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Yael Dragwyla First North American rights

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Volume II: The Magickal Sky
Book 2: The Planets
Part 12: Hera (Durga)

Sephirah Aleph-sub-Two

Alternate names: Pallas Athena, Juno, Durga, Innana (Babylonian Mother-Goddess), ELITh (Hebrew
for God-ess, female aspect of Godhead), Isis, Kwanyin (Chinese Queen of Heaven, Goddess of
Mercy), Mahâmâyâ (Mother of the Buddha), Izanami (Mother-Goddess of Japan)

Chapter 1: General Discussion

Seemingly there are fewer candidates qualifying as Hera’s celestial avatar than those for Persephone.
Persephone is Mars’s higher octave, the apotheosis of Saturn, Uranus, and all Destroyer Goddesses. She
is disruptive and oppressive, bringing plague, famine, war, and death. Hera, on the other hand, the higher
octave of Jupiter, the Great Benefic, ruler of Libra and Taurus, is benefic, loving and giving, bringing
healing, fertility, beauty, and life. She might be Lowell’s Planet X, bounding the farthest reaches of the
Solar System as She travels majestically along Her long, Starlit path around Sol. How could Hera have
anything to do with the Öort Cloud or the Kuyper Disk, the birth-places of Sol’s comets and meteors,
which have rained death and ruin down upon our world and brought about the Great Extinctions, or the
various belts and swarms of asteroids in our system, which represent either the murders or the abortions
of Planets, which are associated with Persephone?
The answer may lie in the psychodynamic aspects of these two Goddesses. They are the two major
aspects of the archetypal Good-Mother/Bad-Mother dyad that forms within the developing psyche of the
child in response felt by him or her over the fact that the primary nurturing parent is also at times harsh,
even abusive. Objectively speaking, there is just one primary care-giver, generally the mother, just one
individual, to whom the young child responds in this ambivalent way. But within the child’s psyche his
or her response to these two very different sides of his/her mother forms two completely separate
Magickal images, one good, the other evil, which have in common very few if any characteristics, as if
the primary caregiver were in fact twins, each a spiritual mirror-image of the other. The image of the
Good Mother is all-nurturing, all-wise, all-loving, the Mother Goddess/Good Witch archetype; that of
the Bad Mother is evil, cruel and hateful, the Night Demon/Bad Witch archetype.
This process of psychodynamic splitting of the child’s conception of its parent does not end there,
however. Just as there is some Yin in the Yang of the T’ao, and vice-versa, so within every archetype is
contained a seed of its mirror-image or inverse. So the Bad Mother also has loving, nurturing, and wise
aspects – and likewise, the Good Mother has a number of hateful, cruel, poisonous ones. Persephone and
Hera, respectively the apotheoses of the Bad and Good Mother archetypes, are no exception; each
complements the other, each contains within Herself a seed of Her mirror-image, the other Goddess, so
that there are nurturing, loving aspects of Persephone and cruel, hateful ones of Hera.
I have already discussed Persephone’s role in re-establishing the Great Balance of the living world
by means of plague, famine, or other catastrophe when that balance has been disarranged for too long.
By such action, however agonizing its effects may be to individuals caught in its path at the time, in the
long run She restores the whole living world to health and makes life better for all that lives – ourselves
included. The Signs of Her strength – Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Leo, Virgo, and Capricorn – give evidence
that She is involved in many of the processes which create, nurture and/or enhance life and civilization.
As Koré, She is one of the Gods Who watch over and assist in the process of birth, for She presides over
the return to the living world in new reincarnations of the spirits of the dead. She is also a Goddess of
beauty, as the gorgeous gemstones found far underground , part of the vast, dark kingdom over which She
and Her husband, Hades have dominion, so stunningly testify. She is a fertility-Goddess, for She
generates the enormous fertility of the soil that is the result of volcanic eruptions, geological
catastrophes, and the action of various reducing and symbiotic organisms of the soil. She is responsible
for the glory of the Spring flowers nourished by Taurus’s fertility. Hers is the burning power of the
August Sun, without which the harvest could not come to full maturity, and She is the Goddess Who
presides over Virgo’s harvest. Finally, She assists in bringing into being the structure of civilization,
ruled by Capricorn; it must be remembered that however oppressive the means by which that structure is
created and maintained, and however foul and toxic the pollution that is its inevitable by-product, without
it the high-energy technology absolutely necessary for the eventual establishment of colonies of Earthly
life on the worlds of other Stars before Earth Herself becomes untenable for life could not come into
Just as Persephone, the archetype of all Destroyer Goddesses, has Her benign aspects and functions,
so too does Hera, the Queen of Heaven, the apotheosis of the Good Mother, have Her evil ones. This is
made very clear in the tales of Zeus’s many infidelities and rapes, and the consequent birth of His
bastards to mortal women. In these stories, again and again Hera resorts to ruthless intrigues and outright
sorcery to gain back Zeus’s affections and/or take revenge upon Him and His mortal mistresses and rape-
victims. In one such story, Hera borrows Aphrodite’s Girdle in order to use it to make Zeus lust after
Her. She sends serpents and other terrors after the mothers of Zeus’s illegitimate children. Throughout,
She behaves like any mortal woman who, jealous and terrified of being supplanted by a rival, does
everything she can to re-establish herself in her husbands affections and as female head of her household
– including, sometimes, some downright sadistic, even murderous actions. These stories, coming from a
time and place in which matrifocal society had died out completely, give us a grimly accurate portrait of
the life of women in such societies and what those women had to do to survive, gain anything good out of
life, and keep what little good they did manage to acquire. Hera may be Queen of Heaven – but She is
also Zeus’s wife, and therefore little better than His chattel slave, as many of these stories show. Before
the establishment of patriarchal society and religion on the Attic peninsula, Hera may have indeed been a
true Great Mother Goddess, a real Queen in Her own right. But by the time of Classical Greece, certainly
as these stories show, She was not much more than Zeus’s concubine.230
The situation is very different in Hinduism. Among the Hindus, the Mother-Goddess Durga is truly a
sovereign power in Her own right. 231 She has aspects of the warrior as well as those of the nurturer. Her
steed is a tiger, symbol of the awesome powers She is able to call forth. And in times of need, Her battle-
aspect, Kali, Goddess of War, Destruction, and Terror, comes forth from Durga, sometimes by
transmutation, sometimes as a result of Divine Birth. In fact, as recorded in the Upanishads, in a great
battle between the Gods and the demons, when the demons were close to winning and the Gods were in
the midst of their last desperate pitched battle with the forces of evil, Kali sprang forth from the brow of
Durga to join in the fighting, and brought victory to the Gods.232
It’s even possible that the myth of the divine birth of Athena from Zeus’s forehead could be a co-
opted patriarchal plagiarism of this story, which reflects Kali’s multiform nature. Kali’s birth from
Durga’s forehead is often interpreted as the Alchemical transformation of Durga’s spirit from a Mother-
Goddess form to a ferocious, berserker-warrior aspect, rather than as a literal, physical birth. Another
interpretation has to do with Kali’s dominion over Kundalini energy which, invoked by means of various
Tantric sexual techniques, rises from the base of the spine, ascending along the spinal Chakras until it
exits through the head, thereby bringing about Change in Conformity with the Will of the one doing the
invocation. I.e., Durga, out of desperation over the prospect of losing all to the demonic forces closing in
upon the Hosts of Heaven, willed into being, out of Her own substance and spirit, a sort of divine living
weapon in the form of the Goddess Kali, Who then won the battle for the gods. Either interpretation –
and both are fairly standard – give us a picture of Kali not as truly separate from Durga, but rather as one
more aspect of the Mother-Goddess. Psychodynamically, then, Kali is that seed of Yin contained within
Durga’s Yang, the Destroyer aspect of the loving, protecting, nurturing Mother-Goddess that is Durga. 232
On the other hand, Kali Herself has loving and nurturing aspects, as well. One of Her Divine
Avatars is Parvati, Who has both terrible aspects and loving, protective ones. Clearly Hindu mythology
recognizes the complementarity and mirror-imagery of the various aspects of the Great Goddess, in both
Her loving and her destructive aspects. Hera’s Hindu counterpart is Durga, as Persephone’s is Kali; it is
evident that each of these complements and mirrors the other, and that a seed of the other’s nature is in
This gives us a hint as to where in the Solar System Hera and Persephone might be located. As
discussed in the previous section on Persephone, it is possible that the two of Them form a double-Planet
system far out at the outer bounds of the Solar System, jointly disturbing the Öort Cloud of comets,
intermittently sending comets plunging Sunward, some of which impact upon the Earth. True, these
comets bring catastrophes and horrors, of which Kali is Goddess; but they may also bring certain
minerals and chemical compounds that vastly enrich the soils of our world. Indeed – in line with
Persephone’s governance of the DNA code – it may have been on such comets that DNA, formed in the
vast seething clouds of interstellar dust that crowd the Star-lanes of our Galaxy, first came to Earth, and
with it, the beginnings of Earthly life, as some scientists now think may have happened. 233


