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Side-by-Side Ministry

November 2016

sidebysideministry.com & friend us on facebook at John-Paul Lutheran

St. Paul Lutheran and St. John Lutheran, Lakeside-Marblehead, Ohio
Our Vision: To be a vibrant, Spirit-filled people, participating in Gods work in the world.
Our Mission: Loving God and loving neighbor, we witness to Christs saving grace,
that others may believe and find life.

From Pastor ChrisChanging our focus

As I write this, I am overwhelmed with the difficulties so many people close to me are facing. It seems like
there is no short supply of things to challenge our resources, our relationships, and our faith. From broken appliances...physical abuse...separation...loss of a loved one...escalating Alzheimers...cancer ...loss of a
job...surgery...loss of vision to... you name it and its easy to want to find ways to escape, its easy to want
to give up, its easy to lose faith. It can become like being stuck in a dark hole with no way to climb out. So it
seems pretty absurd to read these words in scripture:
Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. (1 Thessalonians 5:18)
Give thanks in ALL circumstances? That is not our human naturewe can have 9 good things happen and 1
bad, and our focus will most often be on the bad. But thankfulness is a choice, and joy is a response, that
reaches into the darkness and pulls us towards light. It changes us and how we see others and life around us.
The early church understood this. As they faced persecution, hardship, and lossthey couldnt stop singing
the glories of Christ risen from the dead, of Gods mercy, new every morning, of love that reigns. There may be
no short supply of things that challenge us, but God counters back with an overwhelmingly greater supply of
things like love, mercy, forgiveness, kindness, generosity, goodness, and lifethat heal us and fill us with light.
As we move towards thanksgiving, may we practice choosing thankfulness and practice responding in joy...in all
circumstances, and see how it changes us. Lord, may you find us focusing on the 9 good things!

Special Events
Remembering Loved Ones

*Dont forget to
fall back on
November 6th!*

All Saints Day, Sunday, November 6th, 8:45 am at St. John, 10:30 am at St. Paul
You are invited to bring a white flower for our Cross of Remembrance in honor of a loved one.
There will be a special time in the service to bring our flowers forward. The bell will be tolled as
names are read, from those who have come to know the fullness of Gods glory this year.

Fall Chicken Dinner-Carry Out Only

Wednesday, November 9th, 4-6:30 p.m., St. Paul
Please call the church office with your reservations. If you leave a message please be
sure to include name, phone number, how many tickets. Cost is $10.00 per meal. (1/2
chicken, stuffing, mashed potatoes/gravy, vegetable, homemade applesauce & coleslaw, roll/butter, dessert).
Call St. Paul 419-734-1662 for tickets.
If you could sign up to help, that would be great, as we will need apple peelers and slaw makers, etc., on
Tuesday, November 8th, 6 p.m.. We are also in need of 50 pies, preferably not cream/custard type. See the
Board behind the Altar at church or talk to Ruth Scott to help.

Page 2

Special Events, cont.

*Sunday, November 6, 2016 * * St. Paul Lutheran Church-Danbury* Race Day Registration: Adult
$25Student $20Check in beginning at 1:30 pmRace/Walk to begin at 3 pm. For more information,
contact Crystal Chapman: 419-656-9005 or Hannah Polanco 419-341-6582. Refreshments and awards
following race! This event to benefit our youth at St. Paul in their mission trip in the summer of 2017.

Thankoffering SundayNovember 13, 2016

Women are invited to bring their offering boxes (mites) and canned goods to worship as they join with other women from Lutheran Churches around the world to honor God and make a difference in Christs name.

Community Thanksgiving Eve Worship

Wednesday, November 23rd, 7:00 p.m.,
St. John Lutheran Church, Marblehead
Join together in a unity of giving thanks at this ecumenical worship offered through our
Danbury Ministerial. Youth please note that this worship will be in place of our usual
Wednesday gathering. All are invited to bring food items or donations for the Danbury
Food Pantry.

Christmas Luncheon
Sunday, December 4, 12:00 p.m.
at the Victorian Inn
St. John women (WELCA) invite both congregations to
their annual Christmas Luncheon. Enjoy a jump-start to
the Christmas season with this festive meal, joyous conversation, and fun time. Tickets are
$15.00 each (which includes gratuity). Reservations may be made by
calling the church offices, or
through Linda Merckens at St. John
and Louise Rogers at St. Paul.

