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Write notes-summary for each paragraph. Leave out the examples.

Combine these into one.
Develop a position
give your reasons
explain the reason using examples
write down the agruments and counter-arguments


Backgroud, your position and reasons

Elaborate reason 1 with example
Elaborate reason 2 with example
kill the counter argument. conclude. go one step beyond.

Comments from the net:

Some good tips ,firstly for speaking
In this I would like to utter that please keep on speaking for describing image
or graph I repeat do speak . Whether you are understanding the graph or not ,the
only prime thing to keep
in mind is that it is a speaking task so you have to speak and show that you can
speak .
One good point for my side is when you describe the graph and if you are not get
ting what to say ,you can firstly describe what the image is depicting with word
s like The graph is showing,
illustrating or depicting whatever you see as the starting words, secondly you c
an say about the numbers which are on the vertical axis and the years which are
on the horizontal axis ,
following this you can add the units like the graph has degree celcius as unit o
r the million dollars or percentage .
Please say these things if you feel weak as a speaker , your main focus should b
e to say at least 3 sentences .
1. you can say about the topic .
2.you can say the unit
3.you can say the horizontal and vertical axis points like years or percentage .
For Retell lecture understand the theme and note some points from the lecture a
nd when starting please say IN the following lecture the speaker has talked abou
t name the topic and
then add some points which you have heard and I would say please speak as it is
the speaking module .
Now about listening please write on the notepad what you hear ,if not all but at least the starting
topic and the main theme of the topic and write them in your own words for summ
arize spoken test and
almost all the listening part . I repeat practice listening and writing at home
as it will increase your speed.
Reading -In this you have to manage time and try to spend only 1 to 2 min for ch
oosing single and multiple type only because if you spend more time on this you
may miss the last
questions which carry heavy marks.
Secondly in multiple type it select only what you feel is right don't select tho
se options in which you have dilemma or you are confused as it has negative mark

Focus on fill in the blanks and selecting from blocks as these have good marks c
Focus on the key words in the question before you read the para. this will speed
up the process.
Writing Practice summary writing and write below 75 words with only 1 full stop means o
nly one full stop . For this you can search for the main word of the topic in t
he first line only
and after reading the lower paras you will be able to make a good summary ,try
to write in your own words by paraphrasing the words and sentences.
For essays 200-300 words please be to the point and write what is being asked a
nd use Firstly,secondly in conclusion to end your paragraphs and please add som
e examples in
essay as they briefs your idea .
Describe image:
If you organize what you say, you will get a better score. This is because a wel
l-organized answer is more likely to cover the main information as well as the a
dditional details, and also talk about implications or conclusions based on the
information. Look
at how this sample description is organized:

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