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Resizing Images In Batch Using Adobe Photoshop CC:


1. Firstly, before you can begin to Batch Process your images, you need to create
two Folders in your File Explorer. The first you should call RAW Images and inside
it you need to place all of your images - that are currently the incorrect size - that you
took during the animating process. The second, called Resized Images is where the
Batching Process will place all of your images after they have been Resized.


2. Secondly, after opening the software program Adobe Photoshop CC, you need
to open up your first image from inside the folder that you named RAW Images.
To do this, simply Click Open from the File Drop-Down List (on the Main Menu
Bar) and locate this Folder.


3. Next, before you can edit you images in a Batch Quantity, you need to create an Adobe
Photoshop CC Action. To do this, simply open the Dockable Action Tab either from the Tool Bar
(on the right hand side of the screen) or by selecting it on the Drop Down List from the Window
Button on the Main Menu Bar. Once this Tab is open, click the Create New Action Button
(highlighted using an arrow in this tutorial/guide). After Clicking this, a Window will appear
(below). In here you must first give you Action an appropriate/recognisable name. You can also
assign a Function Key to this particular Action allowing you to activate it at any time in the
Program without needing to Reselect it from the Actions Tab. To start recording your Action,
either use the Function Key that you assigned earlier or simply click Record from the Actions


4. Then, from the Main Menu Bar (at the top of the screen) click on the Button that
is labelled Image. After you have done this, a Drop-Down List will appear and from
this List you then need to select and Left-Click on: Image Size. (See Figure Five
(5) for the next instruction).


5. After clicking on the Button Image Size, this Window (shown above) will
appear. In here, make sure that the Units for both the Width and Height of your
Image are set to Pixels. After you have checked this, change the Image Width to:
1920 Pixels (Px) and the Image Height to: 1080 Pixels (Px). Now simply left-click:
OK to Resize your Image.


6. Next, you need to Save your Resized Image. To do this, Click File from the Main Menu
Bar at the top of the screen. Then, from in the Drop-Down List that appears, Select Save
As. After this Button has been Clicked, the Window (shown above) will open. In here,
navigate to the Folder that you created earlier called: Resized Images, give your Image an


7. Finally, to finish creating your

Action, Click the Stop Button on
the bottom left of the Actions


8. Finally, to begin the Batching Process, follow these steps:




Firstly, Click: File/Automate/Batch from the Main Menu Bar at the top of the screen. This
will then open a Batch Window.
Inside the Batch Window Select Action and then Batch Resizing Images.
Now, ensure that Source is set to Folder and then Select Choose. This will Open a
Navigation Window where inside you need to Select the Folder that you named RAW
Next, make certain that the Override Action Open Commands Box is Ticked.
Ensure that Destination is set to Folder and then Select Choose. This will Open a
Navigation Window where inside you need to Select the Folder that you named Resized
Finally, to begin the Batching Process, Click OK.

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