Traveling Christmas Party

Dec. 5Dec. 9
If you want to experience the true meaning of
Christmas, consider helping us take Christmas joy
into homes and nursing care centers, as part of our
Blessing Cup Team Ministry.
If you cannot go on the visits, but would like to contribute to the gift bags, please bring your gift items
to either church office by November 27th.
If you would like to participate,
even for one of the days, or know
of someone who would like a visit,
please let Pastor or Marge
Bridgett know.

1st Sun. in Advent

Wreaths Across America
We have a chance to participate in a national movement
to honor veterans by placing a wreath on each gravesite
in December, including St. Paul Cemetery. If you would
like to donate $15 for the cost of a wreath, please contact
Charlie Scott.

November 27

Advent Mid-week Worship

Meal at 6, Worship at 7
November 30th at St. John, December 7th at St. Paul,
December 14th at St. John

Page 3

Ottawa County Holiday Bureau, Church Collection Dates Suns. Nov. 13, 20, 27
Basic needs include baking supplies, beverages, cake mixes, cereal, condiments, cookies, crackers, canned fruit and veg., gelatin, pudding, mac & cheese, noodles/pasta/rice, peanut butter,
jelly, raisins, soups, spaghetti sauce, stuffing, sugar free items, snacks, paper products, toothpaste, shampoo, soap, TP. Also toys, socks, hats, mittens. Watch for the mitten tree!

Congregational Meetings following Worship

Nov. 13th for St. John & Nov. 13th for St. Paul
Help us consider Gods plan for our budgets and business for 2017

Bible & Discipleship Studies

Sunday Morning, 9:00 a.m. Adult Bible Study at St. Paul, Unusual Gospel for Unusual People
Womens Bible Studies (WELCA All women are invited to participate!)
St. John and St. Paul Women meet on 3rd Thursdays at 1 p.m. at St. Paul;
St. Paul WELCA business meeting will follow the Bible Study.
Weekly Wednesday Bible Study Meets every Wednesday at 11:00 am at St. Paul. All are welcome. We are studying Honoring Our Neighbors Faith.

Building Friendships
Not Older, Just Better - is meeting at Casa Las Palmas, Monday Nov. 14th, 11:30 a.m.. Call Marge at
419.798.8816 if you have questions/need a ride.
Dartballplease see the attached church calendar for dates and locations.

Directory Changes for November

St Paul
Batcha, Barbara (Page 4) Died: October 19, 2016

St. John
Vyrostek, Bob and Sue (Page 20)
New Address: 1510 Buck Rd Lot 88
Lakeside-Marblehead OH 43440-9608

Newlyweds Current Information

Rettig, Bill and Louise (Page 7 and 46)
68 King Drive
Lakeside-Marblehead, OH 43440
Phone: 419-967-9410 Home
419-967-1723 T (Bill Cell)
440-724-7128 T (Louise Cell) E-Mail: wrrettig@twc.com



Final Confirmands Story ...As I grew older and got to the point when I had to go to Confirmation class every Wednesday and Sunday I was not happy. My faith journey started that first night of Confirmation. I walked
in to Confirmation last year as an irresponsible and disrespectful child. I was in class for one year and got to
know Pastor Chris really well. Pastor Chris is someone who is really open and free to talk about whatever you
want. Ever since that day I have grown to realize that I was with an amazing group of people that help me
through my rough times. The people I thank most of all are my parents. I know that I might have been greedy
and disrespectful but Pastor Chris had told me everyone sins but there is always room for forgiveness. ...The
next step in my faith journey was getting to know who Jesus was. To me Jesus is someone I should be really
thankful for. If it werent for him I wouldnt be here today. Jesus is in us all. ...Before I wanted anything to do
with my faith I didnt know who to go to when I was struggling. There is a major difference now that I know
about Jesus. I have learned that if you did something wrong or are struggling through rough times just pray. I
see Christ through the light of the sun. ...Singing gospels or church songs also help me see the Lord. Christs
light shines through meGod is the most important thing to me. ...Ecclesiastes 3:1-2, For everything there is a
season, and a time for every matter under heaven: a time to be born, and a time to die; this verse is important
to my life because it is stating that there is a time for everything...there is a time to worship Jesus Larisa Kerik

ParentsYour Thoughts, Please!

Sunday School Time
Over the past several years, our Sunday School
attendance has often been sparse for our PreK-6th
grade. Our volunteer staff is offering a suggestion
for which we need your input. Would it be helpful
for us to offer Sunday School during St. Pauls 10:30
worship for this age? Or do you prefer the current
9:00 am? Or could we find enough volunteers to
offer something at both times? Please e-mail your
thoughts to Pastor Chris at

Confirmation Schedule:

Sunday School!
at St Paul is up and running for PreK to fifth grade,
confirmation class, high school and the adult class. We
hope you will check out a class. A special thanks to all
the teachers that give their time each week. Soon the
elementary class will begin their advent lessons and
preparation will begin for a Christmas program.

