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EPC 3403 - Practicum 3a

Weekly Journal

4th Week 3rd journal entry

Nahla Ali Alshehhi

From 6th of November, 2016 =>

To 9th of November, 2016.

*Areas to develop and self-independence

Caption Figure 1:
This is the first
system in groups.

Caption Figure 2: This is

second reward system which is
individual and in the end of the
class (Bracelet).

In week four, the beginning of the week was good, and students worked well with their teacher
my MST and with me. The thing that I focused on this week is that self-independence in everything.
Especially, I concentrate on the feedback from my MST and MCT. I looked up at the points that
they are sharing together that I need to be worked on. I go ahead for searching a solution and
thinking about something that will work.
Regarding the personal areas of weaknesses, the thing that I cannot handle is that with
students is that my classroom management. Firstly, I did a regular classroom management system; I
thought that students would be punctual and commitment (figure 1). But, I give them lots of rewards
which let them want to finish the task just to take the rewards. I would change this thing next time,
and I will do individual management system, and I will set up classroom rules.
In terms the class rules, it will include that student must be focused on the teacher, clean your
desks, and keep quiet while I am explaining something and listen carefully. Students will be
reminded every beginning of the lesson in the warm-up until they already realize that is something
must do in the classroom. However, the second thing that I did is that special rewards. After each
lesson, I will give students who are listening today, who are concentrating, who are working with

EPC 3403 - Practicum 3a

Weekly Journal

me quietly today a bracelet (figure 2). I will encourage them and give them also gifts with these
bracelets to reinforce them positively.
On the other hands, there is reinforcement for a student who did well today from each group.
For example, if a student did a good job today and he was collaborative with his friends he will get
Super Student reward card at the end of the lesson. The purpose of putting the rewards, stickers,
and bracelet at the end is to let students be patient and listen to their teacher carefully.
Overall, I achieved my focus in this week which is a week of encouraging students with
rewards and let them be commitment. I think on Wednesday of this week, the new system that I did
was worked feasible with students. I told them also, that if they are not listening, I will take off from
their stickers on the board. Many new strategies worked with students.
402 words.

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