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Make a Ping Pong Ball Float

Membuat bola ping pong terapung
Can you control a ping pong ball as it floats above a hair dryer? Put your handeye coordination skills to the test while learning the important role that forces
such as gravity and air pressure play in this simple experiment for kids.
Bolehkah anda mengawal bola ping pong yang terapung di atas pengering rambut?
Eksperimen yang mudah untuk kanak-kanak ini sesuai untuk menguji kemahiran
koordinasi mata-tangan anda sambil mempelajari kepentingan peranan daya
seperti graviti dan tekanan udara.
What you'll need:

At least 1 ping pong ball (2 or 3 would be great)

A hair dryer

kamu perlukan:

Sekurang-kurangnya 1 bola ping pong (2 atau 3 adalah lebih baik)

Pengering rambut

1. Plug in the hair dryer and turn it on.
2. Put it on the highest setting and point it straight up.
3. Place your ping pong ball above the hair dryer and watch what happens.

1. Pasang plug pengering rambut dan hidupkannya.

2. Letakkan ia pada tetapan tertinggi dan halakan muncung lurus ke atas.

3. Letakkan bola ping pong anda di atas pengering rambut dan perhatikan apa
yang berlaku.
What's happening?
Your ping pong ball floats gently above the hair dryer without shifting sideways
or flying across the other side of the room. The airflow from the hair dryer
pushes the ping pong ball upwards until its upward force equals the force of
gravity pushing down on it. When it reaches this point it gently bounces around,
floating where the upward and downward forces are equal.
The reason the ping pong ball stays nicely inside the column of air produced by
the hair dryer without shifting sideways is due to air pressure. The fast moving
air from the hair dryer creates a column of lower air pressure, the surrounding
higher air pressure forces the ping pong ball to stay inside this column, making it
easy to move the hair dryer around without losing control of the ping pong ball.
See if you can float 2 or even 3 ping pong balls as an extra challenge
Apa yang berlaku?
Bola ping pong kamu terapung perlahan-lahan di atas pengering rambut tanpa
beralih ke tepi atau terbang ke arah yang lain.Aliran udara dari pengering rambut
menolak bola ping pong ke atas sehingga daya tolakan keatas tersebut menyamai
dengan daya tarikan graviti yang menolaknya ke bawah. Apabila ia mencapai ke
tahap ini, bola ping pong perlahan-lahan melantun disekitarnya, daya tolakan dan
tarikan yang sama telah mengapungkan bola ping pong tersebut.
Alasan yang menyebabkan bola ping pong kekal elok di dalam lajur udara yang
dihasilkan oleh pengering rambut tanpa beralih ke kiri dan kanan adalah

disebabkan oleh tekanan udara. Pergerakan udara yang laju dari pengering
rambut mencipta lajur tekanan udara yang lebih rendah,tekanan udara
disekeliling yang lebih tinggi memaksa bola ping pong berada di dalam lajur,
menjadikannya mudah untuk menggerakkan pengering rambut ke sekeliling tanpa
hilang kawalan bola ping pong.
Mari kita lihat jika kamu dapat mengapungkan 2 atau 3 bola ping pong sebagai

Cut Ice Cubes in Half Like Magic

Potong kiub ais pada separuh seperti membuat silap mata
Speed up the melting process of ice with the help of a little pressure. Cut a
piece of ice in half like magic while learning how the process relates to ice
Mempercepatkan proses peleburan ais dengan bantuan sedikit tekanan. Potong
sekeping ais pada separuh seperti ajaib sambil belajar bagaimana proses
tersebut dikaitkan dengan aktiviti meluncur air.
What you'll need:

One ice cube

A piece of fishing line with a weight (the heavier the better) tied to each

A container

Some kind of tray to keep things from getting wet

kamu perlukan:
Satu kiub ais
Seutas tali pancing dengan pemberat ( lebih berat adalah lebih baik) di ikat
pada setiap hujung tali.
Sebuah bekas
Dulang, untuk mengelakkan daripada basah
1. Turn the container upside down and put it on the tray.
2. Place the ice cube on top of the upside down container.

3. Rest the fishing line over the ice cube so that the weights are left
dangling over the side of the container.
4. Watch it for around 5 minutes.