4th Grade Bibles

November 20th,10:30 Worship at St. Paul
Bibles will be given to all 4th graders. If you
are a 4th grader, please contact the church
office and let us know if you can come and
receive your Bible this day. 419-734-1662

Nov. 2

Kings and Kingdoms, Samuel - Chronicles

Nov. 9

No Confirmation
Help w. Chicken Dinner, 4-6:30, or when you can get
Trails of Tears and Joy, 2 Kings Esther, Lamentations, Daniel

Nov. 16
Nov. 23

No Confirmation
Community Thanksgiving Eve Worship, 7:00 p.m.

Read Chapter 6,
Mark It, p. 58
Read Chapter 7,
Mark It, p. 68 for January


Thank You
Thank you's from Pastor Chris -

*for the Pastor Appreciation gift card from St. Paul for Ciao Bellas (took family); thank you to
WELCA for Lakeside Beauty Salon Gift Card and beautiful flowers!! And for the cards and gifts
from both congregations. You touched my heart!
*to Linda Otermat, Janice Beachy, and Jane Dominy for preparing a beautiful and healthy lunch for our Danbury
Ministerial Meeting at St. John in October.
*to all who participated in Trunk-or-Treat at St. Paul and Trick-or-Treat at St. John. So much fun!!
*to our Blessing Cup teams for their caring visits to our members.
*to Emily Glynn and Tom Kihlken and all who made the garden an awesome success this year!
*to Deb White for picking up where Louise left off, and for being an amazing office administrator!
*to our councils for watching over us with care!

Dear St. Paul friends & family, Thank you so much for the delicious cookies & Truck wash. Love, Tibbels Marina

**Thank you for all the help and fun we shared in the Community Halloween Trunk-or-Treat Party! It was a freeeeakish good time!!!

Serving Others
See Special Events pages for more (Holiday Bureau, Traveling Christmas Party, Operation Christmas
Child, Wreaths Across America.
Celebration Chorus - Practice on Wednesdays, 7:30 p.m. at St. Paul. Please join the fun!
Community Garden - Direct questions for 2017 to Emily Glynn 314-517-2402 or Roberta Gangl 330-635-1909.
Council Nights Thursday, Nov. 17th at St. Paul, 5:30 Joint Parish Board; 6:15 St. Paul; 7:00 St. John
Danbury Food Pantry - November 19th; St. John brings spaghetti sauce, St. Paul brings canned vegetables
Noisy Offering for November 13th is Ottawa County Holiday Bureau. Thank you for your generosity.
Prayer Chain St. Paul contact Joan Harris at 419.734.3971 or 419.341.6373 or harris2110@roadrunner.com.
Or you can contact Deb White at 419-734-1662. God promises that our prayers are heard!
Prayer Shawl Plus Ministry - Prayer shawl group meets first Wednesdays of the month at 10 a.m. at St. Paul.
Contact Janice Beachy with questions.

Operation Christmas Child Update

Please have your Operation Christmas Child Boxes at the church between November 14-21

Collection Week (November 14-21) for Operation Christmas Child

will soon be here. Please bring your shoeboxes to the Church at that
time if you have not already done so. Remember, receiving a shoebox is
only the beginning. Recipients are enrolled in a discipleship program after which many are baptized into the Christian faith.

St. Paul is again serving as a Relay Collection Center for Ottawa County and we will be open for at least two
hours every day during the collection period. Please call Jean Rhodes (440-739-0579) if you would be willing to volunteer a few hours during that week to be at the church to receive shoeboxes from other organizations and individuals as we still have openings. Thank you in advance for your generosity, your prayers and your compassion.

Page 6


St. John Council Highlights from November 20, 2016
The officers reports were presented and accepted.
New Business: The doors to the parish hall and the side door of the church need painting.
A new 3 tub sink is needed in the parish hall kitchen. The cost of the sink and installation will be researched.
The annual budget meeting is scheduled for November 13th after the service.
Pastor and Linda reported that the Lutheran Catholic dialogue has been very informative and interesting thus far.
We will decorate the church for Christmas Saturday, November 26 at 10:00. Tall individuals are needed.
The first Advent meal will be at St. John Wednesday, November 30. We are also hosting the December 14 th meal.
St. John Congregational Meeting

St. John WELCA:

November 13 following worship

Meets with St. Paul WELCA on Thursday, November 17th at 1 p.m. for Bible Study.

