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History of kraton Yogyakarta

Sultan Agung, the Sultanate of Mataram was declining due to power struggle within the
sultanate. To make things worse, VOC (Dutch East India Company) exploited the power struggle
to increase its control. At the peak of the conflict, the Mataram Sultanate was split in two based
on the Treaty of Giyanti of February 13, 1755: Yogyakarta Sultanate and Surakarta Sultanate.
The Giyanti Treaty mentioned Pangeran Mangkubumi as Sultan of Yogyakarta with the title of
Sampeyan Dalem Ingkang Sinuwun Kanjeng Sultan Hamengkubuwono Senopati Ingalaga Abdul
Rakhman Sayidin Khalifatullah Panatagama (His Majesty, The Sultan-Carrier of the Universe,
Chief Warrior, Servant of the Most Gracious, Cleric and Caliph that Safeguards the Religion).
During the era of Dutch occupation there were two principalities, the Yogyakarta Sultanate
(Kasultanan Yogyakarta) and the smaller Pakualaman Duchy / Principality (Kadipaten
Pakualaman). The Dutch Colonial Government arranged for the carrying out autonomous self
government, arranged under a political contract. When the Indonesian independence was
proclaimed, the rulers, the Sultan of Yogyakarta and Prince of Pakualaman made a declaration
they would become part of the Republic of Indonesia. Those two regions were unified to form
the Yogyakarta Special Region and the sultan became the Governor of Yogyakarta and the Prince
of Pakualaman as the vice-governor; both were responsible to the President of Indonesia. The
Special Region of Yogyakarta was created after the independence war ended and legalized on
August 3, 1950. In carrying out the local government administration it considers three principles:
decentralization, deconcentration and assistance. The provincial government carries out the
responsibilities and authorities of the central government, while on other hand carrying out its
autonomous responsibilities and authorities. The Regional Government consists of the Head of
the Region and the Legislative Assembly of the Region. Such construction guarantees good
cooperation between the Head of Region and the Legislative Assembly of Region in order to
achieve a sound regional government administration. The Head of the Special Region of
Yogyakarta has got responsibility as the Head of the Territory and titled as a Governor. The first
Governor was the late Hamengkubuwono IX, Sultan of Yogyakarta and continued by HRH. Paku
Alam VIII as acting governor untilHamengkubuwono X ascended in 1998. Unlike the other
heads of regions in Indonesia, the governor of the Special Region of Yogyakarta has the privilege
or special status of not being bound to the period of position nor the requirements and way of
appointment. However, in carrying out their duties, they have the same authorizations and
responsibilities. The principal residence of the sultan is the kraton (palace), sometimes called the
Yogyakarta Kraton but otherwise known in formal terms Kraton Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat.
File:COLLECTIE TROPENMUSEUM Beksan Entheng dansers aan het hof van de sultan van
Jogjakarta TMnr 60027246.jpg
Beksan dancers, circa 1870.
Yogyakarta is well-known as home of Gadjah Mada University[1],one of Indonesias most
prominent state university. This city also houses several well known private universities such as

Muhammadiyah University of Yogyakarta[2], Islamic University of Indonesia[3], Atmajaya

University of Yogyakarta[4] and Sanata Dharma University[5]File:COLLECTIE
TROPENMUSEUM Prinsen en prinsessen in de kraton van Jogjakarta. Princes and princesses of
the Yogyakarta Sultanate (1870). Hamengkubuwono (also spelt Hamengkubuwana) is the current
ruling royal house of theYogyakarta Sultanate in Yogyakarta Special Region of Indonesia. The
current Sultan isHamengkubuwono X.
As with many significant historical and respected figures in Javanese culture, the name of a ruler
is usually preceded by honourifics in most cases the usage is of Sri Sultan before the name. In
full titles the first Hamengkubawana was titled: Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono I Senopati Ing
Ngalaga Sayidin Panatagama Kalifatulah. The Hamengkubuwana is considered by Javanese as
the true claimant and heir to the throne of the Second Mataram Kingdom and the vast Majapahit
Empire, hence the post-Independence special privileges of self-rule solely allotted to the
Hamengkubuwana keraton (palace)- not extended to the other three princedoms and fiefdoms of
the Treaty of Giyanti (1755)
For some Javanese, the name has been interpreted as having the following compontents.
Hamangku: pleased to serve people
Hamengku: protect the people in a just way.
Hamengkoni: ready to take responsibility of a leader.
Buwono: Universe
List of Sultans of Yogyakarta (1755-present)

Name Reign start

Reign end



Hamengkubuwono I February 13, 1755


Hamengkubuwono II April 2, 1792 June 20, 1812


Hamengkubuwono III June 28, 1812 November 3, 1814


Hamengkubuwono IVNovember 9, 1814

December 6, 1823

first reign


Hamengkubuwono V December 19, 1823

August 17, 1826

first reign


Hamengkubuwono IVAugust 17, 1826

January 2, 1828

second reign


Hamengkubuwono V January 17, 1828

June 5, 1855 second reign

March 24, 1792


Hamengkubuwono VI July 5, 1855

July 20, 1877


Hamengkubuwono VII

December 22, 1877

January 29, 1921


Hamengkubuwono VIII

February 8, 1921

October 22, 1939


Hamengkubuwono IXMarch 18, 1940


Hamengkubuwono X March 7, 1989 incumbent

October 2, 1988

Guard of the Sultan.