1. Terbalikkan bekas dan meletakkannya di atas dulang.
2. Letakkan kiub ais di bahagian atas bekas yang telah diterbalikkan.
3. Letakkan tali pancing ke atas kiub ais dimana pemberat dibiarkan
berjuntai disebelah bekas.
4. Perhatikan selama kira-kira 5 minit.

What's happening?
The pressure from the two weights pulls the string through the ice cube by
melting the ice directly under the fishing line. This is similar to ice skating
where the blades of a skater melt the ice directly underneath, allowing the
skater to move smoothly on a thin layer of water.
Apa yang berlaku?
Tekanan dari kedua-dua pemberat menarik tali menerusi kiub ais dengan
meleburkan ais secara langsung di bawah tali pacing. Perkara yang serupa berlaku
ketika aktiviti meluncur ais di mana bilah kasut peluncur mencairkan ais secara
langsung di bawah bilah , yang membolehkan peluncur ais bergerak dengan lancar
di atas lapisan air yang nipis.


You will need

One small empty plastic soda or water bottle

1/2 cup of vinegar

Small balloon

Baking soda

Funnel or piece of paper

kamu perlukan:

Satu botol kosong air berkarbonat atau air mineral

1/2 cawan cuka
Belon bersaiz kecil
Soda penaik
Corong turas atau sehelai kertas

What to do
1. Carefully pour the vinegar into the bottle.
2. This is the tricky part: Loosen up the balloon by stretching it a few times
and then use the funnel to fill it a bit more than half way with baking

soda. If you dont have a funnel you can make one using the paper and
some tape.
3. Now carefully put the neck of the balloon all the way over the neck of the
bottle without letting any baking soda into the bottle.
4. Ready? Lift the balloon up so that the baking soda falls from the balloon
into the bottle and mixes with the vinegar. Watch the fizz-inflator at
Apa yang perlu dilakukan
1. Tuangkan cuka ke dalam botol dengan berhati-hati.
2. Ini adalah bahagian yang agak rumit: Longgarkan belon dengan
meregangkannya beberapa kali, kemudian gunakan corong turas untuk
mengisi lebih daripada separuh soda penaik. Jika kamu tidak mempunyai
corong turas kamu bolehlah membuat satu corong menggunakan kertas dan
pita pelekat
3. Sekarang letakkan mulut belon ke mulut botol tanpa membiarkan soda
penaik masuk ke dalam botol.
4. Bersedia? Angkat belon tersebut supaya soda penaik jatuh dari belon ke
dalam botol dan bercampur dengan cuka. Perhatikan kembungan fizz

How does it work?

The baking soda and the vinegar create an ACID-BASE reaction and the two
chemicals work together to create a gas, (carbon dioxide) Gasses need a lot of
room to spread out and the carbon dioxide starts to fill the bottle, and then
moves into the balloon to inflate it.
Bagaimana ia berfungsi
Soda penaik dan cuka menyebabkan tindakbalas asid dengan bes dan kedua-dua
bahan kimia ini akan menghasilkan gas, (karbon dioksida) gas-gas memerlukan
ruang yang besar untuk disebarkan dan karbon dioksida mula untuk mengisi
ruangan botol, dan kemudiannya akan bergerak ke dalam belon sekaligus
mengembung ia.

The project above is a DEMONSTRATION. To make it a true experiment, you
can try to answer these questions:
1. Does water temperature affect how fast the balloon fills up.
2. Does the size of the bottle affect how much the balloon fills?

3. Can the amount the balloon fills-up be controlled by the amount of vinegar
or baking soda?
Projek di atas adalah satu demonstrasi. Untuk menjadikan ia satu eksperimen
yang benar, kamu bolehlah cuba menjawab soalan-soalan ini:
1. Adakah suhu air memberi kesan kepada berapa cepat belon tersebut
2. Adakah saiz botol mempengaruhi berapa banyak belon boleh mengembung?
3. Bolehkah jumlah pengembungan belon dikawal oleh jumlah cuka atau soda

The Exploding Lunch Bag

Letupan beg plastik bekalan makan tengahari

You will need

One small (sandwich size) zip-lock bag freezer bags work best.