*It is interesting in this regard that whereas in patriarchal Greece there were no true queens, no female
rulers who ruled in their own right rather than by the sufferance of and protection by more powerful
male rulers, in India there have been many powerful female rulers. In modern times, Indira Ghandi
was an example of just such a ruler, her commands backed up by the entire legislative, judicial, and
military machinery of her nation. Mrs. Ghandi was as much true ruler as Margaret Thatcher – unlike
the “queens” of Attica during the patriarchal period, who were little more than figureheads or mouth-
pieces for their male “handlers” or husbands.

At any rate, it would be as much in error to assume that Hera has at most insignificant malefic
aspects as it would be to assume that Persephone brings only horror, terror, and destruction. The physical
avatars of both should therefore reflect both sorts of aspects – destroyer and nurturer, torturer and
protector, evil sorceress and loving mother – of these two Goddesses, though in different proportions, as
they exist in different proportions in these two Goddesses Themselves. Therefore the same options exist
for Hera’s physical incarnation as they do for Persephone’s: the asteroid-belt between Jupiter and Mars,
as a whole system; the Öort Cloud, far beyond Pluto, with its comets and meteors; the Kuyper Disk, at
200-20,000 AU, comprising a host of planetoids similar to both Pluto and Chiron, the little worldlet
between Saturn and Uranus discovered in 1977 e.v.; Planet X, a true Planet in orbit around Sol beyond
the orbit of Pluto; Nemesis/Shiva, the brown-dwarf “Death Star” hypothesized to send comets
plummeting inward from the Öort Cloud into the inner Solar System, some of which may have caused
Earthly catastrophes such as the K-2 Event that closed the Cretaceous; or a double-Planet system
somewhere beyond Pluto that includes both Hera and Persephone. One or both of these Planets might
even have orbits whose planes are at right angles to the general plane of the Solar System, so that during
Their long, long passages around Sol, They may go far North and South of the Ecliptic. Whatever the
answer to the question of the physical locations and characteristics of Hera and Persephone might be, it
will almost certainly be some time before it is settled once and for all.
Chapter 2: Astromythology and Psychospiritual Aspects of Hera
Invocation of the Great Goddesses

