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Lesson Plan Format

You Name/Instructor: Chelsey Malkowski___

Subject: ___English__________
Date: ____3/25/15__________
Grade Level: __4th Grade_________
Students: __Entire class with focus on Estaban (identified
with EI and also ODD.) _
Lesson Element

Focus and

Teacher: Class yesterday we learned about reading
stories and how to answer questions about them.
Today we are learning about story plot, how to
explain the story sequence and how to explain the
story ending.

Lesson Objective: After reading a 1500 word mystery story in English,

Estaban will identify the story plot, explain the story sequence using 10
sequence cards, explain the ending, and why he liked or did not like the story
with 90% accuracy on the skill rubric.
Assessments: Worksheet with space for identifying story plot, explaining story
sequence and explaining story ending. Skills rubric


What is the
teacher doing?
Teacher is in
front of the
classroom by
the overhead
and has vantage
point of the
entire class.
Giving visual
reference to the
overhead as the
Story Map is
Teacher is
keeping an eye
on Estaban
making sure he
is focused.

What are the students

Students are sitting at their
individual desks arranged
in rows, facing front board
and looking at the
overhead projector.
Students are facing front to
use visual modality of
Story Map introduction
with the teachers auditory
explanation. Estaban is
seated in the first row in
the front of the room, in
the middle desk between
two peers who are liked
and are also peer role
models to increase
Estabans positive
emotions and feelings. The
teacher can easily cue him
from the front and side of
the classroom.

Previous lesson
content and Story
Map, overhead
projector with

Story Map Source:

Van & Bos text

Teacher presents lesson concepts Story plot, story

sequence and story ending.

Teacher Input

1. Teacher will present the term story sequence on 20

the board and under it will write the definition; The
parts of a story, beginning, middle and end. Then the
teacher will write the components of story
sequence. Beginning, middle and end. The teacher
will read each word out loud and while pointing to
each word will have the students chorally repeat
each term. Then the teacher tells the students that
these are the components of story sequence, each
story has a beginning, middle and end. Knowing the
story sequence will help you comprehend what
you have read and understand the story.
2. Teacher will present the definitions of beginning
middle and end. The teacher will write each term on
the board followed by the definition.
Beginning: The beginning of the story; it outlines the
characters and setting.
Middle: The middle of the story; it outlines the
End: The end of the story; it outlines the resolution
and end.
The teacher will read each term and definition out
loud to the class and will ask them to chorally repeat
each term and definition.
3. Teacher will present the term story plot on the
board and under it will write the definition; The
events that make up a story. Then the teacher will
write the components of story plot: the setting,
trouble, order of action, resolution and end. The
teacher will read each word out loud and while
pointing to each word will have the students chorally

Teacher begins
at the front of
the room with
#1-#4 in TI
explanation to
lay down the
foundation for
the concepts and
continuing a
visual on all
students to
make the most
of their focus
and attending.
During this the
teacher is
visual and
modalities to
distribute the
content being

For Entire TI:

Students are sitting at their
individual desks arranged
in rows, facing front board
and looking at the
overhead projector.
Students are facing front to
use visual modality of
Story Map introduction
with the teachers auditory
explanation. Estaban is
seated in the first row in
the front of the room, in
the middle desk between
two peers who are liked
and are also peer role
models to increase
Estabans positive
emotions and feelings. The
teacher can easily cue him
from the front and side of
the classroom.

During the #5
and #6 the
teacher can
walk away from
the board when
reviewing the
acronym and
steps #1-2 & #4.
Teacher can
walk around the
room while

Students are facing front

of class to use visual
modality of TI content
with the teachers auditory
explanation of the
concepts. Students are
responding in choral
reading and response
manner as cued by the

Story Map Source:

Van & Bos text
Choral response
Price & Nelson pg
whiteboard, Lined
Estabans DI
supports in TI:
cited at end of
Definitions for
LPO Concepts:
Van & Bos text

repeat each term. Then the teacher tells the students

that these are the components of the story plot.
4. Teacher presents the definition of each term by
writing STORE across the board and then writing the
term Setting vertically underneath the S,
Trouble vertically underneath the T, Order of
action vertically underneath the O, Resolution
vertically underneath the R and End vertically
underneath the E The teacher will point to each
letter and say the word that corresponds with it out
loud and ask the students to chorally repeat each
term. Then the teacher will separately list the
definitions next to the acronym.
Setting: Who, what, when, where
Trouble: What is the trouble that the main
character needs to solve?
Order of action: What action(s) does the main
character(s) take to solve the problem?
Resolution: What was the outcome for each
action? How does the main character(s) react and
End: What happened in the end?
5. The teacher will read and explain each definition
separately in the STORE acronym out loud to the
class. The teacher then will explain how answering
these questions will help the students remember the
important parts of the story. The teacher will also
explain that each part of the story plot equals an
acronym STORE that can help them easily
remember the parts of the story plot.
6. Teacher recaps TI by returning to Steps1, 2 & 4
and reads the terms and definitions one last time.

