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Catharina Jensen


Lesson 11: What Have We Learnt?

Year: 3
Prior Learning and Rationale: The students have participated in an incursion in the last science lesson (Lesson 10), the initial stage of this
lesson will provide the opportunity for students to discuss what they have learnt and also discuss the accumulation of what they have learnt
throughout this science unit of work (Kermani & Aldemir, 2015). This lesson and the final lesson are important because they provide students
with the opportunity to discuss and represent what they have learnt with their peers.
KLA (s): For links to other KLA areas click on QR code to the right or http://ech430thescienceofnightandday.weebly.com/ksk-and-curriculum-links.html
ST2-9ES: Describes how relationships between the sun and the Earth cause regular changes (BOSTES NSW, 2012, p.55).
Demonstrate that the rotation of the Earth on its axis is the cause of night and day (BOSTES NSW, 2012, p.55).
ST2-5WT: Applies a design process and uses a range of tools, equipment, materials and techniques to produce solutions that
address specific design criteria (BOSTES NSW, 2012, p.52)
Using creative thinking techniques, including brainstorming, mind-mapping, sketching and modelling (BOSTES NSW, 2012, p.52).
Whole class objective:
For the students to consolidate their learning gained throughout the unit by engaging in class and small group discussions about what they
have learnt and how they could represent this (BOSTES NSW, 2012).
Resources & Equipment:
Classroom organisation:
On the floor as a whole class and groups or
Interactive Whiteboard (IWB)
pairs around the room. These two learning
incursion photos
areas will be visited multiple times
30 x butchers paper
throughout the lesson.
25 x textas
Matching pairs cards printed on cardboardhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=0BxvTvf396ZXTTWdXNDJueDVxYWc

Introduction: The students will be instructed to come and sit down on the floor. The teacher will put up some photos of the incursion. Have a
class discussion using the think, pair share strategy to allow students to discuss the key aspects of the incursion (Charlesworth & Lind, 2013).
The teacher will ask some of the following inquiry questions: Which experience did you enjoy the most? What is one thing you learnt about
Day and Night that you did not know before? (MacNaughton & Williams, 2009). The students will be told that they are going to brainstorm
what are the key scientific contents they have learnt about throughout this whole science unit. The students will be put into groups of four to
five children and given a piece of butchers paper. The students will be instructed to go to anywhere in the room and brainstorm and write the
key concepts they have learnt about.
Body: The students will be instructed to come and sit down on the floor after about ten minutes of brainstorming the key scientific concepts
they had learnt. The class will come together and create a spider diagram with Day and Night in the middle, on the IWB. The teacher will
explain to the students that the final activity they will be put in pairs and represent what they have learnt about a specific concept for example
the rotation of the moon around the earth. The teacher will have prepared the pairs already. To get the students in their pairs she will put
cards on their desk with matching images or words of their pair. The students will be instructed to find their pairs without talking and make a
circle around the room next to their pair. The teacher will say the now that are going decide what scientific concept each pair is going to focus
on. The teacher will encourage students to choose a concept that they were interested in or wanted to learn more about. The students will be
given three minutes to talk to their partner about which concept they would like to do for the final activity. The class will go around in a circle
to each pair and write down which concept they will focus on.
Conclusion: The teacher will explain that for the next twenty minutes each pair will brainstorm the important information about their concept.
The teacher will pose the question to students, How can you find the information? This discussion will scaffold students thinking about the
different ways they can research.
Differentiation of learning for individual children
For student/s to consolidate their learning throughout the unit by
For student/s to consolidate their understanding of the concepts by
being supported in reviewing what they have learnt throughout the
discussing them and being challenged to highlight the key concepts
science unit.
they have learnt.
The teacher will pair students who need support with more capable
The teacher will use questioning effectively to extend students in the
students who work cooperatively together. To support ATIS
areas she observed they gained a rich understanding in. Encourage
students the teacher will scaffold students understanding of the
students to choose a concept to represent that they think they could
specific scientific vocabulary and concepts (Appanna, 2011).
learn more about (MacNaughton & Williams, 2009).
The teacher will put an image of something that was explored
The teacher will put the text on their card to find their partner, for
throughout this unit their card to find their pair.
example, Quarter moon.

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