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Age: 26

Hometown: Baltimore, MD

I grew up in the city of Baltimore, MD to a blended family, living in the house with 5 other
Kids. I am the middle child, in a family of 11 kids. Seven sisters and four brothers. I dont
Particularly Have a favorite food, but anything spicy works for me, or fruit. Watermelon, honey
dew and Cantaloupe in particular.
I oddly enough am into Astrology. I believe that everything that happens is linked when
certain planets align. I am a Libra, so when certain planets align with the Venus, it can
cause unexpected shifts to ones mood. I am active online, and have been active
Online, since the age 16, on a virtual world called IMVU, where you have an Avatar you
Control, and you get to make friends around the world from your computer. Its pretty
Awesome at times, although, you learn quickly, the world is fully of bullies on the internet.
I love animals, having owned quiet a few myself, dog, cat, turtle, toad, duckling, bird,
Fish. As of current, I own one cat named Ashes, and a hamster named Hamdini for her great
Escape skills.

I am the mother of a four year old little boy named Jayden. I currently am
only a student, Jaydens Father is the provider of the family currently.

Personality Type
I can be a bit of an introvert at times, not really wanting much to do with others unless it is needed or
required. I care too much, in my own opinion, to the point where I will let someone I care for have their way, just
to keep peace. I try to speak up and keep things as just as I can, while preserving the feelings of others. My
personality type is a protagonist, type ENJF.

Personality Test

Personality type

I am a set to graduate from CCBC in June 2017, if all goes according to plan.
I am seeking a degree in general studies, in hope to transfer to Townson University
And study either law or Biology. This semester I am currently taking 4 classes, 3 of them
Online classes, 1 in class.
Current classes being


NAST 207

CSIT 101

MAT 165

PHI 101

I think of myself as someone who is a bit of a romantic, but I also like comedy. I,
Like most people, prefer to watch movies I can closely relate to. My favorite movie
Is called No Strings Attached. Its your basic romance comedy flick, boy meets girl, they like
One another, date, break up and get back together. Its my go to movie no matter my

I am potentially seeking to finish with a degree in biology or in law. In biology, I would

Like to pursue Sonography perhaps, or perinatology. Law, I would look to be maybe a
Lawyer for a firm, or a private attorney. In order to achieve those goals, I would need to
Obtain my associates degree, which would be in general studies, Seeing as Im more into the
Human body, sonography or perinatology would be my next step, Bachelors in Biology,
Leads to my Masters degree after, with all certifications to follow.



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