Baking soda

Warm water


Measuring cup

A tissue

Kamu perlukan

Satu beg plastik bekalan (saiz sandwich) zip-lock bag beg plastik sejuk

beku lebih baik.

Soda penaik
Air suam
Cawan penyukat
Sehelai tisu

What to do:
1. Go outside or at least do this in the kitchen sink.
2. Put 1/4 cup of pretty warm water into the bag.
3. Add 1/2 cup of vinegar to the water in the bag.
4. Put 3 teaspoons of baking soda into the middle of the tissue
5. Wrap the the baking soda up in the tissue by folding the tissue around it.
6. You will have to work fast now partially zip the bag closed but leave
enough space to add the baking soda packet. Put the tissue with the
baking soda into the bag and quickly zip the bag completely closed.
7. Put the bag in the sink or down on the ground (outside) and step back. The
bag will start to expand, and expand, and if all goes wellPOP!

Kamu perlu lakukan:


Pergi ke luar - atau sekurang-kurangnya lakukan ini didalam sinki dapur.

Letakkan 1/4 cawan air suam ke dalam beg.
Tambah 1/2 cawan cuka ke dalam air di dalam beg.
Letakkan 3 sudu teh serbuk penaik ke tengah-tengah tisu

5. Balut baking soda dalam tisu dengan melipat tisu di sekelilingnya.Anda akan
perlu bekerja pantas sekarang - sebahagiannya zip beg ditutup tetapi
meninggalkan ruang yang cukup untuk menambah paket baking soda.
Letakkan tisu dengan soda penaik ke dalam beg dan cepat zip beg ditutup
6. Meletakkan beg di sinki atau di atas tanah (luar) dan langkah ke belakang.
Beg itu akan mula berkembang, dan berkembang, dan jika semua berjalan
lancar ... POP!

Hows it work
Cool huh? Nothing like a little chemistry to to add fun to a boring afternoon.
What happens inside the bag is actually pretty interesting the baking soda and
the vinegar eventually mix (the tissue buys you some time to zip the bag shut)
When they do mix, you create an ACID-BASE reaction and the two chemicals
work together to create a gas, (carbon dioxide the stuff we breathe out) well
it turns out gasses need a lot of room and the carbon dioxide starts to fill the
bag, and keeps filling the bag until the bag can no longer hold it any more and,
POP! Be sure to clean up well and recycle those plastic bagshave fun!
Bagaimana ia berfungsi

Cool huh? Tiada apa-apa seperti kimia sedikit untuk menambah menyeronokkan
untuk petang yang membosankan.
Apa yang berlaku di dalam beg itu sebenarnya cukup menarik - baking soda dan
cuka akhirnya campuran (tisu membeli anda sedikit masa untuk zip menutup beg)

Apabila mereka bergaul, anda membuat tindak balas asid-bes dan kedua-dua
bahan kimia bekerjasama untuk mewujudkan gas, (karbon dioksida - barangan
yang kita sedut keluar)
dan ia ternyata gas memerlukan banyak ruang dan karbon dioksida bermula untuk
mengisi beg, dan memastikan mengisi beg sehingga beg tidak lagi boleh memegang
apa-apa lagi dan , POP! Pastikan anda membersihkan dengan baik dan mengitar
semula orang-orang beg plastik ... bersenang-senang!

The project above is a DEMONSTRATION. To make it a true experiment, you
can try to answer these questions:
1. Will different temperature water affect how fast the bag inflates?
2. What amount of baking soda creates the best reaction?
3. Which size bag creates the fastest pop?

Jadikan ia satu eksperimen

Projek di atas adalah satu demonstrasi. Untuk menjadikan ia satu eksperimen
yang benar, kamu bolehlah cuba menjawab soalan-soalan ini:
1. Adakah suhu air yang berbeza memberi kesan kepada berapa cepat beg
2. Apakah jumlah baking soda mewujudkan tindak balas yang terbaik?

3. Yang beg saiz mewujudkan pop paling cepat?

P.S. Jika anda suka eksperimen ini, cuba Rocket Filem Kanister.


Make your Own Volcano

You will need

A volcano Talk to an art teacher about how to make a volcano out of paper
mache or plaster. You can also use clay or if youre in a hurry to make your
volcano, use a mound of dirt outside.

A container that 35mm film comes in, and old pill bottle, a baby food jar, or
similar size container.