In Section 3 of this chapter, as in all others in this part of Volume 2 of this work, a list of Magickal
correspondences between the Planet under discussion and Gods, colors, foods, regions of the Earth,
astrological and Qaballistic correspondences, and numerous other associations is given. The
correspondences cited in these lists are for use in Magickal invocations of the Gods associated with the
Planets. For invocations of the Great Goddesses, of which Hera/Durga is an example, it might be useful
to go into this in some detail. It must be remembered that the “lesser” Goddesses of the classical Greek
Pantheon – Artemis, Aphrodite, Persephone, etc. – were all actually avatars of the Great Goddess of other
cultures that had been conquered and assimilated by the Olympic Greeks by the time classic Greek
religion reached its final form. So in the following discussion note that the Goddesses mentioned here
along with Hera are all Themselves Great Goddesses, as well.
The following is taken from a Magickal vision recorded in the author’s Magickal journals. It gives
examples of the God-Forms of the Great Goddesses that can be used to very good effect in invocations.
This is not an exhaustive analysis: it could apply as well to the Gods of any culture, assuming in each
case that correspondences that are Qaballistically appropriate to the God or Goddess in question are used
for imagining the God-Form appropriate to that Being.

*Our Magickally imagined visions of the Gods we invoke, with Whom we identify by means of ritual,
our interfaces with the eternal, infinite Gods.

