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Eugar June D.


Definition of AutoCAD
AutoCAD is a computer-aided drafting software program used to create blueprints for buildings,
bridges, and computer chips, among other things. Discover how AutoCAD is used by drafters
and other professionals.

Function and Characteristics

The keyboard function keys F1 - F12 control settings that are commonly turned on and off as
you work in the product.





Displays Help for the active tooltip, command, palette or dialog



Expanded history

Displays an expanded command history in the Command



Object snap

Turns object snap on and off.


3D object snap

Turns additional object snaps for 3D on and off.



Cycles through 2D isoplane settings.


Dynamic UCS
(AutoCAD only)

Turns automatic UCS alignment with planar surfaces on and



Grid display

Turns the grid display on and off.



Locks cursor movement to horizontal or vertical.


Grid snap

Restricts cursor movement to specified grid intervals.

F10 Polar tracking

Guides cursor movement to specified angles.

F11 Object snap tracking

Tracks the cursor horizontally and vertically from object snap


F12 Dynamic input

Displays distances and angles near the cursor and accepts input
as you use Tab between fields.

Advantages of CAD Drafting over Manual Drafting

Computer Aided Design (CAD) has been a real breakthrough in the AEC industry by becoming
the primary source of communicating design intent. Before the advent of CAD, the only source
for draftsmen was pencil and paper for drawing sketches. The traditional method of manual
drafting is iterative and time consuming. However, now there has been a paradigm shift from
traditional manual drafting to CAD DESIGN AND DRAFTING.
Some of the benefits of CAD Drafting are as followsData storing and Accessibility One of the advantages of CAD drafting is that the drawings
need not be filed and stored in folder unlike in manual drafting. CAD drafting can be easily
saved on the computer server and can be accessed from anywhere with internet connection. The
chance of losing the documents is higher in manual drafting. As CAD drawings can be saved
electronically without the use of paper, it is also an environment friendly method.

3D views 3D drawings are the best way to virtually represent a structure. Though one can
manually create a 3d model, it wouldnt look as realistic as the 3D model generated by
AutoCAD. AutoCAD breathes life in the 3D model and aid the visualization process. While
creating 3D view manually is a challenging, time-consuming and tire-some job, it becomes
much easier with software like AutoCAD.
Revisions While you create any drawing on paper or software, there is bound to be some
amount of revisions or modifications. In manual drafting, you need to erase and redraw to make
any modification to your drawing. CAD simplifies the revision process to a large extent with its
various editing tools. With few clicks of mouse, you can undo, redo or delete your actions. You
need not re-draw an object anytime later as you can modify the existing object by mirroring,
stretching, rotating, scaling etc.
Speed and Time Technologies are invented to make our work easier, save our time and to
complete the work faster. AutoCAD is significantly faster than the traditional method of manual
drafting. It speeds up the task of preparing bill of materials, reports, scaling etc. The tedious task
of drawing each line on paper can be done in few mouse clicks. As CAD software eliminates
repetitive iterations, a substantial amount of time is saved. In AutoCAD, data describing a
component or its family is associative in nature and hence revisions are automatically made to all
places the data is used.
Accuracy In manual drafting, all the objects drawn must be of correct size and alignment.
Each object need to be manually verified and dimensioned as the slightest error can be
catastrophic to the entire project. With CAD, there are numerous techniques available to obtain
exact dimensions thus leading to improved accuracy in the project.
Owing to the numerous benefits in terms of speed, accuracy, data storage, revision CAD offers
over manual drafting, it has become a standard for the AEC industries.

History of AutoCAD
AutoCAD was derived from a program begun in 1977 and released in 1979 called Interact CAD,
also referred to in early Autodesk documents as Micro CAD, which was written prior to
Autodesk's (then Marin chip Software Partners) formation by Autodesk cofounder Mike Riddle.
The first version by Autodesk was demonstrated at the 1982 Comdex and released that
December. The 2016 release marked the 30th major release of AutoCAD for Windows. The 2014
release marked the fourth consecutive year of AutoCAD for Mac.

AutoCAD Interface and Function

1. Quick Access Toolbar:

In above window you are not able to See Quick Access Toolbar(QAT) and Workspace tabs is
because above window is not in Maximize mode. So if you are unable to see Works space and
QAT then press Maximize window tab.
By default this window have some tabs like: New, Open , Save , Save All, Plot , Undo and Redo.
You can Customize this QAT by pressing down key tab next to Workspace list .
Customize Quick Access Toolbar

Also alternatively you can Right Click on Ribbon(8) tabs and Add any Tabs to QAT .
2. Ribbon Tabs:
Below QAT you will find all Ribbon Tabs available in this Workspace. Default Works Space is
Drafting and Annotation .
Different Ribbon tabs offers different Ribbon panels depending on your work.
3. Search:
You can search any commands or information by entering any Keywords or Phrase.
4. External Links:
Which is also called information center which links to AutoCAD 360 .
5. Help:
Help tabs link with help file you can search help content also other information as below. You
can change setting for display Welcome Screen here.

6. Title Bar:
Here you will see your Drawing file name which is open currently.
7. Application Menu Button (AutoCAD Logo) :
This AutoCAD application menu offers different options along with Default QAT options as
8. Ribbons:
This is your main Toolbar area where you will find all Tabs in panel format arranged as per their
use . Ribbon is consists of panel. Some panel is associated with Dialog boxes which can be used
by pressing bottom right corner arrow tab of panel.
9. File Tabs:
You can add new Drawing Files by pressing [+] icon on File tabs or if you want to switch
between Model and Layout tabs then hover mouse cursor over File tab name and a preview will
be shown as below then select correct Layout.

10. Viewport Controls:

This is on Screen View port controls form where you can change AutoCAD views and Visual
Styles to different options as below.

11. View Cube:

Through view Cube you can see Drawing Elements from Differnt view direction and you can
rotate view .
12. WCS.
Below View Cube you can select WCS or Create new Co-coordinating system,

13. Navigation Bar:

This Navigation bar you can locate on different side of AutoCAD window . This contains some
additional tools like Pan.

14. Drawing Area/ Graphics Area:

This is main area of Model where you will create new Drawing elements . This is infinite space
area .
15. Command Line:
Another way to use AutoCAD features is o run command from Command line. This command
line setting options are as below:

16. Model and Layout Tabs:

This tabs used for Model and Layout tabs . You can create Rename and Delete Layout tabs from
here. Also you chnage location of Model and Layout tabs to status bar by Right click and select
option to hide.
Status Bar: (17 +18 +19)
17. Drawing Settings:
This is application Station bar which consist of different settings. You can toggle to on and off
these icons.
18. Additional Settings:
This contains Models, Annotation and some additional settings. This is available in Drawing
window status bar.
19. Drawing Coordinates:
This shows current location of Mouse cursor in Drawing coordinates:
20. Co-ordinates:
This is Coordinated of Drawing.
21. Ribbon view:
You can change ribbons Minimized to tabs, Panel Titles, Panel Buttons or |Cycle through all.

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