Red and yellow food coloring (optional)


Liquid dish washing soap

What to do
1. Go outside or prepare for some clean-up inside
2. Put the container into the volcano at the top

3. Add two spoonfuls of baking soda

4. Add about a spoonful of dish soap
5. Add about 5 drops each of the red and yellow food coloring
Add about an ounce of the vinegar into the container and watch what your volcano
come alive.
A VOLCANO is produced over thousands of years as heat a pressure build up. That
aspect of a volcano is very difficult to recreate in a home experiment. However this
volcano will give you an idea of what it might look like when a volcano erupts flowing
lava. This is a classic experiment in which a CHEMICAL reaction can create the
appearance of a PHYSICAL volcano eruption. You should look at pictures of
volcanoes to be familiar with the different types. (A SHIELD volcano, for example is
the most common kind of volcano, and yet few people know about them) The
reaction will bubble up and flow down the side like a real volcano (only much faster!)
Look for videos of volcanoes erupting and be sure that you understand how heat and
pressure work to really make volcanoes erupt.
The project above is a DEMONSTRATION. To make it a true experiment, you can try
to answer these questions:
1. Does vinegar temperature affect how fast the volcano erupts?
2. Does the shape of the volcano affect the direction the eruption travels?
3. What can be added to the lava to slow it down and make it more like real lava?
4. What combination of vinegar and baking soda creates the biggest eruption?


Make a Paperclip Float

You will need

clean dry paper clips

tissue paper
a bowl of water
pencil with eraser

What to do
Fill the bowl with water
Try to make the paper clip floatnot much luck, huh?
Tear a piece of tissue paper about half the size of a dollar bill
GENTLY drop the tissue flat onto the surface of the water
GENTLY place a dry paper clip flat onto the tissue (try not to touch the water or the
Use the eraser end of the pencil to carefully poke the tissue (not the paper clip) until
the tissue sinks. With some luck, the tissue will sink and leave the paper clip floating!

How does it work?

How is this possible? With a little thing we scientists call SURFACE TENSION.
Basically it means that there is a sort of skin on the surface of water where the water
molecules hold on tight together. If the conditions are right, they can hold tight
enough to support your paper clip. The paperclip is not truly floating, it is being held
up by the surface tension. Many insects, such as water striders, use this skin to
walk across the surface of a stream.
The project above is a DEMONSTRATION. To make it a true experiment, you can try
to answer these questions:
1. How many paperclips can the surface tension hold?
2. Does the shape of the paperclip affect its floating ability?
3. What liquids have the strongest surface tension?
4. Can the surface tension of water be made stronger? (try sprinkling baby powder
on the surface)


You will need

A large iron nail (about 3 inches)

About 3 feet of THIN COATED copper wire
A fresh D size battery
Some paper clips or other small magnetic objects

What to do
1. Leave about 8 inches of wire loose at one end and wrap most of the rest of the
wire around the nail. Try not to overlap the wires.
2. Cut the wire (if needed) so that there is about another 8 inches loose at the other
end too.
3. Now remove about an inch of the plastic coating from both ends of the wire and
attach the one wire to one end of a battery and the other wire to the other end of the
battery. See picture below. (It is best to tape the wires to the battery be careful
though, the wire could get very hot!)
4. Now you have an ELECTROMAGNET! Put the point of the nail near a few paper
clips and it should pick them up!
NOTE: Making an electromagnet uses up the battery somewhat quickly which is why
the battery may get warm, so disconnect the wires when you are done exploring.

How does it work?

Most magnets, like the ones on many refrigerators, cannot be turned off, they are
called permanent magnets. Magnets like the one you made that can be turned on
and off, are called ELECTROMAGNETS. They run on electricity and are only
magnetic when the electricity is flowing. The electricity flowing through the wire
arranges the molecules in the nail so that they are attracted to certain metals.
NEVER get the wires of the electromagnet near at household outlet! Be safe have
The project above is a DEMONSTRATION. To make it a true experiment, you can try
to answer these questions:
1. Does the number of times you wrap the wire around the nail affect the strength of
the nail?
2. Does the thickness or length of the nail affect the electromagnets strength?
3. Does the thickness of the wire affect the power of the electromagnet?

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