**See Section 3 of each chapter in this part of Volume 2 of this work for such correspondences for each

Now, any manifestation of a divine being is always in accord with that being’s function in the
universe. The Gods are the living Intelligences that infuse the great universal processes, phenomena, and
aspects of the living universe. E.g., Aphrodite is the Intelligence or Archangel of fertility, beauty, erotic
love, and all the other processes and principles accorded to Her from ancient times; Hermes is the
Intelligence of the winds, particular of the West Wind, banking, theft, psychoanalysis, and the other
functions associated with His aegis; etc. Thus, for example, Aphrodite might have amber-and-olive
skin-tones, green hair, cerise lips, sky-blue eyes, etc., since those colors correspond to some of the most
important things in or aspects of Her domain, such as olive trees, new Spring growth, rain-washed Spring
skies, etc.; while Hermes might wear an indigo cape, His “nemyss as the night-sky blue,” have skin
tinted a blazing cadmium orange, and be robed in purple, yellow, gray, indigo rayed with violet, red-
russet, and yellowish-brown, flecked white.
In the vision recorded in the author’s journals, Hera, Queen of the Olympian Gods and a Goddess of
the Sky in Her own right, appeared in a God-form corresponding to Her divine nature. Her hair was the
color of fluffy, blue-limned, snowy-white cumulus clouds of Spring and Summer; the white-edged-with-
fire-and-magma hues of Sunset clouds; the eerie, luminescent, underwater, dirty golden-green of the sky
that presages the birth of tornadoes; the white-edged-with-slate of rain-bearing clouds; the charcoal-
gray/purple/lavender/violet/indigo of storm-clouds; the snow-and-silver-on-midnight-black of moonlit
clouds; and the weirdly beautiful noctilucent clouds seen in regions close to the Earth’s poles just after
Sunset and before dawn. Hera’s skin was the color of the sky itself, sky-blue shaded and highlighted with
mauve, violet, numerous delicate variations of gray, and subtle greens. Her eyes were now the violet of
clear skies, now the gray of impending storm.
In the vision, it could be seen that Hera’s divine clitoris, when erect, reaches above Her navel like
the blade of a sky-blue sword, as proportionately slender as that of a rapier. When, during sex, She
climaxes, the lightnings of ecstasy wreathed its whole length and burst from its tip in a fountaining halo
of blue-white supernova fire. Just as males use their penises, She uses Her clitoris for intercourse with
both other Goddesses and, occasionally, some of the Gods. Her nymphs, when seized with Aphrodite’s
divine fires of erotic hunger, love to drink of the nectars of ecstasy which pour forth from it in such
floods of abundance, even more than they do from the phalloi of the Gods.
Now, Hera doesn’t physically impregnate those of Her lovers whom She services with Her divine
Sword of Ecstasy; that, She leaves to the Gods, such as Her divine husband, Zeus. Rather, She
impregnates Her lovers with fertile Magick, with poetry and dream, with the ideas that change the course
of history and the visions that change the universe itself, and with love of and joy in life. Her flowers are
roses – roses the white of enormous Summer cumulus clouds, edged with sky-blue; sky-blue roses, edged
with the green of the underwater light that heralds great storms and the terrifying tornadoes that are Her
wrath made manifest, as the lightning is that of Her husband, Zeus; storm-green roses, edged with sky-
blue or cumulus-white; black-edged roses glowing with the weird, eerie beauty of noctilucent clouds.
Her gem is the great six-rayed blue star sapphire. Her animals are the she-bear, the tigress, and the
All Her sisters, nieces, and daughters have the same fantastic, penetrant organ, and Their skin and
hair reflects Their realms and Their attributes. For example, Persephone, daughter of Ceres, Queen of the
Underworld, has skin the color of fertile soil and fiery desert; midnight hair like a spray of black ice;
and deep brown eyes, the color of the living Earth, in which swim fiery flecks straight from the Earth’s
incandescent core. Her gem is the black star sapphire; Her flowers are roses, roses of nightmare white
edged with the black of space and the red of life, roses of stygian black edged with claret and white-hot
steel, blood-red roses edged with jet and ice. Her animals are the dragon, the bat, the basilisk, the
cockatrice, the snake, and the toad. Her food, like Her logo, is of course the pomegranate.
Aphrodite is as described above. Her animals are the dove and the leopardoess; Her flower is the
red rose; Her tree is the sandalwood; Her stone is the emerald. Her food is the quince – an apple-like
ffruit from a tree bred originally in Persia from the rose-tree, as are so many others of the world’s prized
Amphitrite, Queen of the Ocean Sea, wife of Poseidon, is all the colors of the Sea, its moods, and the
life it cradles, all the fantastic hues of green, blue, lavender, lilac, and purple of the ever-changing
surface and the benthic abysses of Ocean, from the blinding argent reflections of the Sun on the Sea
during a clear day to the optical midnight black and brilliant infra-red of the Mindanao trench. Her
gardens include the swarming phytoplankton that are the primordial embodiment of the vast fertility of
the sea, and the source of the oxygen that makes life as we know it possible; the endless hanging gardens
of blue-green algae which, with leaves that grow up to a meter in length per day, are the sustenance for
most of the animal life in the ocean. Her animals include the gallant porpoise, the brilliant orca, the great
carnivorous sharks, th esky octopus and aggressive squid, corals, nautiluses, echinoderms, the vast
swarms of krill that provide food for so many of Her creatures, toxic tube-worms and the other strange
beings that inhabit the neighborhood of the underwater sea-vents along the long, winding, underwater
volcanic ranges of Ocean. Her stones include coral, pearls, moonstones, and the lovely shells, mantles,
and pens created for their homes by the mollusks and cephalapoda that dwell within her.
Artemis has silver flesh and star-spangled, silver-streaked, space-black hair. Her eyes are
moonstones set in silver disks; Her animal is the great hunting hound; Her gems, moonstone and pearl;
Her metal, silver; Her chemical Element, selenium; Her plants, aloes.
And there is Urania/Liberty. Now, She is the daughter of Hera, Queen of Heaven, by Hermes, Lord
of the free West Wind, Whose higher octave is His own daughter, Liberty Herself. The whole world
knows what Her God-form is, for its image sits on a white pedestal in the shape of an 11-pointed Star in
New York City harbor, on Liberty Isle: it has a skin of green, a seven-rayed crown, and eyes of calm,
serene green fire, and lifts the Light of Learning high above its head in its right hand.
And beneath Her chaste robe there is the same Sword of Ecstasy which all Her sisters, cousins, aunts, and
mother have. Her metals are bronze and uranium; Her plants and animals are the strange beings that
dwell where nuclear bombs have been tested and nuclear plants have long been in operation; Her gems
are turquoise and opal; Her minerals are uraninite, the actinides, the rare earths.
And all of these Great Goddesses revel in the ecstasy of divine sexuality, penetrating and being
penetrated with whatever lovers They Will, mortal and divine, conceiving within Themselves and Their
lovers the great Magickal Currents that make and unmake and mutate whole worlds, whole universes, as
well as the small, exquisite eddies that answer the prayers of mortals. Their climaxes shake the universe
from edge to edge; Their ripples of pleasure constitute the small decisions and changes of heart and
whims of fortune that make our lives what they are.
Thus do the Great Goddesses take part in creation and partake of ecstasy, as They Will, however and
whenever and with whomever They Will. And thus are Their God-forms – and Hesiod be damned.
Section 3: Correspondences


Hera is associated with all the Great Mother Goddesses and the various divine avatars of the Queen
of Heaven, including the following:

Egyptian: Isis.
Greek: Gaia; Rhea; Hera; Demeter; Hymen, God of Marriage.
Asia Minor: Cybele, the Great Idaean Mother, called by the Romans Magna Dea Mater or Mater
Dea Magna Idaea.
Roman: Juno, Ceres.
Babylonian: Inanna
Scandinavian: Frigg, wife of Odin
Southeast Asia:
Celtic: Bridget
Native Australian:
Hindu: Durga.
Buddhism: Mahâmâyâ, Mother of the Buddha
Szekeli (Romany Gypsy):
Chinese: Kwanyin.
Japanese: Izanami, Mother-Goddess of Japan
The French Enlightenment: Liberty, Mother of Exiles, Who, like Hera, is also a Uranian sky-
Central America: Our Lady of Guadalupe
American Indian: Spider-Woman, Creator of the World
American folklore:
Science-fiction: Heinlein’s Empress of Twenty Universes (in his novel Glory Road)
Western scientism: Nature, Mother Nature
SubGenius: Connie, “Bob”’s chief wife; Nunu, incredibly ancient sex-Goddess Who is also the
prototype of all Great Mother Goddesses (Her graven image has been found all across the Old
World, from the cave walls of Lascaux to the beehive-headed, swollen-
bellied/breasted/buttocked effigies of Willendorf, Germany).
Discordianism: Eris – or else! :)
Voudon: Oshun or Erzulie, source of love, beauty and the arts, justice, and celestial legality;
Yemanja, Mother of Waters.
Judaism: Shekina, Queen of Shabbat; ELITh.
Christianity: Mary, Mother of Christ
The Land of Oz:
Stephen King: the Queen in the novel upon which he collaborated with Peter Straub, The Talisman
LaVeyan Satanism:

God-Name in Hebrew:

t y l a (ELITh, “the en-wombed God))

World religions:

All cults of the Great Goddess, SubGenius Cult of Connie (under the aegis of Nuit); cult of Nunu;

Durga or Hera

Angelic Choir:


Angels given by Barrett, et al.:

Olympic Planetary Spirit:



Spirits given by Bardon, Barrett, et al.:

Name of Planet in Hebrew:

t y l a (ELITh)

Commandment from Exodus/Deuteronomy:

Do not boil a kid in its mother’s milk

Ten Plagues of Egypt:

Verses from Creation Story in Genesis:

Genesis 1-2 (OT)

Verses from other parts of the Bible, the Apocrypha, and Judeo-Christian folklore and myth:

Revelations 12, 21-22 (NT)

Cantos from the Inferno of Dante Alighieri :

Cantos from the Purgatorio of Dante Alighieri :

Cantos from the Paradiso of Dante Alighieri :

Anything having to do with Mary, Mother of Jesus; all cantos involved with Beatrice
Orders of Qlippoth:

Qlipphotic Spirit:

Lilith, the vampiric night-demon

Article of Bill of Rights:

Right of women to vote – universal suffrage

General astrological classification:

Fruitful, benefic, warm, diurnal, moist, electric, feminine. Hera is the higher octave of Jupiter. She
co-rules the Signs of Venus’s strength, and is the Transcendental equivalent of Neptune, since She is
located at the head of the Right-Hand Pillar of the Transcendental Sephiroth (see Figures 1-5 in Part 1 of
Book 2 of Volume III of New Magicks for a New Age, as well as that very article itself; also, see
Chapters 1-3 of Book 2 and Chapters 1-5 of Book 3 of Volume I of New Magicks for a New Age).

General Qaballistic classification:

Hera’s Sephirah is at the top of the Right-Hand Pillar of Grace of the Transcendental Sephiroth, the
vertical plane of which is at right angles to that containing the Left- and Right-Hand Pillars of the
traditional Tree of Life, at the intersection of that Pillar and the Second (horizontal) Plane of the Sphere
of Life.
She is the thus the transcendental equivalent of Neptune, Whose Sephirah is Chokmah, located at the
head of the Right-Hand Pillar of Mercy of the traditional Tree of Life, and Whose Path is Mem, which
connects Sephirah 5, Geburah, with Sephirah 8, Hod. Thus Her Path, the analog of Mem, is that which
connects Sephirah Ø (Null or Empty Set), the Transcendental analog of Hod, with Sephirah 0 (Zero), the
Transcendental analog of Geburah.

The general attributions of the Tarot:

These include the six Aleph-sub-Two’s of the Minor Arcana of the extended Tarot pack for the new
16-Sephiroth Qaballah; the six Crones of the Court Cards of that pack; the Suit of Starts (representing
the Quintessence) of that pack; and the Trump associated with Her Path, as yet unnumbered and untitled.

Titles of Tarot Trump:

a2 (Aleph2): The Womb of Heaven

Correct Design of Tarot Trump:

The Splendor of the Jeweled Night Sky

Titles and Attributes of Court Cards:

The six Hags or Crones and the six Court Cards in the Suit of Stars:

The Crone of Mandelbröts (Quintessence of Chaos/Void) – Lady of Chaos

The Crone of Disks/Pentacles/Coins/Plates/Bread (Quintessence of Earth/Metal) – Lady of
The Crone of Swords/Guns (Quintessence of Air/Wood) – Lady of the Growing World
The Crone of Cups (Quintessence of Water) – Lady of the Great Waters of the World
The Crone of Wands (Quintessence of Fire) – Lady of the Fires of Creation
The Crone of Stars (Quintessence of Quintessence) – Lady of the Seventh Day of Creation
Titles and Attributes of Numbered Cards:

Ace of Quintessence
Deuce of Quintessence
Trey of Quintessence
Four of Quintessence
Five of Quintessence
Six of Quintessence
Seven of Quintessence
Eight of Quintessence
Nine of Quintessence
Ten of Quintessence

Alchemical and Pythagorean Associations:

The Quintessence; chi

Attributions from the I Ching and Taoist Cosmology:

Chi; Yang

Attributions from Ninpo (Way of the Ninja, Way of Wisdom) and Shinto (Way of the Kami or Gods):

Other Magickal Correspondences, according to Barrett, et. al.:

Day of the Week ruled by Hera:


Thursday night


Thursday night

Hours of the Day ruled by Hera:

Geocentric: She rules the third, tenth, and seventeenth sixty-minute periods after the beginning of
sunset on Thursday night

Heliocentric: She rules the third, tenth, and seventeenth sixty-minute periods after the beginning of
sunset on Thursday night

Grade of the Temple:


For Hera’s Sephirah, Aleph-sub-Two, Her colors are as follows. King Scale: aquamarine, tinged
with an ever-shifting, pearly iridescence, a hint of pearl or mother-of-pearl, suggesting the Ocean, Mother
of Life, or Her diurnal mundane dominion, Libra, or noctilucent clouds. Queen Scale: the brilliant
green of mid-Spring growth in areas where there is a great deal of rain (rain-forest green), for Taurus, Her
nocturnal mundane dominion. Emperor Scale: commingled gamma radiation, X-rays, and ultraviolet
radiation, for the tremendous energies of Creation, Her cosmic Child. Empress Scale: Star-bursts in all
colors from gamma radiation on down to 3° Kelvin, suggesting manifest Creation, in all its splendor and
For Hera’s Trump, Her colors are as follows. King Scale: sky-blue. Queen Scale: deep olive green.
Emperor Scale: mother-of-pearl, rayed with emerald green and cerise. Empress Scale: Star-bursts in the
seven traditional prismatic colors.
In general, Hera is associated with Star-bursts of many colors, suggesting the Creation, in all its
glory and manifold diversity; colors of the sea and sky, signifying the Waters that gestated Life and the
amnion of Air that has, ever since, protected and energized it; colors of fertility and growth, such as
brilliant greens, the stunning chromatic displays of tropical flowers, and the deep tones of fertile soils, for
the Life to which She gave birth; and panoramic Starscape displays such as those produced by modern
astronomical techniques, e.g., the Hubbell orbiting telescope, which show the splendor and glory of
Heaven in every wavelength of the electromagnetic spectrum (or at least with visible, false-color display
for radio-emission, X-ray, and other non-visible light).



Forms, shapes, lineal figures, geomantic figures, figures related to pure number, and numerological

Hera’s primary number is the transfinite number Aleph-sub-Two, the Number of All Possible
Mathematical Structures.
Of forms, shapes, and structures, Star-bursts and Hexagpms are Hers, as are all regular mathematical
structures, such as linear and multilinear algebras.

Magick Square:

The Mystic Rose of 22 Petals (Regardie)

The Mystic Rose of 116 Petals (extension of the Mystic Rose of 22 Petals)
An Aleph-sub-Two x Aleph-sub-Two Magick Square

Stones, gems, and metals:

Hera is the apotheosis of the Sephiroth of the Right-Hand Pillar of Mercy, Whose Planets include
Venus, Jupiter, Neptune, and, to some extent, Luna. So Her stones, metals, and minerals include, e.g.,
emerald, turquoise, amethyst, coral, and pearl; and the metals copper, tin, neptunium, and silver, either
beaten or amalgamed together. The turquoise is especially appropriate to Her, because of aspect as
Qyeen of Heaven, i.e., as a Goddess of the Sky. Hera is also associated with the chemical element
nitrogen (Z=7), since the fertility of the soil is absolutely dependent upon an abundance of that element.
In the Periodic Table of the Chemical Elements, She rules the quantum-mechanical determinants of
the way by which the Periodic Table is divided into rows.

Herbs and Trees:

Hera rules all species of grass and cereal grains, including such cultivars as rice, wheat, rye, oats, etc.
She rules all the various species of phytoplankton.* She rules the various species of nitrogen-fixing soil
organisms, by which the fertility of the soil is maintained.
Among composite and colonial organisms and other phytobiotic macro-systems, Hera rules such
macro-organisms as baobab trees and the associated ecosystems of commensals they sustain and support;
rain-forests; and volvox organisms.**
Hera also rules plants which, such as bonsai’d trees, require intensive, ongoing care, nurturance, and
attention to produce and/or sustain them. She rules tropical rain-forest plants that cannot survive outside
of a hot, moist forest of the sort where they are typically found.
Traditionally, Hera is associated with roses, especially red roses, flowers special to Mary, Mother of
Christ, and similar mother-Goddesses.

*Photosynthesizing microörganisms found nearly everywhere in the world’s oceans, upon which all
marine life is nourished, either directly, through primary consumption by herbivores, or indirectly
through second- and higher-order consumption by carnivores.

**These are a genus of multicellular, free-swimming, flagellated algae whose cells form pale green
globular colonies that roll about in their watery habitats (see remarks under “Animals and Other
Organisms,” below, for related discussion).

Animals and Other Organisms:

Like Persephone, Hera is not concerned with the individual. Instead, She rules the Person as an eco-
spiritual function or force, and its place in the metabolism of Gaia. Thus She rules the community,
colony, hive, and other plant and animal societies, including those whose members include human
beings, as superorganisms. She rules the population, the ecosystem, and the biosphere (Gaia). Examples
of organisms under Hera’s dominion include, e.g., beehives, and colonies of social insects in general;
schools of fish; flocks of birds; clowders of housecats, lion-prides, and other feline societies and
colonies; herds of various animals, such as horse, deer, or buffalo; and slime-molds (because of their
grex or mobile reproductive form).
Hera is also associated with animals famous for their skill at and inclinations toward mothering, such
as the cow, the hen, the housecat, etc.
Hera also rules exotic, mutated, hybridized, or inbred strains of animals, such as certain exotic
breeds of cats, dogs, and birds, which require an enormous amount of care, love, and nurturance to keep
them alive and well. She rules all animals, fungi, and other organisms found in tropical rain-forests,
which cannot survive outside them. She rules fungal and bacterial cultivars grown for industrial and
pharmaceutical purposes, which could not survive on their own.

