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Digital library

in JU


AUTHORS Omar Al Doory, Farman Babayev, Andrea Giordano, Mustafa
TUTOR: lisa Bckvall
JNKPING September 2016
Box 1026
551 11 Jnkping

Gjuterigatan 5

036-10 10 00 (vx)



Problem Formulation


Research Questions

Project Plan

Box 1026
551 11 Jnkping

Gjuterigatan 5

036-10 10 00 (vx)

An e-book, electronic book or digital book is a text and image-based book publishing in digital
form that can be read on computers, tablets and some mobile phones. The first E-book was made by
a company called Project Gutenberg in 1971, which was driven by a college student named
Michael S. Hart. His ambitious were to create a website where everybody were allowed to read
digital books anywhere at any time(1).
E-books are used in many different universities, for instance in Finland. Finland is one of the
world's top countries in terms of school grades and technology (2).
This inspired us to also make use out of this development. Today, E-books are rarely used by
students, professors of JU, which worries us. The student should be able to take part of all the books
that are available, but that is not possible when the original books are limited. By studying other
libraries that use the e-books has seen great benefits from it. When the students have been able to
save money, time and has the opportunity to borrow many quantities of the same book (3).

Box 1026
551 11 Jnkping

Gjuterigatan 5

036-10 10 00 (vx)

As the California State Auditor Report states, Increases in textbook prices have significantly
outpaced median household income, which makes it more likely that some students will forgo or
delay attending college because of the financial burden that postsecondary education imposes.
In 2013, Inside Higher Ed wrote an article about double-spending at universities. The article
reported that students of universities such as Stanford are spending over $100,000 collectively each
semester on course materials that are already freely available to them on the thousands of library
databases they dont know they have access to.
Until the begging of 21st century books were the only method to transfer knowledge widely, but
now days internet is the first and most powerful source of information available in the world.
Access to information, and in this particular case, education contents is dynamically change, leading
university to re-invent their knowledge distribution-channel.
University worldwide (and Jonkoping University is a clear example), are slightly moving from an
instruction based on paper (physical text book) to an electronic one ( slides for classes, electronic
articles, video conferences, internet base working platform for students Ping Pong). The clearest
examples of this transaction are the on-line University that provides all the materials and the lecture
We are specifically focusing on the e-library, or digital library (A digital library is a special library
with a focused collection of digital objects that can include text, visual material, audio material,
video material, stored as electronic media formats (as opposed to print, microform, or other
media), along with means for organizing, storing, and retrieving the files and media contained in
the library collection.) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Digital_library
This new idea is available thanks to the wide use of electronic devices and the introduction of
document format such as e-book (amazon) and .pdf (adobe).
The next step for them to get along with the innovation is to set a digital library along with the
classic one in Universities.
These changes (already in use in many universities) will bring huge benefits for students and
Students have access to a massive book text and articles, without the need to be physically on the
building, and without the need of loan (the physical book), they can search for the material they
need on the platform designed for this purpose and having access to books, magazine, articles,
journals that are divided by subjects or filtered thought the researchers need.
The file can be downloaded into a device (pc/tablet/reader) or can be consulted on-line (streaming),
in the first case, the user is also able to take notes/ highlight and modify the file for a better user
experience. The download allows the user to benefit of it for a period of 30 days, after that period,
the file must be re-downloaded.
The multiple access at the same file allow the library to buy a single copy of the book and the
student a free use, not linked to unavailability (because already loaned), additionally the user can
choose if download the entire book, or a single chapter/page.
This technology has broadly applications, can be effectively used by people with disabilities, in fact
the device can read the book (through an OCR and Audio Software System) letting the user listen
the book.

Box 1026
551 11 Jnkping

Gjuterigatan 5

036-10 10 00 (vx)

The actual Supply Chain System will drastically change; in fact the new system for the final user to
have access at the book wont pass thought real/touchable channel, but in a virtual one.
Publishing houses print and store books, they distribute the goods using transporter (trucks) to
deliver to book shops and libraries. Libraries are physical building and have expenses, the costumer
use these structures to buy/loan the product deeded.
Using the electronic library all the procedures change: publishing houses dont print but just create
a protect version of their book in an electronic format (this reduce costs related to storage and actual
work on create physical copies), distribution is made through virtual system (protects internet
connection). Both activities result into an environmental care result. The file is store into servers
and users (students) can access it, the accesses can be multiples on the same file. This file can be
fruited on-line or download for a period of time (4 weeks).

Research Questions:
As long as E-book library in JU is not that big as other libraries in Sweden. Also, some students can
not find what they need in order to borrow E-book. So, we decided to make it better and do research
questions by asking students and using some internet sources: During our meeting with Daniel
(member of library in JU), he told us that they have got a positive react to put E-book library in
sevice since last 7 years. So that students and even teachers can access and use it. What are the
benefits by using E-book library? In addition, me and my group members wanted to make it clear
about E-book library for all JU students. Because when we met a student at JU library, he told oss
that he dose not have any information about how to access to E-book and how to use it? In order to
make it easier that students can access E-book, JU library should inform students how they can
download E-book? how long time do they can borrow it?

Box 1026
551 11 Jnkping

Gjuterigatan 5

036-10 10 00 (vx)

Project Plan




Choosing a topic

Classroom (E1022)

September. 1St

All members

1st meeting


September. 2Th

All members



September. 2Th

Omar Al Doory

Project plan

C 3017

September. 2Th

All members

2nd meeting

C 2007

September. 5Th

All members

C 2007

September. 5


Farman Babayev


Andrea Giordano

Empirical materials

C 3012 B

September. 5

3rd meeting

C 3019

September. 7Th

All members

1st assignment


September. 9Th

Omar Al Doory

4th meeting


September. 12Th

All members

5th meeting



All members

2nd assignment


September. 27

Omar Al Doory

6th meeting


October. -

All members

7th meeting


October. -

All members

8th meeting


October. -

All members

3rd assignment


October. 14Th

Omar Al Doory

Box 1026
551 11 Jnkping

Gjuterigatan 5

036-10 10 00 (vx)

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