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Instructional Strategies and Planning Interview (Standard 4)

Teaching strategies:

1. TPR (Total Physical Response) is a cognitive teaching technique based on theory of learning applied
specifically to second language learning where are used a variety of learning strategies that are
compatible with the learners own style. This technique less apprehensible to the learner where teachers
are modelling commands physically and verbally for students promotes understanding the spoken
language before expressive language emerges. Students are then required to respond with appropriate
However, because of comprehension of the language spoken to them, students will began producing
spoken language after a certain individual readiness period since each student can spontaneously begin
to speak when the he or she feels comfortable and confident in understanding and producing the
This approach is an aptitude-free approach which mean that is effective for everyone in the normal
curve of ability, not just those with high academic ability, produces great outcomes with both young and
older students and it is a stress-free approach since it allows each student to begin the expressing
themselves verbally thorough the new acquired language at their own pace.
This approach targets students in lower level of French, when they might be a bit more apprehensible
regarding speaking a new language since this language offers first acclimatization with the language
itself, with rules of pronunciation and language expectation overall.
Using this approach during the initial stage of language acquisition (sometimes called preproduction),
sounds and patterns of the new language can be internalized rapidly through language-body
conversations while long-term retention is enhanced, which gives both students and teachers keen
motivation day after day.
This approach is also having great results with students who are reaching level II, the production stage
as well as in speaking, reading and writing especially when learning a new grammatical concept or
vocabulary item which can be internalized kinesthetically though movement.

2. The Direct Approach was developed to counterbalance the grammar-translation approach and its
failure to produce learners who could use the foreign language they had been studying builds up on the
concept of immersing the students in the target language, with no use of the mother tongue by
integrating into the lessons dialogues or/and anecdotes in modern conversational style, make use of
actions and pictures in order to make meanings clear, teach grammar inductively(partially on trial and
error) as well as culture. This approach uses a slow build-up of skills paired with a lot of vocabulary
repetition in context to help students learn to communicate from first day of learning.

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In addition to that literary texts are read for enjoyment and are not analyzed grammatically. Instruction
using this approach is usually guided by native speaker or have with nativelike proficiency in the
language to maintain the authenticity of the task and incorporate as much cultural aspects as possible in
the lessons presented since culture and language are so intertwined.
This approach could be used successfully for all level students since this method builds on the premise
that a second language should be learned more like the first language.

3. The Audiolingual Method (ALM) is a behaviorism-based technique employed in classrooms as
second-language instruction is based on the concept that learning results from a change in overt
behavior. Applied to language acquisition, one learns language by emitting sounds which are reinforced
by a response by another. By receiving various linguistic stimuli and responding to them repeatedly,
students form good language habits by making use of extensive conversation practice in the target
In terms of individual structures, these are presented one at a time and practiced via repetition drill while
grammar explanations are quite being minimal or nonexistent, with students learning grammatical
structures by inductive analogy.
A regular ALM class consists of ten-minute drill periods infused with exercises such as the reading and
memorization of a dialogue. The instructor then examines a grammar point by contrasting it with a
similar point in the students native language. (The teacher speaks in the native language, but
discourages its use among students.) This is followed by more drillschain drills, repetition drills,
substitution drills. Target language vocabulary is introduced and learned in context, and teachers make
abundant use of visual aids.
This technique produces good results mainly with students who can memorize dialogues, yet it does not
entirely guaranty success on using the target language with proficiency however I believe that this
method can be used for Level I and II students who could benefit from memorizing basic vocabulary
used in daily conversations.

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Building: Marshall Middle School, 25 S Pontiac Drive, Janesville, WI 53545

Bienvenue! Welcome to the beginning of your French studies.
glad you are here!



I am

French, I Middle School is an introduction to French language and culture. The fundamentals of French
pronunciation, grammar, and culture are presented through a balanced development of all four skills: listening,
speaking, reading, and writing. The importance of communication and cultural awareness is stressed through a wide
variety of activities (group/pair work, video, audio recordings, computer assignments, songs, hands-on projects etc.).
This course is designed for students with little or no knowledge of French language or culture. This course expects
students to meet the Wisconsin Standards of Learning for French level I by developing the four basic language
competencies (reading, writing, speaking, and listening).