Ecological/biological domain or process:

Gestation and nurturance – the womb, the egg

Legendary orders of being:

All Creator Gods and Goddesses

Foods, drugs, and perfumes:

The foods most closely associated with Hera are, above all, Nectar* and Ambrosia,** the food of the
Olympians. In general, all rich, highly nourishing foods are associated with Hera, especially eggs, and
all cultivars of grass, above all, maize, the original New World variety of corn.


*Probably Elixir Vitae, sexual secretions produced during Tantric Sex.

**Possibly one of the amanita varieties of mushroom.


Excellent drugs for invocations of Hera include homeopathic tinctures of any substance ruled by Her,
at dilutions of x3, x7, x9, x13, x14, x17, x22, or x 32.* Other drugs associated with Hera include
progesterone; dairy products of all kinds, lactose (milk sugar), and lactase**; prolactin†; cultivars of
grass such as corn and other cereal grains; and Soma, the Sacred Mushroom, dedicated to Luna in Her
highest aspects.


*I.e., at concentrations of one part of substance to respectively 10 6, 1014, 1018, 1026, 1028, 1034, 1044, or 1064
parts of pure water.

**The enzyme necessary for the decomposition of lactase into glucose and galactose; lactase is not
useful to the organism before being broken down in this way.

†The hormone necessary to the production of milk by female mammals.


Flavors associated with Hera include the full-bodied, rich flavors associated with the most nourishing
foods; and milky tastes.
Hera’s perfumes include the scent of milk; the scent of new grass, fragrant in the mists and dew of
dawn; the odors of the most fertile areas of great lakes and the world’s seas and oceans; and the scent of
rich, fertile soil. The pheromones that impel male mammals to bond with females of their species in
more-or-less monogamous, lifetime associations would make excellent drugs for invocations of Hera.
These pheromones usually have no consciously perceptible scent, but they are generally part of a rich
mix of biochemical compounds emitted by various mammals, including human beings, that do have
recognizable perfumes, which would be perfect as perfumes of Hera.

Clothing, Magickal Weapons, and other objects, phenomena, and processes:

The Crown is associated with Hera’s Sephirah, because of Her aspect as Queen of Heaven. The
Magick Carpet is associated with Her Trump.
In general, Hera rules bridal gowns and trousseaus, and anything else associated with weddings;
maternity clothing; obstetrical equipment of all kinds; baby-bottles and other equipment necessary for
the care of very small children; incubators in which premature child are cared for or the eggs of birds are
hatched; nests of all kinds; hang-gliders and glider-planes; gardening tools and farming implements;
bonsai tubs; pedagogical tools useful for inducing small children to become interested in learning new
things, e.g., alphabet blocks and ceiling mobiles in bright primary colors; aprons and other equipment
and accessories associated with the art and science of the preparation of nutritious, attractive, and tasty

Anatomy and physiology:

Organs ruled by Hera include, e.g., the kidneys, breasts, female reproductive organs, and those parts
of the brain associated with and facilitating lactation, the urge to mother and protect young organisms,
ovulation, etc. Hera rules gestation, lactation, and the negative-feedback processes and systems within
the body or psyche by which either maintains a homeostatic, dynamic balance of the various parameters
of its functioning.


Hera rules the nurturing instincts and drives, conservatism in the service of Life, affection, and pair-


Hera’s pathologies include malevolent mothering, e.g., “smother love”; kidney diseases; and
diseases and female reproductive system, sexual brain, and breasts. She also rules disturbances of the
homeostatic processes and balances of the body, psyche, or spirit, and their results, such as
poikilothermia, the various auto-immune diseases,* anorexia and bulimia, chronic rage,* and their
underlying causes.


*According to Greek mythology, Hera was the mother of Ares, God of War, Whose Planet, Mars, rules
the immune system and anger. Hera was a chronically battered wife, frequently the target of Zeus’s
cruelties, maltreatment, and rage, and the temperament of Her son, Ares, may well have been shaped
by this. See Donald G. Dutton, Ph. D. with Susan K. Golant, The Batterer: A Psychological Profile
(New York: Basic Books/HarperCollins Publishers, 1995), for an extremely insightful study of the
effects of witnessing abuse of their mothers by their fathers on young males.