Re: Budget planning for 2017

14Jim Benya

25Bob and Sue Alley
Bob and Sue Vyrostek

24 Anna Jean Povlick
Cheryl Laubner

28 Curt Laubner

St. John History Happenings

Taken from the 1933 Peninsula News. Furnished by Dave Glick
St. John Ladies Elect
The Ladies Aid Society of St. Johns Lutheran church held their regular meeting in the Parish House on Wednesday afternoon with Mrs. E.J. Eberly, Mrs. Carrie Eberly and Mrs. Charles Dress hostesses. The officers for the coming year were elected and are as follows: President, Mrs. Alfred Sauvey; vice president, Mrs. Catherine Vogelsong;
secretary, Mrs. E.J. Eberly, and treasurer, Mrs. Charles Dress. 1/13/1933
Lutheran Brotherhood Meets
Charles and Chester Dress acted as hosts for the Martin Luther Brotherhood of St. Johns Lutheran church
Wednesday evening. Eighteen members and two guests were present. After a short business meeting refreshments were served and games of cards and shuffleboard were enjoyed by the men. The men greatly appreciated
the music by Leroy Shirley with his accordion and trumpet. 11/10/1933
The annual Thank Offering service was held in St. Johns Lutheran church on Thursday evening. Following the
sermon by the Rev. E.E. Eckhoff a social hour was held in the parish house. 11/24/1933

Page 7

St. Paul Lutheran Church Messenger

September 2016 budget highlights:
General Fund-


General Fund Income-


General Fund Expense-


Restricted Funds- Restricted Funds Income-


Restricted Funds Expense-


Council Highlights of October 20, 2016 meeting.

Sun. Nov. 13th
Following worship
2017 budget

A discussion in regards to the counter sheets took place.

A motion was made by Charlie Scott that the line items:
Altar Guild: Perpetual Light and Altar Guild: Memorials should be removed from the counters sheets effective January 2017. 2nd by Allen Lambert. MOTION CARRIED.
Beginning in January 2017 all checks for the perpetual light and memorials made to the Altar Guild should be paid
directly to the St. Paul Altar Guild.
A motion was made by Beth Lambert that the St. Paul Garden Club should establish a checking account to handle
their own finances. The money from the Outreach fund (which consists of current Garden Club Monies) will be deposited into the St. Paul Garden Club checking account. 2nd by Matt Seamon. MOTION CARRIED.
The amount to be transferred to the St. Paul Garden Club is $603.38.
A motion was made by Matt Seamon that Pastor Chris Young will pay 10% of her health insurance premium beginning in January 2017. In 2018, she will pay 20% of her health insurance premium. 2nd by Allen Lambert. MOTION
A motion was made by Jim Deer and 2nd by Kirk Gangl to accept the proposed 2017 operating budget with the correction to the pension/medical fund. MOTION CARRIED.
Matt Seamon made a motion, 2nd by Shirley LaCumsky to set up monthly automatic withdrawals from the St. Paul
general fund payable to the Marblehead Bank for the renovation loan payment. MOTION CARRIED.
A congregational meeting will be held on November 13, 2016 to approve the 2017 proposed budget.
Please hold up in prayer all who are in need of healing, hope and
forgiveness. We especially pray for: Vince Adams, Janice Beachy,
Nancy Berry, Katie Binkley, SuAnn Boss, Karen Carpenter, Pastor
Claude Bangbe Amba, the Cameroon churches, Betty Dubbert, Teresa Fisher, Joan Harris, Chuck Keller, Jan Kimerline, Nelf Kimerline,
Joyce Linder, David Morehead, Evelyn Sorgenfrei, Pat Thursby,
Douglas Tussing, Gordon Wahlers, Sally Willis. We pray for all family and friends in the armed forces.

2017 giving envelopes are ready for snow birds,

who would like to take them south with them this
winter. Text or call Beth Lambert at 419-2025106.

St. Paul Women of the Church (WELCA):

Lutheran World Relief Kits - Thank you to everyone who contributed throughout the year, who helped put the kits
together, Deb White for carrying heavy bins up from the storage room, and Richard Kihlken for taking them to St.
John for loading on the truck. We sent out 32 School kits, 18 Personal care kits, 22 Baby care kits.
The Chicken Dinner is November 9th from 4:00 - 6:30. ALL CARRY OUTS THIS YEAR. Shirley LaCumsky has tickets.
Thankoffering Sunday is November 13th. During Worship women will bring Thankoffering monies and food for the
Holiday Bureau forward.
The Traveling Christmas Party and Blessing Cup Visits begin on December 4th.

