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Week 11 Nov.

7th 10th

This packet is due- 11/15

Read 30 minutes each day: a novel of your choice with the goal of completion. (When
finished complete an AR quiz if available)
Read: Night of San Juan
Complete: Think Critically
Read: Tet Nguyen Dan: Vietnamese Lunar New Year
Complete: Comparing Texts
Complete: Grammar Practice Book pgs. 9-12 Lesson 11
No Spelling Test or Wordly Wise this week
Continue Chapter Review Practice- TEST is Tuesday 11/8/16
1) Teach: Supplemental lesson 67- Multiplying Fractions
2) Practice: Have student get onto IXL math and complete 5th grade Math Lesson:
M.15- multiply two fractions
Let me know ASAP if you are having trouble accessing IXL or need login info.
NO SCHOOL- Veterans Day
This week we are continuing in Physical Science and investigating matter.
Social Studies:
Continue using Social studies curriculum. Plan on completing a chapter a week. Please
let me know right away if you are still missing some curriculum.
This week we will be continuing to work on a 5 paragraph narrative and will not be using
6 traits this week. Please still check their homework folder both Wednesday and Friday
because there will be assignments to complete on those days.
REMINDERS: Students first and last name in their handwriting, along with the date, and
grade must be on all assignments.

Homework Checklist Due 11/8

Student book chapter review
Supplemental math #67
Time on IXL Math lesson M.15 multiply two fractions
Language arts:
Think Critically
Grammar pages
Any graphic organizers sent home, completed and returned

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