Occupations and ecological niches:

Hera rules mothers; nurses; child-protective agencies and their employees and managers; gardeners
and farmers; ecologists; host mothers (those who gestate babies who are the genetic offspring of other
females); queens and other female heads of state; the female heads of any species of social organism,
e.g., queen bees; all those employed in jobs or professions involved in outfitting, catering, and otherwise
assisting in the performance of weddings; marriage-counselors; physicians who treat problems
concerned with the female reproductive system, the breasts, the kidneys, and those portions of the limbic
brain involved in nurturance, gestation, lactation, fertility, affectionate drives and expression, etc.; those
portions of the brain involved in social behavior, affect, etc.; societies of all kinds, society as a
phenomenon, and everything connected with these; interior decorators and architects, particularly those
who design and furnish kitchens, nurseries, and bedrooms; nutritionists, nutritional scientists, and
nutritional therapists; pediatricians; foster-parents; those who are involved in the rescue and care of
abandoned, mistreated, or injured non-human organisms, e.g., the Humane Society, PAWS, veterinarians
who work with the charges of such agencies, etc.; and those dedicated to the protection of the living
world from anyone, whether individual organisms or corporate entities, that would do it harm, for
whatever reason, such as Earth First, Greenpeace, the Sierra Club, etc.

Places, nations, and peoples:

Hera rules farms, gardens, orphanages, nurseries (both obstetrical and botanical), birthing-rooms,
wedding-chapels and any other places used for performance of weddings and wedding-receptions,
greenhouses, grow-rooms, or any other place where life is nurtured and cherished. She also rules
bedrooms, in their function as women’s sanctum sanctora.
Outside, Hera is associated with place located in rich, fertile country under open skies with clear
views of the heavens.
Inside, Hera rules skylights; atria containing gardens; aquaria, terraria, and other artificially
contained, maintained, and nurtured habitats for fish, reptiles, birds, insects, etc.; and rooms meant for
the care, nurturance, and education of children, such as nurseries.
Nations: Hera rules America, in that country’s aspect of “Mother of Exiles.”
Cities: Rome, Mother of Empires, and of Western Christianity.
Peoples: All matrifocal, matrilineal cultures and peoples.

Planetary Age of Man:

Hera rules geological eras or Aeons during which a given planetary or planetological niche is
available for exploitation, and in which extensive species-radiation – the evolution of numerous new
species which take the place of extinct forms of life, occupying their former niches – takes place. See
remarks above.

Matters of the horoscope:

Mothering; the mother; nurses; child-welfare agencies and their representatives; farms and
gardens; female heads of state, such as queens, or prime ministers such as Golda Meier; women’s
issues; marriage; bridal shops; weddings; child-care; glider-planes and hang-gliders, and their use and
users; feminism and suffragism; shelters for battered women; abuse of women;


Lullabies; Mendelssohn’s Wedding March; Richard Wagner’s wedding-march and wedding-chorus

from Lohengrin; the “Going Home” theme from Antonín Dvorák ‘s Symphony No. 9 in E minor (“From
the New World”);


“She Walks in Beauty,” by George Gordon, Lord Byron; “How do I Love Thee?”, by Elizabeth
Barrett Browning

Books and other literary productions:

Adelle Davis, Let’s Eat Right to Keep Fit, Let’s Have Healthy Children, Let’s Get Well, etc.; Irma
Rombauer and Marion Rombauer Becker, The Joy of Cooking; Mother Goose; Better Homes and
Gardens Magazine; Sunset Magazine; The Ladies’ Home Journal; McCall’s Magazine; The Growing
Edge (a nurseryman’s magazine);

Graphic arts:

Religious paintings of the Madonna, Our Lady of Guadalupe, etc.

Saints and exemplars:

Golda Meier; Susan B. Anthony; Adelle Davis; Florence Nightengale; Betty Frieden; Queen
Ysabella of Spain (she and her husband King Ferdinand III (“The Catholic”) financed the voyages of
Christopher Columbus); Queen Elizabeth I of England; Queen Victoria of England; St. Elizabeth of
Hungary; Martha Washington, wife of U.S. President George Washington; Rosalyn Carter, wife of U.S.
President James Earl Carter; Lilian Carter, mother of U.S. President James Earl Carter; Eleanor
Roosevelt, wife of U.S. President Franklin Delano Roosevelt; Raisa Gorbachev, wife of Soviet President
Mikhail Gorbachev; Jacqueline Kennedy, wife of martyred, chronically philandering U.S. President John
F. Kennedy*; the Empress Yekaterina II of Russia, wife of Emperor Pyotr III**; Penelope, devoted wife
of Odysseys, whose fidelity and loyalty to her husband were legendary; Coretta King, wife of martyred
civil-rights leader Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. †; Connie, devoted wife of “Bob,” the martyred Saint of
Sales who also founded the Church of the SubGenius‡;


*She was thus an avatar of both Isis and Hera.

**He was infamous on account of his arrogance, stupidity, ugliness, meanness, libertine tendencies, and
multiple adulteries; was Patron of the Order of St. John after that order was kicked out of Europe;
and was finally removed from office and executed by order of his wife, who then became the sole
head of Russia.

†She is thus an avatar of Isis. Because of his martyrdom, King himself represents Jupiter’s traditional
dominion over the Sign Pisces.

‡She is thus an avatar of both Isis and Hera. And see also remarks in preceding footnote concerning Dr.
And Mrs. Coretta King; like King, “Bob” – who, during his life, was an awesomely accomplished
polygamist – represents Jupiter’s traditional dominion over Pisces (martyrdom) as well as Sagittarius
(religion, male virility).

American emblems, sigils, symbols, myth, folklore, and urban legends:

“CoNnIe,” the wife of “Bob,” the Saint of Sales

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