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My history professor was scanning the pages of the text.

He folded up the text and slammed it against the wall.

Turning around he looked into the students startled faces.
"Who writes history he shouted, the victorious armies of war!
"The mouthpieces of the overlords, Nietzche's (overman),
You might be more familiar with Shaw's translation (Superman)."
He took off his horn-rimmed glasses and scanned the room.
Without his glasses I doubt if he could see anything but a blur!
He thought he was the epitome, the personification of his generation,
A well educated, exuberent, suave and urbane man.
"Think about it my young friends," he explained.
"If the shoe had been on the other foot,
And the other side had won the war,
What then would this text contain?"
As was his custom, he asked one of the students to fetch the discarded text,
Then he began thumbing through the pages one by one.
Balderdash he proclaimed, this is a bunch of malarkey!
This is not history; this is a gross distortion of reality!
Were you there a bright but imprudent student asked aloud.
The professor promptly dismissed the student and sent him home.
The student didn't show up for class for the rest of the semester.
After the final exam in the hall,on a sheet of paper,
On the bulletin board, the final grades of the history class
were displayed.
Next to the name of the student who had been dismissed,
(There was an A!)

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