Page 8

St. Paul November Special Dates

Wedding Anniversary

St. Paul Birthdays

1 Nancy Kihlken, Kylee Miller

3 Cindy Coles, Tyler Harris
4 Rusty Rayle, Nick Waters
5 Debra White, Aaron Thompson
7 Justin Tibbels
9 Rob Wadsworth, Cortnie McRitchie, Elaine Mackey, Alyssa Hamann
10 Nolan Coles
11 Marcy Bergman
12 Bill Biers, Cleo Bodi
15 Matthew Sandvick
16 Barry Bergman, Amy Steinbrick, Jordan Schaefer
17 Hannah Turinsky
19 Matthew Mangan, Roman Lochotzki
20 Tim Mackey, Frank Mahler
21 Larisa Kerik
22 Dominic Manuella, Gloria Nielsen
23 Betty Kovach, Alexandria Pahl, Scott Mackey, Jase Covey
24 Erik Wadsworth, Carol Kubit
25 Bryan Ahrens
26 Will Tibbels
29 Celena Coles
30 Bethany Urban, Terry Rowbotham,
Bob Fontaine

Mutual Ministries

1 Adam & Amy Steinbrick

5 Steve & Diana Schenko, Perry & Michelle Warren
6 Roger & Janet Vodicka
8 Brian & Maureen Biers
26 David & Barbara Rayle

Baptismal Anniversary
1 Valerie Glovinsky

14 Gordon Wahlers

2 David Mackey
3 Grayden Boss
4 Norma Kihlken, Tammy Bartzen
8 Justin Tibbels
9 DJ Coles
10 Will Tibbels
11 Bob Kihlken, Callie Kihlken, Craig Stires, John Stires

12 Sierra Mackey
13 John Rhodes

Nov. 6

Nov. 13

Nov. 20

Nov. 27


Betsy Deer

Betty Easton

Laurel Berhent


Jim Deer

Dee & Jim

Helen Stines

Chris Freeh

Helen Stines


Tammy Davis

Marge Bridgett

ConiAnn Limpert

Marge Bridgett

Jerry Meyer

ConiAnn Limpert

Chrissy French


Ginny Cameron
Abby Cameron

Shirley LaCumsky
Natalie Lambert
Nicki Geller

Matthew Seamon
Maddie Harris

Erik Wadsworth
Zeke French

Steeple Lighting
Perpetual Light
Assisting Minster

Shirley LaCumsky, Fran Chapman

Altar Guild

Vicky Doski, Tammy Davis


Tammy Davis, Fran Chapman

Page 9

Posts from Germany------What was Luthers great discovery?

Because of Luthers study of the Psalter over the years, and his Christological view of them, Luther began to see
himself undergoing trials similar to Christs. This was the beginning of his great discovery. By itself, it could have
led Luther to the commonly held notion that, while the Father exacts obedience and righteousness, God the Son
loves us and works for our forgiveness.1 But, Luther, who was a student of theology knew that such a division in
the Godhead was unacceptable. Luther did find solace in Christs suffering, but this did not alleviate his anguish
and despair. So, what would relieve Luthers fears? His great discovery came through his study of the Epistle to the
Romans. It was here he finally found his answer. Although his study of Romans was anguished, he found that in
the gospel the righteousness of God is revealed. Luthers answer came in his conclusion that the justice of God
does not refer, as he had been taught, to the punishment of sinners. It means rather that the justice or
righteousness of God is not our own, but Gods. The righteousness of God is that which is given to those who
live by faith. It is given, not because we are righteous, nor because we fulfill the demands of divine justice, but
simply because God wishes to give it.2 This righteousness was a free gift from God to sinners.
Next month we will hear Luthers actual words, so stay posted.
Gonzalez, Justo L. The History of Christianity Vol II, Revised and Updated: New York, New York, Harper Collins, 2010.

Renovation Updates:
Brick on the West Wall will stay exposed; so many people thought the brick was so beautiful and it was a shame to
cover it all up.
Current Ceiling Fans are not in good working condition and will be replaced with 3 - 52 inch ceiling fans.
We have discovered that the ends of the pews are press board and are not able to be stained; council has decided
to paint the ends black and trace the symbol with a gold accent; the seats will be stained and recovered. We will
be starting that process the week of October 31st; first work session will be October 31st at 6:30 at our storage
unit on route 163; 2nd session will be that week on Thursday, November 3rd at 6:30.
Project is on schedule for completion by end of November.
I personally wish to thank Charlie Scott for handling this large project and all the work he is doing himself.
God Bless,
Tammy Davis
Council President.

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