content. Teacher
can check on
Estaban while
Straightaway at
#1 ongoing to
#4, the teacher
is conscious of
how significant
it is that Estaban
needs to focus,
keep calm and
free from
during TI. He
needs to pay
attention and
look at the
board while
using his DI
support at his
desk. When
walking away
from the front
of the room the
teacher pauses
at Estabans
desk to check
his focus and

Students have lined paper

and are taking notes on the
terms and definitions of
the LPO concepts.
Estaban is using a
differentiated instruction
Academic support
developed by the teacher
and pre-taught to Estaban
in advance of the Lesson.
Estaban will have the
graphic organizer at his
desk since the beginning
of the lesson. The teacher
gives Estaban the preestablished visual cue to
get this Story Plot Map
graphic organizer out once
they have reached the
Story Plot phase in the
Lesson. Estaban then has
this graphic organizer
beside him on his desktop
as he is taking notes on a
separate sheet of paper as
are the other students.
Estaban uses his
graphic organizer to
follow along and
making connections
between the graphic
organizer and what
the teacher is
verbally saying.

Estaban can fill in

notes under each
component of the
Story Plot.
Estabans Academic DI
support is the Story Plot
Map Graphic Organizer
The teacher explains that it is time to practice the skills
just presented.

Guided Practice

1. Using the overhead projector to project the story so

the entire class can see, the teacher stands in the front
of the classroom and reads the 1500 story to the whole
class, while the students follow along.
2. Then the teacher uses the overhead projector to
display 10 sequence cards, and still display the 1500
word story. The sheet with 10 sequence cards is to help
explain story sequence. The teacher explains that each
student will get a worksheet with each of the 10
sequence cards on it to use during GP and IP.
3. The teacher stands at the front of the room and
presents the 10 sequence cards as a whole, explaining
the sequence of the cards and how they go from
beginning, middle to end and how using the cards
coincides with characters and setting, the problem, the
resolution and end of the story. The teacher uses the 10
sequence cards to show how it relates to the story just
presented to the class.
4. Teacher hands out a worksheet with listing of the
story plot, story sequence and the explanation of story
ending in spaces to write in. Then the teacher will ask


Teacher starts
off in front of
using the
projector to
put up a story
and sequence
cards and walk
through using
visual and
continues to
keep visual
focus of the
students as the
story is being
read and the
sequence card
use is being
Teacher makes
sure Estaban is
calm and

Students are facing front of

class to use visual modality
of the beginning of GP
with the teachers auditory
explanation of the story
and sequence cards.
Estaban is seated in the
first row in the front of the
room, in the middle desk
between two peers who are
liked and are also peer role
models to increase
Estabans positive
emotions and feelings. The
teacher can easily cue him
from the front and side of
the classroom.
GP individual practice. The
students will work at their
own desk to practice what
the teacher is showing at
the front of the room.
Peer Pairs Practice: Peers
will move 2 desks together
and begin to work together

Estabans DI
supports in GP:
cited at end of
GP content
Sources are
same as IP for
the GP practice
worksheet and
answer key.

the students to use the sequence cards to complete the

story sequence portion of the worksheet. The students
will follow along as the teacher completes the first
problem on the worksheet.
5. The teacher then has the students get into peer pairs
of two and complete the rest of the story sequence
portion of the worksheet. Note. As the students are in
peer pairs the teacher is walking around the class
looking at each student answers. After taking a pass
through the teacher returns to the front of the room.
6. Teacher will put the answer key on the board and
will read the answers out loud as the students follow
along. The students work with their peer pair to decide
if their answers are okay or not okay, and mark their
7. Teacher will instruct the students to complete the
story plot and story ending portion of their worksheet
with their peer pairs. Note. As the students are in peer
pairs the teacher is walking around the class looking at
each student answers. After taking a pass through the
teacher returns to the front of the room. After each peer
pair is finished the teacher will provide an answer key.

