 29' 292


hird lrrttrsal,

Sizilrg rnatrial, 132' 133



Sol rssrtr' 9.]' 1 01' 1.+3'

Spvirr, on, 123' 158. 159' 16t)

Shs, hlf rtl,


1,+1, 1.+8,

1.19, 15.+,


Sos, hospil pla, 175. 116' 177


98. 1 99, 2\)0. 201. 202, 2t)3. 20+.


1 1

6, 12' 1.22' 1 6()'

165' 167. 168, 169.25.26].


, 9, 96' 159, 21

Stifl' lokd,


Strt.rrail' 198

Studs, 108,


Shos. rrrdio1tral rnsiotls' 127.

128. L29. 160, 161. 165, 167,

292' 29' 291


Sos' Nturl L3a1an, 9 |' 9?' 93.

6,208. 216,298,299.300





Srrprfiial digitl flor loLr

(SDFT),3, +,5,6, 10, 17, 18,20,

)t )t


Surgrr,' 65, 66' 67' 68, 91.160' 112.


176,171,18.1, 185, 193. 195.200,

Shos, :rttll, I2' |7'.]38' 1.+1' 1.l3'

Shos, rlrisd lrls, sr

lri td rllr'r!, 123' 129'

119,162,16,1, 186
36' 137' 138' 1.l1. 112.








5' 289. 299




S' rJ ti o


36'.+.+. .+5, 50.76. 99. ] ()+.

106. 107, 109, 112, 113, 116. 117.
1 i8' 1 19' 1.20, 1.21, 122' 1 2' 121'
125.126, l2t,129,167. 1 69. 1 8,+,
1 88, 1 9-5, 200. 21 2, 21 6. 211, 22\),
221 225' 228, 216, 259' 26a. 26'
266, 267. 269. 2] |)' 27 6. 282, 28,
285, 286. 288, 289, 29\),291,292,
293, 295^ 3l).+.




Vaines, 27
VaSoonstrrrion, 23' 21

Vasodiltion. 62' 93. 23. 23+' 215,

Vtrin Susols At, 28
W.edge pd,

s |s

Whi 1irr diss.218' 225,22]

Sylrovitis. 2. 3+. 93

Whit lirr' lis[sill, 1\' 1']2,111,



111. 112. 118

1.17. 15

pratrrr ot, 32.

.1, 61. 63, 6.l

udinitis, 9],146,11]




d/Jo Lf-rlo/?.\., 67

lldon ]sios. 33, 55' 7.+, 1 13' 1 14,

L22, L21, 146, L41 , 1.+8, 1.19, 1 50.
1s1, 1s2, 153, 1s:1, 1 -55. 1 85, 299


Slros. to tsio.



o r1llli:}1 horsshoing




Shs. tr 1rrartr tu11d, 16' 11,

a tetok

\75' 146.

185, 186, 187, 188, 189, 190, t9t,

19,191' ] 95' 198. 199. 200, 202.

Sos. h qu ar, 1 +3, 20:l, 205



15.1, 180, 18 t , I

dinopathy, 8.5, 97



208, 00

Sos.nnss llviula, 1.+9, 151

tl,) ))1

Srrturing t hool-, 180' 19.l. 195

'T' square,

Shos' stright_ar. 91' 99, 1 32. 1 33,

2, 24


.+9' 50,
70. 7,1, 85. 86, 96. 99, 1+6, 162.

SrLhroudrl sti lsions. 95


169,286.287' 288' 289.29'291


Ltrasonogphy, 38, .l0. 48,


Strrrrrliog, 87,

ri' 227,27

ungstn..12, 298

58, 1 63

Sryrofo stlpport svstm, 275

20-r, 206, 207, 208

111 , I9t),



Shos, hl lvation, 99' 1o1,122,

1'52' 153, 15,+' 29,l. 198

lltrprl), 2'



Squar(d) to, 93,

1 .1.1

Shs hatbr, 9] ] 0.+' 1 19' 132. ] 39.

1.+0, 15.+, 111,191,199, 2,+5, 253,


Slint on (snd arld |urtr


2 |8

Trnshvsl idging, 29 1, 29

Sp:troso,v, 53

92, 10,+, 1.+6. 163

Shos, grdutd ar.


Trr:rirr lag.

Svin. bog, 1 58


Shos' irlsd lt.


6' 29.



Sos, grdrrtd, .i

123, 128, 129,


o drg,108' 116' 159' 163,16+

Spavin tst, 1 58

ir,l l|i il'

2. 5, 7


Sli' 207, 289' 298' 299' 301 302.

Sos' rog lt' 136' 19' 1'4()' 112,

r 4.1, 253 268

' 62' 63. .);l, 83


Sikl hoks,158' 162

SJr rolaps, 219, 252, 262' 21

Shos. fistjl (audJ tnsiol), L32,

Tnoto]ri digital flor, 215, 251 , 2,60

.v, |so rrliorp| L,


'1\,71 '


.+2' .+3.



lSBN 1 -899772-




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