Yogyakarta is the special province in Indonesia. It is located at southern of Merapi Mount.
Yogyakarta divided by Progo River and Opak River in outer range. Lava from Merapi always
flows along these rivers. There are five regency / municipality. The regencies are Sleman
regency, Kulon Progo regency, Gunung Kidul regency and Bantul regency. The only one
municipality is Jogjakarta, that also as capital city of Yogyakarta Special Region Province.
Before become a province ot was a part of Vorstenlanden. History of Yogyakarta Special Region
always be related with the kingdom of Mataram. The Kingdom of Mataram was built by
Sutawijaya. Sutawijaya was a on of Ki Ageng Pemanahan. He has killed Aryo Penangsang, the
enemy of Pajang Kingdom. Pajang Kingdom has given him land that was named Mentaok
Forest. Sutawijaya worked hardly to build a kingdom. After he was become a king, he have a
tittle Panembahan Senopati. The glorious of Kingdom Mataram was happened when it was
handled by Raden Mas Rangsang who was also popular with the tittle Sultan Agung
Hanyokrokusumo. The authority was large through over Java island and a part of Sumatera
island. The influence of Mataram authority could be larger again if no VOC here. VOC
(Verenigde Oost Indische Compagnie) has occupied many authority region of Mataram
Kingdom. Sultan Agung was very angry so he arranged some strategy to attacked VOC. He
attacked VOC in Batavia (Jakarta City now), in 1628 and 1629, unfortunately it was failed. VOC
burnt food resources of Mataram. Many Mataram soldiers was hungry and no power to attacked
in the war with VOC. After the death of Sultan Agung in 1645, Mataram authority was weaker
and weaker, and The Dutch presser was stronger and larger. The Prince of Sultan Agung
grandchild were confronted one with another. In the case Dutch always become the third party
and got the advantages from the disputes. Sultan Amangkurat II the grandson of Sultan Agung
still could handle his government. Other dispute was occured between Sunan Mas (Sunan
Amangkurat III) and Prince Puger. Prince Puger then proclaimed himself to be Sunan
Pakubuwono I. At the same time Mataram power faded out since Dutch always tried to divide it
by all means. Sunan Paku Buwono III (the son of Paku Buwono II) was promoted by Dutchto be
a Mataram administrator. The instalation made Prince Mangkubumi (The brother of Sunan Paku
Buwono II) was disappointed and choosed to back to Ngayogyakarta because of unsatisfied
policies of Sunan Pakubuwono and Dutch interference in organizing Mataram. It event again
caused a conflict in Mataram. Prince Mangkubumi supported by Raden Mas Said tried to fight
against the Dutch (VOC). Mataram was divided into two region, according Giyanti agrement on

February 1755. Sunan Pakubuwono III ruled the Surakarta Hadiningrat. Prince Mangkubumi
reined a new Kingdom, Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat. Then, Prince Mangkubumi was titled Sultan
Hamengku Buwana I. Raden Mas said was finally recognized as the prince who held the power
in Mangkunegaran and was called Pangeran Aryo Adipati Mangkunagoro. Until now Mataram
broke into two and people in Projo Kejawen (Surakarta and Yogyakarta) suffered more and more.

Result about some conversation with tourists in kraton

When we were visiting kraton Jogjakarta, we met some tourists. Then we was had a conversation
with him. His name is Richard. He comes from Australia. He will stay here about 2 weeks. This
is his second time to visit Indonesia and first time to visit Jogja. At the first he was visited
Jakarta. In Jogja he got a friend but accidentally his father friend is sick so he cant accompanied
Richard to go to around Jogja. He told us that he got some guide books then he read it. The book
contains many tourism places around Jogja. The first he decided to visit Kraton Jogjakarta. He
said that Kraton is beautiful. The people who lived around Kraton can keep their tradition until
now. It has some magnetic power to get the tourist. He also said that Kraton is unique.
Then we met Bill. He is from Canada. But he ever lived in Vietnam for a while. He very like
Kraton cause he found something that he cant find in Canada. He loves culture and traditional
activity that held on Kraton area. He really loves traditional dance, and luckily he can enjoy it
when he visited kraton that day. He knowing Kraton from his friend. He also want to visit
temples around DIY and Magelang. This is his first time to go to Jogja and Indonesia. He said
that Kraton is the center point of Javanese daily life. He loves culture that still exist in Kraton.

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