Teacher will
hand out work
sheet to
students and
explain the
how to
complete the
first example
on the
When students
move into
pairs the
teacher will
walk around
the room
Teacher will
how the
students will
be paired so
that Estaban
has a

on the story sequence

portion of the worksheet.
When they finish the story
sequence portion of GP
they will review the answer
key on the board and will
do a peer pair check of
their work. Estaban will be
paired with a supportive
peer. When finished with
the GP the students will
move the desks back to the
way they were in TI and
return to their desks.
Estaban is using a
differentiated instruction to
assist him with Behavioral/
Emotional support
developed by the teacher
and pre taught to Estaban
in advance of the lesson.
Estaban then has this
graphic organizer beside
him on his desktop when
the teacher begins GP and
gives the lead in to the peer
practice. Estaban has this
sheet beside him when he
works with his peer team
explaining story sequence,
identifying story plot and
explaining story ending.
When/If Estaban becomes
frustrated; he can look at
the graphic organizer and

say the steps to himself

then continue working with


The teacher then stands in the front of the classroom to

explain that it time for them to show what they have
learned and work alone. The teacher explains to the
students that they will work alone and quietly at their
desks. They can have the 10 sequence cards from GP at
their desks.
The teacher puts a copy of the IP worksheet on the
overhead to explain the directions of each section on
the worksheet. Teacher reads the directions and make
clear of the procedures of working alone at their desks,
raising hand if there are questions and where to submit
their finished worksheet. If they finish before the class
period is over the students are directed to quietly
reading at their desks or on the floor in the room.


Teacher says Today we learned about story plot, how to

explain the story sequence and how to explain the story
ending. Tomorrow we will apply what we have learned
to a new story.

Teacher will
30 min be at the front
of the room to
introduce the
IP. Teacher
will start by
putting a copy
of the IP on
the overhead,
has vantage
point of entire
class while
around the
room. Giving
reference to
the overhead
and watching
making sure
he is not
Teacher is in
front of the
classroom by
the overhead

Estabans Behavioral DI
support is Remain
Focused Graphic
Students are facing front of
class listening to the
teachers auditory
explanation and direction
of IP on the overhead. If
they have questions, they
can raise their hands.

IP content
Sources are
same as IP for
the GP IP
worksheet and
answer key.

Estaban is seated in the

first row in the front of the
room, in the middle desk
between two peers who are
liked and are also peer role
models to increase
Estabans positive
emotions and feelings. The
teacher can easily cue him
from the front and side of
the classroom.

Estabans AT
device in IP.

Students are sitting at their

individual desks arranged
in rows, facing front to use
visual modality with the


and has
teachers auditory recap.
vantage point
of the entire
Estaban is seated in the
class. Giving
first row in the front of the
room, in the middle desk
reference to
between two peers who are
the overhead
liked and are also peer role
as the Story
models to increase
Map is
Estabans positive
emotions and feelings. The
Teacher is
teacher can easily cue him
keeping an eye from the front and side of
on Estaban
the classroom.
making sure
he is focused.
Reflection/Evaluation: The teacher will grade each individual students Independent Practice worksheet (assessment). The teacher will assign a score
to each students work and transfer the score into a percent. This percent achieved will be equated to the LPO criterion of 90% to determine if the
student demonstrated expected LPO mastery knowledge and skill.
Lesson Plan Sources: Teacher Input & Guided Practices content sources:
Vaughn, S. & Bos, C. (2015) Strategies for teaching students with learning and behavior problems (pg.229 & 253-271)Upper Saddle River NJ: Pearson
Education Inc.
Independent Practice Worksheet: Source adapted from:
Vaughn, S. & Bos, C. (2015) Strategies for teaching students with learning and behavior problems (pg.253-271) Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education Inc.
Academic DI support in TI Story Plot Map adapted from:
Vaughn, S. & Bos, C. (2015) Strategies for teaching students with learning and behavior problems (pg.251-252 Figrue8-13 & 253-254 Figure 8-14) Upper Saddle
River, NJ: Pearson Education Inc.
Behavioral DI support in GP Remain Focused adapted from:
Vaughn, S. & Bos, C. (2015) Strategies for teaching students with learning and behavior problems (pg.250 Figrue8-12 & 252 Figure 8-13) Upper Saddle River,
NJ: Pearson Education Inc.

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