At the completion of this course, students

are expected to be able to:
Communicate in French orally and in writing about
everyday situations
Comprehend both written and spoken language
about everyday
Demonstrate a basic understanding of French
spelling, pronunciation, and basic French grammar;
Show some knowledge of the francophone world
and of French geography, history, and daily life;
Connect French studies with other subjects studied
at Henrico High School and found in the world
around you;
Illustrate similarities and differences between the
French and American cultures.


(materials needed for this class)

Notebook or ring binder -daily

Pencil and Pen daily

Eraser - daily

Highlighters (two different colors) - daily

One pack 3x5 cards (to be replaced as needed)

One zipping pencil bag for your binder (to store flash

French 7 grade

Several manila or colored file folders (with NO


NOTES (grading)
The grading scale for this class is category based:
Homework & Written work - 20%
Oral participation & Listening - 20%
Quizzes 20%
Tests & Projects 40%

DEVOIRS (homework)

Homework and other assignments electronic or paper - prepared outside of

class are due at the beginning of the class

Points will be deducted for late work full

credit will be awarded if complete.
Homework assignments will be posted in
Infinite Campus.

Homework will be collected periodically to

be checked and graded for accuracy. Dont
be caught without your homework!


and tests)

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Quizzes will be given weekly or biweekly.

Tests will be given at the middle of the quarter
and at the end of the quarter.
PROJETS (projects)

At least one major project each marking period

which will be counted as a test grade. Each
project will include at a minimum the use of
written and/or spoken French.
Students will be orally quizzed from the vocabulary
and grammar previously learned.

RGLES DE LA CLASSE (class room rules)

Rgle n1 : You enter a DEVICE FREE ZONE!
Please TURN OFF your device and STORE IT out of
sight. !
Rgle n2 : Make sure you have your materials
with you BEFORE you enter the classroom (ton
cahier, stylo, gomme).
Rgle n3 : Enter the class room quietly.

Students will also be quizzed on the I can bubble


Rgle n4 : Get your bell work (on demarre)

BEFORE the bell rings.

Students will be assessed as well with their oral

and writing participation at the beginning of class
when on demarre / bell work it is solved.

Rgle n5 : You will be instructed when devices are

allowed in the classroom (for certain projects, games).

1. Students will receive one warning for any disruption
of class, not following classroom or rules.
2. A second infraction will result in after school
detention. Detentions will be served after school on an
assigned date, on a length of time that varies
depending on the offense. Parents are responsible for
after detention transportation. In addition, the parent
may be called by teacher during class time to speak
with the student.
3. After a detention has been assigned, further
infractions beyond one warning will result in immediate
referrals to the appropriate administrator. Should
misbehaviors continue after this, parents will be further
involved with the appropriate administrator.


TUTORING : Thursdays after-school or by
appointment. Please, dont let yourself get
lost! Should you wish to contact me with
concerns or questions, I can be reached at
Marshall Middle School during the 11.45 A.M.3.45 P.M. at phone number: 608- 743-6155 or
via e-mail address: rarndt@janesville.k12.wi.us
I will make every effort to reply to e-mail within 8
business hours.

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Rgle n6 : Be respectful with your peers, teacher

and towards the learning environment.
Rgle n7 : Raise your hand BEFORE you speak.
Rgle n8 : Make sure you do not interrupt
especially when directions and given, lessons are
presented. If you have any question write in on a post
it and address it during the time reserved for
Rgle n9 : Try using FRENCH ONLY to speak!
Use the prompts on the walls to refresh your memory
of how to properly ask a question/permission/etc.
Rgle n 10: Be kind, understanding, responsible
and make sure you follow the safety rules always!
Rgle n 12: Enjoy learning in this classroom and
participate in making this learning environment a
wonderful place to be

I have read and understand all of the information on these pages.

I agree to abide by guidelines in this document and to keep the syllabus in the front of my French I binder.
Nom dtudiante [student name]
__________________________________ __ Autographe de llve ( student signature ) & Date
Nom de(s) parent(s) [parent name]
____________________________________Autographe du parent ( parent/guardian signature ) & Date

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